(19) United States
`:12) Patent Application Publication (101 Pub. No.: US 2007/0152804 A1
`Breed et al.
`(43) Pub. Date:
`Jul. 5, 2007
`US 20070l52804Al
`litveiitc-rs: David 5. Breed. Miami Beach. l"l.
`{US}: Wilbur E. DuVal|. Reeds Spring.
`MD (US): Wendell ('. Johnson.
`Kaneohe. I-ll (US)
`(Ton-espondence Address:
`VALLEY STREAM. NY 11580-6111 (US)
`ll\'TERNATIONAL. INC.. Denville. NJ
`Appl. No.:
`Mar. 5.. 2007
`Related U.S. Application Data
`CTontinuation-in-part ol‘ application No.
`filed on Jan. 12. 2005. now Pat. No. 7.202.776. which
`is a continuation-in-part of application No.
`445. filed on Apr. 12. 200-1. now Pat. No. 7.()85.tS3';'.
`which is a continuation«in—part of application No.
`Iiled on Apr. 9, 2002. now Pat. No.
`6.720.920. wlticlt is a continuation-in-part of appli-
`cation No. 09;'l77.04l. filed on Oct. 22. 1998. now
`Pat. No. 6.3':'t).-175.
`Said application No. 10;’ 1 18,858 is a continuation—in—
`part of application No. 09f6'r'9.3l?, filed on Oct. 4,
`2000. now Pat. No. 6.405.132. whjcli is a contintta-
`tion—in«part of application No. 058523.559. filed on
`Mar. 10. 2000. now abandoned.
`Said application No. 10:’ l lR.8S8 is a cot1tinuation-in-
`part of application No. 093909.466. filed on Jul. 19.
`2001. now Pat. No. 6.526.352.
`Said application No. l0t'822.44S is a continuation—in—
`part ofapplication No. 10/216633. filed on Aug. 9.
`2002. now Pat. No. 6.768.944.
`CTontinuation-in-patt of application No.
`filed on Aug.
`l. 2006. and wlticlt is a contitit.tation-
`in—part of application No. 10/822.4-15. filed on Apr.
`12, 2004, now Pat. No. 7.085.637, euid which is a
`continu:Ition—in—p:u't of application No.
`liled on Dec. 21. 200].
`(_‘ontinnation-in-part of application No.
`filed on Aug. 14. 2006. and which is a continuation-
`in—part of application No. 1 la"028,336_, filed on Jan. 3.
`2005. now Pat. No. 7.110.880.
`(60) Provisional application No. 60t062__729. filed on Oct.
`22. 1997. Provisional application No. 60! 123.882.
`filed on Mar.
`]l_. 1999. Provisional application No.
`602911.452. Iiled on Aug. 25. 2005. Provisional appli-
`cation No. 603711.452. tiled 25. 2005.
`Publication Classification
`Int. (II.
`B60Q I/00
`340!-135; 7l.ll.?30|
`Accident avoidance system for a host vehicle includes a
`global positioning system residing on the host vehicle for
`cleterntitting the host vehicle's location as tlte host vehicle
`travels based on signals received li'on1 one or more satellites.
`a map database having digital maps corresponding to an area
`including tl1e location of the host vehicle as determined by
`the global positioning system. a vclucle-to-vehicle contain-
`nication system residing on the host vehicle operative for
`receiving signals including location inlbrrnalion acqtlired by
`global positioning systems
`residing on other vehicles
`directly from the other vehicles indicating the locations of
`the other vehicles. and a navigatiott system including a
`display residing on the host vehicle for displaying images to
`an occupant ol’the host vehicle showing the digital maps and
`indications of the locations of the host vehicle and the other
`vehicles on the digital maps. The navigation system also
`updates the images shown on the navigation systeni display
`to reflect changes in the locations of the host vehicle and the
`other vehicles.
