BMC Bioinformatics
`BioMed Central
`Open Access
`Research article
`Using quality scores and longer reads improves accuracy of Solexa
`read mapping
`Andrew D Smith†, Zhenyu Xuan† and Michael Q Zhang*
`Address: Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory, Cold Spring Harbor, NY 11274, USA
`Email: Andrew D Smith -; Zhenyu Xuan -; Michael Q Zhang* -
`* Corresponding author †Equal contributors
`Published: 28 February 2008
`BMC Bioinformatics 2008, 9:128
`This article is available from:
`Received: 5 October 2007
`Accepted: 28 February 2008
`© 2008 Smith et al; licensee BioMed Central Ltd.
`This is an Open Access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License (,
`which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.
`Background: Second-generation sequencing has the potential to revolutionize genomics and
`impact all areas of biomedical science. New technologies will make re-sequencing widely available
`for such applications as identifying genome variations or interrogating the oligonucleotide content
`of a large sample (e.g. ChIP-sequencing). The increase in speed, sensitivity and availability of
`sequencing technology brings demand for advances in computational technology to perform
`associated analysis tasks. The Solexa/Illumina 1G sequencer can produce tens of millions of reads,
`ranging in length from ~25–50 nt, in a single experiment. Accurately mapping the reads back to a
`reference genome is a critical task in almost all applications. Two sources of information that are
`often ignored when mapping reads from the Solexa technology are the 3' ends of longer reads,
`which contain a much higher frequency of sequencing errors, and the base-call quality scores.
`Results: To investigate whether these sources of information can be used to improve accuracy
`when mapping reads, we developed the RMAP tool, which can map reads having a wide range of
`lengths and allows base-call quality scores to determine which positions in each read are more
`important when mapping. We applied RMAP to analyze data re-sequenced from two human BAC
`regions for varying read lengths, and varying criteria for use of quality scores. RMAP is freely
`available for downloading at
`Conclusion: Our results indicate that significant gains in Solexa read mapping performance can be
`achieved by considering the information in 3' ends of longer reads, and appropriately using the base-
`call quality scores. The RMAP tool we have developed will enable researchers to effectively exploit
`this information in targeted re-sequencing projects.
`The main technological advances that accompanied the
`genomic and post-genomic eras are high-throughput
`sequencing and hybridization microarrays. Sequencing
`technology enabled scientists to obtain the full genomic
`sequence for many species, including the human and
`many model organisms. Sequencing technology is also
`being used to selectively re-sequence the human genome
`to detect genome variations such as single nucleotide pol-
`ymorphisms or large-scale structural variations. Because
`understanding these variations can immediately impact
`medical sciences, making sequencing more efficient and
`accessible is imperative. However, traditional methodolo-
`gies used to sequence the first mammalian genomes
`remain expensive, time consuming, and labor intensive.
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`BMC Bioinformatics 2008, 9:128
`Oligonucleotide microarray technology, used to interro-
`gate the RNA or DNA content of a sample, has emerged as
`a widely accessible and effective tool for studying gene
`expression or detecting protein-DNA interactions (i.e.
`ChIP-chip). Microarrays have also been used to detect
`genome variations, like SNPs or structural variations.
`Array-based hybridization also has limitations. For exam-
`ple, probes can behave in highly non-uniform ways, and
`the effects of cross-hybridization and resolution limits are
`poorly understood. Although significant research efforts
`are focused on these problems, they remain inherent in all
`hybridization-based methods.
`The new sequencing technology referred to as "second-
`generation" shows promise to eliminate many of the
`problems associated with traditional sequencing technol-
`ogy and also those with oligonucleotide microarray tech-
`nology. Second-generation sequencers are able
`sequence more quickly and at lower cost in terms of both
`money and labor. New sequencing technologies are devel-
`oped to sequence at greater depth, meaning that a clone
`can be sequenced from a sample even when that clone
`exists at very low abundance (i.e. 1 molecule per cell).
