`Patent Owner
`Patent Number: 8,036,788
`Case IPR2013-00417


`Patent Owner’s Motion to Exclude
`TABLE OF CONTENTS ........................................................................................... i
`TABLE OF AUTHORITIES ................................................................................... ii
`INTRODUCTION .......................................................................................... 1
`LEGAL STANDARDS .................................................................................. 2
`III. BACKGROUND ............................................................................................ 3
`IV. EXHIBITS 1005 AND 1011-14 SHOULD BE EXCLUDED ....................... 7
`A. Exhibit 1005 (Fry Article) ..................................................................... 7
`B. Exhibit 1011 (Award To Kevin Fry) ................................................... 10
`C. Exhibit 1012 (Sage Publications Website Listing).............................. 11
`D. Exhibit 1013 (Declaration Of Kevin Fry) ........................................... 12
`E. Exhibit 1014 (Affidavit Of Sarah Broadhurst) .................................... 13
`CONCLUSION ............................................................................................. 15


`Patent Owner’s Motion to Exclude
`Ajinomoto Co. v. Archer-Daniels-Midland Co.,
`No. 95-218, 1998 WL 151411 (D. Del. Mar. 13, 1998) ......................................13
`Allied Sales & Serv. Co. v. Global Indus. Techs., Inc.,
`No. 97-0017, 2000 WL 726216 (S.D. Ala. May 1, 2000) ...................................15
`Amini Innovation Corp. v. Anthony Cal., Inc.,
`No. 03-8749, 2006 U.S. Dist. LEXIS 100800 (C.D. Cal. Sept. 21, 2006) ............ 8
`In re Cronyn,
`890 F.2d 1158 (Fed. Cir. 1989) .............................................................................. 2
`Manlapaz v. Unifund CCR Partners,
`No. 08-6524, 2009 WL 3015166 (N.D. Ill. Sept. 15, 2009) ................................15
`Martek Biosciences Corp. v. Nutrinova, Inc.,
`579 F.3d 136 (Fed. Cir. 2009) ..............................................................................12
`Nordock Inc. v. Sys. Inc.,
`No. 11-C-118, 2013 U.S. Dist. LEXIS 34661 (E.D. Wis. Mar. 13, 2013) ............ 8
`Quantum Mgmt. Group v. Univ. of Chicago Hosps.,
`No. 99-C-2248, 2000 WL 1221632 (N.D. Ill. Aug. 18, 2000) ............................15
`SRI Int’l, Inc. v. Internet Sec. Sys., Inc.,
`511 F.3d 1186 (Fed. Cir. 2008) .............................................................................. 2
`St. Clair v. Johnny’s Oyster & Shrimp, Inc.,
`76 F. Supp. 2d 773 (S.D. Tex. 1999)............................................................. 10, 11
`United States v. Jackson,
`208 F.3d 633 (7th Cir. 2000) ......................................................................... 10, 11
`Other Authorities
`MPEP § 2128 ............................................................................................................. 9
`MPEP § 2128.02 ....................................................................................................2, 8


`Patent Owner’s Motion to Exclude
`37 C.F.R. § 42.64 ....................................................................................................... 1
`Fed. R. Evid. 1002 ...................................................................................................15
`Fed. R. Evid. 401 .................................................................................. 10, 12, 13, 15
`Fed. R. Evid. 402 ............................................................................................. passim
`Fed. R. Evid. 403 ............................................................................................. passim
`Fed. R. Evid. 602 .......................................................................................... 1, 12, 13
`Fed. R. Evid. 801 .....................................................................................................13
`Fed. R. Evid. 802 ............................................................................................. passim
`Fed. R. Evid. 803(6) .......................................................................................... 10, 11


