Face book, Inc. et al.
`Sofhvare Rights Archive, LLC
`CASE IPR2013-00481

`.. o.r..,. ..... llool. ,....,bo, ""'5
`Puhlidl<d b.
`\ O"'Wan ol a.udom llouw Inc
`'cw '«l. 'cw ¥or\
`..a """" ....,...!
`l op)-nch• o :aoos by ~id 1\ \ tw'
`l'brrn fin P'JtC' !1 and GL..o\T m Appmdit II .ned C:OUI'\C'ft af c.ooa~e
`1\o~t.•lo. dn1gn ~ Glton LJ.rl lr\n
`l>tol.uc:ortt: rrest It .i rfgi11e'~d lfadc:rn .. rl or 1t.nJ 1rt1 ll••utl' II
`Jlu• c:olophiJn h • tnukrn"tk or FUndo'm lluu-.n, In':
`.. ncJ
`Whrary of Con~eu•u C.t.llof(Jn' in Publh:•U•lf1 (");at<~. I• on Mco
`'lloich tht rut.IJ~hrr
`t-,8:"1 4 10 ct-'HJ-tt."-1~·\
`1'8!\ •1: crs.o--sfl"'b4i."'7
`rdnlcd 1n <1>< t.:ndal ,,.,., o1 Amm<•
`PubLshd w.w..-ly io ConaJ•
`-s •
`~ • 8 ~ •

`A Healthy Disregard for the Impossible
`s,•rgey Brin und Lmi) Pa~c c.:ruhcd onto the ~togc tn thl' k.ind or
`roars t1nd t'\c.;ltement that tn:n.agt'f'\ normallv rc,.t·rH fur nx:k
`~ta.cs_ They had C"nt('red the a&HIItorium through a rt"".lf door. lea\
`ing behind phmographor>, >ungl.l>h '· a pair ur lured cars utth
`dri\"ers, Bnd un artr3crtve ~oun,g wom<Jn who w;:as tra\ding \\Jth
`~er&t}- Orcucd ca~ually, dw) &out down and lf;ll kt•d .. miles,
`pleased atthdr heroes' wdcon1t'. Thr)· were m•:tr tht•llirthplace ,,j
`Ci'-iliz.ation, thou~and<i of miJr.., uml on oceo1n a"•'Y frnm the pbre
`"here their n:orL tORethcr ho~d ~gun. It seem~ a' good P plact!' as
`an~ fora p.--.irof ~oung supe~Un, ''hose '!loh.tred ambiuon re\:ohcd
`around ch01n~ing tht' world. to tall.. abcJur \\·hat they had done, ho"
`the} had done it, •IOd what [htir dr~·.tms were for tlw luturc.
`"Do you KU)'~ know the s«ol) of C.,oo~le?~' Pal(t' ••"~l·a·d. '"()o you
`want me to trll ir?"
`'lesr tht t.rtl\\d shoutt'd
`It ... , Sept<·mber >=<3, and the hundreds of >tudcnh and fac
`uJty :u thiJ lo.rildi high school gel!lrC"d 10\\-ard t.l1<" tmdn~ .. , 'lroung
`minds in mJthtmatks "'anted tu cVCI)"'thinl( the 'fuuthful in·
`vc.•ntor:t had to ~ny. J\.htn)· of them ld(·nrified \\itt1 Arln because.
`Hke him, they h;ld t1\Caped \\ith tlwir families from \luthn Rus,i.•
`ih ~e.trch of rrr('<lom ... -\nd tht·~ related to Pa~{' JU_)t .Jllo t;<~){erly.
`•ince he ""' part of the duo th3t hod cre.ll<d the mOil powerful

`~ H<ahh• D"r<pnl ror the lmponlbk
`and at«s<iblr informauon tool of their u.m.,_a tool •p•riJng
`\< th.ll "~' al""'d' ""rcpong th< ""rid. Ul.r Jdd, pl..•ing ba•·
`~etball •nd dreaming of IKon~ the not \llclud Jonlan, the otu·
`drnt• ""nte<l to be likr Sc:rl(r\ Bnn and I .am P~ge.
