Facebook, Inc. et al.
`Software Rights Archive, LLC
`CASE IPR2013-00481


`How Go ogle Thinks. Works. and Shapes Our lives
`,..., 'rtlk lMdo• TountJ Syd!My


`:::;::= s.-·-
`._""'Itt IOOlO
`1230 lwenutot tne Am""*'
`c...,.,pt 0 20 II bj Sl ""' L"''
`All nlfllls ltSeM6. on<ludong lht nlilt to 1011...Suco tim- •,.,....(cid:173)
`louay 1n1 wtuboM< for <~~IGmlJiiPI oddms S.1t10n & SchUslef S""'tdoiiJ
`R~&hl$ Deportment, 1130 A- ol tllt,.,.n<l$, flow l'1x\ Iff 1110211
`forst Somon & Schuster hr-.r-~ 2011
`51111 & SCitiJS1(I!.,.. ~ aot f1CisiJOtd lrlkooa"'
`of So.,. & Schonltf, toe.
`rw · • -'""'' _...- b WliiUitlll,..,
`please cootJC1 Somoo & Schuslto SP«III Salall
`d • .,.eta
`..., ........ Jm to,._, IM -~
`llo S.. &SWslor Stou ... -
`Fw11011 ontonnlhllll 01 10 book ••...., contlct lfle So- & - ~
`111-866-2410'9 .............. -··~,_....-
`Daoenod bl Ruth Lee Mut
`Mlnufletured lfllhl UMed St11nGf Allltoc;a
`10 9 I 1 6 ~ 4 3
`..., II Colllf!SS CaWocoot ... ~ Dolo
`111 a.""' """Goorlo lllllb.-...., ,...,... r ... ,_....,
`-bt So- & SchuSIII hblt 1d
`p ...
`b....,aph .. l relellnces ond lndol
`1. Goeclo!FPI 2. Goocte 3. -i4ust; UUOIISUits. L Totle.
`11191961.U64G6617 2011
`ISIN971-I-4161·9671-4 (ebook)


`thJn ochen P~,:e due such dat:a alreJd)' emred and no on~ el>~
`"u rally uin1 " He asl<<d Bnn, "\\'hy don\ we use the linb on tbe ~ eb
`"'do dl>t?"
`I'JB<, a <hdJ of academU, undcnrooJ dut """b lrnl:s ... re like ora(cid:173)
`tioni tn ,. 11chobrly arode. It 'u.s "'"' RCt'JP'it.a.l th2t )"OU could identify
`~hich (•.Jpero; wc:re really imporunt wathout rudmg them-simp!}· ulJ)'
`Uf) how m:any odu:r papcD 1..itcd thc:m in notes ~nd bibfiographtes. P01~
`belie\·c:d lh:.'lt thi~ principle tould ~J"iQ Va)rk "·sth web pages. But g.::ttlJ\g
`rl>< ri~hr d•,. would be difJiC>~h- Web pages made their ourguing hnb
`ITin'JUKnt budt inco the: code wl!n= t"Jsily identifiable marker'\ for the
`Jemn•tmm. you cuuld U'l\-el to with~ mouse du:k from th:lt ~gc.. But u
`.,.\n't obviotu at all "hat linked tt a ~~ Tu 6nd that ou~ you'd have to
`""'"'""" collect a daralw< of linl:s dur cunnn1o:d ro some och<r page.
`Theil rou'd gu Nd-..m/.
`That\ wby call..! Ius'>""" B"I<Rub. "The e:uty •·ersions of
`h>'~"'""' h>d a tr•gi< flaw, you =kln'r f<>llow hn!t. m the odter dtre<·
`oon," Paic bncc told a reponcr. "'BacL:Ruh w;~" .tbuut rc,.-t:nmg thaL"
`\Vinugrad thought this was a great 1dca tnr a pro;ect, but not Ml
` nne. lb do Jt nght, be told Page, ynu'd rc.tiJy have co capture :t sig(cid:173)
`nilicant <:hunk of the WOrld \-\'ide \Veb't hnL: .. trut.'t\U"t:. Pa~ said, sure,
`he'd gu ,lflJ downlo>d the web and gcr the <tnltrure. l ie fifl"l"ed it would
`ule • ""~L llr something ... And of roum~•· he la1cr recalled. "it took, hLe..
`)ut'S" But Page and Brin 1n:ac:kcd it. 1-\Tr')· othL"r 'A>ttl:- Page would come
`b) Gtraa-\tolina\ otlice 1U;ing K»r di!.ls an(l c'luipment. .. Thar'~ fine."
`G2rm-.\tob02 would gy. -nus u a~~ rro~ bur you need to~ me
`'bud;!<t."lle a <Iced Page <o pick a number, to sav bow mu<h of the W<b be
`needed hi uawl, .m,t tu estimate how many ,11~l~ rhar would "1 \\ant
`ro cr .. ~ I t:hc tJ:h11k web," Page 'i:tid
`P•ge ur~ulge~ in • little '""i()' in n·.unin~ che pore of dJe sy<rem dm
`r;utcJ v..:b .. ltl'!> by Lhe int()ming links: he t.~lttd it P:~geR:.lnk. But it was a
`\lr \""anity; many people assumed the n:ame referred to '-''eb p~ges, not o
`Srl'lt·<' Page w.asn't a v.rorld-d1"'' programmer. he a-sl:td a .&.iend to ht.fp
`out. Soon 1 hssan Wb a full.tim~ l"e'>eJ.rch :H:lllUnt at Stanford, 'illorlmg fur
`the O,giuJlihrary Projectpt"OgT...., .. lulcdoo"' pan-nme grad wori. Ha>(cid:173)
`lln..., aJ.o pJd tncnds witb Bnn, wborn be'd maar an Uh:illUte Fri.bce
`g>me dllnDg Ius fim weelc >t Sunford. Page\ prop:ton "b>.d so auny bur
`tn tt, It W".l~n't funn}·, .. 5a)'! Pan nf the problem was that Page "':h
`u,mg the rcl.stivtly new computer lan8'•J1c:J:a~ for his ambitious pro1cct,


