` __________________
` __________________
` Petitioner
` vs.
` Patent Owner
` U.S. Patent Nos. 8,394,405,
` 8,394,406 and 8.206,740
` __________________________
` Cases IPR2013-00368, IPR2013-00371,
` and IPR2013-00372
` __________________________
` Washington, D.C.
` Tuesday, April 29, 2014, 9:20 a.m.
`Reported by:
`Laurie Bangart, RPR, CRR
`Ref. No.: 11687
`TransPerfect Legal Solutions
`212-400-8845 - Depo@TransPerfect.com
` Video Deposition of
`Page 2
`Held at the offices of:
` Paul Hastings
` 875 15th Street, NW
` Washington, D.C. 20005
` (202)551-1700
` Taken pursuant to notice, before
` Laurie Bangart, Registered Professional
` Reporter, Certified Realtime Reporter and
` Notary public in and for the District of
` Columbia.
`TransPerfect Legal Solutions
`212-400-8845 - Depo@TransPerfect.com
`3 4
` A P P E A R A N C E S
`Page 3
` Sterne Kessler Goldstein Fox
` 1100 New York Avenue, NW
` Washington, D.C. 20005
` (202)371-2600
` By: Eldora L. Ellison, Ph.D.
` eellison@skgf.com
` R. Wilson Trey Powers, Ph.D.
` tpowers@skgf.com
` Paul Hastings, LLP
` 191 North Wacker Drive, 30th Floor
` Chicago, Illinois 60606
` (312)499-6064
` By: Gregory A. Morris, Ph.D.
` gregorymorris@paulhastings.com
` Evan Diamond, Esq.
` evandiamond@paulhastings.com
`TransPerfect Legal Solutions
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`2 3
`Page 4
`(Appearances continued)
` Foley & Lardner, LLP
` 3000 K Street, NW
` Washington, D.C. 20007
` (202)672-5413
` By: Andrew S. Baluch, Esq.
` abaluch@foley.com
` Kim Johnson, Videographer
`2 3
`TransPerfect Legal Solutions
`212-400-8845 - Depo@TransPerfect.com
`EXAMINATION BY MR. POWERS . . . . . . . . . . 7
`Page 5
` E X H I B I T S
`Exhibit 2148 Develpment and Licensing
` Agreement . . . . . . . . . . 36
`Exhibit 2149 Covance Clinical Study Report 40
`Exhibit 2146 Declaration of Jones W. Bryan 43
`Exhibit 2036 Development Agreement . . . . 44
`Exhibit 2147 Periostat XR Timeline . . . . 62
`Exhibit 2150 Shire Labs Monthly Project
` Report . . . . . . . . . . . . 126
`Exhibit 2154 Email from Jones Bryan
` . . . . . . . . . 142
`Exhibit 2155 Letter to
` dated October 23, 2002 . . . . 145
`Exhibit 2156 Email from Jennifer Wilson . . 163
`Exhibit 2157
` . . . 171
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`4 5 6 7
`Page 6
` P R O C E E D I N G S
` THE VIDEOGRAPHER: This is tape
` number 1 of the videotaped deposition of
` Dr. Jones Bryan, taken in the matter of
` Amneal Pharmaceuticals, LLC versus Supernus
` Pharmaceuticals, LLC, in the US Patent &
` Trademark Office before the Patent Trial &
` Appeal Board, case number IPR2013-00368, also
` IPR 2013-00371 and IPR 2013-00372.
` This deposition is being held at
` Paul Hastings located at 875 15th Street,
` Northwest, Washington, D.C. on April 29, 2014
` at approximately 9:20. My name is Kim
` Johnson. I am the legal video specialist.
` The court reporter is Laurie Bangart, both in
` association with TransPerfect Legal
` Solutions.
` Will counsel please introduce
` yourselves and state whom you represent.
` DR. POWERS: Sure. My name is Trey
` Powers. I'm from the law firm of Sterne,
` Kessler, Goldstein & Fox on behalf of Amneal.
` DR. ELLISON: Eldora Ellison also
` from Sterne Kessler Goldstein & Fox on behalf
` of Amneal.
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`Page 7
` DR. MORRIS: Gregory Morris from
` Paul Hastings on behalf of Supernus and the
` witness.
` MR. DIAMOND: Evan Diamond of Paul
` Hastings on behalf of Supernus and the
` witness.
` MR. BALUCH: Andrew Baluch from
` Foley & Lardner on behalf of Supernus and the
` witness.
` THE VIDEOGRAPHER: Would the court
` reporter please swear in the witness.
