`US 20050216434Al
`(19) United States
`(12) Patent Application Publication
`Haveliwala et al.
`(lo) Pub. No.: US 2005/0216434 Al
`Sep. 29, 2005
`(43) Pub. Date:
`Inventors: Taher H. Havellwala, Mountain View,
`CA (US); Glen M. Jeh, San Francisco,
`CA (US); Sepandar D. Kamvar, San
`- -
`-Francisco, CA-(US)
`Correspondence Address:
`(21) Appl. No.:
`(22) Filed:
`Dec.1, 2004
`Related U.S. Application Data
`(60) Provisional application No. 60/557,783, filed on Mar.
`Publication Classification
`Int. Cl.7
`....................................................... G06F 7/00
`(52) U.S. Cl. . ..........•...................................................... 707/1
`A search engine provides personalized rankings of search
`results. A user interest profile identifies topics of interest to
`a user. Each topic is as.'iOciated with one or more sites, and
`a boost value, which can be used to augment an information
`retrieval score of any document from the site. Search results
`from any search are provided to the user, with a variable
`control of the ranking of the results. The results can be
`ranked by their unboosted information retrieval score, thus
`reflecting no personalization, or by their fully or partially
`boosted information retrieval scores. This allows the user to
`selectively control how their interests affect the ranking of
`the documents.
`':l Goor,!c PNsonahzc-d Search M1cro~of1 lnlcrnel lxplorer
`[ _ ]Q~X J
`102~L_------------------~~~~1 ~G~oo~gle~SFea~rcn~
`To view personalized results, first create a profile of your interests.
` ...
`_1 j·~~
`:t..' EXHIBIT 2105
`Facebook, Inc. et al.
`Software Rights Archive, LLC
`CASE IPR2013-00480


`Patent Application Publication Sep. 29, 2005 Sheet 1 of 10
`US 2005/0216434 A1
`~ Google Personalized Search -Microsoft Internet Explorer
`1_E_ile_f:_dit_~_ew_F_g_v_orit_es_I_oo_ls __ t!e-,--lp ____________________________________ j_IJ_rJ_
`( ) Back • C) • [il [;) ~ I j0 Search tf Favorites fr Media 4;t} , ~ • ~ 6jJ • 0 ~ •
`102 -----r-c__ _______________ ____jl [ Google Search- Jl
`L 106
`To view personalized results, first create a profile of your interests.
`104 ~ Create Profile
`Feedback - Discuss - Terms of Use - FAQ
`®2004 Google ·Searching 4,285,1QQ,774..,eb pages
`FIG. 1
`I ~ _ I~ternet


`Patent Application Publication Sep. 29, 2005 Sheet 2 of 10
`US 2005/0216434 A1
`rl Personalized Web Search: Edit Profile -Microsoft Internet Explorer
`---------~-------~~ Ill
`~ Eue
`1 Q Back ~ 0 · ~ [gJ ~ i jJ Search *Favorites @J' Media @j ~ ~ ~ fi!] • D 4~
`- ·-
`i Agdr~ss_l :m http:/
`Select topics you like from the directory below to help Google personalize your
`search results.
`. g· i ~"'
`.. ~oo~.~-~e
`Personalized -~'BETA
`For example:
`1. Click on Health.
`2 .. Check the Health (General) checkbox. This selects the entire Health
`3. Click Start Searching
`4. Search for "stanford", and drag the slider to see the effects of
`Yom Interests:
`/ -
`----------·----lr-_.,~_t:_g~•-·•'e_s_·. ____ r- 202
`Click on a link to see
`Click on a cllecl<l>cx to add a
`categoiY of interest.
`Semch is not yet
`"---- 208
`Start Searching
`Arts/Cinema -·
`(__ 206
`Kidsfreens -•
`Recreation _,
`Society -•
`Google Privacy Policy· @2004 Google
`[. f.
