`IIIII|'.I.“nu' rllllIlull~


` ||ll|||I||I||||||||||||||||||||||||||

`1oo,2s1,244 up
`Microrep eats:
`Figure 4 I Repetitive content in C. elegans. Venn diagram depicting the
`fraction of bases in the genome covered by microrepeats and by
`RepeatMasker, and die overlapping set.
`a polymorphism rate of 1:1,600 (ref. 11). The Solexa analysis
`pipeline produced metrics of our Solexa single end read data
`for CB4858 (Table 1).
`As a precursor to variant discovery in CB4858, we idmtified
`regions of the reference genome with a high potential for ambig
`uous read alignment, based on the Solexa 32 bp read length. First,
`we identified all unique 32 mers in the reference sequence, but as
`our error rate analysis (Fig. 2) indicated a drop offin the error rate
`beyond 2 errors per read, we defined a repetitive 32 mer as one that
`appears in the genome more than once, allowing 0 2 mismatdied
`bases (substitutions,
`insertions or deletions). Mk called these
`‘microrepeats’ to distinguish than from repeats marked by the
`RepeatMasker program”, which masks 14.5% of the bases in the
`genome. The fraction of the genome comprising perfect and near
`perfect rnicrorepeats totaled 19.8%. We illustrate the relationship
`between RepeatMasl<er masked bases and microrepeat bases iden
`tified by our methods as a Venn diagram (Fig. 4). Although there is
`a substantial overlap (11.1 1%) between the regions masked by both
`methods, 8.7% of the genome that we identified as microrepeats
`was not masked by RepeatMasker. Conversely, 3.4% of the genome
`was masked by Repeatlviasker only, indicating that some fraction of
`C. elegans repeat elements can be uniquely sequenced with 32 bp
`reads. Taken together, RepeatMasker repeats and microrepeats
`cover 23.2% the genome.
`Ihble 2 I PolyBayes SNP and indel validation data
`Mask type applied
`Submitted to
`Once we aligned CB4858 Solexa reads to the conservatively
`masked C. elegans genome, we applied our combined repeat
`masking to filter the alignments, identified high quality sequence
`differences with PolyBayes, and finalized a set of 45,539 SNPs and
`7,353 single base pair indels. This yields a rate of one SNP per
`1,629.81 bp and one indel per 9,894.99 bp. Hence the pair wise
`nucleotide diversity (theta) between the CB4858 and the N2 Bristol
`strains is 6.136 X 10 4, in good agreement with the ~ l:1,500 rate
`posited in a previous description ofCB4858 (ref. 1 1). As 37,856,444
`CB4858 Solexa reads yielded a total number of 45,539 SNPs, the
`‘read per SNP’ yield was 831. All confirmed CB4858 sequence
`variants are available in Wormbase.
`We orthologously validated roughly 1,000 candidate SNPs and
`indels by PCR directed capillary sequencing to gauge the perfor
`mance of our Mosaik PolyBayes approach. After sequencing and
`evaluation, we determined a SNP validation rate of 96.3% (438/
`455) and an 89.0% conversion rate (438l492)
`for candidates
`identified by PolyBayes (Table 2). We sequenced 239 of our
`putative single base indels, finding they validated (93.8%) and
`converted (87.7%) at practically the same rates as SNPs. Both
`insertions and deletions predicted in the reference genome
`sequence were represented (insertions: 2,948 or 47.1%, and dele
`tions: 3,316 or 52.9%). Many ofthe indds were variable numbers of
`bases in mono nudeotide repeats, for example, 5 versus 4 adeno
`sines. Although mononucleotide runs are typically very difficult
`areas for indel detection, our high validation rate indicates that
`Solexa reads resolve base numbers in these runs very well. Micro
`repeat masking has a marked impact on accurate SNP discovery by
`eliminating putative SNPs and indels resulting from paralogous
`read mapping (Table 2).
`We estimated false negative rates for PolyBayes by nmning
`PolyPhred‘3“5 (version 5.0) on the validation trace data. This
`algorithm indicated PolyBayes had missed 26 SNPs, for a false
`negative rate of 3.75%.
`To determine the chromosomal distribution of CB4858 poly
`morphisms, we placed CB4858 SNPs and indels along the six
`C. elegans chromosomes, and identified both chromosome wide
`and chromosomal position specific differences (Supplementary
`Data and Supplementary Fig. 3 online). Our data confinned an
`earlier study in C. elegans“ suggesting that nonsynonymous sub
`stitution rates are higher in the first and second codon positions
`than in the third (Supplementary Fig. 4 online). Furthermore, over
`half of CB4858 SNPs positioned in exons putatively introduce an
`amino acid change.
`SNP candidate
`rate (‘'In)
`rate ("/o)
`Known repeats
`Exact microrepeats
`Near exact microrepeats
`(2 or fewer mismatches)
`Known repeats
`Exact microrepeats
`Near exact microrepeats
`(2 or fewer mismatdres)
`Validation and eonvesion rats fovPouBa1esrselected SNPs and single base indel candidates. Successive application of masking filters. as dacrihed in the text. reduced the number of paralogous
`placements and identified high confidence putatixe variant sites
`186 I voE?H6’.24|