` having been first duly sworn, testified
` upon his oath as follows:
` Q Good morning, Dr. Bryan.
` A Good morning.
` Q Thank you for being here with us today
` Would you state your full name for the
` A Jones Woodrow Bryan, Jr.
` Q Okay, and have you been deposed before?
` A I have, yes.
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`Page 8
` Q So you understand that you're being
`questioned under oath today?
` A I do.
` Q It's important that you give us audible
`answers, because as you can see, the court
`reporter will be transcribing your testimony, so
`we ask that instead of nodding your head or
`shaking your head, you say yes or no. It's also
`better if you don't say "uh-huh" or "huh-uh," as
`opposed to -- or instead of that, just say yes or
` A Okay.
` Q It's also important that we don't talk
`over each other. I'll try to let you finish your
`answer, and if you'd try to let me finish my
`question, it will be a lot easier for the court
` A Good.
` Q And if you don't understand a question
`that I ask, would you please ask for
`clarification. If you go forward with your
`answer, I'll be -- I'll presume that you
`understood the question.
` A Right.
` DR. ELLISON: Can you also speak up
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`Page 9
` a little bit, please.
` Q You are very soft spoken, so if you
`would please speak up a little bit when you give
`an answer, that would be great.
` A Okay.
` Q So we can take regular breaks as long as
`there are no pending questions. Anytime you need
`a break, just let me know. As long as there's not
`a question pending, I'll be happy to take a break.
` A Will do.
` Q So this deposition in the IPR context is
`a little different than a deposition in a
`litigation. This deposition is meant to be really
`a conversation between me and you, and your
`attorney may object, but you can answer the
`question unless instructed not to.
` Do you understand?
` A I do.
` Q Okay.
` Is there any reason you can't give full
`and truthful testimony today, like medications
`you're on or anything like that?
` A No.
` Q Okay. Thank you.
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`Page 10
` So let's talk a little bit about your
`educational background. Where did you attend
` A Undergraduate degree from Clemson
`University, and then a Ph.D. in pharmaceutical
`sciences from the Medical University of South
` Q What did you major in at Clemson?
` A Zoology.
` Q Okay, and what year did you graduate?
` A 1986.
` Q '86, and you mentioned you had -- you
`have a Ph.D. from the Medical University of South
` A That's correct.
` Q What was your discipline?
` A Pharmaceutical sciences.
` Q Pharmaceutical sciences, and what years
`did you attend that university?
` A 1986 through the end of 1990.
` Q Okay, and then what did you do after
`that, after you left the University of -- sorry --
`the Medical University of South Carolina?
` A I was employed by Schering-Plough
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`Page 11
` Q Okay.
` What year did you start at Schering?
` A 1991.
` Q So what did you do between leaving the
`Medical University of South Carolina and starting
`with Schering?
` A I, I finished my, my educational work at
`MUSC at the end of 1990, so I started early in
` Q I see, and what was your title at
` A I'll have to look back. It was senior
`scientist I believe was my first official title.
` Q Okay, and what were your
`responsibilities at Schering as a senior
` A I did initial formulation development
`work. It was actually in support of the
`veterinary medicine division of Schering-Plough.
` Q Okay.
` What type of -- what kind of dosage
`forms were you working on at Schering?
` A I worked on immediate release dosage
`forms for companion animals.
` Q All right, and after you left
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`Schering -- so how long were you at Schering?
` A I was there until 1993.
` Q Okay, and where did you go after that?
` A AAI.
` Q Okay. What is AAI?
` A It's a contract pharmaceutical services
` Q Okay. Where is that located?
` A Wilmington, North Carolina.
` Q What kind of pharmaceuticals -- what was
`your role at AAI?
` A I was a manager of a formulation
`development group.
` Q Okay.
` Did you work on business development at
`that time?
` A When I initially joined, I was working
`on formulation development, and I transitioned
`into a technical director position, which was a
`business development function. So I left the
`project-related formulation group and became
`really a presenter, business development person
`representing the formulation development group.
` Q So why did you -- I'm sorry. Were you
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` A There was a transition from, from a
`project-oriented formulation development
`responsibility to a business development
` Q So when you say "business development
`responsibility," what does that entail?
` A Talking with prospective customers of
` Q Okay.
` A Presenting the capabilities of the
` Q Selling the company's services?
` A Right, mm-hmm.
` Q And why did you leave AAI?
` A Well, over the ensuing several years at
`AAI, I continued in business development and
`developed an expertise in business development and
`licensing, and joined Shine Pharmaceuticals in
`January of 2000 to fulfill very much the same
`role. Shire had formulation drug delivery
`technology expertise, and I was hired to be their
`business development person for that function.
