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`CASE IPR2013-00481


`/ I
`- -.-
`- .-
`Is dioioÍ
`LhC Dcy Decimal CIskatioms
`Conannini, J.?.
`is n hiutsey oldie DEW LW Occiinal
`sent study
`hei fient eiítio of the 012G was published
`in 1971. and fluurrdutions
`in hS7d.i rci0hssnihedition
`appesu su needed. In spite uribe DOC'n
`will couninue ho
`loop amI healthy
`Plo, Itoworor.
`bao neoce
`bave been liiopraphies of cwuy
`beets toltI. There
`tissE bijedly describe
`his system, but this is the first
`ettcnspt so provide
`a detailed Ltistoty orGie weck hut
`oilier bus spunud the glawih nl'
`inure ittita tiny
`1004 2
`Use titado of'Feebnicul
`SInter, M.
`analysis ofd300 trin nf use
`This reportis ni.
`is 104 lccjutjcal
`Infonosti on Irunsmerin libraries is
`isfotuosnion use.
`use of documents. It talnes no
`restricted to tIan
`used onlsidc the library, still
`account ofdocomenls
`less of ittforsanlioo
`transferred orally from pci-inn
`arto ana channel in only a
`to person. The libraty
`praportio» f the
`cilualiorns in which inførtnaiina is
`informadun ittuisrcr osa whole,
`Taking techniunsi
`lIsci-e lu ita dotitat
`lItai thinpropstnino is ned thu
`ajarQJ3c. Thcrc arcuscoflcchnicaI nfoation.
`p3riuJIrty il cIuiaIogyt«hr thin wnce-
`ish flbrries
`all, relying n
`eJltíQfl$ ofhandbooks. urrin peiìocals d pron.i
`ntu with their çojlau nod wftli peeple in other
`or;rninaiions. Even re brlibrnrynncrn a]se reecho
`ieLonosiiea ei other wnys.
`lISt 2
`1102 2
`SystaoiiO Anal1nlo of n University LibosisE
`finsI repati and rotoincel, piiceu
`Pncklaed, Ml<.
`The enlablhxlnoettt of oine tiras' universities in the 19600 pf000kOd 5 hiGhly
`st1imdatingc.erna.minntieu o(the nonni-e, putpoao and mannopoacot of acadoonic
`libimlot. Lonp-entnblisltcd ntiiiudm nod methods wese questioned. but
`although changcawcrc made, tIte basic difficuhyrennained - n lack of objective
`inl'onnution abont the best ways ofpros'ìdíog a library service in a university.
`'lise TeporI of lIte UGC CtuiaiOe-e co Libraries (tite Panty Reput [2671). schick.
`io general, endorsed these thsonget, also stressed the need for soseaemsb 'otis
`all aspees alacodeenic Phat'oty pravisiotn.
`1424 2
`1401 2
`/in Ensayen lhibIio3.nphic Ceints-al
`\'i1oon, P.
`The relationships between the otijarsization and control of writings
`and thearganizatina nod control of katowiedge and tnfeanalien ',till
`inevitably otter nor atoxy. foe writings contain, along with moth else, a
`greci deal al'toanhind's isatis of knowledge und isafninsatioo, Bibliographical
`conti-uI is afona uf posent-, nod if innowledgo ilnell' is u l'otan of poseen
`as the dimiliarolognu chaima, bibliographical control isin a cet-tain noise
`power orce pouce, pawes'tn ohmio ilaekonwledgetrccorded insss4itea
`lutin. As writings arc tiet simply, and nut 'ou onysimpleway. slorelnonccs al'
`Isnowiudijo, wucutnuct ostisfactorily diacono bibliogrophiçal control is
`nitnply cannel over 6to kcowlndpo and Information contained in writings.
`360 2

`055 2
`1069 2
`1079 2
`1203 2
`hagcrnenl Qartt2
` Lib
`a repars rin a research pncss
`Bt'rtplty. 1.