`Whole-genome sequencing and variant discovery in C.
`LaDeana W Hillier, Gabor T Marth, Aaron R Quinlan, David Dooling, Ginger Fewell,
`Derek Barnett, Paul Fox, Jarret I Glasscock, Matthew Hickenbotham, Weichun Huang,
`Vincent J Magrini, Ryan J Richt, Sacha N Sander, Donald A Stewart, Michael Stromberg,
`Eric F Tsung, Todd Wylie, Tim Schedl, Richard K Wilson & Elaine R Mardis
`Supplementary figures and text:
`Supplementary Figure 1 Solexa single end read coverage levels mapped onto the C.
`elegans genome.
`Supplementary Figure 2 Average N2 Bristol Solexa single end read coverage at different
`A+T percentages.
`Supplementary Figure 3 Chromosomal distribution pattern of CB4858 SNPs and indels.
`Supplementary Figure 4 Codon position bias in validated CB4858 SNPs.
`Supplementary Data
`Supplementary Methods
`Supplementary Table 1 Results of hairpin formation potential analysis in regions of the
`C. elegans genome with no exact match coverage by Solexa reads.
`Page 7 of 20

`Supplementary Figure 1. Solexa single end read coverage levels mapped onto the
`C. elegans genome. Solexa single end read coverage of exactly matching reads
`mapped to the unique portion of the C. elegans reference genome.
`Average coverage was calculated at 19.2X.
`Page 8 of 20

`Supplementary Figure 2. Average N2 Bristol Solexa single end read coverage at
`different A+T percentages. The curves indicate the average coverage per base in A+T
`percentage bins ranging from 0-99 percent considering either a window size of
`200 bp (red line), indicative of amplicon-associated biases or of 32 bp (blue line),
`indicative of read-associated biases.
`Page 9 of 20

`Supplementary Figure 3. Chromosomal distribution pattern of CB4858 SNPs and indels.
`Chromosomal SNP (red) and indel (blue) distribution across the C. elegans
`genome, based on our analysis of CB4858 sequence alignment to the N2 Bristol
`reference genome sequence and variant detection by PolyBayes.
`Page 10 of 20

`Supplementary Figure 4. Codon position bias in validated CB4858 SNPs.
`N2 Bristol-CB4858 codon position distribution of non-synonymous (black)
`and synonymous (white) SNPs, identified by analysis of CB3848 Solexa
`single end reads in comparison to the N2 Bristol reference sequence.
`Page 11 of 20

