`queries are used. These two measures arc usually combined into a precision/recall (P/R)
`graph, which shows the precision at standard recall points, usually at intervals of to
`percent. Figure 2.3 shows a typical P/R graph. A P/R graph for a particular strategy for a
`given collection represents the results of all the queries in the test collection averaged
`together. The details of the averaging techniques can be found in Van Rijsbergen [19791 or
`Salton 119S3J.
`o 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100
`Figure 2.3: Typical precision/recall graph.
`A measure that can be used instead of recall is fallout, which is (from figure 2.3) n-r / N-R.
`This measure makes more sense in an operational system where the number of documents
`relevant to a particular query is unknown. However, since comparative studies are done
`using test coll ections, fallout is seldom used in IR literature for comparing the effectiveness
`of different systems or search strategies. There are a number of other reasons why fallout
`may be preferred, which may be found in VanRijsbergen [1979] or Salton [1983].
`The measures of recall and precision can be combined to give a single valued mea-
`sure of effe ctiveness for a particular search strategy for a given collection. One way is to
`Facebook Inc. Ex. 1214 Part 2

`take the average of the precision values at various recall points. Another composite mea-
`sure is the E-measure [Van Rijsbergen 79/, which is given by
`1 _
`-+ - -
`where a = 1 / (~2 + 1) and ~ represents the relative importance attached to precision and
`recall. A value of 1 for ~ indicates equal importance to precision and recall. Values greater
`than 1 indicate greater emphasis on recall; less than 1 on precision. Smaller values of E
`indicate greater retrieval effectiveness.
`Another single-valued measure that has been proposed is search length, which is
`defined to be the number of non-relevant documents that the user must examine before his
`search length will be zero. This measure can used in systems that provide an ordering of
`the documents retrieved or as in THOMAS [Oddy 74, 771 produce one document at a time
`for evaluation. A variation of this mea sure is to count the number of non -relevant
`documents presented before the first relevant document is presented. This is used t~
`estimate, in THOMAS, the amount of work expended in formulating the query. Ofori
`[1982] also used this measure in the estimatiton of the amount of effort that was expended
`in the course of a search session.
`While testing different search methods with standard test collections gives a basis
`for compari ng their relative performance and for testing the effects of new strategies or
`wei ghting methods, a few things should be kept in mind. First, the concept of relevance
`for a document is subjective. Different users have different needs , which will be reflected
`in the kind of document that they choose as relevant. Second. the relevance judgements of
`test collection s were made by domain experts; each expert developed one or more queries
`and looked through the collection to find the documents that were relevant. Therefore, the
`Facebook Inc. Ex. 1214 Part 2

`relevance judgements may reflect the biases of the experts or overlook what might appear to
`be relevant to an unsophisticated user. Another consideration is how the relevance judge(cid:173)
`ments were made.
`In some collections, the experts had a fairly comprehensive idea of the
`documents in the collection , so they could make reasonably knowledgeable evaluations. In
`other collections, the experts derived queries, submitted them to a retrieval system,
`evaluated the results, and then followed citations from the retrieved documents to others.
`Even with these considerations, the use of standard test collections represent the only way
`developed so far to perform repeatable experiments.
`2.3 Retrieval Problems
`The advantages of the traditionallR systems are that they are easy to implement,
`relatively fast, and those that use automatic indexing are domain independent. However,
`there is a major problem, and that is the overall performance of these systems is low. The
`average precision of the advanced statistical systems varies from 50% (unusual) to 25%
`(more typical) taken at recall intervals of 5% from 90% to 5% [Fagin 87]. One of the
`causes of this problem is that traditional systems are limited to only a single way of
`responding to every user and every type of problem. This limitation manifests itself in two
`important ways, in query formulation and in the search process.
`Query Formulation Problems
`Query formulation is the process of expressing an information need, which is in the
`mind of the user, in the best possible way in the form required by the system. Certainly,
`the best way is one that provides the system with the necessary information to retrieve a
`high proportion of the documents that the user wants and a low number of unusable ones .
`The perfect search would retrieve all and only those documents that the user wants or
`needs. The results of a search canonly be as good as the description of the items being
`Facebook Inc. Ex. 1214 Part 2

