`Patent Owner
`IPR2013-00478 (Patent 5,544,352)
`IPR2013-00479 (Patent 5,832,494)
`IPR2013-00481 (Patent 6,233,571)
`Volume 2
`Roanoke, Virginia
`April 27, 2014
`Reported by:
`22 Mary Ann Payonk
`PAGES 279 - 561
`Veritext National Deposition & Litigation Services
`866 299-5127
`Page 279
`Facebook, Inc. et al.
`Software Rights Archive, LLC
`CASE IPR2013-00481


` April 27, 2014
` 9:00 a.m.
` Deposition of EDWARD A. FOX, Ph.D.,
` Volume 2, held at the offices of Pierce
` Reporting Company, 15 Franklin Road, SW, Suite
` 7, Roanoke, Virginia, pursuant to Notice before
` Mary Ann Payonk, Nationally Certified Realtime
` Reporter and Notary Public of the Commonwealth
` of Virginia, States of New York and Maryland,
` and District of Columbia.
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`866 299-5127
`Page 280
`1 2 3 4
`6 7


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` A P P E A R A N C E S :
` O N B E H A L F O F S O F T W A R E R I G H T S A R C H I V E , L L C :
` V I C T O R H A R D Y , E S Q U I R E
` v h a r d y @ d p e h l a w . c o m
` M I T C H Y A N G , E S Q U I R E
` m y a n g @ d p e h l a w . c o m
` D i N O V O P R I C E E L L W A N G E R & H A R D Y L L P
` 7 0 0 0 N . M o p a c E x p y , S u i t e 3 5 0
` A u s t i n , T X 7 8 7 3 1
` M A R T I N M . Z O L T I C K , E S Q U I R E
` m z o l t i c k @ r f e m . c o m
` M I C H A E L H . J O N E S , E S Q U I R E
` m j o n e s @ r f e m . c o m
` R O T H W E L L , F I G G , E R N S T & M A N B E C K P C
` 6 0 7 1 4 t h S t r e e t , N . W . , S u i t e 8 0 0
` W a s h i n g t o n , D . C . 2 0 0 0 5
` m z o l t i c k @ r f e m . c o m
` O N B E H A L F O F F A C E B O O K :
` H E I D I K E E F E , E S Q U I R E
` h k e e f e @ c o o l e y . c o m
` C O O L E Y L L P
` 3 1 7 5 H a n o v e r S t r e e t
` P a l o A l t o , C A 9 4 3 0 4
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`866 299-5127
`Page 281


` A p p e a r a n c e s ( C o n t ' d . ) :
` O N B E H A L F O F L I N K E D I N a n d T W I T T E R :
` D A V I D J . S I L B E R T , E S Q U I R E
` d s i l b e r t @ k v n . c o m
` K E K E R & V A N N E S T L L P
` 6 3 3 B a t t e r y S t r e e t
` S a n F r a n c i s c o , C A 9 4 1 1 1
` A L S O P R E S E N T :
` S t e v e O a k e s , v i d e o g r a p h e r
` P a u l J a c o b s
`2 3
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` Edward A. Fox, Ph.D.
