`12-Week Assessment of the Effectiveness
`and Safety of Monotherapy With
`Doxycycline 40 mg (30-m Immediate-
`Release and 10-mg Delaye -Release Beads)
`were clear or near clear by week 12, accortfng to
`lGA scores. Furthermore, approximately 75% of
`participants had CEA scores reflecting none or mild
`erythema alter 12 weeks. in the safety population
`of 1195 participants,
`treatment-related AEs were
`reported in 6. 796 of participants that were mainly
`mild or moderate in severity. Adverse events that
`occurred in more than 196 of the safety popula-
`tion inducted diarrhea (1.2%), nausea (1.396). and
`headache (1.096). The incidence of fungal and yeast
`infections was 0.496. The results oi’ the ORCA trial
`support the etfecliveness and safety of the 40-mg
`formulation 01' doxycycline in patients with papulo-
`pustular rosacea.
`Gulls. 201D:B6tsuppI 5{ln:?-15.
`Fiosacea is a common inflammatory disorder of
`the skin of middle-aged and older adults. A
`unique 40-mg formulation of doxycycllne (30-mg
`immediate-release and IO-mg delayed-release
`beads) developed for its anti-inflammatory proper-
`tles is the only US Food and Drug Administration-
`approved oral medication for the disorder: This
`report describes the results at the Graces‘ tor
`Rosacea: A Community-Based Assessment fORCA,I
`trial. a pnase 4 trial of the 40-mg formulation as
`monotherapy in adults with mild to severe p8ptJ'lO-
`pustular rosacea. A total of 1 197 participants were
`enrolled in the monotherapy arm of the 12-week
`operrlabel study at 271 comrnunity-based inves-
`tiaatlonal sites. The primary outcome measure
`was a change in the 5-point investigator global
`assessment tic-IA) score from baseline to end point
`(week 12]. Secondary outcome measures included
`change in the 5-point clinician erythema assess-
`ment lCEA) score from baseline to end point, IGA
`success. and adverse events (AE5). The mono-
`therapv per-protocol (PP) population was selected
`a prinri as the primary analysis population and safety
`asses.-unonts were performed on all participants
`who received at least 1 dose of the study drug. in
`the PP population ol 826 monotnerapy participants
`who completed the trial, approximately ?5% of
`participants with mild to severe resacea at baseline
`osacea is a chronic demulaosis cl‘ middle-god
`and older adults that afects appmxirnauv.-ly
`16 million indivithels in the United States. a
`prevalerlu that is Y 4-fold greater than
`pwnams‘' .”AfarnilyhIstol1r” uflhed1sease' isrqnttrd
`in appmximalehr 30% of patients!‘ Roancea is char-
`auarimd by dilation afbleocl vemels at" the central
`trigger the skin'sir|rnIeiInn:.|r|eresponse.‘ Rosacea is
`cular changes.’ Patient: with msacee have increased
`have been demonmated to have antiniclubial, dw-
`mntactic, and angiogenic acu'vities.°'“ It has been
`sumeatad that increased expression of oalhelicidin
`!uI'CI.Li|\E86.P1[NEl£IEFl ZCIIO 7
`Cqyrifliclisminlbpuldlismtloflulmqbarmmmmd. &ed.u'tmsII'lhdIn|l'Io¢IInpIioruflu|punieslor|otIuFu:lat'II.
`Amneal 1037
`Amneal v. Supernus
`|PR2013-00368, 2013-00371 and
` m
`and its tnpsinike proieolvtic processing ermrme.
`stratunrcorrieurn tryplic ¢1'l£FmBlSCTE). aecetittal
`is iqapalted by iinnlmoliistocheniml
`evidence of increased calhelicidin and SCTE in
`bacnzrial and arrti-irifey properties. Pro-
`iriflanimatory mediators moihlated by Iteuacyclinia
`include phospliolipase A1. endogenous nitric oxide,
`adrlicion, the drug chwn-neguhtes mm-ix Inenllov
`activity, inhilsiis cliernolnxk and gran»-
`fannation, and acts as a scavenger no pmtecl
`cells against reactive oxygen apei:ies."‘" Oracea"
`hydrate oorttaiiing 30-mg imnedhte-release and
`IO-rng delayed-release beads (lieieirrafter referred to
`as doxycycline 40 mg)?‘ Its fotmulation and plur-
`mocokinetic profile are unique in that plasma con-
`activity that would encourage the development of
`resistant organisms."