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`Patent Application Publication
`Jul. 5, 2007 Sheet 1 of 20
`US 2l}0'?i0152804 Al
`Prior Art
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`Patent Applicafion Publication
`Jul. 5, 2007 Sheet 2 of 20
`US 2007l0l5280-1 Al
`Fig. 3
`M ‘ ‘
`~ \_
`muse snmou
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`/I “'3
`. 519 —:=
`2 -/ \‘ %
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`Patent Application Publication
`Jul. 5. 2007 Sheet 3 of 20
`US 200710152804 Al
`Communication C mrnunication
`Laser Radar
`"-4 |'\J
`0.1 ‘D
`Central Processor & Circuits:
`GPS Ranging
`DGPS Corrections
`Image Analysis. 150
`- Radar Analysis
`Laser Radar Scanning Control
`and Analysis of Received
`Warning Message Generation
`Map Communication
`Vehicle Control
`Inertial Navigation System
`Calibrations and Control
`Display Control
`Precise Positioning
`Road Condition Predictions
`And Other Functions.
`Fig. 5
`OWNER Ex. 2024, page 4
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`Patent Applicafion Publication
`Jul. 5, 2007 Sheet 4 of 20
`[IS 2{i0'm]15280.-1 A1
` Fig. 5A
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`Patent Application Publication
`Jul. 5, 2007 Sheet 5 of 20
`US 200'H015280-1 Al
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`Patent Application Publication
`Jul. 5, 2007 Sheet 6 of 20
`US 2007111152804 Al
`0 O
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`Patent Application Publication
`Jul. 5, 2007 Sheet 7 of 20
`US 200'm1152so4 A1
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`Patent Application Publication
`Jul. 5, 2007 Sheet 8 of 20
`US 2007l0l5280-1 A1
`Determine Absolute
`Pogjtign of Venicie
`Data on Edges of Roadways
`Yellow lines and Stoplights
`Com pare Absolute Position
`to Edges of Roadway
`Vehicle Approaching Close to Edge
`of Roadway
`Absolute Position of
`Fig. 12a
`Sound Alarm anclfor
`Giude Vehicle to Shoulder
`Determine Absolute
`position of Vehicie
`Data on E0995 Of Roafiwa Y5
`Yellow lines and Stoplights
`Compare Absolute Position
`to Position of Yellow Lines
`Absolute Position of
`Vehicle Approaching Close to
`a Yellow Line
`Fig. 12b
`Sound Alarm andior
`Guide Vehicle away from Yellow Line
`or to Shoulder
`OWNER EX. 2024, page 9
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`Patent Application Publication
`Jul. 5, 2007 Sheet 9 of 20
`US 200710152804 A1
`Determine Absolute
`Position of Vehicle
`Data on Edges of Roadways
`Yellow lines and Stoplights
`Compare Absolute Position
`to Edges of Roadway And
`Position of Stoplight
`Determine Color
`of Stoplight
`Absolute Position of
`Vehicle Approaching Close to
`3 Red Stoplight?
`Fig. 120
`Sound Atarm andtor
`Giude Vehicle to Shoulder
`. 13
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`Patent Application Publication
`Jul. 5, 2007 Sheet 10 of 20
`US 2007;‘[l152804 Al
`K F
`ig. 14
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`Patent Application Publication
`Jul. 5, 2007 Sheet 1] of 20
`[IS 200710152804 Al
`Fig. 15
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`Jul. 5, 2007 Sheet 12 of 20
`US 2007i0152804 Al
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`Patent Applicafion Publication
`Jul. 5, 2007 Sheet 13 of 20
`US 200710152804 Al
`Lefi “EYE”
`Right “EYE"’
`OWNER EX. 2024, page 14
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`Patent Applicafion Publication
`Jul. 5, 2007 Sheet 14 of 20
`US 2007m152304 A1
`Fig. 17A
`Linear Array
`Data acquisition module
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`Patent Application Publication
`Jul. 5, 2007 Sheet 15 of 20
`[IS 2007/0152804 A]
`Data _on
`Data on
` 2528
`Transmitter Data
`Positioning 'Determining Processor
`Fig. 20
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`Jul. 5, 2007 Sheet 16 of 20
`US 2007i0152804 A1
`%% “ L
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`Jul. 5, 2007 Sheet 17 of 20
`US 2007m1523o4 A1
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`Patent Application Publication
`Jul. 5, 2007 Sheet 18 of 20
`US 2007i0152804 A1
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`Patent Applicafion Publication
`Jul. 5, 2007 Sheet 19 of 20
`US 200'?l0l52804 A1
`Vl:'l-ll('.'LE UN MAP
`ON Vl:L1l|CLl:"S l‘OS1'l‘lON
`Fig. 25
`OWNER Ex. 2024, page 20
`ARE l’ROL'l:'SS|:'D
`'l‘l'lI:. lDEN'l'l"l‘Y OF C}BJl:ZC'l'S
`“” ‘E’iTF}‘EEé¥}f‘)'§;‘§ 0”
`/ OF POTENTIAL (‘f)|_l.lSlUN
`W1'I'lI OBJ'|:ZC'l‘
`114 -~..,_ I31-‘1=I;’CT CDUN'l‘ERMliASURJj
`ll-‘ L‘()LLlSl()N IS LIKELY
`mgcuvns Rlil-'LEC'"l‘IONS or
`\ LASER sum: ]N'DlCATlV'E or
`PRESENCE‘ 01-‘ (mu.-‘c*r IN PATII
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`Patent Applicafion Publication
`Jul. 5, 2007 Sheet 20 of 20
`[Is 2007/0152804 A1
` 284
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`US 2007/0152804 Al
`Jul. 5. 2007
`[0001] This application is:
`l. a contintlatiott-in-part (C‘IP)ofU.S. patent appli-
`cation Ser. No, llt034.325 filed Jan. 12. 2005 which is a CH’
`of U.S. patent application Ser. No. 10l822,4-‘I5 filed Apr. 12.