`FIG. 2


`Patent Application Publication Sep. 29, 2005 Sheet 3 of 10
`US 2005/0216434 A1
`-3i Personalized Web Search: Edit Profile - Microsoft Internet Explorer
`F--E_ile __ ~_di_t _'!_iew __ F_,a_vo_ri_tes_I_o_ol_s _t!_ei,--P _________ - - - - - - - - - - - - ______ __ _
`0 Back • C) • ~ ~ ~ j jJ Search 1f Favor[es 4!J' Media @ ! ~ • & fiil • Q ~·
`l---~~--~-d-re-ss'l~~~~~~=tt~p:=f/=la=~~.g~~=;g=le=~=~~-~~~=so=n=a~l~~ed~~=r=of=~=-.h~t~~~-==~~-=--=~-~-~--~~~~~~-~-~~-~--~--~--~==~~~,~,_~1]~_ -~~
`... , _,
`Personalized 0 BETA
`Your Interests:
`[Click on the [delete] link to delete
`an interest.)
`Delete all preferences
`c__ 310
`[ Start Searching
`Select topics you like from the directory below to help Google personalize your
`search results.
`For example:
`1. Click on Health.
`2. Check the Health (General) checkbox. This selects the entire Health
`3. Click Start Searching
`4. Search for "stanford", and drag the slider to see the effects of
`4---____ 202
`=.... ~
`Arts/Cinema -·
`Subcategories of
`Business/Industries - Computels
`5) 0 Computers (Geneml)
`Recreation --.
`Science -•
`I'-- 204
`0 Mobile Computing
`0 Multimedia
`0 Open Source
`0 Programming.
`Ooogle Privaw Policy· @2004 Ooogle
`FIG. 3


`Patent Application Publication Sep. 29, 2005 Sheet 4 of 10
`US 2005/0216434 A1
`~Personalized Web Search: Edit Profile- Microsoft Internet Explorer
`~dit ~ew Fg_vorites
`-- - - -----
`0 Back • C) - ~ ~ ~ I jJ Search tf Favorites e' Media 0 . rf} • ~ I!!}
`_ _!__
`_L~\!dress I~ http: 1/labs. google .com/personalizedjprofile. html
`ty~~ ~-Go
`Select topics you like from the directory below to help Google personalize your
`search results.
`For example:
`1. Click on Health.
`2. Check the Health (General) checkbox. This selects the entire Health
`3. Click Start Searching
`4. Search for "stanford", and drag the slider to see the effects of
`perso~ 202 ~
`Your Interests:
`Subcategmies of
`(Click on the [delete] link to delete
`an Interest.)
`Business/Industries _, Recreation
`Computers [delete]
`Delete all preferences
`Start Searching
`Computers -•
`Recreation -
`Societ~ -·
`D Recreation (General)
`D Birding /
`D Motorcycles
`Google Privacy Policv · @200'1 Google
`Subcategories of
`0 Games (General)
`D Board Games
`DCard Games
`D Roleplaying
`0Video Games
`... ,
`i e Internet
`FIG. 4


`Patent Application Publication Sep. 29, 2005 Sheet 5 of 10
`US 2005/0216434 A1
`r]l Google Personalized Search - Microsoft Internet Explorer
`: q __
`D ~·
`dim Go
`.. -
`0 Back • 0 - 0 [;! ifj) ! p Search "fJ:? Favorites @' Media (f) : ~ • ~ H!J
`Iidd:~ssJ~ htt;://la~~~~og;e·.~o~/p~r~onalizedf
`Personalized 0 sETA
`ILs_ta_nf_or_d __ ____________ _ _ _JI r Google Search
`Edit P10file
`Feedback - Discuss - Terms of Use - FAQ
`®2004 Google · Searching web pages
`j tt Internet
`FIG. 5


`Patent Application Publication Sep. 29, 2005 Sheet 6 of 10
`US 2005/0216434 A1
`11 Google Search: stanford -Microsoft Internet Explorer
`· [}IJ
`@sack • @ ~ ~ c~ p Search 'ff Favorites 'J Media ® ~ • ~ ~
`"i ~dr~~~ -~ ~ htt~: //labs. google. com/personaflzed/search?hl=en8clr=&ie=IS0-8~59-1 &q=sta~ford
`GO.Q-(J}e~ .__lsta __ nto __ rd ________ ____ll[ semch 1
`p_r610' 611!!r'-... 15 608
`S 616
`612 -
`- MinQ
`1 Max
`Personalize ~
`Edit Profile
`I .