`Patent Owner’s Motion to Exclude
`Pursuant to 37 C.F.R. § 42.64 and the Scheduling Order in this IPR, Patent
`Owner American Vehicular Sciences LLC (“AVS”) submits the following motion
`to exclude Exs. 1005 and 1011 through 1014. This filing is timely under the
`Board’s Scheduling Order (Paper 15).
`The Board instituted a trial with respect to claim 9 of U.S. Patent 8,036,788
`(“788 patent”) based on an article (“Fry”) by Kevin Fry, that purportedly appeared
`in the Proceedings for the Institution of Mechanical Engineers (“IME”) sometime
`in 1995. The only issue remaining with respect to Toyota’s Petition is whether Fry
`is prior art, i.e., was Fry publicly accessible prior to the June 7, 1995 priority date.
`Toyota has failed to present admissible evidence showing that Fry is prior
`art—and wrongfully withheld evidence to the contrary. As discussed below,
`Toyota’s asserted evidence is inadmissible under Fed. R. Evid. 402, 403, 602, 802
`and 1003. Further, the only admissible evidence shows that Fry was not publicly
`accessible as of June 7, 1995. Toyota located but withheld twelve recipient date-
`stamped copies of Fry (or cover pages thereof). All of these copies of Fry were
`stamped with dates of receipt in September and October 1995. (See Exs. 2014-
`2023, 2025-26.) This includes the copy kept by the IME, the organization
`responsible for having Fry published. (See Ex. 2025; Ex. 1014 ¶ 3.) No date-
`stamped copies prior to June 7, 1995 have been shown to exist. While Toyota


`Patent Owner’s Motion to Exclude
`withheld these date-stamped copies—it presented arguments flatly inconsistent
`with the withheld evidence (see Paper No. 37)—notwithstanding its affirmative
`obligation to produce that evidence under 37 C.F.R. § 42.51(b)(1). AVS therefore
`respectfully requests that Exhibits 1005 and 1011-1014, relating to the alleged
`public accessibility of Fry, be excluded.
`“The statutory phrase ‘printed publication’ has been interpreted to mean that
`before the critical date the reference must have been sufficiently accessible to the
`public interested in the art . . . .” In re Cronyn, 890 F.2d 1158, 1160 (Fed. Cir.
`1989). “‘[P]ublic accessibility’ has been called the touchstone in determining
`whether a reference constitutes a ‘printed publication’ bar . . . .” SRI Int’l, Inc. v.
`Internet Sec. Sys., Inc., 511 F.3d 1186, 1194 (Fed. Cir. 2008). “A given reference
`is ‘publicly accessible’ upon a satisfactory showing that such document has been
`disseminated or otherwise made available to the extent that persons interested and
`ordinarily skilled in the subject matter or art exercising reasonable diligence, can
`locate it.” SRI, 511 F.3d at 1194. Importantly, “[a] publication disseminated by
`mail is not prior art until it is received by at least one member of the public.
`Thus, a magazine or technical journal is effective as of its date of publication (date
`when first person receives it) not the date it was mailed or sent to the publisher.”
`MPEP § 2128.02 (emphasis added).


`Patent Owner’s Motion to Exclude
`Fry is an article that was purportedly published as part of the Proceedings of
`the IME. (See Ex. 1005.) There are no date-stamped copies of Fry that pre-date
`June 7, 1995 in the record. And, as Toyota concedes, while Fry was copyrighted in
`“1995,” Fry itself provides no specific date in 1995 regarding when it was actually
`published, or more importantly, when it was accessible to the public. (Id. at 2-12;
`Paper No. 37 at 2.)
`Conceding that its original evidence was insufficient, Toyota submitted
`supplemental evidence. (See Exs. 1011-1014.) But, Toyota still did not submit any
`date-stamped copies of Fry. Nor did Toyota produce to AVS 12 date-stamped
`copies of Fry that—inconsistent with its position—are dated after June 7, 1995.
`Rather than submit direct evidence of when Fry was publicly accessible, Toyota
`submitted other purported “evidence” which Toyota admits fails to “confirm” that
`Fry was published and publicly accessible before June 7, 1995. (See id.; see also
`Paper No. 37 at 3 n.2.) Toyota’s evidence is inadmissible (and deficient):
`Exhibit 1011: Exhibit 1011 purports to be a copy of an award to Mr.
`Fry. It merely indicates that Fry appeared in a journal in 1995. It provides no
`information regarding when in 1995 the journal was published/publicly accessible.
`Exhibit 1012: Exhibit 1012 consists of (hearsay) Internet printouts
`from Sage Publications dated February 3, 2014. While Sage Publications


