In The Matter Of:
` ___________________________________________________
`May 5, 2014
` ___________________________________________________
`IPR2013-00424 - Ex. 1019
`Toyota Motor Corp., Petitioner


`CRIS KOUTSOUGERAS, Ph.D. - 5/5/2014
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` CRIS KOUTSOUGERAS, Ph.D. - 5/5/2014
` )
` Petitioner, )
` ) Case No. IPR2013-00424
` -vs- ) Patent No. 5,845,000
` ) Issue Date: 12/1/1998
` )
` Patent Owner. )
`_______________________________ )
` )
` )
` Petitioner, )
` ) Case No. IPR2013-00419
` -vs- ) Patent No. 6,772,057
` ) Issue Date: 8/3/2004
` )
` Patent Owner. )
` Deposition of CRIS KOUTSOUGERAS, Ph.D.,
` taken before MARGARET A. BACHNER, CSR, RMR, CRR, and
` Notary Public, pursuant to the applicable Rules
` pertaining to the taking of depositions for the
` purpose of discovery, at Suite 3500, 500 West Madison
` Street, Chicago, Illinois, on the 5th day of May,
` A.D. 2014, at 9:14 a.m.
`Merrill Corporation - New York


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` There were present at the taking of this
` deposition the following counsel:
` One Broadway
` New York, New York 10004-1007
` 212-425-7200
` on behalf of the Petitioner;
` 500 West Madison Street, 34th Floor
` Chicago, Illinois 60661
` 312-775-8000
` on behalf of the Patent Owner.
` MR. KEVIN DUNCAN, Audio Monitor
` Merrill Corporation.
`Merrill Corporation - New York


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` I N D E X
` By Mr. Berkowitz 5
` By Mr. Scharff 273
` E X H I B I T S
` No Exhibits Marked.
` Exhibit 1001 - IPR2013-00424, United States 73
` Patent Number 5,845,000, Breed,
` et al.
` Exhibit 1001 - IPR2013-00419, United States 73
` Patent Number 6,772,057 B2,
` Breed, et al.
` Exhibit 1002 - IPR2013-00419, United States 98
` Patent Number 6,553,130 B1,
` Lemelson, et al.
` Exhibit 1004 - IPR2013-00419, United States 229
` Patent Number 5,245,422,
` Borcherts, et al.
`7 8
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` Exhibit 1005 - IPR 2013-00424, Pomerleau 178
` Doctoral Thesis
` Exhibit 1009 - (Substitute) IPR2013-00424, 260
` Japanese Patent Office
` Unexamined Patent Publication
` Exhibit 2001 - IPR2013-00419, Declaration of 7
` Cris Koutsougeras, Ph.D.
` Exhibit 2002 - IPR2013-00424, Declaration of 7
` Cris Koutsougeras, Ph.D.
` Exhibit 2004 - IPR2013-00424, United States 14
` Patent Number 5,537,327,
` Snow, et al.
` Exhibit 2006 - IPR2013-00419, United States 15
` Patent Number 8,081,209 B2,
` Ji, et al.
`8 9
`Merrill Corporation - New York


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` THE AUDIO MONITOR: Okay. We are on the record.
` MR. BERKOWITZ: Why don't we -- we'll do
` introductions and then we'll swear in the witness.
` Matt Berkowitz of Kenyon & Kenyon for
` petitioner Toyota Motor Corporation. And with me I
` have Vincent Rubino from Kenyon also for petitioner.
` MR. SCHARFF: Christopher Scharff from
` McAndrews, Held & Malloy for AVS. And with me is Tom
` Wimbiscus.
` THE WITNESS: And I am Cris Koutsougeras. I am
` the expert that looked at the 419 and 424 cases.
` MR. BERKOWITZ: Okay. Would you swear in the
` witness?
` (The witness was duly sworn.)
` called as a witness herein, having been first duly
` sworn, was examined and testified as follows:
` Q. Good morning, Doctor.
` A. Good morning.
` Q. It's Koutsougeras? Am I saying that
` correctly?
` A. Koutsougeras, very well and good.
`Merrill Corporation - New York


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` Actually, I'm impressed.
` Q. I've been practicing before we -- before
` we got here today.
` Have you ever been deposed before?
` A. No, sir.
` Q. Have you ever been retained as an expert
` witness in any case?
` A. No, sir.
` Q. Have you ever testified at trial?
` A. No.
` Q. When -- well, let me -- given that, let me
` just go over a couple of ground rules. Your counsel
` may have talked to you about this already.
` We have a court reporter here. So, she's
` got to take down everything that we say. So, what
` I'll ask is that before you give an answer to a
` question, you wait till I finish the question before
` you give your answer, and I will try do the same in
` return. I'll wait until you finish your answer
` before I ask another question.
` Another -- another ground rule is if you
` don't understand something, please tell me. I'll try
` to rephrase the question as best I can. If you do
` answer the question without asking to rephrase it,
`Merrill Corporation - New York