`Altboa5h the eso a1amcs is professional education hits
`boomewidrspread orrlydarin the 1an dccado+ Lttotrcsshod Itas
`been us5d in annaiberof fields fOr'masyhund1edsofyar.
`Ils origins have beco raced so sisnplenva1$amcs. used is
`anis either unavailable
`niliraryicaisin when tIre acai thin
`orIna danerotin In unsre recenctirnus, t1teseamai has
`hueornr unsre and morn sophisticated, and Inaury noW rise IncOe
`olcerreirric coospaleta lo handle tite completi caleulttiötr4 inosleed.
`Since 1956. when the first nioll-dcrelsped tnaoageotenl ganse was
`nuratlrreed, lite rochniqite has spread rapkflyirrto a wide variety
`of disciplines anrinoday il is used at all levels of education.
`Ii'Otfl prinlatySCltOOI classes io Cnw'ses lite ospoeienced pcnfessianal
`oeso1dthnnuo cspinaiert'
`roen arid warners. One ofihetnain
`has licou 16e tupid development of sopltloicated tsstsa5cmerst
`techniques, tC1t an Sinsolation and marhernarical rirudclliutg. which
`lravbeotr ruado possible by rapid advances in competer- technology.
`bsiroriin5 Concepts scud Methods
`Borlas, FI.
`Graduate librssyschaolsnudy of absteacting should be inure tirati -a
`bOw-tÓ-dait eunrnr.
`It should ircludo4cscrtd meil8rial on ihoclttcractorltncs and types nf abstracts,
`tire historical dorelopiriont of uherrueting publications, tlrc abstroet-pablishiog
`irntnstry (cspncially in the Visited Statai), and ihr need for standards io the
`preparation and evalnotion of the product.
`Theu spire nro call concepts.
`Thu Itas inclrales a rnctlrads scellait containing instructions fur sedtleg
`variro lypcs of abatisteis. anti for editing and preparing abstrecrirt peblìcatiaas.
`Theitodoloiled iostruciiarts arc snrpplgnaertted byesaeaplco and escrciocair tise
`Three is a brief diseossias nf hsdeocing of abstract publications.
`Research on aoronratina has boon trusted osteosively its tItis ronla, for nro
`boliovo that rho topic desert-err grosser rstpltosis tison ir bou roecivedirs tIce
`Comprrtcr uscio bcemin8 increasingly imparlonr in all aspecto of Iibeaeinttship.
`Mitch research effort hin herrn eapeodetitin tite preparation and evaluation of
`competes-prepared abstracts and nrttoacts.
`Stadcnts librarians, asid ahslrserors trill butieirt freins kitowing boar this
`roseareis mid otsdutstandingliow eompnior pragmatic nvcrc researched to analyze teal,
`select hoysenucuces, ar-rd preparo rnett'aets and abstracts.
`The benefIts nf thic research aro discessod.
`Abstracting isa lacy sega050s of Ihn infosruarlinn itrdaaroy.
`Oppertuirnirics are available for-both 1611-time professionals nod parr-titan nr
`Many librarians rand noch activities pleasant and rewnxdiirg, (nr titcy latow
`the6' ase contributing to rire morn offensive uso of stored information,
`Otrn citaptee is dnvornil lo career npporiusitiai for absrrrrctnen.
`257 2
`1365 2
`1390 2
`400 2

`- -
`j 7
`Aeedmc Liliy Bofldiog
`A Guido o Arcoro Isucs od SoloUcos
`Eliovoi. R.E
`Tlûo hook otIernple to ooeeet ropresoelelho exonploo orsuoccoorol
`eroliliceisral solutions leibe iiopeitentproblcnis libninieno nod
`oodtitccts frico iii planning nos;' enileijo und university libnany
`buildings or larirnindeling nod enlarging existing stnnetnres. Il does
`oat attosopi toanake çaaeslstlyevsleati055. na wits dite lay
`Ellswenh Mason for liroavo and Yale, Nor does il presets examples
`f ussticccssfutl s1otions except to show howni anoidosisaikes.
