`Christina Fan[chfan]
`Stephen Ouake[]
`Yair Blumenfeld
`Wed 5/28/2008 8:13:32 PM
`Re: sequencing analysis
`Quoting Christina Fan <>:
`>Hi Steve, Yair,
`> I am attaching a graph of the preliminary analysis of the full
`> sequencing run.
`>The run includes 4 T21 and 3 normal samples.
`>The total number of reads .. per sample was about 9 million, of which
`>.about half (4.4 million) on average are useful for analysis.
`> Pay attention to the distribution of chr21.
`<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
`<!DOCTYPE plist PUBLIC "-1/Apple//DTD PLIST 1.0//EN"
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`<string>Re: sequencing analysis</string>
`CASE IPR2013-00390


`P1, P6, P53: 47 XX +21 (red triangle)
`P52: 47 XY +21 (red circle)
`P26, P40, P42: 46 XY (blue circle)
`Coverage: # 25bp reads mapped to a chromosome I size of the chromosome
`Average number of total useful reads per sample: 4.4 million
`0 .8
`• I
`I I I
`A A
`I A
`I a •
`• i A
`I A A
`• I A
`• •
`' ! •
`A P1
`A P53
`e P26
`e P40
`e P42
`A P6
`e P52
`10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 X Y


`% look at the distribution of reads across each chromsome
`% ignore golden path
`chrname={'chr1, ', 'chr2, ', 'chr3, ', 'chr4, ', 'chr5, ', 'chr6, ', 'chr7, ', 'chr8
`, ', 'chr9, ', 'chr10, ', 'chr11, ', 'chr12, ', 'chr13, ', 'chr14, ' ...
`I chr15, I
`I chr16, I I
`I chr17 I
`I chr18, I I
`I chr19, I
`I chr20, I I
`hr22, ', 'chrX, ', 'chrY, '};
`I I
`I chr21, I I
`I C
`load gapregions
`for i=1:length(chrname)
`load (filename);
`bar(bin, histc(chr_coord, bin));
`xlabel('chr coordinate');
`ylabel('frequency of reads');


`saveas(gcf, figurefilename)
`readcount=[readcount, histc(chr_coord, bin)];
`for j=1:(length(gapbegin{i}}-1)
`readcount=[readcount; histc(chr_coord, bin)];
`bar( [0: 1: 100], histc( readcount, [0: 1: 100]));
`xlabel('chr coordinate');
`ylabel('# reads per 20kb');
`saveas(gcf, figurefilename)
`%readcount{i}=histc(read_chr, X{i});
`%distrib=histc(read_chr, X);
`%[noreadregioncount{i} noreadregion{i}]=hist(noreadcoord,Y);
`%figure, hist(noreadcoord,Y);
`%xlabel('chr coordinate');
`%ylabel('frequency of reads');
`for i=1: 24
`save readdistrib n
`% for i=1:length(chrname)
`[b c]=sort(readcount{i});
`( ( end-9) :end) ' ) ;
`% end


`for j=1:length(outlier_region_up)
`if outlier_region_L{i}(j)<chrlength(i)
`if outlier_region_up(j)>=chrlength(i)
`%% save outlierU outlier_region_U outlier_count_U mostoutlierU_count
`%% save outlierl outlier_region_L outlier_count_L
`% % write coordinates of underrepresented regions to file
`% fid=fopen(•underrepresentedregion.txt•, •wt•);
`%for i=1:length(chrname)-1
`% end
`% fclose(fid);
`% % write coordinates of underrepresented regions (==0) to file
`% fid=fopen(•underrepresentedregion_0.txt•, •wt•);
`% for
`fprintf(fid, •%s\t•,chrname{i}(1:(end-1)));
`fprintf(fid, 1 %d\t•, outlier_region_L{i}(j));
`fprintf(fid, •%d\t•, 9utlier_region_up(j));
`fprintf(fid, •%d\n•, outlier_count_L{i}(j));
`for j=1:length(outlier_region_0)
`if outlier_region_0(j)<chrlength(i)
`if outlier_region_0_up(j)>=chrlength(i)


`fprintf(fid, •%s\t•,chrname{i}(l:(end-1)));
`fprintf(fid, •%d\t•, outlier_region_0(j));
`fprintf(fid, 1%d\t•, outlier_region_0_up(j));
`fprintf(fid, 1%d\n•, outlier_count_0(j));
`% end
`% fclose(fid);
`% % write coordinates of overrepresented regions to file
`% fid=fopen(•overrepresentedregion.txt•, •wt•);
`% for i=l:length(chrname)
`% end
`% fclose(fid);
`% % find out the number of identical reads and their locations
`% unique_read=cell(24,1);
`% nonunique_read=cell(24,1);
`% nonunique_read_count=cell(24,1);
`% fid=fopen(•repetitive_reads.txt•, •wt•);
`% for i=l:length(chrname)
`fprintf(fid, •%s\t•,chrname{i}(l:(end-1)));
`fprintf(fid, •%d\t•, outlier_region_U{i}(j));
`fprintf(fid, •%d\t•, oulier_region_up(j));
`fprintf(fid, 1 %d\n•, outlier_count_U{i}(j));
`for j=l:length(outlier_region_U{i})
`if outlier_region_U{i}(j)<chrlength(i)
`if outlier_region_up(j)>=chrlength(i)


