Voi. 18 no. 6 2002
`Pages 873—879
` a
`831': an algorithm for finding near-exact
`sequence matches in time proportional to the
`logarithm of the database size
`Eider Giiadi 1”“. Michael G. Walker 7. James Z. Wangz and Wayne
`Vorkmurh t
`'incytc Pharmaceuticals, 3174 Porter Drive. Paio Alto. CA 94304. USA and
`2Department of Computer Science. Pennsylvania State University University Park.
`PA 16802. USA
`Received on January 1 1. 2001; revised on January ?. 2002; accepted on January 29. 2002
`the tree index). SST 27 times faster than BLAST.
`Availability: Request from the authors.
`Contact: egiladl®;
`In the current efforts to generate and interpret the complete
`genome sequences of humans and model organisms,
`large scale searches for near-exact matches are frequently
`performed. Examples include programs that assemble
`DNA from shotgun sequencing projects which initially
`search for overlapping fragments. large-scale searches of
`EST databases against genomic databases to determine the
`location of genes. and cross species genomic comparisons
`between very closely related genomes. Faster algorithms
`are needed because the time and cost of performing these
`large-scale sequence-similarity searches using even the
`fastest of the extant algorithms is prohibitive.
`1.1 Previous related research
`We new review previous results related to the Sequence
`Search Tree (SST) algorithm for sequence alignment, tree-
`struetured indexes. and ic-tuple encoding and filtration. In
`this discussion we shall refer to the length of a query
`sequence by the letter ‘m'. The size of the database refers
`to the sum of the lengths of all
`the sequences in the
`database. and is represented by the letter ‘n‘.
`Motivation: Searches tor near exact sequence matches
`are perlormed frequently in
`large-scale sequencing
`projects and in comparative genomics. The time and
`cost oi performing these large—scale sequence-similarity
`Searches is prohibitive using even the fastest oi the extant
`algorithms. Faster algorithms are desired.
`Results: We have developed an algorithm. called SST
`(Sequence Search Tree).
`that searches a database of
`DNA sequences for near-exact matches.
`in time propor-
`tional to the logarithm oi the database size n. In SST. we
`partition each sequence into fragments of fixed length
`called ‘windows‘ using multiple offsets. Each window is
`mapped into a vector of dimension 4" which contains the
`frequency oi occurrence of its component k-tuples. with k
`a parameter typically in the range 4—6. Then we create a
`tree-struetured index of the windows in vector space. with
`tree-structured vector quantization (TSVQ). We identify
`the nearest neighbors oi a query sequence by partitioning
`the query into windows and searching the tree-structured
`index for nearest—neighbor windows in the database. When
`the tree ls balanced this yields an 0(Iogr1) complexity for
`the search. This complexity was observed in our compu-
`tations. SST is most effective for applications in which the
`target sequences show a high degree of similarity to the
`query sequence. such as assembling shotgun sequences
`or matching ESTs to genomic sequence. The algorithm is
`also an effective filtration method. Specifically.
`it can be
`used as a preprocessing step for other search methods
`to reduce the complexity of searching one large database
`against another. For the problem oi identifying overlapping
`fragments in the assembly of 120000 iragments from
`a 1.5 megabase genomic sequence. SST is 15 times
`faster than BLAST when we consider both building and
`searching the tree. For searching alone (i.e. after building
`alignment. Extent
`sequence-similarity~finding programs include Needleman—
`and Wunsch,
`Waterman (Smith and Waterman. 19%|), FASTA (Pearson
`and Lipman, 1988; Pearson, 1996) and BLAST (Altschul
`er al.. 1990. 199?).
`The Needleman—Wunsch and Smith—Waterman algo—
`rithms perform. global and local sequence alignment using
`a dynamic programming algorithm. Their computational
`complexity is 0(m * rt).
`‘To whom correspondence should be addressed.
`@ Oxlnrd Unlversity Press 2002
`Sequenom v. Stanford
`Sequenom V. Stanford


`E.Giladi et at.
