Inference Networks for Document Retrieval
`Howard Turtle and W. Bruce Croft
`Computer and Information Science Department
`University of Massachusetts
`Amherst, MA 01003
`The use of inference networks to support document retrieval is introduced. A
`network-based retrieval model is described and compared to conventional probabilis(cid:173)
`tic and Bool~an models.
`Network r~presentations have been used in information retrieval since at least the early
`1960's. Networks have been used to support diverse retrieval functions, including browsing
`[TC89], document clustering [Cro80], spreading activation search [CK87], support for mul(cid:173)
`tiple search strategies [CT87], and representation of user knowledge [OPC86] or document
`content [TS85}.
`Recent work suggests that significant improvements in retrieval performance will require
`techniques that, in some sense, "understand" the content of documents and queries [vR86,
`Cro87] and can be used to infer probable relationships between documents and queries. In
`this view, information retrieval is an inference or evidential reasoning process in which we
`estimate the probability that a user's information need, expressed as one or more queries, is
`met given a document as "evid~nce." Netwo~k representations show promise as mechanisms
`for inferring these kinds of relationships [CT89,CK87].
`The idea. that retrieval is a.n inference or evidential reasoning process is not new.
`Cooper's logical relevance [Coo71] is based on deductive relationships between represen(cid:173)
`tations of documents and information needs. Wilson's situational relevance [Wil73) extends
`this notion to incorporate inductive or uncertain inference based on the degree to which
`documents support information needs. The techniques required to support these kinds of
`inference are similar to those used in expert systems that must reason with uncertain infor·
`mation. A number of competing inference models have been developed for these kinds of
`expert systems [KL86,LK88) and several of these models can be adapted to the d~cument
`retrieval task.
`In the research described her~ we adapt an inference network model to the retrieval
`task. The use of the model is intended to:
`• Support the use of multiple document representation schemes. Research has shown
`that a given query will retrieve different documents when applied to different repre·
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`sentations, even when the average retrieval performance achieved with each represen(cid:173)
`tation is the same. Katzer, for example, found little overlap in documents retrieved
`using seven different representations, but found that documents retrieved by multi(cid:173)
`ple representations were likely to be relevant [KMT+82]. Similar results have been
`obtained when comparing term- with cluster-based representations [CH79] and term(cid:173)
`with citation-based representations [FNL88].
`• Allow results from different queries and query types to be combined. Given a single
`natural language description of an information need, different searchers will formulate
`different queries to represent that need and will retrieve different documents, even
`when average performance is the same for each searcher (MKN79,KMT+82]. Again,
`documents retrieved by multiple searchers are more likely to be relevant. A descrip(cid:173)
`tion of an information need can be used to generate several query representations (e.g.,
`probabilistic, Boolean), each using a different query strategy and each capturing dif(cid:173)
`ferent aspects of the information need. These different search strategies are known to
`retrieve different documents for the same underlying information need {Cro87).
`• Facilitate flexible matching between the terms or concepts mentioned in queries and
`those assigned to documents. The poor match between the vocabulary used to express
`queries and the vocabulary used to represent documents appears to be a major cause
`of poor recall [FLGD87]. Recall can be improved using domain knowledge to match
`query and representation concepts without significantly degrading precision.
`The resulting formal retrieval model integrates several previous models in a single theoretical
`framework; multiple document and query representations are treated as evidence which is
`combined to estimate the probability that a document satisfies a user's information need.
`In what follows we briefly review candidate inference models 1 present an inference
`network-based retrieval model, and compare the network model to current retrieval models.
`Inference networks
`The development of automated inference techniques that accommodate uncertainty has
`been an area of active research in the artificial intelligence community, particularly in the
`context of expert systems [KL86,LK88}. Popular approaches include those based on purely
`symbolic reasoning [Coh85,Doy79], fuzzy sets [Zad83], and a variety of probability models
`[Nil86,Che88]. Two inference models based on probabilistic methods are of particular inter(cid:173)
`est: Bayesian inference networks [Pea.88,LS88) and the Dempster-Shafer theory of evidence
`A Bayesian inference network is a directed, acyclic dependency graph (DAG) in which
`nodes represent propositional variables or constants and edges represent dependence rela(cid:173)
`tions between propositions. If a proposition represented by a. node p "causes" or implies
`the proposition represented by node q, we draw a directed edge from p to q. The node
`q contains a link matrix that specifies P( qjp) for all possible values of the two variables.
`When a node has multiple parents, the link matrix specifies the dependence of that node
`on the set of parents (1r9 ) and characterizes the dependence relationship between that node