`sought. Therefore, if the user cannot adequately define what he is looking for, the system
`cannot produce adequate results. There are two major obstacles to the user in expressing
`his information need in an effective way. The first is the form of the query required by the
`system, and the second is the ability of the user to express precisely the information need.
`Some users may know exactly what they want and can describe it precisely, while others
`may not be able to do so.
`Form of the Query
`Most commercially available systems require that the user cast his need into a for-
`mal notation using Boolean logic. Users not familiar with Boolean logic find it difficult to
`use. The NOT operator, particularly, causes problems, although it is essential for getting
`good results [Vigil 83]. Furthermore, the Boolean connectives AND and OR do not have a
`sufficiently precise meaning with regard to the relationships between words. This lack of
`precision can confuse the casual user.
`For example. when two words, such as,
`"information" and "retrieval," are ANDed together, does the user mean that the two words
`form the phrase "information retrieval" or, simply, that they both are required to be present.
`The OR connective also presents some ambiguity. Words combined with OR are usually
`taken to be synonymous, but OR can also be used to list the components of a higher level
`concept. For example, the concept of "additive primary color" can be expressed by the list:
`"red OR green OR blue." AND and OR can also be used interchangeably in everyday
`usage, as in the sentences: "I do not like peas and carrots," and " I do not like peas or car-
`To overcome some of these problems, some systems allow the user to specify
`proximity information in the query, but these additional operators can be a source of con-
`fusion adding further difficulty to query formulation.
`It is clear that when two words are
`specified to be immediately adjacent that the user is specifying a phrase, but what the user
`Facebook Inc. Ex. 1214 Part 2

`means is less clear if the proximity is 5 words or 20 words. Perhaps the user means that
`the words must occur in the same sentence or the same paragraph. Some systems that
`retain the full text of the document provide more me aningful sentence and paragraph
`proximity operators. The addition of more operators, however, requires that the user make
`more of an investment in learning how to formulate queries, which he may not want to do.
`Systems using automatic indexing are easier to use, allowing the user to enter his
`query as free text. This text is then indexed, generating the same internal representation as
`used for the documents. Although this form is easier to use, it suffers from the loss of
`information rega.rding relationships between words . It also can pick up spurious words,
`depending on how the user phrases his request. For example, if the request leads off with
`the phrase, "I am interested in...", the word "interested" will be part of the representation
`of the query, even though it has nothing to do with what the user is looking for.
`Content of the Query
`Inability to express the content of the query has two causes. The first cause is that
`the user lacks knowledge of the terms and their interrelationships of the domain he is
`searching. It may be that the user has a definite idea of what he wants, but cannot find the
`appropriate terms. For example, a scientist or engineer may change his primary field of
`interest and cease to keep up with developments in his former field. At some time, he may
`need to look for information in his former field, but may not know new terminology. A
`searcher that does not have a good understanding of the area in which he is working cannot
`select the necessary words to compose a well defined query. For example, a person
`searching in a medical domain may be interested in all the information about a particular
`class of diseases . The documents describing those diseases mayor may not refer to the
`general class name when discussing a particular disease, and if the documents in the
`collection are automatically indexed, then that class name will not be in the document
`Facebook Inc. Ex. 1214 Part 2

`representatives. If the user does not provide specific disease names as well as the general
`class name, a number of poten tially relevant documents may not be retrieved.
`The second cause is that the user does not have a definite idea of what he wants but
`perhaps, only a vague notion or hunch. This is not an unusual experience.
`It stems from
`the user trying to describe something that he does not know. An example might be some-
`one who wants to know about the topic of "color." Is the user interested in the physics of
`colored light, the psychological effects of color, the physiological aspects of color vision,
`or color theory as it relates to art to name a few of the possibilities. The information de-
`sired. may actually draw from all of these areas, but at the time the user comes to the sys-
`tern, he may not really know exactly what he wants. In this case, the user may need to ex-
`amine results of a few searches to help him clarify his need. This kind of difficulty is the
`-- -
`_ ...-- - ---_ .__.."._- -- -_.._ - - ...._...--- --_.. " .. -,.. ----
`- _._-
`------------ -------------_.._---.-
`---.-- ----_._- _._-_ .- -- - - -_ ._ -
`basis for THOMAS [Oddy 77j and RABBIT/ARGON [Patel-Schneider 85). Both of these
`systems assist the user by showing him examples of what his current query will retrieve,
`so that he may alter them to better match what he really wants.
`Search Methods
`Search methods in Boolean retrieval are directed at gening a set of documents small
`enough so that the user can conveniently examine all the titles and abstracts. Since the
`query expression acts as a filter on the collection selecting only those that match, no order-
`ing of the documents is done . Each document is considered as equally relevant. Conse-
`quently, the user must examine all of the documents in the retrieved set to assure himself
`that no document of value is missed.
`The feedback for manipulating the query is indirect, consisting primarily of tracking
`the size of the retrieved document set, and occasionally looking at some of the documents
`in the current set. Only when the size of the set is in theneighborhood of 10 to 20 will the
`user, if present, look at all of the documents. If a search intermediary is doing the. search-
`Facebook Inc. Ex. 1214 Part 2

