`US008631 094 B 1
`c12) United States Patent
`Alpert et al.
`(10) Patent No.:
`(45) Date of Patent:
`US 8,631,094 Bl
`Inventors: Jesse Louis Alpert, Berkeley, CA (US);
`Nlssan Hajaj, San Mateo, CA (US)
`(73) Assignee: Google Inc., Mountain View, CA (US)
`2005/0088965 A1 "
`2007/0297332 AI •
`2008/0288580 A1 •
`2009/0007127 AI •
`2009/0210489 AI •
`2009/0316697 A I •
`2010/0017368 A1*
`* cited by examiner
`4/2005 Atlas et al ..................... 370/216
`1212007 Broberg et al. ............... 370/235
`I 112008 Wang eta!. . .................. 709/203
`1/2009 Roberts et al ................. 718/104
`8/2009 Debet a! ....................... 709/204
`1212009 Daksbinamoorthy
`eta!. . ............................ 370/390
`1/2010 Mao et al .......................... 707/3
`( *) Notice:
`Subject to any disclaimer, the term of this
`patent is extended or adjusted under 35
`U.S.C. 154(b) by 713 days.
`(21) Appl. No.: 12/537,681
`(22) Filed:
`Related U.S. Application Data
`(60) Provisional application No. 61/087,623, filed on Aug.
`Int. Cl.
`G06F 15/16
`G06F 7100
`G06F 17100
`G06F 17130
`(52) U.S. Cl.
`USPC ............ 709/219; 707/631; 707/637; 707/798
`(58) Field of Classification Search
`USPC .......................................................... 709/219
`See application file for complete search history.
`References Cited
`Primary Examiner- Kevin Bates
`Assistant Examiner- Tom Y Chang
`(74) Attorney, Agent, or Firm- Fish & Richardson P.C.
`Systems and methods for checkpointing a computation dis(cid:173)
`tributed over multiple peer servers. On each server, sequen(cid:173)
`tially storing checkpoints collectively representing a current
`state of the computation on that server as of a most recent
`checkpoint, each checkpoint having a checkpoint timestamp.
`Whenrestarting a first server, rebuilding a most recent state of
`the first server from the checkpoints written by the first server
`through a most recent checkpoint having a most recent check(cid:173)
`point timestamp, and requesting from each of the other peer
`servers updates from the most recent checkpoint timestamp
`time of the first server. On each server, in response to a first
`request for updates as of a particular time, deriving the
`requested updates from the state data in the server uncommit(cid:173)
`ted to a checkpoint and the state data in checkpoints of the
`serverthathave a timestamp no earlier than the particular time
`of the first request, and providing the requested updates to the
`first server.
`2003/0033582 A1 •
`2005/0073962 A1 •
`212003 Klein et al ........................ 716/4
`4/2005 Zabeie et al. . ................ 3701254
`19 Claims, 8 Drawing Sheets
`I NoooA SeedW Dlol1
`SeedX Jllstl
`I :uz
`SeodY Jllst2
`: Node B Seed W Dial I
`I .A~:;::::;:;:::::=:JI
`SoodX Jllstl
`I \r
`SeedY Dlsl1
`I ~~llilllillr;:::7.;-=:;::-:-!~-
`Shan12: Node G
`l NoooG SoedX DiltZ
`: NodaA SeodZ Oial1.5
`Seedy Dlsl z
`Replace enl!y: I .Sis losa than 2
`SeedZ Dlsla 1 l!NodaBJSoodZ JDJat.6 I
`I Roplawenlly; .5 lo Jess than 1
`JNodoG\SeodZ ID1st1.5l
`RopiacovaJue; 1.51oleasthan3
`Facebook, Inc. et al.
`Software Rights Archive, LLC
`CASE IPR2013-00481

`U.S. Patent
`Jan. 14,2014
`Sheet 1 of8
`US 8,631,094 Bl
`150 ~
`--- .......
`' ' \
`152c :

