Publ i shed SFF-8046 Re v 2 . 7
`SFF Committe e do cumentation may be purchas ed (s e e p4) .
`SFF Committe e do cuments are avai labl e by FaxAc c e s s at 408-741-1600
` SFF Committe e
` SFF-8046 Spe c ifi c ation for
` 80-pin SCA-2 Conne ctor for SCSI Di sk Driv e s
` Re v 2 . 7 October 3 , 1996
`Se cretariat : SFF Committe e
`Abstra ct : Thi s do cument de fine s the SCA-2 (Singl e Conne ctor Atta ch) c onne ctor
`for us e in appl i c ations for paral l e l interfa c e SCSI di sk driv e s ra cked in a
`c abinet . Thi s s e c ond g eneration de s ign inc lude s s e v eral enhanc ed c apabi l iti e s
`be yond SFF-8015 .
`Thi s do cument provide s a c ommon spe c ifi c ation for systems manufa cturers ,
`system inte grators , and suppl i ers of magneti c di sk driv e s . Thi s i s an internal
`working do cument of the SFF Committe e , an industry ad ho c group .
`Thi s do cument i s made avai labl e for publ i c re vi ew, and written c omments are
`sol i c ited from re aders . Comments re c e iv ed by the members wi l l be c ons idered
`for inc lus ion in future re vi s ions of thi s do cument .
`Support : Thi s do cument i s supported by the identifi ed member c ompani e s of the
`SFF Committe e .
`Do cumentation : Thi s do cument has be en prepared in a s imi lar styl e to that of
`the ISO (International Organi z ation of Standards) .
` Bob Sniv e ly I. Dal Al lan
` Sun Mi crosystems Chair SFF Committe e
` MS MTV15-46 ENDL
` 2550 Garc ia Av e 1446 Bla ck Walnut Ct
` Mountain Vi ew Saratoga
` CA 94043-1100 CA 95070
` 415-786-6694 408-867-6630
` 415-969-9131Fx 408-867-2115Fx
` bob . sniv e ly@sun . c om 250-1752@mc imai l . c om
` Date of Printing : February 12 , 1997

`Publ i shed SFF-8046 Re v 2 . 7
`The fol lowing member c ompani e s of the SFF Committe e voted in favor of thi s
`industry spe c ifi c ation .
` Adapte c
` Berg
` Conner Peripheral s
` Harting El e ct
` Hewl ett Pa ckard
` Honda Conne ctor
` Inte gral Peripheral s
` Madi son Cabl e
` Matsushita
` Maxtor
` Methode
` Quantum
` Robinson Nug ent
` Se agate
` Sigmax
` Sony
` Sun Mi crosystems
` Thomas & Betts
` Toshiba Ameri c a
` Uni sys
` We arne s Peripheral s
` Winche ster El e ct
` Wov en El e ct
`The fol lowing member c ompani e s of the SFF Committe e voted against thi s
`industry spe c ifi c ation .
` Mol e x
` We stern Digital
`The fol lowing member c ompani e s of the SFF Committe e voted to forward thi s
`industry spe c ifi c ation to an a c credited standards body .
` Harting El e ct
` Honda Conne ctor
` Inte gral Peripheral s
` Maxtor
` Methode
` Quantum
` Robinson Nug ent
` Uni sys
`80-pin SCA-2 Conne ctor for SCSI Di sk Driv e s Pag e 2

`Publ i shed SFF-8046 Re v 2 . 7
` To sav e spa c e for SFF Spe c ifi c ations be ing re vi ewed , the information on
` the princ ipl e s of the SFF Committe e and how to join has not be en printed .
