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`ISBN 0-201-39829-X
`British Library Cataloguing-in-Publication Data
`A catalogue record for this book is available from the British Library
`Library of Congress Cataloguing-in-Publication Data
`Baeza-Yates, R. (Ricardo)
`Modern information retrieval / Ricardo Baeza-Yates, Berthier Ribeiro-Neto.
`p. em.
`Includes bibliographical references and index.
`ISBN 0-201-39829-X
`1. Information storage and retieval systerns. I. Ribeiro, Berthier de Araujo
`Neto, 1960- . ll.Title.
`Z667.B34 1999
`109 8 76543
`04 03 02 01 00


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`F igur e 13.7 Output for the q11ery searching and TJeb and engine for the four main
`search engines; from top to bottom: Alta Vista, Hot Bot, NorthernLight , and Excite.


`The nser cun also refine the query by constructing more complex queries based
`on t he previous answer.
`The Web pages retrieved by the search engine in response to a nser query
`aro ranked, usw1.lly using stntistics related to t he terms in the query. In some
`eases this may not have any meaning, because relevance is not. fully correlated
`with statistics abont t.errn occurrence 1.-1.-ithin the collection. Some search engines
`also t aking into accouut terms included in mctatags or the tit.le, or t he popnla.rit.y
`of a Web page to i1uprove t he ranking. This topic is covered next.
`13.4.4 Ranking
`::-.'lost sem·ch engi nes use variations of the 13ooleau or vect.or model (see Chap ter 2)
`to do ranking. As with searching, rcmking ha..-; t.o be performed withont uccessing
`t he text, jnst t he index. T here is not much public informn.t.ion abont the specific
`ranking ulgorithrns nsed by cmrent search engines. Further, it is difficnlt t.o
`compare fairly different search engines giwn their differences, and continuous
`improvements. Z..lore important. it is almost impossible to measm e recall, a..c:; the
`umnber of relev1rnt pages can be quite large for simple queries. Some inconclusive
`studies include (327, 498].
`Ynwono n.nd Lee [844] propose three ranking algorithms in addition to the
`classical t.f-idf st:heme (see Chapter 2). T hey tu·e called Boolen.u spread , vector
`spread , and most-cited. T he fi rst two are the normal ranking algoritluw; of the
`Boole;UJ and vector model ext ended to include pages pointed to by a in
`the answer or pages that point to a page in the answer. The third, most-cited,
`is based only on the terms included iu pages having a link to t he pages in the
`answer. A comparison of t.hcse techniq1ws considering 56 queries ow r ll. collection
`of 2400 \Veb pages indicates that the vedor model yields a betttlr recall-precision
`cu rw , wit h an average preCision of 75%.
`Some of the new rankiJ1g nlgorithms also use hyperlink information. T his
`is an important difference between the Web and normal IR databases. T he
`rmmber of byperlinks that point to a page provides a mea..'mre of its popularity
`mHl quality. Also, many links in common between pages or pages reft>renced
`by the same pagl) often indicates a relationship bdween those pages. \Ve now
`preseut three examples of rauking techniques that exploit thl'i>e fact.s, but. they
`differ in that two of them depend on the query and the last does uot.
`T he first is WebQuery [148], which also allows vis11a.l browsing of Web
`pages. \\h•bQuery takes a oet of Web pages (for example, the answer to a. query)
`aud ranks them based on how connected each Web page is. Additio11ally, it
`extends the set by finding Web pages that arc highly connected to the origiunl
`set. A rl"lated approach is pn~sentect by Li [512j.
`A better id('<t is due to Kleinberg [444] :o.nd used in HITS (Hypertext In(cid:173)
`dnecd Topic ScFI.rch ). T his raukiug scheme depends on t he query a11d considers
`the sd of pages 8 that point to or are pointed by pages in the anSW('r.;
`that have many links pointing to them iu S are called authorities (that is, they
`sho11ld have relevant content ). Page;> that have m:o.ny 011tgoing links are called
`lmbs (they should point to simila r cont.ent). A positive two-way feedback exists:


`better authority pages come from incoming edges from good hubs and better
`lmb pages come from outgoing edges to good authorities. Let H (p) and A(p) be
`the hub and authority value of page p. These values are defined such that the
`following equations are satisfied for all pages p:
`H (p) =
`A (u )
`A(p) =
`H (v)
`v ~S: v- p
`where H(p) and A(p) for all pages are normalized (in the original paper, the sum
`of the squares of each measure is set to one). These values can be determined
`throngh an iterative algorithm, and they converge to the principal eigenvector
`of t he link matrix of S. In the case of the \Veb, to avoid an explosion of the size
`of S, a maximal number of pages pointing to the am>wer can be defined. This
`technique doe::; not work with non·existent, repeated, or automatically generated
`links. One solution is to weight each link based on the snrrounding content. A
`second problem is that the topic of the result can become diffused. For example,
`a particular query is enlarged by a more general topic that contains the original
`answer. One solution to this problem is to analyze the content of each page
`and assign a score to it, as in traditional IR ranking. The link weight and the
`page score can be included on the previous formula multiplying each term of the
`summation [154, 93, 153]. Experiments show that the recall and precision on
`the first ten answerH increases significantly [93]. The order of the links can also
`be used by dividing the links into subgroups and using the HITS algorithm on
`those subgroups instead of the original Web pages [153].
`The la.">t example is PageRank, which is part of the ranking algorithm used
`by Coogle [117]. PageRunk simulates a user navigating randomly in the \Veb
`who jumpH to a random page with probability q or follows a random hyperlink
`(on the current page) with probability 1- q. It is further assumed that this
`user never goes back to a preYiously visited page following an already travcrHed
`hyperlink backwards. This process can be modeled with a Markov chain, from
`where the stationary probability of being in each page can he computed. This
`value is then used as part of the ranking mechanism of Coogle. Let C(a) be the
`number of outgoing links of page a and suppose that page a is pointed to by
`pages Pl to Pn· Then, the PageRn.nk, PR(a) of a is defined as
`PR(a) ""'q + (1- q) L PR(pi)/C(pi)
`i= l
`where q must be set by the sy::;tem (a typical value is 0.15). Notice that the
`ranking (weight) of other pages is normalized by the number of links in the
`page. PageRank can be computed using an iterative algorithm, and corresponds
`to the principal eigenvector of the normalized link matrix of the \Veb (which
`is the transition matrix of the Markov chain). Crawling the \Veb using this
`ordering has been shown to be bett<'r than other crawling scheme::; [168] (see
`next section).


`T herefore, to help ranking algorithms, page designers should include infor(cid:173)
`mative titles, headings, and meta fields, as well as good links. However, keywords
`should not be repeatt->d as some search engines penalize repeating words (spam(cid:173)
`ming). lJsi ng full terms instead of indirect ways to refer to subjects should also
`be considered.
`13.4.5 Crawling the Web
`In this section we discuss how to crawl the Web, a.s there are several techniques.
`The simplest is to start with a set of URLs and from there extract other URLs
`whieh are followed recursively in a breadth-firs t or depth-first fashion. For that
`reason, search engines allow users to submit top Web sites that will be added to
`t he URL set. A variation is to start with a set of populars URLs, because we
`can expect that they have information frequently requested. Both cases work
`well for one crawler, but it is difficult to coordinate several crawlers to avoid
`visit ing t he same page more than once. Another technique is to partition the
`\Veb using country codes or Internet names, a nd assign one or more robots to
`each pa rtition, and explore each part it ion exhaustively.
`Considering how the Web is traverst->d, the index of a search engine can be
`thought of as analogous to the stru·s in a n sky. What 'we see has never existed,
`as the light has t raveled different distances to reach our eye. Similarly, Web
`pages referenced in au index were a lso explored at different dates and they may
`not exist any more. Nevertheless, when we retrieve a page, we obtain its actual
`couteut. How fresh are the \Veb pages referenced in an index? The pages will
`be from one day to two months old. For that reason, most search engines show
`in the a nswer the date when the page was indexed. The percentage of invalid
`links stored in search engines vary from 2 to 9%. User submitted pages are
`usually crawled after a few days or weeks. Starting there, some engines traverse
`the whole Web site. while others select j ust a sample of pages or pages up to
`a certain depth. Non-submitted pages will wait from weeks up to a couple of
`months to be detected. There are some engines that learn the change frequency
`of a page and visit it accordingly [175]. T hey may also crawl more frequently
`popular pages (for example, pages having many links pointing to them). Overall,
`the current fastest crawlers are able to traverse up to 10 million Web pages per
`The order in which the URLs are traversed is important. As already men(cid:173)
`tioned, the links in a Web page can be traversed breadth first or depth first.
`Using a breadth first policy, we first look at all the pages linked by the current
`page , and so on. This matches well Web sites that are structured by related
`topics. On the other hand, the coverage will be wide but shallow and a Web
`server can be bombarded with many rapid requests. In the depth first case, we
`follow the first link of a page and we do the same on that page until we cauuot go
`deeper, returning recursively. This provides a narrow but deep traversal. Only
`recently, some research on this problem has appeared [168], showing that good
`ordering schemes can m~Lke a difference if crawling better pages first (using t he
`PageR<tnk scheme mentioned a bove).

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