` Q So what was your title when you got to
` A Senior director of business development.
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`Page 14
` Q Okay, and you said "very much the same
`role" at Shire. Does that mean talking to
`potential customers?
` A Yes.
` Q Selling the company's services?
` A Right.
` Q Okay, and so what does that, what does
`that mean, talking to potential customers?
` A At Shire it was specific to identifying
`companies that had a need for the application of
`drug delivery technologies that Shire possessed,
`and, and discussing a business relationship on how
`to collaborate on, on working together on product
`concepts using the Shire drug delivery technology
` Q Okay, and what year was that when you
`got to Shire?
` A January of 2000.
` Q Okay, and were you promoted over the --
` A I was promoted a few years later. I
`don't remember the exact time frame, but yes, I
`was promoted.
` Q Promoted to what?
` A Vice president of business development,
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`Page 15
` Q Were you vice president there at around
` A I don't remember the specific date. It
`was sometime between 2000 and end of 2005.
` Q Okay, and how many vice presidents were
`there at Shire at the time you were promoted?
` A I have no idea. Shire, Shire
`Pharmaceuticals was a growing organization. I
`don't recall how many specific vice presidents
`were there.
` Q More than five?
` A I don't remember a specific number.
` Q Was it around -- can you give me a
` A It was more than one.
` Q More than one. Well, yeah, so do you
`know how the vice presidents were broken up into
`categories, types of vice presidents that were
` A I certainly was aware of certain
`departments where there were vice presidents, but
`I can't recite the organizational chart to you.
` Q Okay, that's fine.
` Was there a vice president, for example,
`of research and development?
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`Page 16
` A Yes.
` Q Who was that person; do you remember?
` DR. MORRIS: Objection. Outside
` the scope.
` THE WITNESS: I mean that's not
` part of my declaration today, but I mean not
` to recall individuals 14 years ago . . .
` Q Do you remember who the person was?
` DR. MORRIS: Same objection.
` THE WITNESS: Not specifically. I
` know individuals that were there during that
` period of time. I can't -- what particular
` time frame were you referring to if you can
` point me to that?
` Q Yeah, let's go to 2002.
` A I don't specifically recall who was head
`of development at that time.
` Q Okay.
` So you said you were promoted to VP at
`Shire sometime between 2000 and 2005, I think.
` A That's correct.
` Q What happened after that? Are you still
`employed at Shire?
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` A I'm no longer with Shire.
` Q Okay.
` So what happened in your career after
`let's say 2005? What happened?
` A The division of Shire that I was working
`for was spun out of the Shire organization to form
`a stand-alone organization.
` Q And what's that organization called?
` A Supernus Pharmaceuticals.
` Q Okay, and do you own any stock in
` A I do.
` Q How much stock?
` A I, I don't think it's pertinent to this
`discussion. It's not part of my declaration.
` Q Well, sir, today I get to ask the
`questions, so if you would please answer mine, I
`would appreciate it.
` How much stock do you own in Supernus?
` DR. MORRIS: Objection, counsel.
` Outside the scope of this deposition.
` DR. POWERS: Noted.
` THE WITNESS: You can find it.
` It's public record. You can find SEC
` filings.
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` Q Okay. Well, I'm asking you.
` A I don't recall the specific number of
`shares I have at the moment.
` Q Can you give me a ballpark?
` DR. MORRIS: Same objection.
` THE WITNESS: I don't have a number
` off the top of my head at the moment.
` Q All right. So would you say it's more
`than 5,000 shares?
` DR. MORRIS: Same objection.
` THE WITNESS: I don't recall
` specific numbers. I'm not --
` Q But I'm not asking for a specific
`number. I'm just asking a ballpark.
` How many shares do you own in Supernus?
` DR. MORRIS: Same objection.
` THE WITNESS: Again, it's public
` record, you know. You can find what the
` specific numbers are. No need to speculate.
` Q So will you tell me, though, if it's
`over 5,000 shares? I'm just asking for a ballpark
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`Page 19
`figure of the number of shares you own in
` DR. MORRIS: Same objection and
` objection to form.
` THE WITNESS: Again, it's public
` record. If you're curious about what I own,
` it's public record. Anyone can go and take a
` look at it.
` Q Do you have an approximate dollar value?
` A No.
` Q You don't know or you're refusing to
`answer the question or --
` A I don't have a particular dollar value.
` Q Do you have a ballpark for the dollar
`value of shares you own in Supernus?
` DR. MORRIS: Same objection.
` THE WITNESS: I do not.
