(12) United States Patent
`{10) Patent No.:
`(45) Date of Patent:
`US 6,526,440 Bl
`Inventor: Krishna Bharat, Santa Clara, CA (US)
`{73) Assignee: Google, Inc., Mountain View, CA (US)
`( * ) Notice:
`Subject to any disclaimer, the term of this
`patent is extended or adjusted under 35
`U.S.C 154(b) by 185 days.
`(21) Apjll. No.: 09/771,677
`Jan. 30, 2001
`(22) Filed:
`Int. Cl.7
`.•.•••••••••••••••••.••....•..••.••.•.••..•...•. G06F 13/00
`(52) U.S. Cl ................................. 709/219; 707/3; 707(7
`(58) Field of Search ................................. 709/217, 219,
`709/328; 707/3, 10, 7
`References Cited
`• 6/1999 Brown et al ................... 707/3
`5,913,208 A
`6,070,158 A * 5/'lfJOO Kirsch et al •••••......•....... 707/3
`6,263,329 Bl • 7/2001 Evans ........................... 707/3
`6,286,000 Bl * 9/2001 Apte eta!. ..................... 707/5
`"Automatic Resource Compilation by Analyzing Hyperlink
`Structure and Associated Text"; Soumen Chakrabarti et al.;
`1998; pp. 1-14.
`"The Anatomy of a large-Scale Hypertextual Web Search
`Engine"; Sergey Brin et al.; print date Aug. 7, 2000; pp.
`"Hilltop: A Search Engine Based on Expert Documents";
`Krishna Bharat; Feb. 2000; pp. 1-12.
`"Does "Authority" Mean Quality" Predicting Expert Quality
`Ratings of Web Documents; Brian Amento et al.; Jul. 2000;
`pp. 296-303.
`* cited by examiner
`Primary Examiner-Viet D. Vu
`(74) Attorney, Agent, or Firm-Harrity & Snyder, L.L.P.
`A search engine for searching a corpus improves the rel(cid:173)
`evancy of the results by refining a standard relevancy score
`based on the interconnectivity of the initially returned set of
`documents. The search engine obtains an initial set of
`relevant documents by matching a user's search terms to an
`index of a corpus. A re-ranking component in the search
`engine then refines the initially returned document rankings
`so that documents that are frequently cited in the initial set
`of relevant documents are preferred over document~ that are
`less frequently cited within the initial set.
`14 Claims, 3 Drawing Sheets
`Facebook, Inc. et al.
`Software Rights Archive, LLC
`CASE IPR2013-00481

`U.S. Patent
`Sheet 1 of 3
`US 6,526,440 Bl
`Fig. 1

`U.S. Patent
`Sheet 2 of 3
`US 6,526,440 Bl
`Generate set of relevant
`documents and
`corresponding rank
`values (OidScores(x)).
`Calculate LocaiScore for
`each document in the
`generated set of
`Calulate new ranking
`value for each document,
`x, as a function of
`LocaiScore(x) and
`Fig. 2

`U.S. Patent
`Sheet 3 of 3
`US 6,526,440 Bl
`Generate B(y) as the set of
`documents within the
`generated set that have a
`hyperlink to document x.
`Remove documents
`from B(y) that are from
`the same or affiliated
`hosts as document x.
`Sort documents in
`B(y) by OldScore.
`Let BackSet(y) be the
`top k ranked entries.
`Loca!Score (x) =
`L OldScore(Back')et(i))m
`where the sum is over all
`documents kin BackSet(y).
`Remove second
`document in pair from
`Remove first
`document in pair from
`Fig. 3

`US 6,526,440 Bl
`A Field of the Invention
`The present invention relates generally to the ranking of
`search results and, more particularly, to search engines that 10
`intelligently rank web pages based on a search query.
`B. Description of Related Art
`The World Wide Web ( "web") contains a vast amount of
`information. Locating a desired portion of the information,
`however, can be challenging. This problem is compounded
`because the amount of information on the web and the
`number of new users inexperienced at web searching are
`growing rapidly.
`Search engines attempt to return hyperlinks to web pages
`in which a user is interested. Generally, search engines base 20
`their determination of the user's interest on search terms
`(called a search query) entered by the user. The goal of the
`search engine is to provide links to high quality, relevant
`results to the user based on the search query. Typically, the
`search engine accomplishes this by matching the terms in 25
`the search query to a corpus of pre-stored web pages. Web
`pages that contain the user's search terms are "hits" and are
`returned to the user.