`t t 'lJ .. ·J.t tar~; a.iJ rJl!
`a. ....... ~!-~ ••i" .t ,, ,., I :I r a: l"' l,
`tJt"<'f;IJ · ltff![• l,·[Ewilrlt•
`•. 1r-·J r ttht'J• uJ l l1ll;t'p·lJ
`~,;(r!flt~ IJJ.lfJ{tll,f t,r(t!l·fJr~
`. t ltri~J·t )'J .t! ..... ~. r
`~'J • ~ ... 1 r, i J t l it r = 'J.
`f l ( [ ~ ~ 1 r li J II
`ll•ilf~ ~f ·r·~JfJtf ~· tl Ijt~r~~~ it~
`Lf1ll(>[t d ~~ ltt~llt~ r1·f
`rj~ttf e-
`ll!tfal tf ~~ tJtf ~1 tJ ;tlilL·J =-~a


`1"hc leader an web search at that tune 'ifn) 1 prognm rd.ed Ah..a\'"'I.ID that
`came out of Dtgu21 Equipment Corponuon'• Westt-m Rese:an:h Ubon ..
`!01)'· A k<y d.,;gnu wu LoW> ;\l0111cr, 1 <lr• ·U F~ >oJ adealnuc:
`g<ck who lud come to hmcn<> With • doctorate m l'fi!O. DEC bod been
`built on the minicomputer. a once I.M.OV'OUI\-'e c:ntJtJt')' now rendered a
`i!Jno>Our by uac I"""· nd """'~"'"' rn'Oiooon. "DEC ,... 'ffl)' much U.·
`'"8 ao the pa,•." say> Moruu. •Jut !hey bod mull,..,...,. of people who
`•·ere very forwanl·tlunhnf, apenmwting with loll of'">"·" One of tbote
`liJ)" was che •cb .. \iomer hunse)( ""ti no ttpc":rt in a.nfonnaoon retneval
`but • big &.o ol cbt> Ill the abmxt. "To me. dm """' the s«nc-daea."
`he 5ayS. What the dm W.. trJtma him WU th.r 1f }Od h1d the Mfht IDOl<.
`,, ,.., pos51bl• to trtll c.-aythinf an the <1pcn -·b Uc • tins~• docv·
`Even at th>< early d•tt, the b1>ac buildang bloch ol •cb JOOrciJ bod
`been alre:ldy IC't in Sh nc:. S«rc:h was a ro\lf ... trp prnca.s. Flfil arne I
`.......,..., 'iClD of .JI thr ""ddi "cb pores,,.. • tpodu. Sramd ••u iDda·
`mg lhe mform.r1on duwn. fnxn rhe spdcr\ cr.awltnJ :lmllnl the cbtt. on
`ntC'b o( oomputc.n known 11 servtn. Th~ rhard Stt':p, triagerccl hv a usc.r's
`rcq 101, adcntiJiol the pap tlut oermcd bnt owced to .,.....,. tlut quct)
`That rWJlt was known u......., opality TheW m:p ,tmJ~yoJ lonm""'f
`11-ml dcUvcnng dle result1 to the u .. rr
`.\1'im1Cr •-u most C'lliDCa'1Wd vmh th~ ICCOnd Mtp. t.bc tame
`comummg procus of cnwlinf tluouJh mJllloru of doauncno
` up the clu1. "'Cra"hng at th-'t tune wu ,.]uw, bc~-..usc th.: otht'r sadc
`....,..Jd tok< on oveng< (our IOCOO•IJ to rapornl, • N)~ M.wer One doy,
`1}11lg by • owtmnun~ pool, be rnliuJ tlut you c:oald 1ft ....,-thing Ul •
`timely f.tshaon by pn<11lclwng the pruc;es:s, covenna m.,,, &N.n one. ~·c
`If a t1me. 11tc: u'ht nwnhcr, he c.oodud~J, was 1 th~nd pa~ at DnC't'
`.\looiet lirumJ OUt ho.o 10 build 1 enw'.er wortinB on dux ~e~lc "'n •
`omsle machanc I h.d one thouu"'l tltruds, mdepanJent p!OCCS>b ailinJ
`th1n!C'I and aoc a ~.epping on ttch ochr.r5 toft., •
`By btc I !>'IS, people 111 DEC'o W-.n R.csarch lAb wm: _,,
`.l\1nnier$ snn-h cngtne. He h2d 1 tough orne: con\llrxinC h" boua to open
`up the ~ne tn tht puhlat:. ThC'y ;~rgue-d th:at theft" "u no "ay to make
`m.>ney &om • snrch .,.,. bdc ttkntol ,.ben Mawer oold them on the
`p~<Lbc rebaaas •<pe<t. ('l'br symm woulJ be a '"'"'"""' 10 Of C...., pow·
`erful n('w Alplu proce111ng chip.) O,t]aund' d.ay, AltJ\~wu b••l 16 million
`documena m it1 b>deu>. easily batJnr anyt1uns else on tho ~~e~. "The bq
`oocs tlta:n luJ tn3Ji>c • mllho.• .,,,... ... !" Moruu 1'b.1t wu the powu of
`.. _,~hUICU41t