`I I
`Resu~s 1 -10 of about 9,330,000 for stanford. (0.16 seconds)
`Tip: Drag the slider (above) to the right to personalize resuls. Personalized resutts are marked by ~. __j 618
`St.:mfor!l Universitv _ J 615
`Pictures of Stanford Universtty. Search: Stanford Web People. News &
`~s, o•o Saturdays and Sundays at 2 pm. More Events. Birds of Stanford, .. o
` 24~- "~' 26, 2004 ° Cached
`The Matlin Luther King Jr . .-<:<pers Project
`Stanford Universtty, The King Center, Copyright Information Martin
`Luther King, Jr. Speaks Out on War and Peace Important information 000
`www.Slanfot d.edulgroupll\ingl- 15k- Cached
`St;:mfor!l Encyclopedia of Philosophy
`Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy. Edtted by Edward N. latta Edttorial
`lnforma!ion.(Unk o .. Principal Sne: USA Stanford Universtty. Mirror .. 0
` 0 4k 0 Mar 26, 2004- Cached
`The Stanford Prison Experiment: A Simulation Study of the ...
`Official web sne of the Stanford Prison Experiment, a classic study
`on the psychology of imprisonment -- definnely worth a vistt! 000
`www .prisonexp.orgl-12k- Cached
`Stanford Copyright & Fair Use Center
`.. o Sign Up for St;1nfordos Fair Use Monthly Newsletter! ~·s FREE! 000 Stanford Universtty
`Ubraries, NOLO- Books, Forms &amp; Software, Justia- Peace, .. o
`fairuse.stanford.edulo 21k 0 Mar 28,2004- Cac,hed
`Lawrence Lessig
`... The Stanford Report, Stanford's official news service, has posted tts
`coverage of last week's "The Ethics of P2P Filesharing" panel. .. o
`www 0 17k 0 Mar 28, 2004 ° Cached
`Lawrence Lessig
`.. o So the Stanford Center for Internet and Society has filed an action on behalf
`of the Internet Archive and the Prelinger Archive challenging uncondttional .. o
`www.lessig.orgiblogl- 57k- Mar 26, 2004 ° Cached
`SRI International- an independent nonprofit R&D organization o••
`.. o A pioneer since our founding in 1946 as Stanford Research lnstttute (our name
`untll1977), SRI provides high-value solutions to a wide range of government ...
`www.sri.coml-11k 0 Mar 28,2004 ° Cached
`Stanford University Cardinal( An Official Athletic Site
`Stanford Cardinal Official Athletic sne: complete timely coverage of all Stanfor·d
`sports including football, baseball 8. basketbaR. Ooo 9 Stanford Downs No ... o
`'1k 0 Mar 28,2004- Cached
`i ~Internet
`FIG. 6
`I I I :
`I I ,
`! :
`i I
`i i
`I I
`i I I , u


`Patent Application Publication Sep. 29, 2005 Sheet 7 of 10
`US 2005/0216434 A1
`'~ Google Search: stanford -Microsoft Internet Explorer
`. 0 . ~ §l (.) I p Search tt Favorites
`1_ A~dre;s_j r[J http: //labs. google .comfpersonalized/search?hl=en&lr=&ie=IS0:8859-I &q=stanford
`Media 0 : e. ~
`_1_1 __
`. ;. J' ~ ~ l._s_ta_nf_o_rd _______________ _,l[ Search ]
`~- d.