`Patent Owner’s Motion to Exclude
`publishes Fry today, it did not publish Fry in 1995. (See, e.g., Ex. 1014 ¶ 3.)
`Exhibit 1013: Exhibit 1013 is a declaration that Toyota obtained from
`Mr. Fry. Mr. Fry apparently had no recollection of when his article was published.
`Instead, he relied upon Toyota’s inadmissible 2014 Internet printouts and
`his undated award and article. (Ex. 1013 ¶ 5.) Apparently lacking his own copy,
`he only referred to the Sage Publications version (Exhibit 1005). (Id. ¶ 2.) While
`Toyota apparently provided Mr. Fry with 2014 Internet printouts to refresh his
`recollection of nearly twenty years ago, Mr. Fry was not provided with the 12 post-
`June 1995 date-stamped copies located by Toyota. (See id. ¶ 5.)
`Exhibit 1014: Exhibit 1014 is an affidavit Toyota obtained from an
`individual (Ms. Broadhurst) that currently works at the IME, the organization that
`purportedly has “arranged for” the publication of Fry. (See Ex. 1014 ¶ 3.) The
`affidavit does not state that she worked for the IME in 1995, such that she could
`have personal knowledge of IME’s publication or other practices. Through careful
`drafting, Ms. Broadhurst’s affidavit implies that the IME’s records “confirm” that
`Fry “was made available to the public as of January 1995.” (Ex. 1014 ¶ 6.) But, it
`appears that the only “records” regarding Fry that Ms. Broadhurst is referring to
`are not records in the IME’s possession, but rather third-party Sage’s website from
`2013 and/or 2014. (Id. ¶¶ 2, 5 (“I have reviewed, on Sage Publications’ website,
`the Institution of Mechanical Engineers’ records relating to the Fry article.”)


`Patent Owner’s Motion to Exclude
`(emphasis added).) Ms. Broadhurst did not attach to her affidavit (or even
`mention) Fry as it appears in IME’s own records. The IME’s date-stamped
`business record of Fry (produced by Toyota months
`later under threat of a motion to compel) is date-
`stamped September 7, 1995. (See Ex. 2025.)
`Toyota is thus caught in a web. Its own later-disclosed evidence of actual
`IMS date-stamped business records (under threat of a motion to compel) refutes
`the very evidence it seeks to extract from (inadmissible) records of a third party
`website. The affidavit is also self-defeating, as it states that the IME’s so called
`records are those of a third-party website. As discussed below, the affidavit is also
`inadmissible hearsay because it fails to present any other asserted business records.
`AVS timely objected to this supplemental evidence. (See Paper No. 25.)
`Toyota’s Wrongful Withholding of Date-Stamped Copies of Fry. After
`AVS’ Patent Owner’s Response, Toyota made an ambiguous statement, leading
`AVS to inquire if Toyota had withheld date-stamped copies of Fry that post-date
`June 7, 1995. (See Paper No. 37 at 3 n.2.) Concerned that Toyota had withheld
`such routine discovery, AVS requested that Toyota produce any date-stamped
`copies of Fry. Toyota initially refused to turn over the documents, claiming that
`the discovery AVS sought was “largely protected from discovery by work
`product.” After AVS explained that such factual information was not “work


`Patent Owner’s Motion to Exclude
`product” and threatened to move to compel, Toyota produced the 12 date-stamped
`copies of Fry (or cover pages thereof) on June 17, 2014—providing evidence that
`is flatly inconsistent Toyota’s arguments that Fry is prior art.
`By stipulation
`(Paper 45),
`the date-stamped copies come
`libraries/organizations, including the IME, in the United States and abroad. The
`date-stamped copies are consistently dated from September and October, 1995:
`September 7, 1995
`September 7, 1995 Cambridge University
`September 8, 1995
`Southampton University
`September 19, 1995 VPI & SU Library in Blacksburg, Virginia 2016
`September 26, 1995 New York Public Library
`September 27, 1995
`Iowa State University
`September 27, 1995 Unknown Library
`September 27, 1995 Unknown Library
`September 28, 1995 University of Illinois at Chicago
`September 29, 1995 University of Wisconsin
`October 6, 1995
`University of Minnesota
`October 10, 1995
`Purdue University