`The FASTA algorithm identifies regions of local se(cid:173)
`quence similarity by first identifying candidate similar
`sequences based on shared k-tuples and performs local
`alignment with
`the Smith-Waterman algorithm.
`computational complexity is O(m * n), with a constant
`smaller than the Needleman-Wunsch or Smith-Waterman
`identifies regions of local
`The BLAST algorithm
`sequence similarity by first identifying candidate similar
`sequences that have k-tuples in common with the query
`sequence, and then extending the regions of similarity. Its
`computational complexity is O(n).
`Myers implemented a sub-linear algorithm that finds
`long matches with less than a specified fraction of errors
`(Myers, 1994). Chang and Lawler also implemented a sub(cid:173)
`linear expected-time search algorithm (Chang and Lawler,
`1990). These algorithms index the occurrences of k-tuples
`in the database, giving sub-linear complexity. Because
`each tuple of the query may occur in many sequences
`in the database these algorithms still require examination
`of a substantial portion of the sequence database, and
`the search time still grows linearly with the size of the
`database. The developers of BLAST evaluated an indexing
`scheme similar to that described by Myers, but chose not
`to include it in the final versions of the program (Altschul
`et al., 1990, 1997).
`clustering. Several
`1.1.2 Sequence
`searchers have created clusters of similar sequences
`(including tree-structured indexes) or have performed
`other complete pairwise comparisons of sequence
`databases (Gannett et al., 1992; Harris et al., 1992;
`Watanabe and Otsuka, 1995; Barker et al., 1996; Tatusov
`et al., 1997; Yona, 1999). With the exceptions discussed
`below, these earlier algorithms have used conventional
`sequence alignment methods such as BLAST or FASTA
`(rather than the k-tuple method used in SST) to determine
`pairwise distances between sequences, and thus are
`limited by the speed of those alignment methods. In
`most cases, these previous researchers were concerned
`with creating a classification of proteins, rather than with
`enabling fast searches.
`To perform an exhaustive pairwise search of all se(cid:173)
`quences in the protein sequence database, Gannett et
`al. created a tree-structured index of all the protein
`sequences and all their subsequences (a Patricia tree), and
`used Needleman-Wunsch as their measure of similarity
`between sequences (Gannett et al., 1992). The size of
`the resulting tree, and the use of Needleman-Wunsch
`as the similarity measure, resulted in a computationally
`intensive algorithm.
`Yona and colleagues created hierarchical clusters of
`the known protein sequences by k-means clustering and
`metric space embedding (Yona, 1999). Their intent was to
`build a global view of protein sequence space, rather than
`to enable fast searches for similar sequences. In particular,
`the metric space embedding scheme in their algorithm is
`computationally intensive, and would be impractical for
`fast sequence similarity searches.
`1.1.3 Tree-structured indexes. Tree-structured indexes
`have been used previously to provide fast access to
`databases, and to allow compression of data for rapid
`transmission. Tree-structured vector quantization (TSVQ)
`uses a tree-structured index to encode vectors that can be
`transmitted more quickly than the original data (Gersho
`and Gray, 1992), albeit with some loss of information
`(lossy compression). TSVQ can be viewed as a nearest(cid:173)
`neighbor search algorithm, and was the inspiration for
`the tree-structured index used in SST. Agrawal et al.
`describe a method to reduce a high-dimensional set of
`vectors into a lower-dimensional set that retains most
`of the information, which can then be used to create a
`tree-structured index into the database (Agrawal et al.,
`1997). Vector representations and tree-structured indexes
`have been used widely for database access and data
`transmission, but to our knowledge these methods have
`not been used for DNA and protein sequence databases,
`except for the work of Gannett and of Yona described
`1.1.4 K -tuple encodings and filtration. K -tuple en(cid:173)
`codings have been used frequently in sequence analysis
`and in conjunction with filtration methods. We have
`already noted their use in FASTA and in BLAST, and
`describe here their use in FLASH, RAPID, and QUASAR.
`The FLASH algorithm (Califano and Rigoutsos, 1995)
`uses a form of k-tuple encoding that provides multiple
`indexes into the database per position in the sequence.