`2004, now US. Pat. No. 7.085.637, which is:
`[0003] A) a CH’ of US. patent application Ser. No.
`ltl/113.358 filed Apr. 9. 2002. now U.S. Pat. No.
`6.720.920. which is:
`1) a (TIP of U.S. patent application Ser. No.
`t}9i‘l'}".-‘.041 tiled Oct. 22. 1998. now U.S. Pat. No.
`6.370.475. which claims priority under 35 U.S.C‘.
`§]19{e) of Ll.S. provisional patent application Ser.
`No. 6t)f062.':'29 filed Oct. 22. 1997:
`2) a C IP of U.S. patent application Ser. No.
`(}9i‘fi79.3l7 filed Oct. 4, 20'l)0, now U.S. Pat. No.
`6.405.132, which is a Cll’ ofU.S. patent application
`Ser. No. 09!523.55‘) filed Mar. 10. 2000, now abatt-
`doned. which claims priority under 35 U.S.C. §
`1l9[e] of U.S. provisional patent application Ser. No.
`60/123,882 filed Mar. 1]. 1999: and
`3) a CIP of U.S. patent application Ser. No.
`093909.466 filed Jul.
`[9, 2001. now lJ.S. Pat. No.
`6.526.352: and
`I3] a Cll’ of IJ.S. patent application Scr. No.
`lU.-"2lfi.G33 tiled Aug. 9. 2002.
`IZIIJW U.S. Pelt. No.
`6.768.944: and
`2. a CH’ ofU.S. patent application Ser. No. l1t46l .
`619 tiled Aug. 1 . 2006 which claims priority under 35 U.S.C.
`§] lt)(e} of US. provisional patent application Ser. No.
`601011.452 liled Aug. 25. 2005 and is:
`[0009] A) a (‘IF of US. patent application Ser. No.
`](}!822.445 filed Apr. 12, 2004. now US. Pat. No.
`7,085,637, the history of which is set fonh above; and
`[00l0] B] a CH’ of U.S. patent application Scr. No.
`filed Jan. 3. 2005.
`IIIJW US. Pat. No.
`7,110,330: and
`3. a CIPofU.S. patent application Ser. No. llt-1-64.
`385 filed Aug. 14. 2006 which claims priority under 35
`U.S.(.‘. § ll9(e} of US. provisional patent application Ser.
`No. (10H'7ll.452 filed J‘-\t.Ig. 25. 2005 and is a CH’ of US.
`patent application Ser. No.
`lli'(l28.3-86 filed Jan. 3. 2005.
`now US. Pat. No. 7,110,880, the history ofwhich is set forth
`[0012] This application is related to U.S. patent applica-
`tion Ser. No. 1]t’562,7'30 filed Nov. 22. 2006 on the grounds
`that they contain common subject matter.
`[0013] All of the above applications are incorporated by
`relerence lterein.
`[0014] The present invention relates generally to accident
`avoidance or elimination systems for vehicles.
`l3A('KCiROtlNl) OF TIIE lNVlil‘~[l‘lON
`[0015] A detailed discussion of backgrotlnd iiitiirmation is
`set lorth in parent applications. U.S. patent application Ser.
