WO 95/08306
`Implantat nach Anspruch 17,
`dadurch gekennzeichnet, dass
`der Radius der einseitigen Abrundung (31) derart bemessen ist,
`die Differenz
`rechteckigen Querschnittes
`Diagonalen fiber die
`abgerundete Kante kleiner als 3 mm,
`vorzugsweise 1
`— 2 mm be-
`die Kontaktfléche zum Knochen durch die Abrundung
`(31) um
`weniger als die Hélfte,
`vorzugsweise weniger als
`ein Drittel
`reduziert ist.
`einem der Ansprfiche
`1 bis
`18, dadurch
`einen rechteckigem Querschnitt mit
`einer doppelseitigen Abrundung (32) fiber die Diagonale aufweist.
`Implantat nach Anspruch 19,
`dadurch gekennzeichnet, dass
`die Radien der doppelseitigen Abrundungen (32)
`derart bemessen
`sind, dass
`die Differenz
`Querschnittes und der Diagonalen fiber die
`abgerundeten Kanten
`kleiner als 3 mm, vorzugsweise
`0,5 - 1,0 mm betrégt und
`die kleinere Fléche
`des Implantates um weniger als
`Hélfte, vorzugsweise weniger als ein Viertel reduziert ist.

`W0 95l08306
`Implantat nach Anspruch 19 oder 20, dadurch gekennzeichnet,
`es derart
`ausgebildet ist,
`dass bei paariger Anordnung
`zueinander zu liegen kommen.
`Implantat nach einem der Ansprfiche
`19 bis
`21, dadurch
`gekennzeichnet, dass es einen rechteckigen Querschnitt aufweist,
`welcher derart beschaffen ist,
`dass nach der Rotation des
`Implantates in die Konkavitat
`der Deckplatten der angrenzenden
`eine Distraktion des Zwischenwirbelraumes (25)
`zwischen 1 und 4 mm,
`vorzugsweise zwischen 2 — 3 mm, verbleibt.
`Implantat nach
`einem der Ansprfiche
`19 bis
`21, dadurch
`gekennzeichnet, dass es einen Querschnitt aufweist, der zu einem
`Quadrat ~reduziert
`nach der Rotation des
`Implantates in die Konkavitét
`der Endplatten der angrenzenden
`Wirbelkérper keine Distraktion des Zwischenwirbelraumes (25)
`Implantat nach
`einem der Ansprfiche
`19 bis
`22, dadurch
`dass das posteriore Ende des
`Implantats (6)
`derart beschaffen ist, dass ein linkes und ein rechtes Implantat
`anterior derart mit einem Konnektor (34) verbindbar sind, dass
`der Abstand zwischen dem linken und
`rechten Implantat
`deren Ausrichtung aufrechterhalten wird;
`(b) die Implantate (6) um ihre Langsachse (35) drehbar sind; und
`(C) die zwei Implantate (6) vor deren Implantation und/oder
`situ mit dem Konnektor
`(34) koppelbar sind.

`WO 95/08306
`einem der Ansprfiche
`19 bis
`22, dadurch
`dass es derart beschaffen ist,
`es vor
`dessen Implantation oder
`in situ mit
`einem zweiten Implantat
`(6) verhakbar ist, wobei die Verbindung
`den Abstand und
`den Winkel zwischen den
`J aufrecht erhalt; und
`eine Rotation der Implantate (6) um ihre Léngsachse (35)
`die Konkavitat der Deckplatten der
`angrenzenden Wirbelkorper
`(1,2) zulésst.
`Implantat nach einem der Ansprfiche
`19 bis
`22, dadurch
`dass es derart beschaffen ist, dass es nach der
`seine Léngsachse
`in die Konkavitat der
`Deckplatten medial
`fiber ein weiteres Implantat winkelstabil
`verbindbar ist.’
`einem der Ansprfiche
`19 bis
`26, dadurch
`es an seiner Oberflache beschichtet ist,
`vorzugsweise mit Hydroxylapatit oder Titanplasma.
`einem der Ansprfiche 13,
`und einem der
`Ansprfiche 19
`27, dadurch gekennzeichnet, dass es perforierte
`aufweist, wobei
`die Perforationen (37)
`lochartig sind und der Durchmesser der Lbcher derart konzipiert
`ist, dass
`in die Léngsoffnung gepresste Spongiosa
`nicht seitlich
`austritt, und

