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`10th BILETA Conference Electronic Communications
`March 30th & March 31st, 1995 Business School,
`University of Strathclyde, Glasgow
`Legal Resources Via World Wide Web
`Franco Zizzo, University of Oxford
`Data equivalent to 50 billion pages is transported every month through the various Internet networks. With other words,
`the data amounting to ca. 25 million books is transported through the Internet each month, equivalent to 5 times more
`books than the content of the Bodleian Library at Oxford. Through powerful software, the provision of information on
`the Internet is becoming possible for everyone, without great efforts. The development of the World Wide Web (WEB),
`a universal hypermedia-based method to access information, underlined a new departure in the provision of information
`on the Internet. Sounds, images, videoclips, clickable maps and much more can now be used by creating documents. This
`impressive development led to the growth of the Internet to a business worth billions, which is going to be used not only
`by the sociatas academica but by the whole society. In the USA the number of ".com" (commercial) addresses exceeded
`for the first time the number of ".edu" (educational) addresses in 1994. We are entering a new age of information
`technology. Naturally, lawyers have to play a leading part in the story. This paper analyses the power of the WEB in
`providing legal information having regard to the Internet problem of information chaos. It deals with how the efforts we
`are all making in providing this information can be co-ordinated, and what kind of co-operation is required to provide
`qualitative legal information which is structured and thus quickly searchable.
`Section 1: Legal information on the World Wide Web, so far
`1. What is the WEB?
`For the purpose of this paper it may be useful to explain briefly what the WEB is. The WEB was developed in the early
`1990s by researchers at the European Particle Laboratory in Geneva. It is based on the server/client principle(1). Two
`reasons may explain why the WEB is extremely successful and destined to become the most successful Internet facility
`(2). Firstly, it is designed around a system known as hypertext. A WEB document is defined through a collection of
`styles which are indicated by markup tags. Such documents are called HyperText Markup Language (HTML)
`documents. HTML documents are in ASCII format and can be created using HTML editors(3) or any other text editor.
`Hypertext documents use marked words or sentences which are linked to other documents via an Uniform Resource
`Locator (URL). The URL specifies the location of files on other servers and includes the type of resource being accessed,
`the address of the server and the location file. Thus a single HTML file on a local WEB server may include as many links
`to files on other Internet servers as are wished, required, or available(4). Secondly, the WEB is able to understand the
`numerous different information-retrieval protocols in use on the Internet today. For example it understands protocols like
`FTP, Gopher, Telnet, WAIS etc., but also data formats of protocols like ASCII, GIF, Postscript, DVI, TEXinfo etc. The
`WEB thus provides a single consistent user interface. The result is, on the one hand, that WEB clients (e.g. Mosaic,
`Netscape) can access almost every other Internet facility. On the other hand HTML documents can be created, including
`data such as graphics, pictures, sounds or videoclips.
`On the whole the WEB and its software are in an early stage of development. It was developed by computer scientists
`whose primary interest was to fulfil their ideas and visions of an open information architecture able to connect millions
`of users. The openness of the Internet would not have been possible outside the world of research and education. Now
`several commercial companies have successfully started to develop and sell more powerful WEB clients/server software
`at a considerable price(5).
