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`April 29, 1969
`Filed Dec. 9, 1965’-
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`OWNER Ex. 2026, page 1


`April 29, 1969
`Filed Dec. 9. 1965
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`OWNER Ex. 2026, page 2


`United States Patent 0
`Patented Apr. 29, 1969
`Gordon Graham, 903 Quaekenbos St. NW.,
`Washington, D.C. 20011
`Filed Dec. 9, 1965, Ser. No. 513,150
`Int. Cl. H04b 7/20; G08g 1/08
`US. Cl. 325-55
`6 Claims
`The system includes a transceiver unit which may be
`actuated, either manually or automatically, to broadcast
`a selected one of a plurality of coded signals to a central
`station unit. After locating the broadcasting transceiver,
`the central station unit responds by transmitting a'unique
`coded signal, and the transceiver continuously indicates
`this response even after transmission has ceased.
`The invention relates to an electronic calling system,
`and more particularly to an electronic system designed
`to locate and reply to a broadcast call for aid.
`In recent years concern has spread for the growing num
`ber of motorists stranded by mechanical failure or acci
`dent along the predominantly rural sections of modern,
`high-speed, limited access highways. A number of sys
`tems have been designed in response to this concern, spe
`ci?cally to aid stranded motorists, while also aiding others
`as well, such as hikers and hunters, who ?nd themselves
`in a similar plight. While early efforts made use of wired
`systems similar to a ?re alarm box type of system, be
`cause of their cost more recent efforts have turned to radio
`broadcasting devices.
`One such recent radio system includes a series of trans
`mitting ?eld units mounted along the highway, and a re
`ceiving unit installed in a central station. When one of
`the highway units is activated by a motorist who has
`walked to it along the highway from his disabled car, the
`unit transmits a coded radio signal. The central station
`unit receives and decodes‘ the transmitted signal to de
`termine the location of the activated highway unit. The
`central station attendant then notes the location of the
`activated highway unit and dispatches aid.
`Another type of recent system, a voluntary system, con
`templates highway units which are purchased by motorists
`and installed in their cars, and monitoring or central
`station units maintained by such groups as service sta
`tions, police departments and hospital emergency units.
`Should a motorist who has such a highway unit require
`assistance, he turns his unit on and calls for help until a
`monitoring station answers. He then tells the monitoring
`station where he is and what he needs, if he knows. If
`the monitoring station can ?ll his need and has a vehicle
`free to send to his aid, presumably they will do so.
`All of these systems have inherent disadvantages, which
`preclude them from ful?lling the growing need for an
`emergency calling system. They are designed either to
`be mounted along a highway, which requires the stranded
`motorist to walk along the highway and ?nd a unit; or to
`be mounted in the automobile, limiting the service to those
`motorists who have purchased and installed the appro
`priate unit in their car. No present system functions where
`it is really needed-in a severe accident. Either the unit
`is mounted down the expressway, or in one of the cars
`involved, in which case most likely either it, the occupants,
`or the electrical power system of the car has been damaged
`enough to prevent operation of the unit. In addition to
`these drawbacks, no present automobile unit indicates to
`the motorist that aid has been dispatched.
`The electronic emergency calling system of the present
`invention overcomes all of these disadvantages, while at
`the same time being economically feasible, reliable, ver
`satile, and adaptable to either ?xed highway or mobile
`car installation. It also automatically ‘calls aid to the
`scene. of an accident.
`The system of the present invention contemplates two
`transceiver units (a transceiver is an electronic device
`which both transmits and receives radio signals). One
`transceiver unit, the ?eld or highway unit, is designed
`either to be attached to an automobile or to be attached
`to a post set alongside the highway. It may be manually
`actuated to broadcast one of two coded signals—-one
`which calls for a tow truck, the other which calls for both
`a tow truck and an ambulance. The other transceiver unit,
`the central station unit, automatically responds to receipt
`of either of the two coded signals to alert an attendant who
`then locates the highway unit broadcasting the signal by
`using the direction-?nding equipment of the central sta
`tion unit. After locating the highway unit, the attendant
`dispatches the required aid and actuates the central sta
`tion unit to boadcast a third coded signal which is re
`ceived by the actuated highway unit and indicates to the
`motorist that help is on the way. The automobile mounted
`highway unit, besides being manually actuated, preferably
`is also automatically actuated by the shock of an accident
`to broadcast the tow truck-ambulance coded signal and
`summon aid to the scene of the accident, regardless of the
`damage to the car or its occupants. Because of the unique
`construction and mounting of the self contained highway
`unit on the automobile, the unit may be quickly, easily
`and securely attached to and detached from an automo
`bile, making it possible to lease the highway units to
`motorists for short periods of time, such as for the dura
`tion of their travel along the highway.
