(12) United States Patent
`(10) Patent No.:
`(45) Date of Patent:
`US 7,516,192 B2
`* AIJr. 7, 2009
`(58) Field o( C hlssificution Scurch ................ 709/217.
`709/224, 202; 6001300
`See application file for complete search history.
`Invcnlor: Stephen J . Urown. Woodside. CA (US)
`n d ('rcnc('s C it('d
`(73) Assigncc; Ucalth lIe ro Network, Inc .. Redwood
`City. CA (US)
`( . ) Notice:
`Subjcctlo any disclaimer. the term o f this
`p<llcnl is cxtcnd<.>d or adjusted under 35
`U.S.c. IS4(b) by 308 days.
`lltis palent is subject 10 :1 tcmlinal dis-
`(2 1) App!. No.: 111487, 104
`(22) Filed:
`.Iul. 14, 2006
`Prior Publication (hla
`US 2006/0253576A1
`Nov. 9. 2006
`Rl:'lall'd U.S. Applica tion Oala
`Continuation of applic.1tion No. [1 / 150.301 , filed all
`Jun. 13. 2005. which is a continuat ion of appiic.1lion
`No. 09/658.209, fill'<i on Scp. 8. 2000. now Pat. No.
`6.968,375, which is a continuation-in-part of ap plica(cid:173)
`tion No. 09/300,856. filcd on Apr. 28. 1999. now Pat.
`No. 6,368,273, which is a division ofappJicmion No.
`081946,34L filed on Oct. 7. 1997. now Pat. No. 5,997,
`476, w hich is a cominumion-in-part ofapplicmion No.
`081847,009, flled on ApT. 30. 1997, now ]>at. No. 5,897,
`ProvisionalappJication No. 60/041 ,746, fik-d on Mar.
`28, 1997, provisional application No. 60/041,751,
`fik-d 011 Mar. 28. 1997.
`Int . C I.
`G06F 15116
`(52) U.S. C I. ....
`(2006.01 )
`3.426. 150 A
`21 1969 Tyg:u1
`(Conti nued)
`+sv ]'Qwered '$()laJ~'(1 RS-232 Driv<.-r$IRecciven Maxim Inl~-gratoo
`P rilllllry Examiner- Sa lad Abdullahi
`(74) Auorm')_'. AgclII. or Firm- C hristopher P. Maiof'..Lna. PC
`A system for remotely monitoring an individual. The system
`includes a server system for generating a script program from
`a set of queries. '[1IC script program is ex(.'Cut"ble by a rcmote
`apparatus that displays informal ion andlor 11 set of queric.~ 10
`thc individual Ihrough a user iUll'rfac\!. Responses to the
`queries that arc entered through the user interf,1ce together
`wilh individual identification information arc sent from the
`remote apparatus 10 the server system across a cOlnnlunica·
`tion network. '111c server system also includes an automall-d
`answering service for providing a serics of qUI.-'Slions from a
`stored set of questions lor an individual al the remote appa(cid:173)
`r<ltuS to l\.'S pond to. storing responses 10 each providl.-d ques(cid:173)
`tion in Ihescriesofqucstionsand providinsa service based on
`the individual's {(.'sponse to the questions.