`t elements
`Tetracyclirles have been i
`US Food and Drug Adminismiiion
`die 40-rug formulation of doiqcycline mm for
`die treatment ofinflarrunatory papules and pusmlea
`inadtiltsurith rosinoea."'l'l'ieapprIJvaIIrasl3asedon
`die resuhs of I randomized. rnulticenter. I6-week.
`placebo-controlled. phase 3 trials of pmicipantn
`Irilhromcea.“ AlihooglitI1edru4;hasbeenavail-
`as Inonodierapy in routine clinical practice.15 This
`report describe the phase 4 Oracea fix llosaoea:
`A Community-Based Assesrnenl: (ORCA) trial.
`population used 5 either Inonotherqw or add-on
`therapy. This
`report describes
`the (lOXVCY-
`Good Clinical Practice guidelines. US Food and
`Drug Achinistration Code of Federal Regulations.
`and local regulatory requirements. The protocol
`was approved by a central
`iristiuninlial review
`board or
`the investigator":
`review board. All participants were fully informed
`about the stud)‘ and provided written consent prior
`to participation.
`tulwrouaceawitlrlnotleratelnsevere perilesiunal
`errlliema. Candidates were enchrlerl if they were
`ine visit
`were receiving lreatlllelil: fix ccnoonilnnt conti-
`orinleiiere wid'irl'iestudI;ou1:come.Ckl'iercaises
`foreincllnioti includedkidney dinaae. ,
`cation (cg. akiminum, calcium. . iron)
`andatweeks 2,4,8. and I2 (study end).SevIeriryof
`assessment (lGA)scalelTiJle l}.Altl'IetiIned
`This 12-Ireek.open-label. Inultioenter. community-
`hosed trial evalmred doxycycline 40 mg in par-
`nci.pan'' tswithmildtoseve:erosac.ea(pa.I'uc'ipants
`who otherwise would have been treated with
`cianentliemaassesstnent (CIA) scale (Table 2).
`Safety was asseued by the incifince of advert
`anltiliintic-dose doxycytline} with the drug admin-
`events (AE5) that were descriptively suinniarized
`istered as rnonotherapy. This study was conducted
`in accordance with the Dechration of Helsinki,
`Orpyflilciiuflfllfl. |bpltd'll'upIlifiuI'InIqhoIqIIn&IuIII. IhId.oI'lIII'I%lIiIIoiliII|:IiwII&ip-IiIa'nIIdIInFI.l1hlI-.
`Dictionary for Regulatory Activities‘ system organ
`class and preferred tenn.
`scorefmm baseliner.oen:lpoint(weel1Z). Seconi:I-
`from baseline to end point, success, and safety. For
`‘on cfueannentresputdersatemlpointwith
`an GA scoteoffl (clear) or I (neat clear).
`Stnliuficd Andyais
`This study was not powered. A large number of
`investigators participated in the trial to obtain a
`substantial body of evidence regarding the effec-
`tiveness and safety ofcloxycycline ‘IO mg when used
`in normal dermatologic practice. As discontinu-
`ation rates in a large open-label trial were antici-
`pated to be relatively high compared with smaller
`controlled trials, the per-protocol (PP) population
`was selected a ptiori for all effectiveness analyses.
`The PP population consisted of all participants
`who completed the 12-week trial without major
`rnaximurn). Baseline 104% stores were compared
`protocol deviations. The safety population was
`with subsequent IGA scores using the Cochran-
`defined as all participants who received at least
`Mantel-Haenszel (CMH) test. Similarly, baseline
`I doseof the study drug. Discrete variables such as
`CEA scores were compared with subsequent CEA
`certain delnngraphics, AB, and categorical effec-
`tiveness were summarized by frequencies {number
`scores using the CMH test. The baseline dichoto-
`mized IGA scores were compared with subsequent
`and percentage). Continuous categorical effective-
`ness variables were sutrunarized by mean. median,
`visits using the CMH test. Significance for all
`standard deviation, number. and range (mininrurn.
