Combinatorial Algorithms for Web Search Engines- Three Success Stories
`Monilrn. Henzinger*
`a way that_(l) reduc~s the_nurnber_of ma,chilles needed,_
`and (2) maximizes the number of user queries that can
`be answered. The resulting optimization problem and
`algo~ithms to solve it are discussed in Section 4.
`How much can smart combinatorial algorithms improve web
`search engines? To address this question we will describe
`three algorithms that have had a positive impact on web
`search engines: The PageRank algorithm, algorithms for
`Hyperlink Analysis
`finding near-duplicate web pages, and algorithms for index 2
`The first generation web search engines performed
`server loadbalancing.
`quite poorly, especially for broad queries or homepage
`searches. For a given user query they found hundreds
`or thousands of documents containing the keywords of
`the query, but they rarely returned the most relevant
`documents first. The problem was that they employed
`techniques that were developed and tested on a very dif(cid:173)
`ferent set of documents, namely on homogeneous, high(cid:173)
`quality collections, like newspaper collections. On the
`web, however, the quality of pages is highly variable and
`techniques are needed to find the highest-quality pages
`that contain the query keywords. PageRank [2] is one
`such technique. It is defined as follows. A web graph
`(V,E) contains one node for every web page and a di(cid:173)
`rected edge from u to v in E iff there is a hyperlink from
`the page represented by node u to the page represented
`by node v. Let n = [VI be the total number of web
`pages, let d be a small constant, like 1/8, let outdeg(v)
`denote the outdegree of node v and let PR(u) denote
`the PageRank value of the page represented by node u.
`Then the PageRank of the page represented by node v
`is defined recursively as
`With an estimated 20% of the work population being
`online web search has become a huge application, only
`surpassed by email in the number of users. Being
`a fairly new research area an obvious question what
`combinatorial research problems arise in web search
`engines and how much combinatorial algorithms have
`already contributed to the success of web search engines.
`In this paper we will present three "success stories",
`i.e., three problem areas where combinatorial algorithms
`have had a positive impact.
`The biggest "success story" is certainly the PageR(cid:173)
`ank algorithm [2], which can be viewed as the stationary
`distribution of a special random walk on the web graph.
`It led to a significant improvement in search quality
`and gave rise to the creation of the Google search en(cid:173)
`gine. Google currently serves about half of all the web
`searches. Furthermore, together with the IITTS algo(cid:173)
`rithm [12] the PageRank algorithm initiated research
`in hyperlink analysis on the web, which has become a
`flourishing area of research. We will briefly describe
`PageRank in Section 2.
`Combinatorial techniques were also successfully ap(cid:173)
`plied to the problem of finding near-duplicate web
`pages. Both the shingling algorithm [4, 5] and a
`projection-based approach [6] are used by or were cre(cid:173)
`ated at successful web search engines. We will discuss
`them and their practical performance in Section 3.
`Web search engines build a data structure, called
`inverted index, to answer user queries. This data
`structure stores a record for every word in every web
`page that the web search engine "has indexed", i.e., that
`it can return as search result. When indexing billions or
`tens of billions of web pages the inverted index has to be
`distributed over many machines (called index servers) in
`---&Ole Polytechnique Federal de Lausanne (EPFL) & Google
`PR(v) =d/n+(1-d)*
`u with (u,v)EE
`Solving this system of linear equations is equivalent
`to determining the Eigenvector of a suitably chosen
`matrix. However, in practice, the PageRank values are
`not computed exactly, but instead the system of linear
`equation is solved iteratively using roughly a hundred
`The value d/n which is added to PageRank value of
`every vertex in each iteration is called the reset value.
`One idea for a variant of PageRank is to not give the
`same reset values to all pages. For example, one can
`give all pages on a certain topic a high reset value, and
`set all remaining pages a reset value of 0. This would
`result in a "topic-flavored" PageRank value. Pushing
`this idea even further a "personalized PageRank" can
`Facebook, Inc. eta/.
