United States Patent
`[11] Patent Number:
` Fischer [451 Date of Patent: *Mar. 10, 1998
`Inventor: Dan E. Fischer. Sandy. Utah
`[73] Assignee: Ultradent Products, Inc.. South
`Jordan. Utah
`The term of this patent shall not extend
`beyond the expiration date of Pat. Nos.
`5.234.342. 5.098.303 and 5.376.006.
`[2 1]
`Appl. No.: 722,549
`Sep. 27, 1996
`Related US. Application Data
`Continuation of Ser. No. 378,315. Jan. 25, 1995. which is a
`continuation of Ser. No. 99,247. In]. 28, 1993. abandoned,
`which is a continuation of Ser. No, 985,700, Dec. 2, 1993,
`abandoned, which is acontinuation of Ser. No. 718,210,11111.
`20, 1991, abandoned, which is a division of Ser. No.
`497,934. Mar. 22, 1990. abandoned.
`Int. Cl.6 ................................ A61K 7/16; A61C 5/00
`[52] US. Cl. .............................. 424/49; 424/53; 514/900;
`514/944; 433/215
`[58] Field ofSearch .................................. 424/49. 52. 53.
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`The present invention discloses high viscosity sustained
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`14 Claims, 2 Drawing Sheets
`PAGE 000001
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`“Die Wichtmetalle in der Zahntechnik.” Grundwisssen fii'r
`Zahntechniker Werkstoflkunde, Band II. Cesar/Emst (Erste
`Auflage)——Non Metals in Dental Technology. Basic Sci-
`ences for Dental Technicians, Materials Science, vol. II.
`Physician’s Desk Reference. 1168. 1584. published by
`Medical Economics Co.. Inc.. Oracle N.. N.l.. 38th Ed.
`Product Insert. for Peroxgel® Oral Antiseptic & Cleaner.
`Lot No. 55008. Product Code NDC 0021—0150—12. Product
`Insert No. 4210220044.
`Remington’s Pharmaceutical Sciences. 1256. Mack Pub..
`16th Ed. 1980.
`Research on Whitening Teeth Makes News. The North
`Carolina Dental Review vol. 7. No. 2. p. 9. Fall 1990.
`‘The Third Stage of Comprehensive Treatment: Finishing".
`p. 451. 1986.
`‘Tooth Bleaching. Home Use Products.” Clinical Research
`Associates Newsletter; vol. 13. Issue 7. pp. 1—3. Jul. 1989.
`‘Tooth Bleaching. Home-Use Products.” Clinical Research
`Associates Newsletter; vol. 13. Issue 12. pp. 1—3. Dec. 1989.
`Deposition of Dr. Thomas Marvin Austin with Exhibits.
`Civil Action No. 91—1406 WJR (Sx) (C.D.Ca1.).
`Declaration of P. Michael Clinard. Civil Action No. 91—1406
`WJR (Sx) (C.D.Ca1.).
`Deposition (Group) of Coastal Dental Study Club. Civil
`Action No. 91—1406 WJR (Sx) (CD. Cal.).
`Declaration of Dr. David H. Freshwater (2). Civil Action No.
`91—1406 WJR (Sx) (C.D.Ca1.).
`Deposition of Dr. David H. Freshwater with Exhibits. Civil
`Action No. 91—1406 WJR (Sx)(C.D. Cal.).
`Deposition of Dr. Van B. Haywood with Exhibits. Civil
`Action No. 91—1406 WJR (Sx) (CD. Cal.).
`Declaration of Dr. William W. Klusmeier(2). Civil Action
`No. 91—1406 WJR (Sx)(C.D. Cal.).
`Deposition of Dr. William Walter Klu smeier. Jr. with Exhib-
`its. Civil Action No. 91—1406 WJR (Sx) (CD. Cal.).
`Deposition of Dan Parker with Exhibits. Civil Action No.
`91-1406 WJR (Sx) (CD. Cal.).
`Declaration of Paula Rains. Civil Action No. 91—1406 WJR
`(Sx) (CD. Cal.).
`Declaration of Dr. Phil S. Sanders. Civil Action No.