`~ = ~
`A 1Jfl
`I ~ . 51
`Shard 1: Node A and Node B
`Seed Y I Dist 2
`11 112
`Seed Y I Dist 1
`Shard 2: Node G
`NodeG Seed X Dist3
`SeedY Dist2
`SeedZ Dist 3
`Node G r•r-2----~ I
`I Node G I Seed X I Dist 2
`Replace value; 2 is less than 3
`Node F
`~ := ....
`~ ...
`0 .... ...
`rFJ =(cid:173)
`('D a
`0 .....
`""""' = \C
`~ = """"'

`Replace entry; .5 is less than 1
`:sh-;rd1~N-;;de Aa~d N~e-81
`1 Node A Seed W Dist 1
`Seed X Dist 1
`Seed Y Dist 2
`: Node B Seed W Dist 1
`Seed X Dist 1
`Seed Y Dist 1
`Shard 2: Node G
`: Node G Seed X Dist 2
`SeedY Dist2
`SeedZ Dist 3
`1 - - - ·
`Node E I 2hfl
`- Node F
`~ = ~
`~ := ....
`~ ....
`0 ....
`rFJ =-('D
`0 .....
`""""' = \C
`~ = """"'
`11 Node G
`[Nod;,A.Jiee-d]]Dist 1.5 I
`Replace entry; 1.5 is less than 2
`I Node B I Seed Z I Dist .5 I
`I Node G I Seed Z I Dist 1.5 I
`Replace value; 1.5 is less than 3

`U.S. Patent
`Sheet 4 of8
`US 8,631,094 Bl
`) 320

`U.S. Patent
`Sheet 5 of8
`US 8,631,094 Bl
`FIG. 3

`U.S. Patent
`Sheet 6 of8
`US 8,631,094 Bl
`502a"?_ Shard
`S02b(_ Shard
`Sever B
`502nc_ Shard
`Time to
`r - - - - -J.) S04a
`r - - - - -J.) so4b
`1 _:heckpoint J 1
`1_c~ckpoint J 1
`I Checkpoint J 1
`r - - - - -J.) S04n
`Checkpoint(s) A
`Checkpoint(s) B
`Checkpoint(s) N

`U.S. Patent
`Sheet 7 of8
`US 8,631,094 Bl
`Time 1:,
`r -----J514a
`l_c~~~ ~
`r - - - - -6 sub
`~-~~int J ~
`f - - - - - 0 S14n
`~~~-kp~I~J ~
`502a(_ Shard
`S02b(_ Shard
`Sever B
`502nc_ Shard
`Checkpoint(s) A
`Checkpoint(s) B
`Checkpoint(s) N

`U.S. Patent
`Jan. 14,2014
`Sheet 8 of8
`US 8,631,094 Bl
`' '
`-rlr-~ ~
`<::::. tti
`~ 0
`\ -rll;
`' ~~ 0 ~ o~ ~
`~ 0 ._
`.E 0
`' '