` Examination by Mr. Hardy 284
` Exhibit 2010 . . . . . . . . 368
` Exhibit 2012 . . . . . . . . 396
` Exhibit 2013 . . . . . . . . 474
` (Previously marked)
` Exhibit 1007 . . . . . . . . 375
` Exhibit 1210 . . . . . . . . 534
`5 6
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` THE VIDEOGRAPHER: On the record at 09:05
` 9:05 a.m. This continues the deposition 09:05
` of Edward A. Fox, Ph.D., in Facebook, 09:05
` LinkedIn, Twitter versus Software Rights 09:05
` Archive LLC. 09:05
` MR. SILBERT: So we were just 09:05
` discussing off the record that 09:05
` yesterday, Dr. Fox had agreed to produce 09:05
` a list of the cases, patent cases in 09:05
` which he's testified, I believe in the 09:05
` last few years. Is that correct? 09:05
` THE WITNESS: I think actually it's 09:05
` a full list. 09:05
` MR. SILBERT: He prepared that list 09:05
` and I'm handing it to counsel. And in 09:05
` addition, Dr. Fox had consulted a 09:05
` summary of the PTAB's claim 09:05
` constructions, and we're handing a copy 09:06
` of that to counsel as well. 09:06
` THE WITNESS: I may have been 09:06
` deposed in the 1970s as a fact witness, 09:06
` but that's the -- otherwise, that's a 09:06
` complete list. 09:06
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` recalled as a witness, was examined and
` testified further as follows:
` BY MR. HARDY: 09:06
` Q. Okay. Are there any other new notes 09:06
` that you might have that you might be 09:06
` testifying from or that are contained up there 09:06
` with you during this examination that we 09:06
` haven't received previously? 09:06
` A. Nothing in front of me other than 09:06
` what we've discussed. 09:06
` MR. SILBERT: I should mention 09:06
` also -- I'm sorry, Victor -- that 09:06
` Dr. Fox had prepared some errata to his 09:06
` declaration, and we handed a copy of 09:06
` those to counsel yesterday. 09:06
` Q. Since our break yesterday, have you 09:06
` had any conversations with counsel on that side 09:06
` of the table with respect to any substance in 09:06
` this case? 09:06
` A. No. 09:07
` Q. Okay. Are you aware of anyone 09:07
` performing the methods described in your papers 09:07
` using extended vectors concerning -- containing 09:07
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` co-citation and bibliographic coupling on 09:07
` collections other than the CACM and ISI? 09:07
` MR. SILBERT: Objection, scope. 09:07
` A. Say it one more time. Am I aware of 09:07
` anyone -- 09:07
` Q. Are you aware of anyone performing 09:07
` the methods described in your paper concerning 09:07
` using the extended vector space model 09:07
` containing co-citation and bibliographic 09:07
` coupling on collections other than the CACM and 09:07
` ISI -- 09:08
` MR. SILBERT: Same objection. 09:08
` Q. -- collections. 09:08
` MR. SILBERT: Same objections. 09:08
` A. So, by performing, do you mean 09:08
` present tense? People today? Or do you mean 09:08
` someone since the time I wrote my works? 09:08
` Q. Both. 09:08
` A. Both? Okay. And you're asking me if 09:08
` the methods of having longer representations 09:08
` for similarity are being used? Is that -- I'm 09:08
` just trying to understand. Companies like 09:08
` Google and others do very similar kinds of 09:08
` things. Is that what you're getting at? 09:08
` Q. No, I'm talking about using the 09:08
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` vector space model described in the -- your 09:08
` 1983 papers, and particularly the methods that 09:08
` you guys point to for purposes of invalidating 09:08
` the claims, containing co-citation and 09:08
` bibliographic couplings extended vectors, and 09:08
` that being presented on a collection other than 09:08
` the CACM or ISI. 09:08
` MR. SILBERT: Object to the form, 09:09
` and also scope. 09:09
` A. This is a kind of memory test of 30 09:09
` years or so. Actually, more than 30 years. 30 09:09
` years of research in the field. 09:09
` I remember that Bruce Croft did some 09:09
` studies with that kind of approach, if I 09:09
` remember correctly, in the I cubed R system. I 09:09
` think he used the CACM collection per se as an 09:09
` example. 09:09
` I certainly did work in the -- with 09:09
` the LEND, MARIAN, CODER and Envision systems. 09:09
` I published a paper which has as part of the 09:09
` title REVTOLC that did some of that kind of 09:09
` thing. I'm not sure if I had the bibliographic 09:09
` coupling and co-citation in that, but I had 09:09
` extended vectors. And there were lots of other 09:09
` papers published and my works were cited by 09:10
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` many people. So it would take a long time to 09:10