`WO 95108306
`in der
`Stopfen der
`seitlich austreten
`nach der
`Implantation wieder
`postoperatives Schwellen der
`Spongiosa zu bewirken;
`hineinwachsen kann.
`Implantat nach
`einem der Ansprfiche
`gekennzeichnet, dass die eine Kontaktflache zwischen Implantat
`und Knochen eine Rasterung in der Langsrichtung des Implantates
`nach einem der Ansprfiche
`dass beide Kontaktflachen zwischen Implantat
`und Knochen eine Rasterung in der Langsrichtung des Implantates
`Implantat nach
`einem der Ansprfiche
`29 oder
`30, dadurch
`dass die Geometrie der Rasterung ein Rotieren
`in eine Richtung zulasst und
`in die andere
`Richtung verhindert.
`einem der Ansprfiche
`dass die
`eine Kontaktflache zwischen Implantat
`und Knochen eine Querrasterung aufweist.

`WO 95/08306
`einem der Ansprfiche
`28, dadurch
`gekennzeichnet, dass beide Kontaktfléchen zwischen Implantat und
`Knochen eine Querrasterung aufweisen.
`einem der Ansprfiche
`33, dadurch
`Rasterung ein
`Verschieben des Implantates
`in anteriorer Richtung verhindert.
`Implantat nach
`einem der Ansprfiche
`32 oder
`33, dadurch
`Rasterung ein
`Implantat nach Anspruch
`dadurch gekennzeichnet, dass
`die Geometrie der
`Rasterung der beiden Kontaktfléchen zwischen
`und Knochen derart gestaltet
`dass die eine
`ein Verschieben des
`in anteriorer
`und die
`ein Verschieben in
`Richtung verhindert.
`Implantat nach
`einem der Ansprfiche
`32, dadurch
`dass es eine Léngsrasterung der einen und
`Querrasterung der anderen Kontaktfléche aufweist.
`Implantat nach einem der Ansprfiche 32 — 35 oder 37, dadurch
`Kontaktfléchen derart
`ausgelegt ist,
`ein Verschieben in
`posteriorer und anteriorer Richtung verhindert wird.

`WO 95/08306
`Implantat nach
`einem der Ansprflche
`einem der
`Ansprfiche 19-17
`und 29-38,
`dadurch gekennzeichnet,
`dass die
`Wénde (19) und (20) Querschlitze aufweisen.
`40. Implantat nach Anspruch 39, dadurch gekennzeichnet, dass die
`Schlitze mit
`einem osteokonduktiven oder
`osteoinduktiven Material,
`vorzugsweise Hydroxylapatit, geffillt
`so dass der Knochen von den Deckplatten der angrenzenden
`Wirbelkérper und von der Seite her einwachsen kann.
`41. Implantat
`ffir den Zwischenwirbelraum (25) mit
`im wesentlichen quaderférmigen Gestalt mit
`Kantenléngen a,b,c;
`einer vorderen axialen Endfléche
`(12) und einer hinteren
`axialen Endfléche
`von der Léngsachse
`durchstossen werden;
`zwei Seitenfléchen (14,15) welche Von einer Querachse (44)
`durchstossen werden7 und
`einer Oberflache (16) und einer Unterfléche (17)) welche von
`einer Querachse (45) durchstossen werden;
`dadurch gekennzeichnet,
`das Implantat (6)
`eine Vorrichtung (8) zur Ergreifung durch
`ein Werkzeug (9) aufweist; und
`die vordere axialen Endfléche
`und/oder die hinteren
`axialen Endfléche
`(10) rechteckig ausgebildet sind.

