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`chart 0 chauffeur
`leaf of papyrus. —-see
`chart (chart) :1. [OFr. charts < Lat. charm.
`canoh,‘ l. A map showrng coastlines, water depths, or other data use-
`ful to navigators. 2. An outline map on which special data, as weather
`information, can be plotted. 3. A sheet presenting data in graph or tab-
`ular form. 4. GRAPH 2. —\-’l. chartucd, chart-ing, charts. 1. To
`make a chart of. 2. To plan in detail.
`char-ta-ccous (kit-ta'shas) adj. [LLat chaliuceus < Lat. chum,
`leaf of papyrus. —see canoh] Like paper : Pars“.
`char-ter (cha'r’tar) n. [ME charm ~. OFr.
`. Lat. cliurtulu. dim. of
`charm, leaf of papyrus. — see Chunk] 1. A document issued by 3 mon-
`arch, legislative body, or other authority, creating a public or private
`corporation, as a city, college, or bank, and delineating its privtleges
`and purposes. 2. A written grant from the sovereign power of a country
`conferring certain rights and privrleges on a person, a corporation, or
`the populace. 3. A document setting forth the princrples, functions,
`and organization of a corporate body. 4. An authorization from a cen-
`tral organization to establish a local branch or chapter. 5. Special priv-
`ilege or immunity. 0. A contract for the commercial leasing of a vessel
`or space on a vessel. 7. The hiring or leasing of an aircraft, vessel, or
`transport vehicle. 8. A written instrument given as evidence of agree-
`ment, transfer, or contract : new. —vt. -tcrcd, -tcr-ing, -tcrs. 1.
`To grant a charter to : establish by charter. 2. To engage the temporary
`use of, for a fee -:clmrter a plane> —char’ter-cr n.
`chartered accountant n. Chieflv Brit. A member of one of the
`institutes of accountants granted a royal charter.
`char-tcr-house (chiir’ tar-hous’) r1. [By folk ety. < OFr. chartrouse.
`—-scc cu/taraeosa.] A Carthusran monastery.
`founder of an organi-
`charter member n. An original member or
`zation or group.
`and practices of a l9tl1‘
`Chart-ism (chiir'tiz’am) n. The principles
`chiefly workingmcn, ac‘
`cent. party of social and political reformers,
`tive in England.
`chart-ist (chiir'tist) a. l. A stock-market specialist who uses charts
`and graphic records to interpret market action, predict trends, or fore-
`cast price movements of individual stocks. 2.. Cltnrtist. An advocate
`of Chartism.
`char-treusc (shir-trrihz’, -tnios', >trt‘ez’) n,
`|~‘ CHAR l’ltEU\f‘..] A
`strong to brilliant greenish yellow to moderate or strong yellow green.
`Chartreuse. A trademark for a usu. green or yellow liqueur.
`char-treu-sin (shir-tnTo’zin,
`sin) n. [NLat. chrirtreusts. specific
`epithet of Streptomyces chartrcusr‘s + -iN.] An antibiotic, CHHIKOW
`effective against some Gram-positive microorganisms and derive
`from a strain of Streptomvces Chartreusis.
`chor-tu-lar-y (kar'cha-ler’é) n. var. of CARTULARY.
`char-wom-an (chir'wriim'na) n. chiefly Brit. A woman hired to
`do cleaning usu. in a large building.
`[ME chiiri, diligent < OE ccrtrig,
`char-y (char'é) adj. -i-er, -i-cst.
`2. Shy <charv of meeting new
`sorrowful] 1. Very cautious : waar.
`be use of financial or material resources.
`penple> 3. Careful in t
`Chaoryb-drs (kn-rib’dis) Ii. [Lat. < Gk. Kharubrfis‘] Gk. Myth. A
`whirlpool off the Sicilian coast, opposite the cave of Scylla.
`chins-cs. [ME chosen, to hunt
`chasel (ch55) V. chased, chas-ing,
`—see CATCH] —-vt. 1. To follow in
`OFr. chut‘icr < Lat. capture.