`The invention will be further described in connection
`with the accompanying drawings, in which:
`FIGURE 1 is a schematic block diagram of the high
`way transceiver unit,
`FIGURES 2 and 3 are schematic block diagrams of por
`tions of the central station unit,
`FIGURE 4 is a perspective view of the highway unit
`mounted on a post set alongside the highway, and
`FIGURES 5 through 8 are views of various mountings
`for attaching the highway unit to the car.
`As shown in FIGURE 1, the ?eld or highway trans
`ceiver unit includes two tone generators, a tone generator
`2 which electromagnetically generates a ?rst tone for call
`ing a tow truck for example, and a tone generator 4
`which electromagnetically generates a second tone for call
`ing an ambulance for example, when actuated. To actuate
`the ?rst “tow truck” tone generator, a ?rst manual switch
`6 selectively connects the generator to the source of elec
`trical power 8 contained in the unit. To actuate the both
`?rst and second tones, a second manual switch 10, the
`“tow truck-ambulance” switch, selectively ‘connects both
`the ?rst and second tone generator to the source of elec
`trical power. A third, shock actuated switch 12 is con
`nected in parallel with the second switch. Should the high
`way transceiver unit be subjected to a violent shock, as
`would occur in an accident, the third switch 12 closes,
`automatically connecting both the ?rst and second tone
`generators to the source of electrical power, and causing
`them to generate their tones.
`The tone generators are both connected to the trans
`mitter input of the transceiver, to apply their tones and
`electrical power to the transmitter circuitry 14. The trans
`mitter circuitry electronically modulates a radio frequency
`carrier with the applied tones, and supplies the modu
`lated radio frequency carrier to an antenna 16 electrically
`connected thereto, the antenna electromagnetically broad
`casting the modulated carrier.
`OWNER Ex. 2026, page 3


`thereby terminating broadcast of the coded signal, and
`The signal broadcast by the highway unit is received by
`by simultaneously energizing the' receiver circuitry 84
`the circuitry of the central station unit schematically
`readies the highway transceiver unit for reception of the
`shown in FIGURE 2, over antenna 22. The receiver cir
`third tone, broadcast by the central station transmitter.
`cuitry 24, electrically connected to the antenna, elec
`When the receiver 84 receives this third tone signal from
`tronically ampli?es. and detects the received signal. and
`the antenna 16, to which it is electrically connected, it
`presents at its output 26 the transmitted tone or tones.
`ampli?es and then detects it, all in a conventional fashion.
`Should only the ?rst, or tow truck, tone have been trans
`The detected tone signal is electrically applied to the tone
`mited by the highway unit, only the tone 1 ?lter and hold
`3 ?lter and hold relay 86 which, upon receipt only of the
`relay circuitry 28, electrically connected to output 26, will
`proper third tone, energizes lamp 88 connected thereto.
`be actuated to energize a lamp 32 and sound an alarm 34
`The hold relay continues to hold this lamp in an energized
`connected thereto. Should the second, or ambulance,
`condition after the third tone’ signal has stopped. The
`tone also have been transmitted, the tone 2 ?lter and hold
`energized lamp 88 visually tells the stranded motorist at
`relay circuitry 36, electrically connected to output 26,
`the highway unit that help is on the way, and continues to
`also will be actuated to energize a lamp 38 and sound an
`reassure him even after transmission of the third tone
`alarm 42 connected thereto.