`lU.«’822.445 and llf034.325. all oliwllich
`Nos. 093679.317,
`are incorporated by reference herein. Some more pertinent
`background is set forth below. All of the patents. patent
`technical papers and other references n1en-
`Lioned below and in the parent applications are incorporated
`herein by reference in their entirety. No adtnission is made
`that any or all of these references are prior art zutd indeed.
`it is contemplated that they may not be available as prior art
`when interpreting 35 U.S.(‘. § 102 in consideration of the
`claims of the present application.
`“Pattern recognition” as used herein will generally
`mean any system which processes a signal that is generated
`by an object (e.g.. representative of a pattern of returned or
`received impulses. waves or other physical property specific
`to andfor characteristic of andfnr representative of that
`object) or is modified by interacting with an object, in order
`to determine to which one olia set of classes that the object
`belongs. Such a system might determine only that the object
`is or is not a member of one specified class. or it might
`attenlpt to assign the object to one ofa larger set ofspeciliod
`classes. or Find that it is not a member of any of the classes
`in the set. The signals processed are generally a series of
`electrical signals coming from transducers that are sensitive
`to acoustic (ultrasonic) or electromagnetic radiation [e.g.-
`visible light, i1i['t'¢I.I'cd radiation, capacitance or electric and’
`or magnetic fields}. although other sources of information
`are frequently included. Partem recognition systems gener-
`ally involve the creation of a set of rules that permit the
`pattem to be rt:cogni;e.ed. These rttles can be created by li.I:I.Zy
`logic systents, statistical correlations, or
`through sensor
`litsion ntetliodologies as well as by trained pattern recogni-
`tion systems such as neural networks. combination neural
`networks, cellular neural networks or
`support vector
`“Neural network" as used herein. unless stated
`otherwise, will getter-ally mean a single neural network. a
`combination neural network. a cellular neural network. a
`support vector machine or any coutbinalioiis ll1ereol'. For the
`purposes herein. a “neural network" is detined to include all
`such learning systems including cellular neural networks.
`support vector niacliiiies and other ltttntcl-based learning
`systems and methods. cellular automata and all other pattern
`recognition methods and systems that learn. A "combination
`neural network" as used herein will generally apply to any
`combination of two or more neural networks as most
`broadly defined that are either connected logellrter or that
`analyze all or a portion of tile input data.
`[0018] A “combination neural network" as used herein
`will generally apply to any combination of two or more
`neural networks that are either connected together or that
`analyze all or a portion of the input data. A combination
`neural network can be used to divide up tasks in solving a
`particular object sensing and identification problem. For
`example. one neural network can be used to ideittify an
`object occttpyittg a space at the side of an automobile and a
`second neural network can be used to determine the position
`of the object or its location with respect to the \«"t.‘:l1ll:lt-.‘._. for
`in the blind spot.
`In another case. one neural
`network can be used merely to determine whether the data
`is similar to data upon which a tnain neural network has been
`trained or whether there is something significantly dillerent
`about this data and therefore that the data should not be
`analyzed. Combination neural networks can sometimes he
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`US 2007/0l52804 Al
`Jul. 5. 2007
`implemented as cellular neural networks. What has been
`described above is generally referred to as modular neural
`networks with and without feedback. Actually, the feedback
`does not have to be from the output to the input of the same
`nettral network. The feedback from a downstream neural
`network could be input to an upstreeun neural network. for
`example. The neural networks can be combined in other
`ways. tor example in a voting situation. Someti mes the data
`upon which the system is trained is sufliciently complex or
`imprecise that diffe ant views of the data will give different
`results. For example. a subset of transducers may be ttsed to
`train one neural network and another subset to train a second
`neural network etc. The decision can then be based on a
`voting of the parallel neural networks, sometimes known as
`an ensemble neural network. In the past. neural networks
`have usually only been used in the tbrrn of a single neural
`network algori Ilun for identifying the occupancy state of the
`space near an automobile.
`[0019] A trainable or a trained pattern rtxogtiition system
`as ttsed herein generally means a pattern recognition system
`that is taught to recognize various patterns constituted within
`the signals by subjecting the system to a variety ofexamples.
