` ___________________________________________________
`Lawrence Kennedy - Vol. 1
`May 15, 2014
` ___________________________________________________
`IPR2013-00415 - Ex. 1024
`Toyota Motor Corp., Petitioner
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` LAWRENCE KENNEDY - 5/15/2014
` )
` Petitioner, )
` ) Case No. IPR2013-00414
` -vs- ) Patent No. 7,630,803
` ) Issue Date: 12/8/2009
` )
` Patent Owner. )
`_______________________________ )
` )
` Petitioner, )
` ) Case No. IPR2013-00415
` -vs- ) Patent No. 7,650,210
` ) Issue Date: 1/19/2010
` )
` Patent Owner. )
`_______________________________ )
` )
` Petitioner, )
` ) Case No. IPR2013-00417
` -vs- ) Patent No. 8,036,788
` ) Issue Date: 10/11/2011
` )
` Patent Owner. )
` Audiotaped deposition of LAWRENCE KENNEDY,
` taken before MARGARET A. BACHNER, CSR, RMR, CRR, and
` Notary Public, pursuant to the applicable Rules
` pertaining to the taking of depositions for the
` purpose of discovery, at Suite 3400, 500 West Madison
` Street, Chicago, Illinois, on the 15th day of May,
` A.D. 2014, at 9:11 a.m.
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` There were present at the taking of this
` deposition the following counsel:
` One Broadway
` New York, New York 10004-1007
` 212-425-7200
` pherman@kenyon.com
` on behalf of the Petitioner;
` 500 West Madison Street, 34th Floor
` Chicago, Illinois 60661
` 312-775-8000
` ssamz@mcandrews-ip.cpm
` smcbride@mcandrews-ip.cpm
` on behalf of the Patent Owner.
` MR. KEVIN DUNCAN, Audio Monitor
` Merrill Corporation.
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` I N D E X
` By Mr. Herman 5
` E X H I B I T S
` Exhibit 1012 - IPR2013-415, Defendants' 126
` Invalidity Contentions and
` Disclosures Pursuant to Patent
` Rules 3-3 and 3-4
` Exhibit 1013 - IPR2013-415, Exhibit C, Prior 132
` Art to U.S. Patent Number
` 7,650,210
` Exhibit 1014 - IPR2013-415, SAE Surface 333
` Vehicle Recommended Practice,
` Recommended Practice for
` Diagnostic Trouble Code Definitions
` Exhibit 2004 - IPR2013-00414, Declaration of 10
` Lawrence Kennedy
` Exhibit 2002 - IPR2013-0415, Declaration of 10
` Lawrence Kennedy
`6 7
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` Exhibit 2008 - IPR2013-00415, Declaration of 10
` Lawrence Kennedy
` Exhibit 2002 - IPR2013-00417, Declaration of 10
` Lawrence Kennedy
` Exhibit 1001 - IPR2013-00415, U.S. Patent 109
` Number 7,650,210 B2
` Exhibit 1010 - IPR2013-00415, Application 117
` Data Sheet 37 CFR 1.76
` Exhibit 1001 - IPR2013-00414, U.S. Patent 187
` Number 7,630,802 B2
` Exhibit 1003 - IPR2013-00415, U.S. Patent 256
` Number 5,157,610
`7 8
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` THE AUDIO MONITOR: Good morning. We are going
` on the audio recorded record at 9:11 a.m. Today's
` date is May 15th, 2014.
` Will counsel introduce themselves for the
` record?
` MR. HERMAN: Patrick Herman from Kenyon & Kenyon
` here on behalf of petitioner Toyota Motor
` Corporation.
` MS. SAMZ: Stephanie Samz from McAndrews Held &
` Malloy on behalf of patent owner American Vehicular
` Sciences. And joining us today will be Scott
` McBride, also from McAndrews Held & Malloy, although
` he is not presently in the room.
` THE AUDIO MONITOR: Thank you, counsel.
` The deponent is Mr. Lawrence Kennedy. Will the court
` reporter now swear in the witness?
` (The witness was duly sworn.)
` called as a witness herein, having been first duly
` sworn, was examined and testified as follows:
` Q. Good morning.
` A. Good morning.
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` Q. Will you please state your name for the
` record?
` A. Lawrence Kennedy.
` Q. Mr. Kennedy, have you ever been deposed
` before?
` A. I have not.
` Q. Before we start, then, I'd like to go over
` a couple basic ground rules.
` First is since there's a reporter here
` today and we're taking an audio recording, it's
` important for clarity of the record that we don't
` speak over one another.