`2. Structuring legal information provided on the WEB
`The Internet is growing fast. In 1993 the amount of traffic data between the various networks on the Internet was 2.5
`billion pages per month. By the end of 1994 this had doubled to 5 billion pages per month(6). This is ca. 17 times more
`information than the LEXIS-NEXIS legal database provides(7). The amount of HTML documents related to legal topics
`is already immense. All the legal documents previously provided by Gopher are accessible through the WEB. Recent
`developments and projects on the WEB underline the fact that a new departure in provision of legal information is seen
`in the WEB. One of the most ambitious WEB projects in the field of libraries comes from the Columbia University Law
`Library, with the aim to "utilize the power of massively parallel super computers to provide text, images, sound and
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`videos from remote and local workstations"(8) . WEB legal journals have so far also joined, for instance, the "Global
`Legal Studies Journal",(9) with a full-text search on all back issues. The "Roman Law in the WEB" project underlines a
`new departure in the use of non-copyright legal texts. Its aim is to provide the basic text of the Roman law, the Corpus
`Iuris Iustiniani, with the corresponding medieval comments. These comments are widespread and many variants exist so
`that normally their study takes scholars to several libraries often in different countries(10). In the USA law firms are
`presently on the WEB introducing their organizations and principal practice areas. Firm documents to cases of interest
`can also be accessed and searched with a WAIS searchable index(11). LawTalk at Indiana University is a service for
`playing files related to some aspects of law or legal studies. A few files are already available and authored by law faculty
`In front of such developments the crucial question is how do we find the legal information we are looking for. Since the
`amount of data is immense, and increases every day, powerful search possibilities and an intelligent data structure are
`necessary, otherwise the information will, on the whole, be useless. An approach akin to commercial legal databases is
`2.1. The technical approach
`What computer scientists can do is devise services which administer the information traffic and search the various
`databanks. The WEB's predecessor, Gopher, is a versatile menu-driven information service. Within this service,
`Veronica searches automatically for indexed documents. WAIS is a service which allows users an "intelligent" search for
`information among databases distributed throughout the Internet. The WEB integrates all these possibilities, and is a
`universal hypermedia-based method of access to information. The search engine on the WEB is already powerful(13)
`and many Internet research efforts are made to improve the search possibilities(14). But it is unlikely that a service will
`be devised whose search covers the total number of documents stored on the Internet. There are simply too many
`databases and documents. We are, at the moment, far away from the commercial database system. Every document
`stored into a commercial database is added to the proper subdatabase, is indexed, and therefore, in the proper search
`context, is easy to find. We will naturally have to go a different way than commercial databases with a WEB database, at
`least because it implements a large variety of features. Search engines will be indispensable tools within a sophisticated
`structure providing a proper framework. The main problem is what a sophisticated structure should look like. We will
`consider below the efforts made so far to give some structure to the various legal information available on the WEB.
`2.2. The Law Faculties approach
`Though there is no "top", the WEB has a certain kind of roof, a "general overview" available at its home, CERN. This is
`an attempt to structure the whole available information by subject, list of servers and service type(15). Under the subject
`of 'Law', we find the Law Index held by Indiana Law School (USA)(16). The Law Index was the earliest attempt to bring
`structure into the provision of legal information. First, everything found with a relation to law was added to an
`alphabetical list, including documents stored on the Gopher system as well as FTP legal sites etc. Over time, perhaps
`almost all known legal information (free of charge) was added to this list. With the choice, for example of the link
`'Belfast Law School', a small server I built up myself to search the potential of the WEB for legal purposes, more than
`100 HTML original files can be found on local legal information. At this stage searchable engines were added on the top
`of the Law Index, as well as part of the information available alphabetically structured under the heading 'legal topics',
`'type of source', 'State Governments servers' and 'law schools and law firms on the WEB'.
`Further development in 1994 was to specify the information available on the Law Index. The Cornell law school project
`differed between administration law, commercial law, criminal law, articles, collection, organizations etc.(17). The P-
`Law Legal resource Locator, a recent project which joined the WEB (Jan 95), is going in the same direction without any
`obvious new idea, and with the aim "to serve as a starting point for research, be it by attorneys or non-legal professionals,
`into the myriad disciplines involved in today's increasingly 'legalistic' society"(18). JurWeb, also a recent interesting
`project at Bayreuth (D), has the aim to structure the information on the Law Index by continents, countries and legal
`Despite these attempts to give the available legal information a searchable structure the reality is that a normal WEB
`search involves a considerable waste of time. The fact that at the moment many projects are trying to differentiate the
`information available on the Law Index creates unnecessary confusion. In addition there is no certainty whether the
`available information has a sufficient standard of quality. Generally speaking, a co-ordination system is required which at
`least is able to give the provided information a quick searchable structure and which makes sure that the information is of
`sufficient standard. Before a new method able to meet these requirements in structuring legal information can be
`discussed in this paper, general principles behind the provision of legal information via WEB will be considered.
