`Random House
`Editnrln Chief
`Executive Editor
`Ballantine Books
` (‘OI'TRJ‘LI J !'
` Ish‘ludl
`rm 1 Eln-
`l‘il HI.-
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`|:}' J\.|:'.||
`I'IIHU'JHL'H m the 1.||‘i|'.'|.i.
`.‘Jinn Hf "'
`.-\ mnnhcr nf cuiurml
`I:\'t'l'_ n!.i|1' " L'I'Ic
`shnuhl hv.
`Mmmfm-rm'n! In H4..-
`Stun-.1 nf .-l.-r:<‘r.i.-:a
` ;!r\!?5|1I'.I|\:r:
`independent El indignantly
`(ln’di pen’dann.
`1. not
`influenced or controlled by
`others. 1. not. subject
`to Mother's
`authority or
`3. not
`ending upon something else {or
`stenee, operation,
`4. not
`relying on another or others for aid
`or support. 5. free irom party cont-
`milmenis in politics. 6. Grant. main
`(diet. 3). —n.
`‘i'. an independent
`person. esp. a voter who is not reg»
`islered as a member oi any political
`party. —ln-ide-pend’ent-Iy, adv.
`[It-depth (in’depw’). adj.
`thorough. or profound.
`{in’di skfi'bn bnl).
`.ad}. 1. incapable of being described
`inwards. 3. defying description. —
`outbid-lily, adv.
`{lu’dl struk’tn bal}.
`adj. Lhnt cannot be destroyed. —inr’—
`new, it. —-1nr*de-Itrllclfl‘bly, adv.
`{infill tfir’ma nit).
`ed}. 1. not fixed in extent.
`2.. not
`clear or precise. 3. not settled or de-
`cided. Haida-tem-nn-ry (-na 53:),
`na’tlon {-nfi’rJionJ, n. —l.n’de-ter’tnl-
`nnte-iy, adv.
`lit-tie: (ln’deks). n., pl. -dex-es, -d!-ees
`(-di siz’), v. —n. 1. an alphabetical
`listing or names. places, etc.. along
`with the numbers of the panes on
`which they are mentioned. as in a
`book. 2. a sign or indication: n mm
`index of his character. 3. a pointer
`in a scientific instrument. 4. Print.
`a Sign (W) used to point out a par-
`ticular note. etc. 5. Also called ini-
`dex (intact. the forefinger. 6.
`It. a
`number or iormuln expressing some
`ratio. ete.. of something
`index of growth.
`it. Steel
`index number. —v.r. T.
`to provtde
`with an index. as a book. 3.
`to on-
`ter In an Index. as a word. K L:
`informer. pointer] -—tn-'de:-cr, rr
`In'dex num’ber.
`a quantity whose
`variation over I]. period of time mens~
`tires the change in some phenome-
`[n’dex of nfmcMon.
`the ratio of the
`s end of
`in u vucuum. or in
`n r. to that in the given medium.
`ln-dl‘a (ln’dé o). n.
`I. a large penin-
`suln in S Asin. 3. a country cover-
`{us most of Ihls peninsula.
`In’dlo ant’. 1. a dense black pigment
`used for drawings. 2. an Ink made
`from this. Also. lu’dto Ink-i.
`[nodi‘rm (in’dé an}.
`1. a member
`of the aboriginal peoples of Not-Lb
`and South America. 2. any of the
`indigenous languages of the Ameri-
`enn Indians. 3. a member of any of
`the peoples native to India or the
`East Indies. —ad',i. Ii. of the Ameri-
`een Indiana or Ihelr languages”. 5.-
`0: India or the East. Indies.
`In'di-on'a (ln’de an’a . n.
`a state in
`the central United rates. Cup; in-
`dlanapolls. —lnfd1-an’l-an. adj" n.
`In-dl-un-ap-n-Iis (nude 0 nor/o ill).
`tbe capital oi Indiana.
`In’diun eoru’, corn‘ (def. 1.}.
`ln’dinu file’. See single file.
`ln’dinn fliceun, no ocean S of Ada.
`between Africa and Australia.
`Infillnn plne’. o leafless plant having
`u solitary tlower and resembling I
`tobacco pipe.
`Inidinn stun-'nter. a period oi mild.
`dry weather in late autumn or early
`Iu'dia trainer,
`1. a fine.
`thin. but
`opaque paper used chiefly for in:
`press-ions of engravings. 2. a rent-
`thin. strong paper used tor Bible:
`(io’de kW}.
`-ent-ins:. 1. to be a sign or index-elf.
`to point out or point
`to. 3.