`ing without the user in attendance, he must use his judgement based on the knowledge of
`the topic he has gained from the user and from his own background to determine whether
`or not the results are adequate.
`Search Intermediaries
`The difficulties in using traditional systems is most often overcome by employing
`people called search intermediaries or search analysts [Barraclough 77, Marcus 78J. These
`individuals have specialized knowledge in 4 areas:
`Knowledge of command languages for different systems.
`Knowledge of the subject coverage of particular databases.
`Knowledge of how to use Boolean logic to formulate a query.
`Knowledge of how to elicit information from the user about the information
`They remove from the end user the burden of having to concern himself with the details of
`the command language, the selection of which database to search, and how exactly to for-
`mulate a query. The problem with this approach is that the person with the information
`need is not doing the searching. No matter how good the intermediary is, there is no way
`that the end user can really convey the exact nature of the need. The preferred arrangement
`is the person with the need working with the intermediary as the search is being carried out.
`In this way, the intermediary can get immediate feedback on the progress of the search.
`Th is, however, is often not the most economical arrangement, since it can slow down the
`intermediary and increase the connection charges.
`Another difficulty is that intermediaries are not always available at the time when the
`user may be looking for information. For example, university students often search for in-
`formation during the evening and on weekends, and people who use services such as
`Compuserve tend to search at night when phone rates are at their lowest. Another consid-
`eration is that with the advent of optical disk technologies, such as CD-ROM, large
`Facebook Inc. Ex. 1214 Part 2

`amounts of information may be available to many people at a relatively low price for use in
`their homes or businesses. People using search systems based on CD-ROM technology in
`their home or business may not have access to intermediary services, such as are available
`in large research institutions or corporate technical libraries.
`Intelligent Text Retrieval
`With the success of knowledge-based systems in areas such as medical diagnosis,
`computer system configuration, and others, the developments in natural language process-
`ing techniques, and computer aided instruction, it appears that artificial intelligence (AI)
`may have techniques to contribute that will make IR systems more effective and overcome
`the problems described in the previous section. This is especially attractive, since research
`in improving statistical systems using purely statistical means appears to have reached a
`peak LBelkin 87aj.
`Knowledge-based, often called "expert", systems technology seems to be ap-
`plicable since there are search intermediaries who are experts in conducting retrieval
`sessions and since there is no standard method to conduct a retrieval session.
`Intermediaries develop their own sets of heuristics or rules of thumb. These heuristics deal
`not only with the details of the actual search, but also with methods for eliciting the in-
`formation need from the user, and transforming it into a query. Bates [l979a, 1979b]
`presents some heuristics related to search. These heuristics can be encoded into rules that
`form the basis of the typical expert system IHayes-Roth 83J.
`The work in story understanding, fact retrieval, and translating natural language
`database queries also appears to be especially appropriate. The focus in story understand-
`ing IWilensky 841 and fact retrieval work IKolodner 831 has been to develop represcnra-
`lions for the meaning of narrative text so that paraphrases of the story can be generated and
`questions can be answered about the actions and intentions of the characters. The focus of
`Facebook Inc. Ex. 1214 Part 2