`Several second-generation technologies have been devel-
`oped using diverse methods. Two recent second-genera-
`tion sequencers are from 454 Life Sciences (Roche
`Diagnostics) and Solexa (Illumina). The 454 sequencers
`use an emulsion method for DNA amplification and a
`pyrosequencing protocol for sequencing by synthesis
`(SBS) at picolitre-scale volumes. Current 454 sequencers
`can produce 25–50 M nt of sequence in a single run, in the
`form of reads with length up to 500 nt (a number
`expected to increase), enabling this technology to be used
`for de-novo sequencing in addition to re-sequencing [1].
`Solexa/Illumina 1G sequencers also use sequencing by
`synthesis, with DNA amplified on the surface of a flow
`cell, resulting in a random array of dense clusters [2]. The
`Solexa technology is faster and cheaper than that used in
`454 sequencers, producing 1G nucleotides of sequence in
`one run but producing much shorter reads. Each individ-
`ual read is roughly 25 to 50 bases in length (also expected
`to increase slightly in coming years). The Solexa sequenc-
`ing technology has recently started producing break-
`through results. Research described in [3] and [4]
`employed Solexa sequencers to obtain high-resolution
`genomic maps of several histone modifications, as well as
`localization data for the DNA-binding proteins. Effective-
`ness of ChIP-sequencing has also been demonstrated by
`[5], who used Solexa sequencing to obtain locations of
`STAT1 binding sites in HeLa S3 cells before and following
`IFN-γ stimulation.
`Mapping reads from the Solexa sequencer presents an
`obvious algorithmic challenge: tens of millions of reads
`must be mapped to a large (e.g. mammalian) genome in
`a reasonable amount of time. Strong efforts to design
`short-read mapping algorithms have resulted in methods
`that are effective in particular contexts. The mapping algo-
`rithm implemented as part of the Solexa analysis pipeline
`is named ELAND (Efficient Large-Scale Alignment of
`Nucleotide Databases). ELAND is optimized to map very
`short reads, with length at most 32 nt, and ignores the
`additional bases when the sequenced reads are longer.
`ELAND also only allows at most two mismatches between
`the read and the genomic sequence to which it maps,
`which will clearly be too few for longer reads. Despite
`these restrictions, ELAND remains very useful for many
`mapping tasks because it is extremely efficient. The SXO-
`ligoSearch algorithm (by Synamatix) can quickly map
`reads of varying length, using different criteria, with per-
`formance depending on both the read length and map-
`ping criteria. The performance of SXOligoSearch depends
`on use of the proprietary SynaBASE data structure. This
`data structure is a heavily compressed and annotated
`index for the reference genome that retains all non-redun-
`dant information. The gains in mapping speed by using
`such a data structure come at a cost in terms of the mem-
`ory required for the SynaBASE data structure. Extreme
`memory requirements of the data structure makes SXOli-
`goSearch unsuitable for use on hardware available in
`most labs.
`In most re-sequencing applications accuracy of mapping
`is a primary concern. We must know with great accuracy
`what part of the genome was actually sequenced. There
`are several reasons why it might be difficult to determine
`the location in the reference genome from which a read
`was derived, or even if a read was derived from the refer-
`ence genome. These include problems with the experi-
`errors or
`contamination. Mapping is also made more difficult by
`repeats in the genome, and by polymorphisms. While
`mapping algorithms cannot be expected to be robust to all
`such problems, effort should be made to make the algo-
`rithms as robust as possible.
`Two sources of information with the potential to improve
`mapping accuracy are the 3' ends of longer reads, which
`are often ignored because they contain a higher frequency
`of errors, and the base-call quality scores. The quality
`scores describe the confidence of bases in each read.
`Sequencing quality scores, introduced in the Phred algo-
`rithm [6,7], assign a probability to the four possible nucle-
`otides for each sequenced base. The Solexa analysis
`pipeline, for example, includes a program called BUS-
`TARD to calculate quality scores. Because the bases with
`lower quality scores are more likely to be sequencing
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`BMC Bioinformatics 2008, 9:128
`errors, any potential mapping for a read should be penal-
`ized less for mismatching at positions with lower scores.
