Approaches to Text Retrieval for
`Structured Documents
`Gerard Salton and Chris Buckley*
`January 11, 1990
`Documents such as textbooks, dictionaries, and encyclopedias are inherently
`structured, in the sense that they are meant to be used selectively by skipping
`from section to section instead of reading sequentially from one end to the
`other. Experiments are described designed to provide selective reading lists for
`textbook materials in answer to questions submitted by the user population. A
`textbook in information science is used for experimental purposes.
`1 Structured Text Collections
`It is well known that collections of written text are inherently structured. For
`example, explicit text relationship indicators are often provided in the form of
`cross-references, footnotes and citations, and implicit content relationships exist
`between the sentences in a given paragraph, and between different paragraphs,
`and different documents.
`Such text relationships have been used in the past in various ways -
`example, in collection clustering, and relevance feedback. Clustering techniques
`are designed to group documents into affinity classes, making it possible to carry
`out efficient collection searches and to retrieve classes of similar items in a single
`search operation [1-4]. Analogously, relevance feedback is used to improve search
`statements, and hence to retrieve new relevant items, by utilizing relevance
`assessments obtained from system users for previously retrieved documents [5-
`The recent work in the hypertext area also uses text structure to simplify
`text traversal and text retrieval operations [8-10]. In that case, links are placed
`*Department of Computer Science, Cornell University, Ithaca, NY 14853. This study was
`supported in part by the National Science Foundation under grant IRI 87-02735.
`Software Rights Archive, LLC
`CASE IPR2013-00479


`between related pieces of text, and these links are followed during retrieval
`to identify related texts, or text excerpts. Structured text representations are
`especially useful for texts that are not meant to be read sequentially from one
`end to the other. The links are then used to provide selective retrieval of certain
`linked text portions.
`In an information retrieval context, several text-structuring problems must
`be faced:
`• How to subdivide the texts into linking units that provide advantages in
`information retrieval.
`• How to identify relatable text portions while supplying the corresponding
`text links.
`• How to traverse a linked text for retrieval purposes.
`• How to measure the retrieval effectiveness in a structured text environ(cid:173)
`ment, compared with the retrieval in ordinary text collections.
`These questions are examined in the remainder of this study.
`2 Automatic Text Structuring
`In some environments, the basic text structuring task is largely self-defined. For
`example, when dictionaries, thesauruses, or encyclopedias are used as a retrieval
`base, the linking unit almost surely consists of individual entries or encyclopedia
`units. In that case the library system is designed to facilitate jumping from one
`dictionary entry or one encyclopedia article to a related one.
`When more general texts are processed, appropriate linking units might be
`defined before structured text searches are possible. In the search operations
`implemented for the complete texts of Shakespeare on the NeXT machine, the
`basic retrieval unit was chosen either as one complete Shakespeare sonnet (14
`lines), or else one scene of a Shakespeare play- typically 100 to 200 lines of
`text. These individual text units constitute local documents that are treated as
`separate text units within the context of the larger document collection.
`When conventional running texts are available in a retrieval environment,
`such as complete books or journal articles, a whole book chapter may cover
`many pages of text and deal with a variety of different topics. An individual
`text sentence, on the other hand, is often very confined and difficult to interpret
`out-of-context. In the experiments conducted in this study, complete paragraphs
`of text are used as linking units, the assumption being that the content within
`a paragraph is sufficiently homogeneous to be used as a basic unit for retrieval
`When text paragraphs are treated as retrieval units, the content linking task
`can then be handled in the following way:


`a) Individual text paragraphs are recognized.
`b) An indexing system is used to identify paragraph content and to
`assign content terms.
`c) The paragraph descriptions are compared and links are supplied
`between paragraphs with sufficiently high content similarily.
`The important step is the paragraph content identification. Over the last
`few decades, viable automatic indezing systems have been developed that are
`capable of assigning to each text item a set of important terms used for content
`identification. Given a text item D; (a particular text paragraph), the text
`content is often represented as a set, or vector, of terms D; = (dil, d;2, ... , dit)
`where d;~; represents an importance factor, or weight, of term T~; assigned to
`item D; [6, 7, 11, 12].
`A high performance term weighting system normally takes into account the
`frequency with which a term is used in a particular document, the number
`of documents in a collection to which a term is assigned, and the document
`length or number of terms occurring in a document. The so-called tf X idf
`(term frequency times inverse document frequency) strategy assigns high term
`weights to text elements that occur frequently inside a particular document but
`relatively rarely in the collection as a whole. Terms with a large tf x id/factors
`are know to be important for content indentification purposes. [13-15]
`Given two paragraphs D; and Dj both represented by term vectors, a sim(cid:173)
`ilarity measure may be computed between the two items based on the number
`and the weight of jointly assigned terms. Mathematically, the similarity be(cid:173)
`tween two text items D; = (dil, d;2, ... , d;t) and D; = (d;t, d; 2, ••• , d;t) can
`be measured by the inner product between the corresponding term vectors as
`Sim(D;, Dj) = Ld;~; · d;1c
`where t is the total number of assignable content terms. When tf x idf weights
`are used to reflect term importance and the similarity computations are normal(cid:173)
`ized for document length, the pairwise similarity Sim ( Di, Dj) produces values
`between 0 and 1.
`Global similarity computations such as those of expression (1) are usable
`for document classification when classes of items are defined consisting of items
`exhibiting a sufficiently high pairwise global similarity. For text classification
`purposes pairwise similarity measures must be computed between paragraph
`pairs and grouping criteria must be defined to generate classes of mutually
`related text items. Typically, hierarchical text classification systems can be
`constructed by first forming small groups of highly related items (where each
`group consists of a small number of items with a large pairwise similarity). The


`small tighly related classes may be expanded into larger groupings with a smaller
`overall similarity. When this process is continued, one large heterogeneous class
`is formed at the end consisting of all items in the text collection. [1-4]
`Fig. 1 shows an excerpt of a cluster (class) hierarchy constructed for the
`paragraphs of a textbook in information science.[l6] In the illustration of Fig.
`1, three low-level clusters are defined consisting of items (397 and 791), (642
`and 644), and (655 and 656). The global similarity coefficients obtained for the
`respective term vectors (see expression (1)) are included in the figure ranging
`from 0.605 for items 642-644 to 0.556 for 397-791. The two groups consisting
`of (642, 644) and (655, 656) are themselves grouped into a larger class with an
`overall similarity of 0.410, implying that the smallest similarity between any
`pair in the group (642, 644, 656, and 656) is 0.410. Finally the group of 4 items
`is joined with another group of two items consisting of (397, 791), the global
`similarity of the complete set of 6 items being 0.329 (the smallest similarity
`between some element in group (397, 791) and some other element in (642, 646,
`655, 656) is 0.329.
`A hierarchical representation of the cluster of Fig. 1(a) is shown in Fig.
`1(b), where the actual documents (paragraphs) are represented by the leaves of
`the tree, and the interior nodes specify the respective clustering similarity. In
`the illustration of Fig. 1(b), the four paragraphs of chapter 9 of [16] cover topics
`dealing with the generation of word stems, the assignment of content identifiers
`to the documents of a collection, and the general automatic indexing process.
`Item 397 from chapter 7 discusses text decomposition of words and affixes,
`and item 791 from chapter 11 deals with word morphology from a linguistic
`viewpoint. All of these topics are related to word stemming and automatic
`In principle, a hierarchival document or paragraph classification can be used
`directly to define an appropriate linking structure usable for text retrieval:
`a) An incoming query may be compared with all existing paragraph
`b) The best matching text paragraphs can be retrieved (say paragraph
`642 in the illustration of Fig. 1).
`c) Additional paragraphs are retrieved from the same cluster, assuming
`that the reader wishes to see more output materials.
`d) The search may be expanded to adjacent clusters of items (say 655,
`656), if the user wishes to obtain still more information.
`When the paragraph similarities are sufficiently high - say above 0.400 on
`a similarity scale ranging from 0 to 1 - properly related paragraph sets may
`emerge with such a cluster search process.


