`Facebook, Inc. et al.
`Software Rights Archive, LLC
`CASE IPR2013-00481




`Iflo:,ocrion olltorno by IìeJ:catoJ Soi,:ractio,,s for Digll1 Coo:pozrar
`CACM DOce:oLr. 195$
`Sogal, I.
`CASSI2O2 211 MarcI, 22. 197$ 8:29 IM
`i'ccl,oiqoea DoporloIrul 00
`CACM Doc6mboç, 1,250
`V,kth,,ao. M. 32,
`CASSI2ÚI iI3Mardr22. 1673 8:30pM
`Glaso:y&'Co,oputcr 18ngioo.'r109 aoU ,op3om,,Iiog Tonoinola8>'
`CAChO N000rnbr, 1955
`CAS$ 110338 MarcI, 22, 1975 8:32 PM
`4 .
`.3 5
`'roo Sr3ure'ltoot Apj,,oxlo,otioos
`CACM Nnv,ober, 1955
`\\'adey, W. C.
`Proposal foran UXCOL
`CACM October, 1950
`C000'cy, M. E.
`cAOSIGOl 18 Marol, 72, 1979 5:57 PM
`Glossary oCCompoIcr Eo9iocciinl and Progaroirrong Te,minólogy
`CAChO ilcplerabcr, I 950
`CAS50903 213 Ma,elr 22. 978 5:59 I'M
`f1'rogrrno,nin Com,000icarion arirb
`TIro Problem
`Chanoing Mon'oinoi A i'ooj,oaodSololino.Panr 2
`CAChO Soptcrrrlaor, 038
`Olsaryo, J.
`I.So,k, O.
`SLed, T.
`CAS50902 313 3'4o$ 77. 1 97S 5:4! PM
`in,inAr,' 3tcpo,n.Ioena'Joml Al5ebraic L,,g,:a:3c
`CAC2l f200,llIbor, 1953
`1'erli.I1. J.
`CA5SI2OS JI) March 2, 1174 8:25 I'M
`C.'\5SJ 02 JIS M00d127. 197$ 8:33 l'bl
`Tho Uao o1CompIo's in 1ISprOIiOn Procotiurc0
`CAChO Noecn,her, lOSS
`M,,Ilcr, M. E.
`CASI lOI JIS MardI 22,39)6 1:33 PM
`Glonosoy of COOIpUICO Enginccr1rr ood l'torantniing Toorrionlogy
`C/aCM Ootaber, 95$
`CASOIoiJS 113 MoroS 22, 975 0:35 I'M
`On 'l'ho EqoivaIc,rcc r,d Troirsíorn,AI100 of I'rararrr Sclrcnloi
`C/aCM Oclobor, 1950
`Fdcd,nan, M, 17.
`C/a5SI2 JIS MoroS 22, 197S 830 PhI


`Orno, lOn-li:nM(Cn n Iionga.1(rnun i':n:6'l:::nn
`CACGI Sc91e:i:66r, lOSS
`Cull, r). II.
`Iterne.,, 16. I',
`CAS909I2I JI) GIuncO 22, 670 3:56 I'M
`CIosSn,i' nf Cc,np,,cer I2ingii,cii,,r, mcl i'rogra,n,,minmi Tcm,n6mnolag'
`C6sCM A»,'r,l, 959
`CA360005 JI) Mcml, 22, 1370 6:55 I'M
`J 14
`'fl:o I'jl,Iemn of 9rororm,u1il) CoIn,nm,mlino,lrn, 1,-Ill,
`C,\CGO A,,Gm's;, 950
`Jce'cs.T. A.
`CA5017002 513 GiornI, 27, 970 9:03 I'M
`On l'rOGrOr,,rnimIg of Arilhmc,ic O]rccelicns
`CACMAo6m,uI, 1350
`lOculi oc, A. P.
`CAS0000I JIS 7m-loch 27, 1370 9:0-0 l'AI
`S(ml,lci,m,romnlic Coding lOvolurns
`CACM July. 950
`Adanju, E. S.
`Scl,Incince, 5, 1,
`CA50070I JiS Munch 72, 37E 9:06 PM
`lISE 3
`137G 6
`6 7
`6 6
`C110031a9 0Ioi,iueu A Piopoed SoluIia,l (Pi
`CACM Anuul. lOSS
`Siron, J.
`'50331Cm, J,
`Triller, A.