`US 8,631,094 Bl
`This application claims the benefit under 35 U.S.C. § 119
`(e) of the filing date of U.S. Patent Application No. 61/087,
`623, filed Aug. 8, 2008, and entitled "Distributed Parallel
`Determination of Single and Multiple Source Shortest Paths
`In Large Directed Graphs," the contents of which are incor(cid:173)
`porated herein by reference.
`small positive integer, such as one or three. The systems can
`handle graphs with hundreds ofbillions of nodes and trillions
`of edges. The systems run in a distributed environment, across
`many machines and efficiently recover from machine fail(cid:173)
`The details of one or more implementations of the subject
`matter are set forth in the accompanying drawings and the
`description below. Other features, aspects and advantages of
`the subject matter will be apparent from the description,
`10 drawings, and claims.
`FIG. 1A is a block diagram showing an example directed
`15 graph analysis system.
`FIGS. 1B and 1C are block diagrams showing example
`directed graphs and corresponding distance tables.
`FIG. 2 is a flow chart of an example process for determin(cid:173)
`ing values of a distance table.
`FIG. 3 is a flow chart of an example process for modifying
`a distance table in response to a distance update.
`FIG. 4A is a block diagram showing example shard serv(cid:173)
`ers, checkpoints, and a global file system at a first time inter(cid:173)
`FIG. 4B is a block diagram showing example shard servers,
`checkpoints, and a global file system at a second time interval.
`FIG. 5 is a schematic diagram of an example of a generic
`computer system.
`Like reference symbols in the various drawings indicate
`like elements.
`The present specification is directed to systems, compo(cid:173)
`nents of systems, and methods performed by them, that can
`find multiple shortest paths in very large graphs.
`Graph analysis methods are used to compute a shortest
`path on a weighted directed graph. A number of techniques
`for solving shortest paths problems have been implemented.
`The Dijkstra and the Bellman-Ford algorithms for the single
`source shortest paths problem have no parallelism and/or are 25
`not scalable. While Bellman-Ford can easily be parallelized,
`it is not scalable because it requires too many iterations, each
`propagating messages through all the edges. Others' work on
`parallelizing the Dijkstra algorithm has resulted in system
`designs that rely on the use of shared memory, random access 30
`to in-memory graph data, and reliable machines. Such
`designs cannot rnn across many machines, cannot be realized
`in the absence of shared memory access, cannot work with
`large graphs stored on disk, and cannot routinely handle
`machine failures. Examples of such systems are described in 35
`"Parallel Shortest Paths Algorithms for Solving Large-Scale
`CSE-06-19 and http:/ /
`ShortestPaths-ALENEX2007.pdf. These systems use shared
`memory models and where the graph data is all in memory, 40
`and are described as working on large graph instances having
`2 billion edges.
`The systems described in this specification can compute
`single source and multiple source shortest paths for graph
`instances having trillions of edges and have the capacity to 45
`scale to even larger size graphs.
`FIG. 1A is a block diagram showing an directed graph
`analysis system 150. The system 150 works on data defining
`a directed graph with directed edges. The directed graph can
`include nodes and directed links. Each node can represent a
`single physical entity, or can alternatively represent many
`physical entities that share a common attribute. In some
`implementations, each node is represented by a representa(cid:173)
`tive number, such as a hash of a unique descriptor of an entity
`represented by the node.
`The system divides the identified nodes into subsets. In the
`depicted example, the system 150 has divided nodes A, B, C,
`D, E, F, G, H, I, K, and L, into three subsets 152a, 152b, and
`152c. Nodes that have directed edges out to other nodes
`("outgoing edges") will be referred to as "source nodes." In
`the depicted example, node A has directed edges to nodes D
`and Band is a source node. Nodes that have no such directed
`50 edges will be referred to as "leaves" or "leaf nodes."
`After the system 150 divides the data describing identified
`nodes and their outgoing directed edges into subsets, which
`may also be referred to as shards, the system assigns the nodes
`to servers, which may also be referred to as shard servers or
`55 peer servers. In the depicted example, the system 150 assigns
`the subsets 152a, 152b, and 152c to servers 154a, 154b, and
`154c, respectively. The servers will generally be in commu(cid:173)
`nication with a master server 157 and each other through a
`network 101. Thus, each server will have data describing a
`60 portion of a directed graph. Because it will be necessary for
`the servers to determine, for any arbitrary node, which server
`the node belongs to-i.e., which server the node has been
`assigned to-the assignment of nodes to servers is accom(cid:173)
`plished by a computation that can be performed very quickly.
`65 In some implementations, this mapping computation is a hash
`of a node identifier modulo the number of servers. In other
`implementations, domain information is used so that nodes in
`Computing shortest paths on a weighted digraph is
`required by many commercial applications. Some applica(cid:173)
`tions must solve the problem for extremely large digraph
`instances, i.e., instances of more than a trillion (10 12
`) edges.
`Such applications generally represent entities in the applica(cid:173)
`tion domain using the nodes and directed edges of a weighted
`orunweighted directed graph, and compute single or multiple
`seed, nearest seed paths in the graph in performing various
`analyses of the underlying entities. The systems that are
`described in this specification can process such graphs on a
`distributed environment in which thousands of computers are
`used, and in which at least one machine failure during the
`course of a computation will generally be common. The sys(cid:173)
`tems described here can efficiently overcome such failures.
`Given a large weighted digraph and a set of seed nodes (which
`may include hundreds of seeds) on the graph, the systems find
`for each node the n seeds with the shortest paths to the node
`and the lengths of these paths, where n is a predetermined