`Littler to catch or overtake : wasus. 2. To follow (game) so as to cap
`ture or kill. 3. To follow earnestly or regularly. 4. To put to flight
`11. Informal. To go
`chrised the dog away> —vi.
`.1. To go in pursuit.
`—n. 1. The act of chasing
`hurriedly <chaser! around looking for us>
`hunting. b. quarter]. 3. a.
`: i-tmsurr. 2. a. the chase. The sport of
`hunt or keep game with-
`An unenclosed game preserve. b. The right to
`in certain boundaries of land.
`chase.z (
`chas) n. [Perh. < Fr. chasse, case < Lat. capsu.) A rectangular
`steel or iron frame into w
`hich pages or columns of type are locked for
`printing or plate-making.
`Chase3 (ch55) n. [Perh < OFr. Chas, enclosure < Lat. capsrr, box] 1.
`ch or channel for drain-
`a. A groove cut in an object : 51.01. b. A tren
`tenon or tongue. 2. The
`—Vt. chased, chus-ing,
`pipes or wiring. c. A longitudinal groove for a
`part of a gun in front of the trunnions.
`chars-es. 1. To decorate (metal) by engraving or embossing. 2. a. To
`oove : indent. b. To cut (the thread of a screw).
`c acoer' (cba'sar) n. 1. One that pursues or chases. 2. Informal.
`drink, as of beer, taken after a drink of hard liquor.
`Chas-end (chi'sar) n. 1. One who decorates metal by engraving or
`embossing. 2. A steel tool for cutting or finishing screw threads.
`chasm (kaz' am) it. [Lat chasma < Gk. khasmal 1. A deep crack
`the earth’s surface. 2. A sudden interruption of continuity. 3. A pro-
`loyalty. —chas'mal
`nouoced difference of opinion, interests, or
`(kaz’mal) adi.
`troops trained for rapid maneuvers. 2. A huntsmai
`Chas-aid itHii’sid) n.. pl. Chas-si-dim(KHfi-se'd
`pious] A member of a lcwish movement of popular
`ed in eastem Europe in the 18th cent. —Chas-si'd
`si’dism n.
`chars-sis (shds’c, chas’e) 11., pl. choc-sis (-e: Fr.
`stetl frame,
`VLat. ”capsicium < Lat. cupsa. box.] 1. The rectang
`ted to the axles, that holds the body and
`supported on springs and attacl
`engine of an automotive vehicle. 2. The landing gear of an aircraft,
`including the wheels, floats, and other structures that support the air-
`craft on land or water. 3. The fine on which a casement gun carriage
`moves forward and backward. 4. The framework to which the func-
`tioning parts of a radio, television, etc., are attached.
`Lat. cus-
`chaste (elitist) adj. chase-er, chast-cst. [ME - OFr.
`tus.] 1. Morally pure. 2. a. Not having experienced sexual intercourse
`: vtRorNAL. h. Abstaining from unlawful sexual intercourse. c. Ah-
`staining from sexual intercourse : CELIBATE. 3. Simple to design or
`style. —chnstc’ly udv. —chastc'ness n.
`* syns: cans-re, DECENI, Mt‘inrsr, PURE, vntruoos ruli. core mean-
`ing : morally beyond reproach <a chaste nun>
`chus-ten (cha’son) vt. -tcncd, -ten-ing, -tcns. [Alteration of
`obs. chaste < ME chusten \ OFr. christiier. chusriss- -. Lat. cristigure
`< castus, pure] 1. To chastise : punish. 2. To restrain : moderate. 3.
`To refine : purify (Clitlfifcn onc's speaking stylc> ~chas'tcn-cr n.
`chas-tise (chastiz'i rt. -tiscd, -t| -ing, -tis-cs. [ME chrislisen
`< OFr. Christ
`7. UflthlliSu to chastcn.| 1. To punish, usu. by heating.