`.. ...... 70912 17
`37 C laims, 20 Drawing S heets
`Cardiocom Ex. 1001


`3,566,365 A
`3.566.370 A
`3.58 1.072 A
`3.768.0 14 A
`3.8 11 ,116 A
`3.883.235 A
`3.910.257 A
`3.920.005 A
`3.996.928 A
`4.004.577 A
`4.051.S22 A
`4.060.915 A
`4.130,881 A
`4.150.284 "
`4.15 1.407 A
`4.151.831 A
`4.173.971 "
`4.2 16.462 A
`4.227.526 A
`4.253.521 A
`4.259.548 A
`4.270.547 ,\
`4.296.756 A
`4.347.568 A
`4.347.851 A
`4.360.345 "
`4.412.287 A
`4.417.306 A
`4.422.081 A
`4.428.733 A
`4.449.536 A
`4.465.077 A
`4.473.884 A
`4.~ 1 8.361 A
`4.5 19.398 A
`4.531.527 A
`4.546.436 A
`4.566.461 A
`4.576.578 A
`4.592.546 A
`4.627.445 A
`4.674.652 A
`4.686.624 A
`4.694.490 A
`4.695.954 A
`4.7 12.562 A
`4.722.349 A
`4.729.381 A
`4.730.253 A
`4.73 1.726 A
`4.738.451 A
`4.768.229 A
`4.779.199 A
`4.782.511 A
`4.789.928 A
`4.796.639 A
`4.799.156 A
`4.799.199 A
`4.803.625 A
`4.835.372 A
`4.838.275 A
`4.846,797 A
`4.853.521 A
`4.858.354 A
`4.858.617 A
`4.890.621 A
`4.894.777 A
`4,897.869 "
`4.899,839 A
`4.903.201 "
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`4.931.934 A
`4.933.873 A
`4933.876 A
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`4.950.264 A
`4.953.552 A
`4.958.632 A
`4.958.641 A
`4.%7,756 A
`4.977.899 A
`4.978,303 A
`4,978.335 A
`4.979.509 A
`5.007.429 A
`5.009.645 "
`5.016.172 A
`5.0 19.974 A
`5.024.225 A
`5.025.374 A
`5.034.807 A
`5.035.625 A
`5.036.462 ,\
`5.049.487 ,\
`5.050.6 12 "
`5.056.059 A
`5.059.394 "
`5.065.315 A
`5.068.536 A
`5.074.3 17 A
`5.077.476 A
`5.077.665 ,\
`5.095.798 A
`5.104.3!ro A
`5.109.4 14 A
`5.109.974 A
`5.1 11.396 A
`5.1 11.8 17 A
`5.1 11.818 "
`5.120.230 A
`5.120.421 A
`5.128.552 A
`5.128.752 t\
`5.134.391 A
`5.142.358 "
`5.142.484 A
`5.143.378 A
`5.171.977 A
`5.176.502 A
`5.182.707 A
`5.204.670 A
`5.219.322 A
`5.222,020 A
`5.226.895 A
`5.227,874 A
`5.228.450 A
`5.230.629 A
`5.231.990 A
`5.243.5 15 A
`5.249.044 A
`5.251.126 A
`5.261.401 A
`5.262,943 A
`5.265.888 A
`5.266.179 A
`5.275.159 A
`5.282,950 A
`5.295.491 A
`5.299.121 A
`5.30 1.105 "
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`5,309.9 19 A
`5,32 1.009 A
`5.325.288 A
`5.329.459 A
`5.329.608 A
`5.331.549 A
`5.333.98 1 A
`5.335,338 A
`5.339.821 A
`5.341.291 A
`5,343.239 A
`5.344.324 A
`5.357.427 A
`5.366.896 A
`5.)68.562 A
`5.37 1.687 A
`5.375.604 A
`5.377.100 A
`5.390.238 A
`5.399.821 A
`5.4 10.471 A
`5.410.474 A
`5.429. 140 A
`5.43 1.690 A
`5.43 1.691 A
`5.434.611 A
`5.438.607 A
`5.438.983 A
`5.441.047 ,\
`5.449.334 "
`5.454.721 A
`5.454.722 A
`5.456.606 A
`5.456.692 A
`5.458. 123 A
`5.467.269 A
`5.47 1.039 A