`make known. 4. to express. briefly.
`or in a general way. —ln’ditefl'tifll.
`(In dik'e tlv).
`serving to point out: behavior ind:
`the of mental disorder.
`3. G -
`noting the mood o! the verb used _
`ordinary objective statements. quea-
`dons. ate. —n. Gram. a. the in-
`tive mood. An-dle’a-dve-Iy. adv l
`ln‘diteu-ior (ln’do Wight). n. 1. I.
`son or
`thins that
`pointing or directing device. as
`pointer on an instrument.
`ln-di-el-n (in diqh’fi o). mpi. en
`substituted [or p-
`bullet (in cm. H. 1. to charge
`on ottense or crime. 3. (of u'
`to bring a funnel seen:
`against. —ln-dlct’a-hlc, ad].
`diet’menh n.
`(in dif'or out.
`out. 1. without interest or u.
`2. having no bias or preference.- .
`not particularly good. 4. human
`or unimporan —l.n-dl.lfI-A
`apathetic. careless.
`in-dis-e‘nous {in dii’o not). at"
`noting in and cheruetefizm
`ticular region or country.
`ln-dl-aent (tn’di lent). ad]. 1.
`the necessities of
`poverty. -n. 3. an indi
`—-ln’dl-genee, n. —tn|'dl--
`(In/til Jes'ia
`ndj'. not easily digested.
`culty in digesting food.
`in-dig-nant {in dig’npnt)
`or chat-neutrino. by
`m-ngrnnm-ly. adv.
`(in’dig "H’s-hail).
`' in-dln'nu-tlon
`strong displeasure at something urh
`worthy. unjust. or base.
`ln-dIe-ni'lr (in din’ni IE). on pl. dies.
`an Injury to one's dignity.
`III-dingo {in’de 315’}. 11.. pi. mos, 1mm.
`in blue dye obtained from plants
`or manufactured synthetically.
`it deep violet blue.
`in-di-reet (in’da rclrt’. -d.i-). adf. 1. do
`viutiltu from n slrtnigllt
`till a
`ant. 1. not resulting immediately,
`as consequences. 3. not direct in tac-
`tlon or procedure.
`4. not straight-
`forward. —ln’d.l-reeilion.
`di‘reel’le'. miv. Hn’dl‘reel’nexs, n.
`intuit-eel ob’lect.
`a word or words
`representing the person or thing with
`ml'crence to which the action or
`verbs is performed.
`int‘dlreel tnx'. a tax levied indirectly.
`though ultimately. on one group of
`by toxins another which
`passes on the expense to the first.
`ln-dls-ereet (In’di skrét"). mi].
`prudence or good judgment. —in’-
`disrercet’ly. adv.
`=In-dis-cre-tion (la’di skre
`sh’en}. n.
`7.. on indiscreet
`lack of discretion.
`set or step.
`(ln’di skrlrn’o nit).
`:ndl. l. choosing at random. 2. Innk-
`ing no nice distinellons. 3. eonlused
`jtunbled. —infdts-erlm’i-nntc-ly,
`adv. —ln’dls-eflm'ltnnte-ness. n.
`(iu’di spen’s: but}.
`ed}. absolutely neeesunry or essen-
`tial. —ln’dis-nen-‘sn-bll’l-ly, n. —
`lll’tlln-pen’sn'hir. adv.
`(in’dl spfizd’).
`ck or ill. esp.
`2. disin-
`clined or unwilling. Hn’dls-po-sif-
`:Ilon (-p: xi Won}.
`III-dtn-nut-o-h e (ln’di mr‘u—ov‘to bol. in-
`'dll’py3-}. ad].
`that Cannot be dis-
`.puled or denied. —ln’d!s-pnt’fl-hlo-
`W. n.
`iotdis-put’a-bis. adv.
`flil-soI-n-hic [in’dinol’ya bed). adi.
`capable of being dissolved.
`mposed. undone. or destroyed.
`inr'dlx-scl’u-hly. adv.
`(in’dl stldbkt’i.
`-t clenrly marked or defined. 2.
`_ol eleerly distinrtulshcblo or per-
`ptibic. —in-’Iiis'llncil'ly.adv. —i.u’-
`{file (in dit’).
`I'.r.. -dii'eti. dil'infl.
`to compose or write. as e
`- eh or poem.
`llfll (in’dE am).
`:1. Chem. n rare.
`vet-white metallic element. Sm»
`-l.- in: at. wt.: 114.31: at. no.: :19.
`"rid-will (ln’da vij’tio cl). mil.
`note. esp. from similar minus. 2.