`The tuples used in FLASH are very descriptive and have
`a low probability of matching randomly in the database.
`This yields a high efficiency in screening for candidate
`database matches.
`The RAPID algorithm (Miller et al., 1998) finds k(cid:173)
`tuple matches in each sequence compared to the query
`sequence (and hence is linear in complexity). Instead of
`performing a (computationally expensive) alignment as is
`done in BLAST, RAPID uses a table of word frequencies
`computed from the database of sequences and calculates
`the probability that a set of matching words occur by
`chance. This approach yields a smaller coefficient of
`complexity than occurs in BLAST, but also remains linear.
`The QUASAR algorithm (Burkhardt et al., 1999) parti(cid:173)
`tions the database into blocks of equal length, analogous to
`the 'windows' used in SST. It then searches each database
`block for all occurrences of each k-tuple from the query
`(q-gram, in their nomenclature), and increments a counter
`for each block whenever it contains a k-tuple from the
`query. A lower-bound on the minimum number of k-tuples


`Fig. I. A database sequence is partitioned into overlapping windows
`of length W = 6. The overlap parameter I"> = 2.
`in a block provides a filter to identify blocks that are sim(cid:173)
`ilar to the query sequence. The number of blocks which
`need to be accessed for every q-gram can be linear in the
`database size.
`The use of k-tuple frequency for approximate matching
`of texts, and in filtration schemes has also been used and
`analysed (Pevzner and Waterman, 1995; Wu and Manber,
`1992; Ukkonen, 1992; Jokinen and Ukkonen, 1991). SST
`differs from the previous algorithms in that it combines an
`efficient embedding of sequence fragments (windows) into
`metric space, using k-tuple frequency encoding, with a
`tree-structured index for that space. SST's tree-structured
`index eliminates large portions of the database from
`consideration during searches, and requires us to search
`only a small fraction of the database to find sequences with
`high similarity to the query sequence. The construction of
`the index has an average computational complexity which
`is 0 (n log n) while the search of the index has an average
`complexity O(m log n).
`We now describe the details of the SST algorithm.
`Sections 2.1-2.3 describe the steps in constructing the
`tree index. These steps need to be performed only once
`for each database. Section 2.4 describes how the database
`index is searched.
`2.1 Database partitioning with sliding windows
`In the first step each sequence in the database is partitioned
`into overlapping windows, which consist of subsequences
`of nucleotides of fixed length W. The measure of overlap
`between windows is determined by a parameter 6. which
`is typically in the range 5 :::: 6.
`:::: W j2. The windows
`consist of the nucleotides beginning at position j * 6., and
`ending at position )*6.+ W, with j = 0, 1, 2 ... , WI 6.-1
`(Figure 1). Typical values of Ware in the range 25-1000.
`Each query sequence is partitioned into non-overlapping
`windows or into windows which overlap by half their
`length. The search for a query sequence consists of finding
`database windows that are similar to the query windows,
`as will be described in the next subsections.
`SST: an algorithm for finding near-exact sequence matches
`2.2 Mapping windows into vector space
`In order to build the tree index used by SST, it is necessary
`to map each window into a finite dimensional vector
`space. Specifically, for each sequence, we create a vector
`consisting of counts of the number of occurrences of each
`k-tuple. Thus, fork of 2, we create a vector of length 16
`that consists of counts of the number of occurrences of the
`16 k-tuples AA, AC, AG, AT, CA, ... , TG, TT. We begin
`by choosing a tuple size k, and by associating an integer
`I with each of the 4k k-tuples of nucleotides a 1a2 • • · ak.
`a; E {A,C,G,T}. This is done in a standard fashion using
`the formula
`M(at) = 1
`ifa1 =A,
`if at= C,
`if at= G,
`if at= T.
`Tuples containing the undetermined symbol 'N' are ig(cid:173)
`nored. We now map each database window to the vector
`in R 4k who's Ith entry is the number of occurrences of tu(cid:173)
`ple I in that window. For example, with k = 2 the window
`{AACCGG} in Figure 1 is mapped to the vector
`The tuple size k ranges between 2 and 10 but is typically
`4 or 5, chosen for reasons described in Section 4.