`AltaV"1$11. iu b~Udlh. When DEC ..,.....tot 11> ouaidm oa December IS,
`1995, andy )00,000 people aW ir-. n.e,-- cloded.
`AluV"m>~ acnW .-ch quality """'""'* ....... detum!Dod ""
`raabn& of .....u..-..a. booed OD D ''" ..J ~ ...,;,d (Ill)
`llfDrithms. Many of "'- olfOI'Idlmo 110011 &om the worll of one - .
`• rclup &om Nul GermaaJr ..-s Gonrol Solam, who hod -
`I PhD .. Harnrd, ond IDCIIIOCIII> <Jomdl Ullivonit)l when be
`Alneria. p
`cofounded liS computer tcieoco ....,.._L Sard1ioc dlrclull> ·~
`- , the some ........,. ,_.d- willllilumaD-"aolllrollmpp"
`beeamo !he term of.,__ Solroa\ opoeilky.
`During the 1960s, SoJ ... de
`. . . . I.,_""" WU II> loocaale I
`IIIOdel for ia£onna1>0n realenL It wu called SMART, oappooedly ..,....,..
`D)'lll for 'Sai<Qn~ Mapa! Relri oa of"lat."The .,._ oclliofo d may
`-doas !hot sail penilt In ....... iadudlnf iadalag ond relenact
`olsonthms. When Salroa died ill 1995, bit tochnoqaa llill ndod 11M Wd.
`"'For dun)oyam."wro110 one _...klolribuae a yeorlala", "Gerty Solroa
`ws informaaon retneval."
`The Wodd Wode Web- allaoot 111 choap that, bat tba iCic!emieo
`didn \ know 11-ond neidlc: did Alta Vlota. Wbilo itl C!01!1lCS hod tbc iasiPc
`"' sadler .n of the ....., ""' -.4 •
`"!!P"'tuuiiJ' "' ....., ""-'.(cid:173)
`not otmd ta Cetcb
`or the link '"'"''w'e. "The illnowotioD -
`dlat 1 -
`U much of me lOeb u 1 coaJd, _ . II ill -
`Jll-, Mid baoe a rcolly ilot
`rapDDM a- TNt wu the ...,....., • .,. Moaier. Meanwhile, AlcaV(cid:173)
`ualyzed wbat wu on each iadiwidual P•l' nq meiii<Siib bow liiiiiJ
`limes each ....,..j ~- i11 pop wu a relcnnc mateb 10 a p.m
`byootd in 1 query.
`E- tllouch m.. -
`DO clear W11 ID n.b IOODO)I &om oan:ll,
`Al01Vuca hod 1 number of compc011011. By 19'16, wben I wrote oboat -.b
`lior NnnPd, - - r.- -.a
`' .... .. ...,_. ...
`moot ...rut ......,., WhoD preued, aD of them would odmlt that in lhe . (cid:173)
`...,.,., doe .....
`be~Mtn tbe ........................... ~I I
`- winning.·~ IR hod dlirty yean 10 pt 11> when It ~·re
`breokinc .,..... sround, but ~a cli&iealr," -r>'o·-' Gnhom Spencw, m.
`.. .,...... bebiDcl the -a ...... a.-.1 by • Sllft·up aolled Emta.
`AltaVisto\ direaor of oogiaeerbos, Bury Rabinoon, •id daot tbe ' - op(cid:173)
`... throw - -o f ...... IOWirll tba problon aoul
`prood> -
`thm hope for the bat "The 6nt rnblem • tlw rllennoc ill in the eye ol
`tbe beholda," be ...... The ........ pril '• be ..... *" ia makil!f(cid:173)
`of the anlunllinsfy brief and ..-,pdc quoria typed inm die A.hoV"ata oeordl
`. . . . . fUI


`6eid. He Implied that die wic wos olen to voodoo. 'It's aH wtzardry •n·l
`wi•chcroft." be told me. "Anyone who •ells yw t:"s <Oentine is 1un !"'lling
`No 011e lt the web search c:cmpo•~CS meouooed usmg lmks.
`ne linb were the reason rhl~ • roearc.:h pro;ect running oo •
`compuLCr in 4 Stanfurd donn room h:KI become the top performer. Lury
`Pages l'ai!"Rank was powerful becouse It ci<"V<rly ~UUlrz.ed those [;nb ••·I
`anigned tl number to them, a metrie on t \ale of I to 10, that allowe.l
`you 10 see the p11ge~ prorru.nence in compari$on to eve!'Y other page on
`the •·cb. One of !he esrly vcrsio,,. of BackRub had >imply oounred !he
`inconun' links. hut Page aod Bnn quicUy reolized that 1t wom't mcttly
`the number oflinJcs tlut thinS' rdcvant.Just u impn.mnt ,..,., who
`,.... do inc the linhng PageRmk n:ftcc...J !hat The moro
`proa11ncnt the ,..111< of the P"S" th.t nude the liDk. the mor. V>hnble the
`hnk ""' .,.J <~"•• !Usher it v.vuld rise when calculannr the ulti:mu: Pa,..-
`11-nk nwnb<r of die w.b page nselt. ~Inc,).,. b<lund Pag<Ran.<,... t!ut
`you aJ'I t\tlOl.Ut' dtt itnportancc:- nf t web Jl.II~C by Lhe web page.~ tha[ link
`to it.'' Brtn would say. "Vve acnully d~eJqpecJ t IGt of math to solve th~r
`problem. hnport\Ult p3ges tended to Unlc to intpomnt ptges. 1,\"'e convtrr
`the entire web into a big e-quuion with tc:Vttal hundred million vttriabltlil1
`which •re the P•geRanks of tll tht "eh pagro, onollllllu>m of rerno;. which
`m til du· hnb.• It was Brin'~ m.atlltm.auc tllkulation\ on those pos!lbte
`500 million •wbles !h.t identified me unporunt pagts.ltwu ~"" lookillJ
`at 1 r.upof1uti.oe roUtCS* the hub CtDOWOnld stand oo.- beause: ofa!J tb~
`lmes rcprc.sentu1g ¥ts lhac o.,pw .. l an I u:rtnm:~u:d th=. Cities that
`8"' th< most tnffic from other 'mpntttnt hubs IOUC clearly ti>e m>jor CUI·
`11:11 of popuiJbon. The S;une •pp!<:d 10 v.cbsaa:s. "It~ aU rc~" Pare
`later n•d. "'ln ;1 "'~Y. how good you Ut: is dec.·nmncd by who l.inb tn yo(i
`Jnd whot} you lwk to c.letcnnincs how guutl y•JU h'l all :a big circle. But
`mnt.hem;u:iu. is great. You om solve this."
`The Page!Unk score would bo combmcd will1 • numbct of more tn·
`dhionat infonnabon retneval ttchnique1, such as cmnparing the k.e~·orJ
`tO [tit on the rage 2nd detennimng reln~n~ by rumirung I2C10f'1 such
`•• frcquen.;y. iont >iu:. api:>Lution, tnd pos!Wn of !he kcr-<>ni (Tho>C
`&nun hc:p 00<''""" the ""P""""" o( t lcya01d an a gn-en pago-ti
`• a:m ... pr••cun<ndy fe•tun:d. the pare is Ulore lik:ly to ..csf}·. query.)
`Such Factors tn: known ""~. md !hey are critiol to search quohty.
`Thc:n: nre a few mJcial mliWcamdt in the process of .I web sean:b during
`which tht: c.ng1nc mrcrprccs the keyword :tnd then acc:t:sses the van tndc:.t,
`tMt .. ORlO ~CORO .. C nl ;ooct£ ,. 11