`"Goo11le '"" start~-d \\-hen '>t'JI<'l .ond I "«" Ph. 0 .cudcnu ••
`Swnford Unnersit}" in computer ldt"n~o:t",'' P.IJ(t• began. •yn.J wCI
`cJJcln't knoWt>XOCtly \\h.:.U \\C \\ilMU•d lU do. (JOt dut C:fU) 1dc.•.a
`1 \\d\ ~C)Ing to download the t•nlltt'! \\t·h onto m) compuh"f I tnld
`m) auh1ctur thJt It "ould onh t.ake a \\t·rk \ftt"t ahout a \('at nr 1.0
`1 h.od ;mnr portttm of u." !he '""l<nh l•ughcd
`· 'o npumhm h 1mpon.:ant: M ''f'nt on "''ou h.a\"f! ,,. be allulr
`;ilh .obout the ~""" \OU arc sums IO WI lhcrc .. D phr.a~ I
`learned m collcv called. lla .. ng a health• di•rq;~~rd for tht 1m
`p<mthlc,'• Pu~< ,a;d. "ln.u "• rralh guo..! phr.uc '"" >hould II)
`to do thmlil!tlh~t mo~t pc.·c•plf! \\<1uiJ fUJI •
`!\\ prop•mt·nh or tadJmK lmpt~rt.u\1 ptllblt·rn~ und \-c!t"llllH tr .. n,
`furnt.trtvc -.olutions. Bnn and P.I!W "'t'ft' 'c-rt.dnh umtt-d \\lth '
`fw.olthv "'''~g.trd for doe lmpo"il•lo. \nJ "hlfo nut much ulolcr thAn
`the thron~ .. f ho~h «hool <tudrnl\ .. '"' r"" lrd the j.•mmcd ouclot•>o
`num, tf«) "•"' trul)' in 1 clJu b1 tl>emkiH'l In the ndo Lone! ato
`nf'd ha~tnn or \m~Oll\ in\ mUon and Cllpiu..t..~rn. thcrr had nt"\t't
`1>«-n. m<t<onc ""'<<>mp:or•lok lo thrlr< It ·~ l<>kn ............ rAil
`;on a qu•n•r ccntuf) to omTnl the l'llhtbulb -\k~ Crahrun
`lkll had 1p<nt m.tnl )f.'Jin d<'ldooplng thr t..lcphone, llenn 11Jnl
`cn·:.atrd tht• modtom :..Ucmbh hnc- and tumt'CJ ll JntO lhc.- man flr"U
`du~wm und consumptton of auuumubilt'1 onh after dt·t .atl•, ul
`"Or~; und ll10mas '""~on Jr. luhuml lnnJl oantl h.tnl hdurt· Ill \1
`wiled uut the modem computer. llut linn ond Page, on Ju•t Inc
`\'t'.tr•, fuld wkn a ><ho><ol rc..,orch project .tnd ttom•d 11
`intu • mulubilhon-doii.r entrrpn .. ""h &l..b..l reach. 'f'hr. ""'e In
`Tel '''' but had it bttn To~'"· lun•nto, or l&lpro, the Goo&'< (,u"
`"ouJd fn:CJ\ed the , rtiUCOlH rnrrt1on.
`lhc \uuthful pair had ch•ng«< th•· '"'" of mJIIoom of p<"Opk b)
`gl\ing thc-m fn>oe, mstant o.<.·c.ns to mform.n•on .• bout arn ,uhjn.;t..
`And b} hrong de•IL>hly clr><r m tho lntl'm<l ag~. the) hll<l crt ottd
`th• bc•t·Mown ""' brand in tho \\o>rld "'11hout Jd•ci'IJ<Ing to

`promore the name. The - ~ utute bulil
`WA, end !mew
`tho! to ,UCCft<l.,.... a-ll .... lm.,....aM that !hey Nm8in ill com•
`p&. conbol ollhelr prlwlrly ownrd businea end lis quirky c:uf.
`dw &uiiS ollbdr labcn. Drlmninrd to ..... alimlllr fare, ::5
`r:ure. II ooddened Pap thol DMII)' inml&on olie 'lrillooul """" oeeiD&
`lllln undrnlood how 1o uselhe right corm«tlont, access to
`computing .,.,....., ....t a culture ollinoldaa
`81>11 brilliant minds, -
`pouibilibn to mMe Goop. a beacon and a m an '' In the clldt ol
`a - · it had ~ Miaosoh IS the placel'ar the worltra top
`110ehnologisu to work. Yet they knew that •' d"' i• dw .,_., ol
`inn"""'ioo ....t the Dllnde ol Jr.dcnhip -.Jcllw IXICIU)' fat. olnce
`dwy fac.d a~ C<llllptl:itor In Mlaooo£t, and a ruth·
`lou combaunt in Its chief, lhe billionaire 8111 ~
`SU)ftmely coafideno oiJout their """'"-'" and \'lslaft,
`lllln and Pap b.d been on • roll net' Iince !hey sl8rled worldna
`topthrr. They WliDied no one-n•lther c:ompccltou nor oalllcle
`tn .... tors-to come between them or h-fac In _,. wq Thai
`comhinlcion ol depcndmce on each ott-, ud lndepencienu
`&- OYer}OIIe else, had contributed ii'IUIIftSUJDly to their ,....
