Real-Time Vehicle Systems
`SYPHER: MUELLER lnternational Inc.
`he use of computer-based systems to monitor
`and display vehicle location is currently an
`area of strong interest, and a number of organiza-
`tions have developed such systems. Real-time ve-.
`hicle systems monitoring, which can fit hand-in-
`glove with location monitoring, is less well devel-
`oped. Our requirement for vehicle data acquisition
`systems @AS) was to monitor and store data on
`driving cycle, temperatures, pressures, engine stoi-
`chiometry, etc. In the course of working with fleets,
`it became clear that if vehicle systems data could
`be transmitted to a base station in real time, could
`be interpreted by base station software to provide
`a diagnostic capability, and could be combined
`with a map location .display capability, then it
`would be of interest to a large number of fleets. The
`system, which has recently been developed, con-
`vehicle microprocessor
`monitoring, data reduction and transmission com-
`ponents, a VHF or satellite communications link, a
`base station signal modem, and an AT-type micro-
`computer for data analysis and display. This paper
`traces the evolution of the microcomputer-based
`systems monitoring of vehicles and provides some
`insight into the capabilities of such systems.
`In the past three years, there has been a rapid expansion
`of interest in computer-based systems to monitor vehicle
`location and to display this location on a central "dis-
`patch" video map. Systems currently available use
`LORAN-C, global positioning system (GPS), or differ-
`ential odometers to define vehicle position at the ve-
`hicle, and back-link this location on VHF radio or cel-
`Address correspondence to: M. Kirshenblatt, Consultant with SYPHER: MUEL-
`LER International Inc., 130 Slater Street, Suite 1025. Ottawa, Ontario, Canada
`KIP 6E2.
`' C. B. Hamilton is President of SYPHER: MUELLER International Inc., 130 Slater
`Street, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada K1P 6E2.
`lular phone to the central processing and display unit.
`The concept and much of the technology is somewhat
`older, having been used to monitor helicopters (and
`called automatic dependent surveillance). Reduced
`costs for vehicle and base station technology have now
`made these systems more accessible. Currently, police
`forces, emergency vehicle fleets, urban delivery fleets,
`offshore vessel fleets, and intercity bus fleets are ac-
`q u iri ng systems.
`Within the next two years, these systems will be en-
`hanced through one-way and two-way satellite com-
`munication links (using Geostar Mobile Satellite or M-
`SAT) making nationwide location feasible.
`In 1985, while working with automatic dependent
`surveillance for aviation users, we were developing ve-
`hicle data acquisition systems for several experimental
`truck and bus programs, including a methanol heavy
`engine program. With the synergy that can so often hap-
`pen in looking at two technologies together, it appeared
`feasible and valuable to combine vehicle systems mon-
`itoring with the real-time locating capability. Put simply,
`the objective was to transmit, interpret, and display in
`near real time:
`1. vehicle location;
`2. vehicle systems performance; and
`3. engine diagnostics.
`Preliminary market research indicated that combining
`systems monitoring with locating would be mutually
`supportive: there are potential users, such as offshore
`marine fleets, who are more interested in engine diag-
`nostics than location but who would find location useful;
`and users such as intercity truck fleets whose primary
`interest is location, but who would be prepared to ac-
`quire systems monitoring and diagnostics as part of a
`package .
`Two types of data acquisition systems (DAS) were orig-
`inally developed for experimental vehicles. These sys-
`tems did not have a real-time transmission capability but
`Microcomputers in Civil Engineering 3, 45-54
`( 1 988)
`Q 1988 Elsevier Science Publishing Co., Inc. 52 Vanderbilt Avenue 0885-9507/88/$3.50
`TOYOTA Ex. 1009, page 1


`FIGURE 1. DAS-1 unit and removable data cartridge.
`stored information enboard for later downloading and
`The DAS-1 is a simple unit intended primarily to pro-
`vide vehicle driving cycle characteristics, to ensure that
`experimental vehicles and control vehicles are on sim-
`ilar driving cycles, and to permit evaluation of driving
`cycle impact on fuel consumption. It has been designed
`to continuously and economically collect data in a his-
`togram form.
`The number of histogram of matrix “bins” are soft-
`ware programmable. Several other operating parameters
`can be stored or processed from the data collected by
`the DAS-1 unit.
`The DAS-2 unit has been developed to acquire more
`detailed data than is available from DAS-1 units. The
`DAS-2 has 36 channels (analog and digital) and can cap-
`ture data up to every second, which it stores for later
`transmission to the central computer. Examples of data
`collected by the DAS-2 units includes:
`1. rack positions vs. time;
`2. fuel flow vs. time;
`3. vehicle speed vs. time;
`4. engine coolant and oil temperature vs. time;
`5. acceleration vs. time;
`6. engine speed vs. time;
`7. exhaust N F ratio vs. time;
`8. altitude vs. time;
`9. glow plug on/off vs. time;
`10. inlet air temperature vs. time;
`11. cylinder temperature vs. time;
`12. manifold pressure vs. time; and
`13. turbo boost vs. time.
`FIGURE 2. The DAS-2 and keyboard.
`TOYOTA Ex. 1009, page 2