`Supplementary Data
`Resequencing of a C. elegans N2 Bristol strain isolate
`Identifying unmapped read placements
`Of our phrap-assembled contigs, 12,635 aligned with only a single mismatch to
`the C. elegans reference. An additional 3,088 contigs align with two mismatches, while
`2,295 match over fewer than 50% of their bases. We further identified 124 contigs
`spanning one or more bases determined previously to be not covered (78 were gaps of 3
`or fewer bases), suggesting insertion/deletion differences between the sequenced isolate
`and the reference. Thus, some unplaced reads simply are due to sequence differences
`between two isolates, not to missing sequences in the reference.
`Evaluating Solexa single end read coverage
`We calculated the ratio of observed to expected coverage by dividing the number
`of alignments that included each base by the number of times that base is involved in a
`32mer in the C. elegans genome and found the average coverage ratio was 0.316, with
`the peak of the distribution around 0.25. This result is as expected, given that the peak of
`the coverage curve occurs between 16-17X (Fig. 1), and the representation value for a
`unique-in-genome base is 64, equaling a coverage ratio of 16/64=0.25. Paired end data
`provided a read-based average of expected to observed coverage of 0.014, with a
`corresponding physical coverage based average of 0.052.
`To define a threshold for a significantly “over-represented” region (suggesting
`missing sequence from the reference or a possible coverage bias), we examined the
`Solexa read coverage in unique regions of the C. elegans genome (i.e. where the base had
`a representation value of 64 and was not in an annotated repeat in the C. elegans wb170
`version at Wormbase). At the extremes, we found 1.32M base positions (1.7%) with
`>40X coverage in unique 32mers. Two areas of expected over-coverage are the rDNA
`regions on chromosomes I and V where uncertainty about the exact copy number of these
`large tandem repeats led to the placement of sole representative members of each in the
`reference sequence. Specifically, on chromosome I, the 18S, 28S and 5.8S are transcribed
`separately by RNA polymerase I in the ~55 copies of the 7.2kb rDNA repeat 1,9. On
`chromosome V, the 5S gene along with the SL1 spliced leader gene lies in a 1kb tandem
`repeat with ~110 copies 9,10. Examining unique 32mers within the rDNA segments, we
`ascertained that the unique chromosome I rDNA 32mers exceed a coverage ratio of 100
`in Solexa reads; the only unique regions in the genome with this high a coverage level.
`Analysis of regions not covered by Solexa reads
`We further investigated the characteristics of regions not covered by Solexa reads,
`pursuing three hypotheses; 1) representational bias due to the potential for hairpin
`formation, 2) decreased coverage as a function of A+T content at the 32mer level and at
`the 200bp amplicon level (the fragment size utilized for Solexa libraries) and 3)
`correlation to sequence features such as repeats, exons, introns, etc. One possible
`explanation for uncovered regions, the formation of a hairpin that could cause deletion of
`the intervening sequence prior to Solexa library construction, was tested by examining
`the 31bp flanking each uncovered region for 5bp or more of sequence identity on
`Page 12 of 20

`complementary strands. A control random set of flanking 31bp sequences was created
`for random pseudo-gaps across the genome (randomizing the chromosome and the start
`site and with the “gap” or “uncovered” size mimicking those of the true uncovered
`regions). We then required any sequences having 5 or more base pairs of identity to also
`have those identical sequences align immediately at the boundaries of the uncovered
`region. This analysis provided evidence of putative hairpins (Table 1) for the real and
`control gaps, and indicated that hairpin formation might account for only a handful of the
`uncovered genomic regions.
`Our investigation of A+T content at the read- and amplicon-length level provided
`a compelling explanation for uncovered sequences. For zero base pair gaps, the A+T
`content of all 32mers centered on the base revealing the zero size gap was 76% and of all
`200bp centered on that base was 73%. For gaps in coverage larger than zero bases, the
`AT content was 82%. When we stratified these regions by size, we found that regions
`between 25-100 bp had the highest A+T content; remarkably 85%. Examining regions
`covered by 2 or fewer reads and indicated an 84% A+T content.
`To evaluate whether A+T biasing was occurring during cluster amplification or
`sequencing, we examined A+T content in 32 bp “read” windows compared to 200bp
`“amplicon” windows, then evaluated coverage of Solexa reads as a function of A+T
`content, examining the distribution for all bases and for all non-repetitive bases with a
`representation value = 64 (thus unique in genome). We considered these distributions for
`only 32mer exact match reads, and for the combined 32mer exact match and quality-
`trimmed exact match with 2 or fewer mismatches. For all permutations attempted we
`found the same trend; as A+T content reaches either extreme (very low or very high), the
`Solexa read coverage decreases. This is illustrated (Fig. 2), where a higher percentage of
`bases have zero coverage for a 200bp amplicon window, compared to a 32bp read
`window (51.6% vs. 9.7% for non-repetitive bases) suggesting that A+T content biasing
`may be related to the amplicon rather than the sequence read.
`Finally, we correlated the locations of 13,035 regions without an exact match of
`>1 bp with other sequence features by number of events. Here, 33.4% of the uncovered
`base events occurred within repeats, 51.1% within introns, 2.3% within exons and 2.1%
`within “tagged” regions (annotated in the reference sequence as being a problematic
`region during conventional sequence finishing). Therefore, the relatively lower A+T
`content of C. elegans exons means that we can adequately characterize variant bases in
`exons, but this may not be the case for an organism with higher exonic A+T content.
`Paired end coverage analysis
`Although our paired end read coverage was significantly lower than from single
`end reads, it represented portions of the genome not represented in the other set,
`suggesting it may not have the same biases. Of the ~100kb of bases not covered by exact
`matching single end reads, 41% were covered by a read in the paired end set. Further,
`80% of the not covered bases fell between paired ends (thus represented by physical but
`not by sequence coverage). The A+T content of the 49.5 Mb not covered by reads in the
`paired set, however, was 63%, similar to the genome average as a whole. Additional
`paired end coverage would be required for a definitive bias evaluation.
`Genome-wide polymorphism discovery in C. elegans strain CB4858
`Page 13 of 20

