(12) Ulllted States Patent
`Greenwood et al.
`(10) Patent N0.:
`(45) Date of Patent:
`US 6,211,777 B1
`Apr. 3, 2001
`Inventors: 1‘/Iichael Corey Greenwood, Holmes;
`Te-KaiLiu, E1m5f0rd,b0th 0fNY(US)
`5,311,197 *
`5,483,442 *
`5,910,766 4
`6,012,012 *
`5/1994 Sorden etal.
`1/1996 Black et al.
`..................... .. 342/457
`....................... .. 364/400
`Kimura .............................. ..
`1/2000 Fleck et al.
`........................ .. 701/117
`(73) Assignee:
`International Business Machines
`Corporation, Armonk, NY (US)
`* cited by examiner
`Sub'ect to a11 I disclaimer, tl1e term of this
`patent is extended or adjusted under 35
`U_g_C_ 154(b) by 0 dayS_
`(21) Appl. N0.: 09/201,192
`Nov. 30, 1998
`Int. Cl.7 ..................................................... .. B60Q 1/00
`(52) U_s_ C]_ ........................ N 340/436; 180/272; 235/384;
`(58) Field Of Search ................................... .. 340/436, 438,
`340/961’ 82569’ 82572’ 4255’ 901’ 902’
`905; 280/735; 180/272; 342/457; 235/384;
`References Cited
`Primary Exczmi11er—Brent A. Swarthout
`(74) Attorney, Agent, 0r1*Lrm—Douglas W. Cameron; Anne
`Vachon Dougherty
`A inoinoii for oxonnnging inionnniion boiwoon Vonioios
`involved in or 11eaI a collision site. When a collision is
`sensed by one vehicle, a message is transmitted from the one
`Vehicle to at 16 ast one of the other Vehicles Within a threshold
`distance of the one vehicle The 1‘11CSS'1 e co11tains at least the
`identity of the one vehicle and preferably driver information,
`insurance information, along with the time and place of the
`4,638,289 ><
`1/1087 7,ottnil< ............................... .. 340/436
`13 Claims: 3 Drawing Sheets
`OWNER Ex. 2053, p. l

`U.S. Patent
`Apr. 3, 2001
`Sheet 1 013
`US 6,211,777 B1
`OWNER Ex. 2053, p. 2

`U.S. Patent
`Apr. 3, 2001
`Sheet 2 013
`US 6,211,777 B1
`326 HAVE
`OWNER Ex. 2053, p. 3