`D .. rsonaltzed .~!lETA
`612 - :-Min -9== Max
`Edit Profile_)
`Resuns 1 -10 of about 9,330,000 for stanford. (0.16 seconds)
`Tip: Drag the sUder (above) to the right to personalize resuns_ Personalized resuns are marked by ~ 618
`St<~nford University
`Pictures of Stanford Universtty. Search: Stanford Web People. News a
`Events, ... Saturdays and Sundays at 2 pm_ More Events_ Birds of Stanford, ...
` 24k- Mar 28, 2004- Cacf·,ed
`~The Req1srer
`The Martin Luther King, Jr. Papers Project
`Stanford Universtty, The King Center, Copyright Information Martin
`Luther King, Jr. Speaks Out on War and Peace Important information ...
`www.stanford.edulgroupA<ingf -15k- Cached
`... Cliff Stanford charged wtth hacking Redbus_ By John Leyden_ Posted: 131D2f200~
`at 15:42 GMT. The Register Mobile: Find out what the fuss is about_ ...
`www.theregister .co.ukfcontentl55f35561.html- 20k- Cached
`~_r- 619 ~
`"G.rhe Register
`... Cliff Stanford denies hacking Redbus_ By John Leyden_ Posted: 31 tl Of2003 ~619
`at 11:32 GMT. The Register Mobile: Find out what the fuss is about ....
`www.theregister _co_ukicontent.larchive!3:3705_hlml- 2-1 k- Mar 28, 2004- Cached
`St<~nford Encyclopedia of Philosophy
`Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy_ Edtted by Edward-N.Za~a Edttorial
`lnformation.(Link ... Principal Stte: USA Stanford Universtty. Mirror ...
`plato_st;mfoul.eduf- 4k- Mar 28, 2004- Cached
`tr-as.anford University
`Pictures of Stanford Universtty. Search: Stanford Web People_ News a
`Events, ... Saturdays and Sundays at 2 pm. More Events. Birds of Stanford, ...
` 24k- Mar 28, 2004- Cacf>ed
`The Stanford Prison Experiment: A Simulation Study of the ...
`Official web sHe of the sunford Prison Experiment, a classic study
`on the psychology of imprisonment -- definttely worth a vistt! .••
` ·12k- Cac~'ed
`ti'Qs.<~nford Artificial Intelligence Laboratorv
`Welcome to the Stanford AI Laboratory, Welcome to the Stanford AI
`Lab! The St,mford AI Lab is back! After operating for more than ...
`robotics.stanford.edul- 12ft- Mar 28, 2004- Cached
`f_F- 604
`Stmlford Copyright & Fair Use Center
`... Sign Up for Stanford's Fair Use Monthly Newsletter! ft's FREE! ... Stanford UniversHy
`I ihrAriP"~ NOI 0- Rnnk~ Fnrm:c::: RRmn· SnftwArP. .bJ~tR- PP.Ar::P. ••.
`FIG. 7
`I I) Internet


`Patent Application Publication Sep. 29, 2005 Sheet 8 of 10
`US 2005/0216434 A1
`11 Google Search: stanford - Microsoft Internet Explorer
`----------------------,--------------------- ---.-
`: llf
`- ~ ~-
`0 Back • 0 • 0 @ ~ : jJ Search U Favorites ~Media e : ~ • ~- I!!)
`---- ----
`. --
`ci..l flGo
`~ A!;!dress l4D·B859·18<Q=stanford
`G,O~OO}e·· L-lsta._nfo_rd ________ __.ll see.rch J
`P~rsonalized 0 BETA
`610~- j614
`--.....-:o Max
`' l 1
`I~ !
`I ~
`: '
`1' .
`I' !
`612!;; -Min
`S 616
`Edit Profile
`Personalize -
`Resutts 1 -10 of about 9,330,000 for stanford. (0.15 seconds)
`Tip: Drag the ~linPr (above) to the right to personalize resutts. Personalized resufts are marked by ~ 618
`...) 618
`~The Register
`••• Cliff Stanford charged wtth hacking Redbus. By John Leyden. P_osted: 1310212004
`at15:42 OMT. The Register Mobile: Find out what the fuss is about ....