`ng Ill a distinct. ludivisible en-
`derail-hie. adj.
`:ew'uvn-hle. ed}.
`indignation El indomitehly
`my. 3. of or pertaining [D a pnrtiem
`lnr person or thing: individual Irma-l.
`4. intended [or one person only: In-
`dividual portions.
`5. characterized
`by unique quolilies: a highly individ-
`tmi .Il'yh‘. —n. e. a single human be-
`its distinguished irum a group.
`1'. a person.
`:1 dlstIItCt. indivisibie
`entity. —ln’di-vldfu-:Il-I.v. adv.
`In-di-riti-u-ol-ism (in’da viJ’tTa a 1i!—
`om). n.
`1. s 50:th theory edvoeadng
`rights. or inde rodent
`ncduu of the individual. 2.
`c with
`cipie of independent thought or ne'-
`the pursuit of
`than common or colleelive
`interests. —ln*di-rld'u-:Ii'hr. miv.
`in‘dl-vld-n-ni-lst (io’do vii-'6?) a list}.
`:1 person who is
`thought or action. 2. on ndvocatc of
`inddividunlism. An’fl-Iid’n'n‘fls’tie,
`in-di-rld-u-nlsl-ty (jn’do Vlj’cTo'ni’l l
`m. pi. dies. 1. the aggregate of out:
`ties that distinguishes one person or
`thins! from others. 2. existence as u
`disllnct individual.
`lam-eld-u-al‘lm (in’da vii’tfi: a 132’),
`v.t.. -ized. -l:-ln:.
`to make intll-
`to consider individually.
`3. to fit [or individual testes. —itl’-
`dl-vldtu-ul‘l-ru’flon. n.
`in-dl-rid-n-ale {11ft}: vij’cfi: fit’). v.f.,
`~lll'td. «it-Inn.
`l. to form into on in-
`dividual entity. 2.
`to give an indi-
`viduel character to. —inc*d.l‘vid’n-a’-
`tion (-e't’
`an). n.
`in'dl-vis-l- le
`(in’da viz’e bnl).
`not separable into parts. r—ln'dl‘vlsl-
`I-lJii’i-Iy. n. —-[n-d!-r!s’l'hiy. adv.
`in-do‘eltl-nu (ln'do chime}. in. a pen-
`insula in SE Asia. —ln’do-eh.'l-neflt",
`edit. rt.
`[in doie'rra nfit’). v.r..
`«nut-ed. mot-inn.
`to instruct
`in a
`doctrine. principle. or ideology. esp.
`a partisan or sectarian dogma. —l|l-
`doetlrl-na'tlnn. n.
`(in’do yo'or’a p?-
`on). n.
`l. a family of languages lne
`eluding most of
`Ihe languages of
`Europe and of counlries colonized
`by Europeans. and extending as [or
`as SW Asia and India.
`the pre-
`historic parent language of this inni-
`iiy. 3.
`:1. member of any of [he peo-
`ples spanking an Indo-Eumrtearl lan-
`guage. —1Hd.i. d. of or bolonging i0
`(In’d'lont). adi.
`having a
`disposition to avoid exertion. —l.u’-
`do-lenee. n. n—in’do-lent-Iy. adv.
`ln-dom-l-tn-ble (in dom’itabaii. ad}.
`unable to be subdued or overcome.
`es courage. An-dumfl-m-bly. adv.
`optometry l3 ordeal
`opiate El optionally
`op-pres'slon (a prchl’an). n.
`l-nte tfi’piit. -it’).
`:1. _I. a medl-
`(op tom’i trE).
`tree-dwelling habits.
`one of
`unjustly harsh exercise of authority
`rolession of testing Ilto eyes for ties
`cine containing opium or its deriv-
`in Borneo
`Sumatra. Also.
`the net or an Instance
`atives. 1. anylltlntt
`that soothes or
`cots of vision in order to prescribe
`dulls the mind.
`of oppro ing. 3. the feeling of betel
`corrective glasses. —op-tom’c-trist.
`wrote (a rfit’. o rfil’. fir’llt, 61’5“). v.i..
`oppressed in mind or body.
`{6 pin’).
`v.t., o-pined,
`v.r.. «rat-ed. Jul-Ins.
`to speak porn-
`o-pia-lnu. {finally Feet-Hons.
`to ex—
`pously or formally.
`epvurlent (op’ya lent). ml].
`op‘pres-slve ta pres’iV}._ ad}.
`press or hold [an opinion).
`e-ra-llon to rt'r’sltan. oriih}. n. a for—
`antly or showlly wealthy. 1. profusely
`1- WW
`justly harsh or tyrannical.