`80-pin SCA-2 Conne ctor for SCSI Di sk Driv e s Pag e 3

`Publ i shed SFF-8046 Re v 2 . 7
` 1 . Sc ope 5
` 1 . 1 De s cription of Claus e s 5
` 2 . Re f erenc e s 5
` 2 . 1 Industry Do cuments 5
` 2 . 2 SFF Spe c ifi c ations 6
` 2 . 3 Sourc e s 7
` 3 . General De s cription 8
` 4 . De finitions and Conv entions 9
` 4 . 1 De finitions 9
` 4 . 2 Conv entions 9
` 4 . 3 Glos sary 9
` 5 . Phys i c al Pos itioning Requirements 10
` 6 . Signal s 10
` 6 . 1 Signal Conv entions 10
` 6 . 2 Signal As s ignments 10
` 6 . 3 De s ign Cons iderations 12
` 6 . 3 . 1 General 12
` 6 . 3 . 2 Optional Voltag e s 13
` 6 . 4 Signal De finitions 13
` 6 . 4 . 1 VOLTAGE and GROUND s ignal s 13
` 6 . 4 . 2 CHARGE s ignal s 14
` 6 . 4 . 3 SPINDLE SYNC 15
` 6 . 4 . 4 ACTIVE LED OUT 15
` 6 . 4 . 5 Motor Start Control s 16
` 6 . 4 . 6 SCSI ID Se l e ction 17
` 6 . 4 . 7 SCSI Signal s 18
` 6 . 4 . 8 Re s erv ed Signal s 18
` 6 . 4 . 9 MATED Signal s 18
` 6 . 4 . 9 . 1 MATED 2 /Driv e Side 18
` 6 . 4 . 9 . 2 MATED 2 /Ba ckplane Side 18
` 6 . 4 . 9 . 3 MATED 1 /Driv e Side 19
` 6 . 4 . 9 . 4 MATED 1 /Ba ckplane Side 19
` 6 . 5 SCSI Options 20
` 7 . Conne ctor Configuration 21
` 7 . 1 Conne ctor Chara cteri sti c s 21
` 7 . 2 Conne ctor Properti e s 21
` 7 . 3 Driv e Environment 21
` 8 . Conne ctor Spe c ifi c ations 22
` 8 . 1 Plug 22
` 8 . 2 Re c epta c l e 24
`80-pin SCA-2 Conne ctor for SCSI Di sk Driv e s Pag e 4

`Publ i shed SFF-8046 Re v 2 . 7
`80-pin SCA-2 Conne ctor for SCSI Di sk Driv e s Pag e 5

`Publ i shed SFF-8046 Re v 2 . 7
` SFF Committe e --
` 80-pin SCA-2 Conne ctor for SCSI Di sk Driv e s
`1 . Sc ope
`In an e ffort to broaden the appl i c ations for smal l form fa ctor di sk driv e s , an
`ad ho c industry group of c ompani e s repre s enting system inte grators , peripheral
`suppl i ers , and c omponent suppl i ers de c ided to addre s s the i s sue s involv ed .
`The purpos e of thi s SFF Spe c ifi c ation i s to de fine a s ingl e c onne ctor suitabl e
`for the dire ct atta chment of SCSI di sk driv e s to ba ckplane s and motherboards .
`It e xtends the functional ity de s cribed in SFF-8015 to provide bl ind mating and
`other provi s ions for the l iv e ins ertion of di sk driv e s into a ba ckplane .
`The SCA-2 has be en de s igned for 8-bit and 16-bit SCSI de vi c e s , and c arri e s al l
`required SCSI s ignal s as de fined by the SPI (SCSI-3 Paral l e l Interfa c e)
`propos ed standard . In addition , al l required power and auxi l iary s ignal s are
`c arri ed by the same s ingl e c onne ctor. The SCA-2 me chani c al de finition al lows
`the de vi c e to be plugg ed into a board so cket . The dimens ions are provided for
`both 1" and 1 . 6" high 3 1 / 2" di sk de vi c e s . The same c onne ctor structure i s
`appropriate for 2 1 / 2" de vi c e s as we l l .
`The SFF Committe e was formed in August , 1990 and the first working do cument
`was introduc ed in January , 1991 .