`8 f• .lf'f~:;t • s-~" • !:
`...... il r; Jt
`r 'l i#' !1. ;C !I IJr 2,
`u:riJ.JI ti lili!P~
`f{tsllmt.~~[~il{ifJ1iq fEtl ~ffe.
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`P"lsl8'tt~(ltQ r~rt: g;- i :1~ti ~=l:.Ji
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`>11- at
`lt t


`• wtul<, Bild:.lblb coulclll<ttSS O.Uy die bandwhlth ••'lihble to cbc G•ICI
`BwldU!f-10 mepb.cs of cnSc per occond. Bet <he cwe unlYulity nA
`on 1 n hne due could oprnte 11 •J m<pbits pa second !'he Bad:
`Rub te.un d~ t.hac I>) m<>IJ!Itll an ..,...,. t tccly oct .,.,dl Ill du:
`t>o>em<nt, u could pt Nil acccu co !he I) lim: "/u _ , 11 d.ry toglrd
`th11, we ,. en all the '"Y up to die muunu= o4 the co: tare ScUI!ard act
`··odl." A)" II.=~ "\\r wttc ,..n, all !he bandtw•Jth of th<> ll<t'r<W\ And
`u,,. wu from 1 fancle macl\lne do "I this, on 1 deshop "' m1 donn ,_,.. •
`In th- doyt, prople who rtn weblltti-Gl2ny of dJem with J'llinhml
`t«luucal .. nyo-wac DO( UKid 10 thdr .,,,. bdnc cnwlcd S.X..C c! them
`would lock •• thwlop.•nd- frequent ¥WI> from ..-.IWlfQrd.ccN,and
`sutpt<t th•t the uru"""'ty ••• tornrhow UCIIU!J that ln!armaDOJL 0...
`.. om•n &om \\ )'OilUI1J ronDCud l'•se data:dt to demand 1M( h<> ucp..
`bu• Gqle\ "b<.t" kept owtlnr Sh< d1>C'<Wfl<ld !hat tlrctor vltdo Molifta
`wu the prOj<a\ od~ and ca!lcd him. dwJiac th.c die swWnt C'lliD
`ru•rr ..... doong l<mble thlnp 10 her _,I ...... lie tncd 10 csplaln 10 hu
`that ban• <nwlcd u 1 h.umlm. nondatn>Ctlft l'fO"duzr, but she'd ha'11
`n<>l\e oi ·~ She e.o!ltd the dtf»rttDC<II cboor and the Sa""nl ..,..,!J' ffin
`In cho ry, complamantt cuuld bloclr crt..trn by puUlftJ 1 ~Ide pteCC of
`code on theor lit<t called /roboti.Ut, but cbc """W<bmaum ,...,..,, It
`ctpavc co the C'OOCtpl "Lany 1od ~'I"Y £"'·~that pn>pk rouldn\
`6.l!ll"' oc" lrobou.Oit," .. ,.. \\100Jfod, "bvo 111 tbe ODd, they ocnu ly bulll
`'" uchDlon ll>t, whoth they oil Jn \ """' to> • f ,.., then. l'•p .ad Brill be
`li'""'d tn • self"'CtYYaal)'ttml tim worhd In oai<.ICITUlJ ftlt popab(cid:173)
`llandct~funl uchwons ...., anathema.
`linn •nd Par fell Into 1 pattttn eof raptrl "'"""i ottd blll>dlinf
`h the pap for a gJ.-cn query ..., ... 1101 quu~ In the pn>p<t ankr, tbq'd
`~o bod to the aiKntothm mol see wh>t had JOII< 11't011C h wu • lnd;y
`b.olooon• oct to...,,.. doe pn>f>cr W<llhlll to cbc ........,.apu~o. "\uu do
`lhc nnlMs •runalll, and thrn,..,.. loot. •• the Ia< .ad ..,., 'An lh.y in tlst
`nght otdc:r>' II thry'rc nut, we .. fjwt tbo rtn\.lng, aod then rou' rcluc, 'Ob
`tbit loob really good,' • ,.)'1 Pap. P•s• OU<d 1M nnklnJ lor cbc u,........t
`ol "IIM'VJJI}'" • 1 lumw IOL lie paid ponlalbr ottcnaoa 10 the rdnln
`nniing of hla •lma macer, ,\tldti,an. and hi; currelll Khool, :Otonford. 11t1n
`•nd P•a• aaumed dtn StanlorJ """ld be nnL:d ru,t>cr, but Mkhlpn
`topped It, Wu dut a Haw on d>e 111onthml So "Wt decided WI Mt<hl
`pn h1d tllOtC SNit QJ1 the web, and don ..... ~1.1·," 13)'0 p ...
`l1us l~<ung sh•...-..1 dtc power of P•geRank. It nude B•<kRub much
`mt>rc -ful dtJn tho rault>11>u'd l"'llrom the commeniJJ tCUCh encm ..
`lll-..-n~ •IJ