`Patent Owner’s Motion to Exclude
`This evidence illustrates that the journal in which Fry appeared (published in
`England) was sent out in late-August or early-September 1995. It arrived first on
`September 7 and 8 at organizations in England. (See Exs. 2023, 2025-26.) It then
`arrived at libraries in the United States between September 19, 1995 and October
`10, 1995. (See Exs. 2014-22.) There is no evidence in the record that Fry was
`received by anyone in the public prior to September 7, 1995.
`Even though it reluctantly and belatedly produced date-stamped copies of
`Fry that are inconsistent with its asserted position, Toyota continued to pursue its
`theory that Fry was publicly accessible in January 1995—and continued to try to
`prevent AVS from informing the Board about Toyota’s inconsistent evidence. For
`example, Toyota refused to consent to the filing of the date-stamped copies as
`supplemental information. (See 6/20/14 McBride email to Board.) Toyota’s
`counsel also stopped a deposition for nearly an hour when AVS tried to mark the
`date-stamped copies as exhibits. (See Ex. 2028 at 134-35.) And, even after the
`Board authorized AVS to file supplemental information with a one-page
`explanatory joint statement, Toyota refused to agree to any language that
`affirmatively stated the dates with which the copies of Fry were stamped.
`A. Exhibit 1005 (Fry Article)
`Exhibit 1005 purports to be a copy of Fry downloaded from the website


`Patent Owner’s Motion to Exclude
`Sage Publications in June 2013. AVS timely objected to this exhibit. (Paper No.
`16 at 5-8; Paper No. 21 at 4-7.) It should be excluded for the following reasons.
`First, Exhibit 1005 should be excluded under Fed. R. Evid. 402 and 403.
`Toyota concedes that the effective filing date is June 7, 1995. (Paper No. 37 at 1.)
`To be prior art, Fry must have been publicly accessible prior to that date. Fry itself
`only indicates that it was copyrighted in 1995 and that the journal in which it
`appeared was published in 1995. (Ex. 1005 at 2-12.) Toyota concedes that, on its
`face, Fry does not provide a more specific date than “1995.” (Paper No. 37 at 2.)
`Public accessibility is measured by when a person in the public receives an
`article. See, e.g., MPEP § 2128.02. The 12 date-stamped copies of Fry (or cover
`pages thereof) are each consistently dated in September and October 1995, thus
`illustrating that Fry was not publicly-accessible until well-after June 7, 1995. (See
`Exs. 2014-2023, 2025-26.) There are no other date-stamped copies of Fry in the
`record. Thus, because Fry was not shown to be publicly accessible prior to June 7,
`1995, Fry is not prior art and should be excluded under Fed. R. Evid. 402, 403, and
`802. See Nordock Inc. v. Sys. Inc., No. 11-C-118, 2013 U.S. Dist. LEXIS 34661,
`at *7 (E.D. Wis. Mar. 13, 2013) (Ex. 2033) (excluding “prior art” references where
`“insufficient evidence has been presented regarding the dates of the two
`publications”); Amini Innovation Corp. v. Anthony Cal., Inc., No. 03-8749, 2006
`U.S. Dist. LEXIS 100800, at *19 (C.D. Cal. Sept. 21, 2006) (Ex. 2031) (“Without