`1 . 1 De s cription of Claus e s
`Claus e 1 c ontains the Sc ope and Purpos e .
`Claus e 2 c ontains Re f erenc ed and Re lated Standards and SFF Spe c ifi c ations .
`Claus e 3 c ontains the General De s cription .
`Claus e 4 c ontains the Glos sary .
`Claus e 5 c ontains the phys i c al pos itioning requirements .
`Claus e 6 c ontains the s ignal as s ignments .
`Claus e 7 de fine s the c onne ctor requirements .
`Claus e 8 spe c ifi e s the c onne ctor.
`2 . Re f erenc e s
`The SFF Committe e a ctiviti e s support the requirements of the storag e industry ,
`and it i s involv ed with s e v eral standards .
`2 . 1 Industry Do cuments
`The fol lowing interfa c e standards are re l e vant to many SFF Spe c ifi c ations .
` - X3 . 131R-199x SCSI-2 Smal l Computer System Interfa c e
` - X3T9 . 2 / 0855D SPI (SCSI-3 Paral l e l Interfa c e)
`80-pin SCA-2 Conne ctor for SCSI Di sk Driv e s Pag e 6

`Publ i shed SFF-8046 Re v 2 . 7
`2 . 2 SFF Spe c ifi c ations
`There are s e v eral proj e cts a ctiv e within the SFF Committe e . At the date of
`printing do cument numbers had be en as s igned to the fol lowing proj e cts . The
`status of Spe c ifi c ations i s dependent on c ommitte e a ctiviti e s .
` F = Forwarded The do cument has be en approv ed by the members for forwarding
` to a formal standards body .
` P = Publ i shed The do cument has be en bal loted by members and i s avai labl e as
` a publ i shed SFF Spe c ifi c ation .
` A = Approv ed The do cument has be en approv ed by bal lot of the members and
` i s in preparation as an SFF Spe c ifi c ation .
` C = Canc e l ed The proj e ct was c anc e l ed , and no Spe c ifi c ation was Publ i shed .
` D = De v e lopment The do cument i s under de v e lopment at SFF.
` E = Expired The do cument has be en publ i shed as an SFF Spe c ifi c ation , and
` the members voted against re -publ i shing it when it c ame up
` for annual re vi ew.
` i = Information The do cument has no SFF proj e ct a ctivity in progre s s , but
` it de fine s f e ature s in de v e loping industry standards . The
` do cument was provided by a c ompany , editor of an a c credited
` standard in de v e lopment , or an individual . It i s provided
` for broad re vi ew (c omments to the author are enc ourag ed) .
` s = submitted The do cument i s a proposal to the members for c ons ideration
` to be c ome an SFF Spe c ifi c ation .
` Spe c # Re v Li st of Spe c ifi c ations as of February 12 , 1997
` -------- --- -------------------------------------------------
` SFF-8000 SFF Committe e Information
` SFF-8001i E 44-pin ATA (AT Atta chment) Pinouts for SFF Driv e s
` SFF-8002i E 68-pin ATA (AT Atta chment) for SFF Driv e s