`91—1406 WJR (Sx) (CD. Cal.).
`Deposition of Dr. Phil S. Sanders with Exhibits. Civil Action
`No. 91—1406 WJR (Sx) (CD. Cal.).
`Declaration of Dr. Jerry Wagner. Civil Action No. 91—1406
`WJR(Sx)(C.D. Cal.).
`Deposition of Dr. Jerry Wagner. Civil Action No. 91—1406
`WJR (Sx) (CD. Cal.).
`Deposition of Harry F. Albers with Exhibits. Civil Action
`No. 2:95CV 0163W (D. Utah).
`Deposition of Dr. Van B. Haywood with Exhibits. Civil
`Action No. 2:95CV 0163W (D. Utah).
`Expert Report of Dr. Van B. Haywood. Civil Action No.
`2:95CV 0163W (D. Utah).
`'I‘rialTestimony of Harry F. Albers (Direct). Civil Action No.
`2:95CV 0163W (D. Utah).
`Trial Testimony of Dan E. Fischer (Direct and Rebuttal).
`Civil Action No. 2:95CV 0163 W (D. Utah).
`TrialTestimony of Roger Hicks (Rebuttal). Civil Action No.
`2:95CV 0163W (D. Utah).
`Trial Testimony of Bryan D. Tart (Direct). Civil Action No.
`2:95CV 0163 W (D. Utah).
`Trial Testimony of Garold S. Yost (Rebuttle). Civil Action
`No. 2:95CV 0163W (D. Utah).
`Trial Testimony of Wayne Smith Gundry (Direct). Civil
`Action No. 2:95CV 0163W (D. Utah).
`Trial Testimony of Walter 0. Dixon (Direct). Civil Action
`No. 2:95CV 0163W (D. Utah).
`Trial Exhibits. Civil Action No. 2:95CV 0163W (D. Utah).
`PAGE 000005
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`US. Patent
`Mar. 10, 1998
`Sheet 1 0f 2
`PAGE 000006
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`US. Patent
`Mar. 10, 1998
`Sheet 2 of 2
`PAGE 000007
`PAGE 000007


`This application is a continuation of application Ser. No.
`08/378315. filed Jan. 25. 1995.
`in the name of Dan E.
`wrapper continuation of application Ser. No. 08/099247.
`filed Jul. 28. 1993. for “SUSTAINED RELEASE DENTAL
`TEETH SURFACES” (abandoned). which is a file wrapper
`continuation of application Ser. No. 07/985 .700. filed Dec.
`2. 1992. (abandoned). which is a file wrapper continuation
`of US. application Ser. No. 07/718210. filed Jun. 20. 1991.
`(abandoned). which is a divisional of US. application Ser.
`No. 07/497 .934. filed Mar. 22. 1990. (abandoned).
`1. The Field of the Invention
`The present invention relates to sustained release dental
`compositions and methods for treating teeth surfaces. More
`particularly. the present invention is directed to high viscos-
`ity sustained release dental compositions. such as tooth
`bleaching compositions. used in combination with a dental
`tray having reservoirs for holding the dental composition
`located adjacent the teeth surfaces to be treated.
`2. The Relevant Technology
`Virtually all people desire white or whiter teeth. To
`achieve this goal. people either have veneers placed over
`their teeth or have their teeth chemically bleached. In the
`past. patients who desired to have their teeth bleached had
`to submit to conventional in-officc bleaching techniques.
`This usually involved carefully placing a hydrogen peroxide
`solution (typically 30% H202) on the teeth. protecting the
`sensitive soft tissues with a ligated rubber dam. and applying
`heat or light to the solution. Such treatments typically last 30
`minutes to 1 hour with from 4 to 10 appointments being
`necessary for a significant change. Only the labial surface of
`the 6—8 front teeth is treated.