`www lheregister .co.llklcontentl55f35561 .html - 20k - C-<ochecl
`tftlrhe Register
`••• Cliff Stanford denies hacking Redbus. By John Leyden. Posted: 31 f1 0/2003
`al11 :32 OMT. The Register Mobile: Find out what the fuss is about .•••
` 21k- Mar 28,2004- Cached
`~Stnnford Artificial Intelligence Laboratory
`Welcome to the Stanford AI Laboratory, Welcome to the Stanford AI
`Labl The Stanford AI Lab is back! After operating for more than ...
`robatics.stanfol·d.edlll. 12k. Mar 28, 2004. Cached
`tf\lcsu Center for the Study of Language and Information-- Stnnford ...
`The Center for the study of Language and Information (CSLI) is an Independent Research
`Center founded in 1983 by researchers from Stanford Universtty. SRI ...
`www-csli.etanfo1 d.edul- 12k- Mar 28. 2004- Cached
`5 602
`4ftlrhe Stanford University Database Group
`••• You dont need to download and install the source •• a server runs at Stanford
`and a client on your machine. CLICK HERE to give tt a try. On Nov .•.•
`W"NW-db.stanford.edul- Sk. Cached
`titlEFF: Electronic Frontier Foundation and Stanfonl Law Clinic Sue ••.
`... for Immediate Release: Monday, November 3, 2003. Electronic Frontier
`Foundation and Stanford Law Clinic Sue Electronic Voting Company ....
`www .eff.orgA.egaiASP _liabilttyiOPG _v_Dieboldl 200311 03_eff_pr.php- 16k- Cachecl
`~tnnfonl- virtual sightseeing tours- showroom- ParalleiGraphics ...
`ParalleiOraphics, home ,. showroom ,. virtual sightseeing tours ,. St.mford. up to
`virtual sightseeing tours. Montmartre. Stanford. stte search: subscription: ...
`www.parallelgraphics.comlshowrooml virtual-tours/stanford/- 18k -Mar 28, 2004 -Cached
`4111t.lrhe Stanford SUIF Compiler Group
`... 1994. PubFlcations. Previous research. Affine Transformations for Optimizing
`Parallelism and Localtty. I I;mford.eclu.
`suif.stanford.edul- 3k. Cached
`FIG. 8


`Patent Application Publication Sep. 29, 2005 Sheet 9 of 10
`US 2005/0216434 A1
`11 Personalized Web Search: Edit Profile - Microsoft Internet Explorer
`I ools
`F ~vorites
`0 Back • C) · ~ ~ ~ i_ p Search 1t Favorites @t Media e : ~ · ~ li!]
`_; Agdress ~~ http://labs.go~gle.comfpersonalizedfprofile.html
`Select topics you like from the directory below to help Google personalize your
`search results.
`For example:
`Personalized 0· BETA
`1. Click on Health.
`2. Check the Health (General) checkbox. This selects the entire Health
`3. Click Start Searching
`4. Search for "stanford". and drag the slider to see the effects of
`Your Interests:
`Arts/Cinema -•
`Subcategories of Music
`(Click on the [delete] link to delete
`an interest.)
`Business/Industries ~
`~Music jGeneml)
`Cgmguters _,
`Music [delete]
`Delete ell preferences
`I Start Searching
`Kids/Teens -·
`Recreation -
`Science -•
`Sgorts -·
`Regions -•
`0 Electronic a
`0Hip Hop
`more Music ... -·
`Google Privacy Policy- ®2004 Go ogle
`FIG. 9
`I ~ Internet _


`Patent Application Publication Sep. 29, 2005 Sheet 10 of 10
`US 2005/0216434 A1
`rl Google Search: stanford -Microsoft Internet Explorer
`____ -----~ ~- - - - - - - - ---~ II
`0 Bac:k • C) · ~ ~ (;) : ,fJ Searc:h iJ:t Favor~es e' Media e) ~ • .@ Iii) 0 & •
`)~!!d~es~ J@l!S0-8859-l&q=stanford
`GOO~{e· '--lste_nto_rd _______ __,ll search J
`Personalized <!).BETA 614
`6 10 ,£
`612 0in
`-----~ Edit P10fite
`Personalize - .