`W0 95/013306

`WO 95/08306

`WO 95/08306

`WO 95/08306

`WO 95/08306

`WO 95/08306

`WO 95/08306

`lPC 6
`According to International Patent Classification (IPC) or to bout national clamification and [PC
`Minimum documentation searched (classification system followed by classification symbols)
`IPC 6
`rial Application No
`PCT/CH 94/00184
`Documentation searched other than minimum documentation to the extent that such documents are included in the fields searched
`Electronic data base consulted during the international search (name of data base and, where practical, mrch terms used)
`Citation of document, with indication, where appropriate, ofthe relevant passages
`W0,A,90 00037 (MICHELSON) 11 January 1990
`see the whole document
`US,A,3 486 505 (MORRISON) 30 December
`see column 2,
`line 21 - line 68; claims
`US,A,4 349 921 (KUNTZ) 21 September 1982
`see column 6,
`line 19 - line 24; figures
`R levant to claim No.
`E Further documents are listed in the conti'nuau'on of box C.
`' Special categories of cited documents :
`‘A’ document defining the general state of the art which is not
`considered to be of particular relevance
`‘E’ earlier document but published on or alter the international
`filing date
`‘L’ document which may throw doubts on priority cIaim(s) or
`which is cited to establish the publication date of another
`citation or other special reason (as specified)
`'0' document referring to an oral disclosure, use. exhibition or
`other means
`‘P’ document published prior to the international filing date but
`later than the priority date claimed
`Date of the actual completion of the international search
`19 December
`Name and mailing address of the ISA
`European Patent Oflice. P.B. 5818 Patentlaan 2
`NL - 2280 HV Rijswijk
`Tel. (+ 3|-70) 3-to-2040, Tx. 31 65! epo nl,
`Fare (+ 31-70) 340-30l6
`Form PCT/ISA/210 (lemntl sheet) (July 1992)
`E Patent family members are listed in annex.
`"I" later docummt published after the international filing date
`or priority date and not in conilict with the
`liution but
`cited to understand the principle or theory un
`ying the
`‘X’ document of particular relevance; the claimed invention
`cannot be considered novel or cannot be considered to
`involve an inventive step when the document is taken alone
`'Y' document of particular relevance; t.he claimed invention
`cannot be considered to involve an inventive step when the
`document is combined with one or more other such docu-
`e art.
`rrtegits. such comhination being obvious to a person slcillcd
`‘at’ document member of the same patent family
`Date of mailing of the international search report
`0 9. O1. 95
`Authorized ollicer
`Klein, C
`page 1 of 2

`mm» M Ammo“ No
`PCT/CH 94/00184
`Citation ofdocument. wlth indicauon, where appropriate. ofthe relevantpa.-sages
`Relevant to claim No.
`EP,A,0 307 241 (BRANTIGAN) 15 March 1989
`see the who1e document
`W0,A,89 12431 (MICHELSON) 28 December
`see page 13,
`figures 4-5
`line 11 - page 16, 1ine 37;
`EP,A,0 260 044 (SHEPPERD) 16 March 1988
`see co1umn 7,
`line 28 - column 8, Iine 21;
`claim 15
`US,A,5 092 893 (SMITH) 3 March 1992
`see column 5, 1ine 7 - Iine 23; figures
`W0,A,93 01771 (CALCITEK) 4 February 1993
`see abstract; figure 4
`WO,A,92 14423 (MADHAVAN) 3 September 1992
`see page 8, 1ine 11; figures 5,6
`EP,A,0 493 698 (HKRLE) 8 July 1992
`US,A,4 772 287 (RAY) 20 September 1988
`Form PCT/‘ISA/Illl (mnununinn of unmd slum) (July I992)
`page 2 of 2

`«n-'-1ApplicaII'°n N0
`Patent document
`cited in search report
`Patent family
`Farm PCT/ISAIJID (pltml flnlily Innu) (July 1992)
`page 1 of 2

`““‘*PP“““°“ N“
`PCT/CH 94/00184
`Patent. document
`cited in search report
`4 Publication
`Patent. family
`Form PCT/[SA/110 (palsnt family Annex) (July 1992)
`page 2 of 2