`and all nodes representing its potential causes.1 Given a set of prior probabilities for the
`roots of the DAG, these networks can be used to compute the probability or degree of belief
`associated with all remaining nodes.
`Different restrictions on the topology of the network and assumptions about the way in
`which the connected nodes interact lead to different schemes for combining probabilities.
`In general, these schemes have two components which operate independently: a predictive
`component in which parent nodes provide support for their children (the degree to which we
`believe a proposition depends on the degree to which we believe the propositions that might
`cause it), and a diagnostic component in which children provide supil)ort for their parents (if
`our belief in a proposition increases or decreases, so does our belief in its potential causes).
`The propagation of probabilities through the net can be done using information passed
`between adjacent nodes.
`The Dempster-Shafer theory of evidence, althouglt not originally cast as a network
`model, can be used as an alternative method for evaluating these kinds of probabilistic
`inference networks. Rather than computing the belief associated with a query given a set
`of evidence, we can view Dempster-Shafer as computing the probability that the evidence
`would allow us to prove the query. The degree of support parameters associated with the
`arcs joining nodes are not interpreted as conditional probabilities, but as assertions that
`the parent node provides support for the child (is active) for some proportion p of the time
`and does not support the child for the remainder of the time. For an and-combination we
`compute the proportion of the time that all incoming arcs are active. For an or-combination
`we compute the proportion of the time that at least one parent node is active. To compute
`the provability of the query given a document, we examine all paths leading from the
`document to the query and compute the proportion of time that all of the arcs on at least
`one proof path are active. Given the structure of these networks, this computation can be
`done using series-parallel reduction of the subgraph joining the document and query in time
`proportional to the number of arcs in tlte subgraph ..
`The Bayesian and Dempster-Shafer models are different and can lead to different results.
`However, under the assumption of disjunctive rule interaction (so called "noisy-OR") and
`the interpretation of an arc from a to b as P(bla) = p and P(bl-,a) = 0, the Bayesian
`and Dempster-Shafer models will produce similar results [Pea88, page 446]. The document
`retrieval inference networks described here are based on the Bayesian inference network
`The use of Bayesian inference networks for information retrieval represents an extension
`of probability-based retrieval research dating from the early 1960's [MK60]. It has long
`been recognized that some terms in a collection are more significant than others and that
`information about the distribution of terms in a collection can be used to improve retrieval
`performance. The use of these networks generalizes existing probabilistic models and allows
`integration of several sources of knowledge in a single framework.
`1 While this probability specification is generally referred to as a link matrix, it is actually a tensor.


`Figure 1: Basic document inference network
`3 Basic Model
`The basic document retrieval inference network, shown in Figure 1, consists of two compo(cid:173)
`nent networks: a document network and a query network. The document network represents
`the document collection using a variety of document representation schemes. The document
`network is built once for a given collection and its structure does not change during query
`processing. The query network consists of a single node which represents the user's infor(cid:173)
`mation need and one or more query representations which express that information need.
`A query network is built for each information need and is modified during query processing
`as existing queries are refined or new queries are added in an attempt to better characterize
`the information need. The document and query networks are joined by links between rep(cid:173)
`resentation concepts and query concepts. All nodes in the inference network take on values