`tounding SU<:Cftl,
`"So I .-..1 cloomloading the W.b, ond ~ stMtec1 helpina
`because he wu Interested In data mlnina and maldna lonJ< or
`lhe lnfonnadon, • Pap went on, conlinWna with the pair'• hillory.
`'When-6nt met -h olher.- thouPr the ocher ..... reallyob·
`nodous. Then we blt It oft' and become really aood friends. That
`wu about eight yean ago. And we started worldna ....0,. really
`hard on it.' He straaed this crili<al point: m 1 ' ii11oa still NOpllred
`plency ol ponplratioft. "There was an important leuon for ua. ~
`~ throuah holiday!, and worked III8D]IIDIII)' houn a day. II
`ended up worldna out, but il is hard becausellloloes alat or eft'wt..
`!hey told friends about Coogle, more and
`Pap said that u
`....,.. people otanrd usinaiL "Pretty soon- had to,ooo aearches
`and loabd at the
`a day ot Stanfond. And we 1111 oround the -
`can c1o,
`machiaet and said. ,., Is about how mmy -.cltaa -
`....t we need mOft computen.' Our whole history hu been 111ot
`that. W.lhoays need more computns."

`me!" In a comer of Ga~r• 36c, under Lar11's de,k. tht) built a
`Ct)mputcr ruck out of Lego,. The others an the oAltt." found 1t m(cid:173)
`tudlly impu~,.sibl~ co get any ,o,ork done withuuLtuninR them out ... ,
`le.omed tl) progr.1m "ith h••dphon••· ~lunmer uid
`One of Page's fu\·oritt· copies of Wsc:u\)lon \\at de,isinJt ne""
`and bettt-r tran._poru:ation \~ t,tem4f Gro\\'inR up nt·ott Dec mit had
`prompted him 111 ponder creati\" \\"3~~ of m0\111Jil: people: and
`~oods from t>lact• to place, .ile cutting down on uccident>. e.(cid:173)
`pt>nses. puUution .• md rraffic. ""He l..iked 10 t.alk abuut aucomated
`ilutomobalt" S)''S[t'm\ "h• rc· )OU hau: car'\ rh.1t \nit ro.un Around
`.md if you need one, }'OU ju~t hop m and 1dl it \\here lt nt:eds. to
`go. lt h likt" a t.a.\1, but 11 n cheaper and )l.Jck.~ uwlf ''i1h other
`\uch ... ·chu.:les on rhe frt!C't\U)' much tighh:r, · ,-\ndt:rJOn rt·t:alled.
`f it• b pa't,iOna(t' .About tlw probJcnt of mmlng Jll'Ople Or thing\
`around. He liL.etl.sohm2 th(' problems of iuc.:ach in' •riot:~ "a)).•
`Rdjee' \1ot\\llnl, n 3""")~dr·old pmf~ssor '"'htJ h..1cJ h~en 'wr)o:•') ·~
`ou.hisor \lllte his arri,alat "t.tnford in 19'H· watcJwd the intdlec·
`noal wubop lkrn~~n Brin und P~ge '"Lc h<>ld, •nd he S""' rn·
`crcusingl~ fond of them. They '"'"' both lmllo"nt •nm~ ut tb~
`ttm:tttest ptnple I h 1\C c\cr met " \lotY+anl .!~>aid.