`load {filename);
`n=histc{read_chr, unique_read{i});
`[nonunique_read_count{i} sortid]=sort{nonunique_read_count{i});
`for j=l:length{nonunique_read{i})
`fprintf{fid, •%s\t•, chrname{i}{1:{end-1)));
`fprintf{fid, 1%d\t•, nonunique_read{i}{j));
`fprintf{fid, •%d\n•, nonunique_read_count{i}{j));
`%save{filename, •nonunique_read•, •nonunique_read_count•);
`% end
`% fclose{fid);


`% look at the distribution of reads across each chromsome
`% ignore golden path
`1 chr6, 1
`1 chr5, 1
`1 chr4, 1
`1 chr3, 1
`1 chr2, 1
`chrname={ 1 chr1, 1
`1 Chr9, 1
`1 Chr10, 1
`1 Chr11, 1
`1 Chr12, 1
`1 Chr13, 1
`1 Chr14, 1
`I chr15, I 1
`I chr16, I 1
`I chr17 I
`I chr18, I 1
`I chr19, I 1
`I chr20, I I
`hr22, 1
`1 ChrX, 1
`1 ChrY, 1
`} ;
`I 1
`1 chr7 1
`1 chr8
`I chr21, I I
`I C
`%load gapregions
`for i=1:length(chrname)
`filename=sprintf( 1%s_coord 1 ,chrname{i}(1:(end-1)));
`readcount{i}=histc(chr_coord, bin);
`figure, bar( bin, readcount{i});


`%readcount{i}=histc(read_chr, X{i});
`%distrib=histc(read_chr, X);
`%[noreadregioncount{i} noreadregion{i}]=hist(noreadcoord,Y);
`%figure, hist(noreadcoord,Y);
`xlabel(•chr coordinate•);
`ylabel(•frequency of reads•);
`%for i=1:length(chrname)
`[b c]=sort(readcount{i});
`% end
`%% save outlierU outlier_region_U outlier_count_U mostoutlierU_count
`%% save outlierl outlier_region_L outlier_count_L
`% % write coordinates of underrepresented regions to file
`% fid=fopen(•underrepresentedregion.txt•, •wt•);
`% for
`for j=1:length(outlier_region_up)
`if outlier_region_L{i}(j)<chrlength(i)
`if outlier_region_up(j)>=chrlength(i)


`for j=l:length(outlier_region_0)
`if outlier_region_0(j)<chrlength(i)
`if outlier_region_0_up(j)>=chrlength(i)
`fprintf(fid, •%s\t•,chrname{i}(l:(end-1)));
`fprintf(fid, •%d\t•, outlier_region_L{i}(j));
`fprintf(fid, 1%d\t•, outlier_region_up(j));
`fprintf(fid, 1%d\n•, outlier_count_L{i}(j));
`% end
`% fclose(fid);
`% % write coordinates of underrepresented regions (==0) to file
`% fid=fopen(•underrepresentedregion_0.txt•, •wt•);
`%for i=l:length(chrname)-1
`% end
`% fclose(fid);
`% % write coordinates of overrepresented regions to file
`% fid=fopen(•overrepresentedregion.txt•, •wt•);
`fprintf(fid, •%s\t•,chrname{i}(l:(end-1)));
`fprintf(fid, 1%d\t•, outlier_region_0(j));
`fprintf(fid, 1%d\t•, outlier_region_0_up(j));
`fprintf(fid, •%d\n•, outlier_count_0(j));


`for j=1:length(outlier_region_U{i})
`if outlier_region_U{i}(j)<chrlength(i)
`if outlier_region_up(j)>=chrlength(i)
`fprintf(fid, •%s\t•,chrname{i}(1:(end-1)));
`fprintf(fid, 1%d\t•, outlier_region_U{i}(j));
`fprintf(fid, 1%d\t•, oulier_region_up(j));
`fprintf(fid, •%d\n•, outlier_count_U{i}(j));
`% for
`% end
`% fclose(fid);
`% % find out the number of identical reads and their locations
`% unique_read=cell(24,1);
`% nonunique_read=cell(24,1);
`% nonunique_read_count=cell(24,1);
`% fid=fopen(•repetitive_reads.txt•, •wt•);
`%for i=1:length(chrname)
`load (filename);
`n=histc(read_chr, unique_read{i});
`[nonunique_read_count{i} sortid]=sort(nonunique_read_count{i});
`for j=1:length(nonunique_read{i})
`fprintf(fid, •%s\t•, chrname{i}(1:(end-1)));
`fprintf(fid, 1%d\t•, nonunique_read{i}(j));
`fprintf(fid, 1 %d\n•, nonunique_read_count{i}(j));
`%save(filename, •nonunique_read•, •nonunique_read_count•);
`% end