`has stopped. If the third tone is not received, the motorist
`These audio and visual alarms, broadcast by the re
`may reactivate transmission after a few minutes by actuat
`ceiver circuitry of FIGURE 2 in response to reception of
`ing the appropriate switch, and repeat the procedure until
`the appropriate tone modulated carrier from the highway
`aid is dispatched and the third tone received.
`unit, will call an attendant to the central station circuitry
`To review the operation of the system, when the tone
`‘ The attendant then tunes the direction-?nding circuitry
`generators of the highway unit are actuated‘ either
`schematically shown in FIGURE 3 to determine the di
`manually by a motorist in need of aid or automatically by
`rection from which the highway signal is being received,
`the shock of an accident, the highway unit broadcasts a
`and thus the bearing of the highway unit. While most any
`discrete coded signal. This signal is received by the central
`direction-?nding circuitry will be generally satisfactory
`station unit, and both visually and audibly alerts an at
`for this purpose, an “Adcock” antenna system presently
`tendant. The attendant then determines the bearing of the
`is preferred due to the accuracy of its resolution. This
`broadcasting highway unit with the direction ?nding cir
`system includes an “Adcock” antenna 52 mounted for
`cuitry, and dispatches aid to the location. He also actuates
`rotation on a rotor 54 whose bearing is determined and
`a tone generator at the central station to broadcast a dis
`controlled by either an electrical or a mechanical mecha
`crete coded signal. The highway unit after a prede
`nism 56, depending generally on the spacing of the
`termined interval of transmission automatically switches
`antenna from the central station circuitry. The signals
`to a receiving state, and when the coded signal broadcast
`received by the “Adcock" antenna are compared in a
`by the central station is received, energizes a lamp and
`conventional fashion in circuitry 58, whose output is ap
`holds the lamp on, indicating to the motorist that help is
`plied to a meter 62. By rotating the antenna 52 using
`on the way. After transmitting the third tone, the central
`control 56, while observing the meter 62, the attendant
`station automatically returns to a standby condition await
`is able to determine rather precisely the direction from
`ing receipt of another highway unit signal.
`which the signal is being transmitted, and the bearing of
`While all the highway units could be alike in construc
`the highway unit.
`tion and operation, it is preferred to construct them ac
`While two spaced direction ?nding systems, as illus
`cording to their location and function. Many of the high
`trated in FIGURE 3, could be provided at the central
`way units will be mounted along the highway, preferably
`station, and their respective readings triangulated to
`approximately at mile intervals along the dividing strip
`precisely locate the transmitting highway unit, another
`between the lanes. In these units the shock actuated switch
`procedure is preferred. The present electronic calling sys
`12 may be omitted, for it will not be necessary. Since the
`tem contemplates installing the system, at least initially,
`direction ?nding circuitry of the central station unit can
`only on limited access highways. Because of this, the
`only resolve the bearing of the highway unit to within a
`central station attendant only needs one directional hear
`few degrees, for all practical purposes, the ?rst tone gen‘
`ing on the highway unit, for the intersection of this bear
`erator 2 preferably is constructed to generate a particular
`ing with a limited access highway will locatevthe trails
`mitting highway unit.
`code or combination of discrete tones, and units generat
`ing diiferent combinations placed in sequence along the
`When the transmitting highway unit has been so located,
`highway. The central station unit then may detect and use
`the attendant then closes a switch 72, included in the
`the particular combination of tones being transmitted to
`central station circuitry shown in FIGURE 2, to apply
`resolve between adjacent units within the bearing indicated
`electrical power to a third tone generator 74, and to a
`by the direction ?nding circuitry. For example, the ?rst
`transmitter circuitry 76 to which the output of the tone
`tone generator may broadcast a combination of discrete
`generator 74 is connected. The transmitter circuitry elec
`tones in a band between 400 and 800 cycles, the tone 1
`tronically modulates a radio frequency carrier with the
`?lter 28 at the central station unit responds to any tone
`third tone and applies this modulated carrier to the an
`within this band, and the direction ?nding circuitry 58
`tenna 22, to which it is connected, and the modulated
`determines both the bearing of the signal broadcast by
`carrier is broadcast. The third ‘tone is also applied to the
`the highway unit and its particular combination of dis
`two tone ?lters and hold relays 28 and 36 to open the
`crete tones. It is feasible, if the area to be covered by
`hold relays, turn off the alarms, and return the central
`the system is relatively small and all the highway units
`station unit to a standby condition when the switch 72
`are to be installed along the highway, to construct each
`is released.
