
`Case 6:10-cv-OO417-LED Document 192
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`w INC,
`§ §
`§ §

`Civil Action No. 6:I0-cv-4T7
`§ §
`§ §
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`“virtual private network"
`“Anonymous.” With respect to the Defendants’ proposed “anonymity” construction, the
`issue is whether the Court was correct in requiring a_ll claims to achieve both data security and
`anonymity based on the discussion in the Background of the Invention. Even though VirnetX
`squarely raised this issue in its Opening Brief, the Defendants avoided the issue. There is no
`reason—and the Defendants have offered none—that all claims must achieve anonymity. Cf.
`PSNI/l., [11' v. [vac/gr Vivadenf, Inc, 525 F.3d 1 159, ll66 (Fed. Cir. 2008) (“[C]ourts must
`claims”). Moreover, VirnetX explained in its Opening Brief how it is just the unasserted “IP
`address hopping” dependent claims—as opposed to all claims—that achieve the anonymity
`discussed in the Background of the Invention.1
`Aventail; rather. VirnetX demonstrated that Aventail did not teach a VPN at all. The Defendants
`assert that ‘[t]his 1s a difference Without a distinction.” | hey are wrong in this assertion. The
`very inquiry of prosecution disclaimer is whether the ordinary scope ofa term was disclaimed.
`Sec Omega Eng’g, Inc. v. Ra trek Corp.) 334 F.3d 1314, 1324 (Fed. Cir. 2003) (“[W]here the
`patentee has unequivocally disavowed a certain meaning to obtain his patent, the doctrine of
`prosecution disclaimer attaches and narrows the ordinary meaning of the claim congruent with
`the scope of the surrender”) (emphasis added). And the Defendants have failed to establish that
`Vi rnetX’s three arguments over Aventail departed from the ordinary meaning of VPN.
`1 Instead of addressmg why the Background of the Invention discusswn should fimit all claims,
`the Defendants attempt
`to justify their construction by pointing out
`that VirnetX proved
`Microsoft’s infringement under the Court’s Markman Order in that case which required
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`Moreover, the Defendants failed to establish a “clear and unmistakable” disclaimer.2 The
`Defendants assert—without any justification, analysis, or argument—that the three arguments
`disclaim scope of the claim term. See Res. at 6-7. The Defendants are demonstrably wrong in
`this assertion. In re-examination, VirnetX explained the meaning of its third argument:
`Third, Aventail has not been shown to disclose a VPN because
`computers connected according to Aventail do not communicate
`directly with each other Aventail disclosem system where a client
`on a public network transmits data to a SOCKS server via a
`singular point—to—point SOCKS connection at the socket layer of
`thehetworkarehiteeture TheSOCKSserverthenreiaysthatdata
`to a target comprterwprrafirnet—orlfon—hich the SOCKS
`server also resides. All communications between the client and
`target stop and start at the intermediate SOCKS server. The client
`cannot open a connection with the target itself. Therefore, one
`skilled in the art would not have considered the client and target to
`be virtually on the same private network.
`See EX. B. at 14 (internal citations removed). In other words, because Aventail does not
`virtualize the physically direct communications of a private network,3 one skilled in the art
`2 Contrary to the Defendants’ straw man attack, VirnetX never suggested that there cannot be
`unambiguous waiver anytime a patentee makes multiple distinctions over prior art. In its
`Openlng Br1ef, V1rnetX correctly c1ted the “clear and unmlstakable” test for fincfing prosecutlon
`history estoppel and discussed the Federal Circuit’s opinion in Momentus Golf to illustrate how,
`in cases involving multiple distinctions in the prosecution history, courts must be careful in
`disclaimer VeeOpeningBriefat7-8.
`3This also highlights the reason that VirnetX opposes the Defendants construction If the Court
`adopts this eenst1:aetieh, then the Defeiidahts will undoubtediybatgue4hat—‘dheetiyLrequites—
`.But thisis hot what VirnetX arguedin
`re-examination.Rather, VirnetX used the word‘directly” to explain how a VPN virtualizes a
`direct connection between computers on a physical network, See Ex. B, at 14 (“Third Aventail
`has not been shown to cfisclose a VPN because computers connected accorcfing to Aventail do
`not communicate directly with each other
`.Therefore, one skilled in the art would not have
`considered the client and target to be virtually on the same private network.) (emphasis
`added; (Note that,inW refer mhe
`exhibitsahd declatatiensattachedtoAhtnetXésOpenithtief )
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`Case 6:10-ov-OO417-LED Document 192 Filed 12/19/11 Page 4 of 13 PageID #: 5159
`network. In this way, VirnetX’s third argument over Aventail in re-examination is a corollary of
`its first argument over Aventail—that “Aventail has not been shown to demonstrate that
`though they were on the same network” See Ex. B. at 12 (emphasis added). And because
`VirnetX‘s third argument over Aventail is a corollary of its first, it would be improper to impose
`the third argument onto the claims with no regard to the first.4 For these reasons, the Defendants’
`“virtual grivate link”
`The parties’ respective constructions are very similar, but the Defendants” proposed
`construction requires the link to be a link in a network whereas VirnetX’s proposed construction
`of“link,” and there is no limiting language in the claims, written description, or prosecution
`history that would require the link to be in a network. Consequently, the Defendants’ proposed
`construction includes an extraneous limitation and should be rejected. See Phillips v. AWH
`Corp, 415 F.3d 1303, 1316—17 (Fed. Cir. 2005).