`ing disconliort. J. distressing or up-
`-—op-'u-lcncc, n,
`o-pla-lou {a pin’yon), u.
`1. a belief
`mal speech. esp. one delivered on a
`-—op<pre5’sive-ly, adv. -op-i
`lent-ix. adv.
`that rests on grounds insufficient to
`special occasion.
`nres’fich-ness. n.
`o-prls (typos), n., pl. o-pas-es or, Rare.
`produce certainty. 1. beliel‘s or judg-
`or-a-tur (or: tar. or’-}. n. 1. a pet-son
`merits shared by many: social upm-
`(o pro’hrE cs]. ad}.
`attic-m [op’al‘ o).
`a musical compo-
`who delivers an oration. 1. an clo-
`conveying or expressing opprebrlum.
`sition. esp. ono elnonologieally num-
`quenl public speaker.
`ioa. 3.
`the expression of a formal
`2. outrageously shameful. —-op-pm’-
`or-n-tor-l-eal (are; tur’i Ital. or’a tor’-).
`hrl-ous’ly, adv.
`0R. 1. operotln
`2. Oregon.
`or protcssional iudgmcnl. —5ylt. l.
`impression. sent menl. vle_w.
`ed]. at or suggesting an orator or
`ou-pro:brl-um (a prfi’bré ant).
`or (or; rmurem or). can}.
`I. (used
`oratory. —ur’a‘tor’l-ea1-ly. adv.
`o'pln-lon-ot-ed (a pin’yo na’tid}.
`the disgrace incurred by shameful
`obstlnate with regard lo one's opin-
`to represent alternatives):
`to be or
`ortatlo‘rl-o (Or’a tor-fa or, «are, or’-).
`conduct. 1. a cause or obieet at such
`ions. v—Syn. biased. dogmatic.
`«not to be. 1. (used to connect a1-
`n., pl. altos. an extended choral and
`{emotive terms for the same thing):
`o-pt-um (alt-ii am). a. a habit-forming
`orchestral compaslttoa. usually based
`to make a choice.
`out (opt). v.1.
`upon a religious theme.
`Hm Sandwich. or Hawaiian.
`narcotic prepared front
`the [tutor
`2. not out, to decide to leave or \vttlt-.
`thickened Juice of a certain poppy.
`'3.-(useo in correlation): whether .
`. .
`orn-I'o-ry‘ {Or’o tor-'5. -lOr’e. or“), n.
`o-pos-sum_ (a pos’om, pos’am)_, n.
`l. eloquent speech or language. 3.
`sort, a suffix mcnnlng "slate." "cona
`1. optical. 2. opllCIao. 3- OP--
`largely tree—dwelling marsuplal. Ithc
`the an of public speaking.
`'dltlott." or “quality": honor. Also,
`female of which has an abdominal
`ll. optional.
`or-n-lu'n“ (flr’a tfir‘E. —t0r’i. Inch). 13..
`3m“ .01....
`op .-Ilve (op’to liv). rail. Gk. Gram.
`pouch in which Its young are corned.
`pl. odes. a small chapel [or private
`0!an opposite.
`designating a verb mood that old
`a suffix meaning "a person or
`presses a wish.
`(o pfi'nont). n.
`a person
`.f'lJllns that does something": actor:
`orb (orb). a. Literary. 1. any of the
` of vision or tho:-
`out-fie (op’llit).
`who opposes. as in a contest or con-
`heavenly bodies.
`sphere or
`3%. Com. owner's risk. Also. (LR.
`trovcrsy. —Syn. adversary;
`op‘tl-cul (op'ti ital), mil.
`1. of or up?
`op-p‘ortuno {op’ar tfin’. -tyoan’). ad}.
`a-cle (Or’o ital. or’—}. a.
`1. (in an-
` plying optics. 2. constructed to BII'
`glfibe. —or‘bie-u-tar (er hik’ya lar).
`lent Greece} :3. n clivlne utterance
`1. favorable for a particular purpose
`or-bit (Br’hlt). Pl. 1.
`the curved path
`or action. 2. coming at an approprv
`sis: or improve vision. 3. of or pelt-
`-_ulado by a gotl
`through a priest or
`that a celestial hotly takes around
`lainlng to eyes rIll. 4. of up an. —_
`into time. —op’uor-Iunefly. adv.
`another. 2.
`the path of n manmade
`on’fl-enl-Iy. ad .
`'grlestcss 1n reaponse to an inquiry.