`Patent Owner’s Motion to Exclude
`knowing the publication dates, the documents are not admissible as prior art.”).
`Second, the 2013-dated Internet cover page and abstract from Sage
`Publications that Toyota submitted as part of Exhibit 1005 should be excluded.
`Notably, Toyota and its declarant/affiant rely on the 2013-dated Internet cover
`page and abstract in contending that Fry was published in January 1995.
`Because Sage Publications did not publish Fry and did not post it on the Internet in
`1995 (see Ex. 1014 ¶ 3), the January 1, 1995 date now appearing on its website is
`not evidence of public accessibility in 1995. It should therefore be excluded under
`Fed. R. Evid. 402, 403, and 802. See MPEP § 2128 (“Prior art disclosure on the
`Internet or on an online database are considered to be publicly available as of the
`date the item was publicly posted. Absent evidence of the date that the disclosure
`was publicly posted, if the publication itself does not include a publication date or
`a retrieval date, it cannot be relied upon as prior art . . . .”). Even Toyota and its
`witnesses impliedly concede that the exact date of January 1, 1995 on the Sage
`Publications website is incorrect. (Ex. 1013 ¶ 5; Ex. 1014 ¶ 6; Paper No. 37 at 3.)
`Moreover, Toyota’s reliance on the Internet cover page and abstract from
`Sage Publications for the truth of the alleged publication date rests on inadmissible
`hearsay that does not fall within an exception; e.g., Toyota has not established that
`Internet cover page and abstract were made “at or near the time” of the act
`purported to be true, namely Fry’s alleged publication date. See Fed. R. Evid. 802;


`Patent Owner’s Motion to Exclude
`Fed. R. Evid. 803(6); see also United States v. Jackson, 208 F.3d 633, 637 (7th Cir.
`2000) (web postings from the Internet were inadmissible hearsay); St. Clair v.
`Johnny’s Oyster & Shrimp, Inc., 76 F. Supp. 2d 773, 775 (S.D. Tex. 1999)
`(“Internet [evidence] is adequate for almost nothing, even under the most liberal
`interpretation of the hearsay exception rules . . . .”).
`Exhibit 1011 (Award To Kevin Fry)
`Exhibit 1011 purports to be a copy of an award given to Mr. Fry. AVS
`timely objected to Exhibit 1011, and it should be excluded. (Paper No. 25 at 1-2.)
`Exhibit 1011 appears to indicate that Fry was “Published in the Proceedings
`Part F1 1995.” (Ex. 1011.) The award does not provide any more specific
`information about when in 1995 Fry was published and accessible to the public. It
`is therefore irrelevant to any issue in this proceeding and should be excluded. See
`F.R.E. 401-402. And, because Exhibit 1011 does not provide any specific
`information about when in 1995 Fry was published, to the extent that Toyota and
`Mr. Fry use Exhibit 1011 to bolster Mr. Fry’s statements in his declaration that Fry
`was published in January 1995, it should be excluded under F.R.E. 402 and 403.
`(See Paper No. 37 at 5; Ex. 1013 ¶¶ 3, 5.)
`Finally, to the extent that Toyota is relying on Exhibit 1011 for the truth of
`the matter asserted, e.g., that Fry was published “in the Proceedings Part F1 1995,”
`Exhibit 1011 is inadmissible hearsay. See Fed. R. Evid. 802.


`Patent Owner’s Motion to Exclude
`C. Exhibit 1012 (Sage Publications Website Listing)
`Exhibit 1012 is an Internet printout from the current publisher of Fry, dated
`February 3, 2014. Toyota relies on this printout as evidence “that Fry was
`published and available to the public prior to June 7, 1995.” (Paper No. 37 at 6.)
`But Sage Publications was not the organization that published Fry in 1995. (See
`Ex. 1005 at 2; Ex. 1014 ¶ 3.) AVS timely objected to Exhibit 1012, and it should
`be excluded. (Paper No. 25 at 2-5.)
`Exhibit 1012 should be excluded as irrelevant. The 2014 Internet printout at
`best only establishes how Sage Publications, in 2014, records the date of Fry.
`Because it is not the date which Fry was accessible to the public it, is irrelevant.
`Exhibit 1012 should also be excluded as inadmissible hearsay. See Fed. R.
`Evid. 802; see also Jackson, 208 F.3d at 637; St. Clair, 76 F. Supp. 2d at 775.
`Toyota relies on the information in Exhibit 1012 for the truth of the matter
`asserted, e.g., that Fry was allegedly published and publicly available in January
`1995. (See Paper No. 37 at 6.) But, Toyota has not provided any foundational
`evidence or testimony to establish that Exhibit 1012 meets a hearsay exception.
`For example, Toyota has not established that Exhibit 1012 was made “at or near
`the time” of the act purported to be true, i.e., the alleged publication date of Fry.
`See Fed. R. Evid. 803(6). This is not surprising given that it appears that Sage
`Publications did not publish Fry in 1995. (Ex. 1014 ¶ 3.) (Because Fry was