`In practice, as the clustering example of Fig. 1 shows, jumping from cluster
`to adjacent cluster often uses links of low similarity, possibly indluding large(cid:173)
`scale topic changes. A greater degree of confidence in the appropriateness of
`the global paragraph linking mechanism may be gained by constructing chains
`of mutually similar items, where item A is closely related to item B, which is in
`turn closely linked to C, and so on. An iterated similarity computation system
`may then be used to construct linked paragraph chains, starting with one or
`more seed items known to be relevant to the user:
`a) Each seed item is compared with all other text items in the collection,
`and a similarity threshold is used to identify one or more related
`b) The related items are used next as seed items and the search pro(cid:173)
`cess is iterated to produce still more related items; the similarity
`threshold may be varied form one iteration to the next to control
`the number of related items retrieved in each iteration.
`In the foregoing discussion, all paragraph comparisons are assumed to be
`carried out globally, by comparing the term vectors attached to the respective
`paragraphs using the model of equation {1). The likelihood of useful paragraph
`links may be increased in some circumstances by comparing sentences in highly
`matching paragraph pairs, and retrieving a linked item only if the global simi(cid:173)
`larity with a seed item exceeds a stated treshold, and if at least one (or more)
`matching sentence pairs are found in the respective paragraph pair. Substan(cid:173)
`tial evidence exists that the presence of highly matching sentences in pairs of
`paragraphs provides evidence of content relationship between text excerpts. A
`pairwise sentence comparison may then be performed optionally for paragraphs
`with high global similarity, in addition to the global paragraph comparisons.
`When sentences are compared, a global similarity based on normalized term
`weights, such as those of expression {1), may not be suitable. For short sentences
`involving only one or two significant terms, the global similarity with normalized
`weights will produce perfect similarity coefficients of 1 for many sentence pairs.
`Furthermore, the inverse document frequency ( id/) factor that depends on the
`number of documents in which a term occurs is not unambiguously defined in
`a sentence context.
`For sentence similarity computations, it then appears preferable to use as
`a weight for term k in sentence S;, the term frequency tfil,, representing the
`number of occurences of term k in S;. In addition, an extra weight might be
`attached to matching sequences of significant terms that occur adjacently in
`the respective sentences, or that occur in close proximity of each other in the
`sentences. For purposes of this study, the similarity between sentences S; and
`Sj is obtained simply as the sum of the minimum term frequency weights of
`matching terms in the sentences S; and Si:


`terms k
`Consider as an example documents 1032 and 1035 reproduced in Fig. 2. The
`sentences of documents 1032 and 1035 are numbered from 00 to 05, and 00 to
`04 respectively. Following deletion of common function words entered on a word
`exclusion list, and reduction of the remaining text words to word stem form,
`each text sentence is represented by a set of significant word stems, as shown in
`Fig. 2( c) for sentence 02 of document 1032 (labeled 103202) and sentence 04 of
`document 1035 (103504). The similarity score between the sentences is based
`on the number of common terms in the sentences, and the occurrence frequency
`of the common terms. For sentences 103202 and 103504, the following common
`set of terms and frequency assignments are obtained:
`81032-02: (discard (1), incom (1), mail (2), mess (3))
`81035-04: (discard (1), incom (1), mail (1), mess (4))
`The similarity formula (2) thus produces a matching coefficient of 1 + 1 +
`1 + 3 = 6 for the two sentences.
`In the sentence matching procedure, extra weight might be given to matching
`sequences of common words that occur adjacently in the sentence texts. For
`example, if the phrase "incoming mail" had occurred jointly in the two sample
`sentences, a matching weight would be computed for "incoming" and for "mail".
`In addition, a further phrase weight might be added for the number of matches
`between the complete phrase "incoming mail".
`In the experiments which follow, a variable similarity threshold is used for
`both global document and sentence matches, designed to insure that the number
`of new retrieved documents in a given iteration is not smaller than the number
`produced in the previous iteration.
`3 Retrieval of Structured Text Elements
`The retrieval experiments described in this study are based on the analysis of
`the complete text of "Automatic Text Processing" .[16] This text is divided into
`1,140 paragraphs (local documents) and about 4,500 sentences. The relevant
`statistics are summarized in Table 1. Ten sample queries are used, each corre(cid:173)
`sponding to section headings included in the text of reference [16]. The query
`texts are compared in each case with the indexed representations of all1140 doc(cid:173)
`ument texts, and an iterated process is used to retrieve the best (most highly
`matching) paragraphs from the textbook. The process used for the document
`and sentence comparison is outlined in Table 2.
`As the table shows, two main procedures are used. In the first one, consisting
`of steps 1, 2, 3a, and 4 of Table 2, document-document matches are used to