` find -- give you an accurate answer to that. 09:10
` Q. Sure. I think you didn't understand 09:10
` the question because -- by the way you answered 09:10
` that. The key component -- not the key 09:10
` component, but this particular question was 09:10
` inquiring about collections other than the CACM 09:10
` and ISI collection. 09:10
` A. Okay. 09:10
` MR. SILBERT: Same objections. 09:10
` A. It's hard to know for sure, as I 09:10
` said, without going through an extensive 09:10
` search. The software that was able do this 09:10
` kind of processing was widely distributed to 09:10
` hundreds or probably thousands of people. So 09:10
` to know what they did with it, since I had 09:10
` written about how to do this and the benefits 09:10
` of it and so forth, it's hard to say. It would 09:10
` be very difficult to answer your question. I 09:10
` could try, but I'd have to get online and do a 09:10
` lot of searching. 09:10
` Q. Are you aware of anyone performing 09:11
` your methods using the extended vectors 09:11
` containing BC and CC information on the World 09:11
` Wide Web? 09:11
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` MR. SILBERT: Same objections. 09:11
` A. So first, the question says on the 09:11
` World Wide Web. I'm not sure what you mean by 09:11
` that. Most people today doing almost any kind 09:11
` of research are doing it on the World Wide Web. 09:11
` So I don't think that's a constraint, and I 09:11
` think my previous answer is germane to that -- 09:11
` to this question too. 09:11
` Q. And the previous answer was you 09:11
` weren't presently aware of such things? 09:11
` MS. KEEFE: Object to form. 09:11
` MR. SILBERT: And scope. 09:11
` A. So what I think I've said, just to 09:11
` make it clear, is that I don't think your 09:11
` comment about the World Wide Web is a 09:12
` limitation on your previous question. And my 09:12
` previous answer was that it would take me a 09:12
` long time to find a precise answer to that 09:12
` because my system enabled that kind of 09:12
` capability. 09:12
` Q. Well, I guess what I'm asking you, 09:12
` are you aware here at this deposition today of 09:12
` such things? 09:12
` MR. SILBERT: Same objections. 09:12
` A. If I stopped and thought for half an 09:12
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` hour, I might be able to come up with 09:12
` something, but I can't offhand quickly. 09:12
` Q. Let me ask you the same version of 09:12
` that question. Are you aware of anyone using 09:12
` your methods using extended vectors, including 09:12
` co-citation and bibliographic couplings, for 09:13
` commercial applications as opposed to research 09:13
` applications? 09:13
` MR. SILBERT: Same objections. 09:13
` A. I think the same answer pertains. 09:13
` It's very hard -- it's even harder to find out 09:13
` what people are doing for commercial 09:13
` applications because most people don't publish 09:13
` about that. There are some publications by 09:13
` people, and I -- I can conjecture that some 09:13
` people would -- the company that I got some of 09:13
` the data from, ISI, did lots and lots of 09:13
` studies with citation, co-citation information. 09:13
` So I would expect that that is a commercial 09:13
` organization that probably did some of the same 09:13
` kind of studies. But I'm just guessing. 09:13
` Q. Okay. Did you ever publish more on 09:13
` the use of bibliographic coupling and 09:13
` co-citation after your 1983 experiments? 09:14
` MR. SILBERT: Same objections. 09:14
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` A. I think so. I think in some of the 09:14
` work with the MARIAN system and LEND and the 09:14
` Envision system, we did probably publish 09:14
` something about that. The MARIAN system did 09:14
` have the capability to do that kind of 09:14
` analysis, and I published a lot about that, a 09:14
` number of different papers, published about all 09:14
` of those different systems. 09:14
` Q. Okay. 09:14
` A. I'd have to go look for it if -- if I 09:14
` were to be sure. 09:14
` Q. Okay. Now, what is the MARIAN 09:14
` system? 09:15
` MR. SILBERT: Same objections. 09:15
` A. So -- 09:15
` Q. Let me withdraw that question. 09:15
` A. Okay. 09:15
` Q. And ask a slightly different 09:15
` question. Are there any publications on the 09:15
` MARIAN system -- 09:15
` A. Yes. 09:15
` Q. -- describing the use of 09:15
` bibliographic coupling and co-citation extended 09:15
` vector space model? 09:15
` MR. SILBERT: Same objections, 09:15
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` which are objections to the form and to 09:15
` scope. 09:15
` A. I think I answered that. I said I 09:15
` think there are. I have published a number of 09:15