`the database query work has been to provide user-friendly interfaces that do not require a
`user to know the formal query language of the database in order to get information. As an
`example sec [Salveter 87, Waltz 78(.
`An example of a sophisticated natural language interface system is UNIX Consul-
`rant (UC) [Wilensky 831, the purpose of which is to provide online help in using the UNIX
`operating system. One of the features that makes this system sophisticated is the ability to
`analyze the user's statements to infer his goals. For example, a user enters the query:
`I'm trying to get some more diskspace.
`An appropriate response is:
`Delete files that you do not need,
`Ask the system manager for more space.
`The latter implies that the system is aware of the user's desire to save files, and that getting
`more space in his account will satisfy that desire.
`Based on these ideas, one could envision an intelligent retrieval system that would
`assist the user in expressing his information need so that the system could understand it and
`determine an appropriate response. This idea of applying Al to IR has led to several defi-
`nitions of what an intelligent retrieval system might be. One definition of an intelligent re-
`trieval system is given by Sparck Jones 11983J:
` intelligent retrieval system would have an inferential capability so that it
`could deploy prior knowledge to establish, if not by certain reasoning at any rate by
`plausible reasoning, a connection between a request and a candidate relevant docu(cid:173)
`Brooks [1987J expands on this definition by incorporating more awareness of the user into
`the requirements of the system. She states that given the following three conditions
`1 .
`A user who has come to an information service with a problem for whose
`resolution or management, information is required.
`The user is unable to specify exactly the information needed, since this is de(cid:173)
`scribing what the user does not know.
`Facebook Inc. Ex. 1214 Part 2

`Access to a number of document databases.
`The system must, by use of its knowledge of its world (of documents. users and topics),
`and its knowledge of the specific user and problem, infer documents that will enable the
`user to better resolve or manage the problem. The inclusion of awareness of the user in(cid:173)
`creases the complexity of the system dramatically, since it now must handle users that have
`varying levels of domain knowledge and computer experience, as well as widely differing
`search goals.
`An intelligent text retrieval system would use artificial intelligence techniques to im(cid:173)
`prove each of the four system elements defined previously. AI techniques for text repre(cid:173)
`sentation and indexing elements are intimately connected. Often, when one picks a repre(cid:173)
`sentation scheme the indexing or parsing method comes along with it. There are a number
`----- ------------- --- -- of-diffi€ulties-w ith -using the-curren tly-available-techniques,-First-i-s the-problem-of-dsaling .
`with enormous amounts of domain knowledge. Not onlly does one have to consider the
`number of possible concepts that a general information retrieval system has to deal with,
`but also the number and types of possible connections between them. The typical approach
`has been to restrict the application to a narrow domain. This reduces the volume of infor(cid:173)
`mation to a level at which domain knowledge representation can be built by hand. For
`example, DC only deals with the UNIX file system. This kind of approach is not appro(cid:173)
`priate in IR since real systems often must provide access to hundreds of thousands of doc(cid:173)
`uments. Applicable AI models for representing domain knowledge are semantic nets
`[Quillian 68] and rule representations [Tong 87J.
`Another problem is selecting the appropriate representation for document meaning.
`At this point there is no universally accepted method of representing the meaning of natural
`language. There are a number of possibilities, which include conceptual dependency the(cid:173)
`ory ISchank 75 j, Montague semantics IDowty XI\, and logic representations ISimmons
`87 J.
`Facebook Inc. Ex. 1214 Part 2

`Besides the difficulty of representing the knowledge contained in documents and
`their domain is the difficulty in searching to find relevant information, The methods on
`how to do this are not well established. Fact retrieval systems [Kolodner 8Jluse sophisti(cid:173)
`cated matching algorithms on their internal representation structures that may not be effi(cid:173)
`cient enough to work in an IR setting . Furthermore, the intermediary knowledge that does
`exist about searching, that could be used in construction of an expert system, is oriented
`toward optimizing the performance of commercially available systems.
`Van Rijsbergen IVan Rijsbergen 87/ has taken some initial steps in characterizing
`the logical foundation necessary for intelligent retrieval decision methods, although the
`concept of "logical relevance" appears as early as 1971 [Cooper 71].
`Instead of
`considering retrieval as being based on a similarity or a likelihood, it is considered as an
`inference that allows the system to determine if a particular document implies the user's
`query. Associated with this inference is a measure of its certainty.
`If the measure of the
`certainty is sufficiently high, then the document will be selected for presentation to the user
`as a candidate relevant document.
`The significant point about this reformulation of the document selection process is
`that it relies on an accumulation of evidence to determine the certainty of the implication.
`This evidence may come from a variety of sources. One of the difficulties with the
`formulation is the definition of the semantics and its representation. This is an open re(cid:173)
`search problem. The traditional keyword approach represents a primitive approach to
`representing the semantics of text. However, keywords are only one possible source of
`evidence. Other possible sources are citations and other kinds of user defined links.
`Even if one could develop a system that retrieves documents intelligently based on
`the natural language description of the information need, the nagging query formulation
`problems remain. The use of natural language as the means of expressing the need by no
`means solves the problem. Each user will have a different degree of ability with natural
`Facebook Inc. Ex. 1214 Part 2