`hypotheses testing. except normal distribution, was
`Cqryrifltlctis-ztllll. llopuldllisptltiouimrnrybetmrorhoorl. sund.ortutsIiteduflntlIn¢IiorrnlIu|penrissiaIolIIePu:ishI.
`Tfib 3.
`at CI=.U5. For nonnl distribution testing, signifi-
`CIIIEC was I:l.‘—‘.0l.
`[Per-Protocol Population)
`Panlcflaam Diapoalllon
`A mail J 1411 participants {mm In inw.-utignimul
`Ilctuaca sing}: cnlollac wirhcittw without receiving
`a.dascoI'rhcn:I.|dyc|mg.0fthc ll97cnrDlIcdpa:-
`' nu, 826 (69.0%) c
`the trial without a
`$.3[13.fi "GP ohki _ Imd _ _HERE) ‘Imp? lnl)I'.‘fl'|!l3¢D¢ Innon were tnclmludm
`{Taflc 3). 51:; man nun: of pafikipunn in
`..JI....."m.se:.;".'i'J:.,.. an...‘ «;o«ne."m§r.,...'a.=a...'M3
`Ity. Mtltpnnxlpannhnd shn Iinatwnsclasuflacl as
`group. the mcan
`$1 (71 3
`72 ‘B-73
`Imvcstigcllor Global Au¢mn¢nl—Mmt PP [IIltit‘_”i-
`(35.5-::5.§f'.‘1".’..'Z'1”.';',.°‘§s'-.5T'1’-3;,; IGA scores uflfi
`dmcdiarrinmiarnafbasclirnc lGAancIw-eck 12 IGA
`Ciuucaan‘‘ '
`drama As um:-.nt—A w
`Twhvwu :3;-é_;w p-'3-5;»-an «E-;g5«e-h Q;-3-:~;wv
` ' scones "m the 3;? [P<.0CI]Il£.
`kIubmhchVAbskmmfiva I 0.1
`T] cu. was dcfinccl .. m [GA icon: at clur, 35392::
`3 (0-41
`the mmunhcrnpy Pl’ panicipnntn um: mac-cuuful at
`PEI: [$13
`M:-cl: I2. When nucccu was defined as an IGA scum
` oflcn
`3? I453 w:s Sm.-k l2{Fig1m: 3).
`"‘""““"°'*““"'" 9”
`37 a"
`321 '3”
`275 F3353
`Safety nsac:vsm_cnIs were performed on I196 partici-
`punnIrhorccc:vc\'.Iat lent ldI:J?cd'thc In
`3.:-lzfifis-cg: 332111;! wild at madnalr in mam.
`-. “m$mmWW-
`"'°"°....,*’.:.r'..‘.;fi—:."’- °“‘°‘."“'“°'* ‘:2?
`:11: was
`(0.1%: ma I ma or on!
`cnnclicliada (0.1%): 5 rcpotu coclccl as fungi influe-
`tiuu (and furthct classifiul as ye-an inf¢ctiuna)(0.4‘K>);
`CmylflIOlisZIlI!l.flnpuldI|ispdiIflunu|qheq|nhnd. m|ad,¢rlluIIihIlfl||IlI|epIiII'IIiuI||uInis3IlIIdIlIePdi§u.
`fiprl. lImIJtIiatnoti'Iuaa1@uy:naasaasmun[I3#qaouma basaiau'uvIad:12i1II1eInoncIl'|atmypar-
`ummmumwm.Pmnmmum mwmmmmhmmmn
`iaflnmnrasvmrlflndsthnbndvndx 12lGAat:otas;1haaIIasaaifl&:uI<:Ilan|'nco(P<.(Il)1L
`Incaclcinn (01%)
`and I rqaon of:
`Eifiay pnnicipu1u{6.7‘¥:)
`in theuufcty
`todutr. Itdunomtnrudmatdaci-0-mgfi-xmuiadon
`ncmcnilag, angina) were II.-penned and none were
`dance of the cfledivcrncu Ind safety of once-
`dnily ndminiuntion o‘ dnuycycliuc 40 mg in
`pudcipuntn with lullncl. The 4041:; one:-vckily
`formulation was approved Iaucd an In-016-It-cck.