`Since its introduction in early 1989. there has been a
`growing interest among the dental profession in home-use
`tooth bleaching products and methods. A current represen—
`tative technique includes: (1) making an alginate impression
`of the patient’s teeth; (2) making a stone cast of the
`impression; (3) vacuum forming a tray from the cast. usually
`from thin (0020—0030 inch) hard transparent material. and
`trimming to exclude gingival coverage; (4) instructing the
`patient to (a) place 2—3 drops of a bleaching solution into
`each area of each tooth to be bleached. (b) place the tray in
`the mouth. (c) expectorate any excess bleaching solution. (d)
`change the bleaching solution every 1 to 2.5 hours. and (e)
`remove the tray during meals. A few recommend wearing
`the tray during the night.
`The most commonly used dental bleaching agent is 10%
`carbamide peroxide (CO(NH2)2H202). also called urea
`hydrogen peroxide. hydrogen peroxide carbamide. and
`perhydrol—urea. Carbamide peroxide has been used by dental
`clinicians since the 1960’s as an oral antiseptic. Tooth
`bleaching was a side effect of extended contact time. Over
`the counter (“OTC") compositions of 10% carbamide per—
`oxide are available as “Gly—Oxide" by Marion Laboratories
`and “Proxigel” by Reed and Carnrick.
`Positive results using the foregoing technique have been
`reported. The elfectiveness depends upon such factors as
`5 .725.843
`type and intensity of stain. bleaching agent contact time on
`teeth. and amount of available active ingredient
`in the
`bleaching agent. Because the time commitment for the
`actual bleaching process takes place outside the dental
`office. the cost for the procedure is substantially less than
`in-otfice bleaching techniques. Moreover.
`patient discomfort associated with home-u se tooth bleaching
`techniques both during and after treatment is reportedly less
`than that associated with conventional in-oflice bleaching.
`Notwithstanding the foregoing advantages. there remain
`some important disadvantages to home-use bleaching prod—
`ucts and techniques. One important disadvantage is that the
`bleaching agent must be frequently replaced during the day.
`Clinical test results indicate that saliva dilution and swal-
`lowing of the bleaching agent caused the volume of agent in
`the tray to diminish rapidly over time. thereby decreasing the
`amount of active ingredient available for tooth bleaching.
`Test results show that after one hour. less than one—half the
`original volume of bleaching agent was present. Thus.
`existing bleaching agents should be replenished about every
`hour in order to be effective.
`Many patient’s daytime schedules do not permit them to
`constantly replenish the bleaching agent. In addition. even
`the suggestion of periodically replenishing the bleaching
`agent during the night would not be favorably received by
`most patients. Because of the inconvenience of constantly
`replacing the dental agent. patient compliance is difficult to
`maintain. and since patient compliance determines the ulti—
`mate success of the treatment. the need to constantly replace
`the dental bleaching agent is a major inconvenience which
`limits the success of the treatment.
`Another disadvantage with cm’rent home-use bleaching
`compositions and techniques is that it often takes weeks to
`see an observable result. Although some have reported
`lightening of teeth in shorter periods of time. in most cases
`the home-use bleaching treatment lasts from 4 to 6 weeks.
`Under such circumstances. patients often lose their enthu-
`siasm for the procedure and often stop complying with the
`treatment regimen.
`From the foregoing. it will be appreciated that what is
`needed in the art are improved compositions and methods
`for treating tooth surfaces which facilitate patient
`compliance. so that the ultimate purpose of the treatment is
`Additionally. it would be a significant advancement in the
`art to provide sustained release dental compositions for
`treating tooth surfaces which do not need to be continuously
`replaced so that patient compliance is enhanced.
`It would be another significant advancement in the art to
`provide sustained release dental compositions for treating
`tooth surfaces which provide a more constant level of dental
`agent in contact with the teeth surfaces rather than periodic
`high and low levels of the dental agent in contact with the
`patient’s teeth.
`It would be an additional advancement in the art to
`provide sustained release dental compositions and methods
`for bleaching a patient’s teeth which provide noticeable
`lightening in a matter of days rather than weeks.
`Such sustained release dental compositions and methods
`for treating tooth surfaces are disclosed and claimed herein.
`The present invention is directed to high viscosity sus-
`tained release dental compositions. such as tooth bleaching
`PAGE 000008
`PAGE 000008


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