`Ru: Akunnichen
`PCT/CH 94/00184
`‘ipx 5
`Nach der [nuermuonalen Patenfltlassifikafion (IPK) oder mch der naxionalcn Klassifikation und dcr IPK
`Rechercluerter Mindesqmlfswff (Klassifikafionssystem und Klamifikafionsymbole )
`IPK 6
`Recherdaiene aber nicht zum Mindesupriifslofr gchiirende Veriitfentlichungen, sowcit dime unter die recherchiemn Gcbiete fallen
`Wihrcnd dcr xntemafionalen Recherche konsullierte elektronische Datznbank (Name der Datenhank und evtl. vmvcndcu Suchbcgriffe)
`Bczeichnungder Veréffenuichung, sowdterfordu-lichunmr Angabc cmin BctrachtkommcndenTcile
`W0,A,90 00037 (MICHELSON) 11. Januar 1990
`siehe das ganze Dokument
`US,A,3 486 505 (MORRISON) 30. Dezember
`siehe Spa1te 2, Ze1'1e 21 - Ze1'1e 68;
`Ansprfiche 2-4
`US,A,4 349 921 (KUNTZ) 21. September 1982
`siehe Spa1te 6, Ze1'1e 19 - Ze1'1e 24;
`Abbildungen 2-4
`IX] Siche Anhang Paranramme
`Weitcre verarrenuicnungen nd der Fonsemmg Von Feld c zu
`'1" Spitcre Verbffendichtmg, die mach dem intn-nalionalen Anmeldcdatum
`' Buondere Katcgnrien von angegebenen Veréffenclichmgen
`odcr dcm Pxioxivétsdaulm verfiffenflicht wordan ist und mil dnr
`abcr nicht als besonders bcdcutsam anzusehen is:
`Anmddmg mu“ kdudiem gamma um zmvmfinms as def
`A Vcmffentlxchung. due den allgcmemen Stand der Tcchml: dcfimcrt,
`nd: Pnnn
`dzr Ihr zugnmdeh send
`1'h¢ofi‘:n§;.g¢5¢bgn 19:5:
`P5 ad“
`‘E’ iltcres Dokument, dgu Jedqch am am qdcr nach dcm mtcmanonnlcn
`‘X’ Verbtfentlichung von bcsonderer Bedeutnng; die hennspu-uchte Erfi
`A“m°“'°d3“’m "°'°m“m°h‘ ‘”°'d°“ ‘st
`kann allcin am“
`d diescr Vetéffmflichlmg nicht. 313 mu bder am“
`‘L’ Veréffamichtmg. die geeignet ist, eincn Priorititsanspruch zweifclhafl er-
`ifigkeit beruhcnd betrachut wcrdm
`schdnen zu lassen, oder dutch die das Venéifentlichungsdatum cine:
`3nd""' in‘ R°°h°”h‘“b°"°m 3°““““‘“ v“6“°"m°h'“n3 baa‘ “"5” ‘Y’ Vufiflcnuichung Von bcsondcrcr Bedeutung die beanspruchte Erfindun ;.
`9°“ °".F" 91° ‘"5 ““°'“ "'“"'°“ "°‘°“"“'“ 5”“ "'8‘8‘b°“ *5‘ (W
`kann nicht als auf erflndcnsdzer Tétigteil heruhend bctnchm
`wcndcn, wean die Vcréffcntlichung nut dner odcr mehnnn andcren
`'0 Veroffenfilchunz. size sch auf cine mlindllche Offcnbamnz.
`veresrrenuicnungen dieser Kate
`‘e in Verbindun gcbracht wird und
`cine Benutzung, cmc Ausstellung oder andere Maflnahmen beacht
`digs: verbmdung [fir gum 1=,,._-fig-,1,-,.,., memmi1'5;
`"" fifififlgflhf}‘fgn§§g‘d‘fm“m‘““v:6“f§‘c;“m‘c“h“tW0”‘f.d°‘::""m“‘ ah“ “‘°" ‘a’ Veréffentlichung, die Mizyieu demclben Patmtfamilie in
`Datum des Abschlusses der mternatiomlen Recherche
`Abendcdauun des imzrnafiomlen Recherchenbericlm
`19. Dezember 1994
`Name und Poslanschrift dcr Internatiomle Recbcrchcnbehfirdz
`Eutopiisches Patentamt. P.B. 5818 Patentlnn 2
`NL - 2230 HV Rijswijk
`Tel. (+ 31-70) 3&0-2040, Tx. 3! 651 epo 111.
`Fax: (+ 3|-70) 34-0-3016
`For-mblm PCT/ISA/210 (mm 3) (Juli 1992)
`0 9- 01- 95
`Seite 1 von 2

`PCT/CH 94/00184
`Ben-. Anspruch Nr.
`Bczeichnung dcr Veréffenuichung. soweit erfordcrlich unter Angabc der in Bclracht kommendcn Teilc
`EP,A,O 307 241 (BRANTIGAN) 15. Mfirz 1989
`siehe das ganze Dokument
`WD,A,89 12431 (MICHELSON) 28. Dezember
`siehe Seite 13, Zei1e 11 - Seite 16, Zeile
`37; Abbi1dungen 4-5
`EP,A,0 260 044 (SHEPPERD) 16. Mirz 1988
`siehe Spa1te 7, Zei1e 28 - Spa1te 8, Zei1e
`21; Anspruch 15
`US,A,5 092 893 (SMITH) 3. Mfirz 1992
`siehe Spa1te 5, Zei1e 7 - Zeile 23;
`Abbildungen 1,5
`W0,A,93 01771 (CALCITEK) 4. Februar 1993
`siehe Zusammenfassung; Abbi1dung 4
`N0,A,92 14423 (MADHAVAN) 3. September 1992
`siehe Seite 8, Zei1e 11; Abbildungen 5,6
`EP,A,0 493 698 (HKRLE) 8. Juli 1992
`US,A,4 772 287 (RAY) 20. September 1988
`Fonnblut PCT/ISA/Zlll (Fonmzun; van Bull 2) (Juli I991)
`Seite 2 Von 2