`retrieve items whose global similarity with some previously available document
`exceeds a stated threshold. In the second process, consisting of steps 1, 2, 3b and
`4 of Table 2, a global document-document match does not lead to immediate
`retrieval, but new documents are retrieved only if the sentence match between
`a sentence in a new document and a sentence in a previously available item
`exceeds a given threshold. In either case, that is, for both document-related and
`sentence-related output, variable thresholds in the global document similarity,
`or in the sentence similarity, are used to determine how many documents are to
`be retrieved at any time. For the present experiments, the threshold is picked
`in such a way that the number of new documents identified in each iteration
`exceeds the number of distinct old documents used in the previous iteration.
`The retrieval output for query Q1 "Electronic Mail and Messages" is shown
`in Tables 3 and 4 for document-related and sentence-related output, respectively.
`As the Tables show, two documents that are most similar to the query statement
`are retrieval in the initial pass. These documents then serve as seeds for a
`global comparison with all other documents in pass 1. The retrieval threshold
`is set at 0.35 for the global document similarity (equation {1)) that controls
`the document-related output, and the sentence similarity it fixed at 6 for the
`sentence-related output. Such a threshold setting produces 5 new items, in pass
`1 for both processes.
`The newly found items from pass 1 are in turn used as seeds for pass 2 with
`thresholds 0.40 and 8, respectively, producing 6 distinct new items for both
`processes. Pass 3 is carried out with threshold at 0.35 and 7, producing 6 and
`10 new items for document- and sentence-related outputs, respectively.
`The global retrieval results for query 1 are summarized in the output of
`Table 5. The retrieved sets for the two procedures have 13 items in common.
`Six additional items are obtained only through the document-related output,
`and 10 more items are produced only by the sentence-related output. The
`two seed documents (1032 and 1043) represent paragraphs in chapter 13 of [16]
`covering the topic of electronic mail and messages. A large number of additional
`documents from chapter 13 are retrieved in pass 1, together with one item from
`ch(!.pter 3 dealing with office automation and the use of electronic mail in offices.
`In pass 2, the search broadens considerably to include several items from chapter
`2 dealing with computer hardware and network design, plus the additional item
`from chapter 5 dealing with statistical language analysis and message entropy
`computations. Finally in pass 3, more items are retrieved from chapters 2, 3, 5
`and 13, and an additional item from chapter 6 dealing with cryptography and
`message enciphering.
`For each query, retrieval maps can be produced such as those shown in
`Fig. 3 for the document-related and sentence-related outputs of query 1. Such
`maps can help system users to control the retrieved output. Conservative users
`who wish to receive a thorough introduction to a topic may wish to utilize
`breadth-first searches covering many documents on the same level of the search
`tree. More adventurous users may rapidly jump from one tree level to an-


`other by using depth-first approaches covering documents from many different
`book chapters. Typical breadth-first and depth-first search strategies using the
`document-related output of Fig. 3(a) are shown in Table 6.
`The search of Table 6(a) covers the initial documents in detail as well as all
`other items recovered in pass 1. For subsequent passes, only those documents
`are used that originate in chapters not previously seen. The depth-first search
`of Table 6(b) picks a particular top-down search path that proceeds directly
`from the upper levels to the lower levels of the search tree.
`Retrieval maps such as those of Fig. 3 can also help in placing content links
`between related paragraphs, either fully automatically, or semi-manually under
`author control. In the latter case, document texts such as those in Fig. 2 can
`be displayed selectively to help the author in the link placement.
`Table 7 presents as overall evaluation of the paragraph retrieval system car(cid:173)
`ried out with 10 sample queries used with the text of reference. (16] For each
`query, the table shows the number of documents retrieved in each pass by the
`variable threshold method for the document-related and sentence-related pro(cid:173)
`cesses. About 30 documents (paragraphs) are obtained on average for each
`query. The performance is flawless (A rating) for 2 queries out of 10, and quite
`acceptable for 5 more queries (B rating). One query received a C (questionable)
`rating, and 2 more queries have a D (poor) rating.
`In general, the document-related output is more secure in retrieving useful
`items, and the search is generally more concentrated in the basic chapters in
`the document-related process. The sentence-related output roams further afield
`and is more varied, because documents with somewhat lower global pairwise
`similarity are reached when a sentence match is required for retrieval. For 4
`queries out of 10 (queries 2, 5, 8, 10), the document-related output is preferred.
`The two types of output are equivalent for four more queries (1, 3, 6, 9). For
`the two remaining queries (numbers 4 and 7), the sentence-related output is
`preferred, because the document-related output fails to produce an adequate
`number of new items in these cases. For query 4, only two retrieved items are
`specific to the document-related process, whereas for query 7 the document(cid:173)
`related process reaches too many items (25) of which many are extraneous. The
`sentence-based process is thus useful when the document-related method fails.
`The structured text retrieval method described in this note remains to be
`evaluated in a user environment with actual user queries.
`1. N. Jardine and C. J. van Rijsbergen, The Use of Hierarchic Clustering in
`Information Retrieval, Information Storage and Retrieval, 7:5, December
`1971, 217-240.
`2. G. Salton and A. Wong, Generation and Search of Clustered Files, A CM
`Transactions on Database Systems, 3:4, December 1978, 321-346.


