[)m\nl0:1(lc(l from SAE lritc|‘1n1ti01n1l h} .\l:iurccn Nc\\1I1:1n. TllCS(l2l_\. .\pril 01. 2014 10:21:22 ;\.\I
`Accuracy of Recorded Driver Inputs in Toyota Part 563
`Published 04/01/2014
`Greg Webster, Harold Clyde, Barry Hare, Mark Jakstis, Robert Landis, Lance Lewis,
`and Ryan Buetzer
`Toyota Motor Sales, U.S.A., Inc.
`CITATION: Webster, G., Clyde, H., Hare, B., Jakstis, M. et al., "Accuracy of Recorded Driver Inputs in Toyota Part 563
`EDR," SAE Technical Paper 2014-01-0505, 2014, doi:10.4271/2014-01-0505.
`Copyright © 2014 SAE International
`Four Toyota vehicles were tested in 12 test conditions to
`compare the Event Data Recorder (EDR) results with data
`gathered from onboard test instrumentation and the test
`protocol. The four Toyota vehicles tested were 2013 Model
`Year (MY) vehicles with EDRs that meet 49 CFR CH. V Part
`563. While the previous Toyota EDR versions captured four
`pre—crash parameters, this generation Toyota EDR (12EDR)
`includes additional operating parameters and a faster sampling
`rate before the event trigger, including additional parameters
`not required by Part 563.
`The main focus of this research was to analyze the recording
`of the following driver inputs: accelerator pedal application,
`brake pedal application, steering wheel angle, and cruise
`control activation. The EDR—recorded inputs were compared
`with the values on the HS—CAN. The test results indicate that
`the 12EDR accurately recorded these driver inputs.
`EDRs are installed on all new Toyota vehicles currently sold in
`the United States and can also be found on many other
`manufacturers’ vehicles. In August 2006, in the interest of
`standardizing the data recorded by the EDRs, the National
`Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) established
`specific requirements (Part 563) [1] for EDRs installed on light
`vehicles. Later, Part 563 was revised to set the compliance
`date as September 1, 2012 [2]. Prior to that time, there had
`been no federal regulation relating to EDR, and this regulation
`only established various requirements if a vehicle was
`equipped with an EDR. To comply with this rule, there were
`many specific requirements, including that pre—crash data must
`include specific vehicle parameters and be captured in 0.5
`second intervals. On December 13, 2012, NHTSA published a
`Notice for Proposed Rule—Making (NPRM) [3] requiring EDRs
`to be installed in all light vehicles beginning September 1,
`2014. Absent this NPRM, NHTSA had calculated that 8% of the
`light vehicles would not be equipped with EDRs. NHTSA
`concluded that the EDR provides valuable information for crash
`investigations and improving vehicle designs. The EDR data
`provides factual information that can help engineers assess the
`overall performance of the vehicle and its safety systems
`during a real—world crash event.
`Toyota Motor Corporation (TMC) developed new specifications
`for the Toyota EDR, called 12EDR, which meets the new Part
`563 requirements. TMC began installation of 12EDR in
`vehicles beginning in late calendar year 2011. Table 1
`describes the additional pre—crash data captured in the 12EDR
`compared to the previous generation EDR. The 12EDR has a
`pre—crash sample rate that was changed from 1.0 s to 0.5 s. In
`addition to the pre—crash parameters recorded by the prior
`generation EDR, 12EDR incorporates 10 new parameters.
`Table 1. EDR Generation Pre-crash Comparison
`Previous Generation
`Vehicle Speed
`Brake Switch
`Accelerator Voltage
`Engine RPM
`Vehicle Speed
`Brake Switch
`Accelerator % Full
`Engine RPM
`Hybrid Motor Speed
`Percentage of Engine Throttle (%)
`Brake Oil Pressure
`Longitudinal Acceleration
`Yaw Rate
`Steering Input
`Shift Position
`Sequential Shift Range
`Cruise Control Status
`Drive Mode
`OWNER Ex. 2045, page 1