`3. ”secure communication link”
`The Detailed Description of the Invention teaches a “One—click Secure” preferred
`embodiment. This preferred embodiment, which spans over four columns, teaches how a secure
`communication link can be augmented to create a virtual private network communication link.
`See ’504: :49: l-53:9. VirnetX discussed this preferred embodiment at length in its Opening Brief
`4 Moreover, VirnetX’s proposed construction for this term would require computers in a VPN to
`be able to commun1cate as if they were on the same pr1vate network. See Openmg Br1ef at 5-6
`(explaining how “privately” in the Court’s construction should refer to the ability of computers
`to communicate as though they were on the same private network and should not refer to
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`to demonstrate that a secure communication link is not always a virtual private network
`communication link. See Opening Brief at 11-12. In their response, the Defendants quote a few
`virtual private network communication link. but the Defendants fail to explain why a secure
`communication link must always be a virtual private network communication link for a]?
`possible embodiments of the claims. This violates one of the most fundamental principles of
`the invention. [the Federal Circuit has] repeatedly warned against confining the claims to those
`embodiments.” Piafhpflfl F.3d at 1323,
`As VirnetX discussed in its Opening Brief, this preferred embodiment teaches how
`software module 3309 augments the secure communication link to create a virtual private
`network communication link. See ’504::50:25—27 (“At step 3407, a secure VPN communications
`mode of operation has been enabled and software module 3309 begins to establish a VPN
`communication link.”) (emphasis added); see also ’504::50:40-52 (describing how the software
`module 3309 enables computer 3301 to communicate in the private network 3311 as though it
`.TheCourishouldnotfollowtheDefendantsW' '
`of the preferred embodiment and should not restrict this term to the special case presented in the
`preferred embodlment. _ For the foregorng reasons, the Court should reject the Defendants’
`proposed construction and adopt VimetX’s proposed construction.
` J
`The Defendants also argue that VlmetX “conceded” that a secure commun1cat1on link 1s a
`virtual private network communication link in the Microsoft litigation. Not so. The only patent in
`that case that contained the term‘ ‘secure communication link” was the ’759 patent. And as the
`—Coim_recogmzednnntsMatkmazLorder,JhmlaLmLof 759patentdefinedandlimitedthesecure
`linkHSeeEx AatZ‘.
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`Case 6:10-ov-OO417-LED Document 192
`4. “domain name service”
`The Defendants seem to have a truncated view of the role of “ordinary meaning” in claim
`construction. The standard for determining the legally operative scope of a claim term is not
`simply looking to a term’ s “ordinary meaning” irrespective of the patent. Rather, “the ‘ordinary
`meaning” of a claim term is its meaning to the ordinary artisan after reading the entire patent.”
`Phillips, 415 F.3d at 1321 (emphasis added). As such, the Defendants’ argument as to how a
`server” that “does not return the true 1P address of the target node, but instead automatically sets
`up a virtual private network between the target node and the user” if secure communications are
`requested. See ’135zz37t63-38z2, As such, the Defendants” proposed construction should be
` “
`(1107710171 11617118
`it is irrelevant that the most typical syntax of domain names is the hierarchical syntax of domain
`names on the Internet. Nor does It matter that the spec111cat10n gives examples ofhierarchical
`domain names. See Ex. A (the Court’s Claim Construction Opinion from the Microsoft litigation)
`at 14. (“The specification’s disclosure or omission of examples does not create limitations on
`claims”) Rather, “the ‘ordinary meaning” of a claim term is its meaning to the ordinary artisan
`after reading the entire patent, Phifiips, 41 5 FBd at I32 I. As Dr. Jones explained in his
`declaration, a skilled artisan would not have imported the hierarchical syntax of the typical
`domain name after reading the patents. Specifically, Dr. Jones explained that one skilled in the
`syntax is because that syntax enables a distributed approach to managing the naming of a huge
`number of computers around the world. See Jones Decl. at 1] 10. But as far as the patents are
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`concerned, formatting domain names in this way would be unnecessary. Specifically, because
`the DNS proxy server taught in the patents is not expected to provide answers for every domain
`names to have a hierarchical syntax to practice the patents. See id, As such, the Court should
`reject the Defendants‘ proposed construction.