`language. The user must still take time to carefully draft his query or the system will have
`to have the ability to handle ill-formed and perhaps ambiguous need statements.
`Furthermore, the system will have to deal with users that do not have a clear idea of what
`they want, besides not being able to express it.
`The work of intelligent retrieval has for the most part, as traditional retrieval work
`has, focussed on the objects of retrieval, documents, queries, and inference methods, and
`not on the end user. Consideration of the end user has a significant impact on the design of
`the interface element of the system as well as the search element.
`It introduces a new di-
`mension to the kinds of knowledge that the system must consider in order to be effective.
`But, by doing this the system builder can take advantage of the expertise of the search in(cid:173)
`termediary in helping the user refine his information need.
`2.5 Analysis of Systems
`The systems to be reviewed in this section are organized by their major emphasis,
`which corresponds to what element of an information retrieval system they are trying to
`improve. The systems are organized by what is considered to be their major feature or em(cid:173)
`phasis relative to the elements that compose an information retrieval system. The initial
`section concentrates on the representation of meaning and the organization of the text ele-
`Representation of Meaning
`Research into the improvement of the representation of the content of a document
`fall into two primary categories, those that lise natural language processing (NLP) tech-
`niques and those that do not. One motivation for attempting to use techniques that do not
`usc the NLP techniques is to reduce or eliminate the need for the large amounts of domain
`Facebook Inc. Ex. 1214 Part 2

`knowledge that is required. Another is to retain the efficiency that automatic indexing
`Non Natural Language Approaches
`The primary work in this area has been by Belkin [Belkin 82a, Belkin 82b, Belkin
`84]. The underlying motivation for this work is to model the user's "anomalous state of
`knowledge." The attempt to resolve this perceived anomaly is what causes the user to
`come to an information retrieval system. The actual representation of the user's
`information need and representation of the document content is based on the proximity of
`word pairs in the text. Words that are adjacent are given a score of 12; those that are in the
`same sentence are give a score of 4; and those in adjacent sentences are give a score of 3.
`These values are then taken and used to derive a graph representation of the top 40
`associations. The graphs can then be used in two ways. The first is to get feedback about
`the query from the user. The graphs show what the user thinks is important based on his
`expressed interest. The graph can be altered if it does not reflect the real information need.
`The second use is for search, where the graph representation is compared to documents that
`have been processed into the same graph representation. Various heuristics are used to
`match substructures in both of the graphs [Belkin 86].
`Other work in representation has focused on the addition of citation information as
`an extension of the normal vector representation [Salton 83J. Citation information, how(cid:173)
`ever does not contribute (Q the representation of meaning of the text, but serves to connect it
`to other pieces of text that are judged to be relevant by the text's author. This topic is
`expanded in section 2.5.2.
`Facebook Inc. Ex. 1214 Part 2

`Natural Language Approaches
`An approach of using NLP in text retrieval is FASIT (Fully Automatic Syntactically
`based Indexing of Text) [Dillon 83]. This approach attempts to be completely automatic
`and functional without semantic information, using only information about the structure of
`English to extract meaningful phrases from text. This is accomplished in a two stage
`process: concept selection and concept grouping. Concept selection is done in three steps,
`which are: assignment of words to syntactic categories (tagging), disambiguation of
`multiply tagged words, and concept selection. Concept grouping is a two stage process.
`The first is formation of canonical form and the second is grouping by canonical forms.
`For details see Dillion [1983]. Since FASIT does not require domain specific knowledge,
`__ ____ _______________jLi~~_~_ry.g;enera I La nd can b_e_u_secUn_rnan)':_domains,....whichis.its..primary-advantage. -It- -----------(cid:173)
`does not, however, perform significantly better than traditional stem-based systems.
`More recently, in a system named ADRENAL [Croft 87a] consideration has be
`given to the incorporation of semantics. The system does not attempt
`to build
`representations of every document as they enter the system, nor does the system require
`large amounts of domain knowledge.
`Instead, it uses a general representation of the
`semantics of science and technology called REST (REpresentation for Science and
`Technology). The system-also does not attempt to understand the content of documents
`and queries , but only garners enough information to make a judgement about the relevance
`of a document to a query. This process is made more efficient by not comparing the
`representation of the query to every document. Instead, a retrieval is made using traditional
`techniques, and the deep comparison, using the NLP techniques, is made with the results
`of the retrieval.
`Other research in applying NLP techniques to IR has been performed by Spark
`Jones r1984j, Smeaton [1986J as well as others.
`Facebook Inc. Ex. 1214 Part 2