`Oluz*yn, J.
`GIocO. O.
`Steel, T.
`CA$00004 513 Morel, 22, 970 9:02 PM
`1159 5
`3eCur,'L, Cui-ve l4i;in Tcclunquc
`CACMAU0UtI, 1950
`Giblin, J.
`CA500003 JIS G-lunch 22, 1970 9:02 I'M
`Seceuc Modiliculion of N,uvlbn's MelI,od


`Jo,tu,,:'.i .'pplieariots t1eitats,ttettt-.At,totoatie
`itrtptetttertraritmn ofCotttpttttut Logic
`CACM Itfey, lOSS
`Motaht. ti, I'.
`\S'oltr 'I'. ii.
`N C
`ASSOSOO dli Macct, 27, 1970 0:11 I'M
`Itioa' ;tttd 'l'n,rl,.t')tnrtion Opt'rafloon on
`a Deniers) Cot,tptttcr whIt at, F.etract Cenrnrttttd
`CACt\1 May, 955
`Kuntz, W. FI.
`('.6550505.113 Macel, 22, 1976 9:13 I'M
`X 2
`,Sn t,ntnooed Deci,nt,I tiednndttt,cyCln'ck
`('ACM May, 955
`Sismo. R. L
`A550504 215 MercI, 22, 19711 9:13 I'M
`Cerina, II. 1', T,
`('A5501112JIS Morel, 22, 970 9:15 Iii
`.1 29
`Notti for o,, ,ignttirino
`CACMAtriI, 1956
`Odder,, W,
`CtWSO9OI JBMurcJt 22.1575 9:19 VM
`AlgnrinI,to furAnolyniog Lopical Starctoerrts
`to Proeltreno Tooth lt,,oudn,, Tohi
`C,hCl,I irIn,eh, 1952
`\"olpc. H.
`A$50302J0 Mcccli 22, ISIS 9:20 I'M
`55M 704 Codc.Nondroron
`CACM March, 1951
`,,rcoo, M.
`CA5SOSOI JIS Morel, 22, 1975 0t2 I I'M
`Glutton, of Cotoptttor £ngitteerittg ted I'rotut:tnrtttittg Tonoittt'iouv
`CACMJutt, 9511
`CA530603 JIS Morel, 22, 1975 95)7 I'M
`Acecionrlltig Coovereotree of licralive I'rgce:ses
`/u teeintiqne it ditcussed nvhich, tt'ltot, :tpplied
`tutte tnt otite ,nocodttto for tito solutìttt, of
`OS equation, aecnlcrtttttt tito tutto of convergence if
`tito itertttio,, oortvor'oc and i,td,tcos convergence if
`the iteration divergen. An illustrative example is giver.
`CACM June. 1955
`\l'egnNSt, 7.11.
`CASS0002 JIS MatoIs 22, 1975 9:115 'ct
`,\Igc'loiaiç l'onttolarinn f 1t10,v Diflg,.ot,S
`CtCM ),rnt, 955
`\'cntltecn, E. A.
`9590)0l SII MarcIr 27, 1970 9:10 PM
`Cr,tcruI l'rtrJtn;n I'ro5rorrtrrrirrg Syctens
`holt. A. W.
`cASSOSO3 ill MuccI, 22. 193S 9:11 PM
`A Srtbronhittc i,íetlrod for Calculant,5 Lognnititnto
`CACM 'tIny, 955
`13c,nrcr, R. W.
`CASSOSO2 JIS March 22, 1975 9:16 I'M
`Note On Errrpinicni ISc,rnt!n Por Grnurring Bensci Ft,r,unionr
`R,t,rdclt, J. IS.
`Reovr, R. r'.
`CASSOSOI SB Irloreh 22.1975 5:17 PM
`toquent for luleritorlo or I'ro5ro,rrs


`A Maabirra Marl nil 13 s Ian
`Saal (aarrrlrIiarr
`C'ACM January, 958
`ì3arrrar, Il. W,
`CA3SOIOI 313 3-baSt 22, 978 9:27 PM
`A Quotte Nnìnrariz Siiaaialar for lira 1133-f 656 arrt Isao'aualrs 220
`CACM Droarabor, 1955
`Carina>', Il. W.
`jal,aaoa, 3. 31.