` Q You have no idea the value of the shares
`that you own in Supernus?
` A It's not something I think about day to
`day, and so no, I don't have an accurate number at
`the moment.
` Q Do you have a ballpark number?
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`Page 20
` DR. MORRIS: Same objection.
` THE WITNESS: I do not.
` Q Is it more than $20,000 worth of
`Supernus stock?
` A I don't have a specific number for you.
` Q That's not the question that I asked. I
`asked if it's more than $20,000 worth of Supernus
` A I don't see the need to speculate on any
`dollar amount. I mean, you know, again, it's
`public record. It's not like I'm sharing anything
`with you that you can't calculate on your own.
` Q So at this time here today, you're not
`willing to tell us if you own more than $20,000
`worth of Supernus stock?
` DR. MORRIS: Objection to form.
` THE WITNESS: I'm here to talk
` about what's in my declaration for this
` proceeding, and I don't recall -- in fact, if
` I could see a copy of my declaration, you
` could point me to where in the declaration
` this is a pertinent topic. I'll be glad to
` address whatever is in the declaration.
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` Q Dr. Bryan, I'm actually allowed to ask
`you about things that go to many issues related to
`your declaration, one of which is bias. Your
`ownership of Supernus stock goes to that issue,
`and I find it strange that you aren't willing to
`share with us the ballpark number of Supernus
`stock that you own.
` DR. MORRIS: Objection to form.
` Argumentative.
` THE WITNESS: I don't see the point
` of me speculating on what the actual number
` is when you can see it in public record.
` It's an official record.
` Q It seems as though you're unwilling to
`give me any kind of a ballpark number of the
`shares of Supernus that you own.
` A Because I can't give you the specific
`number accurately.
` Q I'm not asking for specifics. I'm not
`asking for specifics.
` A I'm unwilling to share anything that's
`unspecific when it's something that you can find
`publicly that is specific.
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`Page 22
` Q So are you unable to answer whether or
`not you own more than $20,000 worth of Supernus
` A I am unprepared to give you a specific
`number, and I'm unwilling to talk about
`categorical amounts of stock I own and certainly
`any dollar value associated with that.
` Q So sitting here today, you're saying
`you're unwilling to say whether or not you have
`$20,000 worth of Supernus stock or more?
` DR. MORRIS: Objection to form.
` THE WITNESS: I don't see the point
` of understanding and speculating what the
` dollar amount is or the number of shares is
` when, again, it could be verified by public
` record and be absolutely accurate.
` Q So is it possible that you own $50,000
`worth of Supernus stock or more?
` A I've answered your question.
` Q No, you haven't answered my question.
` A My answer is that I'm unwilling to give
`an estimate when there is specific information
`that is publicly available that you can go in,
`anyone can go in and determine it themselves, and
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`Page 23
`it's not a number that I have specific that I pay
`attention to day to day.
` Q Do you own more than $5 worth of
`Supernus stock?
` A I'm sure I do. I don't have a specific
`number, though.
` Q Do you own more than $5,000 worth of
`Supernus stock?
` A You've asked this question several
`times, and I've given you my answer.
` Q I haven't asked this question. Do you
`own more than $5,000 worth of Supernus stock?
` A I don't know the exact dollar amount
`that I own.
` Q Sir, do you own more than $5,000 worth
`of Supernus stock? Yes or no, or I don't know,
`which is a fine answer, too.
` A I don't know. I don't know specifically
`what I own.
` Q But you don't know if you own more than
` A I don't know the specific dollar amount
`of what I own. It's not something I do day to
` Q Okay.
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` So while you were at Shire, did you play
`a role in formulation development?
` A Not directly, no.
` Q Did you ever interpret data related to
`formulation development?
` A No, not directly.
` Q Did you make decisions about strategy
`related to formulation development?
` DR. MORRIS: Object to form.
` Q Did you play a role in preclinical
`formulation decisions?
` DR. MORRIS: Object to the form. I
` just want to instruct the witness to slow
` down a little bit so I can make my
` objections.
` THE REPORTER: I did not hear the
` answer.
` THE WITNESS: The answer is no.
` Q Did you play a role in making regulatory
`decisions while you were at Shire?
` DR. MORRIS: Objection to form.
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` Q Did you play a role in drug feasibility
`decisions while you were at Shire?
` DR. MORRIS: Same objection.
` Q Did you make decisions about drug
`feasibility and strategy?
` DR. MORRIS: Same objection.
` Q Did you play a role in dosage form
`development decisions?
` DR. MORRIS: Same objections.
` Q Did you ever interpret data on dosage
`form development and discuss strategy forward with
`the scientists?