`stai in thcsn cuoca lIce liboonico will noi bu identified.
`1211 2
`1212 2
`266 2
`1424 2
`The Acoelemic Libonry 0osas in Sonor of Ouy R. Lyle
`Father, El
`As 'oapstlnst for staff usnolacra' individuel duoclopittctsl
`au was tito uppoenticunhip io atinsinintradutt, petltapeshotnost
`sipnifiniitltitodo nao ocquieed svhiloWonk'mg l'ot
`nvidonrly resistant to estalalishod mctltods of uso and user
`research. Thcoccd for un cidtsnntis'c study of concepts s\'as
`Open shelf 1ibtnoics-'oogaoiocdthruott sltolfclassìstcation
`and relative locationwere beam
`to arouse lbs iolellecittol,
`social, sad political interest tal lIso average citizen and affect
`DCfusitíons uf 'browsiug" varied gtc0tlyl oelf-iodutlgcuoe
`by tIte sototoecel in o*eti050ble works. beunlicial solf.uducosloo
`for lito oscrol reader; valnablcguidannnfnrthcsrholaria his
`Gy wa n,&nd byhis nisc 1
`ibmLs .msi
`b, inItd jl nd kowkdcb)c hautthc ctcnt of the
`noecriols oith 'hjc thoydeat. His oveoferator1is
`respect forschoacshp. his dmnitioo for good witieg aed
`roaog wcre oraowestrd 0000yweys, iot nost noob1y io
`hi adeooitioo thol thoughwowero pñmai1ya
`Ubrai o'omus ooisaniIyIccp io ,iod ow o1ligetioo io
`liebe eed be1kO-kiiee, lt
`coo pimarily opio ibe librarysteZ ro fell. to be
`renposaible for Ilise no svoil u fur "gnnresl° booiis,a'hieh eretsed
`disciplioaiy lions nr fell baisceen the disciplines, these bushs
`which a ('scully usoadyconcenoed with research materials (s
`apt to overlook, Andinbuilding titis pnioa nf the coilcetion,
`"thewiis no substitute for adiorough acqaainlastce with
`books tiusugli a reading oferitical rechtes nod Lite books
`ihcotsclocs, This counsel is Iront The President, he Professer.
`satdslseCollcgcUbtstty, bus ltcitopontnnce of its thoutsilte
`need to kccp op willi the world nf books and pu'nliatskg-.was
`continually intprcsscd upen us.
`1061 2
`.AccesstoUbnstioaio College
`H>mon, ES.
`Thlseoodyuusoo;ed tltai an additional usonludyltotti
`less promise iliac an anolyiicol coosidoration of concepts.
`The basic opprnaeh sonsa sul't'ep cnntpaoisguodurional and
`cuisent professional ideos on direct access. Palocipal dota-gothcoitsg
`iastnumcnto worn documontaty analysis atid opinion cneniioonaioe.
`Findings afilie dscnosesiaiy analysis isclndedi Lbs following:
`Ijeseanela freni 1690m
`l97Ooa thodl,ecoshelfapproaclu
`nod bmowiug loll tito problems lorgnly onroriclved und
`1242 2
`1321 2
`1407 2
`Thu purpcso uf this study was to daselop, evaluate.
`raid occuinmeod a notional plait for itnp100isg access to periodical
`resources. Abolit 41 percent ofall neailouaiemniorlibtaty loam
`oto Airpeoiodkiil motorola, 'chit the built ofihn Isotta l'oin5
`oaiisllcd in thu form ofphnloeopioa, A major counidrooiion in
`dtelong.rangeimprovotseot of tito inioslibraty loan synlnn is
`thoposniksum;gmetstatìonu4thanolinssalsystcto forucniniog,
`staring, and satisIuisg loan ocsunls for pcslodical maietiols.