`blasr,'aIl, W. L,
`CA5912116 113 MonA 22. 1378 7:35 PM
`ripari of C'orrrpauar Daa'alapaaaors
`CACM Daaarribe11 959
`IllorrIrIrrer. 11, 34,
`\ariabis-\Vi&I 'f bias sa4Ih L ,rv-Saarch I'scfli
`CAC31 F 'sorry
`Ilsipor-o, M,
`ASSO2SI iB irSrch22. 978 9:22 PM
`A P 1: mInori Blurry Cirros t'ai 'l'ira 113M 'l'opa 650 Cukalmar
`CACMJSu,raas'. 1938
`I(arruy, Il, C.
`trinar. i. A.
`CASSIIIO3 318 Maid, 22, 19°$ 9:25 PM
`.1 3-1
`'labios for Auloraalk Coropuialian
`CACM Jaruary, 1938
`ASO12OS 313 MamI, 22, 137$ 3:36 l'3-1
`\Vi11 Ii, 5.
`AS8OII)2 314 Mar-ob 22, 19711 9:26 PM
`are noi praalical \riIIl declinaI irrsIntalion fanotils,
`00 the t'stiro' liant, doctoral ,i,rruboms arr.'an scrotal for
`eorirnrnrricariig brin-oea um, and rho emriporer, In
`appliratirros raoiring lIta pracarniirg tifa lar-pa rainure
`ofiuhcr-rnllydacinral injitli nid nairarl dala,
`ihr limo for dothnal'binaty cann'eraion needed b>' a purely
`lrioary 000lpalas tray lia nigaifiraaL A nlan,'ar
`daciroal oddeomay labo lasa lilac Ihrer a fortl buitruyaddcn'
`,loin an addiSon end Iron 000000ainras. A careful
`asrn'ïarvofihumi$oilicanmanfdaainnal and buirrrry addramíu$
`and ball, binary atril daciniul dala ariilaoark.
`noppiamenlad by rflicical onu000ninll binlmnclio,rn.
`CACM December, 1959
`I3aclihrlz, W.
`CA591202 313 C'orali 22, 197S 3:47 PM
`Saure Nasas orn Coriiproer Rmaareh in Eastern linrtr1no
`C'ACM Oaeeoibcr, 1959
`adler, M.
`CA59l201 313 Maceli 22, 133$ 3:4S PM
`A NCis' Method of Cnaupolrllirn af Square Ranis Willinal Using Diu'iuinn
`C'ACM November, 195$
`SanEan, D,
`ml l'r*tiased lolcqrrelaliori 0 ALGOL
`CACM Daceralmar. I 1259
`loaras, 1i'f.
`rlclnn, PS.
`CA591204 313 March 22, 1976 3:37 P36
`TIar Secaiil Mattiad fOr Siroaliatnaariu N'n,,li,ieae llqaallona
`A jrraload000 for ihn sinnnhanronn narlulinn
`tifa nyrsasu, ofnol'ncccnmarily-liocar cutoalians,
`a gcuCraliaaliOa of die saaaol rnrIlird far a
`single ISinalino oPone sortable, i> 4ii'cru,
`C'AC'3r'llSareliibar, 1959
`WolfC, P,
`CA591203 il) Mora-h22, 1975 3:39 P38
`Pingers nr Pirta? (The C1raie of Decimal or Binrtry Ropresenlaliro)
`'lila blurry notnbar'siean offaas many adranlagc5
`tierra deeirotd rCIronnçllraiion fnrnmlrigll'parfntaonaCn,
`8rnaml-parpasa coaquoler, 'D,C gmalcrainiplicily of
`a binary arilhmelic unit and ihn Weiler aon,paclnaon
`nf binas>' onmoban, ball, caalilhrula dirnaily la ariih,nctic
`rtpaed, Lens abutons and pail.apn mure inillarlanI
`is lIla 5'i)' binary addressing aird in5lrrlcliau farinais can
`increaseihros'crallperfrrmaricr. Binaiyaddrcssos
`aro alma mnan[ial la cerlain powerful opeisuliarms robin


`.1 45
`Plow OiiillnI,i-A Sabililuic for l'lafl' CIisinia
`CACMNavo,nbor. 959
`(iwo. W. î'.