`sopad lalso&
`. . . . . . . . . . . . . .
`I ~~ -.sed........, .......
`1Delr lilt .. wallllic.s wtbe"wls
`Tbc 1iiabcr-~ .......... IBID ia AlaV- -w pw,..
`dw 0rept CasllOrfiw()pdas. .... ...0. I ......... ._ . , . . dsas-
`m AlDVUa 9fi sr wisD lliild W. dsor wids tbe ,.,. ..,.. ... ...a.
`·-a.~p•P•PIFwf.rtc:Mtwanl IS
`twice in d>e b-HUisso. "Thotcloaso\ .... ..., - . • Pip .............
`~a~ ....... ...., tDpclllliDar WiiuCUil) wid& I h '" p a
`,.. olsosslcl """ 'lliljar J
`...... - - -
`"'I ,.. -
`- .•• Ol1d dso .... Pip- I I !lei "''mlilso, .... .., ladl 1'*
`....,..n..,.._ .... ,_._...,...
`in biiiiWI campsslel' lssler- wlsicls ;...,. hruds, dsoc dse -
`• -
`Uosil dsot m== tbe Silk ol ""'S'pti .. 1 lilt o( as.ioa 'jw...:
`.,.zhD I
`1' ;cd 11rF---.
`W .... _...........roJI
`for liiOildsa ID clo jaada II,..-to "" ... .-Is I
`N. s-

`" " " - .... be .. food It .......... SKI'-..... . • -
`d adscr 6saon. n.s ,...d ......
`pri .................... fxssltr, ..... ...
`oo's--•• ..... ..._ Tbcaddo._ lawd>ota nsadae..W
`cnal: OUI I_ , . . . ,....t willa slso pt War o( I ...:J ..... ..-.1
`c:iJUa. BsstBsckRobbcw ...... .._tdsooc., ri:s &,... .... .._
`s af,.. C..u ... lissb aooood .,. dse web
`.,. W
`m tslao od
`impli<isly pcocked a nU:Iatr .._-""-' .... ...,......., ol•s •
`edison or lowe' IJ __,IIISI.Id _...,wish. Lmy Ptre _. S....,
`Bna Is..: 'csncl- .... ID _,. dsor bscwl ¥ boforc slso m5 m ...
`rocrinol-"'+-...:-a.J ....... ...p.._..,.._..._st
`"The wlsole 6eld ........... blladen.".,....
`cJ... wbolsad boas a........., o/Jany
`A8lir SiaalsaL M
`I loll Lolso I
`Sol-. .... __ ..... ......, dlsl .......... peopiewlso--
`......,.j.., people lib-........... Wid> .... ........, ••
`Lany Pace- -
`tbe...., ....- iJs 1996 ... raliled .... ..,.. .....
`....0,.- FWUW
`e afslsoweb....:.:leod., a •
`dsc liak.,.
`...,. "' find iasl\a
`Ia ... -o f ... ,_, • ,_. ........ ..
`ocieolia ........ J• !Ciej ...... .m-1 ia Calilonsio "' ...... )WI ...
`.......,..,.,. "lo :sli;s •IIM'I-""'-mAiaas8!!m,• dse .......
`.., edp of S..SJ-, Wills 1 -PisD &om MIT, 1se bad aloeodyocccpllll
`... ajabiD•a I:
`Jl . . . .