` So, I'd ask that you wait until I finish
` my question before providing an answer, and I'll try
` to do the same. I'll try to wait until you're done
` with your answer before asking another question.
` Is that okay?
` A. Yes.
` Q. And it would also be helpful if after I
` ask my question that you pause and give your attorney
` time to object if she sees fit.
` A. Okay. Will do.
` Q. And next, since we have a reporter here
` and again since we're doing a recording, it's
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` important that you answer verbally. So, yes or no or
` some other verbal answer as opposed to a hand motion
` or shaking your head.
` Is that okay?
` A. Yes, it is.
` Q. And last, if you have any trouble
` understanding what I'm asking or would like
` clarification of any of my questions, please feel
` free to let me know.
` A. Thank you.
` Q. You've noted that you've never been
` deposed before. Have you ever served as an expert in
` connection with a case before?
` A. I have not.
` Q. So, this is the first time that you've
` submitted an expert report in any case?
` A. That's correct.
` Q. Is this the first time you've ever been
` involved in a patent case?
` A. Yes.
` Q. Okay. Do you have any patents on which
` you're named an inventor?
` A. Yes, I do.
` Q. How many would that be?
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` A. One.
` Q. And what would that patent involve?
` A. That patent was an invention to practice
` water skiing.
` Q. Okay. And can you give me a summary of
` the subject matter?
` A. In competition water-skiing there is a
` course that is roughly 2,000 feet long with six buoys
` that the skier has to try to navigate through. What
` this invention did was to simulate those buoys so
` that you could be on a lake behind a boat practicing
` without actually having the course there. It
` displayed where the course was supposed to be and
` where the skier was and where they should be.
` Q. Now, were you employed by someone when you
` filed that patent application?
` A. I was.
` Q. Is it assigned to you or to some other
` entity?
` A. It is assigned to me.
` Q. Okay. Now, besides the patent on which
` you're named as an inventor, during your career did
` you have opportunity to review patents on any other
` instances?
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` A. Yes, I did review patent.
` Q. How often?
` A. Roughly four times a year.
` Q. Okay. And over a span of how many years?
` A. About 10.
` Q. And what was the purpose for reviewing
` those patents?
` A. I was on a Patent Review Board for General
` Motors when I was employed with them. And what we
` did was to determine whether the patent would have
` enough value for the company, or I should say the
` record of invention at that time. It was not a
` patent.
` Q. So, it would be General Motors' potential
` patent filings that you were looking into?
` A. Correct.
` Q. All right. Now, in this case you've
` submitted four declarations on behalf of American
` Vehicle Sciences, is that right?
` A. Yes, that's correct.
` Q. And now I'd like to give you copies --
` actually, you have copies of all four of those
` already?
` A. My attorney provided me copies of my
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` declarations.
` MR. HERMAN: Okay. Well, why don't we --
` MS. SAMZ: If you want to use your copies,
` that's perfectly fine, as well.
` MR. HERMAN: It's up to you.
` MS. SAMZ: Here, put these aside.
` Q. So, I'm going to give you copies of the
` four declarations here.
` (Documents tendered to the
` witness.)
` Q. I think I put them in order, but the first
` one in your stack should be from IPR Case Number
` 2013-414.
` Do you see that?
` A. Yes, I do.
` Q. And that relates to Patent Number
` 7,630,802, is that right?
` A. Yes, it does.
` Q. Would you be comfortable if I refer to
` that as the '802 patent today?
` A. Yes.
` Q. And this particular declaration, which is
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` labeled -- has been previously labeled AVS Exhibit
` 2004 in the bottom right-hand corner, do you see
` that?
` A. Yes, I do.
` Q. This is in support of AVS's opposition to
` Toyota's Petition for Inter Partes Review, is that
` right?
` A. Yes, that's correct.
` Q. Okay. Now, the second declaration in your
` stack should be associated with IPR Case Number
` 2013-415, is that right?
` A. Yes.
` Q. And this relates to U.S. Patent Number
` 7,650,210.
` Do you see that?
` A. '210, yes.
` Q. Would you be comfortable if I refer to
` that as the '210 patent today?
` A. Yes, that would be fine.
` Q. And this has been previously marked as AVS
` Exhibit 2002 in the lower right-hand corner.
` Do you see that?
` A. I do.
` Q. And this is a declaration that's in
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` support of AVS's response to Toyota's Petition for
` Inter Partes Review of the '210 patent, is that
` right?