`In an attempt to increase the relevancy and quality of the
`web pages returned to the user, a search engine may attempt 30
`to sort the list of hits so that the most relevant and/or highest
`quality pages are at the top of the list of hits returned to the
`user. For example, the search engine may assign a rank or
`score to each hit, where the score is designed to correspond
`to the relevance or importance of the web page. Determining 35
`appropriate scores can be a difficult task. For one thing, the
`importance of a web page to the user is inherently subjective
`and depends on the user's interests, knowledge, and atti(cid:173)
`tudes. There is, however, much that can be determined
`objectively about the relative importance of a web page. 40
`Conventional methods of determining relevance are based
`on the contents of the web page. More advanced techniques
`determine the importance of a web page based on more than
`the content of the web page. For example, one known
`method, described in the article entitled "The Anatomy of a 45
`Large-Scale Hypertextual Search Engine," by Sergey Erin
`and Lawrence Page, assigns a degree of importance to a web
`page based on the link structure of the web page. In other
`words, the Erin and Page algorithm attempts to quantify the
`importance of a web page based on more than just the 50
`content of the web page.
`The overriding goal of a search engine is to return the
`most desirable set of links for any particular search query.
`Thus, it is desirable to improve the ranking algorithm used 55
`by search engines and to therefore provide users with better
`search results.
`documents from a corpus based on a matching of terms in a
`search query to the corpus. Further, the method ranks the
`generated set of documents to obtain a relevance score for
`each document and calculates a local score value for the
`5 documents in the generated set, the local score value quan(cid:173)
`tifying an amount that the documents are referenced by other
`documents in the generated set of documents. Finally, the
`method refines the relevance scores for the documents in the
`generated set based on the local score values.
`The accompanying drawings, which are incorporated in
`and constitute a part of this specification, illustrate an
`embodiment of the invention and, together with the
`15 description, explain the invention. In the drawings,
`FIG. 1 is a diagram illustrating an exemplary system in
`which concepts consistent with the present invention may be
`FIG. 2 is a flow chart illustrating methods consistent with
`the present invention for ranking documents within a search
`engine; and
`FIG. 3 is a flow chart illustrating, in additional detail,
`methods consistent with the present invention for ranking
`documents within a search engine.
`The following detailed description of the invention refers
`to the accompanying drawings. The detailed description
`does not limit the invention. Instead, the scope of the
`invention is defined by the appended claims and equivalents.
`As described herein, a search engine modifies the rel(cid:173)
`evance rankings for a set of documents based on the inter(cid:173)
`connectivity of the documents in the set. A document with
`a high inter-connectivity with other documents in the initial
`set of relevant documents indicates that the document has
`"support" in the set, and the document's new ranking will
`increase. In this manner, the search engine re-ranks the
`initial set of ranked documents to thereby refine the initial
`FIG. 1 is a diagram illustrating an exemplary system in
`which concepts consistent with the present invention may be
`implemented. The system includes multiple client devices
`102, a server device 110, and a network 101, which may be,
`for example, the Internet. Client devices 102 each include a
`computer-readable medium 109, such as random access
`memory, coupled to a processor 108. Processor 108 executes
`program instructions stored in memory 109. Client devices
`102 may also include a number of additional external or
`internal devices, such as, without limitation, a mouse, a
`CD-ROM, a keyboard, and a display.
`Through client devices 102, users 105 can communicate
`over network 101 with each other and with other systems
`and devices coupled to network 101, such as server device
`Similar to client devices 102, server device 110 may
`include a processor 111 coupled to a computer readable
`memory 112. Server device 110 may additionally include a
`60 secondary storage element, such as database 130.
`Client processors 108 and server processor 111 can be any
`of a number of well known computer processors, such as
`processors from Intel Corporation, of Santa Clara, Calif. In
`general, client device 102 may be any type of computing
`65 platform connected to a network and that interacts with
`application programs, such as a digital assistant or a "smart"
`cellular telephone or pager. Server 110, although depicted as
`Systems and methods consistent with the present inven(cid:173)
`tion address this and other needs by providing an improved
`search engine that refines a document's relevance score
`based on inter-connectivity of the document within a set of
`relevant documents.
`In one aspect, the present invention is directed to a
`method of identifying documents relevant to a search query.