`[mm “mmmm
`PCT/CH 94/00184
`lm Recherchenbericht
`angeffihrnes Patentdokument
`Datum der
`Mitg1ied(er) dér
`Datum der
`Formblttt PCT/ISA/210 (Arman; PIuntflmilia)(.luli I992)
`Seite 1 von 2

`Wm m‘“N"-m==i°hm
`PCT/CH 94/00184
`Im Recherchenbericht
`angefilhrtes Patentdokumenl
`Datum der
`Mitglied(er) der
`Datum der
`Fm-mblm PCT/ISA/2l0 (Anhtng Pnunlhu-zilie)(Juli I992)
`Seite 2 von 2

`County of New York
`State of New York
`Date: June 3, 2013
`To whom it may concern:
`This is to certify that the attached translation from German into English is an accurate
`representation of the documents received by this office.
`The documents are designated as:
`x WO 95/08306 – “Implant for the intervertebral space”
`Roxanne Le, Project Manager in this company, certifies that Christian Scrogum, who translated
`these documents, is fluent in German and standard North American English and qualified to
`translate. Roxanne Le attests to the following:
`“To the best of my knowledge, the aforementioned documents are a true, full and accurate
`translation of the specified documents.”
`Signature of Roxanne Le

`International Bureau
`International patent classification6:
`International publication number: WO 95/08306
`A61F 2/44, 2/46
`publication date:
`30 March 1995 (03/30/1995)
`International file number:
`International application date:
`20 September 1994 (09/20/94)
`(81) Designated states: CA, JP, US, European patent (AT,
`BE, CH, DE, DK, ES, FR, GB, GR, IE, IT, LU, MC,
`NL, PT, SE).
`(30) Priority information:
`21 September 1993 (09/21/93)
`With international search report.
`(71) Applicant (for all designated countries except US):
`SYNTHES AG, CHUR [CH/CH]; Grabenstrasse 15,
`CH-7002 Chur (CH).
`Inventor; and
`Inventor/applicant (only for US): BECKERS, Louis,
`François, Charles [BE/BE]; Peulisbaan 22, B-2820
`Rijmenam (BE). SCHLÄPFER, Johannes, Fridolin
`[CH/CH]; Leimen, CH-8750 Glarus (CH).
`(74) Attorney: LUSUARDI, Werther, G.; Dr. Lusuardi AG,
`Kreuzbühlstrasse 8, CH-8008 Zurich (CH).
`(57) Abstract
`The implant for the intervertebral space consists of an essentially cuboid body with a device for gripping by a tool.

`Codes for the identification of PCT designated states in the headers of documents in which international applications are
`published in accordance with PCT.
`Burkina Faso
`Central African Republic
`Côte d’Ivoire
`CM Cameroon
`Czech Republic
`United Kingdom
`Democratic People’s Republic of Korea
`Republic of Korea
`Sri Lanka
`MC Monaco
`MD Republic of Moldova
`MG Madagascar
`ML Mali
`MN Mongolia
`MR Mauritania
`MW Malawi
`New Zealand
`Russian Federation
`Trinidad and Tobago
`United States of America
`Viet Nam

