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`Home > Search Engines > Main Search Engines and Directories
`Main Search Engines and Directones
`Note: This page is HISTORICAL and is for "entertainment" use on ly.
`Getting Listed w ith AltaVista (15.3 % YTD - 11.4% 1999 Market Share)
`Time to Index: Approximately one week
`Lastest Known Update to Index: January 28, 2000
`Latest News : 3/21 -A ltaVista is cracking down on all forms of Spamming
`the ir Index. If you are using methods which are against their ru les, your
`pages will be removed and yo ur domain will be banned from their index.
`3/13- Still getting the "Too many URLs" error? Wait at least 25 minutes and
`resubmit aga in. We have found by waiting at least this amount of time allows
`our URLs to be accepted by. AltaVista.
`3/1 - Pages are being added faster- in about a week. Updates usually occur
`on Sunday night's. If you have your own web serve r, make su re you do not
`do any maintenance on your server then, as yo u could risk being missed by
`Scoote r. Scooter is visiting about 10 million pages a day.
`2/24- "Too Many URLs Submitted ... " Are you getting this error when
`attempting to list your site? You aren't alone . We do NOT believe this is
`"domain blocking" by AltaVista, rather their submission process is jammed
`or not in proper working order.
`From AltaVista: "If being found via search engines is important to your
`business, be very carefu l about where you have your pages hosted. If the
`hosting service also hosts spammers and pornographers, you could wind up
`being pena lized or excluded simply because the underlying IP address for
`the se rvice is the same for all the virtual domains it includes."
`Ou r requests for verification of the above from AltaVista have gone
`unanswered. Just for fun we submitted AltaVIsta's own page and received
`the error. Something isn't quite right here folks. Hang tight, we'll get through
`Getting Listed with AOL Search / NetFind (0.6% YTD - 0.7 % 1999
`Market Share)
`Time to Index: Approximately two weeks.
`Learn straight from Certif ied
`SEO Professionals
`Latest News : AOL's Search is driven by the ODP (The Open Directory
`Ranking Tips for
`Web Marketing Newsletters
`Subscribe to our web
`marketino newsletters or
`search our archives.
`We highly recommend our paid
`membership to receive the latest
`newsletters that wi ll keep you
`ahead of your competition.
`X ...
`Easily Submit Your
`Business to Search
`Engines. Get Found
`Getting Listed with Excite (4. 1 % YTD - 15.6% 1999 Market Sh are)
`Time to Index: Approximately 1-5 months.
`Last Known Uoda te to Ind@x: Mnrrh 1 c; 7000
`Free Book
`Frlitinn ~11irlP
`Face book, Inc. et al.
`Software Rights Archive, LLC
`CASE IPR2013-00481


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`Search Engine Optimization | Main Search Engines and Directories
`Last  Known  Update  to  Index:  March  15,  2000
`Latest  News:  3/1  -­  We  have  had  many  of  our  clients  get  into  Excite  last
`month  and  have  seen  trails  of  their  spider  on  our  sites  as  well,  even  though
`none  of  our  pages  have  been  indexed.
`1/14  -­-­  New  domains  which  we  have  submitted  in  October  have  finally  been
`placed  in  the  index.
`Getting  Listed  with  Google  (3.5%  YTD  -­  N/A  1999  Market  Share)
`Time  to  Index:  Approximately  two  weeks.
`Latest  News:  Only  enter  your  main  domain,  do  not  submit  each  page.
`Google's  spider  will  crawl  through  your  site.
`Getting  Listed  with  (3.7%  YTD  -­  2.3%  1999  Market  Share)
`Time  to  Index:  Less  than  one  week  after  opening  an  account.
`Latest  News:  is  a  paid  service.
`Time  to  Index:  Approximately  four  -­  eight  weeks.
`Lastest  Update  to  Inktomi  Results:  March  8,  2000
`Lastest  Update  to  Direct  Hit  Results:  March  23,  2000
`Latest  News:  4/4  -­  HotBot  has  been  dropping  the  Description  tag  at  random
`from  sites.
`3/21  -­  Including  ODP  pages  in  it's  search  results  BEFORE  listings  from
`Tested  results  and  recommendations.  
`Current  Order:
`ODP  Categories
`Direct  Hit  Top  Ten
`Currently  indexing  dynamically  built  pages.
`Inktomi  powered.
`Getting  Listed  with  Infoseek/Go  Network  (1.5%  YTD  -­  7.6%  1999
`Market  Share)
`Time  to  Index:  Within  six  weeks.
`Latest  News:  3/18  -­  Infoseek's  "Add  URL"  page  is  back  on-­line.
`3/1  -­  Infoseek's  add  URL  page  has  not  been  operational  for  us  most  of  the
`month.  They  are  now  giving  an  option  to  submit  via  e-­mail,  but  we  have  not
`seen  any  of  our  submissions  be  listed  by  this  method.  Many  other
`submission  companies  are  reporting  the  same  problems.
`2/1  -­-­  is  going  through  major  changes  and  it  will  affect  Infoseek
`over  the  next  few  months.  Due  to  Disney's  short-­sightedness  with  Infoseek,
`they  have  taken  it  from  our  favorite  search  engine  in  the  past  and  turned  it
`into  one  of  the  "forgotten"  engines  on  the  web.  Their  current  market  share
`stands  about  3  -­  4%.  Look  for  Infoseek  to  slowly  "go  away"  during  this  year.
`Infoseek  used  to  have  "instant  indexing"  -­  when  you  submitted  your  site  into
`their  index,  it  appeared  in  their  index  in  just  a  few  minutes.  Then  someone
`at  Disney  was  concerned  with  potential  spammers  of  their  index,  eliminated
`the  instant  indexing,  limited  the  database  size  and  changed  the  system  to
`one  that  rewarded  "popularity".
`The  current  rumor  is  that  Infoseek  will  move  to  a  paid  model,  similar  to
`1/5  -­-­  "At  this  time  we  do  not  appreciably  upweight  matches  on  URL  paths  -­-­
`-­  so  having  a  very  explicit  domain  will  not  help  a  site  much,"  said  Jan
`Pedersen,  Go's  Director  of  Search.
`We  haven't  seen  any  new  domains  listed  with  Infoseek  since  November
`1999.  Infoseek  now  supports  the  <!-­-­  startindex  -­-­>  and  <!-­-­  stopindex  -­-­>