`The method includes generating an initial set of relevant

`US 6,526,440 Bl
`202). The LocaiScore for each document x is based on the
`relative support for that document from other documents in
`the initial set (the computation of LocalScore is described in
`more detail below with reference to FIG. 3). Documents
`linked to by a large number of other documents in the initial
`set (i.e., documents with high relative support), will have a
`high LocalScore. Finally, search engine 120 computes the
`final, new ranking value for each document, called
`NewScore(x), as a function of the document's LocalScore
`value and its OldScore value. (Act 203).
`FIG. 3 is a flow chart illustrating the calculation of the
`LocalScore value, by re-ranking component 124, for each
`document x in the initial set of documents.
`Re-ranking component 122 begins by identifying the
`documents in the initial set that have a hyperlink to docu(cid:173)
`ment x. (Act 301). The set of documents that have such
`hyperlinks are denoted as B(y). Documents from the same
`host as document x tend to be similar to document x but
`often do not provide significant new information to the user.
`Accordingly, re-ranking component 124 removes docu(cid:173)
`ments from B(y) that have the same host as document x. (Act
`302). More specifically, let IP3(x) denote the first three
`octets of the IP (Internet Protocol) address of document x
`(i.e., the IP subnet). If IP3(x)=IP3(y), document y is
`removed from B(y).
`On occasion, multiple different hosts may be similar
`enough to one another to be considered the same host for
`purposes of Acts 301 and 302. For example, one host may
`be a "mirror" site for a different primary host and thus
`30 contain the same documents as the primary host.
`Additionally, a host site may be affiliated with another site,
`and thus contain the same or nearly the same documents.
`Similar or affiliated hosts may be determined through a
`manual search or by an automated web search that compares
`the contents at different hosts. Documents from such similar
`or affiliated hosts may be removed by re-ranking component
`124 from B(y) in Act 302.
`Re-ranking component 124 next compares all pairs of
`documents in B(y) for any pair in which IP3(first document
`of the pair)=IP3(second document of the pair), and removes
`the document of the pair from B(y) that has the lower
`OldScore value. (Acts 303-306). In other words, if there are
`multiple documents in B(y) for the same (or similar or
`affiliated) host IP address, only the document most relevant
`to the user's search query, as determined by the document's
`OldScore, is kept in B(y). Documents are removed from
`B(y) in this manner to prevent any single author of web
`content from having too much of an impact on the ranking
`After removing documents from B(y) in Acts 303-306,
`re-ranking component 124 sorts the documents in B(y)
`based on OldScore(y). (Act 307). Let BackSet(y) be the top
`k entries in the sorted version of B(y), (Act 308), where k is
`set to a predetermined number (e.g., 20). Re-ranking com(cid:173)
`ponent 124 then computes LocalScore(x) as:
`a single computer system, may be implemented as a network
`of computer processors.
`Memory 112 contains a search engine program 120.
`Search engine program 120 locates relevant information in
`response to search queries from users 105. In particular,
`users 105 send search queries to server device 110, which
`responds by returning a list of relevant information to the
`user 105. Typically, users 105 ask server device 110 to locate
`web pages relating to a particular topic and stored at other
`devices or systems connected to network 101. Search engine
`120 includes document locator 121 and a ranking compo(cid:173)
`nent 122. In general, document locator 121 finds a set of
`documents whose contents match a user search query. Rank(cid:173)
`ing component 122 further ranks the located set of docu(cid:173)
`ments based on relevance. A more detailed description of the
`functionality implemented by search engine 120, document
`locator 121, and ranking component 122 will be described
`Document locator 121 may initially locate documents
`from a document corpus stored in database 130 by compar(cid:173)
`ing the terms in the user's search query to the documents in
`the corpus. In general, processes for indexing web docu(cid:173)
`ments and searching the indexed corpus of web documents
`to return a set of documents containing the searched terms
`are well known in the art. Accordingly, this functionality of
`relevant document component 121 will not be described
`further herein.
`Ranking component 122 assists search engine 120 in
`returning relevant documents to the user by ranking the set
`of documents identified by document locator 121. This
`ranking may take the form of assigning a numerical value
`corresponding to the calculated relevance of each document
`identified by document locator 121. Ranking component 122
`includes main ranking component 123 and re-ranking com(cid:173)
`ponent 124. Main ranking component 123 assigns an initial
`rank to each document received from document locator 121.