`APillOS 513 MarcI, 22. 1573 3:53PM
`blnliil,r,n300a,lnillo STRIPIclI: l'oanibiliiy Canvidorariann
`lino ica,lc,,cn-raa-ards increased parallalinni in
`cannpnlcis is rind. Lisploiliflioli alibis parallelism
`irencuils a i,anibcrof naiv pitbla,nn in asebinn dc-nin
`a,01 ill irazrlilnlaii,9nvSImals. $íinillThliS railnir(-iaeain
`lar sacocosfal canonacci nxccariaa aCari-n'al iadaprnnlcai
`pral,lcn, pra3nmnnn ana dincns,cd. 'fbcs naquireaiclas
`ii l,aSTRETCII nfsIeai by in earollilly balanced
`500 liai
`ca,,,Iii,ialian albaili-hi aad prauiranl:ncnllni.tic.
`Tcclmiquca are described svIikh place be bn,ds-n afIlie
`praran,iind lni0ic as 5753cr, 3O950ni3 (slprs-icy
`liracrani and compilar) nahmt unni an prabloin pra$mnis.
`CACM Nnva,nbrr, 7959
`Cad,!. E. R
`Lowly. ES,
`McDanaagls. IS.
`Scalai, C. A.
`al hic vada io sama dalail and Iba 6adia
`al tha panicular a,.ía,nplannbaa,npfayad ai, URAL. iba
`Savitu-built dono cnlnpuiar ,larnOcd o iba in,Iiaa
`Suauioical toslilma by lia Uailcd Na,inns
`Tacloilca! Aid Adn,inisirauiau (UNTAA),
`CAChI Ocinbeu-, 1959
`hadlan, M.
`Snne,,puu. A.
`CASOIOII 313 hInab 27, 973 '1:07PM
`Scicntilic and Ensimas .-',pplìrotiorm IO,aaIa Cunc Pinuurr)
`cAC$1 Ocunban, 1959
`Piba, C. T.
`CA$9i010 Ill March 22.1973 3:09 I'M
`Suothdcal l'norainc for lic 773M 650-l'ar II
`CACM Ociaban, 1959
`flilrusblnn, J. W.
`CA5PIO(19 213 MrnI, 22, 1976 4:09 I'M
`On ihn Cansun,cuici, of h-licrc-Flasmabaiin
`CASSI 10$ lid 2mb 72, 1173 3:50 l'3d
`4cc far llsndlina Macro Im ails
`A Tìcl
`CAC.\-1 N'mabor. 959
`(Iroonoold. I. D.
`CAS'31 05 Mzr1,22, 975 3:51 I'M
`l:Uì'1(fIi3i.II-A19,,br.,k 15oonl
`CACM Na,'ninbor. 05')
`ion si a Li,ahcd Lo lm,licr
`finnlh. I). li.
`C/s591 01 513 March 22, 1375 3:52 i'M
`CA591 02313 ManS, 22, 1973 3:57 I'M
`Rumian Villi IO U.S. Cmr,paicrn
`CAC2I Novc,,,bar, 71159
`SaivaafT. E, hO.
`Anirl,ao. 1,1, M.
`CASSI 101513 Mwch 22, 1978 3:50 PM
`Sh,ifi-Rcisier Cada far 7ndain Appllcalians
`lu cliii ca,n,unoicauinn iba nue ola sliifr-rrgiulcr
`coda ivilI, i
`lOin described inn railing
`&I ss'irnlclis lninnialc,ing iluiinn, in a flanc] cn'clical nrdcr.
`A I,i0h drnro of rcd,,ndauco in osad, ponuniuiing
`u uin5le-cnan cnn-echin0 code ("aonimnnr.disusncc-ulocn
`cado) midi 64 I0.bil colic mords io be aniploycd
`as cha Eaiipn idcoiii5rlIn cnd
`17n,beddiu3 this hi
`Ihn sldfc'ra5isinr codewiulu parSail 023 peernics
`iba codo loba amplo>-rd nili,onr pl:naIouliou, nach nf
`ihn lnlaanclmi,m slaliori racchcrslihnplypullio5
`reanimad otrea and caro, ion, a sl(ft raciniez. Each
`tuo,, clic iveu codo cau,hinauinn odie, idaniifving
`ube pa13icular aula,, (bauniirg far huion, roar coo,hion,iaus
`of i'a,ylosr- pmobabilihyS il itou bann callad.
`Tim cain,nunicaiio., describas hin prnpeoinn Snd applinalien


`.1 5-1
`SAIl9,c.Sirri1de AIoe'.rccic l.cnrnige l'or 161r91,rn'rrO
`CACM Oclober, 9511
`IOniccoI,rnn, W. It.