`U.S. Patent
`Apr. 3, 2001
`Sheet 3 013
`US 6,211,777 B1
`OWNER Ex. 2053, p. 4

`US 6,211,777 B1
`Field of the Invention
`This invention relates to mobile wireless communication,
`and more specifically to a method for automatically
`exchanging information between vehicles involved in a
`collision or near a collision site.
`The current law requires drivers involved in a collision
`exchangc insurance information and gct witncss if possible.
`Typically this is done by paper and pen, which is both time
`consuming and error prone. Sometimes drivers may not
`have their insurance information available at the scene of
`incidents. Sometimes drivers may even try to escape from
`the scene to avoid liability.
`Collision detection and automatic notification systems
`already exist
`in the prior art, for example OnStar from
`General Motor [1], MP200-GPS from Sierra Wireless [2],
`and Placer 450 from Trimble
`These systems deliver
`notification to a central station with a preprogrammed num-
`ber stored in the in-vehicle device via vehicle-to-
`infrastructure communications. The problem with these
`solutions is that they do not allow vehicles to exchange
`information and that they require vehicles in the communi-
`cation range of cellular network infrastructure.
`invention discloses a method which can
`This present
`automatically collect the other party’s information and find
`witness at
`the scene of incidents without
`intervention, thus greatly reducing the possibility of tran-
`scription error and hit-and-run.
`This invention requires an automobile to be equipped a
`device of the following characteristics. First,
`the device
`needs wireless communication capability which can
`transmit/receive packets to/from the air. Second, the device
`needs some storage capability which can store the driver’s
`information (e.g. name and driver license number),
`vehicle’s information (e.g., vehicle identification number
`and license plate number) and the driver’s insurance infor-
`mation (e.g., insurance company name, policy number, and
`phone number.) Third, the device needs a sensor which can
`determine whether or not
`the vehicle is involved in a
`The basic sequence of events that will happen in a
`incident involving two vehicles equipped with the afore-
`mentioned device is described as follows. The sequence of
`events for the case of a multi-vehicle incident can be derived
`easily. Upon the collision sensors in both vehicles detect a
`collision, the in-vehicle device will broadcast its information
`over a radio channel and also try to receive the information
`from the other party.
`The information to be exchanged can be tagged witli the
`time and location when a collision is detected so that
`exchanging information are confined within vehicles
`involved in the same collision. The time and location
`information can be obtained, for example, by Global Posi-
`tion Systems (GPS).
`In order to be sure that the information received is truly
`originated from the sender,
`the message sender has to
`digitally sign the message using a cryptosystem known in
`the prior art. Digital signatures can also prevent the receiv-
`ing party from tampering with the received information. The
`broadcast information can also be encrypted by the public
`key of a trusted third party such as the police department or
`DMV (department of motor vehicles). In such a case, the
`receiving party has to work with the trusted third party to
`decrypt the received information.
`The nature, principle and utility of the invention will
`become more apparent from the following detailed descrip-
`tion when read in conjunction with the accompanying draw-
`FIG. 1 shows a collision involving two vehicles which
`the present
`invention to automatically exchange
`FIG. 2 is a block diagram showing the functional modules
`of the in-vehicle device according to the present invention.
`FIG. 3 is a flowchart for the collision handling procedure
`executed by the controller when the collision sensor is
`FIG. 4 is a flowchart for the alternative collision handling
`procedure executed by the controller when the collision
`sensor is triggered.
`Preferred embodiment of this invention will be described
`with reference to the accompanying drawings.
`FIG. 1 shows a collision involving two vehicles 101 and
`102 which exploit the present invention 200 to automatically
`exchange information.
`FIG. 2 is a block diagram showing the functional modules
`of the in-vehicle device 200 in FIG. 1. The in-vehicle device
`200 includes a controller 210 which is connected to a
`broadcast communication device 201, a collision sensor 202,
`a GPS (Global Positioning System) receiver 203, a storage
`device 204 and an input/output (I/O) device 205. The
`controller 210 can send and receive messages over a broad-
`cast channel using the broadcast communication device 201.
`For the cost reasons, the broadcast communication device
`201 is half-duplex, which me ans that the device can transmit
`and receive but not simultaneously. The collision sensor 202
`can monitor the activity of the vehicle and notify the
`controller 210 when it detects that the vehicle is involved in
`a collision. The GPS receiver 203 can provide the controller
`210 with the location of the vehicle in terms of longitude/
`latitude/altitude coordinates within the accuracy of the GPS
`system. The storage device 204 stores the information about
`the driver,
`the vehicle,
`the insurance company, and the
`messages sent and received by the controller 210. The user
`interface 205 is for the driver or other persons to interact
`with the in-vehicle device and to access the information
`stored in the storage device 204.
`The in-vehicle device can be implemented by two
`embodiments. Which one is preferable depends on whether
`the in-vehicle device has to perform tasks other than the ones
`being described, i.e. automatic information exchange upon
`In the case where the user interface 205 is a microphone,
`the controller 210 of the in-vehicle device is a PC with
`sufficiently high processing power such that it can perform
`tasks such as speech recognition, text-to-speech conversion,
`audio equipment control, internet access, etc. An example is
`OWNER Ex. 2053, p. 5