`US 8,631,094 Bl
`the same domains have an increased likelihood (over random
`assignment) to be assigned to the same servers.
`The ultimate task of each server is to compute a nearest
`seed distances for the nodes assigned to the server, and for the
`servers collectively and operating in parallel to compute near-
`est seed distances for the entire input graph. For example,
`server 154c computes a distance table 156c of nearest seeds
`for the source nodes in the subset 152c. Nearest seed compu(cid:173)
`tations are described in more detail below. The servers also
`compute nearest seed distances for the leaf nodes in leaf
`tables, as will also be described below. Once the computa(cid:173)
`tions by the servers 154a-154c are complete, the system 150
`combines (actually or virtually) the distance tables 156a-
`156c and the leaf tables into a single combined distance table 15
`158, which contains the shortest paths computed by the sys(cid:173)
`tem for each of the nodes represented in the input data.
`In some scenarios, the edges of the graph are all of equal
`length (distance). In other scenarios, information about the
`directed edges represented by the edges, or the nodes repre- 20
`sented by target nodes of the edges, is represented by weights
`assigned to the edges. In some scenarios, the input data to the
`servers includes edge weight data (which in effect modifies
`the lengths of the edges) as well as graph structure data.
`The input to the system also includes data identifying 25
`seeds. In some scenarios, only one or a few seeds are identi(cid:173)
`fied. In others, hundreds or even thousands of seeds may be
`used. A seed in the graph context is a particular node that is
`preselected according to one or more of its characteristics.
`For example, seed resources may be chosen based on a node's 30
`importance or other characteristics, or those of the underlying
`application entity. Seeds and seed selection is described in
`more detail below. Thus, the linked graph 100 may be a
`weighted directed and cyclical graph in which some of the
`nodes are designated as seeds.
`Each server ultimately computes then closest seeds to each
`of the server's nodes and the distance values from each node
`to each of its respective closest seeds. To identifY seeds, the
`set of nodes may be analyzed and one or more seeds selected
`from the set of nodes according to a selection criterion. In
`some implementations, seeds are identified using a partially
`or fully manual process and provided to the system as a list of
`node identifiers. As already mentioned, in the system the data
`and the processing are distributed across many servers, in
`some implementations, across more than one thousand serv(cid:173)
`ers. Each server processes a shard of the input and output data
`corresponding to its nodes.
`Because the system is designed for processing very large
`graphs, the graph data shards are too large to be stored in
`random access memory (RAM) and so must be stored on disk
`memory or some other form of mass storage memory; how(cid:173)
`ever, the number of servers is selected so that the distance
`table and the current portions of the leaf table of each server
`can be stored in the RAM of the server.
`The system can store the link graph 100 using any number
`of storage mechanisms. For example, in some implementa(cid:173)
`tions, the system may store the linked graph 100 on a distrib(cid:173)
`uted global file system (GFS). One implementation of such a
`file system is described in Ghemawat, et. a!, The Google
`Global File System, 19th ACM Symposium on Operating
`Systems Principles. The linked graph 100 may be stored in
`one or more link map files on the GFS. Each link map file
`contains a representation of the nodes and their outgoing
`directed edges (identifYing the target nodes) for a portion of
`the linked graph 100. The link map files may be replicated to 65