`fire. I. propitious. suitabto._
`_ the priest or priestess making such
`satellite or spacecraft. 3. a range of
`op’lleal art’. See or! art.
`the shrine at which
`(op’or too’mx om.
`antivlties. —v.r.. v.l. 4. to travel in
`Dp’llcnl scnu’ner, a photoelectric titl-
`tho policy or practice of
`“lip! were made. 2. a person who do-
`or send into an orbit. —or’bll-nl.
`vico capable of
`reading eharac
`-—or"'blt-t-r, n.
`oltplolting opportunities witlItout
`authorltativc or wise
`and converting the information in _I
`broth. orchestra.
`- uncements. wo-rne-u-Iar
`(6 unit’-
`gard to ethical or moral prtttciples.
`-—op’lic:tl senn’lllan.
`tl., ml].
`orchard (onward). n. I. an area do-
`op-tl-clna (op Lisdv'oh).
`'luu-li’llc, ad}.
`votcd to the cultivation of fruit trees.
`“Jar. oralr’»). all}. —D-r:lc’u-lnr-!}',
` {or’oL Dr'v}. mi].
`who makes or sells eyeglasses,
`[op’or too'nl le.
`!. uttered in
`rt group of such trees. —or’cllar-
`tact lenses, and other optical n-
`disl. n.
`«HEY-L n; pl. -t'lcs.
`l. a favorable
`rds rather than written. 1. of or
`In: speech. 3. or or administered
`lime or occasion.
`2. a good chance
`op-ties (op'liksl. a.
`the branch
`or-chesvn-a (fir’ki stra), n. 1. a com-
`{or self-advancement.
`Ihe month. 4. oi
`the first
`physical science that deals with “fl
`pany of performers who play various
`and vision.
`op-poae to [:5qu In. drosed, massing.
`libidlnttl development
`musical instruments tosclher. 2. {in
`eh sexual desire ill undifferenti-
`to resist forcefully.
`op-Il-Irlis‘m (op’la nliz’on'l).
`a modern theater) 9.
`the space re-
`set in opposidon. —v.f. 2|.
`In be or
`tendency to look on the more for
`d--from the desire for food. —rr.
`served lor the music-lens. usually the
`able side of happenings, 2.
`Informal. on oral examination.
`not In opposition. -—o|)-pos’:vblc. mu.
`front part of
`the mnln floor [at-’-
`My. art‘v.
`op-po-sltc (op’a cit. -sit). mil.
`1. sin:-
`that good ultimately prcd
`cllestm plt’). h. the front section of
`nnica over evil. 3.
`the doctrine
`seats on the main floor. ”or-thesi-
`ated on the other side of or across
`the existing world is Ihe best e
`to: mode for historic purposes.
`from'nnother person or object.
`flt V.
`pallfilb'lc worlds.
`-—opi'ti-ntlsl. n.
`differing greatly or eonfltctItu-L: en-
`the reminiscences of notable
`lr-Etl (-ltos’trel}. adj. —er-ches’lrtl.l-IJ.
`tirely. —n. 3. a person or thing that
`opfli-min’tic. mil. —o|)-’t!-mis“lliv
`orches'lralc (one sullt’). v.r.. vJ.
`1y. :1th.
`Ie-{tlr’inL or’-). n.
`1. a round.
`is oppeslto or contrary. #l-rrp. Ié.
`Aral-ed, «rat-inn.
`to arrange (musics
`across from. —aciv. 5. on opposrte
`(op’la mam). a., pi;
`for performance by an orchestra.
`sides. wp’po-slte-ly. adv. —op"-
`(-rne). «nturtut. mil.
`-—n. I.
`npr’ehes-lrn’lloll. a.
`land cap. for its sweet juice. 2. the
`or most favorable conditlon for
`on tree hearing this. 3. a red-
`pu-slle-ness. n.
`nr-cltld (Or’kld), n.
`l. a lettestrlal
`op'pofite nnm’ber.
`a person‘s crum-
`mining :-
`[rivert result. a—odi. I.
`perennial herb of
`or most favorable: npmnttm all
`tcrpart, esp.
`in rank or pnstttotl.
`lute (or’inj Eld’. —|n jfid’. or’-).
`op'po-si-lion {op’a zlslt’on). n.
`‘l. the
`showy flowers.
`Its flower.
`3. a
`”on. —op“tl‘tna[. nail. —on’fl-
`beverage consisting of orange
`sweetener. and water.
`action of opposing.
`1. antagonism
`IY. adv.
`bluish to reddish purple.
`or hostility. 3. a person or group of
`ord.. 1. order. 2. ordnance.