`Organization of Text Units
`The first group of systems fall into the category of "hypertext" or "hypermedia"
`systems; the distinction being that latter incorporates more than just text The emphasis in
`these systems is the organization of the units of information, where the units may be one of
`a number of types, such as text, graphical, pictorial, or audio. There is little emphasis on
`the representation of the meaning of the unit itself.
`An early hypertext-like system is ZOG [McCracken 84]. In this system the basic
`unit of information is a 24 line by 80 column full screen of text. These textual units are
`then linked to form a network. ZOG has been used with success to implement a naval
`operations manual. Another similar system is the help system in the GNU EMACS
`[Stallman 87] text editor. In this system, the information is basically structured as a hierar(cid:173)
`chy with added cross reference links.
`This system was applied to an information retrieval system and called BROWSE
`[Fox 80].
`In these systems the only way to find information is to follow the links.
`BROWSE included a method of performing a "parameterized" content search which is car(cid:173)
`ried out in the context of the user's current location. The primary organizing structure is
`the Computing Reviews classification structure. The level that the user is at determines the
`constraints on the search.
`One difficulty with these systems is that the user, especially the novice user, has
`little context from which to determine where he is in the net. This can lead to a variety of
`behaviors, such as frequent backtracking or returning to the top of the classification struc(cid:173)
`ture to start over. The user is required to maintain a mental model of where he is in the
`system. This can be quite difficult in a large highly interconnected network.
`Another difficulty is that these systems are by and large hand-built. While ZOG
`provides an integrated editor, there is'no provision for the automatic addition of text to the
`Facebook Inc. Ex. 1214 Part 2

`A more sophisticated system, which is representative of more recent imple-
`mentations of hypertext systems is Textnet [Trigg 86]; TIle emphasis in this system is the
`support of scientific authoring and information sharing. Because of the emphasis in this
`system, there are 80 different kinds of links. The two broad classifications of them are
`Normal and Commentary links. The Normal links define the structure of a document,
`provide citation links, and allow other users to attach their own opinions. The Commen-
`tary links provide the means to attach information that is related to the style of the docu-
`ment. While there is no provision for the automatic inclusion of text to the system, it is an
`open system. The intended use of Textnet is as an authoring system to develop ideas. As
`with ZOG, no provision is made to include a normal search facility. User's must follow
`links to find the information that they desire.
`Another similar system is the Hepatitis Knowledge Base (HKB) developed at the
`National Library of Medicine [Williamson 85]. Its intent is to provide quick access to
`textbook knowledge on viral hepatitis.
`It is organized as a three level hierarchy. The
`bottom level contains very specific detailed information, along with references to journal
`articles. As one moves up the hierarchy, the information becomes less detailed and of a
`summary nature. Built on top of this is a system called ANNOD that allows the user to
`make content based searches.
`Dynamic Book [Weyer 82] is similar to the HKB in that it provides access to text-
`book information. Its purpose was, however, to study how people search for information.
`It provided a number of methods to allow users to find the answers to factual questions. It
`also was organized hierarchically but was limited to only three levels that correspond to
`chapters , sections and subsections. These levels had simple title-like sentences or phrases
`describing the content of the corresponding unit of text. The significant point about the
`Dynamic Book is that it used a sophisticated multi-window interface to give user different
`Facebook Inc. Ex. 1214 Part 2

`views of the information, A user could trace down the hierarchy or could look at the titles
`THOMAS [Oddy 77Jhas a unique way of organizing the text.

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