`highway unit installed in the area to generate a tone code
`The highway transceiver unit preferably includes a
`different from the rest, and use only the tone coding to
`timer 82. When either of the tone generators 2 and 4 are
`determine the location of the actuated highway unit. The
`actuated, their output to the transmitter 14 keys the timer
`highway unit designed to be carried by a car may broad
`to a ?rst state in which it applies power to the actuated
`cast a combination of tones differing from all the ?xed
`tone generator, one or both, holding them on and main
`highway units, to further aid the attendant at the central
`taining transmission of the tone or tones irrespective of
`station unit in distinguishing one highway unit from
`the condition of the switches. After expiration of an
`another. All the highway units should include a readily
`interval predetermined by the timer, preferably about a
`accessible battery pack, so the batteries may be periodi
`minute, the timer automatically switches to a second state
`cally tested and changed without undue effort.
`in which power is applied only to the receiver circuitry 84
`The physical construction of the highway units also
`of the highway unit. This terminates energization of the
`should re?ect their ditfering functions. As shown in FIG
`tone generators 2 and 4, and the transmitter circuitry 14,
`OWNER Ex. 2026, page 4


`6 .
`I claim:
`U'R‘E 4, the highway unit 92 designed to be mounted on
`v1. An electronic calling system for summoning assist
`a post 94 bedded in ‘the ground 96, should be physically
`ance to motorists in distress, the system including a cen
`locked to the post, as by a cable 98, and should be suf’?r
`ciently rugged to withstand attack by vandals, wild ani
`tral unit and a plurality of highway units, the system
`comprising means in the highway unit for electronically
`mals, and the elements. The highway units designed to
`generating and broadcasting a selected one of a plurality
`be removably attached to automobiles should also be
`of ?rst coded signals, means in the central unit for receiv
`su?iciently rugged to withstand similar attacks, as well
`ing and detecting the particular ?rst coded signal broad
`as the shock of an accident. In addition they should be
`cast by the highway unit, means in the central unit for
`mounted to broadcast a non-directional signal; they should
`electronically generating and broadcasting a second coded
`be capable of quick and easy attachment and detachment;
`signal to indicate that the requested assistance has been
`and they should be capable of being mounted on a wide
`dispatched, and means in the highway unit for receiving
`variety of automobiles. Such requirements are di?icult to
`and visually indicating reception of this second coded
`meet. Nevertheless, the mountings illustrated in FIG
`signal both during and for a substantial period of time
`UR'ES 5 and 6 do so.
`following its transmission.
`:In the mounting illustrated in FIGURE 5, the highway
`2. An electronic calling system as set fort-h in claim 1
`unit .102, from which projects the antenna 104' and the
`including means in the ?eld unit for broadcasting the
`“help-sent” lamp 106, includes two downwardly extend
`?rst coded signal for a predetermined period of time and
`ing prongs 108. The prongs may be turned by a key 112
`then automatically switching the ?eld unit to a condition
`in a lock 114 contained in the unit from a position in
`for receiving the second coded signal broadcast by the
`which their ends are in line with one another to a position
`in which their ends de?ne generally parallel lines and
`central unit.
`3. An electronic calling system as set forth in claim 1
`point towards the other end of the unit, as shown. Thése
`in which the means in the central unit for receiving and
`prongs, when in line, may be slipped into the joint be
`detecting~ the ?rst coded signal includes means for detect
`tween a car body 11-6 and its trunk 1'18, or its hood if so
`ing the bearing of the received ?rst coded signal.
`desired. Then by turning key 1112 the prongs may be
`4. An electronic calling system as set forth in claim 1
`brought into a parallel relation to hold or clamp the unit
`in which the ?rst coded signals broadcast by the different
`to the car, as shown, and the key removed, locking the
`highway units include a characteristic identifying and
`unit to the car. Because tolerances are one of the most
`distinguishing the broadcasting highway unit from other
`universally common characteristic among automobiles,
`highway units, said means in the central unit for receiving
`such a trunk joint mounting ?ts most all cars, except some
`and detecting the ‘?rst coded signals including means
`station wagons. Further, such a mounting utilizes the ?at
`responsive to the broadcast identifying characteristic for
`plane of the trunk as a ground plane for the antenna 104,
`distinguishing the broadcasting highway unit from other
`to enhance its electrical characteristics. And when so
`highway units.