`Software Rights Archive, LLC
`CASE IPR2013-00481


`be computed if the reset value of all pages describing
`best a user’s interest are given a positive reset value,
`and the reset value of all other pages was set to zero.
`How to achieve this efficiently has been a popular area
`of research, see e.g. [13]. See the excellent survey by
`Berkhin [3] for further details, variants, and related
`work in the area of hyperlink analysis.
`3 Finding Near-Duplicate Web Pages
`Duplicate and near-duplicate web pages are creating
`large problems for web search engines: They increase
`the space needed to store the index, either slow down
`or increase the cost of serving results, and annoy the
`users. Thus, algorithms for detecting these pages are
`A naive solution is to compare all pairs to doc-
`uments, but this is prohibitively expensive for large
`datasets. Manber [14] and Heintze [10] were the first
`to propose algorithms for detecting near-duplicate doc-
`uments with a reduced number of comparisons. Both
`algorithms work on sequences of adjacent characters.
`Brin et al. [1] started to use word sequences to de-
`tect copyright violations.
`Shivakumar and Garcia-
`Molina [16],[17] continued this work and focused on scal-
`ing it up to multi-gigabyte databases [18].
`Later Broder et al. [4],[5] and Charikar [6] devel-
`oped approaches based on solid theoretical foundations.
`Broder reduced the near-duplicate problem to a set in-
`tersection problem. Charikar used random projections
`to reduce the near-duplicate problem to the problem of
`determining the overlap in two high-dimensional vec-
`tors. Both Broder’s and Charikar’s algorithms were ei-
`ther developed at or used by popular search engines
`and are considered the state-of-the-art in finding near-
`duplicate web pages. We call them Alg. B and Alg. C
`and describe them next.
`Both algorithms assume that each web page is con-
`verted into a sequence of tokens, each token representing
`a word in the page. For each page they generate a bit
`string, called sketch from the token sequence and use it
`to determine the near-duplicates for the page.
`Let n be the length of the token sequence of a page.
`For Alg. B every subsequence of k tokens is fingerprinted
`using 64-bit Rabin fingerprints [15], resulting in a se-
`quence of n − k + 1 fingerprints, called shingles. Let
`S(d) be the set of shingles of page d. Alg. B makes the
`assumption that the percentage of unique shingles on
`(cid:3) agree, i.e.
`|S(d)∪S(d(cid:2))|, is a
`which the two pages d and d
`good measure for the similarity of d and d
`. To approxi-
`mate this percentage every shingle is fingerprinted with
`m different fingerprinting functions fi for 1 ≤ i ≤ m
`that are the same for all pages. This leads to n − k + 1
`values for each fi. For each i the smallest of these val-
`ues is called the i-th minvalue and is stored at the page.
`Thus, Alg. B creates an m-dimensional vector of minval-
`ues. Note that multiple occurrences of the same shingle
`will have the same effect on the minvalues as a single
`occurrence. Broder showed that the expected percent-
`age of entries in the minvalues vector that two pages
`(cid:3) agree on is equal to the percentage of unique
`d and d
`(cid:3) agree. Thus, to estimate
`shingles on which d and d
`the similarity of two pages it suffices to determine the
`percentage of agreeing entries in the minvalues vectors.
`To save space and speed up the similarity computation
`the m-dimensional vector of minvalues is reduced to a
`(cid:3)-dimensional vector of supershingles by fingerprinting
`non-overlapping sequences of minvalues: Let m be di-
`(cid:3) and let l = m/m
`. The concatenation of
`visible by m
`minvalue j ∗ l, . . . , (j + 1) ∗ l − 1 for 0 ≤ j < m
`(cid:3) is fin-
`gerprinted with yet another fingerprinting function and
`is called supershingle. This creates a supershingle vec-
`tor. The number of identical entries in the supershingle
`vectors of two pages is their B-similarity. Two pages
`are near-duplicates of Alg. B or B-similar iff their B-
`similarity is at least 2.