`3. F. Murtagh, A Survey of Recent Advances in Hierarchical Clustering Al(cid:173)
`gorithms, The Computer Journal, 26:4, 1982, 354-360.
`4. P. Willett, A Fast Procedure for the Calculation of Similarity Coefficients
`in Automatic Classification, Information Processing and Management,
`17:2, 1981, 53-60.
`5. J.J. Rocchio Jr., Relevance Feedback in Information Retrieval, in The
`Smart System- Ezperiments in Automatic Document Processing, G. Salton,
`editor, Prentice Hall Inc., Englewood Cliffs, NJ, 1971, 313-323.
`6. C. J. van Rijsbergen, Information Retrieval, Butterworths, London, Sec(cid:173)
`ond Edition, 1979.
`7. G. Salton and M. J. McGill, Introduction to Modern Information Retrieval,
`McGraw Hill Book Co., New York, 1983.
`8. W. B. Croft and H. Turtle, A Retrieval Model for Incorporating Hypertext
`Links, Proceedings Hypertezt 89, Pittsburgh, PA, November 1989, 213-224.
`9. M. E. Frisse, Searching for Information in a Hypertext Medical Handbook,
`Communications of the ACM, 31:7, July 1988, 880-886.
`10. J. Conklin, Hypertext: An Introduction and Survey, Computer, 20:9,
`September 1987, 17-41.
`11. G. Salton, A Theory of Indexing, Regional Conference Series in Applied
`Mathematics No. 18, Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics,
`Philadelphia, P A, 1975.
`12. G. Salton, A Blueprint for Automatic Indexing, ACM SIGIR Forum, 16:2,
`Fall1981, 22-38.
`13. G. Salton and C. S. Yang, On the Specification of Term Values in Auto(cid:173)
`matic Indexing, Journal of Documentation, 29:4, December 1973, 351-372.
`14. G. Salton, C. S. Yang and C. T. Yu, A Theory of Term Importance in
`Automatic Text Analysis, Journal of the ASIS, 26:1, January-February
`1975, 33-44.
`15. G. Salton and C. Buckley, Term Weighting Approaches in Automatic Text
`Retrieval, Information Processing and Management, 24:5, 1988, 513-523.
`16. G. Salton, Automatic Tezt Processing, Addison Wesley Publishing Com(cid:173)
`pany, Reading MA, 1989.


`a) Typical Cluster of Text Paragraphs
`b) Hierarchival Cluster Representation
`Figure 1: Paragraph Clustering