`from the set {false,true}.
`3.1 Document network
`The document network consists of document nodes (dis), text representation nodes (tj's),
`and concept representation nodes (r~c:'s). Each document node represents a. document in
`the collection. A document node corresponds to the event that a specific document has
`been observed. The form of the document represented depends on the collection and its
`intended use, but we will assume that a document is a well defined object and will focus on
`traditional document types (e.g., monographs, journal articles, office documents).
`Document nodes correspond to abstract documents rather than their physical represen(cid:173)
`tations. A text representation node or text node corresponds to a specific text representation
`of a document. A text node corresponds to the event that a text representation ha.s been
`observed. We focus here on the text content of documents, but the network model can
`support documents nodes with multiple children representing additional component types
`(e.g., figures, audio, or video). Similarly, a single text might be shared by more than one
`document. While shared components is rare in traditional collections (an example would
`be a journal article that appears in both a serial issue and in a reprint collection) a.nd is
`not generally represented in current retrieval models, it is common in hypertext systems.
`For clarity, we will consider only text representations and will assume a one-to-one corre(cid:173)
`spondence between documents and texts. The dependence of a text upon the document is
`represented in the network by an arc from the document node to the text node.
`The content representation nodes or representation nodes can be divided into several
`subsets, each corresponding to a single representation technique that has been applied to
`the document texts. For example, if a collection has been indexed using automatic phrase
`extraction and manually assigned index terms, then the set of representation nodes will
`consist of two distinct subsets or content representation types with disjoint domains. Thus,
`if the phrase "information retrieval" has been extracted and "information retrieval" ha.s
`been manually assigned as an index term, then two representation nodes with distinct
`meanings will he created. One corresponds to the event that "information retrieval" has
`been automatically extracted from a subset of the collection, the second corresponds to the
`event that "information retrieval" has been manually assigned to a (presumably distinct)
`subset of the collection. We represent the assignment of a specific representation concept to
`a document by a directed arc to the representation node from each text node corresponding
`to a document to which the concept has been assigned. For now we assume that the presence
`or absence of a link corresponds to a binary assigned/not assigned distinction, that is, there
`are no partial or weighted assignments.
`In principle, the number of ·representation schemes is unlimited; in addition to phrase
`extraction and manually assigned terms we would expect representations based on natural
`language processing and automatic keyword extraction. For any real document collection,
`however, the number of representations used will be fixed and relatively small. The potential
`domain of each representation scheme may also be unlimited, but the actual number of
`primitive representation concepts defined for a given collection is fixed by the collection.
`The domain for most automated representation schemes is generally bounded by some


`function of the collection size (e.g., the number of keywords cannot exceed the number of
`words in a collection). For manual representation schemes the domain size is limited by the
`number of documents, the representation scheme itself (e.g., a controlled vocabulary), and
`the amount of time a human expert can spend analyzing each document.
`The basic document network shown in Figure 1 is a simple three level DAG in which
`document nodes are roots, text nodes are interior nodes, and representation nodes are leaves.
`Document nodes have exactly one text node as a child a.nd each text node has one or more
`representation nodes as children.
`Each document node has a prior probability associated with it that describes the
`probability of observing that documen_t; this prior probability will generally be set to
`1 f (collection size) and will be small for real collections. Each text node contains a speci(cid:173)
`fication of its dependence upon its parent; by assumption, this dependence is complete, a
`text node is observed (ti =true) exactly when its parent document is observed (di = true).
`Each representation node contains a specification of the conditional probability associ·
`ated with the node given its set of parent text nodes. This specification incorporates the
`effect of any indexing weights (e.g., term frequency for each parent text) or term weights
`(e.g., inverse document frequency) associated with the representation concept. While, in
`principle, this would require 0(2n) space for a node with n parents, in practice we use
`canonical representations that allow us to compute the required conditional probabilities
`when needed. These canonical schemes require O(n) space if we weight the contribution of
`each parent or 0(1) space if parents are to be treated uniformly.
`3.2 Query network
`The query network is an "inverted" DA G with a single leaf that corresponds to the event that
`an information need is met and multiple roots that correspond to the concepts that express
`the information need. As shown in Figure 1, a set of intermediate query nodes may be
`used when multiple queries express the information need. These nodes are a representation
`conveniencej it is always possible to eliminate them by increasing the complexity of the
`distribution specified at the node representing the information need.
`In general, the user's information need is internal to the user and is not precisely un(cid:173)
`derstood. We attempt to make the meaning of an information need explicit by expressing
`it in the form of one or more queries that have formal interpretations. These queries may
`be generated from a single natural language description (e.g., keywords or phrases for a
`probabilistic search, a Boolean representation, sample documents, ... ) or they may repre(cid:173)
`sent additional sources of information (e.g., an intermediary's description of the user or of
`the information need, or feedback provided by the user). It is unlikely that any of these
`queries will correspond precisely to the information need, but some will better characterize
`the informatjon need than others and several query specifications taken together may be a
`better representation than any of the individual queries.
`The roots of tl1e query network are query concepts; they correspond to the primitive
`concepts used to express the information need. A single query concept node may have several
`representation concept nodes as parents. Each query concept node contains a. specification
`of its dependence on the set of parent representation concepts. The query concept nodes