`The initial rank value corresponds to a calculated relevance
`of the document. There are a number of suitable ranking
`algorithms known in the art. One of which is described in the 40
`article by Erin and Page, as mentioned in the Background of
`the Invention section of this disclosure. Alternatively, the
`functions of main ranking component 123 and document
`locator 121 may be combined so that document locator 121
`produces a set of relevant documents each having rank 45
`values. In this situation, the rank values may be generated
`based on the relative position of the user's search terms in
`the returned documents. For example, documents may have
`their rank value based on the proximity of the search terms
`in the document (documents with the search terms close 50
`together are given higher rank values) or on the number of
`occurrences of the search term (e.g., a document that repeat(cid:173)
`edly uses a search term is given a higher rank value).
`FIG. 2 is a flow chart illustrating methods consistent with
`the present invention for implementing ranking component 55
`In response to a search query, document locator 121 and
`main ranking component 123 generate an initial set of
`relevant documents, including ranking values associated
`with each of the documents in the set. (Act 201). This initial 60
`set of documents may optionally be limited to a preset
`number N (e.g., N=lOOO) of the most highly ranked docu(cid:173)
`ments returned by main ranking component 123. The initial
`rankings, for each document, x, in the returned set of
`relevant documents, is referred to herein as OldScores(x). 65
`For each document in the set, re-ranking component 124
`calculates a second value, referred to as LocalScore(x). (Act
`Loca!Score(x) = ~ OldScore(BackSet(i))m,
`where the sum is over the k documents in BackSet and m is
`a predetermined value that controls the sensitivity of
`LocalScore to the documents in BackSet. (Act 309). The
`appropriate value at which m should be set varies based on
`the nature of the OldScore values, and can be determined by
`trial and error type testing. Typical values for m are, for
`example, one through three.

`are referenced by other documents in the initial set of
`documents; and
`refining the relevance scores for the documents in the
`initial set based on the local score values.
`2. The method of claim 1, wherein calculating the local
`score value for a particular one of the relevant documents
`further includes:
`forming a sub-set of documents from the initial set of
`documents as the sub-set of documents that contain a
`hyperlink to the particular one of the relevant
`document, and
`removing documents from the sub-set that are from the
`same host or from an affiliated host as the particular one
`of the relevant documents.
`3. The method of claim 2, further comprising:
`removing, for each pair of documents in the sub-set that
`are from the same host or an affiliated host, one of the
`documents in the pair that has a lower relevance score
`than the other of the documents in the pair.
`4. The method of claim 1, wherein the local score values
`are based on the relevance scores.
`5. The method of claim 3, wherein a predefined number
`of the documents in the sub-set are used to calculate the local
`score value.
`6. The method of claim 3, wherein the local score value
`is calculated for the particular one of the relevant documents
`~ OldScore(BackSet(i))m
`where OldScore(x) refers to the relevance score value for the
`particular document, BackSet refers to the sub-set of
`documents, the sum is taken over the first k documents in
`BackSet, where k is a predefined number, and m is a
`predetermined constant.
`7. The method of claim 6, wherein refining the relevance
`scores is based on taking a product based on the local score
`40 values and the relevance score values.
`8. The method of claim 6, wherein refining the relevance
`score values for the documents further includes:
`recalculating the relevance score values for the documents
`US 6,526,440 Bl
`As previously mentioned, the final re-ranking value,
`NewScore, is computed for each document x by search
`engine 120 as a function of LocalScore(x) and OldScore(x).
`More particularly, NewScore(x) may be defined as
`where MaxLS is the maximum of the LocaiScore values and
`MaxOS is the maximum of the OldScore values for each
`document in the initial set of documents. The a and b values
`are constants, and, may be, for example, each equal to one.
`Occasionally, a set of documents may have very little
`inter-connectivity. In this situation, MaxLS will be low.
`However, because of the lack of inter-connectivity, the
`contribution of LocalScore to the NewScore value should be
`reduced. Accordingly, re-ranking component 124 may set
`MaxLS to a higher value when MaxLS is below a preset
`threshold. Stated more formally, if MaxLS is less than
`MaxLSMin, then MaxLS is set to MaxLSMin, where Max(cid:173)
`LSMin is a predetermined minimum value. The appropriate
`value for MaxLSMin is dependent on the nature of the
`ranking values generated by main ranking component 123
`and can be determined by trial and error.
`As described above, a document's relevance ranking, as
`determined by a conventional document ranking component,
`is refined based on the inter-connectivity between the docu(cid:173)
`ment and other documents that were initially determined to
`be relevant to a user's search query. The new, modified rank
`value for the document may then be used by the search
`engine in ordering the list of relevant documents returned to
`the user.