`.I 1032
`00 13.6 Electronic Mail and Messages
`01 An electronic mail facility is a communications system that allows participants to send each
`other mail and messages using electronic methods of information transmission.
`02 Among the main features of such systems are provisions for entering text messages, mailing mes(cid:173)
`sages, informing the intended recipients of the arrival of messages and allowing the recipients
`to read, file or discard incoming mail.
`03 Electronic-messaging systems are popular among many users because they simplify the compo(cid:173)
`sition and transmission of messages, while also increasing the transmission speed and reducing
`the cost of communication.
`04 Automatic mail systems may also increase users' productivity- the sender avoids the inconve(cid:173)
`nience of dealing with busy telephone lines and unanswered phones.
`0 5 Furthermore, since mail can be forwarded and received at any time, electronic mail-handling
`systems need not interrupt other activities.
`a) Sample Document 1032
`.I 1035
`00 A useful automatic message processing system includes the following components: [52,53]
`01 An interface program between the user's applications programs and the communications system
`that actually transmits information.
`02 The interface system should save incoming messages temporarily until the user's applications
`program is ready to take over, and should maintain queues of outgoing messages ready for
`transmission but not yet delivered to the network.
`03 A message-editing system that packs messages into segments, and interprets the destination
`and routing information in the message headers.
`04 A mailbox service that classifies messages in priority order, lists incoming messages, counts
`and inspects mailbox contents, stored particular messages, handles mail inquiries, releases
`messages, and eliminates items to be discarded.
`b) Sample Document 1035
`103202 main featur system provis enter text mess mail mess inform intend recipi arriv mess allow
`recipi read file discard incom mail
`103504 mailbox servic classif mess prior ord list incom mess count inspect mailbox content stor
`mess handl mail inquir releas mess elim item discard
`c) Significant Terms for 1032-02 and 1035-04
`Figure 2: Examples of Sentence Indexing


`2 initial
`pass 1
`1 l
`pass 2
` 3
`a) Document-Related Retrieval Map for Query 1
`1038(13) 1033(13)
`pass 1
`~ 1
`1\ ~ 64 1040
`(2) (13)
`175 267 1039 1041
`pass 2
`pass 3
`93 100
`b) Sentence-Related Retrieval Map for Query 1
`Figure 3: Retrieval Map for Query 1


`Number of distinct documents (paragraphs)
`Number of distinct document (paragraph) pairs
`Global similarity coefficient for top 500 paragraph pairs (min sim = 0, max sim = 1)
`Number of distinct text sentences
`Number of distinct sentence pairs
`Similarity coefficient for top 500 sentence pairs (min sim = 0)
`about 650,000
`0.886 to 0.526
`about 4,500
`about 10,125,000
`19 to 8
`Table 1: Document and Sentence Statistics for Text of Reference [19]


`Step 1: For each query text, retrieve the best two documents (topdoc) using global term vector
`comparison with normalized ( tf x idf) concepts.
`Step 2: Compare each topdoc with the remaining documents and arrange the ten best items for
`each topdoc in decreasing global document-document similarity order. Use this list in step 3.
`Step 8a) Document-related process: determine the global similarity threshold (0.25, 0.35, 0.45, ... )
`that retrieves more new documents from the list of step 2 than the current number of distinct
`topdocs. The newly found items with global similarity exceeding the threshold form the new
`topdoc items.
`Step 8b) Sentence-related process: for each pair of documents consisting of one topdoc and one
`item from list of items obtained in step 2, determine all common terms for the dominent
`pair. Index the sentences of the document pair with all common terms plus common phrases
`formed by adjacent common terms. Determine the sentence matching threshold ( 4,5,6, ... )
`that identifies more new documents from the list of step 2 than the current number of distinct
`topdocs. All newly identified documents with at least one matching sentence with a topdoc
`form the new set of topdocs.
`Step 4: Repeat steps 2 and 3 for three iterations.
`Table 2: Document and Sentence Matching Process


`Query 1
`Electronic Mail and Messages
`Pass 0:
`Initial 2 topdocs
`Pass 1:
`chapter 3,13
`Pass 2:
`Pass 3:
`chapters 2,5,6
`1032 (chapter 13)
`1043 (chapter 13)
`Match with initial topdocs 0.35 threshold
`1032 + 175 (chapter 3)
`sim 0.45
`1032 + 971 (chapter 13)
`sim 0.35
`1032 + 1035 (chapter 13)
`sim 0.38
`1032 + 1036 (chapter 13)
`sim 0.35
`1032 + 1042 (chapter 13)
`sim 0.37
`Match with new topdocs
`0.40 threshold
`175 + 1038 (chapter 13)
`sim 0.40
`1035 + 98 (chapter 12)
`sim 0.41
`chapters 2,5,13 1035 + 102 (chapter 2)
`sim 0.46
`1035 + 267 (chapter 5)
`sim 0.45
`1035 + 1037 (chapter 13)
`sim 0.61
`1035 + 1038 (chapter 13)
`sim 0.60
`1035 + 1039 (chapter 13)
`shu 0.41
`Match with new topdocs
`0.35 threshold
`98 + 93 (chapter 2)
`sim 0.36
`102 + 97 (chapter 2)
`sim 0.36
`102 + 101 (chapter 2)
`sim 0.36
`102 + 266 (chapter 5)
`sim 0.36
`267 + 266 (chapter 5)
`sim 0.68
`1037 + 266 (chapter 5)
`sim 0.43
`1038 + 266 (chapter 5)
`sim 0.49
`267 + 285 (chapter 5)
`sim 0.78
`267 + 334 (chapter 6)
`sim 0.36
`1038 + 334 (chapter 6)
`sim 0.36
`5 new
`7 new
`(6 distinct)
`10 new
`( 6 distinct)
`Table 3: Document-Related Retrieval Process for Query 1