`The quality scores are especially important for mapping
`longer reads, since the 3' ends of longer reads are known
`to have a higher frequency of sequencing errors.
`To investigate whether these sources of information can
`be used to improve accuracy when mapping reads, we
`developed the RMAP tool, which can map reads having a
`wide range of lengths and allows base-call quality scores
`to determine which positions in each read are more
`important when mapping. The only requirement on the
`base-call quality scores for use in RMAP is that they
`increase monotonically with the inverse of the error prob-
`ability for a particular base call. Our results indicate that
`significant gains in mapping performance can be achieved
`by considering the information in 3' ends of longer reads,
`and appropriately using the quality scores.
`Results and Discussion
`The mapping criteria
`We designed RMAP to use two different mapping criteria,
`both based on approximate matching of the read and the
`reference genome. The first criterion is a simple count of
`mismatches between a read and the aligned genomic seg-
`ment. Under this criterion, any unknown nucleotides in
`the reference genome (i.e. Ns) will induce a mismatch
`with any nucleotide. Uncalled positions, where the
`sequencing was unable to determine the nucleotide, also
`induce a mismatch. For a fixed read length, by allowing a
`greater number of mismatches, more reads can be
`mapped to reference genome. We refer to this simple mis-
`match criterion as RMAPM (RMAP using mismatch
`The second criterion, also based on mismatch-counts,
`makes use of the base-call quality scores. A cutoff for the
`base-call quality score is used to designate positions as
`either high-quality (HQ) or low-quality (LQ), depending
`on whether the quality score of the highest-scoring base at
`that position exceeds the cutoff. Low-quality positions
`always induce a match (i.e. act as wild-cards). To prevent
`the possibility of trivial matches, a quality control step
`eliminates reads with too many low-quality positions. As
`with the first criterion, mapping accuracy can be control-
`led by manipulating the number of allowed mismatches
`when mapping. But for the second criterion, manipulat-
`ing the quality-score cutoff provides another means of
`adjusting sensitivity and specificity, and allows positions
`to contribute when they are of high-quality, but not be
`penalized if they are low-quality. We refer to this criterion
`as RMAPQ (RMAP using quality scores).
`Evaluating mapping accuracy
`Measuring mapping accuracy
`In measuring mapping accuracy, we want to quantify both
`sensitivity and specificity by using reads sequenced from
`DNA samples from selected genomic regions instead of
`the entire genome. By mapping those reads to the
`genome, we can evaluate how accurately they are mapped
`to the target region. However, there are theoretical and
`practical limits to how well these can be measured. Inabil-
`ity to map a read correctly can be attributed to sequencing
`errors (arising from any part of the experiment), to varia-
`tion between the sampled genome and the reference
`genome, or can result from ambiguities caused by repeats
`in the reference genome. These diverse sources of error
`make it difficult to measure accuracy in terms of tradi-
`tional sensitivity and specificity.
`Ambiguous reads, under a given mapping criterion, are
`reads that map to more than one location in the reference
`genome. Reads that map to a single location are called
`uniquely mappable (or simply mappable) reads. All reads
`that are not mapped uniquely to some location in the ref-
`erence genome are said to be unmappable (which
`includes ambiguous reads). We define target region cover-
`age (or simply coverage) as the number of bases in the tar-
`get region covered by at least one mappable read, divided
`by the total number of bases in the target region. In order
`to compare the coverage values for different read lengths,
`we use only the first base of each read to represent that
`read. By counting bases covered, rather than number of
`reads that map to the target region, greater target region
`coverage is achieved when the reads map uniformly in the
`target region. We define mapping selectivity as the number
`of mappable reads that map inside the target region,
`divided by the total number of mappable reads. A read is
`said to map inside the target region if any part of the read
`overlaps the target region. The selectivity shows how well
`the mapping criterion places mappable reads inside the
`target region. In this study, when we refer to mapping
`accuracy, we are referring to both coverage and mapping
`selectivity (and we formally treat accuracy as the mean of
`these two measures).