`US 6,211,777 B1
`the Clarion AutoPC. The controller 210 is also programmed
`to implement
`the flowcharts shown in FIGS. 3-4 and
`includes device drivers to control the broadcast communi-
`cation device 201, the collision sensor 202, the GPS receiver
`203, the storage device 204, and the user interface 205. With
`the standard Universal Serial Bus (USB) support in the
`AutoPC, the broadcast communication device 201, the col-
`lision sensors 202, the GPS receiver 203, the storage device
`204 and the user interface 205 can all be connected to the
`controller 210 by the USB.
`The broadcast communication device 201 can be a radio
`modem that operates in the unlicensed ISM band (902—928
`MHz). It can comply with the IEEE 802.11 wireless local
`area network (LAN) standard or implement other wireless
`LAN protocol (such as Ricochet modem
`as long as their
`transmission power is lower than 30 dBm (1 Watt) as
`regulated by FCC Part 15 Ruling. The collision sensor 202
`can be implemented, for example, by commercially avail-
`able sensors which detect collision based on change of
`inertia [5] and acceleration [6], or other devices which react
`to changes in contact pressure
`Typically these sensors
`have a digital output (e.g. CMOS or TTL) which produces
`a voltage pulse when they are triggered by a collision.
`Reference books such as [8] and [9] teach how to develop
`circuits and codes to implement the serial communication
`interface between a computer and a peripheral device. The
`GPS receiver 203 connected to the controller 210 will
`receive GPS satellite signals and inform the controller 210
`as to the position of the vehicle and the current time. The
`GPS receiver 203 can be obtained off-the shelf. The storage
`device 204 can be implemented using, for example, a flash
`memory. The user interface 205 could be a display with a
`speaker and a keyboard.
`In another embodiment, the controller 210 is a low—cost
`microprocessor which only implements the functions
`required to realize the present
`invention. The interface
`between the controller 210 and the peripheral devices (201,
`202, 203,204, 205) can be chosen from digital bus standards
`such as PCI, PCMCIA, USB, etc.
`is used, a collision
`Regardless of which embodiment
`handling procedure will be executed by the controller 210
`when the collision sensor 202 detects a collision event and
`notifies the controller 210. FIG. 3 is a flowchart for the
`collision handling procedure 300 executed by the controller
`when the collision sensor is triggered. The controller 210
`first gets the present time and location of the vehicle from
`the GPS receiver 203 in step 302. The controller further gets
`the information about
`the driver
`(e.g., driver
`the vehicle (e.g., vehicle identification number,
`license plate number, etc.) and the insurance company (e.g.,
`company name, phone number, policy number, etc.) from
`the storage device 204 in step 304. The controller 210 then
`constructs an outgoing message containing the aforemen-
`tioned information and stores the outgoing message in the
`storage device 204 in step 306. The controller 210 then
`enters a loop where the controller 210 sets the broadcast
`communication device 201 in the receive mode for a random
`period of time in step 320, stores all received messages in the
`storage device 204 in step 322,
`transmits the outgoing
`message stored in the storage device 204 in step 324, and
`checks if enough copies of outgoing messages have been
`in step 326. If the number of copies the outgoing
`message been sent is greater than a pre-specified value, the
`controller 210 stops executing the collision handling proce-
`dure. Otherwise, the controller 210 loops back to step 320.
`The collision handling procedure 300 is based on the
`ALOHAprotocol without sending positive acknowledgment
`for each received message. In the ALOHA protocol, the
`likelihood of successfully transmitting a message increases
`as the number of copies been sent increases provided that the
`mean value of the random period of time in step 320 is large
`Note that the outgoing message constructed in step 306 is
`sent out in step 324 in clear text. Thus, it is not difficult for
`the receiver of the message to read and modify the received
`message. In fact, it is easy for a controller to forge a received
`message. To eliminate these drawbacks of the collision
`handling procedure described in FIG. 3, a flowchart of an
`alternative collision handling procedure is shown in FIG. 4,
`which is almost the same as FIG. 3 except for the step of
`constructing a secure outgoing message in step 406. Modern
`cryptographic techniques, such as public key cryptography
`and digital signature, can be applied to construct a secure
`outgoing message. For example, the outgoing message can
`be digitally signed by the private key of the driver auto-
`matically. That way, the receiving controller cannot forge a
`received message. Moreover, the outgoing message can be
`encrypted by the public key of a trusted third party, such as
`the police department, in step 406 so that the receiving
`controller cannot read the message without the intervention
`of a trusted third party.
`[1] OnStar of General Motor,
`[2] MP200-GPS of Sierra Wireless, http://
`[3] Placer GPS 450 of Trimble,
`[4] Rocochet modem of Metricom, http://
`[5] U.S. Pat. No. 5,210,456, O. Suzuki, 1993.
`[6] U.S. Pat. No. 5,684,701, D. S. Breed, 1997.
`[7] U.S. Pat. No. 5,488,872, P. McCormick, 1996.
`[8] Serial Port Complete: Programming and Circuits for
`RS-232 and RS-485 Links and Networks, by Jan Axelson,
`ISBN 0965081923.
`[9] C Programming Guide to Serial Communications, by Joe
`Campbell, ISBN 0672302861.
`References 1 through 9 above are hereby incorporated
`herein by reference.
`Having thus described our invention, what we claim as
`new and desire to secure by Letters Patent is as follows:
`1. A program storage device readable by a controller
`installed in a first vehicle, tangibly embodying a program of
`instructions executed by said controller to perform method
`steps for automatically exchanging information with other
`vehicles in the event of a collision, said method comprising:
`sensing said collision by said first vehicle;
`transmitting a signal to said controller indicating said
`upon reception of said signal by said controller, forming
`a message comprising an identification of said first
`transmitting said message to at least a second of said
`vehicles within a threshold distance of said first
`vehicle; and
`storing said first message in a memory of at least said
`second of said vehicles and
`receiving at least one witness message from at least one
`other of said vehicles indicating that the driver of said
`at least one other of said vehicles is a witness to said
`2. A method of automatically exchanging information
`between a plurality of vehicles some of which have collided
`with each other, said method comprising:
`OWNER Ex. 2053, p. 6