`VOL. 3, NO. I, MARCH 1988
`The DAS-2 unit has a keyboard permitting adjustment
`of ranges etc. for each channel as needed. The data
`collected by the DAS-2 unit provides a complete pic-
`ture of the vehicle in operation.
`In moving to real time or near real time, a custom system
`was developed consisting of:
`Engine and systems sensors, including optional sen-
`sors for cargo temperature, etc. which can be custom
`designed for each customer.
`A data-acquisition unit which collects sensor data and
`prepares the data for transmission. This unit also
`stores the last 10 minutes of data continuously and
`retains this data when activated by an accelerometer
`to act as a “black box” data recorder in the event of
`a collision. As an option, the data-acquisition unit can
`also store the entire trip data in histogram or matrix
`A data-entry unit. Available as a six button code entry
`unit, or a full key pad.
`A location receiver. Initially this is a multichain
`LORAN board. NavstarXPS will be available as soon
`as this satellite system is available (1 989-1 991).
`Geostar locating and Omega can also be offered.
`A transmitter to transmit the location and system per-
`formance data to the base station: direct VHF, UHF
`or HF links; or geostar, M-SAT or Cellular phone in-
`direct I in ks.
`A receiver to accept and display messages from fleet
`The base station or stations consist of:
`A signal modem.
`An IBM AT or compatible, or DEC PDP 1 1 with 10-
`20 megabyte hard disk.
`FIGURE 3. Fleet Trak system schematic.
`I m l
`L - - - - - - - I
`TOYOTA Ex. 1009, page 3


`Vehicle 272 Route 99
`Time 16:23
`45 T
`Speed Ranges
`FIGURE 4. Mode of data accumulation
`within the enboard transmitter.
`A high resolution (1280 X 1024) or medium reso-
`lution (51 2 x 51 2) colour graphics display with op-
`tional text monitor.
`Proprietary vehicle tracking and display software.
`Proprietary vehicle systems displays, reports, and di-
`agnostics software.
`A data base for retention of summary tracking, system
`performance, and diagnostics data.
`The complete system is made up of vehiclehessel en-
`board components and one or more base stations. Figure
`3 illustrates the system schematically.
`In operation, the system requires each vehicle, once
`logged onto the system, to transmit its location and per-
`formance data on a preset frequency of repetition. The
`rate of transmission is set to match user needs and can
`vary from once per minute to once per 15 minutes for
`each vehicle/vessel. ,The system i s designed to avoid col-
`I is ions between veh icl e transmissions ,
`Data can be transmitted on an existing voice channel
`or on a dedicated data channel. Experience with data
`transmission on a voice channel indicated that a fleet of
`200 vehicles can be operated on the system without re-
`stricting voice use.
`9/26/87; Stark923
`FIGURE 5. Sample of a 1 O-min time
`slice from an intercity truck.
`1 b0
`0 , ’
`TWE (=)
`TOYOTA Ex. 1009, page 4


`VOL. 3, NO. 1, MARCH 1988
`x rr z ..
`T Z
`8 1:
`G T
`Z T
`I- d
`TOYOTA Ex. 1009, page 5


`TOYOTA Ex. 1009, page 6


`VEH: 9
`8 0
`6 0
`FIGURE 8. Brake use display.
`QU I T : Fia
`TOYOTA Ex. 1009, page 7


`VEH : 9
`7 5
`5 6
`80 i08
`2 8
`6 0
`FIGURE 9. Engine diagnostics display.
`TOYOTA Ex. 1009, page 8