`Patent Owner’s Motion to Exclude
`published later by Sage Publications, it is more likely that Sage Publications
`assigned a date of January 1995 to Fry out recordation convenience since Fry itself
`does not have a date of publication beyond “1995.”)
`D. Exhibit 1013 (Declaration Of Kevin Fry)
`Exhibit 1013 is a declaration from Fry’s author. AVS timely objected to this
`exhibit. (Paper No. 25 at 5-6.) It should be excluded for at least the below reasons.
`First, Mr. Fry’s declaration is inadmissible because he does not purport to
`have any personal knowledge regarding when the Fry reference was available and
`indexed in any library or available for download from the Internet. See Fed. R.
`Evid. 602. Mr. Fry had no immediate recollection of when his article was
`published and apparently did not even have a copy of his article. Instead, his
`recollection was refreshed by hearsay information appearing in 2013 and 2014 on
`the Sage Publications’ website. (See Ex. 1013 ¶¶ 2, 4-5.) Mr. Fry’s testimony is
`based on the date Sage Publications currently assigned as Fry’s “published” date,
`which, as explained above, is not the relevant date. See Fed. R. Evid. 401-403.
`Second, while not necessary for exclusion here, under Federal Circuit law,
`any individual claiming prior invention must provide corroborating evidence—oral
`testimony alone about such an individual’s “recollection” is inadmissible. See
`Martek Biosciences Corp. v. Nutrinova, Inc., 579 F.3d 1363, 1374-76 (Fed. Cir.
`2009) (requiring evidence to corroborate testimony of an individual regarding


`Patent Owner’s Motion to Exclude
`earlier invention for purposes of invalidating a patent); Ajinomoto Co. v. Archer-
`Daniels-Midland Co., No. 95-218, 1998 WL 151411, at *38 (D. Del. Mar. 13,
`1998) (Ex. 2029) (finding testimony by reference’s author insufficient to establish
`public accessibility). Here, Mr. Fry fails to point to any admissible, non-hearsay
`corroborating evidence. He only points to the irrelevant award he received for
`authoring his article (which has no date more specific than 1995) and the irrelevant
`hearsay from Sage Publications website in 2013/2014. As such, Mr. Fry’s
`testimony is inadmissible. See Fed. R. Evid. 801-803, 401-403.
`Exhibit 1014 (Affidavit Of Sarah Broadhurst)
`Exhibit 1014 is an affidavit from an individual, Ms. Broadhurst, who
`currently works for the IME, the organization that purportedly has “arranged for”
`the publication of Fry. (See Ex. 1014 ¶ 3.) Toyota argues that this affidavit
`establishes that Fry was publicly accessible prior to June 7, 1995. (Paper No. 37 at
`4.) Toyota makes this argument even though the IME’s actual records (not Sage
`Publications’ website) prove that it did not receive a copy of the journal in which
`Fry appeared until September 7, 1995. (Ex. 2025.) AVS timely objected to
`Exhibit 1014. (Paper No. 25 at 6-9.)
`As a threshold matter, Ms. Broadhurst should be excluded because she does
`not purport to have personal knowledge regarding Fry’s publication. See Fed. R.
`Evid. 602. Ms. Broadhurst does not purport to have been employed by the IME in