`The L 1 distance (Manhattan distance) between the
`image of two windows in vector space is the number of
`k-tuples which occur in one of the windows and not in the
`other. Since each window has W - k + 1 component k(cid:173)
`tuples, their distance can be used to determine the number
`of k-tuples shared by the two windows. This in tum
`provides a lower bound for the edit distance between the
`windows (Jokinen and Ukkonen, 1991; Ukkonen, 1992).
`The correspondence between the L 1 distance in vector
`space and the edit distance in sequence space is utilized
`in SST to find near exact matches to query windows, by
`seeking nearest neighbors in metric space.
`We note that the mapping procedure described in this
`section is easily modified to deal with other alphabets such
`as the 20 letters used for protein sequences or a reduced
`2.3 Tree-structured index for database windows
`The mapping described in the previous section trans(cid:173)
`formed the problem of finding near exact matches to
`query windows in the database to that of finding nearest
`neighbors in vector space. This search can be done very


`E. Giladi et at.
`efficiently by constructing a tree-structured index in
`vector space.
`To create the tree-structured index, we recursively
`search the data for clusters that provide binary (or higher(cid:173)
`order) partitions. A variety of methods are available for
`finding such clusters and building the tree. One suitable
`method is TSVQ (Gersho and Gray, 1992) using k-means
`clustering which we have used and describe here.
`(I) Select two centroids x A, x 8 and their corresponding
`partitions of the data into disjoint sets A and Busing
`the following iterative procedure:
`• Choose two initial values for XA and X8.
`• For each vector y in the database compute the
`L 1 distances from the vector to each of the
`Assign y to the set A if dA(Y) < d8(y), and to
`the set B otherwise.
`• Compute the new centroids
`• Compute values for the terminating criteria
`where I A I is the size of set A.
`• Repeat until the change in D A and D 8 is less
`than a small threshold, or no vectors change
`(2) Recursively partition the sets A and B generated
`above using the same algorithm.
`(3) The recursion terminates when the number of vec(cid:173)
`tors in a set is smaller then a specified tolerance or
`when the algorithm fails to fragment a cluster into
`two substantial new clusters.
`The leaves of the tree partition the k-dimensional space,
`and each leaf contains the set of vectors that are nearest
`neighbors to the centroid for that node. We note that when
`the tree is balanced the depth of the tree is proportional to
`the logarithm of the number of windows and the number
`of windows is proportional to the size of the database.
`Hence the average complexity of the tree construction is
`O(n Iogn).
`2.4 The search procedure.
`For each query, the SST algorithm finds similar database
`sequences by dividing the query sequence into windows
`and searching for database windows that are similar to
`at least one of the query windows. This search is done
`efficiently in vector space using the tree-structured index
`as follows.
`Begin at the root of the tree. At each non-terminal
`node there are two branches (for the case of a binary
`tree), which are represented by their respective centroid.
`Select the branch whose centroid is the lesser distance
`from the query vector. Proceed recursively until reaching a
`terminal node. The vectors in the terminal node represent
`the database windows which are the nearest neighbors to
`the query window.
`The SST algorithm finds most of the nearest neighbors
`but is not guaranteed to find all the nearest neighbors of a
`query sequence. In particular, sequences that lie near the
`boundary of a partition may be closer to another sequence
`immediately across the boundary line than they are to any
`other sequence within the partition; we indicate the false
`negative rate for one experiment below.
`Additional processing such as alignment of the query to
`the database sequence with one of the standard alignment
`tools is possible.
`We now describe computer implementation strategies for
`the SST algorithm which significantly improve the speed
`and the scalability of the algorithm. These strategies in(cid:173)
`clude computation on sub-trees, sampling in the construc(cid:173)
`tion of the k-means tree, the use of sparse vector represen(cid:173)
`tation, fixed precision arithmetic and a compressed format
`for the database windows.