`Evaluation data
`We used the data from samples of two BACs provided for
`sequencer validation by Solexa, which covers 162 kb of
`the chromosome 6 MHC region in an A1-B8-DR3 alter-
`nate haplotype assembly based on sequence data from the
`COX library [8]. We chose one lane of reads sequenced by
`the 1G sequencers at the CSHL Genome Center. The total
`number of raw 36 nt reads in this data set is 3.4 million,
`with the quality score of each base ranging from -5 to 40
`(as called by the BUSTARD program from the Solexa anal-
`ysis pipeline). As reference genome we used hg18, all
`chromosomes except chr6, which we replaced entirely
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`BMC Bioinformatics 2008, 9:128
`with chr6_cox_hap1, the A1-B8-DR3 alternate haplotype
`assembly. We chose to include this alternate haplotype in
`the reference because it is the origin of the BAC that was
`sequenced. We excluded the ordinary chr6 because it has
`high similarity with chr6_cox_hap1, and including both
`of these would have resulted in a high proportion of reads
`mapping ambiguously to chr6 and chr6_cox_hap1 (see
`additional file 1).
`Evaluation procedure
`To investigate how information is distributed within the
`reads, we ran RMAP on all reads with lengths ranging
`from 25–36 nt, allowing mismatches in the range of 0 to
`10, and using both the RMAPM and RMAPQ criteria. For
`the RMAPQ criterion, we chose {4, 8, 12, 16, 20, 24} as
`the set of quality-score cutoffs to evaluate. Reads with
`fewer than 10 contiguous HQ bases (i.e. bases scoring
`above the quality-score cutoff) were considered unmap-
`pable and removed from consideration, as the algorithm
`requires a minimum number of high-quality bases for
`efficiency (see Methods section for details). Any read lack-
`ing 10 consecutive high-quality bases would likely have a
`very high overall amount of error.
`Mapping longer reads with more mismatches increases
`The Solexa sequencer can produce reads of more than 50
`bases, and longer reads contain more sequence informa-
`tion. Although it is known that the quality of sequenced
`bases in reads decreases toward the 3' end of the read,
`especially as read length increases, it remains to be shown
`how much useful information may still exist in bases at
`the 3' ends of longer reads. Making use of any additional
`bases is only expected to improve mapping accuracy if the
`additional bases contain information of sufficient quality.
`When the BAC reads were mapped to the human genome
`using the RMAPM criterion, with length from 25–36 nt,
`and different number of allowed mismatches, we found
`that there is generally a great deal of information in 3' end
`bases up to 36 nt. These results are presented in Figure 1
`and Supplementary Table 1 (see additional file 2) (We
`remark that the accuracy of RMAP using the RMAPM cri-
`terion for reads shorter than 32 nt, allowing at most 2 mis-
`matches, is the same as that of ELAND). The BAC coverage
`always increased with length of mapped reads, except
`when only one or zero mismatches are allowed. The map-
`ping selectivity decreases monotonically with read length
`when zero or at most one mismatch is allowed. When
`multiple mismatches are allowed, the mapping selectivity
`first increases with read length, then decreases slightly.
`Taking the mean of these two measures as overall map-
`ping accuracy, we see that the combined target region cov-
`erage and mapping selectivity is maximized when read
`length is 36 nt and up to 4 mismatches are allowed. Com-
`paring read lengths between 25 nt and 36 nt, the mapping
` Figure 1
`Comparison of mapping accuracy of RMAPM crite-
`rion under different parameter combinations. Com-
`parison of mapping accuracy for reads of different lengths,
`and allowing different numbers of mismatches without using
`quality scores. Both the target (BAC) region coverage (a) and
`the mapping selectivity (b) are displayed. The mean of these
`two measures is presented in (c) as mapping accuracy. Stand-
`ard error of displayed values was always ≤ 1.0% and usually <
`0.1%, as estimated by mapping reads obtained from the sec-
`ond lane of the same sequencing run of the same BAC
`regions (this applies also to values in Figure 2).