`Mosaik alignment of CB4858 reads
`Of the total 37,856,444 CB4858 Solexa reads, the Mosaik aligner/assembler was
`able to align 24,518,452 (64.7%) to the conservatively masked C. elegans reference
`genome (ws170), allowing no more than two sequence differences (mismatches plus
`gaps), to avoid misalignments due to paralogy.
`Chromosomal locations of CB4858 polymorphisms
`In 2000, Koch1 illustrated in C. elegans that the non-synonymous substitution rate
`was much higher in the first and second codon positions than in the third. Our study
`confirms these earlier results (Fig. 3) and provides a detailed, genome-wide estimate of
`coding polymorphisms in the CB4858 strain. In total, we found 6,255 SNPs positioned
`within an exon, of which 3,275 putatively introduce an amino acid change. Through our
`experimental validation, 100 of 119 (84%) non-synonymous mutations were confirmed,
`indicating that our methods provide an important first step in describing the complete
`mutational profile in a strain-to-reference paradigm. Furthermore, we evaluated SNP
`positioning on a chromosome-by-chromosome basis (Fig. 4), finding the resulting
`polymorphism density to be much higher on Chromosomes II, III and X. The densities
`on Chromosomes IV and V suggest a very low variation rate for much of the
`chromosome, yet a comparatively high mutation rate on the right half of each
`Supplementary Methods
`Preparation of Solexa fragment libraries
`Genomic DNA (5µg) was nebulized for 2 minutes at 45 psi of compressed air, to
`obtain an average fragment size of 500bp, then further purified and concentrated with
`Qiaquick PCR purification spin columns (Qiagen Inc., Valencia CA). Treatment to
`remove 3’ overhangs and fill in 5’ overhangs resulted in blunt ended genomic fragments.
`An A residue was added by terminal transferase to the 3’ end and the resulting fragments
`were ligated with Solexa adapters. Adapter-modified DNA fragments were enriched by
`an 18 cycle PCR using 50 ng of the ligation reaction and Solexa universal adapter
`primers. The resulting PCR products were separated by agarose gel electrophoresis and
`the band between 150-200 bp was excised from the gel. The DNA fragments were
`extracted from the agarose slice using a Qiaquick Gel Extraction Kit (Qiagen Inc.), and
`further purified by drop dialysis using a 0.025mm/25mm filter (Millipore Inc., Billerica
`MA) and tissue culture-grade water (Sigma Chemical, St. Louis MO). The DNA
`fragment library was quantitated, then diluted to a 10 nM working stock for cluster
`Solexa cluster generation
`Adapter-ligated fragments (2 nM) were denatured in 0.1N NaOH for 5 minutes,
`then were further diluted to a final 9 pM concentration in 1 ml of pre-chilled
`hybridization buffer, and introduced onto the Solexa flow cell using the Cluster Station,
`an automated device supplied by Solexa. On this apparatus, the oligo-derivatized flow
`cell surfaces hybridize to library fragments by adapter-to-oligo pairing. “Clusters”,
`Page 14 of 20