` DR. MORRIS: Same objection.
` THE WITNESS: I was not responsible
` for interpreting data. I received their
` expert opinion on strategy as a result of
` their evaluation and generation of data.
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` Q Okay.
` Did you ever work on accelerated
`stability projects?
` DR. MORRIS: Same objection.
` Q In a scientific role?
` A No.
` Q While you were at Shire, did you ever
`work on the validation of analytical methods?
` A No.
` Q Did you ever work on any of the
`preparation of any regulatory documents while you
`were at Shire?
` A No.
` Q Did you ever help oversee the
`manufacture of GMP batches while you were at
` A No.
` Q Have you ever helped formulate a
`doxycycline product at any time?
` DR. MORRIS: Objection. Form.
` THE WITNESS: Not that I recall.
` Q Did you know Rong-Kun Chang?
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` A Yes.
` Q And he also went by "Richard," right?
` A Yes.
` Q How did you know him?
` A He was a formulator at Shire when I
`joined, and he worked, worked at Shire, Shire Labs
`while I was also employed by Shire Labs.
` Q And how long did you know him? Do you
`still know him?
` DR. MORRIS: Objection. Form.
` Q Let me just clarify that question.
` A I knew him then and I know him now. I
`know of him.
` Q When is the last time that you spoke to
`Dr. Chang?
` A When he was employed with Shire Labs.
` Q Do you remember when that was, about?
` A I really don't, but he's been gone a
`number of years.
` Q And what about Arash Raoufinia? I have
`trouble with that name.
` A As do I.
` Q Raoufinia. Did you know him?
` A I did, yes.
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` Q And how did you know him?
` A He worked within the formulation drug
`delivery sciences group at Shire when I was there
`for a period of time.
` Q About how long did you know him?
` A I couldn't say specifically. He was, he
`was part of our team in that, somewhere in the
`time frame between the January 2000 and 2005, but
`I can't tell you specifically the dates he was
` Q When was the last time that you spoke to
`Dr. Raoufinia?
` A Whenever he left the organization. I
`haven't really remained in contact with him.
` Q Did you leave at the same time when
`Shire was spun out?
` A I don't recall whether he made the
`transition from Shire over to Supernus with us or
` Q Same question for Dr. Chang. Was that
`about the time frame --
` A He did make a transition from Shire to
`Supernus, and so he was with Supernus for some
`period of time post-spinout from Shire, yes. I
`can't recall how long that was, but he did, he did
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`Page 29
`stay with the organization, the new organization.
` Q Gotcha, and what about Niraj Shah; did
`you know him?
` A I know the name and I remember him. I,
`I don't recall what time frame. Again, he was, he
`was at Shire Labs during that period of time, but
`I don't remember the, the longevity of how long he
`was with the organization.
` Q Do you remember what his role was at
` A Not specifically, no.
` Q Do you remember generally what
`Dr. Shah's role was at Shire?
` A I know he worked closely with the drug
`delivery sciences group. In what specific
`capacity, I don't remember.
` Q Okay.
` When, about, was the last time you spoke
`to Dr. Shah?
` A I truly don't recall. It would have
`been the same sort of time frame where Shire Labs
`separated from and became Supernus.
` Q Okay.
` So it's fair to say you haven't seen any
`of these gentlemen lately?
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` A Yes, that would be correct.
` Q Okay.
` Do you know where they work now, any,
`any of them?
` A I really don't, no.
` Q Okay.
` Have you had any communication with
`Dr. Chang in the past few years since he left
` A I haven't. Not that I recall.
` Q And how about with Dr. Raoufinia; have
`you had any communication with him since he left
`Supernus or Shire?
` A Again, not that I recall, no.
` Q And same question for Dr. Shah.
` A Not that I recall.
` Q Dr. Bryan, what did you do in preparing
`for this deposition today?
` And let me just be clear. I'm not
`trying to get to any kind of privileged
`communication between you and your counsel.
` DR. MORRIS: Objection. I'm going
` to instruct the witness not to answer on the
` basis of attorney/client privilege.
` DR. POWERS: Not to answer the
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` question at all, counsel?
` DR. MORRIS: Yeah, if you want to
` ask more specific questions, I'll let him
` answer, but that's a broad question and could
` get into privileged information.
` Q Dr. Bryan, what documents did you review
`in preparation for your deposition today?
` DR. MORRIS: Again, I'm going to
` instruct the witness not to answer on the
` basis of attorney/client privilege. If you
` want to ask him about a specific document, if
` he reviewed it, then that would be fine, but
` having him char