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`BMC Bioinformatics 2008, 9:128
`selectivity increases 6.4% while the BAC region coverage
`increases 8.6%. By extrapolating our results, even greater
`improvements are expected as read lengths increase
`beyond 36 nt.
`Using quality score information increases accuracy
`We tested different cutoffs for defining high quality bases
`to estimate the ability of the RMAPQ criterion to most
`effectively use the quality information in the reads. We
`achieve better mapping performance in both BAC cover-
`age and mapping selectivity when using longer reads with
`high quality score cutoff of 4 to 24 than without using
`quality score filtering (See Figure 2, and additional file 2).
`This is due to a larger number of reads being mapped
`unambiguously to the genome by the RMAPQ criterion,
`and a larger number of those being mapped to the target
`(BAC) regions. The best mapping accuracy was achieved
`when reads were of length 36 nt, a quality-score cutoff of
`8 was used, and when at most one mismatch was allowed.
`For these settings, the mapping selectivity further
`improved almost 3% with the same BAC coverage, com-
`pared with the best accuracy of RMAP using the RMAPM
`criterion. These results demonstrate that the way in which
`the quality scores are incorporated into RMAP results in
`improved accuracy.
`The reads derived from the BACs provided by Solexa for
`the purpose of validation are of very high quality. For a
`given 162 Kb BAC region, most of these 3.4 million reads
`can be mapped almost perfectly. This introduces a satura-
`tion effect, leaving limited space for improvement, as
`highly accurate mapping is achieved easily. RMAP still
`makes significant improvements within this narrow
`range. In many applications, without this ceiling effect,
`the improvement is expected to be even more pro-
`We also compared the mapping accuracy of RMAP with
`another available, but presently unpublished, method
`called MAQ [9]. Using default parameter setting, we ran
`MAQ to map the set of 3.4 M reads from the BAC.
`Although MAQ had speed and memory usage similar to
`RMAP, we found MAQ to have lower mapping accuracy
`(see additional file 3) when allowing at most 2 mis-
`Widely-accessible second-generation sequencing technol-
`ogies promise to revolutionize many areas of bio-medical
`research. In addition to de novo sequencing of new species,
`these technologies make targeted re-sequencing a reality.
`Re-sequencing will provide more accurate means of inter-
`rogating the oligo-nucleotide content of samples, and of
`identifying important genome variations, such as disease-
`related SNPs. Mapping reads to genomes is a critical step
`in re-sequencing data analysis, and both the algorithmic
`and software technology must keep pace with surging
`advances in the throughput of sequencing instruments.
`In order to maximize the use of available information in
`mapping Solexa reads, we developed the RMAP tool,
`which incorporates base-call quality scores to improve
`accuracy. RMAP responds to an urgent need for such an
`algorithm by providing both the accuracy to handle
`emerging mapping tasks. Our results in applying RMAP
`have shown that more reads can be mapped into the target
`regions when using the RMAPM criterion to map longer
`reads and allow more mismatches. We have also shown
`that the way in which quality scores are used in RMAP (the
`RMAPQ criterion) significantly increases both coverage
`and mapping selectivity.
`Although second-generation sequencing technology is
`currently producing many important results, there is still
`little understanding of how this technology should
`behave with respect to sequencing errors and what are the
`general properties of typical re-sequencing data sets. As
`more knowledge accumulates about typical results from
`this new sequencing technology, more information can be
`incorporated into algorithms for mapping reads and other
`associated analysis tasks.
`In theory we could move toward an ideal mapping crite-
`rion by predictive modeling, where a model would be
`trained to identify the location from which each read was
`derived. Although the best mapping criteria may not be
`to high-throughput computation,
`approximation of those criteria could be developed.
`Cross-validation and the use of a wide range of data sets
`could be used to ensure that the trained criteria are suffi-
`ciently general. In practice such a procedure would require
`high-quality training data, and an extreme amount of
`computing time to train and evaluate such models.