`Patent Owner’s Motion to Exclude
`1995, or to have personal knowledge of when Fry was published.
`To the extent Ms. Broadhurst’s affidavit is based on her review of records, it
`fares no better. For example, while Ms. Broadhurst states that the IME’s records
`“confirm” that Fry “was made available to the public as of January 1995,” the only
`evidence of “records” that were in the actual possession of the IME directly
`contradict her statement. (Compare Ex. 1014 ¶ 6 with Ex. 2025.) Specifically, the
`business records from the IME demonstrate that it did not receive a copy of the
`journal in which Fry appeared until nine months later, in September 1995. (Id.)
`And while Ms. Broadhurst states generally the “F1” issue of the journal published
`in January each year (Ex. 1014 ¶ 7), she has no personal knowledge relating to
`1995 issue or 1995 publication practices. Indeed, the contemporaneous documents
`indicate that the 1995 F1 issue did not publish until much later. (Ex. 2025.)
`Ms. Broadhurst’s reliance on other documents does not render her affidavit
`admissible. Regarding the Internet printouts from Sage Publications, as discussed
`above, Sage Publications was not the publisher of Fry in 1995, and information
`currently found on in its website is irrelevant and inadmissible hearsay. Moreover,
`to the extent that Ms. Broadhurst is argued to be relying on other records that are
`not in evidence, the law is clear—hearsay testimony about supposed “records” that
`are not in evidence is inadmissible. See, e.g., Quantum Mgmt. Group v. Univ. of
`Chicago Hosps., No. 99-C-2248, 2000 WL 1221632, at *5 (N.D. Ill. Aug. 18,


`Patent Owner’s Motion to Exclude
`2000) (Ex. 2034) (explaining that testimony to prove the content of records not in
`evidence “is hearsay, lacks foundation, and is not based on personal knowledge”
`and that a party cannot use “testimony to prove the contents of any of these records
`without producing the records themselves.”); Manlapaz v. Unifund CCR Partners,
`No. 08-6524, 2009 WL 3015166, at *4 (N.D. Ill. Sept. 15, 2009) (Ex. 2032)
`(explaining that “the testimony of a witness making reference to the [unproduced
`business] record” is not admissible); Allied Sales & Serv. Co. v. Global Indus.
`Techs., No. 97-0017, 2000 WL 726216 at *24 n.1 (S.D. Ala. May 1, 2000) (Ex.
`2030) (testimony “inadmissible hearsay” based on “review, analysis and
`interpretation of [] documents that are not in evidence”); Fed. R. Evid. 1002, 1003.
`Finally, the affidavit is inadmissible because it relates to an irrelevant date.
`The relevant date is not the date Sage Publications may have assigned to Fry, or
`the date that Sage’s 2014 records give as the publication date. The relevant date is
`the date Fry was available and indexed in a library or available for download from
`the Internet. The only admissible evidence shows that Fry was not received for
`public distribution until September 1995. (See Exs. 2014-23, 2025-26.) Exhibit
`1014 should be excluded for this additional reason. Fed. R. Evid. 401-403.
`For all the foregoing reasons, AVS respectfully requests that the Board
`exclude Exhibits 1005 and 1011 through 1014.


`Patent Owner’s Motion to Exclude
`Dated: July 10, 2014
`500 West Madison St., 34th Floor
`Chicago, IL 60661
`Telephone: (312) 775-8000
`Respectfully submitted,
`By:/Thomas J. Wimbiscus/
`Thomas J. Wimbiscus
`Reg. No. 36,059
`Attorney for Patent Owner,
`American Vehicular Sciences LLC


`Patent Owner’s Motion to Exclude
`I hereby certify that Patent Owner’s Motion To Exclude Pursuant to 35
`U.S.C. § 42.64(c) in connection with Inter Partes Review Case IPR2013-00417
`was served on this 10th day of July by electronic mail to the following:
`A. Antony Pfeffer
`Thomas R. Makin
`Matt Berkowitz
`Kenyon & Kenyon LLP
`One Broadway
`New York, NY 10004
`Tel: 212-425-7200
`Telephone: 312-775-8000
`Facsimile: 312-775-8100
`/Thomas J. Wimbiscus/
`Thomas J. Wimbiscus
`Registration No. 36,059
`Date: July 10, 2014

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