`The most successful such system is the neural network used
`either singly or as a combination of neural networks. Thus,
`to generate the pattern recognition algoritltm. test data is first
`obtained which constittttes a plurality of sets of retumed
`waves, or wave patterns, or other information radiated or
`obtained from an object (or from the space in which the
`object will be situated in the passenger compartment. i.e.,
`the space above the seat) and an indication of the identify of
`that ob_iect. A number of diiferent objects are tested to obtain
`the ttnique patterns from each object. As such. the algorithm
`is generated. and stored in a computer processor. and which
`can later he applied to provide the identity ofau object based
`on the wave pattern being received dtuing use by a receiver
`connected to the processor and other information. For the
`purposes here, the identity of an object sometimes applies to
`not only the object
`itself but also to its location andfor
`orientation and velocity in the vicinity of the vehicle, For
`exantple, a vehicle that is stopped but pointing at the side of
`the host vehicle is dilferent from the same vehicle that is
`approaching at such a velocity as to impact the host vehicle.
`Not all pattern recognition systems are trained systems and
`not all
`tt‘ai.t‘ted systems are neural networks. Other patterrl
`recognition systems are based on fuzzy logic. sensor fusion.
`Kalntan filters. correlation as well as linear and non—linear
`regression. Still other pattern recognitiotl systems are
`hybrids of more tl'1a11 one system such as neural-fuzzy
`[0020] A pattern recognition algorithm will thus generally
`mean an algorithm applying or obtained using a.ny type of
`patient recognition system, e.g.. a neural network, sensor
`fusion. fuzzy logic. etc.
`[0021] To “identify” as used herein will generally mean to
`determine that the object belottgs to a particular set or class.
`The class may be one cotttaining, for example, all motor-
`cycles. one containing all trees. or all trees in the path of the
`host velticle depeiidiiig on the purpose of the system.
`[0022] To "ascertain the identity of‘ as used herein with
`reference to an object will generally ntcan to determine the
`type or nature ofthe object (obtain information as to what
`the object is]. i.e.. that the object is an car. a car on a collision
`course with the host vehicle. a truck. :1 tree. a pedestrian. a
`deer etc.
`[0023] A “rear seat" of a vehicle as used herein will
`generally mean any seat behind the front 51' on which a
`tlriver sits. Thus. in minivans or otl'ler large vellicles where
`there are more than two rows of seals.
`teach row of seats
`behind the driver is considered a rear seat and thus there may
`be more than one “rear seat" in such vehicles. The space
`behind the [mat seat includes any number ofsuch rear seats
`as well as any trtmlx’ spaces or other rear areas stIt:lJ as are
`present in station wagons.
`ln the description herein on anticipatory sensing.
`the term “a]:Iproaching“ when used in connect_iot‘t with the
`mention of an object or vehicle approaching another will
`usually mean the relative motion of the object toward the
`vehicle having the anticipatory sensor system. Thus, in a
`side impact with a tree,
`the tree will be CO11!a'lClEl’€‘(l
`approaclting the side of the vehicle and inlpacling the
`In other words.
`the coordinate system ttsed in
`general will be a coordinate system residing in the target
`vehicle. The "target" vehicle is the vehicle that
`is being
`impacted. This convention permits a general description to
`cover all of the cases such as where (i) a moving veliicle
`impacts into the side of a stationary vehicle. (ii) where both
`vehicles are moving when they impact. or [iii] where a
`vehicle is moving. sideways into a stationary vehicle. tree or
`“Vel1icle“ as used herein includes any container
`that is movable eitlter under its own power or using power
`from another vehicle.
`includes. but
`is not
`limited to.
`automobiles. trucks. railroad cars. ships. airplanes. Hatters.
`shipping cotttainers, barges. etc. The word “container” will
`‘frequently be used interchangeably with vehicle however a
`container will generally mean that part of a vclticle that
`separate from and in some cases may exist separately and
`away from the source of motive power. Thus. :1 shipping
`container may exist in a shipping yard and a trailer may be
`parked in a parking lot without‘ the tractor. The passenger
`con1part.tnent or a trunk of an automobile. on the other hand.
`are compartments of a container that generally only exists
`attaches to the vehicle chassis that also has an associated
`engine for moving the vehicle. Note a container can have
`one or a plurality of compartments.