`Dtm nl0:1(lc(l fr01nS.\E lntcrm1ti0m1ll)_\ .\Iuurccn Nc\\1I1:1n. Tucs(la_\. April 01. 2014 10:21:22 ;\:\l
`Toyota EDRs can be read out using the commercially available
`Bosch Crash Data Retrieval (CDR) tool, like many other
`manufacturers’ EDRs [4_l]. The authors published research in
`2012 [Q] on Toyota's EDRs using similar test methods,
`comparing EDR data collected in 11 test conditions in three
`Toyota models. The results for the 2011 Camry, 2010 4Runner
`and 2011 Prius indicated the EDR accurately reported pre-
`crash parameters.
`Automotive crash investigations involve studying and analyzing
`the factors that contribute to the cause of the crash. These
`factors can generally be divided into three categories: human
`factors, vehicle factors, and environmental factors. The
`analysis of factual driver operation information from the EDR
`pre—crash data can be valuable in understanding how human
`factors in the form of driver inputs may have contributed to the
`crash event. This information provides additional data to help
`analyze crashes and vehicle performance.
`This effort focused on driver inputs (human/vehicle
`interactions) as recorded by the 12EDR. The driver inputs
`analyzed for this research were:
`Brake application
`Accelerator pedal application
`Steering input
`- Cruise control activation
`Test Methodology
`Test methods from SAE 2012—01—0998 were also used in this
`research. During the driving sequence, High Speed Controller
`Area Network (HS—CAN) data was recorded using a data
`logger. After completing a driving sequence, the SRS airbag
`center sensor unit was tapped with a mallet to record an event.
`The EDR was imaged using the Bosch CDR tool Version 10.1
`after each test.
`While this paper focuses on brake, accelerator, steering, and
`cruise control inputs that are recorded in the EDR, other
`parameters were also analyzed. These parameters are shown
`in Table 2.
`Table 2. Parameters Analyzed
`Comparison Method
`Cruise Control Status
`Steering Angle
`Accelerator Pedal
`A lication
`Brake Switch
`Buckle Switch, Left
`Buckle Switch, Right
`Shift Position
`Seat Position, Driver
`Off, On
`375 d
`-375 t
`3 degfeg Increfiirfitis
`0 to 100%,
`0.5% Increments
`Data Logger
`Data Logger
`D t
`a a 0996
`Data Logger
`Buckled, Unbuckled
`P, R, N, D
`Rean/vard, Fon/vard
`Test Setup
`Center console interior trim panels were removed to gain
`access to the SRS airbag center sensor unit. The attachment
`bolts to the sensor unit were loosened prior to the testing. The
`right rear corner of the sensor unit was impacted with a mallet
`through a long bar to record a side impact event trigger in the
`EDR. A contact switch was attached to the mallet face to
`indicate time zero for the test instrumentation. Figure 1 depicts
`an example of the impact trigger setup. The contact switch
`event was used to help correlate the EDR event to the HSCAN
`Figure 1. Example of impact trigger setup
`The driver input data parameters were recorded by the Toyota
`EDR while the HS—CAN data was monitored and recorded by a
`VBox 3i data logger. The HS—CAN data was logged at 100 Hz.
`The four 2013 MY vehicles are shown in Figure 2 and the SRS
`airbag center sensor unit part numbers used for this testing are
`shown in Table 3.
`Figure 2. Test vehicle photos- Clockwise from top left: Camry, Corolla,
`Tacoma, Prius
`OWNER Ex. 2045, page 2