`As the number of sequences increases, it becomes
`impossible to store the whole tree index in RAM. To
`minimize disk access during the computation we perform
`the tree construction and search on subtrees. For example,
`when searching one database against another, we first
`search all query windows against the top part of the
`tree, say the first nine levels. This generates 29 = 512
`groups of windows. Now, each group is searched against
`its respective subtree. Disk access occurs only once for
`each subtree because it is small enough to fit into RAM.
`The subtree approach can be generalized to an arbitrary
`number of levels. Moreover, it provides a foundation for
`parallelizing the algorithm because adjacent subtrees can
`be processed independently on different processors.
`The speed of the tree construction can be substantially
`enhanced by computing the centroids based on a sample
`of the windows in each cluster, rather than using all of
`them. We find that a sample of 1000 windows to estimate
`two centroids provides a substantial improvement in the


`speed at a relatively low cost in the error rate; where higher
`accuracy is required, larger samples are useful.
`The computation of the centroids requires the use of
`floating point arithmetic. However, floating point opera(cid:173)
`tions are more expensive than integer arithmetic. Hence, in
`our implementation we use a 16 bit fixed precision arith(cid:173)
`All frequency vectors are very sparse. They have at most
`W - k + I non-zero entries while their dimension is 4k.
`Typical values are W = 50, k = 5, 45 = 1024 »
`W - k + I = 46. The use of sparse vector representation
`allows us to store only the non-zero entries, by storing
`pairs (index, value), instead of storing the whole vector.
`This representation saves a substantial amount of space in
`both RAM and disk. In addition, substantial computations
`are saved by using sparse vector arithmetic, for example
`in the computation of the distance of each vector from a
`Database windows overlap and therefore have large
`portions in common. We use a compressed format for
`the windows which takes advantage of this overlap. The
`storage required for all windows of a database in this
`format is independent of both the window size W and the
`offset parameter 1'3.. The storage required by this format is
`about 2 bytes per nucleotide.
`When using SST we build one tree for the sequences in
`the database and one tree for their complement. We then
`search both trees. These computations are independent and
`can be performed concurrently.
`We illustrate the performance of SST by applying it
`to detecting overlapping fragments in shotgun sequence
`assembly. We fragment a 1.5 megabase sequence of
`genomic DNA several times using a Poisson process with
`A. = 300 nucleotides. From the pool of fragments we
`generate three sets of fragments of: 30 675, 61 350 and
`122 700 sequences thus simulating a 6-fold, 12-fold and
`24-fold coverage of the genomic stretch. We apply SST
`to search each database of fragments against itself for
`overlapping sequences, with overlap size ~ 50.
`In the first computation we randomly introduce errors
`into each fragment at a rate of 5% with a maximum of
`2.5% insertions/deletions. In this computation the window
`size W and the tolerance T (the distance threshold for
`deciding if a query sequence matches a database sequence)
`are varied in the range 30 ::::: W ::::: 50 and 0 ::::: T ::::: 30.
`The number of fragments is 61 350 and the tuple size used
`in the encoding is k = 5. Query windows do not overlap.
`Figure 2 indicates the true positive rate (TPR) and the
`log 10 of the false positive rate (FPR) as a function of
`W and T. The TPR increases as W decreases and as T
`increases, and so does the FPR. With optimal parameters
`W = 30, T = 15, the TPR and FPR are .95 and
`SST: an algorithm for finding near-exact sequence matches
`Window alze W
`Thraahold T
`Window alze W
`Thrashold T
`Fig, 2. Top: the TPR as a function of the window size W and the
`the distance threshold T. Bottom: the log base 10 of the FPR as a
`function of the window size W and the distance threshold T on the
`right. Data has an error rate of 5%.
`0.0007, respectively. In the remainder of this section all
`computations use a window size of 30 and a threshold
`distance of T = 15.
`We now study the effect of varying the tuple size k
`on the accuracy and the speed of SST. The number of
`fragments is 61 350 and the error rate is 5% with 2.5%
`insertions/deletions. The tuple size k varies in the range
`3 ::::: k ~ 6. Tables 1 and 2 indicate the results of this
`test when there is no overlap between query windows and
`when the overlap is half the window size, respectively.