`“DNS groxy server”
`In their
`did not already preemptively address in its Opening Brief. As explained in VirnetX’s Opening
`Brief and in Dr. Jones’s declaration, the discussion of DNS proxy servers in the Background of
`the Invention of the patents refers to a specific use of proxy servers to attempt to achieve
`—anonymity$eeOpeningBFiefatl6-l7;}enesDeel atfifil l3-l6. TheDei—‘endantsrespefiekby—
`asserting: “The statement is not so limitediit describes what a ‘proxy server’ is, regardless of
`the system in which it is used,” See Res. at 18 (emphasis in original). The Defendants support
`this assertion with only their [pse dixil—the Defendants offered no counterargument and their
`own expert was conspicuously silent on this point. As such, the Court should reject the
`Defendants’ proposed construction for the reasons given in VirnetX’ s Opening Brief.
`secure domain name servzce
`“Non-Standard,” The Defendants misinterpret the prosecution history in their brief A
`secure domain name service can resolve addresses for a secure domain name because: (i) it can
`recognize that a query message is requesting a secure computer address and (ii) it can return a
`secure computer network address for a requested secure domain name—not because the lookup
`prosecution history and should reject their proposed construction.
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`Case 6:10-ov-OO417-LED Document 192
`“Performs Its Services Accordingly.” VirnetX opposes this aspect of the Defendants’
`construction because “returning a secure network address for a requested secure domain name”
`worst, and should be rej ected.
`“domain name service system "
`The Defendants assume, without any intrinsic support, that the word “system” must
`—conm1tean;extrwsomefl‘rmg.” See Res. at l6-17. But as detailedbelowfiheBefendantspresent—
`no cognizable legal basis for the unnecessary limitations added into their proposed construction.
`The Defendants discuss how the specification teaches—in a preferred
`embodiment—a DNS that is capable of differentiating between standard and secure top-level
`exclusion or restriction” that limit the invention to this embodiment, this discussion is
`meaningless. See E-Pass Techs, 343 F.3d at 1369.
`“Secure Top-Level.” The Defendants argue that the description of the invention in the
`Summary of the Invention limits all claims of the patent. This summary, however, refers to
`certain dependent claims and should not be applied against a_ll claims. Cf PSNIll, 525 F.3d at
`1166 (“[C]ourts must recognize that disclosed embodiments may be within the scope of other
`allowed but unasserted claims”). Because the Defendants have offered no legitimate support for
`their construction,6 it should be rejected.
`During the re-examination of the ”135 patent, the examiner made a record of his
`6 The Defendants also argued that certain passages from the prosecution history somehow
`” or “secure top-level domain names.”
`—passagesdohoteven4ne1mgn—differentiatmg'“ ' ' '
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`mention of the “web page” and “World Wide Web” requirements in the Court’s prior
`constructions. The Defendants attempt to dismiss this evidence by citing a case that stands for
` .‘nofpfioraILSeeResaLZQ
`n, l 7. The argument misses the point, VirnetX is not arguing that the Court should be bound by
`the examiner’s conclusions regarding patentability; rather, VirnetX is asking the Court to
`recognize that the examiner’s application of these claims is objective evidence of how one of
`secure web comQuZer ”
`The Defendants argue that one of ordinary skill would parse this term into “secure web”
`and “computer” and then concatenate “secure web” with “site.” The Defendants, however, offer
`correct inquiry is how a skilled artisan would understand the ordinary meaning of a claim termi
`not how a skilled artisan would rewrite it. As such, the Court should reject the Defendants’
`proposed construction for this term.
`secure server
`. n
`This claim term appears only in the ’ 151 patent, which concerns encrypted channels as
`opposed to VPN s. The Defendants have offered no cognizable legal basis for overriding the
`language of the claims and forcing the claimed encrypted channels to further be VPNs‘
`Moreover, the Defendants ignore that the meaning of secure ’ depends on its context. As this
`Court has recognized, when “secure” modifies computers and servers, it refers to “authorization
`for access” of those computers/servers. See Exp A. at l8‘ Conversely, when “secure” modifies a
`—typeefeemmumeatrer,rrt+efers teenceyptien. Sea—eg, ”135::lz38-39 (“Data securityis usually
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`tackled using some form of data encryption”).7 Because the Defendants have conflated these
`meanings, the Court should reject the Defendants’ proposed construction.