`llut the-\- \\Cre
`brtiL~nt 10 dafferrnl \\<!}'),- '-,('rg~ " .. b o prublcm whcr
`an l"nginct·r. If tiomcthin~ \'torked. It \\Of~t·d lie '\\-.It .ll"o m.athe-·
`m.auca1. laJthtninli!: f.nt. anti nut~otn~- .. Ht· \\8!1. du brash \oung
` but he "a$ w )mart. llJUSl OO/• d out ut ham; \lot" nf sa1d
`\VhC"ne\t·r he nerdt·c.J or \\,lntcd sornethin~, Aran , .. oulc.l jU\t h.uge
`inl•> \lor\4o.mi'~ office ''1thout kn<x.~nsz. PaJ,:.C', on the other h 1nd
`"0S o dct·p thinl.e-r. He \\dOted 10 Lnov" \\h\ thlflJotS \\orl.('d Pos·
`"t'"'ed of houndlr .. s nmbltJon, f-'.1)4C: had tl rnon: te!...,el'\cJ de ..
`mf,mor. He \4ovuld knocL. Mfore erne-ring \lorn 11nl\ office. •If
`tht.·re Wil') It )trOup meeting or 10 peoplt:. Strgt") \\a\ holdin~ court.
`)(Ju "ouldn't notic.·t- ll..a.rr)) if ht• \\1'~ in a lfuwd, hut then .tfu:r(cid:173)
`""'rd he \\uuld Y). He"F \\hdl do ~ou dUeL. or this ltl(":.?""'
`Serge)\ manner differed from thJt of t)potJl ,t.onford Ph.D.
`~cudcnl~ aue carritJ him~lf \\.lth .. Joe of inlen~il\ lie is \C'I'\ di·
`rcc.:t. The mh·nsity i' nol common." UJd Denni~ .AJh;.on, anot.M.r
`~conford professor. "~ergey a-. \Cr) J>resent
`lit.· i' ,•hie to con\·ey

`che f-Ktth.ut h~ i\. d'mreor )OU, tailing dir«tly oat you ... nd \\--anrln~
`to 1nrtract. his c\.cltingto talk "ith him.•
`Brin h.1d been , .. orkingdosely,uth \loa~ am on findin~ .. ,·a)·!\ to
`(',t.r,1~r inft>nnation &om large mount.1in' of data. The) h.1J
`'\turH'J ,1 new r~se~h group called \1(() \~;the atrOn}m stooJ
`for Minln)4 0.11• .1t Stanford. (In C:ro<k m)tholog), ~lidas was th<
`kinK whose 1Hagic touch turned evprylhinsc to gold.) Brin lined Uf'
`tlw wt:tkly spcuk1.·rs and chose the topics £or \liDAS discussions.
`Hr :-.nd \1of8111i ;.1lso tNmed up and \\TOle a number of papers l O•
`~dhc.•r on thP' .. ubject.
`W1lilt d.ata minin~ can be: u~ to dttcnnine wh:Jt combin:Jtion~
`( 1tt'm1i caa.,tomcn purchase in storn 'SO that n:Wlers can anange
`proJu<l' bc:·tter. Brin and e'P'!'nmotnted ''itb apptying the
`ume cn.:hniquei to the emerginR, di-10f'&olni1t"U Internet. In the m1d·
`H)•IO'· the \\d.) '~as a \irtual \\lid \\"t~..,t-- unrcJtUI.tted.~ uninhibited.
`anti 11nrul), ~I illions or people loAAed nn ;1nd be~an communit4ttinl!
`\h ema1l. bul serious researchers gn'w fnl'nr •• tt·d amid the clutter ul
`Wtb >ilt'\. [•' arly efforts to heJp computer U!trh find informacion on
`the.· lntrrnct. induding \VebCra" lcr, T y~.-·o ... M,tgcllan. Woo.C'el,
`I \drt, and HocUol, fe-D short.. ··sear~o:h V.l.l\ not prett) in those d:t)'\.