`CRIS KOUTSOUGERAS, Ph.D. - 5/5/2014
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` I'm going to assume that you did understand the
` question.
` Do you understand?
` A. Yes.
` Q. Okay. When were you retained in this
` matter?
` A. I believe it was in February.
` Q. And who first contacted you?
` A. Miss Stephanie Samz.
` Q. And she is with the McAndrews firm?
` A. She's with McAndrews firm, yes.
` Q. Do you know how Miss -- Samz is it?
` A. Samz, yes. I've never met her. I only
` spoke with her on the phone.
` Q. Do you know how she located you?
` A. I am not aware of how they went about
` locating me, but I was contacted look at the case,
` and then things led to where we are now.
` Q. And so, you have provided declarations in
` the 419 and 424 IPRs, is that correct?
` A. Yes.
` Q. And you have the declarations that you
` submitted in each of those matters in front of you?
` A. Yes, I have the declarations that you
`Merrill Corporation - New York


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` CRIS KOUTSOUGERAS, Ph.D. - 5/5/2014
` provided with me -- for me.
` Q. How much time have you spent working on
` this matter?
` A. I think that by now it's probably about 35
` hours.
` Q. Is that total 35 hours for both
` declarations?
` A. That's right. I'm sorry. It might be
` between 35 and 40 hours, but I'm not exactly -- I
` haven't done my count, final count yet. Final count.
` Q. And does that include your work with
` respect to both declarations or is that per
` declaration?
` A. Both declarations.
` Q. Does that 35 to 40 hours count any time
` that you spent preparing for your deposition today?
` A. No.
` Q. How much -- did you prepare -- did you do
` anything to prepare for your deposition today?
` A. Yes. I -- I did look over my documents.
` Q. Did you meet with counsel in preparation
` for your deposition?
` A. Yes, I did.
` Q. How long did you meet with counsel for?
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` A. Time-wise, I believe it must have been a
` total of four hours.
` Q. And when was that?
` A. That was yesterday. And on -- and on
` Sunday. This Monday. So, Sunday and Saturday.
` Q. So, putting aside any time you spent
` preparing for your deposition, can you give me a
` breakdown of how many hours approximately you spent
` preparing each of your declarations separately?
` A. That wouldn't be possible since they are
` so closely related, and it's very difficult to put a
` boundary between the two because they're so closely
` related. As a matter of fact, in doing one I did
` retain material from the previous.
` Q. Who wrote your declarations?
` A. Myself.
` Q. Did anyone assist you?
` A. Yes.
` Q. Who assisted you?
` A. The counsel provided directions as to
` legal standards, and also a template as to the form
` that these declarations should meet.
` Q. In connection with this matter have you
` spoken with anybody other than attorneys from the
`Merrill Corporation - New York


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` McAndrews firm?
` A. No.
` Q. Have you spoken with Dr. Breed?
` A. No. I have never talked to Dr. Breed.
` Q. Have you spoken with anyone from the AZA
` law firm?
` A. Which law firm?
` Q. AZA.
` A. I do not recognize the law firm.
` Q. Prior to your engagement on this matter,
` were you familiar with Dr. Breed, his work in the
` field?
` A. I -- the name "Breed" was not under my
` radar.
` Q. Had you ever heard of him?
` A. Like I said, it was never under my radar.
` I don't -- I didn't -- I didn't know him, and he was
` not one of my peers.
` Q. What was the scope of what you were asked
` to do in connection with this matter?
` A. I was asked -- I was given the -- the
` documents that were filed by Toyota, and I was also
` given the materials by Lemelson and the supporting
` materials that were filed by Toyota.
`Merrill Corporation - New York


`CRIS KOUTSOUGERAS, Ph.D. - 5/5/2014
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` And I was asked to provide an opinion of
` whether the documents filed by Toyota would
` invalidate the patent. And that is what my -- that
` was the task that was put in front of me.
` Q. Now, in your declarations, and I'll direct
` you first to your declaration in the 419 matter, you
` cite a number of references that you considered in
` rendering your opinions. Pages 3 to 4 is what I'm
` talking about in particular in 419.
` A. Yes.
` Q. Where did you get these references?
` A. These references were provided to me by
` the attorneys. I actually had hit on them, some of
` them myself. But like I mentioned before, the case
` that was given to me as it was -- as it was filed by
` Toyota was accompanied by the supporting documents.
` Q. Which ones of the references did you hit
` upon yourself?
` A. Porto and Fogel, for example, and I was
` familiar with the ALVINN and the work at CMU.
` Q. How did it come about that you found the
` Porto and Fogel reference?
` A. I was looking at publications regarding
` underwater vehicles. At the university where I --
`Merrill Corporation - New York