`:Klemberg decided ro look a< web ,.,.rcl>. The c:onunercal openooru
`didn~ ,.,em effecove enough and were further babbled by spam. Alta vista's
`results m particular were becommg 1.,, U>eful because websu:es had gamed
`it by "•·ord r.tuffing"-1nserung mulople repetioons of d<SU'llbleltq.'WOI'Cis,
`often in uwio1ble tat .a: chc bottom of che .. -.b po~ "The recumng rc(cid:173)
`fr.tin," "'Y" Kleinberg, •,.,, th>t s<>n:h c.loesn't work." But he had an Uttu·
`ition of a more effective approach. "One thing that WJ'i nol beins used ar
`all..., !he f>ct thn dte web wu a ne"''"k, • hen}.,_ "You could find people
`saying in dte aodcmic popm tiut linb ou&J>t to be l2kn advmnse of, but
`by 1996 itstill hadn't b"n."
`Klcmberg beJ!lln to play aroWtd with wnys to anal)'7.e links. Sonce be
`didn't have the ~ssisunce. the retOurct't, the tim~ or [he 1r:clinawm, ht
`di.dn t a<t<mpt to inda lhe ennn: •eb for his link 1lllllym. Instead he did
`• land of prtw:ash. He typed a query in!<> Aln \\sr., took the nest rwo hr.t~·
`dred result~, :tnd d:ten U.'lt>d that sub~[ fnr h1s own sat..:h.
`lntcre>tinglv. the be>< results for c.lte query were oitcn not Included Jn
`<hose Alu\Tuu tolunom. For inswtoe, If you typed an "newspaper." Alu·
`\"~><> wou!J not give you links for Tht .Vn;o Ycri Tmtt1 01 Th U:..bmgtn
`/Wt. "Th.t\ aot surpri<ing, becawe Alt•Visto i' •bout rrua:h1ng llrtngs,
`and unl~l! Tht Ntt11 Y11rk Ti•IIU happened tn o;ay, 'I'm • ntW>'JY.lp•r'' Alta Vi">
`io not g01ng to find ·~ • KJetnberg trpl>ulS. But, he JU>pectcd, he'd h>ve
`'""re ""'~'I he c:bed:ed out what th.,.. 200 oites pointed to. "."unong chose
`200 peopl,. who were 1-~)'1ng 'ne'W)-popen,' someoru:: wt.S go&ng to pomt to
`Tb~ NrtJJ J~.,.,E- Ttme$," he 511)'"'. "In f:acr, a bunch of people were going to pomt
`to Tbt ,•lr.. I'"* Tilwrr, because among those 100 piJICS wtre IlNne people
`wbo really Hcd m col !oct linb fur Dewspopers on the ..-.h. [{you pulled
`on thooc linb. and zot • set of 5,000 to 10,000 of !hem, tn a smsc, yo•'d
`h;ave a vote, The WIOnl!r would be th~ om~ with thr. 11l(l5t i.n-llnb from
`the group • It "" dtc ume ligbthulb that had brightened over Larry
`Page\ bead.
`Sorr:..,me m December 1996, Kleinberg p
`the bab= n&J>L One
`of his fovunt< queries w .11 "Oiymri'-"" The summer rmcs had been held
`in Atlanta lholl year, anJ there we~ rhom1nds of mrs that in .liomc way
`dealt with tht- •' eonu~:srs.. the pohtu$. the bomb dtst .t dome:UJC' ter·
`rorist had o!utcd. The AltaVJSt> results for chilt kqwond ven nJJicd wnh
`spam and frtrt useless. But Klc.1nbcrg; top resulr wu rhe ufficitl
`Olympu:s <lte.
`Kleinberg began ohow1ng W. breakthrough uoor.d IBM. 1m m•mg·
`en qwcldy put him m touch "'th the patent~ Mnst peopk roc-k a
`Tilt WORtl ICCOIOIIIG 10 COOGit • 15


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`-b,· 107' 1 Goock CIIJ'DCC"I'I \'P "\\c •
`bno • "'1'7 ol
`'"""""-' dut\- d.crc or • ......,. .. '"'011 p:mlbly Jt1.'" •
`110 be .. cbt II) dut orjp>al .. por'.>lc bcx!llll
`jintcn~ltiO ... oad 111m '" -
`10 OfJUIUC dw ID
`I WFf
`""" af!iDMtdriO nnk..
`.. ,,&:ieat• -
`dJ ,U jc could ID ICtc. dooR plp U I
`ptle Rq!lu..l
`cau111 caacao~ C-ooP probt
`OUI 1 form 10 -
`chc b1za. Samnima
`bow 1D
`that nn ..tla> _, rilit • ~ rwwnt ill chc
`bllpoJt or 1 mrdlo p 011..,. bl.e Adobe\
`loolt buidc lhooe pi'Oiflftll """ .n OUt chc
`lot ~toO.
`~ ~ dunntt rt<DfDIIIOG 1D 6,ptW
`ocrumula~ ol .U ~ ~ ka,U>cft<d
`111 compcUIDn. oad dw dtdc of nrty .clopttn who
`nmtlllllyi<>'Md by dw -
`[ftll Goop\ -ct- coqonnon had
`1 oarr nh•nr ,...a.t. "ID dw
`...... cbe urly - to n , jUtlloicw cbcm ... • NJ'I
`ol dloot people .. be """
`....,. \
`PJrciUlli \ pn.. (oad 111 or1po1 ""' 1 rc -
`llpOIL ('t'1w lmll Ia duo taW
`""" dut oocund urodO<J-tlT
`lridJnt tbt ~ But .. Coop bcamt me enc plKc !hot
`al ~ looked b iabnuuoa oa ohc>W!II II>CWm comw~-.
`.,.,lldl,aaG thcmodtn. chc mkn wue nbed.
`mp r •ho fOI>Ad blmadf 11 1M «nttt of 1M
`" ' 1n ifttCt«atcJr ooclal """'1)'-CiJht.,..,..old M 1
`In dx """"'" of 1999, ht wu pumDI1J • doc!Dntr
`ol Nonb C.
`,... wlom ht p
`.., • •
`11111Ck ..-Jth hb
`Cootie niWir whit u peld ~ lte p • rotpor!M 10
`rnul ~ lnfot liiiiiOII . . aile ,..., ocnJ..tlr oq!JIUU:ta
`Quu 'IO'ml
`I I ~ ofthp
`lib dJ<:oia,
`--·~ '"\\Quid 7011"" 10 be "' ICt.M
`,, •• ~::
`:ioop4.Mtu 101M !Jbc- klttilifi, ht ftnr
`for the compony\ !noptq wbm Coop
`up m ...... ol
`llt:ydotllboanl mottls oa FJ Cam"" RaJ \ UAf G:.op bod
`•bod by chc ocae ~ wortinJ 01 hop!toadl)'
`ht .,... tal
`Ill IQ
`11!1 . . . --·.-J ll