`3. Principles behind WEB legal servers
`Though more and more law faculties are joining the Internet with WEB servers(20), it will be sufficient to analyze the
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`principles of some older servers. The oldest European server is located at Saarbrucken(21). It is promoted and supervised
`by the only exclusive "Computers & Law" chair I know of in Europe and had as its precedent a Gopher server. The aim
`of this project is to provide a future new legal information source, including local dissertations, publications of the
`European Institute, as well as articles of members of staff, etc. Over time Saarbrucken wants to become a unique
`database in Germany. Tromsoe in Norway(22) has as its aim "to investigate the potential of WEB as an information
`resource, with regard to legal research and education. This we plan to do taking a practical example, focusing on
`international trade law as a limited and vitally important area of law that is of international interest". At Belfast there
`was the clear aim to provide local legal information about staff, courses, graduate facilities, introductions, etc.
`So far two different principles can be seen. Belfast and Tromsoe have defined their aim very narrowly; one on a limited
`legal field of international importance, the other on local information. This is not that ambiguous, but a realistic
`approach. Nevertheless a narrow approach outside a framework is likely to be overlooked and is thus of limited use. For
`example, nobody searching for information on human rights can know that a database on this topic that covers the whole
`world, and was developed over a number of years, is accessible through the link 'Belfast law school'. The other principle
`is to build up over time a unique database, something on the line of LEXIS. This approach is quite unrealistic since one
`chair will never be able to provide comprehensive and qualitative legal information like a commercial database. The Law
`Index at Indiana law school has an impressive amount of information, but this is the sum of the efforts of the whole
`Internet legal community. During a controversial discussion about the usefulness of legal information on the Internet in
`the e-mail discussion list EURO-LEX(23) Saarbrucken admitted that they are not making any considerable step toward
`their aims and that we would probably have to wait for the "World Wide Web commercial wave". These examples show
`clearly that any principle in providing legal information must include a co-operation among people which are providing
`the information. The USA law faculties, many years ahead of Europe, suggested early on to establish "among those of us
`maintaining legal oriented WEB sites" (24) a communication and a co-ordination of the efforts which are made in putting
`information on the WEB. None of the many attempts like this have so far been successful. The striking fact is that the
`numerous USA law faculties have not reached a considerable co-ordination between each other . A reason may be the
`influential lobby of the printed legal press and commercial legal databases who may fear the WEB as a dangerous
`competitor. Antitrust investigations are taking place, e.g. in the case of WEST publishing, after a battle erupted over the
`Attorney General's proposal for a public domain citation system and databases of judicial opinions(25). On the other
`hand we have also to consider that computer scientists employed with a full job by the law faculties in the USA are doing
`most of the work. Computer scientists are naturally primarily interested (and trained) in exploiting and applying
`technology rather than establishing a workable framework on a non-local level.
`A principle on providing useful legal information can only be successful if a framework between law faculties can be
`created. In the following, a concept will be presented which on the one hand will provide a law faculties framework
`through co-operation, and on the other hand a workable comprehensive information structure.
`Section 2 : Towards a Legal Information Standard
`1. The status quo
`Before we can consider a new way of co-ordinating legal information which involves a considerable amount of efforts,
`we should once again sum up the advantages of legal information via WEB as well as possible alternatives.
`The indisputable advantages of the WEB are an immense amount of legal information, covering almost every legal topic,
`accessible at all times and from any location, and the dimension of teaching through multimedia documents. Powerful
`Local Area Networks (LAN) are available at almost every university. The fixed costs of a LAN are large, but the
`marginal cost is effectively free. Whether 1 or 1000 persons are using the provided infrastructure is therefore not of great
`cost relevance for a LAN administration. Thus the connection as well as the provision of legal information for any
`faculty is available for a relatively low investment(26). Finally, the power of various world wide scientific electronic fora
`for the exchange of scientific ideas, and legal research must be mentioned. On the other hand, the vast amount of
`unstructured information and its unpredictable quality makes Internet legal resources almost useless at this stage. As we
`have seen before in this paper, a co-ordination system is required which is able to give the provided legal information a
`quick searchable, comprehensive structure. The administration of this system must also ensure that the information is of
`sufficient standard. Such a system can only be achieved if a framework can be created through co-operation between law
`2. A co-ordination system
`There are two institutions able to co-ordinate the legal information available on the Internet as an alternative to the status
`quo. Firstly, commercial companies and secondly the law faculties themselves. Both possibilities will be discussed in the
`2.1. Commercial companies
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`Like the LEXIS legal database, a commercial company could start providing legal information on the WEB for a charge.