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` CRIS KOUTSOUGERAS, Ph.D. - 5/5/2014
` where I work we did have a lab that was specializing
` with underwater robots, and the faculty that was
` leading that lab was a colleague of mine, close
` colleague of mine. And it had happened that in
` looking for navigation of underwater vehicles I hit
` on that particular one.
` Q. Why were you looking for references about
` navigation of underwater vehicles?
` A. Why? Like I said, there was ongoing work
` about autonomous underwater vehicles, and that was
` navigation as well as stability and other issues are
` important matters in this respect. And so, I was
` looking for navigation for underwater vehicles. It's
` different than navigation of regular vehicles because
` they are moving in three dimensions.
` So, navigating those vehicles is a little
` different matter, and it did require some special
` research on -- you know, about them.
` Q. Were you looking for anything in
` particular within these references, such as training
` with simulated data or some other particular topic?
` A. Do you mean all of these with respect to
` the patent or the -- or my work when I hit these
` documents?
`Merrill Corporation - New York


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` Q. Your work when you hit -- when you hit
` those documents.
` A. When I originally encountered these, I was
` not looking for simulated data use. I was looking
` for different matters. The fact that control is
` involved, the fact that training is involved and the
` fact that neural networks is involved were my primary
` concerns at the time.
` Q. Okay. Now, if I could refer you to your
` other declaration, which is the 424 declaration, you
` do cite a few additional references in there. I'm
` gonna try to find the paragraph number. But I know
` it's the '327 patent and the '209 patent.
` A. Are they on page 3?
` Q. I don't believe that they're on page 3,
` unless I'm mistaken.
` I don't believe they're on page 3, but if
` you look at paragraph 60 of the 424 declaration,
` there's a reference to Patent Number 5,537,327.
` A. Wait, wait. 60, you said?
` Q. Paragraph 60 of the 424 declaration.
` A. Okay. Let's see. Is that the one with
` the power lines?
` Q. I believe so. I can show it to you if
`Merrill Corporation - New York


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` you'd like to see it again.
` A. I'd like to, please.
` In paragraph 60 there are patent numbers.
` So, these are patents. These are the ones that
` you're referring to?
` Q. Yes.
` A. Okay. Yeah, right now I don't recall the
` numbers themselves, but if you'd like to show me,
` I'll --
` Q. Sure. And this is Exhibit 2004 in the 424
` IPR.
` (Document tendered to the
` witness.)
` A. Yes. This is -- this is the one that
` concerns faults in electrical power systems.
` Q. How did you find this patent?
` A. This patent, it was provided to me by the
` attorneys.
` Q. Did you ask for it?
` A. I asked not specifically for this -- for
` this patent because I did not know of its existence.
` However, I did inform them that I was looking for --
`Merrill Corporation - New York


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` that I was researching the issue of use of simulated
` data.
` MR. SCHARFF: I just want to object and caution
` to the extent that question involved communications
` with counsel.
` Q. Okay. Is there anything else you could
` offer given that instruction?
` A. No. I was looking for the issue of use of
` simulated data, and this was something that was
` volunteered.
` Q. Let me show you the '209 patent, which is
` Exhibit 2006 in the 419 IPR.
` (Document tendered to the
` witness.)
` Q. Do you recognize this document?
` A. Source code-based -- yes. Yes, this is a
` document that I have reviewed.
` Q. And how did you find this document?
` A. It was provided.
` Q. So, same question. Did you ask for it?
` A. This -- this document was -- let me see
` here.
`Merrill Corporation - New York


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` This document was volunteered to me again
` because of the type of research that I was doing and
` about which I informed the people that don't know
` about it.
` Q. Are there any other documents that you
` reviewed in the course of your analysis that are not
` cited in one of your two declarations?
` A. Yes. But obviously they were not
` pertinent, and that's why they're not here. In other
` words, they were about -- they're relevant to the
` subjects and they were part of my research on the
` subjects. However, they were inconsequential for the
` purposes of the declaration, and that is why they
` were not included.
` Q. What were those references?
` A. They are too many to list. And obviously
` I don't -- I can't recite the list right now.
` I did do a lot of research using
` particular search keys and looking for specific
` subjects. Many references came up. Many of them I
` looked. They weren't relevant. Some of them seemed
` relevant, but there were just too many to cite and
` irrelevant to the case at hand.
` Q. How did you decide what was pertinent and
`Merrill Corporation - New York