`2. To criticiee. 3. Archaic. To purify. —chas-tis'n-blc rid].
`—chas-tise'mcnt (chas-tiz’mant, clias'tl:-) n. —chrts-tis’er
`chas-ti-ty (clias'tl~te) 11. [ME chrome < OFr. chum-u; \ Lat. Cris-
`tims -’ eastus. pure] 1. The quality or state of being chaste. 2. a. Vir<
`dicval times by women to
`ginity. h. Virtuousness. c. Celibacy.
`chastity belt 11. A device worn in me
`LLat. cu
`prevent sexual intercourse.
`chns-u-hle (chaz’n-bal, cliazh’n-, chas'n-) a. [Fr. \ OFr.
`sublu. hooded garment] A long, sleeveless vestincnt worn over the
`by the celebrant at Mass.
`hat-ting, chats. [ME chutten, to iab-
`chat (chat) vi. char-ted, c
`her, short for Chrilel’t’lL] i. To converse in an informal or familiar way.
`2. Computer Set. To participate in a synchronous exchange of remarks
`with one or more people over a computer network. —n. I. An infor-
`rnal or familiar conversation. 2. Computer Sci. A synchronous ex-
`change of remarks over a computer network. 3. A bird known for its
`chattering 'call, as of the genera Srmcolu or lcteriu.
`chaotcnu also chit-term (sha-to’) n.. pl. «coax (-toz'] [Fr elm
`OFr. chime] < Lat. eusiellum. castle. —-see CASTLE] l. A
`French castle or manor house. 2. A large country house.
`Chz‘i-teau-bri-and also chfi-teau-bri-and (sha-to'-bre-an’)
`n. [After Vicointe dc Chateaubriand. Francois Rene 0768—1848 .] A
`double-thick tender center cut of beef tenderloin that is usu. broiled or
`grilled and served with a sauce.
`chot-e-lain (shat'l-an’) a. [ME chutelcin .< OFr. clmstclmn : Lat.
`castelirmus < castellum, castle. - sec ensue] The keeper of a castle.
`chat-e-lainc (shat’l-an’) n. [Fr Chatelaine. fem. of t'hritelriin. chat-
`elain < OFr. christelain] 1. a. The mistress of a castle or chateau. h.
`The mistress of a large, fashionable household. 2. A clasp or chain
`worn at the waist for holding keys, a purse, or a watch.
`cha-toy-ant (sha-toi'ant) arli. [Fr., pr.part. of riiutover. to shimmer
`< that, cat.] Having a changeable luster. ——n. A ehatoyant stone or
`gemstone, as the cat’s-eye. -cha-toy’an-cy (-an-se) n.
`chat-tel (chat’l) :1. [ME charel. property < OFr. < Med. Lat. cupi-
`tale. -see CATTLE] 1. An article of movable, personal property. 2. A
`al property as security
`chattel mortgage 11. A mortgage on perSon
`for an obligation or debt.
`chat-ter (chat'ar) v. -tered, -ter-ing, -tera. [ME chutcrcn.] — vr.
`1. To utter a rapid series of short, inarticulate sounds <birds chatter-
`ing> 2. To talk rapidly, incessantly, and about trivia : manta. 3. To
`click quickly and repeatedly <teeth chattering> <machine guns that-
`tering> 4. To vibrate or rattle while in operation, as a power tool.
`—-vt. To utter rapidly and incessantly. —a, 1. Idle, incessant talk. 2.
`Sharp, rapid sounds made by a bird or animal. 3. A series of quick rat-
`tling or clicking sounds. —chat'ter-er n.
`chat-ter-hox (chat’ar—boks') n. A very talkative person.
`chatter mark also chat-tcr-mark (chat' ar-ma’rk’) n. 1. A rib-
`like marking on wood or metal, caused by vibration of a cutting tool.
`2. Gaol. One of a series of short scars on a glaciated rock surface.