`There is nothing in the claim language that precludes a communication from going
`beyond a target computer. In fact, when a client computer forms a VPN with a target computer,
`the client computer might communicate with multiple computers on the private network virtually
`that the Defendants discuss do not support their construction. Indeed, the lynchpin of the
`Defendants’ argument (“But only the ultimate destination with which the client computer seeks
`to communicate is the target computer.” Res. at 24) lacks citation to any evidence and is nothing
`preferred embodiments were accurate (which they are not), the Defendants would still need to
`show “words or expressions of manifest exclusion or restriction” to support their narrowing
`construction (which they have not). See E—Pass Techs, 343 F.3d at 1369.
`”an indication that the domain name service system saggggorts establishing a secure
`communication link” / ”indicate/indicating. .
`. whether the domain name service system
`suggorts establishing a secure communication link ”
`The Defendants argue that “visible” should be imported from the preferred embodiments
`because all of preferred embodiments allegedly have this characteristic. See Response at 19 (“All
`of these examples have one thing in common — they are user-visible. ) (emphasis in original).
`But as this Court has recognized, “The specification’s disclosure or omission of examples does
`not create limitations on claims.” See Ex. A at 14,
`7 The Defendants also argue that “secure” also requires anonymity, but that is beside the point,
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`Case 6:10-cv-00417—LED Document 192
`“between (AZ and [Bl ”
`The Defendants argue that their proposed construction is necessary because, if a secure
`communication did not extend from one endpoint to the other, “the entire security objective of
`the patents would be undermined because there would be unprotected gaps along the way.” See
`Response at 22. But if this reasoning were truly airtight, then the Defendants would not need
`their construction. Indeed, the Defendants are wrong in their reasoning. Security—i.e.,
`patents to be met because security can be inherently present on private portions of the path.8
`“enablin a secure communication mode 0 communication ”
`The Defendants offer only non-limiting examples to support their construction. But as
`this Court has recognized, “The spec1ficat10n’s disclosure or omiss1on of examples does not
`create limitations on claims.” See Ex. A at 14.
`means creating and transmitting; and (ii) the creating and transmitting must occur at the client
`of the open-ended transition ‘which comprises’ indicates that there may be additional unclaimed
`steps in the method.” Wasinger v. Levi Strauss & Co, 106 Fed. Appx. 34, 36 (Fed. Cir. 2004).
`“crygtogzaghic information ”
`I 7.
`The Defendants did not meaningfully address VimetX’s concerns of ambiguity.
`8 The Defendants assert that Dr. Jones claim construction declaration in the Microsoft case
`supports their construction. Not so. In that declaration, the example Dr. Jones gave was Just
`that—an example. Further, Dr. Jones stated that the VPN “is the entire path between the laptop
`computer and the server.” See Dkt. No. 182-20 at 1] 33. Dr. Jones did not argue that the VPN
`—communicaiionpaihispiivaieandtheiefoiephysicallysecuie Seeid.
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`Case 6:10-Cv-00417—LED Document 192
`Filed 12/19/11 Page 12 of 13 PageID #: 5167
`DATED: December 19, 201 1
`Respectfully submitted,
`/s/ Douglas A. Cawley
`DouglasAflaMsy, LeadAlZamey
`Texas State Bar No. 04035500
`E-m ail: _c_1__c_aw].sly.@111._9_ls_9_91__s_m_i__t_h_‘_9_gm
`Bradley W. Caldwell
`Texas State Bar No. 24040630
`E-mailz bcaldllI
`Luke F. McLeroy
`Texas State Bar No. 24041455
`E-ma1L ____________________________________________________________________
`Jason D. Cassady
`Texas State Bar No. 24045625
`John Austin Cmry
`Texas State Bar No. 24059636
`Daniel R. Pearson
`Texas State Bar No. 24070398
`Stacie Lynn Greskowiak
`McKool Smith PC.
`300 Crescent Court, Suite 1500
`Dallas, Texas 75201
`Telephone: (214) 978-4000
`Telecopier: (214) 97 8-4044
`Sam F. Baxter
`Texas State Bar No. 01938000
`E-mail: sbaxter mckoolsmithcom
`Marshall, Texas 75670
`Telephone: (903) 923-9000
`Telecopien (9039 923-9099
`104 East Houston, Su1te 300
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`Case 6:10-cv-00417—LED Document 192
`Robert M. Parker
`Texas State Bar No. 15498000
`Robert Christopher Bunt
`Texas StateBar No 0018] L65
`100 East Ferguson, Suite 1114
`Tyler, Texas 73702
`Telephone: (903) 531-3535
`Telecopier: (903) 533-9687
`The undersigned certifies that, on December 19, 2011, the foregoing document
`was served Via the Court’s ECF system on all counsel who has filed notices of appearance in this
`/s/ Austin Curry
`John Austin Curry
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