`'1'! (fir’ilfl r5. or’- . n.. pl. -rles.
`op-tion {en’s-jinn]. a. 1. the poch
`.3315 a greenhouse.
`in which
`ordain {or rlfin’). w.
`lo Invest
`persons that opposes. criticizes. or
`right of choosing. 2. something
`trees are cultivated In cool
`protests. 4. the major political party
`with ministerial or
`rieslly luncllons.
`may be or Is chosen. 3. the
`that Is opposed to the party In power.
`to decree or or er. 3. to destlnc
`choosing. 4. a privilege of d-
`or predestine. —v.i. 4!.
`to order or
`o pcnellllko stick.
`é—op’po-slfllon-Isl. a.. mi}.
`tip-press (a pres’]. v.t. 1. to subject to
`command. ——or-tlaln1'ment. n.
`at wood of the orange tree,
`Inn. within a specilfetlfilinlc.
`an unlustly harsh exercise of author-
`rying out of a trot-lane on u .
`ordeal {or dél’. 415’s]. own). a. any
`ity-or power.
`‘3. to weigh down. as
`extremely severe or trying test or
`ulated ‘cma’ Haydon.“ ad]
`and to native tnn’. o rally-l.
`weadncss does. Fan-presisor. n.
`op’tion-nl‘h'. udv-
`- long-amtcd nnthropoid
`-.1.II’.'1-IITI:I. mil.
`report can! D rcpt.
`rutlurl.’ utml".
`tItrritatl'tc wl'itlutt
`tnuttdut! utl
`in ED"
`putt oi
`:1 pupil's grtttlcri.
`typical of its kind. —_
`rc-purt-ctl-Iy [r1 rtfii’u'tl lEl. adv.
`cnnliug Lu report or tumor.
`sunt’n-lire-ucss, n.
`ru-purt-Er Eri piir‘tnr.
`ream-511 (ri turcs’a. v.r.
`tu kccn l.l|I-“
`11cm)“ who reports. 2.
`t1 put'son cmv
`dt'r cuntrul. 2. to put down or (lull
`to gather and rupnrt Haws.
`113. 1t1r Ll IICWapIII'IL'I', —-rL-11<ut--tu-rvttl
`to reject (unintul ideas) {mm thl
`ctmetcluus mind.
`-—rt:-|1re.lt’stt1n. M.
`[rcn’nr [tir’E' .Jl. -I0r’~).
`-—‘-1l urcs’sivr, adj.
`t:' (ri 1162’]. 11..
`', quart].- m-
`mum-lure (r't prEv’). y._
`In“. —1;.
`(It hunt: 511:
`ink. 11.
`--1-.t. 1. In dutrty temper
`rest. 2. pcttcc nt‘ tranquillity. 3. till}!
`11m punishment or execution at.
`tait‘tcd calmness. 4..1L\su111:c of nun-a-
`to rciiuvc tcnummrily.
`:15 from I1
`mcnt. aninntion. etc. —1-.!. 5. to Inc
`cvtl, —-n
`'l. the net of ruprlcvhtr-I
`at be :11.
`1 st.
`tic tlmttl.
`state of haunt rotation-1.1. —-1:o-
`rust 1m .‘iUlllL‘tl‘iIIg. —1'.r. H.
`In rt:-
`er, :1.
`ll'L'Hl'l by 11.31. —ru-|Io§t:’rul. adj. —
`trep’rn nutml’.
`rt-pus’t‘r. 11.
`:1 scvcre. usually formal
`t-t-vpu-té [rl 1161’). v.1 mused. rpm-tun.
`-—1-.r. 2.
`to rebuke so.
`ttI nut (confidence 0: trust) 111
`:1 pct-
`in a farm 1 WHY.
`sm: or thing.
`ru-pris-nl. tripr ml}.
`tum,- (rt puz’i tfit’é. --tt‘1r’::). 11.,
`in rclt‘tliatinn ngmnst sum
`pl. vtur<1ts.
`[eccplitClc or plant:
`for injuries rt civcd.
`when: lltinttst .trc put or kept.
`tra pr 3).
`rc-tms‘scss (r911; zcs’). 1'.I‘.
`to rep.
`reputiL‘ttm (tr
`r- urn to Ilia
`than 11[.
`theme or subject. 2. any I!“
`of “many tittc. —re’pus-5c5
`.«ltuw 51mm disapproval LII.
`fault with. usually with :1 f:
`u’siou t—Itctt’sjmu). 1:.
`-—-11. 2. blame
`(rutt’t'i ttun’sa 11.11}.
`in disapproval.
`3. word!