`“Transducer" or “transceiver" as used herein will
`generally trtean the combination of a transmitter and a
`receiver. ln come cases. the same device will serve both as
`the tmusuztitter and receiver while in others two separate
`devices adjacent to each other will be used. In some cases,
`a transmitter is not used and in such cases transducer will
`mean only a receiver. Transducers include, for example,
`capacitive, inductive. ultra-sonic._ electromagnetic (antenna,
`('CD. CMDS arrays. laser. radar transmitter. teraliertx. trans-
`mitter and receiver. focal plane array, pin or avalanche
`diode. etc.). electric field. weight measuring or sensing
`devices. ln some cases. a transducer will be a single pixel
`either acting alone,
`in a linear or an army of some other
`appropriate shape. in some cases. a transducer may comprise
`two pans such as the plates ofa capacitor or the antennas of
`an electric lield sensor. Sometimes. one antenna or plate will
`comntttrtioate with several other arttennas or plates and tlttts
`for the purposes herein. a transducer will be broadly delincd
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`US 2007f0l52804 Al
`Jul. 5. 2007
`to refer. in most cases. to any one ofthe plates of a eapaei tor
`or antennas of a field sensor and in some other cases a pair
`of such plates or antennas will comprise a transducer as
`determined by the context in which the term is used.
`[0027] A “wave sensor" or "wave transducer“ is generally
`any device which senses either ultrasonic or electromagnetic
`waves. An electromagnetic wave sensor.
`for example.
`includes devices that sense any portion of the electromag-
`netic spectrum trom ultraviolet down to a few hertz. The
`most cornrnonly used kinds ofclectrotuagnetic wave sensors
`include (TD and CMOS arrays for sensing visible andfor
`infrared waves. millimeter wave and microwave radar, and
`capacitive or electric ancllor magnetic lield ntonitoring sen-
`sors that rely on the dielectric constant of the object occu-
`pying a space but also rely on the time vmiation of the field,
`expressed by waves as defined below. to determine a change
`in state.
`[0028] A "(Ti)" will be defined to include all devices.
`including CMOS arrays. APS arrays. QWIP arrays or
`equivalent. artificial retinas attd particularly HDRC‘ arrays.
`wltich are capable of convening light frequencies. including
`i1tli"dred. visible and ultraviolet. into electrical signals. The
`particular (‘CD array used For many of the applications
`disclosed herein is implemented on :1 single chip that is less
`than two centimeters on a side. Data from the CCD array is
`digitized and sent‘ serially to an electronic circuit [at times
`designated 120 ltcrein) containing at
`analysis of the digitirred data.
`In order to minimize the
`amount of data that needs to be stored. initial processing of
`the image data takes place as it is being received from the
`(‘FD array. as discussed in more detail above. In some cases.
`some image processing can take place on the chip such as
`described in a Kage et al. artificial retina article referenced
`in patent applications.
`[0029] An “occupant protection apparatus“ is any device.
`apparatus. system or component which is actuatable or
`deployable or includes a compottent which is actuatable or
`dcployable liar the purpose ol‘ attempting to reduce
`the occttpaul
`in the event of at crash. rollover or other
`potential injurious event involving a vehicle
`Inertial measurement unit [lMl.J]. inertial naviga-
`tion system {INS) and inertial reference unit (IRU) will in
`general be used be used interchangeably to tnean a device
`having a plurality of accelerometers and a plurality of
`gyroscopes generally within the satnic package. Usually such
`a device will contain 3 accelerometers and 3 gyroscopes. In
`some cases :1 distinction will he made whereby the INS
`relates to an IMU or an [RU plus additional sensors attd
`software such as a UPS. speedometer. odometer or other
`sensors pltts optimizing so fivvare which may be based on a
`Kalman tiller.
`[0031] A precise positioning system or PPS is a system
`based on some information. usually ol'a physical nature. in
`the infrastructure that detertnines the precise location of :3
`vehicle independently of a GPS—based system or the IMU.
`Such a system is employed as a vehicle is traveling and
`passes a particular location. A PPS can make use of various
`technologies including radar.
`laser radar.
`terahenz radar.
`RFID tags located in the infiastntcntre. MIR transmitters
`and receivers. Such locations are identified on a map data~
`base resident within the vehicle. In one case. for example,
`the map database contains data from a tcmltcrtz radar
`continuous scan of the environment to the side of a vehicle
`trotn a device located on a vehicle and pointed 45 degrees
`up relative to the horizontal plane. The map database cort-
`tains the exact location ofthe vehicle that corrcspottcls to the
`scan. A110-tlicr vehicle can l.l'tcn determine its location by
`comparing its scan data with that stored with the map
`database and when there is a match. the vehicle knows its
`location. Of course many other technologies can be used to
`accomplish a similar result.