`The computation time increases with the tuple size k. The
`accuracy of the results also improve as k increases until
`K = 5 and then decreases. The results are more accurate
`when the query windows overlap but the computation is
`much longer in this case. In the remainder of this section
`all computations are done with a tuple size of k = 5.


`E.Gi/adi eta/.
`Table I. The total time (to build the tree and search), the time to search
`the tree, the true positive rate (TPR) and the false positive rate (FPR) as a
`function of the tuple size K used. There is no overlap between the query
`Table 3. The true positive rate (TPR) and the false positive rate (FPR) as
`a function of the error rate P. Top, query windows do not overlap; bottom,
`query windows overlap. The rate of insertions/deletions is 2,5%
`Total time
`Search time
`Table 2. The total time (to build the tree and search it), the time to search
`the tree, the true positive rate (TPR) and the false positive rate (FPR) as
`a function of the tuple size K used. Query windows overlap by half their
`Total time
`Search time
`Table 4. The total time per query (build index and search), the speed up
`compared to BLAST, the time per query for search alone, the speed up
`compared to BLAST for search, the BLAST time per query. Query windows
`do not overlap
`We now study the degradation of the performance of
`the algorithm as the error rate (nucleotide mismatches,
`insertions, and deletions) increases. Tables 3 indicate the
`TPR and FPR as a function of the error rate P. The
`degradation of the performance is apparent. The accuracy
`improves when query windows overlap.
`We expect the TPR and FPR for BLAST to be as good
`as or better than those for SST. For an application such
`as sequence assembly, imperfect sensitivity (failure to
`detect true hits) is similar in effect to sequencing with less
`coverage; the missing sequences do not contribute to the
`initial assembly. SST is best used as a filtration method,
`whereby the small number of sequences returned by SST
`are confirmed by a slower method such as BLAST. This
`post-processing provides a method to remove or limit false
`positives with little computational expense.
`We now compare the scaling of the computation time
`per query between SST and BLAST as we vary the
`database size. Tables 4 and 5 show the linear scaling of
`the time per query with BLAST versus the nearly constant
`time with SST. The speed up compared to BLAST is also
`indicated. We see that for search alone SST is 27 times
`faster than BLAST while for building the tree index and
`searching it, SST is about 15 times faster then BLAST for
`the database of 120 000 sequences when query windows
`do not overlap. When query windows overlap SST is
`about 9.3 times faster than BLAST for building the index
`and searching it and 13.2 times faster than BLAST for
`searching alone. A higher speed up is expected for larger
`SST total Total time
`speed up
`SST query
`Search time
`speed up
`SST is most effective for applications in which the
`target sequences show a high degree of similarity to the
`query sequence, such as assembling shotgun sequences
`or matching ESTs to genomic sequence. The accuracy is
`greatly improved when query windows overlap but this
`comes at the cost of a substantial slowdown. For some
`applications, such as assembly of shotgun sequences, it is
`sufficient to identify the set of nearest-neighbor sequences.
`For other applications, it is desirable or necessary to align
`the nearest-neighbor sequences to the query sequence
`using an algorithm such as Needleman-Wunsch or Smith(cid:173)
`Waterman. Since SST filters most true negatives only a
`small number of sequences are returned for each query,
`and such alignments can be done relatively quickly.
`In the example presented here, for 120 000 sequences,
`SST is 15 to 27 times faster than BLAST2, when query
`windows do not overlap. As seen in our computations
`SST scales logarithmically with the number of sequences,
`while BLAST2 scales linearly. Hence we estimate that for
`a database of one million sequences SST will be 170 to
`270 times faster than BLAST2, with similar gains for yet
`larger sequence collections.


`Table 5. The total time per query (build index and search), the speed up
`compared to BLAST, the time per query for search alone, the speed up
`compared to BLAST for search, the BLAST time per query. Query windows
`overlap by half their length
`SST total Total time
`speed up
`SST query
`Search time BLAST
`speed up
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