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`rounding, contact switch duration, and data logger recording
`rate. Table 5 is a summation ofthe time tolerances and
`Table 5. Data Time Tolerances and Resolution
`Total Tolerances and Resolution (ms)
`Sum for Pre-Tri
`er Data
`Sum for Tri
`er Data
`Accel. Pedal
`CAN Refresh Rate +
`Brake Switch,
`Contact Duration + 10 ms +
`& Steering
`CAN Refresh_Rate +
`Contact Duration + 10 ms
`50 ms
`In addition to the time tolerances and resolution, the pre-crash
`data values for steering input angle and accelerator pedal
`recorded in the 12EDR were rounded down in the increments
`noted in Table 6. Also, Table 6 depicts an example of how the
`data is rounded when recorded. Brake switch status and cruise
`control status are updated nearly instantaneously and are
`either ON or OFF.
`Table 6. Driver Input Data Paramete s
`Driver Input
`Steering Angle
`Brake Switch
`Cruise Control
`HS-CAN Value
`3 deg
`7 deg
`14.8 %
`6 deg
`14.5 %
`Tolerance bars representing the time tolerances and resolution
`(X-axis) and parameter data range (Y-axis) shown in Tables 5
`and § were used in the test results to determine the accuracy
`of the driver input data when compared to the HS-CAN data.
`Test Results and Analysis
`The EDR driver input data was determined to be accurate
`when the HS-CAN data was within the EDR data tolerance
`bars applicable to each data metric. Items that did not require
`instrumentation, such as seat position and front seat buckle
`switch status, were determined to be accurate if they agreed
`with the observed test conditions.
`Table 7. Camry Driver Input Data Summary - Static Tests
`Table 3. Test vehicles and airbag center sensor unit part numbers
`2013 MY Vehicle
`Part Number
`Toyota Camry
`Toyota Corolla
`Toyota Prius
`Toyota Tacoma
`Test Matrix
`Twelve test conditions were chosen to compare the Toyota
`EDR recording to the vehicle's HS-CAN data. Eleven of these
`tests conditions were used in SAE 2012-01-0998, and a twelfth
`was added to gather steering wheel angle data.
`Table 4 describes the 12 test conditions. Tests 1-4 are static
`tests (vehicle not moving), and Tests 5-12 are dynamic tests
`(vehicle being driven). For a more complete description of the
`conditions, see Appendix A. These conditions were chosen to
`evaluate the Toyota EDR accuracy in various driving scenarios
`ranging between 0 to 96 km/h, including braking, accelerating,
`coasting, turning, and using cruise control.
`Table 4. Test Conditions
`Test #
`1 (P8)
`2 (DS)
`3 (RS)
`4 (Dual)
`5 (Idle)
`6 (40B)
`7 (25B)
`8 (LTA)
`9 (Fu||A)
`10 (60C)
`11 (CC)
`12 (TRN)
`In Park and Stationary
`In Drive and Stationary
`In Reverse and Stationary
`Full acceleration and hold with brake
`Moving slowly at idle speed
`64 kph (40 mph) then Brake to a stop
`40 kph (25 mph) then Brake to a stop
`Light Acceleration from a stop
`Full Acceleration from a stop
`Coasting from about 96 kph (60 mph)
`Cruise Control at about 96 kph (60 mph)
`Continuous counterclockwise Turn
`The 12EDR was imaged using the Bosch CDR tool after each
`test. The resulting EDR data fall into three categories: the
`driver input data for the static tests (1-4), the driver input data
`for the dynamic tests (5-12), and the other parameters
`analyzed for all tests (1-12).
`Data Resolution and Tolerances
`Data resolution and tolerances must be considered to compare
`the HS-CAN to the 12EDR data. The pre-crash data recorded
`by the 12EDR includes data from vehicle systems on the
`HSCAN bus that have different refresh rates. The VBox data
`logger recorded at 100 Hz which results in a 10 ms resolution.
`The contact switch duration was defined as the impulse
`duration of the mallet strike with the SRS airbag center sensor
`unit and was individually determined for each test. The average
`contact impulse duration was 130 ms. The entire mallet
`impulse duration was included in the time tolerance, since it
`was not known when the mallet impulse exceeded the trigger
`threshold. The trigger data was the data recorded at t=0, which
`was when the EDR recorded an event. Pre-trigger data are the
`10 data points recorded nominally every 0.5 s prior to the
`trigger. The pre-trigger data has an additional 50 ms tolerance
`due to the rounding down of the trigger time. For the driver
`input data, data tolerances and resolution were determined for
`the test results based on the parameter refresh rate, data
`Test 1
`Test 2
`Test 3
`% Full (%)
`Test 4
`Data Logger
`The results for the static tests are presented in Tables 7,§,9,fl.
`For the dynamic tests, Appendices B, Q, Q, and E document
`the brake and accelerator input data compared to the HS-CAN
`data. The vehicle speed as recorded by the EDR was also
`shown for reference. Appendix F shows steering angle results
`OWNER Ex. 2045, page 3