`representing discrete populations of unique single-stranded library fragments amplified in
`situ, are generated by isothermal amplification using a proprietary process. In practice,
`each cluster produces a single Solexa read. Our experiments aimed for an average cluster
`density of 30,000 (+/- 5,000) clusters per flow cell lane.
`Preparing clusters for sequencing
`Following isothermal amplification, clusters were made single-stranded by 0.1N
`NaOH denaturation, metered across the flow cell by the Solexa Cluster Station. A
`sequencing primer complementary to one Solexa adapter was added to prime the single-
`strands of each cluster. Once hybridized and with excess primer removed by a wash, the
`flow cell was ready for sequencing.
`Solexa single end read sequencing process
`The Solexa Genome Analyzer was programmed to provide up to 32 sequential
`flows of fluorescently labeled, 3’-OH blocked nucleotides and polymerase to the surface
`of the flow cell, thus producing a fixed 32bp read length. After each base incorporation
`step, the flow cell surface is washed to remove reactants and then imaged by microscope
`objective. Our experiments collected 200 tiled images (“tiles”) per flow cell lane, each
`containing on average 30,000 clusters. Solexa single end reads were generated for N2
`Bristol (85,498,849 total reads) and CB4858 strains (37,856,444 total reads) using a 30
`base read length for the titration run (used to determine the correct input library DNA
`amount), and a 32 base read length for standard runs.
`Solexa paired end N2 Bristol sequencing process
`Paired end library construction involved the DNA fragmentation steps outlined
`above, but ligated the end-repaired fragments with Solexa paired end adapters to
`introduce two unique sequence priming sites at each fragment end. The adapter-ligated
`fragments were separated by agarose gel electrophoresis and a scalpel was used to cut a
`thin horizontal slit in the lane at 200bp. The DNA fragments from this slit were rinsed
`from the scalpel blade using 30 µl of EB (Qiagen Inc., Valencia CA), then were enriched
`by an 18 cycle PCR (conditions described above). The resulting PCR products were
`purified and concentrated with a Qiaquick PCR purification spin column (Qiagen Inc.).
`The paired end library was quantitated and diluted to a 10 nM working stock. Cluster
`generation was accomplished on a modified flow cell that contained three primer-
`complementary sequences. These sequences promote the formation of heterogeneous
`clusters in which two populations exist; one that can be subsequently released for
`sequencing primer annealing using the standard chemistry, and a second population that
`remains intact during release and sequencing of the first population, then is subsequently
`released for sequencing primer hybridization and extension by a separate chemical step
`that is applied whilst the flow cell remains in place on the Solexa Genome Analyzer. A
`total of 3,671,972 paired end reads were produced, with a first end read length of 35 bp
`and a second end read length of 25 bp.
`Solexa data processing pipeline
`The raw images from the Solexa Genome Analyzer are synchronously mirrored as
`the run proceeds, from the instrument computer to an NAS (Network Attached Storage)
`Page 15 of 20

`filesystem. Once the run completes, image analysis, base calling and read quality filtering
`are performed by the Solexa run analysis software. The read quality filtering acts to first
`remove poor quality reads using Solexa-defined criteria (“% passed bases”), then uses the
`program Gerald to align and compute the percentage of bases aligning to the reference C.
`elegans genome (ws170 version). The alignment of the resulting short reads to the
`reference genome is performed by the Solexa pipeline. Although we did not utilize the
`Eland alignments in the detailed data analyses described here, Eland metrics did provide
`an initial evaluation of Solexa data quality and helped us to estimate accumulating
`Solexa N2 Bristol reads-to-reference alignment approach
`We initiated read alignment to the reference by first identifying all exactly
`matching reads. Here, we generated a hash table of all 30mers and 32mers (to match the
`Solexa read lengths on titration and full runs) in the reference C. elegans genome
`sequence, and the positions for each mer within the C. elegans genome were cataloged.
`The UNIX sort function was then used in a hash-based approach, to sort the Solexa reads
`with all reference-derived 32mers and 30mers, determining that 75.55% of reads had an
`exact match. Reads were placed in all regions where they had an exact match. Of the
`reads without an exact match, we removed all reads with a best match (by BLAT) to
`Escherichia coli (C. elegans feed on E. coli). Further, we removed all reads (1.05%)
`matching a portion of the Solexa primer sequence (which has no match in either C.
`elegans or E. coli).
`The remaining reads were quality trimmed, meaning we retained reads with at
`least 20 consecutive base pairs having a quality score of 25 or higher (36.3% retained).
`These reads were again sorted by exact match hash-based methods to an index of all
`20mer, 21mers, etc. through 32mers for the C. elegans and E. coli reference sequences.
`The remaining quality-trimmed reads without an exact match to C. elegans or to E. coli
`were then considered as potentially falling into one of the following categories: 1)
`contamination, 2) containing one or more base calling errors, 3) indicative of potential
`errors in the reference genome or of a difference between the reference and Solexa-
`sequenced strain, 4) sequences altogether missing from the current reference genome.
`We used BLAT-based14 alignments with the parameters (tileSize=6 –stepsize=1
`repMatch=1000000 –minIdentity=70 minScore=20) to identify non-exact matching
`reads. These were identified as Solexa reads placed uniquely by gapped alignment, that
`indicated an insertion in the Solexa-sequenced N2 strain relative to the reference (defined
`by an exact Solexa read alignment on either side of a one base (or larger) gap), or
`uniquely-placed Solexa reads with a deletion in the Solexa-sequenced strain (defined by
`exact alignment that excluded one or more unmatched bases in the reference sequence).
`We also found evidence of indels, where the Solexa read and the reference matched
`exactly except for one or more bases that were not matched between the two in the
`unaligned region.
`Assembly and analysis of unplaced reads
`To investigate the remaining 1,843,353 unmapped reads, we attempted assembly
`using phrap (P. Green, unpublished) with stringent parameters (-minmatch 20 –minscore
`20 –forcelevel 0 –repeat_stringency 1 –new_ace_penalty -4). Only 331,568 reads
`Page 16 of 20