`9 2 lO
`9059 2
`1146 2
`1230 2
`1257 2
`1251; 2
`1390 2
`1380 2
`1390 2
`1390 2
`1390 2
`he Acqaìsilioo ofUbroayMnIÑ1s
`'Third World'r 00$ J mue ehoogod will1 ihr 'itualloutwil oraniva ira' of thiO
`scroinur. Thoparposc oI'tlrc lauding vonld boto .ruominc (Irr problems of
`acqtikiLir lIta ovailabOily of mondaIs n Enmprau librarian bolli lar
`rukronec md loolending; und Ihn frrrrsibility of unsung np o tfrrnopean 00011e
`for lIso oIIecliots of soclt material, tobo asailablo for baa. lire imaWsbon
`oTbibbinpoplsic inibmtolioo. preferable in machine-readable Conti, wualo ire
`a basic crtsidertrOiiI, aitaltruer meatto were proposed for acquiring publica$rsu
`from rlrsa oreas. flu Couacil of Europa moda o 9canrass J3n01tr towards tira
`cost CítIso seuurinar ss4ricb *10 leid at Ihr Unisoraity 01 Sonnes freto 1710 IO
`Scptnbor 1973.
`ooster, IC.
`lamant, nor base t avcpmcaundcd tabean asped na
`nsicrofrcbc. Ncverslselcoa, rubor Iwas itwitcd lo addrcso thu
`Third Annual Sioorlieuoseon flflCJIodoslty Lìsscs Conference in
`Wnllltosfl, Monsaciwsotla io Apri) of 19681 1106lIre lcrrtetityIo
`011etnps Ist dancribs miros Jas ruare would like to Ituvein a
`ficho roallcr. ('7uwords sUuiI'otru Foderai l0eportNombatia
`System and oCnddlyMiornlichr ReaderTwo Modeos l'rapnsals?'
`ResIego! September 19GO. AD-66920I)
`ki0 twrs wcrd'e1opd aut tncIud
`h fotJQwíng:
`avatbbte to ll us
`$cr%'iCc 5l1D2Id
`crn1ìned p,irnriIy
`joùnal akh.
`oIkction oCcaterhouId b conprchisiv.
`,Lct coscldi obrncIîcinc.
`Ford, S.
`hr neope of
`qriisiliotrs woik øoiliaod in tIro inlr-odoclion,
`orcknow1edrs Ihr arporloace ulsoleetian policy,
`scrirds recording, and albor tapira kidrcd IO ocquloiliorsu.
`Thesetopica ace diuculsod itt Iris 1100k 0111)00 thryrclale
`w obraiela llbtssymatcaìals. Thcy oro Oriomiriad thomagbly
`in booke and papeen tirar ore Cliso! io the rrrfc.cacas and tIro
`bibuio8mpbic note,
`Cettlralirto! ocqriisitiaas and irrtamarion of nadar routines are of
`mojar mporrasre in order srodz acd they arr rct'icwed os chaptoin in
`thinbook. 'Thraoehaprrr'aareiatrodoriioosrotlreennccpisaad
`problema of ceolrslizalion and auimilalioa, usi monnaIe of practice.
`For Irealmont of lhtteo topics its particular and is rlsptls che resder in
`ueí'orned toche selcecacca chad. Fur onromation chata rrfercttcc
`aso only o arodestuoloutiao from ea enoin000a liroruture.
`Acquisition from the 3rd World
`Clothe, DA.
`ThaLiDisdas bibliotlssqaor curapceanen de rcebcrclte (LIBElO) was sel np
`itt 1971 os an intrasnriooal .ron'os'cnrmenIaI orgnnization, wish dan aim of
`asInblisIritt elusa cnitoborasioa beswcen lIte cnrrraI rescacrlr librarian of
`We.rIceo Ensopc, poniesilarly national mud uoivasity libraries. ondin
`parsìen(urlo help ia ftmliagptoctical soon of improning the quality uf
`At thcaaeondmaeliug alilo QecrtalAsscisbly, held in Oaaxesnbootg in 1972.