`Moh\.1ni ,.tid. '")ou'd get a 'i)C\\ of rdult~t thJt \\('rc completf'~
`mc .. ning.l•·t~~." \lon'ani had t~ted a search engine co.111cd lnktomi
`an 199; aftcr tl \\as dc..-c.~loped at 8<-rJ..dC'), nhen! fte n...d rec:ened his
`PhD lie t)ped 111 "'nktomi' to <« nh>t "ould happen. Sur<
`t:noul(h, ~id \1otw:mi, "It , .. asn't tht·rt·. h couldn·t find itself"
`\lt-;ln\\ hi!e, Stanford doctoral candiduce' Jerry hng and Du,id
`Hlo wok oa different approach co ~t-nrrh. Bdlhcr than rei) ing OJ'I
`t('chnolul(y ul<mc, they employed a ceam nl" ~·l!itors wbo sclet'ted
`Wch ~ite .. for an alphabetized dirccWr)·· Tltc)' (<tiiL·d their comp~any
`Yothuu' Alllauugh thejr approach 'iimplilu:d finding "aluable infor·
`nation, it v.J~ not comprehensh·c 41-nd It l.:Uu.ld not li.ccp pac~ ,.,.ith
`th, r,,, WO"th of the \\'eb. Brin and \lot"ani also tried other di·
`r~rorin and w.-arch engines. bur no1hing got t.h~ job dorK"~ In·
`a limplr "c.uch \\Ould ,;~)d hundrfi!., or thousands of
`in nn di.,crmible: order. I; took 1h~m houn to sift through
`p.t~cs m;mu.tlht to find ,~,h .. ttc\cr the) \U:re sc-ek.lng. Brin and

`\lol\\ani becam.~ con,1nced thai there had to b4: • ~tttt ~-->
`~~arch 1M lntem~t.
`At the s.ame time, P~g~"ho h•d been <pendmg lime
`something called the D•gnal L1brories ProJ«t- heg,aa huntu
`.1rc>und the Web u'in~t• nt\\ •earch cngin" eallecl Aha\,.,. Wb
`It returned somt::\\-hat bt:ll(•r ond r~lSter resultt th .. n tht! otht
`search engines, Poge node<d •ome1hing dse entirth In aJduu
`to a list of\\'eb site•. A!IJ\.,.ta\ •c.~rch result. included •c•mlngl
`"'-"'e infomwtion • .t>uut \omethinJit called lmki." l1nl. cor
`cnlrute<l to the \\'eb\ d\nDJmtm;, t..:omputer u~t-n ~et:Jng o htg.'(cid:173)
`hghtecl uord or phra-., wuld chcl. on th..t hnk If they " '"nlftlt
`lnm more. and tht."V would an .. LJnth be ul.en In anothe-r \\
`J»llt•· Instead of foc.;.,lll! on \lr•\ i.UJ's mam ~t'3rch rnulll, "-'
`began ponderinl( "hdt cnuld h. gleaned from anah-lnsthe link.
`Hector Gart"ia- \, onr: nf P.1gt'"'s od\1'W.ln. agrc:( tllt-.u aru.l)l
`ing d>t.l about tho link• ""' potcnl i.11ly hllu.lblc. Ah.,\ ht.~<luln 1 DJ>
`I"'"' to be doing an}thinR 1wh tht· links other th.ut rq>otllng on
`them fn ra\~r· fonn. Pugr. \\.&nhod tu dig into lmk~ und 4.<"t! lm'" cht)
`miRht l.c U•td Furthrr llut "' te>t •m of hu theone;. 1'.•8'" wuuld
`nt·ed a big d.ltab•,• \nt l.1tlong umlntoon. he qu~el.h dJJ wmc cal
`cul.;,auon~ and then tnld tus t.t.anlal "tmfucd acl\iter that h('! ":lt p
`tng to do"nload the entire \\,,..ld \\1de \\•b onto hb d bop
`On Its face P·Jgc s Sdc-a ~ec-mcd more! ab~urd aud.lcious
`lie t•>en declared thlll <lm•nln.nhng I he \\eb could be done folrly
`<·a.;al) and quicl..h Gan1oa \1ohna :and hthen scnlltJ Ptt~t"!, 1m\\
`t''-U, ''J.~ deadl~ 't:rinu,. und un .1 miHion LO tttptun! nuthmtt ln1
`fur hi\ rtf>t'arch Ht• \\US in ~emd compdn). l1m Ht:tr1C'n•l t•r ch~
`Ontl-.h computer :.dentl't \\ho hlH"I1ttd chco \\t-b in "' 9 hotllhc
`\l"' notion th.u t1 ..:lu, ~on h1gfll•~ht~d \\ ~uuiJ prop<' lin
`form.tuon·hungr) <omrutc-r tnrrs from on~ document co onotha
`to another. To a,,._ onary 4.:0mitUtt'f mot\rn, the \\eb \ piJ aabout
`•"-\ 19~ \\Ore on. )Jagc- :.And IJrln h•nmnJ up on cht• "urL. ur down
`lu.odmg and analwm~ \\cb link,, h luol.. lungtr tn H<l tilt• J•t•

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