`Tip: Drag the slider (above) to the right to personalize resu~s. Personalized resu~s are marked by ~~
`ftQs,anford Copyright & Fair Use Center
`••• Sign Up for Stanford's Fair Use Monthly Newsletter! tt's FREE! ••• Stanford Universny
`libraries, NOLO- Books, Forms &amp; Software, Justia- Peace, ...
`fairuse~stanford.edul- 21 k- Mar 28, 2004- Cacheo:l
`4tQs.anford Copyright & Fair Use- Copyright and Fair Use Overview
`••• Copyright @2003 Nolo. FairUse.Stanford~eduWeb. Copyright Books From NOLO .... Stanford
`Universtty Libraries, NOLO- Books, Forms & Software, Justia- Peace, •••
` _Use_Overviewl- 32k- Cached
`5 602
`ffacenter for Computer Research in Music and Acoustics
`The Stanford Universtty Center for Computer Research in Music and Acoustics is
`a mu~i-disclplinary faciltty where composers and researchers work together ...
`www-ccrma.stanford.edul- 7k- cached
`http:lloper~tstanford.edul. Welcome to OperaGiass, an opera information
`server on the World V'l\de Web .... My address is ....
`opera.stanfoJd.eduknain.html- 7k- Cached
`Stanford Jazz Workshop offers innovative jazz education programs for adutts and
`youth, the Stanford Jazz Festival and year-round jazz events featuring top ...
`www.stanfordjazz.orgl- 21k- Cached
`ff'QThe Stanford Harmonics
`LA Weekend. The Harmonics just returned from Los Angeles after participating
`in the 3rd annual California A Cappella Festival at UCLA ....
`www .stanfordharmonics.coml -15k- Cached
`Stanford University
`Pictures of Stanford Universtty. Search: Stanford Web People. News a
`Events, ... Saturdays and Sundays at 2 pm. More Events. Birds of Stanfo1 d, ...
`www .stanford.edul- 24k- Mar 28, 2004- Cac,hecl
`The Martin Luther King Jr. Papers Project
`Stanford Universtty, The King Center, Copyright Information Martin
`Luther King, Jr. Speaks Out on War and Peace Important information ...
`www.stanford.edulgroup!Kingl-15k- Cached
`Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy
`St.tnford Fnr.vclnnP.rliR nt Phfln.<nnhv FrirrP.rl hv FrlWArrl N TA~A FrfrtnriRI
`FIG. 10


`US 2005/0216434 A1
`[0001] This application claims the benefit under 35 U.S.C.
`§119(e) of Application Ser. No. 60/557,783 filed on Mar. 29,
`2004, which is incorporated by reference herein. This appli(cid:173)
`cation also incorporates by reference U.S. patent application
`Ser. Nos. 10/646,331 (filed on Aug. 22, 2003) and 10/641,
`489 (filed on Aug. 14, 2003); all of the above applications
`are commonly owned along with this application.
`[0002] This invention relates in general to online search
`engines, and in particular to personalization of search
`[0003] The current state of the art in online search engines
`is highly advanced in its ability to retrieve documents (e.g.,
`web pages or portions thereof, images, etc.) that are respon(cid:173)
`sive to the terms of a query. Search engines today can
`quickly retrieve specific documents that match the terms of
`the query. However, current search engines often return
`documents that while accurately correspond to the specific
`terms of the query, do not in any way reflect the user's
`underlying interests. Thus, two different users, one who is
`very interested in sports, and another who is interested in
`politics, will obtain exactly the same results to a given query,
`say "drug testing in baseball," even though the first user may
`be more interested in learning about which teams have
`implemented drug testing, while the latter user is more
`interested in learning about legislation related to drug testing
`in sports. Thus, there is a need for providing a mechanism
`and methodology for personalizing search results in accor(cid:173)
`dance with the interests of the users.