`LIBElO drtided lo hold aorrrtsioar on thç ,scqoinirioo f macnob frool the


`362 2
`Th Ádminstton ofth Colkgc Ubruy
`içihisbk ìas a cIra1 lhcis,
`t rests paa ¡hearnpIa bat
`4yot4 the corninonIyaacptad run4Iiaaa ofboaI iva4tatad
`s1oate. Thcco1Iac libauy cxst. notmcrcly to Ioaid
`¡mt to suppkrneutaad ratcad tha icachng
`circulata libriy rnataia!a.
`crvív.,to afford faou1tymrrubara fbrroy
`proruss with isfanina
`opiurumiiius for bupro4o instruction. and to cncotusgestudarrrs
`to romSanore uttdlrcorerboolcs. Adrninhtttrviorr s otaiuiti1iy e
`aerviecacfwity, a root thrónplr witielt tibiaryfuuct5ortaarx niara
`fully arid outicicndy realizad.
`The preuerrt astIr ralSton raout ot'tho mAtadOl of ihn frost oditioto.
`bun includes anbotarnlial revision tu each chapina. Tito book was
`planned nor ulyas a tear in ihn reaching nf'ccrllego library
`admmoisrrrrrion bra also for indcparrdost ptofcssiorrol rexdio. Because
`readers irate louant rho foornorct and clraprcrbibtiographiot useful
`for reference ptrrpones, they trove been t000nptn op ro dAtcoodirs
`sorno casos calendad.
`803 2
`1036 2
`1329 2
`1307 2
`1408 2
`Adopting tIre Library olCorrtircss Ciassifrcaiioe Sstetiin
`tertattiris, R.E.

`26 2
`1o8 2
`loo 2
`¡090 2
`424 2
`j 15
`Iofcrrnrstion Floto. in Rotoaruhand floseIolorueoc Laboo.torics
`Allen Tirarnos J.
`Cohcn, Stephen L
`Teehuie1 ecrnorursicoitoo ponctua ht roo research arid development tnbÖolouiot
`stern errutsined usine orad illesi soetoroerric reclrntqnes.. The structure of
`technical conrrncnicrnlion onlwnriis ri the two laboratorios terroirs from tIne
`inttcraclion of built social relations arid work structure,.Tiro socioroctric
`'stars in Ibis technical ccrmrautricalion oteiworle who provide otlior oteinobers Of the
`orgontlaatinn willuinrformotion eirhernsukeprcater osad individuals enrubie
`rira nianizotioc or read Ihn lirertrrnre mOro Orso othvtrrrcrobero oldie
`Titis roanoal is dcsi0ood to titaba ir possible for any library to choogo
`ctlieieoityrortraLilrrruyofCoogresoClasrifrcarioosystnos. Detailed
`proeednroes are oattisçd wbich may sotte as oserei models oras aseries nl
`suggested tropa initiait baveproreo effrrethoin actual ase. Mort outlislest
`deals with rite occoosary eritreOs far effocriog the planning, molding tine
`prepararions,aoiecsirrg tiro tools, rand rrtlablislrirtg iba procedures which
`one rirserrtial for a reclauait'ncatioa project, lleyrrrrd this, cortsirlrrrablo
`attenrioanhosboert6irerrlomurryofthcprrrbicm oreas of rboLC
`Chaosiltcation'scrics. biography, bibliography, tow. PZO and PZ4. tnt
`addition, rire titcrorirrc Tables Villa run 1X0, tWot nf the most
`frottuernily uted rablos ritrooghotni rire entise clara nsrrrnn,lruve been
`ntroroogiily explained and Itreirs66lìealious illustrated byastainrsof
`roroprehertsive crtanrplea. Since tite machomier, production, arid coat erl
`rarahognocard copycoo eigtrilleanllyalToct ilaefiow of books touriers,
`o chuplcr hua beco desatad to deScribing rise use of SCarOa copyitnti
`muchions in library alrecations, Finally, an ourrntoted biblio0rnpby
`ofboolrsondar'rielesjudgechtnbetinlpfrnl ir,uiocidtoetoroelasctfyis
`included for Orean readers who saisir to delve Innen deeply mro rIre
`tontinas annI &nrstrattirg SO.vonr history oldie concept of centralized
`cataloging arid ctinsifrcahion. Thenrrrnbcrscncloscd in parenrbcsca
`thnstn0hoot rire lost referto sourest is tisa btltIirsrapIr'whieb retata
`ro orsrrppeor rira argwtnctsra bcirtgadrarsced in otsyparnicrnlar cuse,
`1152 2

`.1 7
`AthcU,rcs in Libmrianshp
`VOIt. MJ.