`WO 95/08306
`Implant for intervertebral space
`The invention concerns an implant for the intervertebral space according to the preamble of
`patent claim 1. Such implants are principally intended to promote bone bridges on vertebral
`bodies and are put in place following resection of disks or intervertebral disks between the
`vertebral body and the spinal column.
`It is known that if an intervertebral disk is damaged, it can be removed and the space thereby
`produced can be filled with cortico-spongiose bone.
`With this method, the vertebral bodies are first spread as far apart from each other as possible
`using a spreader. One special technique consists of placing wedge-shaped pieces – so-called
`dilators – between the two vertebral bodies, to spread them in stepped fashion apart from each
`other. In turn, dilators with diameters that increase in each case by 1 mm are alternately inserted
`from the left and right from the posterior. After the greatest possible spreading has been
`achieved, the dilators are replaced by the above-mentioned cortico-spongiose bone.
`This known technique has the disadvantage that the bone is difficult to manipulate and bring into
`the correct position, with corrections being nearly impossible. An additional disadvantage of this
`technique is that, in the intervertebral space, a rectangular or cylinder-shaped recess must be cut
`away or milled out in order to insert the bone implants between the initially concave sides of the
`adjoining vertebral bodies, which is complicated and also causes damage to the vertebral body.
`It is the intention of invention to provide a remedy for this. The object of the invention is to
`provide an implant for the intervertebral space which, due to its specific shape and the method of

`WO 95/08306
`insertion, enables extremely stable locking between the vertebral bodies without damaging the
`surface of the bony cover plate of the vertebral body.
`An additional object of the invention is to create an implant for the intervertebral space which
`can be put in without using dilators.
`The invention achieves the object with an implant for the intervertebral space which exhibits the
`features of claim 1.
`Additional advantageous embodiments of the invention are characterized in the dependent
`Since the implant according to the invention is equipped with a device for grasping using a tool,
`an external force can be exerted on it with relatively little effort, which makes it possible to move
`the implant after insertion or take it out again if necessary.
`The device for grasping using a tool can be configured as attachment points, so that a rotational
`force and/or an axial force and/or a lateral force can be exerted on the implant.
`In an advantageous embodiment, these attachment points are shaped at least in such as way as to
`allow for the exertion of rotational force on the implant, the implant in this case needing to have
`different cross-sectional lengths so that it can be squeezed to a greater or lesser extent as a result
`of the rotation of the implant or can even be placed absolutely loosely in its position, so that it
`can be inserted with no effort between the vertebral bodies, and have the required positional
`locking in another position.

`WO 95/08306
`In another embodiment, the body of the implant in one plane has a lens-shaped, cut-to-size
`profile which for the most part corresponds to the dual concave shape of the sagittal section
`surface of the intervertebral space. In this case, the same body in the other plane has principally
`parallel, flat or only slightly curved sides and a rounded end, so that it can be pressed into the
`intervertebral space without having to cut away an insert in the vertebral body, and without
`damaging the edge of the vertebral body.
`The implant is preferably hollow, so that it can be filled with bone material.
`To better explain the invention, several examples of advantageous embodiments (to which,
`however, the invention is not limited) are described in the following, with references to the
`appropriate drawings.
`In the drawings:
`Fig. 1 is a schematic representation of two vertebral bodies which have been spread out away
`from each other using two dilators;
`Fig. 2 is a cross section along line II-II of Fig. 1, with a dilator being replaced by a small bone
`Fig. 3 is a perspective view of an implant according to the invention with a tool that can be used
`with it;
`Fig. 4 is a view in the direction of arrow F4 of Fig. 3;
`Fig. 5 is a view in the direction of arrow F5 of Fig. 3;

`WO 95/08306
`Fig. 6 is a cross section along line VI-VI in Fig. 4;
`Fig. 7 is a schematic representation of the implant of Fig. 3 following insertion between two
`vertebral bodies;
`Fig. 8 is a schematic representation of the implant of Fig. 3 following insertion between two
`vertebral bodies and rotation by 90°;
`Fig. 9 is a schematic representation of an alternative embodiment of the invention with a tool that
`can be used with it;
`Fig. 10 is a cross section through an implant according to the invention with one rounding;
`Fig. 11 is a cross section through an implant according to the invention with two sides rounded
`across the diagonal;
`Fig. 12 is a cross section through a pairwise arrangement of two mirror-symmetric implants
`according to the invention;
`Fig. 13 is a schematic representation of pairwise arranged mirror-symmetric implants according
`to the invention with the aid of which the intervertebral disk space can be widened;
`Fig. 14 is a schematic representation of two implants lying flat in the intervertebral disk space
`which are connected anteriorly by a third implant, before and after rotation into the concave area
`of the cover plates of the adjoining vertebral bodies;