`to 1.11:
`11rc‘itit1tt hluntc. 4. r1 cmuto cf-
`—rt:|1’n.~ltcn":ti-'llly, mlr.
`-—rcv11rtmr:I1"n-hlc. m”. —1'l:-
`bl Int-xterm}; shutnclui.
`tul. adj. —rc-11rmtc!tfl'ul-lr.
`[rcp’rizuttt’L 1'.t'.
`prnnrh’iui-ncss, n. —m-
`111 101'.
`:15 _:1
`111' hytulmi duct.
`tI- not
`l. 3dr
`(1111110., HCUkl.
`111 cc 0:,
`3. m
`(rcp’rn bfll’).
`1; um] um tor authority.
`wicked. sintui. or tmprlnciptu-
`LlL't 1'0:
`in bultztlf of
`(:t constitu-
`1:11ch in exercifiin
`:1 misc in Ictuslu-
`son. —-urtj. 2. depraved or I
`III purtt‘ny ur tiuja'tut. {Lilo
`[U the mind.
`tn tiuscrthc
`(rcp’rn bfitqllan] ‘
`:15 lt:1vint:
`|>ilrllClllllr character.
`sharp tilsnpnrnvtll or condemn .
`In suL tart]! 2m :11:
`to inl'lttcncc upm-
`rc-nm-(lucc (rEv'pra 1.1565", 41!-
`itm or action.
`to :11.'.l
`1112 pttrt
`vllllcl‘tl. 431mm“.
`-—-v.a‘. l. to. II
`tn :1 pl
`In scrvu 115
`:11: cxzmt-
`copy or close imitation of. 1.
`1m: ur hpLCll‘thn of.
`duct: n1:11in nr anew. 3. In.
`1'.1:tt_ ttt’slmn).
`I. ”1:: act at
`by 11mm: process at propaEntl
`1-.l. 4. to hear nffsrurlng. SAD
`statute. air.
`go rctIrtItluctinn, —-r1:’prt:1o-
`mutt: ut helm; rcprcsmttml hy imam-
`|'.I.1i\'t: dulcuntcs.
`I1. 111: 110113: at rcp—
`duc’lion {-tlt1k’1lmn),
`rcscntuttvus at
`:1 cottmitu-ncy,
`(luc’tlrc. mt].
`s .1.1:1nI:ttt nt
`ts or 1'
`in motcst. w-rtp‘rc.
`rc-nmu-rtt-mty {rt proa’rn {5).
`art of
`reproducing datum
`rcpwc-sunbn-lh'r t‘rt‘.1I’rizt1n’tnttv't,
`110.1115. can.
`[13: ctcclroalc rn
`:1 PL'l'fiOl'l who rcprcscnm :mnlltur
`ru-prutv! (r't prtfifl"), n.
`the '
`:1 pawn with marc-
`cxprt'tisit‘m of removing.
`sctttc a constituent? in :1
`:1 nit-mtwr
`In censure nfiidr
`Houstu of Ruttrust'nt
`prm’er. 11. #m-plof’lfll‘lh.
`'trtwlt: nr 5;
`1. receipt.
`2. rcpart._
`to represent. 5. ruprL-ttuntms:
`ru-umbc’. 1'-1 '1'”
`ru‘prlnl". ".1.
`rdltriut’. IL
`w<1arncfl=§51 fl:
`to [LJCL'l
`force. 2. t.
`or disawn.
`-I\'lt‘.‘dgc and p.
`train). —l'l.'-
`'Il'tlon, u.
`lm’riiqt’tor. 11.
`(fl pllg’nanll. mil,
`.dlslaslcful ur utt'un 'vu 2.1111.
`I or cuntmrv :151‘11 Itttlttn'. —rl‘A
`Nance. n.
`It-Iy. rrti't
`(ri pujtt’
`-fiLI].\'I.'d. 41qu-
`IVI: hack ‘
`11-1111 11an t
`to rcj
`gr. 2.
`remit-.1011 {tch
`may. —-rr. 3.
`' 4. :1 ref Sal or rcicctitan.
`Islan (r1 pul’qjmn}, 11.
`1111; net
`1,11 airing 1:1: sttttc ut'
`repugnancc nr
`the form:
`IE1;1l acts 11¢.
`bodies at like clue
`Init: clinrgu.
`.10 separate them.
`. L'nllhil'ltt
`.._ am putt-1hr}. mu.
`fill-11cc or nverfiinn.
`r111 rlcsy.
`by tlcrtlrtl or ditc
`Shady. adv.
`l. 11 utuintry
`.I'lt'lllth-lit: {rlpub’lik). u.