` things about the MARIAN system and I think some 09:15
` of them talk about this. 09:15
` Q. Can you identify the publication? 09:15
` MR. SILBERT: Same objections. 09:15
` A. Probably the France dissertation. 09:15
` Probably the Betrabet master's thesis, 09:15
` B-E-T-R-A-B-E-T, Betrabet. First name is 09:15
` S-A-N-G-I-T-A, Sangita. Her master's thesis 09:16
` talked about graph languages and representing 09:16
` things, and I expect she talked about that. 09:16
` And I think there were some publications she 09:16
` coauthored, and certainly lots of publications 09:16
` that Robert France coauthored. But I'd have to 09:16
` go look to look specifically for your question. 09:16
` Q. Okay. Was the MARIAN -- what is the 09:16
` MARIAN system? Can you describe it? 09:16
` MR. SILBERT: Same objection as to 09:16
` scope. 09:16
` A. So there are multiple answers to that 09:16
` question. Again, I can go on for a long period 09:16
` of time. One answer is that in the more than 09:17
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` 12 hours you asked me to try and find records 09:17
` about some of this, I found some information 09:17
` about the MARIAN, some of the source code 09:17
` relating to it, and I -- and that was provided 09:17
` to you through discovery. So that's one 09:17
` partial answer. 09:17
` It stood for multiple access 09:17
` retrieval of information with annotations. 09:17
` That was the expansion of the word. It was a 09:17
` system that was developed probably from the 09:17
` late '80s up and to maybe 2002 or so, somewhere 09:17
` in that range. So various versions or parts of 09:17
` it were developed over that period. So there's 09:17
` quite a lot of different things about it. 09:17
` The idea of it -- tell me to stop if 09:17
` you want me to. 09:17
` Q. Sure. Let me ask you this question. 09:17
` Is this a research system or is this a -- was 09:18
` this a research system or commercial system? 09:18
` MR. SILBERT: Same objection. 09:18
` A. Both. 09:18
` Q. Okay. Explain the context of it 09:18
` being a research system. 09:18
` A. Okay. 09:18
` MS. KEEFE: Object to form and 09:18
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` scope. 09:18
` A. Research in the sense that it was 09:18
` tied in with master's and doctoral theses and 09:18
` dissertations, student project reports and 09:18
` graduate courses. Probably some independent 09:18
` studies, or I should say undergraduate research 09:18
` kinds of studies. Also, that it was supported 09:18
` in part by a number of different grants from 09:18
` different groups, including the National 09:18
` Library of Medicine, the National Science 09:18
` Foundation. They typically fund research and 09:18
` there were proposals that related to this that 09:18
` it led to a number of publications, research 09:18
` publications. So those are all -- some 09:19
` examples of research. 09:19
` Q. Sure. Can you explain the context of 09:19
` why it was a commercial system? 09:19
` MR. SILBERT: Same objection. 09:19
` A. Yes, I can. 09:19
` Q. Please do. 09:19
` MR. SILBERT: Same objection. 09:19
` A. Qi Fan Chen -- that's Q-I, F-A-N, 09:19
` C-H-E-N -- was the first student to finish his 09:19
` Ph.D. with me as advisor. His dissertation 09:19
` related to LEND, which was sort of the database 09:19
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` piece of MARIAN. Virginia Tech -- we did a 09:19
` disclosure to Virginia Tech Intellectual 09:19
` Properties of that invention. VTIP is the 09:19
` short form of Virginia Tech Intellectual 09:19
` Properties. Had a license agreement with -- if 09:20
` I remember, it's HaL Computer in Texas, with 09:20
` regard to the LEND system, which was part of 09:20
` MARIAN. So that's an example of a commercial 09:20
` activity. 09:20
` Q. In what way was it -- can you explain 09:20
` more about -- what was the HaL -- did HaL 09:20
` Computer sell this to the public? 09:20
` A. I have no idea what they did with it. 09:20
` MR. SILBERT: I'm sorry. Same 09:20
` objection as to scope. 09:20
` A. They had a -- we had a commercial 09:20
` license with them, so that's a commercial 09:20
` situation. 09:20
` Q. Commercial license with them. And 09:20
` did they use the bibliographic co-citation 09:20
` and -- excuse me, bibliographic coupling and 09:20
` co-citation subvectors for purposes of 09:20
` conducting search? 09:20
` A. I have no idea what they did with it. 09:20
` MR. SILBERT: Object to the form 09:21
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` and to scope. 09:21
` A. They could have. It was certainly 09:21
` possible to do that. 09:21
` Q. Okay. Now, are you aware of any 09:21
` commercial licenses of your SMART system? 09:21