`[)m\11lm\(lc(l l'ru1nS.\E I11tv:r11:\ti011:\l h} .\l:iurcc11 \L'\\111:\i1. Tucsdzi}. .\pril ll]. 2014 10:21:22 .\.\I
`1. NHTSA 49 CFR Part 563, 10-1-06 Edition
`2. NHTSA 49 CFR Part 563, 10-1-11 Edition
`3. NHTSA, Notice for Proposed Rulemaking, Docket
`NHTSA—2012—0177, RIN 2127-0177, December 13, 2012
`4. Robert Bosch LLC,
`5. Brown, R., Lewis, L., Hare, B., Jakstis, M. et al.,
`“Confirmation of Toyota EDR Pre—Crash Data," SAE
`Technical Paper 2012-01-0998, 2012, doi:10.4271/2012-
`Contact Information
`Greg Webster
`Toyota Motor Sales, U.S.A., Inc.
`19001 S. Western Avenue
`Torrance, CA 90501
`310 468-1633
`from Test 12 for all four vehicles. Appendix G presents the
`other input data parameters analyzed (including cruise control).
`Regardless of the test conditions and the sequence of the
`driver inputs, all recorded driver inputs were within the
`tolerance bars.
`Table 8. Corolla Driver Input Data Summary - Static Tests
`Test 1
`Test 2
`Test 3
`% Full (%)
`Brake Switch
`Data Logger
`Data Logger
`* Manual transmission vehicle, test not conducted
`Table 9. Prius Driver Input Data Summary - Static Tests
`Test 1
`Test 2
`Test 3
`% Full (%)
`Data Logger
`Brake Switch
`Data Logger
`Table 10. Tacoma Driver Input Data Sum nary - Static Tests
`Test 1
`Test 2
`Test 3
`% Full (%)
`Data Logger
`Brake Switch
`Data Logger
`Test 4
`Test 4
`Test 4
`A total of 47 tests were performed on four 2013 model year
`Toyota vehicles where EDR data was recorded for comparison
`to the driver inputs during the tests. For the driver input data,
`tolerance bars were determined for the test results based on
`the parameter refresh rate, data rounding, contact switch
`duration, and data logger recording rate. The driver inputs
`recorded in the EDR, namely accelerator pedal application,
`brake pedal application, steering input, cruise control
`activation, and other parameters, were accurately recorded
`when compared with the HS—CAN data and observations.
`Based on the testing and analysis performed, the Toyota
`12EDR data provides objective and accurate information
`relating to driver inputs in recorded events, which helps with
`understanding the events surrounding a crash and ultimately
`advances safety research.
`OWNER Ex. 2045, page 4

`DR Belt
`RF Belt
`RF Seat
`Coasting from ~96 kph
`Target Conditions
`In ‘Park‘, stationary
`In ‘Drive', stationary
`In ‘Reverse’, stationary
`In ‘Drive’, stationary
`In ‘Drive’, moving at idle
`~64 kph braking to stop
`~40 kph, braking to stop
`Accelerating from O kph
`for ~3 seconds
`Accelerating from O kph
`for ~3 seconds
`Cruise Control at ~96 kph
`Continuous counter-
`clockwise turn
`U1 D
`5 O
`f\.l 0
`-4.5 —4,0
`-3.5 —3,0
`Time (5)
`0 Veh. Spd. EDR
`~ Accelerator Pedal EDR {%}
`:Acce|erator Pedal CAN
`I Brake Pedal EDR
`—Brake Pedal CAN
`OWNER Ex. 2045, page 5