`VOI. 3, NO. I , MARCH 1988
`All performance data that is to be transmitted is col-
`lected, processed, and binned into histogram form. This
`allows for compacting of the signal that is sent to the
`base station. The signal from each vehicle once received
`in the base station is broken up into its locating and
`systems performance components, processed, and used
`to present operator selectable displays and reports, in-
`ciuding: menus, maps with vehicles identified, vehicle
`status/location text screen, fleet overview, vehicle sys-
`tems graphic display, and various reports.
`With the “black box” type recording option, or if the
`fleet requests a real-time record of the entire trip, data
`is collected and stored in matrix form enboard the ve-
`hicle. This data consists of vehicle identification and the
`required parameters versus time. In the case of a “black
`box” type of recording, the time and date must be
`recorded versus the operating parameters. Furthermore,
`the data in continuously overwritten to retain a record
`of the most recent 1 0-min period. The data collected is
`then down loaded (played back) at the base station. The
`real-time recordings provides the operator with a de-
`tailed trip record of desired operating parameters
`recorded up to every second. This can include speed,
`engine rpm, temperatures, fuel rack position or fuel
`flow, etc.
`The most unique aspects of the system are the use of
`graphic displays to summarize performance data and the
`approach to engine diagnostics.
`Vehicle/driver performance data is provided with
`three graphic display screens at the base station:
`rpmhpeed, systems, and brake usage.
`The rpm/speed graphics screen is a 3-dimensional bar
`chart indicating, for a specific vehicle, the percent of
`total trip time at each rpm/vehicle speed operating point.
`Ten engine rpm ranges and five vehicle speed ranges
`are included. This display gives a rapid overview of:
`excessive engine off stop time; excessive idle time;
`speeding and subsequent high operating costs; and en-
`gine abuse through over revving.
`To permit viewing of the back rows of the display,
`each row can be separately laid on. Total trip duration,
`per cent of time speeding, and trip length are also dis-
`played on this screen.
`A simple 2-dimensional bar chart allows the display of
`five vehicle system functions for a selected vehicle.
`These functions are customer selectable and include
`such items as engine temperature, pressures, reefer tem-
`peratures, cargo pressures, etc. The display indicates the
`per cent of time beyond user-defined limits for each
`function in the last reporting period, e.g., reefer tem-
`perature higher than - 5°C for 50% of the past I 5 min.
`Specifically aimed at truck fleets, this screen permits the
`dispatcher to monitor for brake condition and brake
`abuse. Brake pressures out of range are identified and
`use of tractor brakes, trailer brakes, or both sets in com-
`bination are identified since the start of a trip and com-
`pared to averages for the route and for the fleet as a
`For every second, the enboard vehicle unit compares
`the engine operating parameters to an engine “map” and
`determines if the parameters are within specification.
`Intake manifold pressure, rack position, rpm, and ex-
`haust oxygen content are read simultaneously. At each
`transmission, a summary analysis is transmitted to the
`base station where the base station software determines
`if the vehicle is “OK” or is possibly developing prob-
`lems. The problem analysis is a fault tree which leads
`to a probable cause.
`On the screen the operator sees a graphics display of
`the boundaries of normal operation, the actual operating
`position of the vehicle at recent transmissions, and two
`fault messages. The first fault message is a general de-
`scription, e.g., overfuelling, and the second is an anal-
`ysis of possible cause or causes, e.g., blocked air
`The significance of the engine diagnostics is that:
`The dispatcher is presented with information not nor-
`mally available in the vehicle.
`Early fault analysis in real time permits redirection of
`the vehicle or vessel to a service point prior to an
`expensive failure.
`Maintenance can be scheduled while the vehicle is
`on the road to permit the fastest possible turnaround.
`Although the focus has been on the ability of the system
`to provide a real-time link between vehicle and base
`station, the data collected and flexibility of creating post-
`processing routines can provide a vital quantitive his-
`torical log for driver and vehicle evaluation.
`Experience has shown that the data collected can be
`amassed into a data base containing operational char-
`acteristics. Vehicle, route or fleet averages of data are
`useful not only for establishing a baseline comparison
`but for setting warning limits when the system is oper-
`ating on a real-time basis. The data that is collected,
`TOYOTA Ex. 1009, page 9


`which can be in either histogram or matrix form, can be
`postprocessed and used for establishing standards set by
`the fleet for operational characteristics such as the ve-
`hicle speed profile over a specified route. The fleet op-
`erations manager can then use this as an aid in perform-
`ing individual driver or vehicle evaluation.
`The marriage of vehicle systems monitoring with lo-
`cating shows that fleet operators can automate and in
`many cases augment their ability to track their vehicles
`and drivers while providing concise and factual reports.
`The system has been in field test since August 1986
`and units have been installed in over 200 vehicles, As
`users become aware of the cost and time savings as-
`sociated with integrated locating and performance mon-
`itoring systems, we believe that these types of system
`will see widespread use.
`TOYOTA Ex. 1009, page 10

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