`WO 95/08306
`Fig. 15 is a perspective view of an implant according to the invention with a longitudinal cut to
`admit spongy bone material or osteoconductive or osteoinductive material, and transverse
`perforation of the walls for bone growth;
`Fig. 16 is a perspective view of an implant according to the invention with longitudinally toothed
`contact surfaces between implant and bone, the longitudinal toothing being configured such that
`rotation of the implant into the concave space of the cover plates is possible only in one
`Fig. 17 is a perspective view of an implant according to the invention with transversely toothed
`contact surfaces between implant and bone, the transverse toothing being configured such that
`one toothing prevents translational motion in the anterior direction, while the other toothing
`prevents translational motion in the posterior direction. The prevention of translational motion in
`the anterior direction results in the removal of pressure from the remaining annulus, which,
`according to the latest research, is innervated and may therefore react with pain signals to
`anterior pressure.
`The invention and additional embodiments of the invention are described in the following in
`even greater detail using the partially schematic diagrams of numerous configurational examples.
`Using Figs. 1 and 2, the known technique will first be described.
`When an intervertebral disk is removed, as Fig. 1 shows, the two adjoining vertebral bodies 1
`and 2 are spread as far away from each other as possible, so that dilators 3 can be inserted. After
`vertebral bodies 1 and 2 are at the desired distance, dilators 3, as shown in Fig. 2, are replaced by

`WO 95/08306
`the bone grafts 4. Following the cutting away of a recess in vertebral bodies 1and 2, these bone
`grafts 4 must be grafted between the vertebral bodies using a pressure element 5. It is evident
`that this technique has the disadvantages identified in the introduction to the description.
`The implant according to the invention depicted in Figs. 3-6 overcomes these disadvantages,
`permitting it to be inserted quickly and, in addition, if necessary, enabling it to be locked
`between two vertebral bodies by applying force. The implant 6 essentially consists of a body 7
`with a device 8 to allow grasping using a tool 9. The devices 8 for grasping using a tool 9 is so
`configured that rotational, axial and/or lateral force can be exerted on the implant 6, preferably in
`all directions.
`Preferably, as depicted in Figs. 3-6, the devices 8 are configured such that at least a rotational
`force R can be exerted on it and, in connection with that, the implant is so configured that it has
`differing diameters or cross-sectional lengths, so that by turning at the cited devices 8, the body 7
`of the implant 6 can be inserted between the vertebral bodies 1 and 2 at greater or lesser
`In the configuration in Figs. 3-6, the devices 8 consist of a recess made on the rear axial end 10
`of implant 6, in the inner side of body 7. This recess enables a tool 9 to be inserted. As shown,
`the recess may consist of an axially many-sided (such as hexagonal) opening, it being necessary
`here to use a tool 9 that is equipped with a hexagonal end 11 in the form of a socket wrench.
`The use of an opening made in the inner side for inserting a tool 9, i.e., the above-mentioned
`recess, offers the advantage that the implant 6 has no protruding disturbing parts.

`WO 95/08306
`Preferably, the body 7 has a particular shape with one or more of the following characteristics:
`– the front axial end 12 of the body 7 should be configured to be rounded or wedge-shaped, since
`this facilitates insertion into the intervertebral space 25;
`– the rounding 13 on the front axial end 12 of the body 7 preferably runs only along a cross
`section parallel to the smaller diameter D1 – see Fig. 4 – and not along the cross section that is at
`a right angle to it, as depicted in Fig. 5;
`– the sides 14 and 15 through which the smaller diameter runs are preferably parallel and flat,
`except for the rounding 13;
`– when viewed from the side, the body 7, as depicted in Fig. 5, has a rounded-off, lens-shaped
`profile, and thus a profile that matches the natural dual concave form possessed by an
`intervertebral space in the sagittal section. The transitions between the sides 14 and 15 and the
`sides 16 and 17 are rounded off;
`– the sides 16 and 17 are preferably at least partially flat, and better if completely flat, along a
`cross section; the fact that the sides 17 and 18 are at least partially flat in a transverse direction
`offers the advantage that they offer stability against tilt in their locked-in state;
`– the body 7 has one or more openings or recesses for filling with graft material; as per Figs. 3 to
`6, a straight-through opening 18, extending from side 16 to side 17, is preferred; the opening 18
`preferably consists of an elongated slit with parallel walls 19 and 20. The abovementioned recess
`8 can extend to opening 18 if desired;
`– the implant consists of titanium or a titanium alloy suitable for implants;

`WO 95/08306
`– the opening 18 or the slit in the body 7 of the implant of Fig. 3 can be made by drilling several
`vertical boreholes into the body 7 and milling away the intermediate walls;
`– preferably, the im

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