`Thmn lins løn Imna n mead rar a cantnuag iercs Io pmvidc
`field nf
`snhalady ravinma nfthnrapidlyehmning and advancin
`llbradanship. asrim vhich wndd sdcctauhjia withjmriicolar
`m.nczanigniflcancn to tlmp.vfnnian and provide mi nna1in of
`Ilse advanm nade Ihroeh roseard. and practice Adonomo in
`Libiaeianship is plennedand dmignodio liii Ihis need. ii will
`pxesenroiilic& enielco and soroc basedonthOnbtinhed liismmro,
`ec0000ci, in ponjnns, and developments in Jibtarint of all tnt.
`Mechacianilon may appesa to bothensost obvious of Ihn atloancing fronts
`ntlibraolaoslnip. for automation harcauglir the gnThuaiastic suppazi or aIl
`Advntncca s this field will cetialnty ho found in evory valonar of titis serlee.
`¿.0 iba fieni 5coup of articistsin this volume demotestrato. lcchnolodical Itare
`has sis obviag oust direct i.oplicalion Thy librarloS, bat thu pobknt lies boon
`Thuudlobeu,mchrnorccomples tltaurhesimplebsvonicryproblom nuonyoxpens
`AduanerO itt Libratlausbip in drdieaied te. presenting Ihn realitint t
`autittnatian, assessing where we arc. u1trcwe tre going. sasdbow fast we can hope
`'l'ho Maclilnound Catolglng' reviews the carrons statua uf tIne osschiae.piudttcrsl
`licols mIning miti ahnt lira ahead ars sue 001cr tIte oge of MAI'.C.
`Wlterg bs.sioethn .,tetitod lieve greaicrnpplicnbillty, progress is casier, us
`rc1touad io 'ls4eehaniznsion of Actiniskiun Pmr-ctç."
`Eses, in tItis area ge.secally acceptable practices and stundordizlion socio the
`future, not the pest.
`OnO cf Iheproblcms of ms,jar and insntcdiaie importance io compoicrizotian of
`catalog in(otfllotiun is that discussed in 'Piling Syausnn for Coniputnr
`'Thiodctailnl ocvinttv pontones lIto co.tsplcsioyuf tite problems und .su5gcosn
`possible noloticuo.
`Por nsuny years technical ordcn coats Itose bcen dofcnded mutons oduqutg
`Iioowlcdgcof the facts.
`Au autuninldprnccultsrgs mc ptttpaocd, standords ore ulglgrntiuiog costs of
`traditiguitl Li1Inrali000 become. csserstisd.
`The articlgonsiaedards faraud. casis thaws why the problems hasebeen difficult
`506 2
`tbcsgnñcan(dv3nc5 ofthc past wycar.
`Thchoo} ibryh vidcd is dirncio
`nrnicri-Is nd r4c m.d.