`In order to test this property
`efficiently megashingles are introduced. Each megash-
`ingle is the fingerprint of a pair of supershingles. Thus,
`two pages are B-similar iff they agree in at least one
`megashingles. To determine all B-similar pairs in a set
`of pages, for each page all megashingles are created,
`the megashingles of all pages are sorted, and all pairs
`of pages with the same megashingle are output. The
`sketch of a document consists thus of a concatenation
`of all the megashingles. When applying the algorithm
`(cid:3) = 6, and
`to a large set of web pages usually m = 84, m
`k = 10 [8].
`Alg. C is based on random projections. Its intuition
`is as follows: Consider a high-dimensional space where
`every possible token gives rise to a dimension. The
`token vector of a page is a vector in this space where
`the entry for each token is the frequency of the token
`in the document. This creates a mapping from pages
`to points in this space. The probability that the points
`representing two pages lie on the same side of a random
`hyperplane through the origin is proportional to the
`angle between the two points [9], which is equal to
`the cosine-similarity of the two pages. Thus, picking
`b random hyperplanes and determining the percentage
`of times where the points lie on different sides gives an
`unbiased estimator for the cosine similarity.
`Alg. C can be implemented as follows. Each
`token is projected into b-dimensional space by randomly
`choosing b entries from the range [−1, 1]. This creates
`a token vector. Note that the i-th entry in all the
`token vectors represents the i-th random hyperplane.


`The token vector is fixed for the token throughout the
`algorithm, i.e., it is the same for all pages. For each page
`a b-dimensional page vector is created by adding the
`token vectors of all the tokens in the token sequence of
`the page such that the projection of a token that appears
`j times in the sequence is added j times. The sketch
`for the page is created by setting every positive entry
`in the page vector to 1 and every non-positive entry
`to 0, resulting in a random projection for each page.
`The sketch has the property that the cosine similarity
`of two pages is proportional to the number of bits in
`which the two corresponding projections agree. Thus,
`the C-similarity of two pages is the number of bits their
`sketches agree on. Two pages are near-duplicates of
`Alg. C or C-similar iff the number of agreeing bits in
`their sketches lies above a fixed threshold t. Note that
`this is equivalent to saying that the sketches disagree
`in at most b − t bits. To compute all C-similar pairs
`efficiently the sketch of every page is split into b − t + 1
`disjoint pieces of equal length. The piece augmented
`with its number in the split is called a subsketch. Note
`that if two pages are C-similar, i.e., they disagree in at
`most b − t bits then they must agree in at least one of
`the b − t + 1 subsketches. Thus, to determine all C-
`similar pairs the subsketches of all the documents are
`generated, sorted by subsketch, and the sketch overlap
`is computed for every pair with the same subsketch.
`This guarantees that all pairs which agree in at least t
`are found.
`We briefly compare the two algorithms. Both
`algorithms assign the same sketch to pages with the
`same token sequence. Alg. C ignores the order of the
`i.e., two pages with the same set of tokens
`have the same bit string. Alg. B takes the order into
`account as the shingles are based on the order of the
`tokens. Alg. B ignores the frequency of shingles, while
`Alg. C takes the frequency of tokens into account. For
`both algorithms there can be false positives (non near-
`duplicate pairs returned as near-duplicates) as well as
`false negatives (near-duplicate pairs not returned as
`A recent evaluation on 1.6B web pages [11] showed
`that the percentage of correct near-duplicates returned
`out of all returned near-duplicates, i.e., the precision,
`is about 0.5 for Alg C and 0.38 for Alg. B. To allow
`for a “fair” comparison both algorithms were given the
`same amount of space per page, the parameters of Alg.