`lit-which the supreme |1u\\'t':'
`_ the body of ._3
`llt‘. entitled to vmu
`_In1.1 {a cxcrctsc
`by [c])1‘u§it:ll[:lli\'t-:l
`| 3th directly or ittdirt‘ctly luy'lhunt
`I_ «marry in which thc huml ut
`rmvcmntom is 111: EIL'L'ICtJ or
`nptud president. and n.
`[< P rémtbflqm’ < l, n
`.fiubllc mutter]
`’Ii R111),
`fiwfllfit‘ “i "“‘t
`2. (1::er
`{mm a rcptlltltc.
`:t purttuu wlm ]:I\'nr'i
`"Lat" Exit-15mg m 1111:
`. [republican term of guru-untcttt, 4.
`l a member ui‘ thc Ilc uII lull
`It! .' —w-nub’li-cmt-i.~'11t/. P11.
`’llcttl'g I1’:tr’ty. one of
`the [\l'u
`r poltucul
`IJllrLlcS itt
`rhu U.5..’
`tuned 1354— .
`reptile [.
`'2}. —-1-..r.
`11I\t::tl|y 11‘
`:t'i. <.I:..--
`IIr supptmtt
`”HUMP”. .uh.
`red. 4. rcqujutiun.
`(ri .lttt't-st’).
`the Mt NF
`:1“ 111'-
`[Hr :EtllllL‘Il'llEIEI
`in IJc. 5.1Yt'tl or LlUl
`. M'-1:11.".|~111t'.
`II Eur. J. [Etc :1
`rd for.
`[whit-11' IIr Inrnzun .
`Rt'q-tti-t'm truk’w
`11. ré’kuc
`.\- 15:;
`Emit. Cum.
`'11 J..'.J
`suttmb {or 1111.
`rc<t|11irc tri l.\t'i"r’_1,
`." In anI {.11-
`:15 11}-
`—rt 1;. rt”llll'lll, 11.
`Emil-1| [or :1 i‘ill'llclllitr 1111:1111
`mutt-111111: rt'tptmtt- —rl.'(|'lll'!:iiI:-I
`Lr. tm'l'.
`trul-:’wi'.-i~_lt’.1n). H.
`.tl or m '
`ll‘r .Ln:11t:11:1:1_1'.111:t:
`an. smlrlius.
`tltt: .I.
`to dun tml or
`1111l1i.:r5' [11:r[~.I:.I.-.1. ——rt-r|’
`rr'qllllr: 1r] ku'tl’].
`. «lull-ed. «mil-
`rtl "'-
`It'm'h' 53mm ' H: 1.71mi. 2.
`t-‘ 111
`: In
`t11r1l in (11
`|.Ir :-t-1
`ktttdttcss.«1-, r1.
`-—rc‘uult’:1|. 11. —rc-11ult?-
`rl'rc-lTnR (rer’trus,
`screen or
`wuil lfll'llllltl
`:111 :Iftar i1:
`:1 r'ntt
`:if1uwmt' of
`motion picture 11.-
`ll'IL'l-lhlllll pr
`iH tint or jlfuh‘itlllfi
`2. rcsrn'r‘.
`re-sulc [r6
`ir’. rc
`1|11- no 11‘.
`sclluu: tl 5::quth Hunt.
`1‘. 1.
`. mix.
`'hle (rcp’yn In I331}. an”.
`juad tepututinn.
`[:1 rcpttluttmt. rail hr .'1
`"I 111111
`. m1...
`or :1 higher .' Ithnrity.
`all. (rcp’yal. cl :1:11
`l'tlt'. 01H. —r1:-st|."'IIin11 t-u1.I11’.1111_ 11
`I [than in which :1 pursnn
`11-1: skrig‘t’].
`tlucrtrc isntctl
`. manually Itcltl.
`. vt'lIt-tt. «114112.
`., 1.
`_ c or slantlln"
`1:1 way
`a patron or 111111;:
`[1: krILwrrt
`r1. -1'.:.
`I: 1.» {ran 111' 3' re- from 11:111-
`tcr. capri
`. rtt'. —.rr. 2.
`the m-t or
`hat of._
`1'1 pytmt’}.
`11 —.'i.111.
`-—n. I. reputation Mat.
`r.1 ‘crult.
`rcvrmd’. 1
`T("'iL'Iu'lI’ll[L’. 1'..r.. -nlt-rl.
`-1‘r.‘:lll‘tl! ..
`rt'-’r£"rr1rti’. 1'.
`rt"rntlll."'. l'J.
`. wanted.