` MR. SILBERT: Same objections. 09:21
` Q. Or the SMART system. 09:21
` A. So the SMART system was something 09:21
` that continued to evolve for a number of years. 09:21
` I expect there were some companies that made 09:21
` use of it. As I said, it was widely 09:21
` distributed and some companies probably made 09:21
` use of it and adapted it to their own purposes. 09:21
` But I don't have particular records about that. 09:21
` I don't keep records of such things. 09:21
` Q. Are you aware of any companies that 09:21
` specifically used bibliographic coupling or 09:21
` co-citation subvectors in connection with the 09:22
` SMART system? 09:22
` MR. SILBERT: Object to scope. 09:22
` A. I think I answered that. I don't 09:22
` know what they did with it. It's hard to say. 09:22
` Q. Okay. 09:22
` A. They could have. 09:22
` Q. Do you have any other publications 09:22
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` other than the one about MARIAN concerning the 09:22
` use of bibliographic coupling or co-citation 09:22
` extended vectors in the vector space model? 09:22
` MR. SILBERT: Same objection. 09:22
` A. The first part of your question had 09:22
` an error in it which I got stuck on. It was 09:22
` something wrong with it, the question. Could 09:22
` you say it one more time? 09:22
` Q. Are you able to identify any other 09:22
` publications other than the one about MARIAN 09:22
` that we previously talked about -- 09:23
` A. Okay. So -- sorry. 09:23
` Q. -- that used the bibliographic 09:23
` coupling and co-citation extended vectors? 09:23
` MR. SILBERT: I object as to scope. 09:23
` Q. Strike that question. Okay? 09:23
` Let me try to phrase something. Are 09:23
` you aware of any other publications that use -- 09:23
` that -- concerning the use of bibliographic 09:23
` coupling and co-citation extended vectors in 09:23
` the vector space model? 09:23
` MR. SILBERT: Object as to scope 09:23
` and to form. 09:23
` A. I'm not -- 09:23
` Q. By you. 09:23
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` A. By me? Okay. 09:23
` MR. SILBERT: Same objections. 09:23
` A. Okay. So the problem with your 09:23
` question before was you said "the one" about 09:23
` MARIAN, and I told you that I had many 09:23
` publications about MARIAN, so I'm not sure of 09:23
` the scope of what you're asking, whether it's 09:23
` beyond the many ones about MARIAN -- 09:24
` Q. "The other" means other than the ones 09:24
` you previously identified about MARIAN. 09:24
` MR. SILBERT: Same objections. 09:24
` MS. KEEFE: Also to form. 09:24
` A. Okay. Your question's very 09:24
` complicated, and I think I answered it. So 09:24
` there were -- I published hundreds of papers 09:24
` and presentations, maybe a thousand all 09:24
` together. I can't remember which ones talked 09:24
` about the specific topic and which ones didn't, 09:24
` so I can't really answer you quick on that. I 09:24
` can go through them if you want me to, try to 09:24
` see, but it would be -- take a while. 09:24
` Q. Well, are you aware of any -- 09:24
` standing here, are you aware of conducting any 09:24
` further experiments on bibliographic and 09:24
` coupling using the vector space model in your 09:24
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` publications? 09:24
` MR. SILBERT: Object to form and to 09:24
` being beyond the scope. 09:24
` A. I'm not standing here, I'm sitting 09:25
` here. 09:25
` If -- do you want me to answer it 09:25
` from the sense of sitting here? 09:25
` Q. You may. 09:25
` A. So there were a number of 09:25
` publications in the sort of ten years after my 09:25
` dissertation work that probably talked about 09:25
` some of this, but again, I can't remember 09:25
` specifically which ones. 09:25
` As I said before, the Envision system 09:25
` used the CACM collection and bibliographic 09:25
` coupling and co-citation as part of the data 09:25
` that was in that and that's part of the record 09:25
` in this case. So that's beyond the objections 09:25
` we have been hearing. 09:25
` Q. Do you have access to the source code 09:26
` of the Envision system? 09:26
` MR. SILBERT: Object to scope. 09:26
` A. What was disclosed to you is a 09:26
` substantive part of the Envision system. I'm 09:26
` not sure if it's everything. It might be. It 09:26
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` was 2.4 gigabytes of stuff, so -- and the index 09:26
` listing the files was 327 pages. So it's not 09:26
` easy for me to be sure whether I had everything 09:26
` or not. I have boxes and boxes of things 09:26
` relating to the system. 09:26
` Q. Okay. Now, yesterday,

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