`B were chosen as given in the literature (and stated
`above), and the threshold t in Alg. B was chosen
`so that both algorithms returned roughly the same
`number of correct answers, i.e., at the same recall level.
`Specifically, b = 384 and t = 372.
`Both algorithms performed about the same for pairs
`on the same site (low precision) and for pairs on different
`sites (high precision.) However, 92% of the near-
`duplicate pairs found by Alg. B belonged to the same
`site, but only 74% of Alg. C. Thus, Alg. C found more
`of the pairs for which precision is high and hence had
`an overall higher precision.
`The comparison study also determined the number
`of near-duplicates N(u) of each page u. The plot of the
`distribution of N(u) in log-log scale showed that N(u)
`follows for both algorithms a power-law distribution
`with almost the same slope. However, Alg. B has a
`much “wider spread” around the power law curve than
`Alg. C. This might be due to the fact that Alg. B
`computes the sketch of a page based on a random subset
`of the shingles of the page. Thus, “unlucky” choices of
`this random subset might lead to a large number of
`near-duplicates being returned for a page. The sketch
`computed by Alg. C is based on all token occurrences
`on a page and thus it does not exhibit this problem.
`4 Index Server Loadbalancing
`Web search engines build a data structure, called in-
`verted index, to answer user queries. This data struc-
`ture stores a record for every word in every web page
`that the web search engine “has indexed”, i.e., that it
`can return as search result. When indexing billions or
`tens of billions of web pages the inverted index has to be
`index servers, in
`distributed over many machines, i.e.
`a way that (1) reduces the number of machines needed,
`and (2) maximizes the number of user queries that can
`be answered. For serving user requests efficiently it
`is best to distribute the inverted index by partition-
`ing the set of documents into subsets and by building
`a complete inverted index for each subset. The latter
`is called a subindex. The challenge is to partition the
`documents in such a way that (a) each subindex fits on
`a machine, and (b) the time to serve requests is bal-
`anced over all involved machines. Note that each user
`request has to be sent to every subindex. However, the
`time to serve a request on a subindex depends on how
`often the query terms appear in the documents of the
`subindex. Thus, if, for example, a Chinese query is sent
`to a subindex that contains only English documents, it
`will be served very quickly, while it might take a long
`time on a subindex consisting mostly of Chinese doc-
`uments. Search engines usually do a pretty good job
`splitting the documents into subsets such that the ratio
`of the total time spent serving requests for two differ-
`ent subindices is within a factor of 1 + α of each other,
`where α is less than 1. However, making α arbitrarily
`close to 0 is hard.
`Index servers are usually CPU limited while they
`have more than enough memory. To improve load-


`balancing one can thus place a subindex on multiple
`machines and then share the requests for the subindex
`between these machines, sending each request just to
`one copy of the subindex. Since individual requests
`take only a short amount of time, usually below a sec-
`ond, this allows for a very fine-grain load-balancing be-
`tween machines. However, the open questions are which
`subindices to duplicate, how to assign subindices to in-
`dex servers, and how to assign request to index servers
`when there are multiple choices.
`This problem can be modeled as follows. We
`are given m machines m1, . . . , mm and n subindices
`f1, . . . , fn. Each machine mi can store si subindices
`(cid:3) with integer n(cid:3)
`> 0. This
`i si = n + n
`such that
`(cid:3) subindices can be stored on
`implies that up to n
`multiple machines. We are given a sequence of request
`for subindices. There is a central scheduler which sends
`requests to machines. A request for subindex fj must
`be sent to a machine that stores fj to be executed on
`this machine. When machine mi executes request t and
`request t was for subindex fj, then load l(t, j, i) is put on
`machine mi. Note that the load depends on the request
`as well as on the subindex and on the machine. The
`dependence on t implies that different requests can put
`different loads on the machines, even though they are
`accessing the same subindex. The dependence on the
`machine implies that the machines can have different
`The total machine load M Li on machine mi
`the sum of all the loads put on mi. The problem
`is to assign subindices to machines and to design a
`scheduling algorithm such that the maximum machine
`load maxiM Li is minimized. Of course, one can also
`study optimizing other measures.