`Clink, K.
`K,rn. G,
`'l'hornpsoa. 14.
`Sroiih, A. O.
`CA591035 313 S1cgI, 22, 1978 -1:14 I'M
`Ari Algebroic Tr;rnIoior
`ACM Orrober, 959
`Knorr, II.
`CA59IOO-I 513 I4crrlr 22, 1978 4:15 I'M
`Prornned Scoodnrd FInir' Chan OltobOhO
`CACSIOcInber, 1959
`Ginvonnorcor, an ol'I)oecrnrlarr 557-Ill
`CACM Scplr,nbcr, 1959
`CAS6105II) 513 MercI, 22, 11770 4:41 I'M
`The Alpha \'eornr Tsnn,ofnnr,noou of o SOlrnn of Lino-r Conrnonrolnrts
`CACM Seprrrnlcr, 059
`\Vesuco, S. J,
`CA590109 IB 51ro-li 22, 970 '1:42PM
`113M 709 Tape li-lanrix Compiler
`CACSI Srplemnnbrr, 1559
`4nrjck, S. P.
`CA500903JIS March22. 970 -3:45 PM
`MoIO-Dirncnoinrrnl I.c,-sni-Sqnczcs Folycoarial Caro, Pulle61
`CACM Scprcnobrr, 19311
`ush, F. H,
`C,0790907 213 Morel, 22,197$ 4:44 I'M
`C'ACM Ocioher, 959
`(Soin. S.
`liigrornon. I'. Z.
`Coeelcri. IO.
`CA lISOS 310 21ocl 22, 1970 4:10 I'M
`An Efíicicnl Method loir Goocreling OThifoicoly Diniri100rd
`Poinls on lie SorSkce co co n'Dkneosioncl
`Sphere (Corrigoodoni)
`CACInI Ocnobcr, 956
`Cool:, J. M.
`CA5IIOJ7J162Iorch22, 070 0II2 I'M
`RoOo:onc,ndolThor nirl:oSILAIOIO AI.GO1. CoronnAiro
`CACS1 (icirbo,, 959
`CA53II706Jl3Mccln22, 197$ 4I3 1M
`CA5911203 lIS ManoIr 52, 970 4:10 I'M
`J.19.1.Djr. ari,1 Io Ce,npolrr Cooler
`CACcI Gobbo-, 19311
`CA501002293 Mo-ch22. 1979 4:12 PM
`LESS- I. S,r.nIl Sioc Goncral Propone IJi9iIai
`Comparer U0in Magnetic (Fo-rilo) Elcroer,t.s
`lInri paper cnrinoincu Orare olrlreqornlinnn nf
`dorclopl000r nod ecrrsrnrc;ion cía getterai purpose
`dioiral onropalor unin9 crnlacllcss nralrncoic (Ibrïirc)
`and cap:cirin'c 'DElI)' (1cn$ dormira capacitive
`,ncmrrv cIenicorin, developed or Ire Lnboruieiy of Eleciricel
`MorIe13n VINITYJ AN SSS1I, unde, Ihre topo-vision
`of Professor LI. Goteonr,clrrr.
`CACS! Octobor, 1959
`acIr,nodnn'. LI. A.
`A891001 113 March22, 16171 4:21 I'M
`Sinvoy of Progreso and Trend nf Developrrnrrr
`mrd Use of Aulornadc Darn Processing in Business
`errol lIaopìrnrrprl o-alcol Syrocrrss of Ihn Pedo-nl


`In titis littet thu trajet CùOlfCtiiC,flS of evoy
`pveer;ot;lniott boetiafr roo idtittlOed os: (t) thu
`okincetary profr.tot utotonest, (2) nirohonistos for thikin
`elentenlaro stols-otcots loctitcr, (3) the itteass
`by whklt a prop cao: cati obtain data inputs, Sevctol
`alteosutive Ibrots tif each of these cotapontrots aro
`also desrnihedeetttpated und evaluated. hl:oyesatttples.
`fleqttcetly front list pfelctrssittp loopouces, iilontrato
`the frettes described. the adt'otostyvu, clisrttsantuocs tni
`Fotos inflconcino the choice oía fonti of cont]tpneoL
`foro lt:ttott:tce aro dis-cossuS, rotS the paper concludes
`t-itIt the snpgCstiOtt that prop-ntiep langoogos
`evolve toward esewhkh trill
`toit all the liest C0000ttictut
`watt nfstroctttdnp proorattts, c'rtianiaittg
`SySiCtttS and rcíercncisg data.