`Search Engine Optimization | Main Search Engines and Directories
`1999.  Infoseek  now  supports  the  <!-­-­  startindex  -­-­>  and  <!-­-­  stopindex  -­-­>
`tags.  This  tag  will  allow  you  to  have  full  control  over  what  Infoseek  indexes
`on  your  page  and  what  it  does  not.  This  is  NOT  similar  to  the  Robots  Meta
`Tag  which  only  allowed  you  to  specify  if  an  entire  page  could  be  indexed.
`This  tag  allows  you  to  exclude  certain  portions  of  the  page.
`Getting  Listed  with  Lycos  (2.7%  YTD  -­
`3.0%  1999  Market  Share)
`Time  to  Index:  Up  to  six  months,  but  usually  about  five  weeks.
`Last  Known  Update  to  Index:  March  18,  2000
`Latest  News:  Just  switched  to  Fast  for  their  advanced  search  features.
`3/12  -­  Lycos  has  been  experiencing  problems  with  submission  not  being
`Getting  Listed  with  MSN  (3.4%  YTD  -­
`2.93%  1999  Market  Share)
`Time  to  Index:  Approximately  one  week.
`Latest  News:  3/12  -­  MSN  now  allows  you  to  bid  on  a  spotlight  section  to  the
`left  of  their  regular  search  results.  Your  text  ad  can  appear  in  this  left  hand
`box  for  any  keywords  you  bid  on  and  successfully  win  at  their  auction  site.
`12/13  -­-­  MSN  has  discontinued  using  AltaVista's  search  for  results  due  to  the
`unreliability  of  AltaVista's  search  results.  They  are  back  using  Inktomi.
`Notice  that  MSN  does  not  display  the  Inktomi  logo  anywhere  on  their  search
`results.  Looks  like  Bill  got  a  special  deal.  Are  we  surprised?
`Getting  Listed  with  Netscape  (No  Market
`Share  Information)
`Time  to  Index:  Approximately  two  weeks.
`Latest  News:  None
`Getting  Listed  with  Northern  Light  (0.5%  YTD  -­  N/A  1999  Market
`Time  to  Index:  Approximately  three  weeks.
`Latest  News:  None
`Getting  Listed  with  The  Open  Directory  Project  -­  ODP  (0.1  YTD  -­  N/A
`1999  Market  Share)
`Time  to  Index:  Approximately  two  weeks.
`Latest  News:  AOL  Search,  HotBot,  Lycos  and  Netscape  all  use  ODP  is  some
`form  for  their  search  criteria.
`Getting  Listed  with  Snap  (2.8%  YTD  -­  2.2%  1999  Market  Share)
`Time  to  Index:  Approximately  two  weeks.
`Latest  News:  None
`Getting  Listed  with  WebCrawler  (0.9%  YTD  -­  3.1%  1999  Market
`Time  to  Index:  Approximately  five  weeks.
`Last  Known  Update  to  Index:  September  5,  1999
`Latest  News:  12/2  -­-­  Index  has  been  updated.  It  is  a  smaller  version  of
`Excite's  database.  It  was  a  practice  in  the  past  that  you  would  submit  to
`Excite  and  you  would  be  listed  in  WebCrawler.  No  more.  If  you  are  listed  in


`Search Engine Optimization | Main Search Engines and Directories
`Excite,  and  have  not  submitted  to  WebCrawler,  there  is  a  good  chance  you
`will  not  be  listed  in  WebCrawler.
`Getting  Listed  with  Yahoo!  52.3%  YTD  -­  46.4%  1999  Market  Share)
`Time  to  Index:  Approximately  six  weeks.
`Latest  News:  None
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