`placed <;~whone detb ;and <he directo.- of engmeering, Urs llolzlc. pb)ing
`al11gh·tech game of fetch with hls huge dog, moking the floppy beast chase
`cbe beam of a laser pointer In the whirl of inte.rvicwio, CuttS would remem(cid:173)
`ber 011< question: ·H.,.,.> your UNIX lamg fu'" (lf.\.lX bem~ a pop1llar
`openung sy>~em u,od in many of Coogle~ operations.) "My v~1X Ieung
`fu "•trnng," Cutts replied, deadpan
`lie gor thtJOb, though his fioncce wouldn't move to Califorrua unles.
`rhey mamed immediucly, A1rn a courthouse wc:.!Jing :md a C".oribbe:m
`hooeymoon, bride •nd groom drove •cross <he countty co Cutu's """'JOb
`in January 2000, when: he sat in a c:ublcle outSide Lmy md S<rsey's offioe.
`Eventually he fount! lumself tn an office with Amit Singhal, Ben Gomes,
`and Kr,.hna Bharat It waslili: entering <he high temple of sean:h
`Cutts's 6nt JOb •as helpang 10 er«te ' product called SafeSean:b,
`wluch would allow people tO bloclr pornography from sun:h «>Uit>. G<:t·
`cing rid of unwonted pom was alway• a priocty for Coogle. Irs first sttempt
`was to construct a b>t of 6ve hundred or so n"'ty words. But in 2000,
`Co rle gota contnct to P""'de ..,.n:h to a provtdcr dutwonted tO ofkra
`famtly . ~;are version of se:udJ to io a~.-.c.oma1. (t nc:cded ro '5tcp up its game..
`Bnn and Page asked Cutts how he fdt •bout pom. lle'd ruwe to see a lot of
`it co produce a .sy~tem to filttr it out of Google.
`Cutts >Skcd hlt colleagues tO help him loate •dult websucs so be
`could ocna "gn•l to bctttr idenary and block them. but evel')'OIIe ,...,
`roo busy. "No one WJI! hdp me loo>k for porn:• he compl.un. J tv hi> wife
`one night. She volw>tccred tO b:lke cbocolore chip coolcies for Cutts to
`award ttl Cooglers who found porn •nes thatslipped through CutiS's block·
`ade At the ome, G•>Q~k was updaung the mda once a monlh. and before
`the n<W version wat n:le.sed, CuttJ ..-ould h<>lt • Look lor Porn O..y,
`bringing in his spouse~ confections. 111She~ still known as the pom cookie
`Indy •• Coogle." he"'>"·
`The major porn"'"' ..-ere fine with the proeeu, they l:n..., ;,,.._,bad
`for them whCIJ sean:hen unintenll<>naliy sru:nbletl upoo thw ~>-.reltouses
`of >in. malong them' urger for muclaakers and publicirr-seelong lcgisb·
`tors.. Out not all such ,liites were good citizens. C\ttts noticed thu one nasty
`site U><:d some clever methods ro game Coogle'• block1ng S}"tem anrl score
`hl~ m scan::h n:suln. •Jt "'1110 e~'1)pcra.,g mucnent. • says Ctltb. "Page(cid:173)
`JUnk •nd tinlr: amlysu may be spam-rw;tant, but nothing is !pom ·proof.•
`·r he went f-ar beyond porn. Coogle had won il! r.udience in
`pan because it had been effective in eliotinning 'ic:arch spam. Hu1 now that
`Coogle was the domirunt means of finding thinr on the lnt<met. a high
`liTH! PUI


`for , ,;veo keyword could drive millio~• of dollars of bu.,UlCS! to
`wert now spcodmg nme. energy, and tcchnic:al wir.ardry ID dO"
`On>ln>Ct GooJlc\ ~ and arnfidally booot poge nnk. The prtet~ce
`ailed scorch cng'.ne opmruuoon. or SEO. You coold see tbelT hondo·
`,.·hen you 1)-ped in the IWlle of a luotcl The website of the acwal
`would nor appear on the lint pag.:. ln<tnd, the top result> w~ul<l be
`[001jnoi<O by comporues specialwng on hor<l boo long>. 71us made Google
`u~tlul. Cute< went to Wayne Rosing on~ told him that the comp•ny
`needed to work on sroppong 5pam. Ro<ing told hlm co go ohcuol
`A deloure bal•nce was required. Legitimate businesses u well u
`onca partook on the sport. lli~hly p11d coi1SIIItants Died to rcvuse
`PageRank and other Goosle ttthniquc:s. Evm am.>~ could
`Ill the hunt fur "Goo~Je juiCe., • buying boob like $urrf U&"fl
`pPtomt:ltrel• fit' o-ia The conJurers of d111 field would ~thor ~~Cttt~l
`a year at col"':.ftrences. wi.tll h•1td bJllroon'ls pried ro the g~lb with
`irtbma<l<rt •nd consultant>.
`(;nogle m:untaincd that cemun SF.O mcrhocb-such a5 making tuarr:
`the o;ubject m:atter of tbe page Wll!t rc:Rc:cted in the ode and convincmg:
`[wc:lnroa,o.c,.. ol popubr wehsu:u 10 put lonks to your site when relev.out(cid:173)
`good for me ... eb on gencrol. 'llus bqtged the question: if. wcb:.itc
`to hire OOO"ide bdp to improve il3 ranking-<. ...,n~ that 1 f.&!lure of
`c-.oogoc, wbOS< JOb it ;. to find the best .....Its Cor il5 ""'"· DO IM!t<l how
`mfomubca o. fonmaed or •-ho IIlla ro it?
`"I dull)~ no one would need w learn SEO at a:t,• Cwu AJ'o ·a.,: the
`nth" n cnm and people will be tr . .;ng to promote themselves, so you
`to l•c • pllrt of the convcrs:anon •nd <>y, "Hore are ><>me ~ood ethical
`ro do. Here 1re some things thlot are very high rnk Stay aw•r from
`Cuut would adnut dlac becau!lc nol everyone has SEU experuse,
`IOO:erime• Google u.ndernnb worthy "te>. One enmple was flono~ti: the
`'"Elkl 1\:cL·zc.n .. '1"1nt \\o"U not;~ n .. me but:~ German emelle rn.arua
`(hr..t~~ " the Ge:m.n word for "nnJ:es"), wbooe pn::sencc ,....
`;ihamelcuJy luw :n nllilnsa for keywmcb tl>2t shoold hove WJeOrthcd Its a·
`products. 71us matter WIIS duntpcd 00 Amlt Sonpal, wbo latlllched
`ullgorio!uoue renmp of the thrc.hold by which Google tran>b:cd part oC
`u11o •nother Lmgu•ge. a solution thor resolved • whole category of
`~ troublc:'IOIID< '""~"·
`A l"''l><tual •nus race Wl> wagcol loccween Googlc~ search 'l'"lory
`and c:omp:~mes aru.ciLing tl'lt: "f'ltem ror gain. For severol yr.:Hr.,