`CRIS KOUTSOUGERAS, Ph.D. - 5/5/2014
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` what was not pertinent in terms of the references
` that you were going to refer to in your declarations?
` A. How did I decide how -- whether something
` was pertinent or not? I can't -- I can't put a
` description in it. It either felt like it was, you
` know, relevant to the subject, that there was
` something that might be relating to these works,
` possibly disclosing something that might have
` relevance or not.
` But I can't put my finger right and say
` this was my recipe. There was no recipe there. It
` either felt that way or it didn't.
` Q. Is it correct that all of the references
` and opinions that you feel are pertinent to the
` issues in the 419 and 424 matters are included in
` your declarations?
` A. Can you repeat the question?
` Q. Sure. Let's take it one at a time.
` A. Yes.
` Q. Let's talk about the 419 declaration.
` A. Yes.
` Q. Is it correct that all the references that
` you feel are pertinent to the issues in the 419
` declaration, that those are included in your --
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` within your declaration?
` A. Okay. I believe that what is included is
` pertinent in the ways that I have mentioned. If you
` mean that is all that is pertinent, I don't know
` that.
` The only thing that I can tell you is that
` whatever I've said is pertinent is in fact pertinent
` in the ways that I have described. Might there be
` other ways that these things can be viewed?
` Possibly. But I did not consider anything beyond
` what is in my declaration and in what ways they might
` be or might not beyond the things that I put in my
` declaration.
` Q. Okay. Let me ask it a different way.
` A. Yes.
` Q. Is there anything that you were aware of
` at the time of your 419 declaration that you felt was
` pertinent to the issues but did not include it?
` A. Was there anything that I felt was not --
` was pertinent but did not include? In other words,
` you're asking me did I know of something that is
` pertinent that I disregarded?
` Q. That's correct, or didn't include because
` you didn't have time or something to that effect.
`Merrill Corporation - New York


`CRIS KOUTSOUGERAS, Ph.D. - 5/5/2014
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` A. I believe that I did as thorough job as I
` could given what I knew and what materials I managed
` to collect, either by my own research or that it was
` provided.
` Q. Okay. Same question with respect to the
` 424 declaration. Was there anything that you felt
` was pertinent to the issues in the 424 case that you
` were aware of at the time of your declaration but did
` not include?
` A. And the answer would be the same, that I
` used all the knowledge that I had and I managed to
` dig up and that was made available to me in the -- as
` thorough manner as I possibly could to come up with
` my opinions and declaration.
` Q. Let me -- let me switch gears a little
` bit. I want to ask about some of your background and
` experience.
` I'll start by asking whether you can
` summarize for me your experience with neural
` networks?
` A. I first got familiar with the concept of
` neural networks while I was doing my Ph.D.
` dissertation. And I did my dissertation on neural
` networks, particularly methods for training neural
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` networks.
` Subsequently I -- as a faculty, I directed
` thesis of students and I taught classes that were
` either specifically on neural networks and substitute
` neural networks or for which neural networks was a
` substantial component.
` And then I can also say that I did various
` applications of neural networks, works with
` applications of neural networks, and that there were
` a substantial number of different domains in which I
` tried to apply them.
` I have reviewed papers and proposals that
` were submitted by other people in the field either
` for publication or for funding. And I have also
` served as organizer of conferences that are related
` to neural networks. I have also participated in a,
` you know, widely publicized competition in which I
` considered using neural networks but didn't in the
` end. But it was -- it was something that I did kick
` around for a little while.
` And I have been to this day teaching on
` the subject. And I believe that that summarizes my
` involvement with the subsequent works.
` Q. Okay. I'm going to start with your
`Merrill Corporation - New York


`CRIS KOUTSOUGERAS, Ph.D. - 5/5/2014
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` dissertation, Ph.D. dissertation. What was the
` context in which you were using neural networks or
` describing the use of neural networks? What was the
` application?
` A. You want to know what exactly I did
` regarding neural networks or how neural networks --
` or what was the applicability of my work?
` Q. For example, were you trying to identify
` objects? Were you trying to do handwriting
` recognition? What were -- what were you doing?
` A. You obviously know that I was doing
` handwriting recognition as part of it. But that was
` later. In my dissertation I -- I was concerned with
` methods for training neural networks. That was the
` subject of my dissertation.
` Also related to that was considerations
` for implementing, possibly implementing neural
` networks, either emulating them or -- or coming up
` with hardware that would -- that would help perform
` the functions of neural networks in a dedicated
` manner.
` Q. Let me back up one second. What is a
` neural network?
` A. It's a term that was never defined, and I
`Merrill Corporation - New York


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` don't think that you can give a -- I'm sorry.
` MR. SCHARFF: I just want to enter an objection
` to the form of the question.
` A. Look, it's very hard to give a definition.
` We at school try to define them in many ways,
` depending on the specific domain that -- that we want
` to emphasiz

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