` SFF-8003 1 . 1 SCSI Pinouts for SFF Driv e s
` SFF-8004 1 . 1 Smal l Form Fa ctor 2 . 5" Driv e s
` SFF-8005 2 . 5 Smal l Form Fa ctor 1 . 8" Driv e s
` SFF-8006 2 . 0 Smal l Form Fa ctor 1 . 3" Driv e s
` SFF-8007 E 2mm Conne ctor Alternativ e s
` SFF-8008 E 68-pin Embedded Interfa c e for SFF Driv e s
` SFF-8009 3 . 1 Uniti z ed Conne ctor for Cabl ed Driv e s
` SFF-8010 1 . 0 Smal l Form Fa ctor 15mm 1 . 8" Driv e s
` SFF-8011i E ATA Timing Extens ions for Lo c al Bus
` SFF-8012 1 . 0 Power Conne ctor Pin Dimens ions
` SFF-8013 E ATA Download Mi cro c ode Command
` SFF-8014 C Uniti z ed Conne ctor for Ra ck Mounted Driv e s
` SFF-8015 3 . 7 SCA Conne ctor for Ra ck Mounted SFF SCSI Driv e s
` SFF-8016 C Smal l Form Fa ctor 10mm 2 . 5" Driv e s
` SFF-8017 1 . 7 SCSI Wiring Rul e s for Mix ed Cabl e Plants
` SFF-8018 E ATA Low Power Mode s
` SFF-8019 E Identify Driv e Data for ATA Di sks up to 8 GB
` SFF-8020i 2 . 6 ATA Pa cket Interfa c e for CD-ROMs
` SFF-8028i C - Errata to SFF-8020 Re v 2 . 5
` SFF-8029 C - Errata to SFF-8020 Re v 1 . 2
` SFF-8030 1 . 7 SFF Committe e Charter
` SFF-8031 Named Repre s entativ e s of SFF Committe e Members
` SFF-8032 1 . 2 SFF Committe e Princ ipl e s of Operation
`80-pin SCA-2 Conne ctor for SCSI Di sk Driv e s Pag e 7

`Publ i shed SFF-8046 Re v 2 . 7
` SFF-8033i E Improv ed ATA Timing Extens ions to 16 . 6 MBs
` SFF-8034i 3 . 0 High Spe ed Lo c al Bus ATA Line Termination Is sue s
` SFF-8035i 2 . 0 Se lf-Monitoring , Analys i s and Reporting Te chnology
` SFF-8036i E ATA Signal Inte grity Is sue s
` SFF-8037i 1 . 0 Inte l Smal l PCI SIG
` SFF-8038i 1 . 0 Inte l Bus Master IDE ATA Spe c ifi c ation
` SFF-8039i 1 . 1 Pho enix EDD (Enhanc ed Di sk Driv e) Spe c ifi c ation
` SFF-8040 1 . 2 25-pin Asynchronous SCSI Pinout
` SFF-8041 C SCA-2 Conne ctor Ba ckend Configurations
` SFF-8042 C VHDCI Conne ctor Ba ckend Configurations
` SFF-8043 1 . 0 40-pin Mi croSCSI Pinout
` SFF-8045 3 . 7 40-pin SCA-2 Conne ctor w/Paral l e l Se l e ction
` SFF-8046 2 . 7 80-pin SCA-2 Conne ctor for SCSI Di sk Driv e s
` SFF-8047 C 40-pin SCA-2 Conne ctor w/Serial Se l e ction
` SFF-8048 C 80-pin SCA-2 Conne ctor w/Paral l e l ESI
` SFF-8049 1 . 2 80- c onductor ATA Cabl e As s embly
` SFF-8050i 1 . 0 Bootabl e CD-ROM
` SFF-8051i 0 . 2 Smal l Form Fa ctor 3" Driv e s
` SFF-8052i 0 . 9 ATA Interfa c e for 3" Removabl e De vi c e s
` SFF-8053i 3 . 1 GBIC (Gigabit Interfa c e Conv erter)
` SFF-8055i 2 . 0 SMART Appl i c ation Guide for ATA Interfa c e
` SFF-8056 1 . 0 50-pin 2mm Conne ctor
` SFF-8057 1 . 2 Uniti z ed ATA 2-plus Conne ctor
` SFF-8058 1 . 2 Uniti z ed ATA 3-in-1 Conne ctor
` SFF-8065 C 40-pin SCA-2 Conne ctor w/High Voltag e