`tImIumi.nul.pI1uc3clinicuI trials.“ Pu-ticipunuin
`Inalh undies (N=537) Ind mndentc In severe
`orpllcclio {n‘—'Z68]. Camplntlwinhplnceho, the
`tionn in man lesion counts [P-6.001]. The dificto
`and sutistiully Iiylificnrlt (P-<.(XI)I). By the cud
`cqpfli&$fl|1HnpfidIB§iEh|nqhIqnfind,flIfl.UiaIIiIduIuflhfihj|puIiah|dk Pthidtx.
`|:uhodpapmfio|I{n—-828]. Putnam caahIad(('Ja:rm-Ma'ld4-hmazallnsl}canpa'mmads1rh1ku1dbaaa-
`4 week: aka rnantment hurl been clincoatirundfi‘
`Iignificlnt md eflicncy in roucen."
`A rlndolninetl, double-lalinrl, pnrnlel-gzroup, nul-
`licerrterslzldylliohlsoonpnred Iclleefilencynrul
`nlfety of once hily nrlanntimicrolaial-dole Joly-
`qvclinc 40 mg (11:44) with conventional dnxyvcyv
`cliru: l00mg(u=4?]I inputicipanuwidaaloduue
`roueverc roulcemflkonlhltifllcflillfinlonnnmd
`thus the mri-inflnmmamry clfect afuutmcnt with
`nrlnnrtlmicrulaill-done rlmrycycline in the 40mg for-
`Inrlltiurz produced eqrivnlertl doerveuel in inflata-
`Iumory lesion count! Incl (:35 scores. ,
`lcignrrtl treated with the unique forrnnlhion
`I 3-{old lower incidence of gutminteninal
`setting. large-scale, rlnrlomizerl, controlled tri-
`III have pronricierl evidence to glide clinician: in
`and other agar: systems; however, then: Tu: been
`a recent re-cognitiuw that community-baud clini-
`trials.“ Thee cuties may inclrrcle large ntrrnlreru
`ofprltiern seen and treated in cornmunity setting,
`ernlalirlg investigators to confirm the elfecliveneu
`of various interventiorrr,nruIrer qnulioru alnrl: uti-
`lization. and help iduatifg uncommon ct new AEI.
`rapport on the Ian-refit: and safety of this treatment
`tllatwerefiul: reponedintl1ephnoc3trhIs.3‘Poncn-
`till lilniultionr offlaii trial inchde choice of the
`PPpcq:Il|I:lonfor'theprimntyar.n.lyIer. Allhoufi:
`Iaecuuse larger uumlacrr of participant dropouts
`Indlot protocol deviations were expected in this
`Ompfltflrislliflflopuldllipflflnlqlnqluhnd. find.¢&nII&rlflnlI|epriI'-ihrpulrissiirdllufiiu.
`vcaumzaa. uuua.a;n2n1u 18
` mmMm
`that has Icculnllatuclabonn: the cflactivuiuiand
`safety afdnxycycline 40 mg in participants with
`7. ]I'uuI'I',H¢I'1G.R1$:e::1&‘IicIi|:|'|I|cIIIIIIIaIl.
`9. l'li:ItV,l.']:IinT,l.nIl|X_et:l_lIIIInutiIIiuuI:inl
`Thcuunnluoffinhmadyindkuclinn l2weclu
`ofncatmcnl will
`40 mg in cflncdvc
`Ind that ilx nlnntimiaubial Ellmllltion exam I
`clinically nigaflcnnt ulli-ilillmuulnq effect.
`additinn. it has been demnnnu-and that the manly
`Jug an In: mud n Innnnlhcupy in the main:
` “t0RCfl
`Iryflaldcunl . LP.TI'|cl1l'|u|'stl'|nnk
`Jodi: Macoilu, PHD, (I EU-inc: (llllmmllulflmu
`Ha not-It urn fimdul E: Gulnlcrma labuumricn.