`There are many possible ways to achieve this(27). But such a development would be a critical result for many reasons.
`Commercial databases are in a position we may describe as similar to a monopoly; they can impose the terms they like
`on any contract. Take for instance, the German database JURIS. At the beginning the contract with the law faculty at
`Tuebingen imposed an inclusive monthly charge with unlimited access for faculty members. Now, a few years later, the
`Tuebingen law faculty has restricted access for few hours a day and an inclusive monthly charge several times that of a
`few years ago. The law faculty at Heidelberg did not renew the JURIS contract regarding student access in early 1994.
`The law faculty at Belfast allows few graduates to use LEXIS, and then only after comprehensive training. The Oxford
`law faculty is renewing the contract with LEXIS and part of the deal is the provision of an appointed LEXIS instructor.
`These representative examples show the kind of problems customers such as universities are facing when dealing with
`commercial companies providing legal information on-line. First favorable contracts are agreed, then when the product
`has established itself on the market, almost all of the privileges are abolished(28). In the case of the LEXIS or JURIS
`databases this behavior (which from an economical point of view may be justifiable) makes sense for "first class"
`customers, such as law firms, who are able and willing to pay large sums for the services and naturally are not willing to
`waste time by queuing for access(29). If we look at the information offered by such databases, the legitimacy may be
`doubtful. A big share of this legal information was produced at universities (of course, also by courts or by
`governments). Thus we have to pay real money for information we have produced previously.
`There is another reason why a "commercial wave" can not be wished from universities. Commercial companies want
`primarily to make money and the information they want to put on-line reflects this aim. The university is concerned with
`all aspects of law, be it the history of the laws, comparative law or philosophical legal doctrine. Topics such as these will
`never receive sufficient attention from a charged database, since not enough money could be earned from its use.
`2.2. Law Faculties
`Today we understand under law at least a set of rules based on fundamental, common shared political principles. These
`rules work like a net thrown over every sector in the society and thus regulating them. Lawyers are trained to draft
`statutes, regulations, treaties etc., and to apply them, thus creating a net able to cover every kind of situation we may be
`faced with. Take for instance courts, no matter how unpredictable human behavior is, under any circumstance the set of
`legal rules has to be applied to a case directed to a Court. Neither in the civilian nor in the common law tradition can a
`judge say, "I don't know how to decide this case". A decision has to be given and the only alternative is to refer the case
`for decision by a higher court.
`A digital system based on 1 and 0 sequences has created, together with powerful hardware, a virtual world unimaginable
`just a few years ago: the Internet. Lawyers are now starting to regulate this virtual world by applying and extending legal
`rules, be it in the field of intellectual property or in the field of contract. For the co-ordination of legal information on the
`Internet all we are required to do is, in my opinion, to define a set of legal rules. Every community requires a set of rules
`to regulate their relationships. The Internet community involved in the provision of legal information is no exception.
`The direction of any solution to make Internet legal information useful is to co-ordinate the information through a set of
`rules. Of course such an approach has to find a balance between individuality of WEB sites and subordination under a
`general concept. Such a concept requires an open, democratic architecture so that everyone interested in providing legal
`information can join it.