`5.47 1.382 A
`5.483.276 A
`5.488.4 12 A
`5.488.4 23 A
`5.50t.231 A
`5.502.636 A
`5.502.726 A
`5.504.519 A
`5.517.405 A
`5.5 18.001 A
`5.5 19.058 A
`5.5 19.4 33 A
`5.523.232 A
`5.536.249 A
`5.542.420 A
`5.544.649 ,\
`5.546.943 A
`5.549. 11 7 A
`5.550.575 "
`5.553.609 A
`5.558.638 A
`5.564.429 A
`5.569.2 12 A
`5.572.4 21 A
`5.572.646 "
`5.574.828 A
`5.576.952 A
`5.583,758 A
`5.590.648 A
`5.593.349 A
`5.593.390 A
`5.594.637 A
`5.596.994 A
`5.597,307 "
`5.60 1.435 ,\
`5,6 13.495 A
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`5,624.265 A
`5.628.309 A
`5.629.981 A
`5.63 1.844 A
`5.633.910 A
`5,635.532 ,\
`5,640,569 A
`5.640.953 A
`5.642.731 ,\
`5,642.936 A
`5,65L.363 A
`5.651.775 A
`5.659.691 ,\
`5.666.487 A
`5.670.711 ,\
`5.675.635 A
`5.678.562 A
`5.678.S7I A
`5.679.075 A
`5.680.590 A
`5.680.866 A
`5.687.322 ,\
`5.687,7 17 ,\
`5.687,734 ,\
`5.689.652 A
`5.692,906 "
`5.704.364 A
`5.704,366 ,\
`5.704.902 A
`5.704.922 A
`5.7 10.178 "
`5.7 10,9 18 A
`5.7 11.297 A
`5.7 14.3 19 A
`5.7 15.451 A
`5.7 15.823 A
`5.7 17,739 A
`5.7 17,913 ,\
`5.720.733 A
`5.722,4 18 A
`5.727. 153 A
`5.730. 124 A
`5.730.654 A
`5.732.696 A
`5.732,709 A
`5.734.4 J3 A
`5.749.083 A
`5.752.234 A
`5.754.740 A
`5.760.771 A
`5.772.585 A
`5.778.882 A
`5.782.814 A
`5.785.650 A
`5.787,295 A
`5.791.342 "
`5.792, 117 "
`5.793,%') A
`5.794.2 19 A
`5.794.251 A
`5.796.393 A
`5,799.)18 A
`5.800.458 A
`5.802.494 A
`5.802.534 A
`5.806,057 "
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`5.828.943 A
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`5,835,896 A
`5,840,020 A
`5.842.976 ,\
`5.868.669 A
`5.868.683 A
`5.875.432 A
`5.879. 163 A
`5.882.338 A
`5.887. 133 A
`5,893,077 A
`5,893,098 A
`5.897.493 A
`5.899.855 A
`5.9 11.687 A
`5.9 13.310 A
`5.918.603 A
`5,920.477 A
`5.933. 136 A
`5.935.060 A
`5.940.801 A
`5.94 1.829 A
`5,945.651 A
`5.951.300 A
`5.954.641 A
`5.956.501 A
`5,960.403 A
`5.96 1.446 A
`5.%6.516 ,\
`5.971.855 A
`5.97 1.922 A
`5,983.003 A
`5.983.1 17 A
`5.987.471 A
`5.995.969 A
`5.997.476 A
`5.997.502 A
`6.00 1.065 A
`6.022.3 15 A
`6.022,6 15 A
`6.023.686 A
`6.024.181 A
`6.029.138 A
`6.032. 119 A
`6.035.328 A
`6.046.76 1 A
`6.049.794 A
`6.050.940 A
`6.055.3 14 A
`6.055.487 A
`6.055.506 A
`6.057_758 ,\
`6.068.6 15 A
`6.095.985 A
`6. 10 1.478 A
`6. 110.148 A
`6. 113.578 A
`6. 138.145 A
`6. 144.837 A
`6.1 51.586 A
`6.[6 1.095 A
`6.167.362 A
`6. 167.386 A
`6. 168.563 BI
`6. 177.940 BI
`6. 186.145 Bl
`6.[89.029 BI
`0439.142 S
`6.210.272 Bl
`6.22 1.0 12 BI
`6.233.539 BI
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