`C,3CM February, ¡8611
`Itaphaul, 13,
`Ca'.66û7M ill hioruti 3, -373 3:-lS 'hi
`filO 4
`2555 '1
`2379 .0
`3944 4
`3077 4
`3000 4
`3105 4
`436 5
`FLIZA-A computer Prorans Por the Stod1a oll$o',arni
`Lan0uape Constnunicotintt I3etwcen Mon And tilecltitto
`EL1ZA is a propruts tsperntin3 c-iihin titi MAC
`timesharing 5341cm ai MII trIticit tnnhcs cens-itt
`hinds nf ttatttral lpnpnagnconvcesulieti between nao and
`cnttipttler passible. Topai sentences are analyzed
`ott tite basis nf thicotnpositinn ralos which urettiggeced
`by hey words appearing in the input test. llnspaOnrn
`ore genctaied by reassembly rules associated tritit selected
`decomposition raies. the fnndnnscnlal technical
`probkntn reiSt rettich 00.17_A In concerned ares (l)the
`idenliiicatinn of key words, (2) tite dis-co0ely nl
`comunal 5050mo, (3) ihn tunic0 of opprnpriatn iransfemnaniottu,
`(4) 5rnerotina of respetises itt the absence
`olkey words. and(S) tIte proehilun of an editinp eahtabiOty
`for I1LIZA "scripts". A cOncussion of some
`retes-cnt to the OLIZA approach us
`psychological his-tte
`well as of Otilare tSttn'elnpments conchales the paper.
`CACMdannaty. 1956
`Weintulranttt, J.
`At5501O5 itS MaccIt 3, 1975 4:00 PM
`ah ìleitropntitttttittc Itlacititie
`la luir taper a cte_sedtttiotu is pit-en oft ttt:t,kl
`ttncrattttttittn cosretIt witich is dir'cted br a iooyrs-ttttttirtit
`lartpnape and Itas a library for stati:,» tite cart's ituets,
`Parks ate pis-et, for lt7tnsfontting prodratt:s totjtlrtt
`lit Se lon11t,:tecoett for Ccatr:tntring lite tletttt in tite
`liltt4,y 50 IltOt tite3 ObSt» tlteir co,uottett pulito.
`30mo spccttlatittns are otade aboot Itou- tito toucltanieal
`,iotectiott nf cott,toen pauso or ps-tIesto oílibraiy
`heirs cneld help otite, to telr'e lilt prablettis-, auS ahet.t
`tiro reluttionsluips bctweett lita helunvior of tite
`telrropiottttutittp nteclui,,e attui ittistati ietollis-:tttil hultsvktt'.
`C,'rCSl h'nbrnutty, 956
`CASSli7Ol JIS Match 3.1973 3:53 l'Ol
`456 -1
`549 -1
`31M 4
`099 4
`lISO 11
`200 6


`\'viantt, i.'. (i.
`8686I07 ill 7ilaieli 3. 1575 -1:05 I'M
`2726 1
`2658 .1
`l)ala, Dactitnentatian aitd DccisietsTablss
`hi bttsitiasx data 1t1acin9ie6 synlSain, ills
`tiasessaty to baalaln Io daSao aitd tlaeninctn data.
`filas, progianis and deeinien oiles ita si-ay that adcgttalaly
`rapraseels belli Il) lhcir cltae5ing itiloimnatieo
`cantatI, sed (2) their ceetilinena inteostian. Tabular
`hJlSiR: A Ganeialieatien ALGOL, tied its htarniul OeSxioen: Stas lt
`A ninihiod foi dafining pragtaitimiog languages it
`darclepd is-Iticli itilredasen a ri7eisias oclatieisship
`balieceti oltsicteee nid iitraitiu, 'fhis tit-littittO of a
`lalt6nage is defined by a pltrasa nteiidinro
`the tncaning in taints of tIte ellectn ieliiclt lin earcuttlea
`eIn acqatoce of inlcaprdtslion raIes excels
`spun a tRied set olvseiabbis, rallad die Eeeirennicnl,
`There axions Osa-15-cils ceinaxpattdcnce bain-sent
`syalaciic titles std itstetprelaliaa atleti is deleetnined by
`tite seqitence of caerespatidin 0>atlacdc rednctieitx
`aidait eaoslituta apaisa, The iitdin-itlaal inleiltratatìnfl
`valuti airo oxplainnd in tennis elan ciettleniaty
`and nOt-inns algotitleetie noloticin. A conntrucdec
`teethed fur evaittaling alentis praridad, and let-
`cet-nain decidable classas of latagesgcs their nttanabignity
`it pant-ed. its tes etsaitipic, ¿sgceci-slizalìeti
`oIALGOL io 4i,scrilasd in Elli daRli te deineasteatetliol
`cuecapIs like blosL--xtrstclitre, prnccdnras, patsaticirts,
`etc, cait be tlafiticd adeqttataly and piedisely by titis ninilind,
`CACIu-1 7anur,r-, t-366
`85mb, 74.