` SFF-8066 C 80-pin SCA-2 Conne ctor w/High Voltag e
` SFF-8067 1 . 8 40-pin SCA-2 Conne ctor w/Bidire ctional ESI
` SFF-8068 1 . 0 Guide l ine s to Import Drawings into SFF Spe c s
` SFF-8069 1 . 0 Fax-Ac c e s s Instructions
` SFF-8070i 1 . 0 ATAPI for Rewritabl e Removabl e Media - Part 1
` SFF-8071i ATAPI for Rewritabl e Removabl e Media - Part 2
` SFF-8072i ATAPI for Rewritabl e Removabl e Media - Part 3
` SFF-8080 1 . 2 ATAPI for CD-Re c ordabl e Media - Part 1
` SFF-8081 ATAPI for CD-Re c ordabl e Media - Part 2
` SFF-8082 ATAPI for CD-Re c ordabl e Media - Part 3
` SFF-8090 . 99 ATAPI for DVD (Digital Vide o Data)
` SFF-8200 1 . 1 2 1 / 2" driv e form fa ctors (al l of 82xx fami ly)
` SFF-8201 1 . 3 2 1 / 2" driv e form fa ctor dimens ions
` SFF-8212 1 . 2 2 1 / 2" driv e w/SFF-8001 44-pin ATA Conne ctor
` SFF-8300 1 . 1 3 1 / 2" driv e form fa ctors (al l of 83xx fami ly)
` SFF-8301 1 . 2 3 1 / 2" driv e form fa ctor dimens ions
` SFF-8302 1 . 1 3 1 / 2" Cabl ed Conne ctor lo c ations
` SFF-8332 1 . 2 3 1 / 2" driv e w/ 80-pin SFF-8015 SCA Conne ctor
` SFF-8337 1 . 2 3 1 / 2" driv e w/SCA-2 Conne ctor
` SFF-8342 1 . 3 3 1 / 2" driv e w/Serial Uniti z ed Conne ctor
` SFF-8400 C Very High Dens ity Cabl e Interc onne ct
` SFF-8441 9 . 0 VHDCI Shi e lded Configurations
` SFF-8451 5 . 3 SCA-2 Unshi e lded Conne ctions
`80-pin SCA-2 Conne ctor for SCSI Di sk Driv e s Pag e 8

`Publ i shed SFF-8046 Re v 2 . 7
` SFF-8500 1 . 1 5 1 / 4" driv e form fa ctors (al l of 85xx fami ly)
` SFF-8501 1 . 1 5 1 / 4" driv e form fa ctor dimens ions
` SFF-8508 1 . 1 5 1 / 4" ATAPI CD-ROM w/ audio c onne ctors
` SFF-8551 1 . 2 5 1 / 4" CD-ROM 1" High form fa ctor
`2 . 3 Sourc e s
`Copi e s of ANSI standards or propos ed ANSI standards may be purchas ed from
`Global Engine ering .
` 15 Inv erne s s Way East 800-854-7179 or 303-792-2181
` Engl ewood 303-792-2192Fx
` CO 80112-5704
`Copi e s of SFF Spe c ifi c ations are avai labl e by FaxAc c e s s or by joining the SFF
`Committe e as an Obs erv er or Member.
` 14426 Bla ck Walnut Ct 408-867-6630x303
` Saratoga 408-867-2115Fx
` CA 95070 FaxAc c e s s : 408-741-1600
`FaxAc c e s s i s a c omputer-operated s ervi c e c apabl e of faxing c opi e s of do cuments
`s e l e cted from a menu . Anyone ordering do cuments ov er FaxAc c e s s must be us ing
`the hands et of a fax ma chine , as the do cuments are transmitted ov er the same
`l ine as the c al l er dial ed in on to make the s e l e ction(s) .
`3 . General De s cription
`The environment for thi s SFF Spe c ifi c ation i s any SCSI di sk driv e whi ch wants
`a c ommon c onne ctor structure for ra cking di sk driv e s in a c abinet .