`j l(t, j) be the index load of fj. In the
`Let F Lj =
`web search engine setting two assumptions can be used:
`(1) Balanced request assumption: The subindices
`are usually generated so that for a long enough sequence
`of requests, the index loads are roughly balanced, i.e.,
`we assume that there is a number L such that L ≤
`F Lj ≤ (1+ α)L for all subindices fj, where α is a small,
`positive constant. However, neither L nor α are known
`to the algorithm.
`(2) Small request assumption: Each individual load
`Let β =
`l(t, j, i) is tiny in comparison to F Lj.
`maxt,j,il(t, j, i). We assume that β << F Lj for all j.
`Assume that for every machine mi, si ≥ (n div m)+
`(cid:3) ≥ 2m. Assume further that the
`2. This implies that n
`load l(t, j, i) is independent of i, i.e., l(t, j, i) = l(t, j).
`This implies that all machines have the same speed.
`We describe next an algorithm that assigns subindices
`to machines, called the layout algorithm with imaginary
`index loads. The algorithm assumes that every subindex
`has an imaginary index load of 1 and assigns the
`imaginary index load of every subindex, either whole
`or in part, to a machine. A subindex is assigned to
`a machine if at least part of its imaginary index load
`was assigned to the machine. Thus, if the imaginary
`index load of a subindex is placed on multiple machines,
`then the subindex is placed on multiple machines.
`its imaginary index load was placed completely on
`one machine, the subindex is placed only on that
`machine. The algorithm assigns imaginary index loads
`to machines so that the total
`imaginary index load
`placed on the machines are completely balanced, i.e.,
`each machine receives n/m total imaginary index load.
`When the total
`imaginary index load placed on a
`machine is n/m, the machine is called full.
`In the first step the algorithm places the complete
`imaginary index load of (n div m) arbitrary subindices
`on each machine. These subindices will only be stored
`on one machine. If m divides n, all machines are full
`and the algorithms terminates. Otherwise, no machine
`is full and the algorithm makes an arbitrary machine
`the current machine. In the second step the algorithm
`takes an unassigned subindex and puts as much of
`its imaginary index load on the current machine as
`possible, i.e., until the current machine is full or all
`the imaginary index load of the subindex has been
`In the former case an arbitrary non-full
`machine becomes the current machine, in the later case
`the second step is repeated if there are still unassigned
`Let M L∗ be the maximum machine load achieved
`for the layout algorithm with imaginary index loads
`together with a greedy scheduling algorithm and let Opt
`be the maximum machine load achieved by the optimum
`algorithm for any layout of subindices. Then,
`M L∗ ≤ 2(1 + α)Opt + 2β
`[7], i.e., the greedy scheduling algorithm with the layout
`algorithm with imaginary index loads are within a factor
`2(1 + α) of optimal.
`On real-life search engine data the greedy scheduler
`with the layout algorithm with imaginary index loads
`achieved a noticeable improvement over a greedy sched-
`uler that used a layout algorithm that duplicated hand
`chosen subindices.
`5 Conclusions
`We presented three successful applications of combina-
`torial techniques to problems arising in web search en-
`gines. Other areas in combinatorial algorithms that are
`of interest to web search engines are algorithms for pro-
`cessing data streams, lock-free data structures, and ex-
`ternal memory algorithms.


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`[11] M. Henzinger, Finding Near-Duplicate Web Pages: A
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`nual International Conference on Research and Devel-
`opment in Information Retrieval, 2006, pp. 284–291.
`[12] J. Kleinberg, Authoritative sources in a hyperlinked
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`[13] G. Jeh and J. Widom, Scaling personalized web search,
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`[14] U. Manber, Finding similar files in a large file system.
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