`% fclose(fid);
`% fclose(fid);


`% look at the distribution of reads across each chromsome
`% ignore golden path
`1 Chr6 1 1 1 1 Chr7 1 1 1 1 Chr8
`1 Chr4 1 1 1 1 Chr51 I 1
`1 Chr3 1 1
`1 Chr21 1
`chrname={ 1 chr11 1
`1 Chr101 1
`1 Chr9 1 1
`1 Chr11 1 1
`1 Chr12 1 1
`1 Chr13 1 1
`1 Chr14 1 1
`1 Chr15 1 1 1 1 Chr161 1
`1 Chr17 1 1
`1 Chr18 1 1 1 1 Chr19 1 1 1 1 Chr20 1 I 1
`hr221 1
`1 chrX1 1 1 1 chrY1 1
`o o o
`1 Chr21 1 I 1
`1 C
`} ;
`load gapregions
`%noreadregioncount=cell(24 11);
`%noreadregion=cell(24 11);
`readcount=cell(24 11);
`%X=cell(24 11);
`for i=1:length(chrname)
`filename=sprintf( 1 read_%s_coord 1 1Chrname{i}(1:(end-1)));
`load (filename) ;
`for j=1:(length(gapbegin{i})-1)
`bin{i}=[bin{i} bin_add];


`bin{i}=[bin{i} bin_add];
`readcount{i}=histc(read_chr, bin{i});
`%readcount{i}=histc(read_chr, X{i});
`%distrib=histc(read_chr, X);
`%[noreadregioncount{i} noreadregion{i}]=hist(noreadcoord,Y);
`%figure, hist(noreadcoord,Y);
`%xlabel('chr coordinate');
`%ylabel('frequency of reads');
`for i=l:length(chrname)
`[b c]=sort(readcount{i});
`% save outlierU outlier_region_U outlier_count_U mostoutlierU_count
`% save outlierl outlier_region_L outlier_count_L
`% write coordinates of underrepresented regions to file
`fid=fopen('underrepresentedregion.txt', 'wt');
`for i=l:length(chrname)-1
`for j=l:length(outlier_region_up)
`if outlier_region_L{i}(j)<chrlength(i)


`if outlier_region_up(j)>=chrlength(i)
`fprintf(fid, '%s\t',chrname{i}(1:(end-1)));
`fprintf(fid, '%d\t', outlier_region_L{i}(j));
`fprintf(fid, '%d\t', outlier_region_up(j));
`fprintf(fid, '%d\n', outlier_count_L{i}(j));
`% write coordinates of underrepresented regions (==0) to file
`fid=fopen('underrepresentedregion_0.txt', 'wt');
`for i=1:length(chrname)-1
`for j=1:length(outlier_region_0)
`if outlier_region_0(j)<chrlength(i)
`if outlier_region_0_up(j)>=chrlength(i)
`fprintf(fid, '%s\t',chrname{i}(1:(end-1)));
`fprintf(fid, '%d\t', outlier_region_0(j));
`fprintf(fid, '%d\t', outlier_region_0_up(j));
`fprintf(fid, '%d\n', outlier_count_0(j));
`% write coordinates of overrepresented regions to file
`fid=fopen('overrepresentedregion.txt', 'wt');


`for i=1:length(chrname)
`for j=l:length(outlier_region_U{i})
`if outlier_region_U{i}(j)<chrlength(i)
`if outlier_region_up(j)>=chrlength(i)
`fprintf(fid, '%s\t',chrname{i}(1:(end-1)));
`fprintf(fid, '%d\t', outlier_region_U{i}(j));
`fprintf(fid, '%d\t', oulier_region_up(j));
`fprintf(fid, '%d\n', outlier_count_U{i}(j));
`% find out the number of identical reads and their locations
`fid=fopen('repetitive_reads.txt', 'wt');
`for i=1:length(chrname)
`load (filename);
`n=histc(read_chr, unique_read{i});
`[nonunique_read_count{i} sortid]=sort(nonunique_read_count{i});
`for j=1:length(nonunique_read{i})
`fprintf(fid, '%s\t', chrname{i}(l:(end-1)));
`fprintf(fid, '%d\t', nonunique_read{i}(j));
`fprintf(fid, '%d\n', nonunique_read_count{i}(j));



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