`In addition to the c apabi l iti e s provided by SFF-8015 , the SCA-2 system
`inc lude s :
` - Bl ind mating
` - Provi s ion for pre - charg e c ircuitry within the host system
` - Variabl e l ength pins to dete ct when a driv e i s c ompl ete ly s e ated
` - Al ignment guide s
` - Ground c onta cts in the guide pins
`The SCA-2 i s de s igned and pla c ed to al low plugging a driv e dire ctly into a
`ba ckplane by providing the ne c e s sary e l e ctri c al c onne ction . Me chani c al
`stabi l ity and de vi c e retention must be provided by other me chani sms , inc luding
`mounting bra ckets , guide rai l s , c l ips , or s crew atta chments .
`The SCA-2 c onne ctor i s an 80 pos ition ribbon (aka l e af or s ingl e be am)
`c onne ctor with guide s that inc lude grounding c onta cts . Various options are
`avai labl e to me et the diff erent mounting requirements of the c onne ctor to the
`SCSI de vi c e and the diff erent driv e plugging requirements .
`The SCA-2 c onne ctor wi l l al low driv e -to-board mating .
`Sinc e power and addre s s information are provided to the driv e s through the
`c onne ctor, spe c ial c abl e s must be provided if dai sy- chaining of driv e s i s
`required .
`80-pin SCA-2 Conne ctor for SCSI Di sk Driv e s Pag e 9

`Publ i shed SFF-8046 Re v 2 . 7
`The SCA-2 i s de s igned princ ipal ly for the dire ct plugging of driv e s into a
`ba ckplane . Hot plugging i s appropriate a c c ording to Cas e s 1 , 2 , and 3
`spe c ifi ed in the SPI Anne x .
` - Cas e s 1 and 2 are required of al l de vi c e s and al low the ins ertion of the
` driv e s into unpowered SCSI bus e s or SCSI bus e s with the RST s ignal he ld
` a ctiv e .
` - Cas e 3 al lows hot plugging whi l e no current I/O pro c e s s e s are a ctiv e . The
` us e of Cas e 3 hot plugging i s optional and spe c ifi ed by the driv e
` manufa cturer. Where hot plugging i s a requirement for a system us ing SCA-2
` de vi c e s , the ESD prote ction provided by the guide s may hav e to be
` c ompl emented by the rai l s and chas s i s s lots .
`4 . De finitions and Conv entions
`4 . 1 De finitions
`For the purpos e of SFF Spe c ifi c ations , the fol lowing de finitions apply :
`4 . 1 . 1 Optional : Thi s term de s cribe s f e ature s whi ch are not required by the
`SFF Spe c ifi c ation . Howe v er, if any f e ature de fined by the SFF Spe c ifi c ation i s
`impl emented , it shal l be done in the same way as de fined by the Spe c ifi c ation .
`De s cribing a f e ature as optional in the te xt i s done to as s i st the re ader. If
`there i s a c onfl i ct betwe en te xt and tabl e s on a f e ature de s cribed as
`optional , the tabl e shal l be a c c epted as be ing c orre ct .
`4 . 1 . 2 Re s erv ed : Where thi s term i s us ed for bits , byte s , fi e lds and c ode
`value s ; the bits , byte s , fi e lds and c ode value s are s et as ide for future
`standardi z ation . The de fault value shal l be z ero . The originator i s required
`to de fine a Re s erv ed fi e ld or bit as z ero , but the re c e iv er should not che ck
`Re s erv ed fi e lds or bits for z ero .
`4 . 1 . 3 VU (Vendor Unique) : Thi s term i s us ed to de s cribe bits , byte s , fi e lds ,
`pins , s ignal s , c ode value s and f e ature s whi ch are not de s cribed in thi s SFF
`Spe c ifi c ation , and may be us ed in a way that vari e s betwe en v endors .
`4 . 1 . 4 VU Mode : A mode of e x e cution by the driv e in whi ch its us e i s not
`de fined by thi s SFF Spe c ifi c ation . The me ans by whi ch a v endor invoke s v endor
`unique operations within a driv e i s de fined by thi s SFF Spe c ifi c ation .