`define the mapping between the concepts used to represent the document collection and the
`concepts used in the queries. In the simplest case, the query concepts are the same as the
`representation concepts so each query concept has exactly one parent. In a slightly more
`complex example, the query concept "information retrieval" may have as parents both the
`node corresponding to "information retrieval" as a phrase and the node corresponding to
`"information retrieval" as a manually assigned term. As we add content representations
`to the document network and a.llow query concepts tha.t do not explicitly appear in any
`document representation, the number of parents associated with a single query concept will
`A query concept is similar to a. representation concept that is derived from other rep(cid:173)
`resentation concepts (see section 5 for a discussion of derived representation concepts) and
`in some cases it will be useful to "promote" a query concept to a representation concept.
`For example, suppose that a researcher is looking for information on a recently developed
`process that is unlikely to be explicitly identified in any existing representation scheme. The
`researcher, if sufficiently motivated, could work with the retrieval system to describe how
`this new concept might be inferred from other representation concepts. If this new concept
`definition is of general interest, it can be added to the collection of representation concepts.
`This use of inference to define new concepts is similar to that used in RUBRIC [TS85J.
`The attachment of the query concept nodes to the document network has no effect on
`the ba.sic structure of the document network. None of the existing links need change and
`none of the conditional probability specifications stored in the nodes are modified.
`A query node represents a distinct query form and corresponds to the event that the
`query is satisfied. Each query node contains a specification ofthe dependence of the query on
`its parent query concepts. The link matrices tha.t describe these conditional probabilities are
`discuss.ed further in section 3.4, but we note that the form of the link matrix is determined
`by the query type; a link matrix simulating a Boolean operator is different than a matrix
`simulating a probabilistic or weighted query.
`The single leaf representing the information need corresponds to the event that an
`information need is met. In general, we cannot predict with certainty whether a user's
`information need will be met by a document collection. The query network is intended to
`capture the way in which meeting the user's information need depends on documents and
`their representations. Moreover, the query network is intended to allow us to combine infor(cid:173)
`mation from multiple document representations and to combine queries of different types to
`form a single, formally justified estimate of the probability that the user's information need
`is met. If the inference network correctly characterizes the dependence of the information
`need on the collection, the computed probability provides a good estimate.
`3.3 Use of the inference network
`The retrieval inference network is intended to capture all of the significant probabilistic de(cid:173)
`pendencies among the variables represented by nodes in the document and query networks.
`Given the prior probabilities associated with the documents (roots) a.nd the conditional
`probabilities associated with the interior nodes, we can compute the posterior probability
`or belief associated with each node in the network. Further, if the value of any variable