`m.r .pid1y tlmn m tflod
`togh with riwt.ichin mcthod, has madposb1
`major dveJpmcLt$ fl 1itrmyc.\4CC ínschools .s wdl
`lbrchiidrcn in
`Two nrticlns man clnn thnt nImioenbcom lias hem. dcnnn1nn4, and ihm
`n'hai .enintnnis lo niakc this the mnl ralbar iban ihn 'ccp1ion.
`l3ibndiarnp>' m ananampic ofa field in
`pronms n.a bann nIav.
`Ailicics ii'hid. ilinmiata dic palcatial vhicli aysinma thm.y and m;mncriaI
`planning iima.yiavn for iibrarbn.
`Thc nflick on ihn applkaiion ofilime coucepß. dikli cnnict.oni rmaardi in
`ad,pioisiraion, mc provnaiivoand ninynppcarconlrovciiaIio some.
`development in desdlndn conninics »randes on
`Tho nitido on libm
`enalynis in depth ofnureffnns anddeijon ofsuconis in assisti..g odmr
`enwinios in pmvidieg ihn libonynerokewbicli inno insismians iii 11m modosn
`.1 IS
`Selective Disarmuiaatian oflofamtalian
`Mauerhoff. Gi'..
`The prcsgnl contribt,tion dont not duplicate pren4onantudku but
`complements che carlktpnblicslioos asid clusgs the low gaps litai
`exist jis Ilse liicrature prior io ¡966 omit
`lIer 197 I,]y,
`ir is a bald imoupt to cvaluatecnitically nod objocuin'ely tite hisiory
`of the mechanized selectivo ditnntuiouiiau uíinfonnalion (SI)i) na
`reflectad in d.c litecsttsru, from ilse initial description by Lohn
`(1955, 1961b, e) io the pont-1970 pctiodss'hm che SOI bannt bogsrnlnsing
`ground io the mure popolaron-linoiuicnscnvu sstemo. The insinua
`tlterofara qccoiiuns notI irsterportu tbocnneejt. nf 5121, ins iunplesnete.atiee,
`and its es'ohtoian in the ligltt al worIn peefasittod byissany connpnnion,
`govcmtnct.tzgeiicint, univeraities, onrigties, and Iibranes during 1150
`last fotolecru )'cam.
`632 2

`In Inyln4 to glsnsn account ofthc statistical properties of
`1aaguau, one in faced euh Iltprobleen nf haciitg to find tIto
`common ducati which would shaw flac msny and mullifarious facets
`of Ian9us9c statistics- embodied inscaticred p57cm syjjlttt
`by lisaguislo, philonuphos msthcttsadcians, engineers, euch using
`hin own psolietalonal follona us bulougin9 to nue great whole:
`qsntitative Iinttinticu.
`sin or nsugaitustjnstc-uns-erdioeulstuLintlen. lopatlilsu
`difference between Iwo lypen of statistics briefly. the Iuttcrcontpziscn
`tltcmcihedsuaduelenofgcncanlattunbersstisticsssappfied.e.g., in
`Economics and 1Scmuraphy, thy fenece Ions its own mshsdgandcltsracteaising
`paramtalers. parlicuIr1y useful for descoib) ng and cvalsautisg launog
`euuctuee. TIto idea of statistIcal linguistics os using concepts und
`methods of itsosm, which was adaunlossicO ita abc autbofs Langcugc as
`cbniceoudChanee, 19$6,hssnowtùcntiefinitcshupe.