`llil WOIID .W:IIll " TD &QGQI • U


`utc ro "-"1"* theJT ads on • re.ults page triggered by Ur!(ttcu
`new sptcm aJkcd advtmsers to panictpate an J.n luctJon
`haw much !hey would pay c--.11 umc wmconc drclcJ
`•d \\"hat~ more, by mnrdu>g be= ad$ the n.,. qstem
`haPI".rl>)· mcreasmg the odds tbar ,.-fut appeared oa the page
`10 th<JT qucn.s. The systm~ enforced Co<rOSics rnsutcna: dut
`houldn't be a tnJUKDon between pcblishcr and odv~r but
`lV .,,J .. :oruhrp thu .tso rncluded tbc user.
`11 """k] for one thing, cs..:uong the l)'lt<m "" 1 huge
`rh.rlkngc. hcl') .1ul\\'ur.b Sclcrt •·' "-ould be the ,.,nncr
`ilUCtliJtl r~quJnng the ezecu00n of 2i COm(11JC:UrJ turmub ll\~
`he ~.:onductcd 1n n.c.aJth1 gcncnncd the anu.ant 10mtonc
`lnt•> the (;.)Ogle search holt, wtth the r<Sult •h<mn rn a
`ttctnnd. 111
`] don't know the number ol lltlc.;UOnl th.-t we run
`(nr purrust\ of argumCJ1t. U.!ic a bilhon Qr 1 hundred tnilhon:
`"'\\"e run rruan~ more 1.uc:oon!'i th.1n an)'Ofte cb.e on the pl:antt
`"'"them rn real wne, we run one aucnon pu ad per pogc, and
`by the nwnbcrs of :uls per pogc. It'• 1 phenomcrul number
`, bccatne of Ia rent)·, you hs,.., to do tlus ''a')', 'I'CI)' qu~cltl)."
`f, r C .oogle, n-.n rn ZOO!, when the new l)'ltcm •ns com·
`comp.any ,..., frn•noll) IOCU>ed on huge compuauorul le:ats
`at dru)lng 'l'c:cd on • pbtfurm of rhousonds of computcn, so 11
`klp rhe rcchnnlogy nurdlc.
`<h.,Uen.!!" ""' geltltlg skcpucol CU$tomer1 of rhc ongm•l
`lcJve J S}5lcm they wotre luppy \11th 10 tty th,. con•phtat<tl
`J•nu•ry N, 2002, Google te.tcd AJ\\'vrth Sd-.r b) oltormg
`"'''"'''""'«'··In o>rdcr [Q lure them II) the ne" PIOMillll, C:ooslc
`dock it pl~rc:d ads bought under the new \J\\'nrdi Select 1)'1•
`fowor .tblc pmaUun' than the adverti~N h-1tl .lrh!.tll)' 11.a1d (ur.
`ld1,\'or d' ~!ltOmtrs wou1d say. '"How do "·e get co f'Cl\111nn one:''
`'Oh, you "gn up to this system mer h<re.' They,...,.., srgn•
`><> 11 reJII)' "mpli.6ed our lives," .. ~., \'e><h. Spurred by
`from lughcr poslhon<, ·~ l>qpn spenJ•ns more
`new sy>tcm-and ~g ~rlr be ltcr n:mnu. \\ ithin a
`11mply pulled tbe phrg on the oW CP.\1 syucm o11<l ~nt all
`an <marl rnfornung them of the chan~c:.
`potnt on, cevt:nuc from the nght·h.uul Stde of Coogle's
`1'"11•-wh,ch h>tl pi'1"VVoosly c:on•nrurcd onl) 10 to IS pu.:ent
`t<rkc:, "''th the bulk coming from the: drrec1 .... , of prenuwn


`·~ nswg. That area of screen r«l eslate, wluch had pr<""o•..,.l
`been n:gudtd os th• """ng >ide of <he mcl:s in Coogle land. had been
`fanned as •uddenly •nd dr:u:noncally as South Beach after 1\.bdonna
`a condo then:. It w2m't JUSt titde guys with credit cardt buying AdWordt
`Iocr ~ariorul corpor•llom ru<h as Proct<r & G>mblc and C<Ja-Cnjjt.._.,
`b1ddmg at ligures that exceeded th<>:se coming from the corpo,.tions
`lucl been ocxupting >loiS in <he premium program. "There w>S delini1:clv:
`bit of a eonA1ct there, bee.= now 30Jile of the Ultenul >~lespeople
`deal with Ad Words, alm0$t 3fl1!nst th•ir will," soys Vt:~ch.
`In ~n)· ase, Coogle wu n:apm~ mvuds, ond 2001 was iiS ••••• "'""•
`able yeu. "That's re:~lly sa11>fyang," Brin soid 11 the lime. "Honesdy,
`we wore still in lhe dor-com boom days, I felt like a schmuck. I had an
`o:me• star-·~ did CYel)-body else. It wt> "nprol

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