`In operation, search engine 120 may receive a search
`query from one of users 105. Document locator 121 gener(cid:173)
`ates an initial list of potentially relevant documents. These
`documents are ranked by main ranking component 123
`based on relevance, and then assigned modified rank values
`by re-ranking component 124. Search engine 120 may then
`sort the final list of documents based on the modified rank
`values (i.e., on the NewScore values) and return the sorted
`list to the user. Ideally, the documents that the user is most
`interested in viewing will be the first ones returned by search
`engine 120.
`The foregoing description of preferred embodiments of
`the present invention provides illustration and description,
`but is not intended to be exhaustive or to limit the invention
`to the precise form disclosed. Modifications and variations
`are possible in light of the above teachings or may be
`acquired from practice of the invention. For example,
`although the preceding description generally discussed the
`operation of search engine 120 in the context of a search of
`documents on the world wide web, search engine 120 could
`be implemented on any corpus. Moreover, while series of
`acts have been presented with respect to FIGS. 2 and 3, the
`order of the acts may be different in other implementations
`consistent with the present invention.
`The scope of the invention is defined by the claims and
`their equivalents.
`What is claimed:
`1. A method of identifying documents relevant to a search
`query, comprising:
`obtaining an initial set of relevant documents from a
`ranking the initial set of documents to obtain a relevance
`score for each document in the initial set of documents;
`calculating a local score value for at least two of the 65
`documents in the initial set, the local score value
`quantifying an amount that the at least two documents
`where NewScore is the recalculated relevance score value of
`the particular document, a and b are predetermined
`constants, MaxLS is equal to the maximum of the calculated
`local score values, MaxOS is equal to the maximum of the
`calculated relevance score values, and LocalScore(x) refers
`to the local score value of the particular document.
`9. The method of claim 8, further including:
`setting MaxLS to a predetermined threshold value when
`MaxLS is below the threshold value.
`10. The method of claim 1, wherein obtaining the initial
`set of relevant documents from the corpus includes obtain(cid:173)
`ing the initial set based on a matching of terms in the search
`60 query to the corpus.
`11. A method of responding to a search query from a user,
`the method comprising:
`receiving the search query from the user;
`generating a list of relevant documents based on search
`terms of the query, each document in the list being
`associated with a relevance score corresponding to a
`relevance of the document;

`US 6,526,440 Bl
`calculating a local score for documents in the list of
`relevant documents, the local score quantifying an
`amount of inter-connectivity between documents in the
`list of relevant documents;
`refining the relevance score based on the calculated local 5
`scores; and
`returning a list of relevant documents to the user, the list
`being sorted based on the refined relevance scores.
`12. A system comprising:
`a server connected to a network, the server receiving
`search queries from users via the network, the server
`at least one processor;
`a database of a corpus; and
`a memory operatively coupled to the processor, the
`memory storing program instructions that when
`executed by the processor, cause the processor to:
`generate an initial list of relevant documents from
`the corpus based on a matching of terms in the search
`query to the corpus, rank the generated list of docu(cid:173)
`ments to obtain a relevance score value for each
`document in the generated list of documents, calcu(cid:173)
`late a local score value for the documents in the
`generated list, the local score value quantifying an
`amount that the documents are referenced by other
`documents in the generated list of documents, and
`refine the relevance score values for the documents
`in the generated list based on the local score values.
`13. A system for identifying documents relevant to a
`search query comprising:
`means for obtaining an initial set of relevant documents
`from a corpus based on a matching of terms in the
`search query to the corpus;
`means for determining a relevance score for each docu(cid:173)
`ment in the initial set of documents;
`means for determining a local score value for the docu(cid:173)
`ments in the initial set, the local score value quantifying
`an amount that the documents are referenced by other
`documents in the initial set of documents; and
`means for refining the relevance scores for the documents
`in the initial set based on the local score values.
`14. A computer-readable medium storing instructions for
`15 causing at least one processor to perform a method that
`identifies documents relevant to a search query, the method
`identifying a set of relevant documents from a corpus
`based on the search query;
`ranking the set of documents to obtain a relevance score
`for each document in the set of documents;
`calculating a local score value for the documents in the
`set, the local score value quantifying an amount that the
`documents are referenced by other documents in the set
`of documents; and
`refining the relevance scores for the documents in the set
`based on the local score values.
`* * * * *

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