`VehicleSpeed(kph) NI
`Dtmnloaded from SAE International [)3 Maureen Newman. Tuesda}. April 01. 2014 10:21:22 AM
`Braking to a Stop from about 40 kph (258)
`0 Veh. Spd‘ EDR
`0 Accelerator Pedal EDR (%}
`—Acce|erator Pedal CAN
`- Brake Pedal EDR
`: k P
`Bra e eda CAN
`-5.0 4.5 -4.0 3.5 -3.0
`-2.5 —2.0
`-1.0 —0.5
`Time (5)
`Light Acceleration from a Stop (LTA)
`NJ 3
`-4.0 -3.5 30 -2.5
`-2.0 ~1.5
`-0.5 00
`Time (5)
`0 Veh. Spd. EDR
`o Accelerator Pedal EDR {%]
`:Accelerator Pedal CAN
`0 Brake Pedal EDR
`—Brake Pedal CAN
`OWNER Ex. 2045, page 6

`Dtmnloaded from SAE International [)3 Maureen Newman. Tuesda}. April 01. 2014 10:21:22 AM
`Full Acceleration from a Stop (Fu||A)
`0 Veh. Spd. EDR
`- Accelerator Pedal EDR {'36)
`:Accelerator Pedal CAN
`0 Brake Pedal EDR
`:Brake Pedal CAN
`3 30
`3 NJ 0
`5.5 -5.0 41.5
`-2.0 ~1.5
`-1.0 0.5
`Time (5)
`Braking to a Stop from about 64 kph (408)
`0 Veh. Spd‘ EDR
`0 Accelerator Pedal EDR (%}
`—Acce|erator Pedal CAN
`- Brake Pedal EDR
`: k P
`Bra e eda CAN
`OWNER Ex. 2045, page 7
`VehicleSpeed(kph) NI O
`-5.0 4.5 -4.0 3.5 -3.0
`-2.5 —2.0
`-1.5 4.0 —0.5
`Time (5)

`VehicleSpeed(kph) NI
`Downloaded from SAE International by Maureen Newman, Tuesday. April 01, 2014 10:21:22 AM
`Braking to a Stop from about 40 kph (258)
`0 Veh. Spd. EDR
`I Accelerator Pedal EDR (%}
`—Accelerator Pedal CAN
`I Brake Pedal EDR
`:Brake Pedal CAN
`Time (5)
`Light Acceleration from a Stop (LTA)
`M O
`-4.0 -3.5
`-1.0 -0.5
`Time (s)
`. Veh. Spd. EDR
`0 Accelerator Pedal EDR (96)
`—Acce|erator Pedal CAN
`- Brake Pedal EDR
`Brake Pedal CAN
`OWNER Ex. 2045, page 8

`Dtmnloaded from SAE International [)3 Maureen Newman. Tuesda}. April 01. 2014 10:21:22 AM
`Full Acceleration from a Stop (Fu|lA)
`o Veh. Spd. EDR
`- Accelerator Pedal EDR {%)
`:Acce|erator Pedal CAN
`- Brake Pedal EDR
`—Brake Pedal CAN
`Lu 0
`E0 §2.
`2 5>
`41.5 4.0 -3.5
`-25 ~20 -1.5
`Time (5)
`Braking to a Stop from about 64 kph (40B)
`IN) D
`I-I Q
`5.5 -5.0
`-4.5 —4.0
`Time (5)
`0 Veh. Spd. EDR
`- Accelerator Pedal EDR [96]
`—Acce|erator Pedal CAN
`0 Brake Pedal EDR
`: P
`Brake eda CAN
`OWNER Ex. 2045, page 9

`VehicleSpeed(kph) ml
`Dtmnloaded from SAE International [)3 Maureen Newman. Tuesda}. April 01. 2014 10:21:22 AM
`Braking to a Stop from about 40 kph (258)
`0 Veh. Spd. EDR
`- Accelerator Pedal EDR (%}
`——Acce|erator Pedal CAN
`- Brake Pedal EDR
`—Brake Pedal CAN
`Time (5)
`Light Acceleration from a Stop (LTA)
`[NJ 9
`VehicleSpeed(kph) S5
`5.5 -5.0 ~45
`-4.0 «3.5
`-2.0 «1.5
`Time (5)
`0 Veh. Spd. EDR
`- Accelerator Pedal EDR {'36}
`:Accelerator Pedal CAN
`- Brake Pedal EDR
`:Brake Pedal CAN
`OWNER Ex. 2045, page 10