`Cs6600104 03 Mooch 3, 1971 4t22 t'lO
`076 4
`Il-IO 4
`7127 6
`A simple leaad-ltased appasacli lot presraattltias
`ilecisleit tablas in FORTRAN er COI3OL in dnt'dopcd
`and pretanted, SVitO lapels in ntand:trd Inni. n dcltand
`itt ¿ha papst-, tIte pra5rnatoiie$ nlaay ilacislait
`tabla sao badeas a-11h stia at lace FORTRAN ilOtcittelIls,
`er trilli twa CaROL slatofleals, if tIte COMI'UTIS vob
`is available in 0e C000Lpioccaser. le is alien-n
`that ilifi tostliad is applicable at-cn st-lina lOase sic
`niera ¿liait Iii-o eieteally tisalusive Stalin clone. tira er
`titeen tahlc canditiena, St is furdiar sliesrit
`ttttilti-staln sonditieits in dediles tablas can elicit
`siatplify tltspro8tsentnin5. Thttnictlteil atitilited Itas
`tIte faillira aíls'aatac that all paisible cçnil,itsatians
`afaanditipes arc eonsidctrd. lt is ehasvn list
`¿Ita se55catad 1srascalate is orally inipletttcalcd in ALGOL.
`CACM Janitaty, 1566
`tantmina Otxiniau fablas iii FORTRAN, COI6OL er ALGOL
`desreiptian titabas ¡hit passible, baien noirdily
`allj8-atis'e tlteeaith and et7iaetnical in cost and titen when
`ttysieats tient liti aealyacd and prn7tatnlr ptcpaecd
`ertitediliad, Tes ahnsvliosr 5eielilytrtbalariac3tniqnas
`imIte an itnibtitiliar nystent nianageatila, ii detailed
`axaitupla anda self-tint sea pinvided.
`CACI11 JatittarR 966
`[9shcr, O. L,
`CAGfllllOOJlllvlaiehi3, 1970 413 roi
`Ose Inch PerforonS Riper Tape far inlaeatalieti
`lnlercliaegc (reapcncdAalet-iaaan Sinndatd
`CACOS Janitsi7', lISO
`Ct's66OlO5JBMrth3, 1975 4:1-1 PM


`379 -i
`494 4
`-10G 4
`199 -11.171
`2)26 4
`2)70 4
`2)79 4
`2326 4
`11-lO 5
`63G 5
`2070 5
`2510 5
`2700 5
`2024 5
`3)84 5
`1)43 6
`306 0
`380 0


`.1 1487
`ELIZA-A Computer Program For the Study ofNatural
`Language Communication Between Man And Machine
`ELIZA is a program operating within the MAC
`time-sharing system at MIT which makes certain
`kinds of natural language conversation between man and
`Input sentences are analyzed
`computer possible.
`on the basis of decomposition rules which are triggered
`by key words appearing in the input text.
`are generated by reassembly rules associated with selected
`decomposition rules.
`the fundamental technical
`problems with which ELISA is concerned are:
`identification of key words, (2) the discovery of
`(3) the choice of appropriate transformations,
`minimal context,
`(4) generation of responses in the absence
`of key words, and (5) the provision of an editing capability
`A discussion of some
`for ELISA "scripts11.
`psychological issues relevant to the ELISA approach as
`well as of future developments concludes the paper.
`CACM January, 1966
`Weizenbaum, J.
`CA660108 JB March 3, 1978
`4:00 PM


`Ei) 5
`1139 6

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