`4 . 2 Conv entions
`Certain terms us ed here in are the proper name s of s ignal s . The s e are printed
`in upperc as e to avoid pos s ibl e c onfus ion with other us e s of the same words ;
`e . g . , ATTENTION. Any lower- c as e us e s of the s e words hav e the normal Ameri c an-
`Engl i sh me aning .
`A number of c onditions , c ommands , s equenc e parameters , e v ents , Engl i sh te xt ,
`state s or s imi lar terms are printed with the first l etter of e a ch word in
`upperc as e and the re st lower- c as e ; e . g . , In , Out , Reque st Status . Any lower-
`c as e us e s of the s e words hav e the normal Ameri c an-Engl i sh me aning .
`The Ameri c an c onv ention of numbering i s us ed i . e . , the thousands and higher
`multipl e s are s eparated by a c omma and a period i s us ed as the de c imal point .
`Thi s i s equival ent to the ISO c onv ention of a spa c e and c omma .
`80-pin SCA-2 Conne ctor for SCSI Di sk Driv e s Pag e 10

`Publ i shed SFF-8046 Re v 2 . 7
` Ameri c an : 0 . 6 ISO: 0 , 6
` 1 , 000 1 000
` 1 , 323 , 462 . 9 1 323 462 , 9
`4 . 3 Glos sary
`4 . 3 . 1 Ba ckplane : The c omponents of the enc losure that me chani c al ly support
`the SCA c onne ctor and cre ate or route the required s ignal s and power to the
`SCA c onne ctor from the enc losure . The ba ckplane may be a true multi-driv e
`ba ckplane , a paddl e c ard ins erted in a host c omputer, a paddl e c ard atta ched
`to an appropriate ly de s igned c abl e , or any c omponent with s imi lar
`c apabi l iti e s .
`4 . 3 . 2 Driv e : The SCSI peripheral that plugs into the ba ckplane us ing the SCA
`c onne ctor. The de vi c e may be removabl e from the enc losure through an e xternal
`port or may be permanently instal l ed in the enc losure . The SCSI peripheral may
`be any SCSI de vi c e of any type that me ets one of the standard form fa ctors and
`e stabl i she s its c onne ction to the ba ckplane through an SCA-2 c onne ctor.
`5 . Phys i c al Pos itioning Requirements
`The SCA-2 c onne ctor i s fix ed with re spe ct to the driv e form fa ctor as
`spe c ifi ed by SFF-8337 .
` - The c onne ctor i s lo c ated in the Y dimens ion with re spe ct to the driv e
` mounting hol e s with the spe c ifi ed tol eranc e s .
` - The c onne ctor i s c entered s ide to s ide in the end of the driv e in the X
` dimens ion with the spe c ifi ed tol eranc e s .
` - The c onne ctor i s c entered at a fix ed lo c ation abov e the bas e of the driv e
` with the spe c ifi ed tol eranc e s .
`When the SCA- equipped di sk driv e i s mated to a v erti c al board mount
`re c epta c l e , there i s 3 . 45+/ -0 . 7mm c l e aranc e (re f erenc e value for the standard
`he ight re c epta c l e) betwe en the di sk driv e and the mated ba ckplane . To insure
`a minimum c onta ct wipe of 1 . 32mm, the driv e must be ful ly s e ated with the
`mating so cket c onne ctor.
`Ful ly s e ated i s de fined by the di stanc e from the ba ckplane printed c ircuit
`board surfa c e to the c onne ctor fa c e of the di sk driv e (Datum C in SFF-8337) as
`be ing 3 . 55+/ -0 . 20mm for the standard he ight v erti c al re c epta c l e , or 9 . 55+/ -
`0 . 20mm for the e xtended he ight v erti c al re c epta c l e . For right angl e and c abl e
`re c epta c l e appl i c ations , the c onne ctors are c ons idered ful ly s e ated when the
`two c onne ctor hous ings l imit further engag ement .