`represented in the network becomes known we can use the network to recompute the prob(cid:173)
`abilities associated with all remaining nodes based on this "evidence."
`The network, taken as a. whole, represents the dependence of a user's information need
`on the documents in a collection where the dependence is mediated by document and
`query representations. When the query network is first built and attached to the document
`network we compute the belief associated with each node in the query network. The initial
`value at the node representing the information ne€d
`is the probability that the information
`need is met given that no specific document in the collection has been observed and all
`documents are equally likely {or unlikely). If we now observe a single document di and
`attach evidence to the network asserting di = true we can compute a new belief for every
`node in the network given di = true. In particular, we can compute the probability that
`the information need is met given that di has been observed in the collection. We can now
`remove this evidence and instead assert that some dj, i :f. j has been observed. By repeating
`this process we can compute the probability that the information need is met given each
`document in the collection and rank the documents accordingly.
`In principle, we need not consider each document in isolation but could look for the
`subset of documents which produce the highest probability that the information need is
`met. While a general solution to this best-subset problem is intractable, in some cases
`good heuristic approximations are possible. Best-subset rankings have been considered in
`IR [Sti 75], and similar problems arise in pattern recognition, medical diagnosis, and truth(cid:173)
`maintenance systems. See [Pea88] for a discussion of the best-subset or belief revision
`problem in Bayesian networks. At present, we consider only documents in isolation because
`the approach is computationally simpler and because it allows comparison with earlier
`retrieval models that produce document rankings consistent with the Probability Ranking
`Principle [Rob77] in which documents are considered in isolation.
`The document network is built once for a given collection. Given one or more queries
`representing an information need, we then build a query network that attempts to charac(cid:173)
`terize the dependence of the information need on the collection. If the ranking produced by
`the initial query network is inadequate, we must add additional information to the query
`network or refine its structure to better characterize the meaning of the existing queries.
`This feedback process is quite similar to conventional relevance feedback.
`3.4 Link matrix forms
`For all non-root nodes in the inference network we must estimate the probability that a
`node takes on a value given any set of values for its parent nodes. If a node a has a set of
`parents 1r" = {p~, ... ,pn}, we must estimate P(alpt, ... ,pn)·
`The most direct way to encode our estimate is as a link matrix. Since we are dealing
`with binary valued propositions, this matrix is of size 2 x 2n for n parents and specifies
`the probability that a takes the value a = true or a = false for all combinations of parent
`values. The update procedures for Bayesian networks then use the probabllities provided
`by the set of parents to condition over the link matrix values to compute the predictive
`component of our belief in a or P(a == true). Similarly, the link matrix is used to provide
`diagnostic information to the set of parents based on our belief in a. As mentioned earlier,


`encoding our estimates in link matrix form is practical only for nodes with a small set of
`parents, so our estimation task has two parts: how do we estimate the dependence of a
`node on its set of parents and how do we encode these estimates in a usable form?
`We will describe four canonical link matrix forms, three for the Boolean operators and
`a fourth for simple probabilistic retrieval. For illustration, we will assume that a node Q
`has three parents A, B, and C and that
`P(A =true)= a, P(B =true)= b, P(C =true)= c.
`For or-combinations, Q will be true when any of A, B, or Cis true and false only when
`A, B, and C are all false. This suggests a link matrix of the form
`Lor =
`10000000 )
`0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1

`Using a closed form of the update procedures, we have
`P(Q = true) = (1- a.)(1- b)c + (1- a.)b(l- c)+ {1- a.)bc + a{l- 6){1- c)
`+a(1- b)c + ab(l- c)+ abc
`= 1-(1-a)(I-6)(1-c)
`which is the familiar rule for disjunctive combination of events that are not known to be
`mutually exclusive. Similar matrix forms can be developed for and (P(Q = true) = abc)
`and not (P(Q = true)= 1- a).
`If we restrict the parent nodes for any of these logic operators to values 0 or I then Q
`must also have a value of 0 or 1. If we allow terms to take on weights in the ra.nge [0, 1} and
`interpret these weights as the probability that the term has been assigned to a document
`text, then these inference networks provide a natural interpretation.for Boolean retrieval
`with weighted indexing. The use of these canonical forms to simulate Boolean retrieval is
`discussed in section 4.3
`For probabilistic retrieval each parent has a weight associated with it, as does the child.
`In this weighted-sum matrix, our belief in Q depends on the specific parents that are true
`-parents with larger weights have more influence in our belief. H we let Wa,wb,Wc ~ 0 be
`the parent weights, 0 :5 Wq :5 1 the child weight, and t = Wo. + Wb + We, then we have a link
`matrix of the form
`( wo+wc)wg
`Evaluation of this link matrix form results in
`( W 0 a + Wbb + Wcc)wq
`) _
`_ t
`This link matrix can be used to implement a variety of weighting schemes, including
`the familiar term weighting schemes based on within-document term frequency (tf), inverse