`O6thls development S shall uy Io give abriefuceoutit. 0» my bonI,
`Lsngatagcss Choice atad Chuncc. IItp fowIdalSon was luid fofa frIlly
`sctsslbleapplicsfiou of statistics IO 1angnnc by any ifltÇrpreIIaIioIt
`of tite languc-parule dichotomy as bcln essentiullytlttat between statistical
`1543 2
`1143 2
`1143 2
`1253 2
`1261 2
`1372 2
`1363 2
`1396 2
`13% 2
`1399 2
`1396 2
`1016 2
`1053 2
`1066 2
`1057 2

`io the field of Atoctican librsrlaitslrip. This pemiud of growth trasto
`travC considerable irdlontreC Ott the coarse Of librai3 dcvillnptncrit in
`Attterieu ofinc 1876. To snore the unid quarter of tire nioetevodr
`cortrotyis ro rtsktnisiurterprcring ho pivetal past-i976 ers,
`arid io dds tinto of ronpytirisal. it meros prnticrtlarly apprarniote
`and rrseful to focas atti' attentino os rire yeats preceding tIre frosting
`ol'tltuAnrerican Library Arsocialisa.
`X $
`1022 2
`1045 2
`1260 2
`1453 2
`1433 2
`i 21
`Lorette, K
`lit this book, Lorenz dcttlo svìtlt the cr'oluiioo of aggression
`to gctreeutrs discussion that will load
`cventnolly tota slatomeut olAsnociotion policy
`thai din penfnnnioun still sopport and nitrura
`A basic ersuinpdon onwirteb the siamemctst
`rests is this: mml tha libeatyoccrmparias io
`moth beendet misait that segsteuc of h which is
`tite iibcary profession, bot litai lite professional
`segment lina responsibility for rIte defmillion
`ordsupers'ision nf tiro tnainiogaod oducotiun
`required hattie còmplero range of activities
`crscarnp'urco'lby the occupation. l.ibtarioss
`are col the only persons wIes varie in
`lihrtuies, but librarians rire the ones stiro see
`concerned with the ads'aceomcut and irnpmveeneot
`of tise library psofeasion. lt follows tiren
`lIrai ills tIre obligation of lite professionals
`ro argago actirclyio rho establishment and
`,nainronuoco of standards nod nnnns gss'ernlng
`the preparation ofpeoplearlsn ss'omlt at
`any lesel in libraries. Tlsoysboold teflon and
`guide the Inuits ofpucpanotion trinar ctscfnl at
`tlrnpre-professiool les'el tinti uni
`metely the edocatioo ol'Ilnuroe v'ho will hold
`positiorno at ihn level we sors' call °profesuiuoai.
`054 2
`94 2
`274 2
`280 2
`287 2
`302 2
`i 20
`Tho.rgc of wr'ait Charles Caflin inwoli and Atoetiesti i.ibradaicsbip
`l$4l1 SS
`Han4s, I4M.
`Mtlibtaiiaoaniark cite bei wing of eroticen libentOanattip
`frani the founding of the Atnetican Ubraty Assoclotio in 1876 and
`clin appoaxalicoon ¡ho national library scene of soth dynamic and
`conir000rsial tl9orcs tra Melvil Dewey asti Charles/trami Cunee,
`ISatis doing no they overIolr no ivrtrenleiy significant twain
`lIre Isislory of our profession. farder eusi1er century preceding the
`1076 mottling in Pltiladelphis wan ose characterized bygooai adranecu
`ill vsebr5trS. Hopabits Ost that aggreusivityis totally dSfcreni
`frt,ma prcdrilis: that ir isa biological necessity for defence sí
`toetitocy and foro enmarad animal, arid thai ir becomes misad
`up sr4mb other limace drives, thus leading up towards reduction
`afietraspeduic dronage. Thia. be il noted, is most evident in
`fimccr social predators 1i1re waives. mirera escapa freni the parle
`is virtually impossible trod where co-operation without fighting
`is necessary lar CorticalI whereas in the ants-social bettproverbialiy
`peaceful dosepreveotino of eseapalcads to riaient sod oiles
`fatal atiricies sa tire weaker male,
`In s tisai chapter ha advances sorne suggestion ou to how in
`tire Iranian species. sallas evolution is pdruaolly cultore], and
`not guided by Darwinian selection in Ike stoici s

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