`assembled into 34,382 contigs with an average length of 35 bp. These contigs were
`compared to the reference genome using BLAT. The remaining reads likely differ
`significantly or are missing completely from the C. elegans or E. coli reference sequences
`(E. coli strain OP50 is fed to C. elegans), or are contamination or sequencing artifacts.
`Solexa N2 Bristol single end read coverage
`To identify regions with above- or below-average coverage by Solexa N2 Bristol
`reads, and to evaluate the potential for biases in coverage, we first created a map
`enumerating Solexa reads in which each basepair in the C. elegans genome participates.
`If a base is in a unique region of the genome, the “representation value” for that base is
`64 since it will only be located in the 32mer including that base, as well as on the
`opposite strand. Of the 100,281,244 bases in the C. elegans reference, 87,558,992 bases
`participate in a single 32mer (i.e. representation value of 64). To obtain an estimate of
`unique genome coverage, we then examined the number of times each 32mer occurred
`within the reference genome.
`Evaluating sequences not covered in the reference
`Genomic regions that remained not covered by Solexa reads were identified as all
`bases not participating in an alignment with a Solexa read after mapping all exactly
`matching reads and quality-trimmed reads, and by further mapping quality-trimmed reads
`allowing up to 2 mismatches or unaligned bases. In addition to obvious large gaps in
`coverage, our gap analysis also revealed so-called “zero base pair gaps”. We defined a
`zero base pair gap as a site where two adjacent reference genome 32mers are covered by
`reads that align exactly to each 32mer but across which no exactly matching spanning
`read exists. All of the uncovered regions we computed were evaluated for their A+T
`content, potential for hairpin formation, presence of transposon sequences, and other
`sequence features.
`Paired end alignment
`Of the 3,671,972 paired end reads produced, 2,158,677 (58.8%) forward reads
`and 2,663,404 (72.5%) reverse reads had an exact match. The difference in matching
`percentage likely was due the lower base calling accuracy near the end of the longer
`forward read. We identified 1,581,763 N2 Bristol quality filtered read pairs that could be
`uniquely placed in the genome and had an average insert size of 218 bp (s.d. = 38 bp).
`These were evaluated further for their potential to identify putative areas of structural
`variation, as described in the Results section of the manuscript.
`Mosaik alignment of CB4858 Solexa reads
`Our approach used two fundamental methods: (1) hash-based, and (2) sequence
`alignment-based. Our hash-based method enumerated every 32mer in the C. elegans
`reference genome sequence, and recorded its map location. If the same 32mer occurred in
`multiple locations (either strand), it was marked as a microrepeat. Near-perfect
`microrepeats were identified by asking whether each specific 32mer, or any of the other
`32mers obtained by introducing “mutations” up to a pre-specified number of mismatches,
`appeared at any other genomic location. The sequence alignment-based method used the
`BLAT algorithm with the following parameters: -stepSize=8 -tileSize=16 -minMatch=1 -
`Page 17 of 20