`provide redundancy if a disk fails, or is otherwise inacces(cid:173)
`Each server processes distance update messages which it
`receives from other servers or generates itself and updates the
`nearest seed data in its distance and leaf tables as appropriate.
`Each server generates distance update messages, as will be
`described, as a consequence of updating the nearest seed
`information for its nodes. A server receiving an update mes(cid:173)
`sage determines whether the update includes better informa(cid:173)
`tion (i.e., a shorter distance) than is represented in the receiv(cid:173)
`ing server's distance table, applies the update if it does, and
`10 ignores it otherwise.
`Each server uses three tables:
`1) A link table, stored on disk, represents the shard's part of
`the directed edge graph. Each row in the link table rep(cid:173)
`resents a node and identifies all the outgoing directed
`edges from the node. To identifY the target nodes that
`may have to be notified of a change in a nearest seed
`distance of a node N1 owned by a server, the server will
`look up the node N1 in its link table and find all the nodes
`to which N1 has outgoing directed edges.
`2) A distance table, stored in RAM, has a structure that
`parallels that of the link table, having the same ordering
`of nodes as the link table does. For each of the server's
`nodes, the distance table has n seed and distance pairs.
`This data represents the server's best information as to
`which n seeds are closest to each of its nodes and the
`distance from each node to its closest n seeds. The dis-
`tance table represents the state of the computation, and is
`updated in response to update messages. The table also
`includes a dirty bit, which when set indicates for a node
`and a nearest seed to that node that the nearest distance
`information for the node node-seed combination has to
`be propagated to the nodes on the outgoing directed
`edges from the node. When the server is determining
`what updates to send, this table is scanned sequentially,
`and the nodes that have to be looked up in the directed
`edge table are therefore identified in the right order for
`sequential reading.
`3) A leaf table is similar to the distance table, except not all
`of it is kept in RAM. Also, because leaves have no outgoing
`40 directed edges, no dirty bit information needs to be main(cid:173)
`tained. In systems where there are many more leaf nodes than
`source nodes, the leaf table data is accumulated in RAM in a
`hashed data structure, the node identifier being the hashed
`key, and when RAM fills up, the data is written to disk in
`45 node-sorted order and operation continues. At the end of the
`computation for the entire graph, all the disk data is merged,
`keeping the shortest distances recorded for each leaf.
`In order to reduce the disk seek latency, local copies of the
`link table are maintained by the server and generally spread
`50 over multiple disks. Link table lookups are performed on
`separate I/0 threads one thread per local disk. Distribution of
`the link table among multiple local disks of the server is
`described below. Therefore, other threads are not blocked
`waiting for I/0 unless they have nothing else to do. Worker
`55 threads scan the distance table in order looking for dirty
`entries, i.e., entries that have a dirty bit set, that satisfY a
`distance threshold, which will be described. The nodes
`belonging to such dirty entries are placed on a queue for the
`lookup threads to fetch. The queue is kept as full as possible,
`60 so that the seek results (outgoing directed edges for the
`marked nodes) are ready when they are needed for distance
`update propagation. This allows for efficient processing of
`nodes in sorted order and substantially reduces disk access
`FIGS. 1B and 1C are block diagrams showing an example
`graph 100 and corresponding distance tables 120. Seed W
`102 has a single outgoing directed edge to Node A 104. Seed