`US 6,211,777 B1
`at least a first of said vehicles sensing said collision and
`forming a first message comprising said first vehicle’s
`said first vehicle transmitting said first message to at least
`a second of said vehicles;
`said second vehicle transmitting a second message in
`response to said first mcssagc, said second message
`indicating that the driver of said second vehicle is a
`witness to said collision; and
`said second message including the identification of said
`second vehicle.
`3. A method of automatically exchanging information
`between a plurality of vehicles some of which have collided
`with each other, said method comprising:
`receiving a first message from a second vehicle whose
`collision sensor is triggered;
`transmitting a second message to said second vchiclc, saic
`second message comprising an identification of saic
`first Vehicle;
`storing said first message in a memory of said first vehicle
`storing said second message in a memory of said secon
`vehicle and;
`at least one of said first and said second Vehicles receiving
`at least one witness message from at least one thirc
`vehicle indicating that the driver of said at least one
`third vehicle is a witness to said collision.
`4. An apparatus for automatically exchanging information
`between a plurality of vehicles some of which have collidec
`with each other, said apparatus comprising:
`a rcccivcr for rccciving a first message from a scconc
`vehicle whose collision sensor is triggered;
`a transmitter for transmitting a second message to saic
`second vehicle, said second message comprising an
`identification of said first vehicle;
`a first storage device for storing said first message in a
`memory of said first vehicle;
`a second storage device for storing said second message
`in a memory of said second vehicle; and
`wherein at least one of said first and said storage devices
`comprises at least one memory location for storing at
`least one witness message from at
`least one third
`vehicle indicating that the driver of said at least one
`third vehicle is a witness to said collision.
`5. A program storage device readable by a controller
`installed in a first vehicle tangibly embodying a program of
`instructions executed by said controller to perform method
`steps for automatically exchanging information between a
`plurality of vehicles some of which have collided with each
`other, said method comprising the steps of:
`receiving a first message from a second vehicle whose
`collision sensor is triggered;
`transmitting a second message to said second vehicle, said
`second message comprising an identification of said
`first vehicle;
`storing said first message in a memory of said first vehicle
`storing said second message in a memory of said second
`vehicle; and
`at least one of said first and said second vehicles receiving
`at least one witncss message from at least one third
`vehicle indicating that the driver of said at least one
`third vehicle is a witness to said collision.
`6. A method of automatically exchanging information
`among a plurality of vehicles some of which have collided
`with each other, said method comprising:
`at least one of said vehicles sensing said collision and
`forming a message comprising its vehicle identifica-
`said one vehicle transmitting said message to at least one
`other of said vehicles;
`storing said message in a memory of at least another of
`said vehicles; and
`said at least one of said vehicles receiving at least one
`witness message from at least one other of said vehicles
`indicating that the driver of said at least one other of
`said vehicles is a witness to said collision.
`7. A method as recited in claim 6, wherein said message
`also comprises information on the time of collision.
`8. A method as recited in claim 6, wherein said message
`comprises information on the location of said one vehicle.
`9. A method as recited in claim 6, wherein said message
`comprises identification information on the owner of said
`one vehicle, and on the insurance company of said owner.
`10. A method as recited in claim 6, wherein said message
`comprises information on the time and location of
`said collision, on the owner of at least said one vehicle,
`and on the insurance company of said owner.
`11. A method as recited in claim 6, wherein said message
`is digitally signed.
`12. A method as recited in claim 6, wherein said message
`is encrypted using a public key of a third party not involved
`in said collision.
`13. An apparatus installed in a first vehicle for exchanging
`information with other vehicles, said apparatus comprising:
`a sensor for sensing a collision;
`a transmitter for transmitting a first message when said
`collision is sensed, said first message comprising the
`identification of said first vehicle in which said appa-
`ratus is installed;
`a receiver for receiving additional messages transmitted
`by said other vehicles, at least one of said additional
`messages comprising an identification of at least one of
`said vehicles; and
`a memory for storing said additional messages wherein
`said memory comprises at least one memory location
`for storing at least one witness message from at least
`one other of said vehicles indicating that the driver of
`said at least one other of said vehicles is a witness to
`said collision.
`14. An apparatus as recited in claim 13, wherein said
`sensor comprises one of at least the following:
`an deacceleration detection device, a pressure sensor, and
`an inertia detection device.
`15. An apparatus as recited in claim 13, wherein said
`transmitter transmits said message, which further comprises
`the time of collision.
`16. An apparatus as recited in claim 13, wherein said
`transmitter transmits said message, which further comprises
`the identification of the owner of said first vehicle and the
`identification of the insurance company of said owner.
`17. An apparatus as recited in claim 13, further compris-
`an encryption device for digitally signing said message.
`18. An apparatus as recited in claim 13, further compris-
`an encryption device for encrypting said message with a
`public key of a third party.
`OWNER Ex. 2053, p. 7

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