`RMAP does not consider insertions or deletions (indels),
`which are potentially important in certain sequencing
`applications (e.g. indel polymorphisms). The straight-for-
`ward strategy for handling indels is to extend initial seed
`matches using a Smith-Waterman-style alignment, as is
`commonly done in database search programs like BLAST
`[10]. For short reads, with length ≤ 50 bases, providing
`this greater flexibility will require careful investigation
`into scoring the alignments, because using simple scoring
`schemes for indels may result in higher rate of false-posi-
`tive mappings and ambiguities. In addition, because
`indels have nothing analogous to the base-call quality
`scores, it will be more difficult to distinguish errors from
`real genotypic variations during the mapping stage of
`analysis. We have observed that data sets containing a
`high proportion of low-complexity reads, such as single
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`BMC Bioinformatics 2008, 9:128
` Figure 2
`Mapping accuracy of RMAPQ criterion under varying parameters. Reads with length from 25–36 nt were mapped
`and 0,1, or 2 mismatches were allowed at high quality bases defined by quality score cutoffs of 4 (d) or 8 (a-d). For reference,
`mapping performance of RMAPM criterion with at most 2 mismatches is also shown. (a) The BAC coverage; (b) the mapping
`selectivity; (c) the overall mapping accuracy (equal to the mean of the BAC coverage and selectivity).(d) 2-D performance com-
`parison in both BAC coverage and selectivity of RMAPM and RMAPQ.
`nucleotide repeats, cause a decrease in execution speed of
`RMAP. This is explained by such low complexity seeds
`resulting in a large increase in the number of full compar-
`isons (between reads and regions of the reference
`genome), that are induced by these highly-common
`seeds. The exclusion strategy used in RMAP is also heavily
`used by popular programs for searching sequence data-
`bases. Research effort toward improving the structure of
`seeds used in these algorithms has also led to improve-
`ments in the algorithms themselves [11], and similar
`improvements might be observed by developing seeds
`specifically for the short read mapping problem.
`The filtration strategy used in RMAP can also be extended
`to "multiple filtration", as described by [12]. This uses
`multiple criteria for excluding possible mappings, and
`would result in the algorithm performing fewer full com-
`parisons between reads and genomic regions. Unlike
`many other applications of approximate matching, the
`extreme volume of data that must be mapped means that
`algorithms for mapping reads must be conscious of the
`memory required. In the framework of RMAP, the most
`straight-forward implementation of multiple filtration
`would use larger (multidimensional) or additional hash-
`tables, which generally requires a great deal more mem-
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`BMC Bioinformatics 2008, 9:128
`ory. For short reads, as produced by the Solexa sequencer,
`the full comparisons can be computed very fast, so
`another concern is keeping the work required to imple-
`ment more powerful filtration less than that required to
`do the extra comparisons.
`Aside from further processing on the set of reads, effi-
`ciency improvements can be gained by indexing the refer-
`ence genome. This is the strategy used by SXOligoSearch,
`through the proprietary SynaBASE data structure. Because
`the reference genome will likely remain static for many
`mapping tasks (e.g several experiments using the hg18
`genome), this indexing can be done off-line, so the time
`required to build such an index is not important. The
`usual problem with indexing the genome is that such
`index structures are often several times larger than the
`genome itself. The more information built into the index
`to facilitate searches, the larger the index must be. As
`stated above, hardware currently available for mapping
`usually has a few GB of memory, and this restricts the
`kinds of indexing that can be done on entire genomes. To
`make genome index structures practical, they must either
`be small, or support on-line processing so that only a
`small portion of the structure must reside in memory at
`once. It is likely that special purpose data structures for
`indexing the genome can be developed to fit these
`requirements, and greatly improve efficiency of mapping
`reads. Specifically with respect to RMAP, adding any
`means of eliminating exact genomic repeats during map-
`ping will greatly improve efficiency.
`Our results indicate that significant gains in Solexa read
`mapping performance can be achieved by considering the
`information in 3' ends of longer reads, and appropriately
`using the base-call quality scores. The RMAP tool we have
`developed will enable researchers to effiectively exploit
`this information in targeted re-sequencing projects.