`Query 1
`Electronic Mail and Messages
`Pass 0:
`Initial 2 topdocs
`Pass 1:
`chapter 13
`Pass 2:
`chapters 2,13
`Match with initial topdocs
`1032 + 1030 (chapter 13)
`1032 + 1035 (chapter 13)
`1043 + 971 (chapter 13)
`1043 + 1037 (chapter 13)
`1043 + 1038 (chapter 13)
`Match with new topdocs
`1030 + 99 (chapter 2)
`1030 + 101 (chapter 2)
`1030 + 1036 (chapter 13)
`1030 + 1052 (chapter 13)
`1033 + 1034 (chapter 13)
`1035 + 1037 (chapter 13)
`1038 + 1037 (chapter 13)
`Match with new topdocs
`99 + 93 (chapter 2)
`99 + 100 (chapter 2)
`101 + 102 (chapter 2)
`1036 + 64 (chapter 2)
`1036 + 1040 (chapter 13)
`chapters 2,3,5,13 1037 + 175 (chapter 3)
`1037 + 267 (chapter 5)
`1037 + 1039 (chapter 13)
`1039 + 1041 (chapter 13)
`1052 + 1051 (chapter 13)
`1032 (Chapter 13)
`1043 (chapter 13)
`(sentence matching threshold 6)
`sentence sim 6
`sentence sim 6
`sentence sim 6
`sentence sim 6
`sentence sim 6
`(sentence matching threshold 8)
`sentence sim 8
`sentence sim 8
`sentence sim 9
`sentence sim 11
`sentence sim 8
`sentence sim 8
`sentence sim 12
`(sentence matching threshold 7)
`sentence sim 7
`sentence sim 7
`sentence sim 7
`sentence sim 8
`sentence sim 7
`sentence sim 8
`sentence sim 7
`sentence sim 7
`sentence sim 7
`sentence sim 7
`5 new
`7 new
`( 6 distinct)
`10 new
`( 6 distinct)
`Pass 3:
`Table 4: Sentence-Related Retrieval Process for Query 1


`1. Retrieval by both document-related (D) and sentence-related (S) processes
`13 items:
`93(chap 2)
`101 (chap 2)
`102 (chap 2)
`175 (chap 3)
`267 (chap 5)
`971 (chap 13)
`1032 (chap 13)
`1035 (chap 13)
`1036 (chap 13)
`1034 (chap 13)
`1038 (chap 13)
`1039 (chap 13)
`1043 (chap 13)
`pass 3 D,S
`pass 2S, 3D
`pass 2D, 3S
`pass 1D, 3S
`pass 2D, 3S
`pass 1 D,S
`initial item
`pass 1 D,S
`pass 1D, 2S
`pass 2 D,S
`pass 1S, 2D
`pass 2D, 3S
`initial item
`2. Retrieved only by document-related output: 6 items
`97 (chap 2) pass 3
`269 (chap 5) pass 3
`98 (chap 2) pass 2
`334 (chap 6) pass 3
`266 (chap 5) pass 3
`1042( chap 13) pass 1.
`3. Retrieved only by sentence-related output: 10 items
`64 (chap 2) pass 3
`1030 (chap 13) pass 1
`1040 (chap 13) pass 3
`1052 (chap 13) pass 2.
`99 (chap 2) pass 2
`1033 (chap 13) pass 1
`1041 (chap 13) pass 3
`100 (chap 2) pass 3
`1034 (chap 13) pass 2
`1057 (chap 13) pass 3
`Table 5: Global Retrieval Results for Query 1


`1032 (13)
`1043 (13)
`175 (3)

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