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`Home > Search Engines > Main Search Eng ines and Directo ries
`Main Search Engines and D1rectones
`Note: Th is page is HISTORICAL and is for "entertainment" use only.
`Getting Listed w ith AltaVista {15.3 % YTD - 11.4% 1999 Mar ket Share)
`Time to Index: Approximate ly one week.
`Lastest Known Update to Index: January 28, 2000
`Latest News : 3/21 -AltaVista is cracking down on all fo rms of Spamming
`their Index. If you are using methods which are ag ainst their ru les, your
`pages will be removed and yo ur domain will be banned from their index.
`3/13- Still getting the "Too many URLs" error? Wait at least 25 minutes and
`resubm it aga in. We have found by waiting at least this amount of time allows
`ou r URLs to be accepted by AltaVista .
`3/1 - Pages are being added fa ster- in about a week . Updates usually occur
`on Su nday night's, If you have your own web serv er, make su re you do not
`do any maintenance on your server then, as you could risk being missed by
`Scooter. Scooter is visiting about 10 million pages a day .
`2/ 24 - "Too Many URLs Submitted ... " Are you getting this error when
`attempting to list your site? You are n't alone . We do NOT believ e this is
`"domain block ing" by AltaVista, rather their submission process is j ammed
`or not in proper working order.
`From AltaVista: "If be ing found via search engines is important to your
`business, be very careful about where you have your pages hosted. If the
`hosting service also hosts spammers and pornographers, you could wind up
`being pe nalized or excluded simply because the underlying IP addre ss for
`the service is the same fo r all the virtua l domains it includes."
`Our requests fo r verificatio n of the above from AltaVista have gone
`unanswe red. Just for fun we submitted AltaVIsta's own page and received
`the error. Something isn 't quite right here folks. Hang tight, we'll get through
`Getting Listed with AOL Search/Netfind {0.6% YTD- 0 .7% 1999
`Market Share)
`Time to Index: Approximately two weeks.
`Learn straight from Certified
`SEQ Professionals
`Latest News : AOL's Search is driven by the ODP (The Open Directo ry
`Proje ct) .
`Getti ng Listed with Excite (4.1% YTD- 15.6% 1999 Market Share)
`Time to Index: Approximately 1-5 months.
`Last Known Uodate to Inde-x: M;,rrh 1 t;" JOOO
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`Search Engine Optimization | Main Search Engines and Directories
`Last Known Update to Index: March 15, 2000
`Latest News: 3/1 - We have had many of our clients get into Excite last
`month and have seen trails of their spider on our sites as well, even though
`none of our pages have been indexed.
`1/14 -- New domains which we have submitted in October have finally been
`placed in the index.
`Getting Listed with Google (3.5% YTD - N/A 1999 Market Share)
`Time to Index: Approximately two weeks.
`Latest News: Only enter your main domain, do not submit each page.
`Google's spider will crawl through your site.
`Getting Listed with GoTo.com (3.7% YTD - 2.3% 1999 Market Share)
`Time to Index: Less than one week after opening an account.
`Latest News: GoTo.com is a paid service.
`Time to Index: Approximately four - eight weeks.
`Lastest Update to Inktomi Results: March 8, 2000
`Lastest Update to Direct Hit Results: March 23, 2000
`Latest News: 4/4 - HotBot has been dropping the Description tag at random
`from sites.
`3/21 - Including ODP pages in it's search results BEFORE listings from
`Tested results and recommendations.
`Current Order:
`ODP Categories
`Direct Hit Top Ten
`Currently indexing dynamically built pages.
`Inktomi powered.
`Getting Listed with Infoseek/Go Network (1.5% YTD - 7.6% 1999
`Market Share)
`Time to Index: Within six weeks.
`Latest News: 3/18 - Infoseek's "Add URL" page is back on-line.
`3/1 - Infoseek's add URL page has not been operational for us most of the
`month. They are now giving an option to submit via e-mail, but we have not
`seen any of our submissions be listed by this method. Many other
`submission companies are reporting the same problems.
`2/1 -- Go.com is going through major changes and it will affect Infoseek
`over the next few months. Due to Disney's short-sightedness with Infoseek,
`they have taken it from our favorite search engine in the past and turned it
`into one of the "forgotten" engines on the web. Their current market share
`stands about 3 - 4%. Look for Infoseek to slowly "go away" during this year.
`Infoseek used to have "instant indexing" - when you submitted your site into
`their index, it appeared in their index in just a few minutes. Then someone
`at Disney was concerned with potential spammers of their index, eliminated
`the instant indexing, limited the database size and changed the system to
`one that rewarded "popularity".
`The current rumor is that Infoseek will move to a paid model, similar to
`1/5 -- "At this time we do not appreciably upweight matches on URL paths --
`- so having a very explicit domain will not help a site much," said Jan
`Pedersen, Go's Director of Search.
`We haven't seen any new domains listed with Infoseek since November
`1999. Infoseek now supports the <!-- startindex --> and <!-- stopindex -->
`Search Engine Optimization | Main Search Engines and Directories
`1999. Infoseek now supports the <!-- startindex --> and <!-- stopindex -->
`tags. This tag will allow you to have full control over what Infoseek indexes
`on your page and what it does not. This is NOT similar to the Robots Meta
`Tag which only allowed you to specify if an entire page could be indexed.
`This tag allows you to exclude certain portions of the page.
`Getting Listed with Lycos (2.7% YTD -
`3.0% 1999 Market Share)
`Time to Index: Up to six months, but usually about five weeks.
`Last Known Update to Index: March 18, 2000
`Latest News: Just switched to Fast for their advanced search features.
`3/12 - Lycos has been experiencing problems with submission not being
`Getting Listed with MSN (3.4% YTD -
`2.93% 1999 Market Share)
`Time to Index: Approximately one week.
`Latest News: 3/12 - MSN now allows you to bid on a spotlight section to the
`left of their regular search results. Your text ad can appear in this left hand
`box for any keywords you bid on and successfully win at their auction site.
`12/13 -- MSN has discontinued using AltaVista's search for results due to the
`unreliability of AltaVista's search results. They are back using Inktomi.
`Notice that MSN does not display the Inktomi logo anywhere on their search
`results. Looks like Bill got a special deal. Are we surprised?
`Getting Listed with Netscape (No Market
`Share Information)
`Time to Index: Approximately two weeks.
`Latest News: None
`Getting Listed with Northern Light (0.5% YTD - N/A 1999 Market
`Time to Index: Approximately three weeks.
`Latest News: None
`Getting Listed with The Open Directory Project - ODP (0.1 YTD - N/A
`1999 Market Share)
`Time to Index: Approximately two weeks.
`Latest News: AOL Search, HotBot, Lycos and Netscape all use ODP is some
`form for their search criteria.
`Getting Listed with Snap (2.8% YTD - 2.2% 1999 Market Share)
`Time to Index: Approximately two weeks.
`Latest News: None
`Getting Listed with WebCrawler (0.9% YTD - 3.1% 1999 Market
`Time to Index: Approximately five weeks.
`Last Known Update to Index: September 5, 1999
`Latest News: 12/2 -- Index has been updated. It is a smaller version of
`Excite's database. It was a practice in the past that you would submit to
`Excite and you would be listed in WebCrawler. No more. If you are listed in
`Search Engine Optimization | Main Search Engines and Directories
`Excite, and have not submitted to WebCrawler, there is a good chance you
`will not be listed in WebCrawler.
`Getting Listed with Yahoo! 52.3% YTD - 46.4% 1999 Market Share)
`Time to Index: Approximately six weeks.
`Latest News: None
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