`US 8,631,094 Bl
`Y 106 has outgoing directed edges to Seed X 108, Node B
`110, Node E 112, and Node C 114 with lengths or distance
`values of 1, 1, 2, and 0.5, respectively.
`As illustrated by FIGS. 1B and 1C, a first shard server is
`configured to store in RAM a portion of distance table 120
`corresponding to distances from any number of seeds to Node
`A 104 and Node B 110 (distance table portion 122) and the
`other nodes that are assigned to the first shard server. A second
`shard server is similarly configured to store in RAM a portion
`of distance table 120 corresponding to distances from any
`number of seeds to Node G (distance table portion 124) and
`many other nodes
`Each portion of the distance table computed by the shard
`servers will ultimately be combined to generate a complete
`distance table (distance table 120). In some implementations,
`the combination of the portions is performed virtually. Thus,
`because the system knows which shard servers store the near-
`est seed distances in accordance with the shard assignment,
`the system may access the portion of the distance table on the
`appropriate shard server without having to combine all of the
`distance table portions into a single distance table. In some
`implementations, one use of the results is in ranking nodes,
`where a shorter distance to an n-th nearest seed indicates a
`higher quality.
`A shard server will receive distance updates, which may
`come from the server itself, but will generally come from
`other servers. A distance update sent from sending shard
`server to a receiving shard server includes the identification of
`a node owned by the receiving shard server, the identification
`of the seed, and the distance from the node to seed as deter(cid:173)
`mined by the sending shard server. The update can be
`accepted or ignored by the receiving shard server. In some
`implementations, when an update is sent, the corresponding
`entry in the sending shard distance table is marked as clean. In
`some implementations, the entry in the sending shard server
`is marked as clean without regard to whether receipt of the
`update was acknowledged.
`For example, in reference to FIG. 1B, a distance update is
`generated for the distance value of 2 for the distance from
`Seed X 108 to Node G 116. As depicted in the example, the
`new distance value of 2 is less than the current distance value
`of 3 for the distance between Seed X and node G in the
`distance table 124 of the shard server that owns node G.
`Because the distance is less than what that server has as the
`distance, it is used to modifY the node-to-seed distance value,
`which is consequently marked as dirty. The information in the
`dirty entries is generally propagated by update messages to
`the servers owning the corresponding target nodes. Thus, any
`distance update may initialize a cascade of distance update
`In reference to FIG. 1C, the server can send an update to
`Node B, as illustrated by the updated distance value 0.5, and
`represented by connector 128. In response, distance updates
`are transmitted to the shard servers assigned to Node A 104,
`Node B 110, and Node G 116. As depicted by the example, the
`shard servers may use the updates to both replace distance
`values (e.g., as described above), and replace entire entries in
`the distance table portions. The largest value of the distance
`table portion 122 may be replaced (e.g., the previous entry
`removed and a new entry added) because the new distance
`value for a new seed is smaller than the distance values for one
`of the current seeds (e.g., the distance value for Seed Z 126 is
`shorter than the distance value for SeedY 106). In both cases,
`the entry is marked as dirty.
`In some implementations, the distance table maintains, for 65
`each nearest seed of a node, the identity of the previous node
`in the path from the nearest seed to the node. In such imple-
`mentations, each update message includes, in addition to seed
`and distance, the identifier of the source node on the path.
`With this information, when the computation is complete, for
`each node, the path to each nearest seed can be determined.
`In some implementations, each server filters for outgoing
`update messages to reduce the sending of unnecessary mes(cid:173)
`sages. In some implementations, a table keyed by target node
`contains the best shortest path data sent to the target node by
`the server thus far. Before an update message is sent by the
`10 server, the message target node of the message is looked up in
`the table and if it shows that the server has already sent a
`message with the same or a shorter distance between target
`and the seed of the message, the message is not sent. The keys
`of this filter table are selected either statically before the
`15 computation or dynamically during the computation. The
`keys are selected so as to include as nearly as practicable the
`most popular target nodes in the graph (i.e., the nodes with the
`most outgoing directed edges directed to them).
`In some implementations, the system uses an adaptive
`20 propagation threshold that may be different for each shard
`server and that determines which updates the shard server will
`actually propagate. A shard server will generate update mes(cid:173)
`sages only if the distance in the message is less than a certain
`threshold. This means that as the server is scarming the dis-
`25 tance table, the only nodes it will look up in the link table (and,
`most importantly, the only nodes for which it will perform
`disk operations) are the nodes for which a dirty seed value
`satisfies the propagation threshold. As the computation pro(cid:173)
`ceeds, the information about near seeds will become stable
`30 (i.e., not be updated and become dirty), so the threshold will
`increase to cause information about farther seeds to be prop a(cid:173)
`gated, until the threshold is at a maximum value (no threshold
`limit) and the entire computation is completed.
`The propagation threshold may be adjusted dynamically
`35 by the shard server itself to maintain a specified propagation
`ratio, such as a propagation ratio of 1-in-6 (i.e., only 1-in-6
`distance updates (dirty records) are actually transmitted). The
`propagation threshold value determines a distance threshold
`for the distance updates. If more than 1-in-6 distance updates
`40 are being transmitted, the threshold value is lowered. Con(cid:173)
`versely, if fewer than 1-in-6 distance updates are transmitted,
`the threshold value is increased. The propagation threshold
`may be used to reduce the bandwidth requirements for pro(cid:173)
`cessing the distance updates. The propagation threshold gen-
`45 erally reduces the number of redundant distance updates the
`server sends (that is, updates containing distances that will
`later be overridden by shorter distances). The higher the
`threshold, the more parallelism and better disk throughput
`that is achieved, at the cost of sending more redundant
`so updates to the peers.
`The propagation threshold for a shard server may be
`adjusted, in response to system -wide conditions, by a master
`server or process that monitors the progress of the computa(cid:173)
`tion. In some implementations, the progress of the computa-
`55 tion is represented by propagation threshold values provided
`by the shard servers to the master. A shard server having a
`threshold substantially lower than that of the other servers, for
`example, within the bottom 10% of the thresholds, would
`likely proceed more quickly with a higher threshold. The
`60 master can determine that the increased burden on the other
`servers of receiving more updates will be outweighed by the
`quicker conclusion of the entire computation resulting from
`the lagging server processing its own dirty data more quickly,
`in which case the master server will instruct the lagging server
`to increase its propagation threshold.
`FIG. 2 is a flow chart of an example process 300 for deter(cid:173)
`mining values of a distance table. For convenience, process