`6 . Signal s
`Other than where information i s provided , the de s criptions in SFF-8015 apply
`dire ctly to thi s spe c ifi c ation . The de s criptions are not be ing re -printed here
`to as sure that no di s crepanc i e s c an ari s e .
`6 . 1 Signal Conv entions
`Signal name s are shown in al l upper c as e l etters . Signal s c an be as s erted
`(a ctiv e , true) in e ither a high (more pos itiv e voltag e) or low (l e s s pos itiv e
`voltag e) state . A dash chara cter (-) at the be ginning or end of a s ignal name
`indi c ate s it i s as s erted at the low l e v e l (a ctiv e low) . No dash or a plus
`chara cter (+) at the be ginning or end of a s ignal name indi c ate s it i s
`80-pin SCA-2 Conne ctor for SCSI Di sk Driv e s Pag e 11

`Publ i shed SFF-8046 Re v 2 . 7
`as s erted high (a ctiv e high) . An as s erted s ignal may be driv en high or low by
`an a ctiv e c ircuit , or it may be al lowed to be pul l ed to the c orre ct state by
`the bias c ircuitry . Detai l s of the requirements are inc luded in the s ignal
`de finitions .
`Unl e s s noted otherwi s e , tabl e s spe c ify the voltag e and/ or current
`requirements at the de vi c e c onne ctor. Current flow into the de vi c e i s
`pos itiv e and current flow out of the de vi c e i s ne gativ e .
`6 . 2 Signal As s ignments
`The s ignal s that are not de fined in thi s c laus e are de fined in X3 . 131R-1994
`(SCSI-2) and X3 . 0855 (SCSI-3 Paral l e l Interfa c e) .
`The s ignal pinout shown in Tabl e 6-1 i s for s ingl e ended de vi c e s .
`The s ignal pinout shown in Tabl e 6-2 i s for diff erential de vi c e s .
`Pin 1 shal l be lo c ated as shown in SFF-8337 .
`A s ignal identifi ed as NC (Not Conne cted) shal l not be c onne cted .
`The pins identifi ed as be ing short (S) and long (L) only appl i e s to the host
`re c epta c l e and not the c onne ctor on the driv e . Al l pins on the driv e c onne ctor
`are the same l ength .
`80-pin SCA-2 Conne ctor for SCSI Di sk Driv e s Pag e 12

`Publ i shed SFF-8046 Re v 2 . 7
` +-------------------------+-----------------+-------------------------+
` | 80-pin SFF-8046 | Cabl e c onductor | 80-pin SFF-8046 |
` | Conne ctor Conta ct | numbers are | Conne ctor Conta ct |
` | and Signal Name | not appl i c abl e . | and Signal Name |
` +-------------------------+-----------------+-------------------------+
` | 1 12V CHARGE (L) | | (L) 12V GROUND 41 |
` | 2 12V (S) | | (L) 12V GROUND 42 |
` | 3 12V (S) | | (L) 12V GROUND 43 |
` | 4 12V (S) | | (S) MATED 1 44 |
` | 5 OPT 3 . 3 VOLTS (S) | | (L) OPT 3 . 3V CHARGE 45 |
` | 6 OPT 3 . 3 VOLTS (S) | | (L) GROUND 46 |
` | 7 -DB(11) (S) | | (S) GROUND 47 |
` | 8 -DB(10) (S) | | (S) GROUND 48 |
` | 9 -DB(9) (S) | | (S) GROUND 49 |
` | 10 -DB(8) (S) | | (S) GROUND 50 |
` | 11 -I/O (S) | | (S) GROUND 51 |
` | 12 -REQ (S) | | (S) GROUND 52 |
` | 13 -C/D (S) | | (S) GROUND 53 |
` | 14 -SEL (S) | | (S) GROUND 54 |
` | 15 -MSG (S) | | (S) GROUND 55 |
` | 16 -RST (S) | | (S) GROUND 56 |
` | 17 -ACK (S) | | (S) GROUND 57 |
` | 18 -BSY

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