`Dtmnloaded from SAE International [)3 Maureen Newman. Tuesda}. April 01. 2014 10:21:22 AM
`Full Acceleration from a Stop (Fu|lA)
`o Veh. Spd. EDR
`- Accelerator Pedal EDR {%)
`:Acce|erator Pedal CAN
`- Brake Pedal EDR
`—Brake Pedal CAN
`. 80
`. 30
`-25 ~20 -1.5
`Time (5)
`2 5>
`Braking to a Stop from about 64 kph (408)
`Ni O
`H O
`-5.0 4.5 -4.0
`-3.0 2.5 -2.0
`-1.5 4.0 -0.5
`Time (5)
`0 Veh. Spd. EDR
`o Accelerator Pedal EDR (%}
`—Acce|erator Pedal CAN
`- Brake Pedal EDR
`Brake Peda CAN
`OWNER Ex. 2045, page 11

`VehicleSpeed(kph) NI
`Dtmnloaded from SAE International 1)) Maureen Newman. Tuesda}. April 01. 2014 10:21:22 AM
`Braking to a Stop from about 40 kph (258)
`0 Veh. Spd‘ EDR
`0 Accelerator Pedal EDR (%}
`—Acce|erator Pedal CAN
`- Brake Pedal EDR
`: k P
`Bra e eda CAN
`Time (5)
`Light Acceleration from a Stop (LTA)
`NJ 3
`-4.0 -3.5
`-2.0 -1.5
`-0.5 00
`Time (5)
`0 Veh. Spd. EDR
`o Accelerator Pedal EDR {%]
`:Accelerator Pedal CAN
`o Brake Pedal EDR
`—Brake Pedal CAN
`OWNER Ex. 2045, page 12

`Dtmnloaded from SAE International by Maureen Newman, Tuesda}. April 01, 2014 10:21:22 AM
`Full Acceleration from a Stop (Fu||A)
`0 Veh. Spd. EDR
`0 Accelerator Pedal EDR {'36)
`—Acce|erator Pedal CAN
`- Brake Pedal EDR
`:Brake Pedal CAN
`OWNER Ex. 2045, page 13
`> NJ 0
`5.5 -5.0 41.5
`~20 ~1.5
`Time (5)

`D()\\l]I()2l(lC(l frm11S.\E I11tcr11utim1z1lb_\
`.\l2lurcc11 .Vc\\111z111. Tucs(l11_\..\pril 01. 2014 10:21:22 .\.\I
`Steering Angle (TRN)
`350 |
`§ 200
`5 150
`Note: 375 degrees is maximum recordable value for the 12EDR. See Table 2
`Time (sec.)
`0 EDRTacoma
`—CAN Camry
`0 EDRCamry
`—cAN Prius
`0 EDRPrius
`:CAN Corolla
`0 EDRCoro||a
`OWNER Ex. 2045, page 14

`2013 Camry
`2013 Corolla
`OWNER Ex. 2045, page 15

`2013 Prius
`2013 Tacoma
`OWNER Ex. 2045, page 16

`[)m\nlo;1(lc(l from S_\E l11tc|‘1n1tio1n1l h_\
`.\l:1urccn Nc\\|I1:1I1. Tucs(la). .\pril 01. 201-1 10:21:22 ;\.\I
`The Engineering Meetings Board has approved this paper for publication. It has successfully completed SAE’s peer review process under the supervision of the session
`organizer. The process requires a minimum of three (3) reviews by industw experts.
`All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted, in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical,
`photocopying, recording, or otherwise, without the prior written permission of SAE International.
`Positions and opinions advanced in this paper are those of the author(s) and not necessarily those of SAE International. The author is solely responsible for the content of the
`ISSN 0148-7191
` -0505
`OWNER Ex. 2045, page 17

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