` A. That's correct.
` Q. Now, you submitted a second declaration
` relating to the '210 patent, is that right?
` A. Yes, I have.
` Q. So, this is in the same IPR case number,
` Case Number 2013-415, is that right?
` A. Yes, that is correct.
` Q. And it's been designated AVS Exhibit 2008.
` Do you see that?
` A. Yes, I do.
` Q. And this particular declaration is in
` support of a Motion to Amend certain of the claims of
` the '210 patent, is that right?
` A. That is correct.
` Q. Okay. Now, the last declaration that you
` submitted is from IPR Case Number 2013-417, is that
` right?
` A. Yes, that's correct.
` Q. And this one relates to Patent Number
` 8,036,788.
` Do you see that?
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` A. Yes.
` Q. Now, would you be comfortable if I refer
` to that as the '788 patent today?
` A. Yes, I would.
` Q. And this has been designated AVS Exhibit
` 2002, is that right?
` A. That's correct. That's what's stated on
` the document, which is identical to the previous one.
` Q. Okay. I think it's just in the different
` case. This is Exhibit 2002 in that 417 case, okay?
` A. I gotcha.
` Q. The exhibit numbers are the same. It's
` just two different cases.
` A. Understood. Sorry.
` Q. Now, this particular declaration, Exhibit
` 2002 in the 417 case --
` A. Yes.
` Q. This is in support of a Motion to Amend
` submitted by AVS in connection with the '788 patent,
` is that right?
` A. To amend the claims.
` Q. Yes.
` A. Yes.
` Q. And these are the only four declarations
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` that you've submitted on behalf of AVS, is that
` right?
` A. Yes, that's correct.
` Q. Okay. And these four declarations contain
` the entirety of the opinions that you've rendered on
` behalf of AVS?
` A. That is correct.
` Q. Okay. Now I'd like to spend a little time
` talking about your background. And in doing that I
` would like you to get Exhibit 2002 from the 415 case
` in front of you. That's relating to the '210 patent.
` A. Yes.
` Q. All right. Now, in this declaration,
` starting at about paragraph 5 you've got a section
` that goes through your background, is that right?
` A. Yes, that's correct.
` Q. Okay. And you've also got a copy of your
` CV attached to this declaration as Attachment A, is
` that right?
` A. Yes, that's correct, Attachment A.
` Q. Now, is this the most recent version of
` your CV?
` A. Yes, it is.
` Q. And so, you don't have anything to add
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` besides what's listed here?
` A. I do not.
` Q. Okay. Now, I'd like to start with your
` college education. Where did you go to college?
` A. I received my Bachelor's of Science degree
` in electrical engineering from Michigan Technological
` University.
` Q. And when was that?
` A. That was in 1979.
` Q. And when you were studying, did you take
` any courses relating to automobile electronics?
` A. The courses that I took were more general
` in nature to electrical engineering, not specific to
` automotive.
` Q. Okay. So, no courses that were specific
` to automotive sensors?
` A. Not to automotive sensors, that's correct.
` Q. How about sensors in general?
` A. Sensors in general, yes.
` Q. Okay. How about courses relating to
` automotive diagnostics?
` A. No courses for -- for my Bachelor's degree
` were focused on automotive diagnostics.
` Q. Okay. Now, you also noted that you got a
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` Master's degree in 2012, is that right?
` A. That is correct.
` Q. And where did you obtain that degree?
` A. I received my Master's from the University
` of Southern California.
` Q. And what was the Master's in?
` A. The Master's was a Master's of Science in
` systems architecting and engineering.
` Q. Now, besides your Master's and your
` undergraduate degree, did you have any other degrees?
` A. No other degrees.
` Q. Did you do any study besides the study
` involved in your Master's and undergraduate degree?
` MS. SAMZ: Objection. Form.
` A. Could you specify what kind of studies?
` Q. Did take any courses that did not lead to
` a degree?
` A. Yes, there were several courses that did
` not lead to a degree.
` Q. And what courses were those?
` A. They were courses in terms of executive
` management and business practices.
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` Q. And when did you take those courses?
` A. Throughout my career.
` Q. Okay. Anything else besides those
` courses?
` A. There were courses taken in preparation
` for certifications, as well.
` Q. What kind of certifications?
` A. I'm certified as a systems engineering
` professional from the International Council of
` Systems Engineering.
` Q. Okay. Now, I noticed that you obtained
` your Master's degree in 2012. What motivated you to
` get your Master's degree at that time?