`3. Law Faculties Association
`A possible way to devise a workable concept for co-ordinating legal information is suggested in this paper on a sketch
`level and can be seen in the appendix. The main ideas are that every law faculty (but also other legal institutions)
`interested in providing legal information should join a Law Faculties Association (LFA). In providing legal information,
`members of the LFA observe rules stated in a Protocol which defines the architectural structure, standard forms, etc. The
`Protocol is part of a Statute which regulates the relation between faculties, a central country unit, and the European level
`unit. 3 electronic mailing lists, two main institutional on-line bodies and a set of rules would be sufficient to administer
`such an organization. A "top" LFA WEB Euro server would co-ordinate the "top" WEB Servers in countries which are
`members of the LFA. A country 'top' WEB server would co-ordinate legal information provided within this country on
`every Internet service. Promotion of joint projects, technology advice etc. could be easily co-ordinated. Everyone
`interested in providing legal information could thus join the framework provided by the LFA on a country level. All the
`effort within the reach of the LFA could thus be co-ordinated. Legal information would become transparent and useful.
`The fact that law faculties would regulate legal information on the Internet would be a step toward improved quality of
`information(30), allowing no links to useless documents.
`4. Internet peculiarities
`The famous case where a lawyer in the USA sent an unsolicited advertisement for his immigration legal service to many
`Usenet groups on the Internet and received over 30 000 replies, most of them outraged messages, shows that on the way
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`to co-ordinate information, the 'Internet culture' has to be observed. The LFA approach does not infringe the 'Internet
`culture'. What we are going to do is just to create a set of rules which enable us to co-ordinate information. An effort in
`this direction is urgently required. Other faculties are facing the same problem as lawyers. A workable concept to co-
`ordinate information would be a benefit to the whole Internet community and a great step forward. The LFA approach
`provides a prototype which could be adopted by faculties in any discipline. That the Internet is anarchic, uncontrolled
`and uncontrollable is a myth. At least every LAN has an administration which distributes accounts to access the Internet.
`Certainly the regulations differ from one LAN administration to another, such that there is no administration from the
`'top', but there are, for instance, many thinkable reasons to withdraw someone's account on the Internet through a LAN
`administration e.g. as in the case of a repeated breach of the Internet "Netiquette"(31).
`An effort to co-ordinate the information on the net by university faculties would be unlikely to go behind the border of
`secrecy or privacy. These are problems for every 'economic wave', which would probably lead to separate networks with
`a gateway to the Internet like Compuserve. The scope of an LFA is just to co-ordinate the efforts for those providing
`legal information on the Internet. The LFA approach does thus not infringe any rule of the 'Internet culture' and would be
`likely to gain a high acceptance within the Internet community.
`The possibility exists to construct a database containing all the legal knowledge available (with the relative barrier
`copyright) from the various legal systems in Europe. It will be necessary to start an LFA from one country in order to
`convince other countries from the successful new departure. We have in Europe a difficult situation. France ignored for a
`long time the Internet, favouring its technically obsolete "Minitel" system, and it is now thinking about promoting a
`multi-lingual European network separate from the Internet. Germany has the most WEB legal servers in Europe and their
`legal community is becoming more and more interested on the Internet, but the policy of the leading WEB server at
`Saarbrucken, which is waiting for the "commercial wave", does not give much reason for hope towards a legal
`information standard. I am convinced that the only country able to make the first step in the right direction is the UK.
`The LTC at Warwick has a unique position in Europe since it reaches every law faculty in the UK and is an accepted
`Ten years ago it was very difficult to find a computer in a University. Today we have plenty of computers and in addition
`a powerful virtual world called the Internet. Where will we be in ten years time ? Nobody knows. I hope this paper has
`helped to contribute a few small stones to the mosaic of new information technology and to influence the path of change
`which lies ahead.
`1 In principle a server connected to the Internet provides the information which is stored on files. A corresponding client
`is able to access this information from every point of the Internet.
`2 The byte count shows that the WEB is due to supersede Gopher, see NSFnet Byte Counts statistics at FTP at:
`; See for a recent analysis from the USA, National Research Council, Realizing the Information future: The
`Internet and Beyond, 1994.