`[0004] Further, while a user may have particular set of
`interests that may be useful in processing their search query,
`a user may not want to always have such interests influence
`the query results. Thus, it would be desirable to a provide a
`mechanism and a methodology by which the user can
`variably adjust the degree to which his interests influence the
`results of a given search query.
`[0005] The present invention provides allows a user to
`variably adjust the degree to which his or her personal
`interests influence the presentation of results of a given
`search query. The present invention has multiple embodi(cid:173)
`ments, including a system for providing a search engine, a
`methodology for processing a search query, and a user
`interface for the user to variably adjust the degree of
`[0006] For a user's perspective, the present invention
`provides a mechanism for personalizing search results. The
`user defines a set of interests, for example as a set of topics
`or categories of interest to the user, as an interests profile.
`The user then submits a search query to a search engine. The
`search engine retrieves documents that are relevant to the
`query and presents these as search results. At first (though
`not necessarily) the search results are ranked without regard
`to the user's interests. This enables the user to see the
`relevance of the documents without influence by his per(cid:173)
`sonal interests. The user can variably control ranking of the
`documents in the search result set. In a preferred embodi(cid:173)
`ment, this is done by direct manipulation of graphical
`control element, a personalization control. This graphical
`element can have various graphical representations, and in
`one embodiment it is represented as a slider. Adjusting the
`control element adjusts the degree to which the results are
`ranked according to the user's interests, as expressed in his
`interest profile. In response to changes in the position of the
`control element, the search results are reranked, thereby
`allowing the user to see how his interests affect the ordering
`of the results.
`In one embodiment, the ranking of search results
`operates to increase the relevance score of documents that
`are associated with the directory of topics. Each topic in the
`directory is associated with a group of documents (e.g.,
`websites) which are deemed relevant to the topic. For each
`document (again, website), a boost value is provided which
`indicates the degree of relevance of the site to the topic. All
`pages within a given site get that site's boost value. The
`boost value may be understood as a scaling factor that
`represents the relevance of the site to the topic. During the
`query processing, the set of documents is returned, and
`scored without regard to their inclusion in the topic direc(cid:173)
`tory. In addition, a separate score for each document is
`determined in which the document's underlying relevance
`score is adjusted by its associated boost value if any, for
`example by multiplying the relevance score by the boost
`value, thereby scaling the relevance of the document to the
`query. Generally, only those documents which belong to
`sites listed in the directory will have a boosted relevance
`score, and other documents in the search results will not. The
`reranking of the documents in accordance with their boosted
`relevance scores is then a function of the position of the
`personalization control, either from no influence (where the
`boost value has no effect on the relevance score) to complete
`influence, wherein boost value for each document is applied
`100% to the relevance score, and any number of interme(cid:173)
`diate levels of application. The user can thus immediately
`rerank the documents in the search results by adjusting the
`position of the control.
`[0008] A system embodiment includes a topic directory
`for providing topics (categories) to a user, a search engine
`and index for searching indexed websites in response to a
`user's query, and a personalization component for determin(cid:173)
`ing for the search results at least one (and preferably a set)
`of rankings of the search results in accordance with the
`user's interests. A user interface embodiment includes a
`topical directory, with various topics, and graphical controls
`(e.g., checkboxes) in which the user can select topics of
`interests, and a graphical control that allows the user to
`adjust the search result ranking in accordance with his
`interest profile.
`[0009] The present invention is next described with
`respect to various figures and diagrams and technical infor(cid:173)
`mation. The figures depict various embodiments of the
`present invention for purposes of illustration only. One
`skilled in the art will readily recognize from the following
`discussion that alternative embodiments of the illustrated


`US 2005/0216434 Al
`and described structures, methods, and functions may be
`employed without departing from the principles of the
`[0010] FIG. 1 is an entry web page for a search engine.
`[0011] FIG. 2 is web page for editing a user's personal
`profile of topics.
`[0012] FIG. 3 is another web page of topics, and subtop(cid:173)
`[0013] FIG. 4 is another web page of subtopics.