` A. I've been a student of systems engineering
` my entire career. And in my job I was responsible to
` recommend courses for systems engineers as General
` Motors and Delco Electronics.
` Q. Were you still employed by General Motors
` and Delco Electronics when you got your Master's
` degree?
` A. I was not.
` Q. Now, what was the focus of your studies
` when you were getting your Master's?
` A. The focus of the Master's degree was
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` systems architecting and engineering. Systems
` engineering is a broad science to try to design,
` architect systems that have several elements. In
` other words, a more complex system.
` Q. Okay. Now, did you obtain your Master's
` degree kind of in response to the advice you had been
` given -- had been giving at General Motors regarding
` study?
` MS. SAMZ: Objection. Form.
` A. Could you ask your question again? I'm
` sorry.
` Q. Well, I think when I asked you -- when I
` asked you what motivated you to get your Master's,
` you told me that while you were at General Motors and
` Delphi you gave advice about the kinds of courses
` that should be taken, is that right?
` A. Yes, that is correct.
` Q. And is that advice what eventually
` motivated you to get your own Master's?
` A. In giving that advice, I audited several
` courses from several institutions. This particular
` one was one I decided to continue to pursue the
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` Master's.
` Q. Okay. And what role did you think the
` Master's degree was going to play in your career?
` A. Every -- every engineering -- or I should
` say every engineering opportunity has a level of
` systems engineering. Someone must architect the
` system before it can be designed.
` Q. Okay. Now, as part of your Master's
` degree, did you prepare a thesis?
` A. I did not.
` Q. Now, when did you begin working for the
` first time?
` MS. SAMZ: Objection. Form.
` A. Could you specify a time frame?
` Q. So, when did you graduate from college?
` A. 1979 was when I received my Bachelor's
` degree.
` Q. And what did you do after graduating?
` A. I was employed by Cadillac Motor Car, a
` division of General Motors.
` Q. So, that was in 1979?
` A. That is correct.
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` Q. And what was your first job title?
` A. Associate engineer.
` Q. And what were your responsibilities as an
` associate engineer?
` A. My original -- or initial responsibilities
` was to perform tests on vehicle electrical
` components.
` Q. What kinds of tests?
` A. Tests that would document and prove the
` function, the intended function of the component.
` Q. And what kind of components?
` A. Mostly electrical and electronic.
` Q. Can you give any examples?
` A. My best example would be the engine
` control module.
` Q. And would you be testing the engine
` control module during operation of the vehicle?
` A. That is correct.
` Q. Now, I think you mentioned in paragraph 8
` of your declaration that you worked with digital fuel
` injection?
` A. That's correct.
` Q. What kind of work did you do at digital
` fuel injection?
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` A. In the time frame of 1979 the regulations
` for the U.S. automotive industry was to improve fuel
` economy and to reduce exhaust emissions.
` The state of the art back then were
` carbureted engines. Those engines were not capable
` of controlling the parameters that would improve fuel
` economy or reduce exhaust emissions.
` So, we were converting the delivery of
` fuel to our engines from carburetor to digital fuel
` injection.
` Q. Now, did your work with digital fuel
` injection come after that testing work that you
` previously described?
` A. That is correct.
` Q. Now, how were you involved with the work
` with digital fuel injection?
` MS. SAMZ: Objection. Form.
` A. Could you be more specific?
` Q. Let's look in paragraph 8. After you
` mention digital fuel injection, you state that, "I
` developed the electronic control unit that controlled
` fuel spark and air flow into the engine."
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` Do you see that?
` A. That is correct. Yes, I do see that.
` Q. Can you explain that to me?
` A. I was responsible to make sure that the
` electronic control unit was performing the delivery
` of fuel, spark and other control parameters
` correctly.
` Q. Okay. Now, the next thing that you
` mentioned working on, as you state, "In the
` mid-1980s," do you see that sentence?
` A. Yes.
` Q. It says you began "integrating other
` systems into the engine control module, e.g., cruise
` control."
` Do you see that?
` A. I do.
` Q. Now, how did you integrate other systems
` into the engine control module?
` A. Prior to this time frame systems such as
` cruise control were implemented completely
` independent. In other words, there were sensors,
` actuators and processing modules that were outside
` and external of the engine control module.
` In order to reduce cost and to reduce mass
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` and packaging area on the vehicle, I was asked to
` tried to implement the processing capability of the
` cruise control module into the engine control module.
` Q. So, the engine control module that you're
` referencing here, does that include a processor?
` A. Yes, it did.
` Q. And the engi