`minScore=28 -oneOff=1 to enumerate every 32mer in the reference genome, and then to
`search the rest of the genome for a perfect or near-perfect match, up to a pre-specified
`number of mismatches. Custom scripts identified hits that had up to 2 mismatches (any
`combination of substitutions, insertions, or deletions), and combined the results of our
`hash-based and sequence alignment-based methods to produce a microrepeat-masked
`reference genome.
`Mosaik consists of two parts: the aligner and the assembler. The aligner employs
`a two-stage process: an initial short hash-based search to explore possible map locations
`for each read and to register locations with multiple initial hash matches, followed by a
`full Smith-Waterman-Gotoh pair-wise local alignment between the read and each
`possible map location. The best-scoring map location is identified, and the alignment is
`reported if 1) the alignment score is above a pre-specified threshold, 2) the alignment
`extends over a pre-specified fraction of the reads, and 3) the total number of mismatches
`within the alignment does not exceed a pre-specified maximum. In this analysis, we
`allowed a maximum of two mismatches (substitutions and indels), a decision motivated
`by the fact that over 79% of the Solexa reads had either one or zero error. Allowing a
`single polymorphic difference in such reads would bring the maximum number of
`mismatches to two. The assembler algorithm first registers every gap introduced by any
`of the aligned reads on the reference sequence, then introduces alignment gaps into all
`aligned reads to preserve the positions of all pair-wise aligned bases in every pair-wise
`read alignment.
`Validation of putative sequence differences
`A subset of candidate insertion, deletion, indel and polymorphic sites from our
`analyses were submitted for orthologous validation using PCR-based sequencing and
`variant analysis. Because we had a very limited amount of the original N2 Bristol
`genomic DNA isolate used for the reference genome sequencing, we had a similarly
`limited ability to validate the sequence variants we identified between Solexa N2 Bristol
`reads and the reference genome. Hence, the preponderance of our validations centered
`on the putative variants identified for the CB4858-to-N2 Bristol comparison.
`For each type of CB4858 variant, we attempted validation for 50% of the
`candidates identified in coding and 50% in non-coding sequences. We designed primers
`with 300bp of sequence both to the left and to the right of the target site, using Primer3
`( A 5’ universal M13 forward or reverse sequence was
`added to each primer pair to allow processing of the resulting PCR products in our high-
`throughput sequencing pipeline. PCR was performed in a 10µL reaction containing 5ng
`of genomic DNA (the original DNA stock utilized in Solexa sequencing, or the original
`N2 Bristol reference strain DNA, according to the assay type), 1.2nmol of each
`universally tailed amplification primer, and 5.0µL of Amplitaq Gold 2X mix (Applied
`Biosystems P/N 4327059, Foster City,CA), with a final 8% glycerol concentration).
`Reactions were cycled at 96 ºC for 5 minutes, followed by 40 cycles of 94 ºC for 30
`seconds, 60 ºC for 45 seconds, and 72 ºC for 45 seconds, and a final extension at 72 ºC
`for 10 minutes. Following amplification, PCR products were treated with 3.7U of
`Exonuclease I (USB P/N 70073X, Cleveland,OH) and 0.18U of Shrimp Alkaline
`Phosphatase (USB P/N 70092X), and incubated at 37 ºC for 30 minutes. The reaction
`was stopped by incubation at 80 ºC for 15 minutes. PCR products were sequenced with
`Page 18 of 20

`BigDye Terminator Sequencing Kit (Applied Biosystems P/N 4336943, Foster City CA)
`using either universal forward or reverse sequencing primers, and analyzed on ABI
`3730XL DNA sequencers.
`Visual inspection of validation data
`We aligned validation reads to the reference sequence using PolyPhred2,
`determining by manual inspection whether a Solexa variant was confirmed in the 3730
`trace. Both a validation rate (defined as the number of confirmed variants divided by the
`number of successful sequencing reactions) and a conversion rate (defined as the number
`of confirmed variants divided by the number of variants submitted for validation) were
`calculated based on our visual confirmation results.
`Evaluating variants for exonic disruption
`We investigated SNP candidates in CB4858 that introduced amino acid changes
`relative to N2 Bristol. Conceivably, such

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