`[0032] Unless stated otherwise. laser radar. lidar and ladar
`will be considered equivalent herein.
`In all cases,
`represent a projected laser beam, which can be in the visual
`part of the electromagnetic spectrum but generally will be
`the infrared pan oftltc electromagnetic spectrum and usually
`in the near infrared wavelengths. The projected laser beam
`can emanate from the optics as a nearly parallel beam or as
`a beam that diverges all any desired angle from less than zero
`degrees to ten or tnore of degrees depending on the appli-
`cation. A particular implementation may use a laser beam
`that at one time diverges at an angle less than nine degree and
`at another time may diverge at several degrees using adjust-
`able optics. Tlte laser bean] can have a diameter as it leaves
`the vehicle ranging from less than a millimeter to several
`centimeters. The above represent" typical or representative
`ranges ol' dimensions but this invention is not lintitcd by
`these ranges.
`lt is an object of the present invention to provide
`new and improved methods and systems for preventing
`accidents between vehicles.
`In order to achieve this object and others. an
`accident avoidance system for a host vehicle itt accordance
`with the invention includes a global positioning system
`rcsidiitg on the host vehicle for determining the ltost vehi-
`cle’s location as the host vehicle travels based on signals
`received from one or more satellites. a map database cont-
`prising digital maps corresponding to an area comprising the
`location of the host vehicle as determined by the global
`positiottiitg system. a vehicle-to-vehicle con‘u11unicat_ion
`system residing on the host vehicle operative for receiving
`signals comprising location infonnation acquired by global
`positioning systems residing on other vehicles directly from
`the other vehicles indicating the locations of the other
`vehicles, and a navigation system comprising a display
`residing on the host vehicle for displaying images to an
`occupant of the host vehicle showing the digital maps and
`indications of the locations ol' the host vehicle and the ol.l:tcr
`vehicles on the digital maps. and for updating the images
`shown on the navigation system display to reflect changes in
`the locations of the host vehicle and the other vehicles.
`[0035] The signals received by the vehicle-to-veliiclc
`communication system may be indications of the velocities
`and directions of travel of die other vehicles. The global
`positioning system may include a diflcrential correction
`signal receiver operable For receiving global positioning
`differential correction signals from a global positioning
`augmentation system. Accordingly. the global positioning
`system may use the global positioning ditferential correction
`signals in the detcrnjittation of the location oi’ the host
`OWNER EX. 2024, page 24
`OWNER Ex. 2024, page 24

`US 2007/0152804 A1
`Jul. 5. 2007
`In one embodiment. a processor determines that a
`potential collision is likely to occur between the host vehicle
`and one ofthe other vehicles and a wanting system operative
`For alerting an operator of the host vehicle of tlte potential
`collision. The processor can reside on the host vehicle or
`apan front the host vehicle.
`[0037] When the host vehicle has an assigned corridor of
`travel. a processor can determine that the host vehicle will
`potentially exit its assigned corridor of travel and alert an
`operator of the host‘ vehicle of the potential exit from the
`assigned corridor of travel via a warning system. The
`warning system may generate an audible waming attdfor
`cause the navigation system display to indicate an alarm.
`[0038] The map database may include one or more digital
`maps indicating at least one edge and surface shape of a
`roadway on which the host vehicle is traveling. indicating an
`elevation ofa roadway which the host vehicle is traveling.
`indicating an edge of a roadway on which the host vehicle
`is traveling andilor indicating a character oi’ land beyond the
`edge of the roadway.
`[0039] When the host vehicle includes a radar system. and
`while the host vehicle is u-aveling. Ilte radar system can
`acquire a location of an object in the area comprising the
`location of the host vehicle and the navigation system is
`operative for indicating the location oi‘ the object on a map
`shown on the navigation system display.
`[0040] When the host‘ vehicle includes a data acquisition
`system. aitd while the host vehicle is traveling,
`lite data
`acquisition system may receive a digital map transmitted
`from a site remote tiom the host vehicle and the navigation
`system displays th

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