`Availability and Requirements
`The RMAP tool is freely available for downloading at
`Design of the RMAP algorithm
`In this section we describe the algorithmic strategy used in
`RMAP. We treat the mapping problem as approximately
`matching a set of patterns in a text – the set of patterns
`being the reads, and the text being the genome. This prob-
`lem has been well studied, and several general algorithmic
`strategies have emerged for solving it (see [13] for a
`detailed treatment). The major motivation for developing
`the RMAP algorithm was to incorporate base-call quality
`scores to weight mismatches and improve mapping accu-
`racy. In addition to having high mapping accuracy, RMAP
`was designed under the restrictions that it must be capable
`of (1) mapping reads with length exceeding 50 bases (for
`the applications discussed in the introduction), (2) allow-
`ing the number of mismatches to be controlled (not being
`restricted to a small fixed number), and (3) completing
`mapping tasks under reasonable time constraints on
`widely available computing hardware.
`The algorithm implemented in RMAP uses the filtration
`method described by [14]. For reads of length n, and map-
`ping with up to k mismatches, each read is partitioned
`into k + 1 contiguous seeds (each seed is a substring of the
`read, and has length &#x230A;n/(k + 1)&#x230B;).
`Because there can only be k mismatches in a mapping,
`and there are k + 1 seeds for each read, any mapping must
`have at least one seed with no mismatches. The algorithm
`first identifies locations in the genome where the seeds
`match exactly. Exact matching can be done much more
`quickly than approximate matching, and evaluating the
`approximate match between a read and a genomic region
`only needs to be done for those regions surrounding an
`exactly-matching seed.
`To efficiently implement the filtration strategy, RMAP pre-
`processes the set of reads, building a hash-table (which we
`refer to as the seed-table) indexed by the seeds. The table
`entry for a particular seed lists all reads containing that
`seed, along with the offset of that seed within the read. For
`a set of r reads, each having length n, if k mismatches are
`allowed in the search, the seed table has size O(4n/k + rk).
`The mapping proceeds by scanning the genome, with a
`window of size equal to the seed size. Each segment of the
`genome is tested as a seed by hashing that segment to
`determine the set of reads that must be compared in their
`entirety with a larger genomic region surrounding the seg-
`ment of the genome currently being scanned. This is a
`common strategy to implement the filtration stage of
`approximate matching. The influence of the size of the
`genome in the time complexity of RMAP is therefore lin-
`ear, and importantly the space complexity of RMAP is
`independent of the size of the genome.
`The step of comparing the full read to portions of the
`genome where a seed has been found is implemented to
`require time that is logarithmic in the length of the reads.
`The comparison takes advantage of bit-wise operations,
`and the reads are encoded in a binary format (see addi-
`tional file 4 for supplementary method). A series of logical
`operations produce a vector indicating the locations of
`mismatches between the read and the genomic segment
`being compared, and the weight of the bit-vector indicat-
`ing mismatches computed using a well-known technique
`described by [15].
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`BMC Bioinformatics 2008, 9:128
`The authors would like to thank Richard McCombie, Vivekanand Balija,
`Melissa Kramer in Genome center of Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory for
`providing us the Solexa sequencing data and helpful suggestion. This work
`was supported partly by the National Institutes of Health (HG001696), the
`National Science Foundation (0324292) and DART Neurogenomics Alli-
`ance Foundation.
`RMAP is sufficiently fast that several million reads can be
`mapped to a mammalian genome in one day on a com-
`puter with a single processor. No portion of the reference
`genome is maintained by RMAP, and the size of the seed
`table dominates the space requirements. Because these
`requirements are sufficiently small, RMAP can be run on
`widely available hardware. This includes the nodes typi-
`cally used in cluster computers, and allows the processing
`to be easily and effectively parallelized by simply parti-
`tioning the set of reads. On a test data set generated by
`randomly sampling one million 50 nt segments (simu-
`lated reads) from the hg18 genome, and randomly chang-
`ing up
`to 4 bases
`in each
`read, ou

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