`].Pn:Iu:|u,PI1D,faruIistIlII:cwifl'| Ihtinicnl nul-
`ynes. Rcvinium of the Ilununcript in
`llsnacu till: now (humans man than I6 udlim
`Society: Apl I, Zfllfl. H|l3=H'I'II.Iun|:.a|.nrdp|uI
`2. Ne:I:!D_lCq:hnIl-l,Ed.s].lhnrinis.NEqljM.d.
`3. Ei:huDR.LhuHW.MupliuD.afl:Anui:uAulen1
`of Ilauuulqy Annciuim: Sunday In llwutifivu
`[Inject ti the Austin main! of lhtnsmhfiy
`5. Brawl KI. Clinical puczinc. ta-nu. N Efl J Mod.
`us] Dsunmulsci 2l.'lN'.55:7?-3|.
`I0. ZI|eniM.'I'I|2|tnledc:duIdIimi1d-aeijhnn
`I lain: Hi. 2|I3I:'i'5:39-‘B.
`I2. Prun&iW,Gmumfl'llla\.Suna|P,elIl.III|II:iIiImd'
`lldéltftirdile. Hixhal Hwlllanil. l992;4-I:ll65-I170.
`I3. Gnfli].IltlhlC,G:|nnuG,¢td.D:n-rcydiluznuhaa
`lien in |nlaqI|$ all on VH0 Iilnn whde Haul
`-nxhkj P¢rhi|nr.l. 2W&N:l?62-I768.
`H. UcyI|I'I'.I-iiM.H'|ihl‘IY,etfl.Efl'aclnd'lItih'nl—
`in vim. Ilrlflrd Mulqfi: Sun. l991:3296~99.
`I5. Ihul-l,lhlleI'iI[]G.l-In9uhI]M.elnLl11n:yI:Iine
`by qinlulinlcalh. Esplnqfla. 2CI'..'I6'.32:l5-1:6.
`I6. I-h|t_K3.IfleI:i|j],N—|lnniI-I.aId.IJ|xyu|Idin¢
`Iial alt] llmwul. 2CD6;I 76:56?-572.
`I7. Al.-IIIIH.An&III.KnIIIsrI],ttfl.Hiutxuft|m'r
`crdiu. A|:nI[huVuu|ml. l992:?2:I78-I79.
`ll. E|nI.,9|i-I|:u\',lfiovIil.,eIi.IrII1in1&1dui
`|hnI.1ck|a'm '
`chclubncytn. Ah Dan Ila. l993:lZ$J-67.
`10. Il1nME.lJnanA_.RunauIIIrNS.¢aI.Ex¢uive
`ZI. WebnuC'5F,TcInSM,HepnIlnLInhiIiIicI|dI
`'nIuIvIIIultl'pInI:II' I2’lIlcC.AIdn
`Dmuul. 1991;130:743-752.
`12. Chen [puke imutl. Fa-K Wad). TX: Gdflmun
`lflmlzlturiu. U’: INS h@W
` AmemdApflZ?.NIO.
`Z3. wlm.AdilflZ‘II'i.iIifi'K1$‘m'IIljI.fl'
`of Cnlufiuu bun
`Z4. Guiluua euqduu
`labial. Lnuuuu. Suiunhnrl: Cflfinnl Hunu
`SA: Agni ll. RIB. hw
` 5.qu.AaxdApflN,NM
`0m1I'fltO|is3Il!|.IhpuldII's1%nlq'InIqIuhn|d. flntwliniifidflnliephfixpnuiiitdlnfilfiiu.
`25. De|ll.nIn]'Q.EE:x|vu:au|:l&I:yc:I'daxycyu:lh1:IJng
`cnwiailf-I& Itill. Cut. ZDIQSEHIIEI 5l|I|:l6-Z5.
`dune dnuylrydinl “Um dlnwychu, USP uplhl)
`u|Iin|nuacIa|oe|iJI1I'uu¢anIu|tuimncu.]An 29.
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`Kuhn JM. Dluaninnung dinlcll nil main In cllknl
`¢m'e.CI'l.Ca'e Md. 2£I39:37(Iufi:vI 1151475153.
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`Gqvydfllouls 2l)1l.'I. hing-ldlhullnfluw mnyhuqlndnoul. sInd.alumIEIiIII.II|I|I'ltlulhnpIn'hshtdl|cHnId'|u.