`mounted the unit is protected from direct collision in most
`5. An electronic calling system as set forth in claim 1
`all accidents.
`in which at least one highway unit includes means for
`In the mounting illustrated in FIGURE 6, a strap 120
`automatically broadcasting a seelcted one of the ?rst
`extends through the highway unit 122 and between the
`coded signals in response to a shock exceeding a prede
`longitudinally-extending rain gutters 124 of the car. The
`termined intensity.
`strap passes through two rain-gutter clamps 126, one for
`6. A highway unit for an electronic calling system
`each rain gutter, and a buckler or lock 128 to secure the
`designed to summon assistance to a motorist in distress,
`strap tensioned on the roof of the car between the clamps
`the system also including a central unit, the highway unit
`hooked to the rain gutters, and with the highway unit
`comprising means for electronically generating and broad
`held down approximately centered on the roof. In this
`casting a selected one of a plurality of ?rst coded signals,
`mounting the roof serves as the ground plane for the
`means for detecting a second coded signal broadcast by
`antenna, and the antenna has a highly uniform radiating
`the central unit, means for automatically deactivating
`pattern. Yet when so mounted, the unit is somewhat more
`the means for generating and broadcasting the ?rst coded
`vunerable than in the mounting shown in FIGURE 5 to
`signals and energizing the means for detecting the second
`damage during an automobile accident, particularly when
`coded signal, means for indicating receipt of the second
`the car overturns. Also this mounting is not readily adapt
`coded signal both during and following its reception, and
`able to convertibles.
`means for automatically broadcasting a selected one of
`Should it be desired to permanently install the highway
`the ?rst coded signals in response to a shock exceeding a
`unit in an automobile it may be incorporated as part of
`predetermined intensity.
`the car radio either by being built with it as a single unit,
`or by being attached to the concealed rearward portion of
`the radio as shown in FIGURE 7, and only the controls
`exposed. The transceiver unit 130 may use the same aerial
`‘132 as thes radio, although the aerial should be rein
`forced, and the transceiver unit encased in a shock resist
`ant housing, to withstand damage from an accident.
`Alternatively, the transceiver unit may replace the car’s
`interior rear-view mirror, as shown in FIGURE 8, the
`transceiver unit 140 being faced with. a mirror 142 and
`mounted to a post 144 with a ball joint to permit it to be
`adjusted somewhat in all directions to suit dilferent
`drivers. An aerial 146 may be attached along the top mar
`ginal portion of the windshield 148, or extend through
`the windshield or roof to a point well above the roof if
`desired, for a more uniform radiating pattern.
`Because various modi?cations of both the electrical
`and physical characteristics of the described electronic
`‘ calling system will be apparent to those skilled in this art
`who are familiar with the foregoing teachings, while a
`preferred embodiment of the invention has been described,
`the scope of the invention is de?ned by the following
`References Cited
`7/1949 Halstead __.._._._.__.____ 325-66
`2,577,751 12/19'51 Halstead ________ _. 340—224 X
`6/1960 Knott et al. ________ __ 325--—19
`4/1961 Simon et al. ______ .__. 340—224
`2/ 1962 Jacobson et al. .._._.. 325-361 X
`7/1963! Piccinini __..__' _______ _, 325-—3=12
`3/1964 Bosler ____________ _. 325—-1 17
`5/ 1964 Wertheimer _______ __. 325-312
`2/1966 Bost __________ __,___._ 340—33
`3,251,033 I 5/1966 Lawyer ___________ _._ 340—62
`ROBERT L. GRIFFIN, Primary Examiner.
`ALB'ERT I. MAYER, Assistant Examiner.
`Us. or. x.-R.
`325-64, 66, 117; 340-33, 224
`OWNER Ex. 2026, page 5

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