`[0014] FIG. 5 shows the entry web page for the search
`engine with the query "stanford".
`[0015] FIG. 6 shows the initial results of the search on
`query "stanford", along with a control 608 for controlling a
`degree of influence of the user's interest profile in ranking
`the search results.
`[0016] FIG. 7 shows the ranking of the search results of
`FIG. 6 after the user has adjusted the control 608 to an
`intermediate position.
`[0017] FIG. 8 shows the ranking of the search results of
`FIG. 6 after the user has adjusted the control 608 to a
`maximum position.
`[0018] FIG. 9 shows a web page of topics after deletion of
`a "Computer" topic and selection of a "Music" topic by the
`[0019] FIG. 10 shows the ranking of the search results of
`FIG. 6 following the change in topic interests in FIG. 9.
`[0020] Referring now to FIG. 1 there is shown the entry
`(or landing page) 100 of a search engine. The search engine
`includes a query entry field 102 in which a user enters the
`terms of a search query. A search button 106 submits the
`query to the search engine for processing. The first time the
`user accesses the search engine, he will not have defined a
`user profile for personalizing the search results, and a
`message is displayed to that effect. The user can access the
`Edit Profile link 104 in order to establish their personal
`[0021] Clicking on the Edit Profile link 104 accesses the
`page 200 illustrated in FIG. 2. This page shows the top level
`topics 204 of a topical directory 202. The topics in the
`directory can be, for example, the topics defined in the Open
`Directory Project, found at or can be some
`other topical directory. (In this disclosure the term "topic"
`and "category" are interchangeable, as are "subtopic" and
`"subcategory".) The top level topic links may have a set of
`subtopics, as indicated by the arrows 206. At any time, the
`user can begin a search by clicking on the Start Searching
`button 208. Clicking on a particular top level topic takes the
`user to a page associated with that topic's subtopics.
`[0022] FIG. 3 illustrates the result of this step, where the
`user has clicked on the topic "Computers" on page 200. As
`shown in FIG. 3, the subtopics 302 of the topic "Computers"
`have been displayed in the right hand column. Next to each
`subtopic 302 is a checkbox 314. The user can select the
`checkbox 314 to indicate his interest in a specific subtopic.
`Alternatively, the user can select the checkbox 316 for the
`entire subtopic itself, "Computers (General)". This indicates
`that the user is interested in all of the subtopics of the topic
`"Computers". The set of topics selected by the user may be
`called a user profile, a personalization profile, or an interest
`profile. On the left side of FIG. 3, after the user has selected
`one or more topics of interest, these topics are listed in the
`interests field 306. Next to each topic name is a delete link
`308 that allows the user to delete individual topics. The user
`can also delete all topics by selecting the "Delete all pref(cid:173)
`erences" link 310.
`[0023] The subtopics themselves can have any number of
`additional levels of subtopics. For example, FIG. 4 illus(cid:173)
`trates that the subtopic "Games" has further subtopics 402,
`"Board Games,"" Card Games," etc. These were presented to
`the user in response to the user clicking on the subtopic
`arrow 206 next to the "Games" topic label. Again, the user
`can select either the entire subcategory by selecting check(cid:173)
`box 404, or any of the individual subtopic checkboxes 406.
`In one embodiment, in addition to the top level topics 204,
`there are two subtopic levels. This provides sufficient
`breadth and granularity of topical coverage, without impos(cid:173)
`ing unnecessary computational complexity.
`[0024] Referring again to FIG. 3, the user has indicated
`his interest in computers generally. Clicking on the Start
`Searching button 208 brings up search page 100 again,
`which no longer shows the message requesting the user to
`establish a personalization profile. At this point, the user
`enters a search query in the search field, here the query
`"stanford", as shown in FIG. 5. The search engine performs
`a search of its index and provides the search results. FIG. 6
`illustrates the initial search results page 600. Here the search
`results 602 comprise a set of documents 604, each document
`indicated by a UR

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