`document frequency (idf) or both (tfid!). To illustrate a tf.idf weighting, let Q be a
`representation node and let A, B, and C be document nodes. Let Wa, wb, and We be the
`normalized tf values for A, B, and C, let id/9 be the normalized idf weight for Q, and let
`Given our basic model, when A is instantiated, belief in Q is given by
`bel(Q) =
`wa+wb +we
`tfa • id/9 • {w0 + Wb +We)
`W11 +wb+ We
`tfa · id]q
`which is a form of tj.idf weight. In general, when a document is instantiated all represen(cid:173)
`tation concept nodes to which it is attached take on the tj.idf weight associated with the
`The weight at Q has two distinct parts. The first part (idfq in our example) acts to set
`the maximum belief achievable at a node. If, for some combination of parent values, our
`belief in Q is certain then this component disappears. Note that in this formulation, the
`idf component is dependent only upon the distribution of the term in the collection, not
`on the distribution of the term in relevant and non-relevant subsets. Relevance feedback is
`modeled as part of the query network and does not affect belief in representation concepts.
`The second part ( w 11 + w~ + We in our example) acts to normalize the parent weights.
`Equation 1 is appropriate for the basic model in which only one document is instantiated
`at a time. In the extended model of section 5 where multiple roots can be instantiated, this
`component is adjusted to normalize for the maximum achievable set of parent weights. In
`the general case, where all parents can take any value in the range [0, 1], this normalizing
`component disappears.
`These canonical forms are sufficient for the retrieval inference networks described here,
`but many others are possible (see section 4.3 for other examples). Further, when the number
`of parents is small (say, less than 5 or 6) we can use the full link matrix if the dependence
`of a node on its parents does not fit a canonical form.
`4 Comparison with other retrieval models
`The inference network retrieval model generalizes both the probabilistic and Boolean mod(cid:173)
`els. Inference networks can be used to simulate both probabilistic and Boolean queries and
`can be used to combine results from multiple queries.
`In this section we compare the inference network model with probabilistic (sections 4.1
`and 4.2) and Boolean (section 4.3) models and show how inference networks can be used
`to simulate both forms of retrieval. We then consider how the probabilities required by the
`model can be estimated (section 4.4); the estimation problems are essentially equivalent to
`those encountered with probabilistic or vector-space retrieval.


`Figure 2: Inference network for binary independence model
`4.1 Probabilistic retrieval models
`Conventional probabilistic models [vR79,SM83] rank documents by the probability that each
`document would be judged relevant to a given query, P(relevant[d,)-2 This is, in many ways,
`similar to computing the probability that a user's information need is met given a specific
`document, P(IIdi)· The principal differences between conventional probabilistic models and
`the model described here are: 1) most probabilistic models do not explicitly represent the
`query, 2) conven,t;ional probabilistic models do not distinguish between a document and its
`representations but treat a document as a single vector, and 3) the inference network model
`depends less upon Bayesian inversion than probabilistic models, Bayesian inversion is just
`one way to estimate P(IIdi) (or P(Qidi) in the case of a single query).
`In this section we summarize the major differences between the inference network and
`conventional probabilistic models by comparing the network model to the binary indepen(cid:173)
`dence model. In the next section we provide a formal comparison of the inference network
`model with a recent probabilistic model that explicitly represents documents and queries.
`An inference network that corresponds to the binary independence model [vR79] is
`shown in Figure 2. A document is represented by a vector whose components are indexing
`or representation concepts ( di = { r1 , ... , rra} ). The set of concepts considered is generally
`restricted to the subset that actually occurs in the query. Comparing this network with that
`shown in Figure 1, we see that in the binuy independence model, the document network
`is represented by a single level of representation nodes and the query network consists of a
`single relevance node. In order to implement this network we must somehow estimate the
`probability of relevance given the set of parent representation contepts and this estimate
`must incorporate all of our judgments about the probability that a representation concept
`should be assigned to a document, about the semantic and stochastic relationships between
`representation concepts, about the relationship between concepts named in the query and
`assigned to documents, and a.bout

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