`US 8,631,094 Bl
`300 will be described in reference to a system that is config(cid:173)
`ured with program instructions (e.g., one or more computer
`software modules) that when executed performs process 300.
`The system divides a graph of nodes into shards (310) and
`assigns each of the shards to a server (320). The system
`calculates, in parallel, a nearest seeds distance table for each
`of the nodes in each shard (330). Using the final result of the
`calculation, the system ranks the nodes (340). For example,
`nodes associated with shorter nearest seed distances may
`receive higher rankings. Generally, as distance other than the
`distance to the closest seed is used. In some implementations,
`the third closest seed is used in calculating a ranking.
`Process 300 will generally be re-executed after the link
`graph 100 changes, i.e., new directed edges are added, or
`nodes are added or deleted, or weights change. The shard
`servers can access the local copies of the respective informa- 15
`tion and retrieve the additional update information from the
`FIG. 3 is a flow chart of an example process 400 for modi(cid:173)
`fying a distance table in response to a distance update. For
`convenience, process 400 will be described in reference to a 20
`shard server that is configured with program instructions
`(e.g., one or more computer applications) that when executed
`performs process 400. Process 400 may be used to modify a
`portion of a distance table. For example, in reference to FIG.
`1B, process 400 may be used to modifY portion 122 of dis(cid:173)
`tance table 120.
`The shard server receives a distance update including an
`updated distance ( 402). The distance update may be received
`in a message from another shard. The distance update
`includes a distance, a seed identifier, and a destination node
`identifier. For example, in reference to FIG. 1B, the shard
`server assigned process distance updates for Node G 116
`receives a distance update that includes a distance value of 2,
`a seed identifier identifying Seed X 108, and destination
`identifier of Node G 116. This tells the shard server that
`receives the update (and that owns Node G) that the shortest
`distance between Node G and Seed X is 2 and maybe less.
`The shard server also determines whether the distance
`table includes, for the destination node, one of the seeds in the
`distance update ( 404). If the seed is found in the table for the
`node ( 406), the shard server determines if the distance value 40
`is shorter than the current distance for the seed and the node
`( 408). If the distance value is not shorter, the shard server
`ignores the received distance update (410). Otherwise, the
`shard server replaces the distance with the updated distance
`value (412). Later, the shard server pro

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