`3 In the meantime many HTML editors have been written and offered on-line e.g. HTMLASST or HTMLEDIT running
`under MS Windows. Another example is a Microsoft Word for Windows version 6.0 macro template on-line called GT
`HTML which enables users to create HTML files from word documents. Location: use the nearest ARCHIE service ;-)
`4 See for a comprehensive Beginner's guide to HTML at:
`5 E.g. the WEB client Netscape. Netscape Communication Corporation was founded in April 1994 by two computer
`scientists and has in the meantime a team of more than 75 employees, see at:
` er_docs/founders.html
`6 It is estimated that 4 million computers are connected to the Internet and perhaps 30 million users (Nov 94). Every
`month the Internet has an estimated 15 - 20% more subscribers. Thus in the near future a total number of 150 million
`users are supposed to be able to subscribe to the Internet; See National Research Council, op. cit.
`7 The amount of stored information on LEXIS-NEXIS is 580 billion characters. For the comparison I assumed 2000
`characters per page (typewriter). See for other statistics on LEXIS-NEXIS their WEB homepage at:
` /html/misc/background.html
`8 Have a look at JANUS Digital Library at: with a detailed account of the project.
`9 To be accessed at:
`10 See at:
`11 See e.g. the Pepper & Corazzini law firm at:; or the UK law firm
`Clifford Chance at: (since 29/Jan/95).
`12 See at:, with an explanation what kind of hardware and software is
`required to be able to listen to it.
`13 For the most useful search engines on the WEB in one place with searchable tools for servers, people, publications,
`etc. see at:
`14 See e.g. the new version of WWWWais 2.5 documented at: wwwwais/wwwwais.html
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`or a new program which indexes WEB sites and searches for files using keywords, SWISH, at:
`15 See at:
`16 Held by the Indiana University School of Law at Bloomington, USA, see at:
`17 See at:
`18 See at:
`19 See at:
`20 In particular Germany, see the WEB server at Berlin for a complete list at:; But see also
`the law school at Strathclyde which joined the Web in Feb 1995, at:
`21 At:
`22 At:
`23 Euro-Lex previous mail can be accessed at: gopher://, where the last 1000 mails
`can be found through a WAIS searchable index. Just type as key word 'zizzo' to be directed to the relevant mail.
`24 Cited from an e-mail send to me by Will Sadler Indiana University early 1994, see his homepage at:
`25 See Cyber-Justice: 'West Fear of on-line changes groundless', Star Tribune, October 16, 1994; 'Computer aided legal
`research subject of probe, WSJ, October 3, 1994. On-line information distributed by James Love [] on e-
`mail request.
`26 In the USA there are serious plans to make the Internet available to schools and use them as an universal tool for
`teaching. The main problem is an investment one. At the least a LAN with shared modem is required in order to be able
`to access services like the World Wide Web. For such plans a very large investment is required, see for a starting point in
`the discussion, US Congress Office of Technology Assessment, Global Standards: Building Blocks for the future, 1992.
`27 See for a good example the Encyclopaedia Britanica Online at: http//
`28 This is the case with the WEB client Netscape, which is available at the moment free for members of universities, see
`their homepage, cit.
`29 LEXIS-NEXIS reported 1993 revenues of $551.5 million, an 11% increase from 1992. For 1994 similar figures are
`expected, 650,000 users have so far subscribed with estimated 200,000 searches a day (Jan 95) see their homepage, cit.
`30 Of course there is no guarantee. Every commercial legal database excludes any kind of liability.
`31 These are rules setting out how networkers should behave on the Internet, and are available on many locations
`throughout the Internet.
`The following abbreviations are used in the text:
`WEB or WWW: World Wide Web.
`FTP: File Transfer Protocol. A method of transferring files across networks.
`ARCHIE: A network service devised to search FTP sites for files.
`Telnet: A program which enables the connection to remote computers across networks.
`MUDs: Educational/Professional Multi-User Dimension.
`IRC: Inter Relay Chat, based on the client/server principle it is a multi-user chat system where groups of people meet to
`talk private or public.
`URLs: Uniform Resource Locators. Standardized formatted entities which specifies location, type and address of a file.
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