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`Search Engines Market Share
`Time-series data on search engine market shares around the world (late 1990s-present). Some figures
`and data come from Is Google the next Microsoft? Competition, Welfare and Regulation in Online Search ,
`Review of Network Economics, Rufus Pollock, December 201 0. Data consolidated from a variety of
`sources including NetApplications, WebSideStory, Nielsen's NetRatings, comScore's MediaMetrix .
`Please cite this dataset and is Goog/e the next Microsoft? Competition, Welfare and Regulation in Online
`Search , Review of Network Economics, Rufus Pollock, December 2010
`Obtaining good (comparable) market share data over a reasonable period is difficult. In particular, in the
`late 90s and early 2000s the only information recorded was the number of visits to a particular website.
`Since many providers of search also ran 'portals' it can be difficult to distinguish pure search from simple
`In addition, early data frequently only records the number of unique visitors a month rather than giving a
`breakdown of the number of hits and this can severely distort results since pure-search providers (such
`as Google) are much more likely to have multiple visits from the same user than more portal-like sites.
`Matters are further complicated by the fact that in the late 1990s and early 2000s many search sites had
`their search powered by a third-party provider. For example, up until 2004, Yahoo! did not have their own
`search engine but ' bought-in' results, first from lnktomi (up until 2000) and then Google.
`There are also differences in what is measured. NetApplications and WebSideStory (now part of
`Hi Google+
`Omniture) source their data from web analytic applications installed on customers' sites with
`h w bS'd s
`1 ·
`NetApp 1cat1ons appeanng to be more g oba 1n 1ts customer- ase t an
`e 1 e tory.
`url=http:/ /datahu b. io/de/dataset/search-
`On the other hand, Nielsen's NetRatings, comScore's MediaMetrix get their data from the users
`themselves (directly or indirectly via ISPs) rather than from websites they visit. In this sense they may be
`rl Twitter
`more reliable sources of data. However, it has proved difficult to obtain continuous time-series data for
`these providers for more than a couple of years --and for that period the trend they show is very similar
`url=http://datahub.io/ de/dataset/sea\6ttnat found in the data shown.
`0 Facebook
`(https://www.facebook.com/sharer.~ I WebSideStory
`u=http://datahub.io/ de/ dataset/searcffifp:l/searchenginewatch.com/ showPage.html?page=3334881
`e ngines-ma rket-sh are)
`(http:/ / searchenginewatch.com/ showPage. html?page=3334 881)
`Gives graph with USA (World?) data from WebSideStory from which we can infer data.
`Face book, Inc. eta/.
`Software Rights Archive, LLC
`CASE IPR2013-00480
`Open Data Commons
`Attribution License
`See netapplications.py file in code files.
`Global data from hitslink.com
`http://marketshare.hitslink.com/ (http://marketshare.hitslink.com/)
`From Site Front Page:
`About Our Market Share Statistics
`This data provides valuable insight into significant trends for internet usage. These statistics include
`monthly information on key statistics such as browser trends (e.g. Internet Explorer vs. Firefox market
`share), search engine referral data (e.g. Yahoo vs. MSN vs. Google traffic market share) and operating
`system share (Windows vs. Mac vs. Linux market share or even the iPhone market share vs. Windows
`We use a unique methodology for collecting this data. We collect data from the browsers of site visitors to
`our exclusive on-demand network of live stats customers. The data is compiled from approximately 160
`million visitors per month. The information published is an aggregate of the data from this network of
`hosted website statistics. The site unique visitor and referral information is summarized on a monthly
`In addition, we classify 430+ referral sources identified as search engines. Aggregate traffic referrals from
`these engines are summarized and reported monthly. The statistics for search engines include both
`organic and sponsored referrals. The websites in our population represent dozens of countries in regions
`including North America, South America, Western Europe, Australia / Pacific Rim and Parts of Asia.
`The data is made available free of charge on a monthly basis that includes monthly browser market share
`trends, top search engine referrals, screen resolutions, top ISPs and operating systems trends. An
`upgraded version is available that provides reports by geolocation, preview weekly data and other features.
` und
` Ressourcen
` Engine
` Market
` Share
` Data
` (/de/dataset/search-engines-market-
` Herunterladen
` (https://raw.github.com/rgrp/dp-search-engine-market-share/master/data/market-share.csv)
` Beschreibung
` für
` diese
` Ressource
` of
` Market
` Share
` to
` 2009
` (/de/dataset/search-engines-market-
` Zur
` Ressource
` (https://commondatastorage.googleapis.com/ckannet-storage/2012-03-26T191236/market-shares-to-2009.png)
` Beschreibung
` für
` diese
` Ressource
`market share
`search engine
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