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`ILL L(/
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`Form PTO-1625
`(Rev. 6/99)
`Amneal 1031
`Amneal v. Supernus
`IPRZO13-00368, 2013-00371 and

` 1 I

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`Acne is a common inflammatory disease in skin areas where sebaceous glands are ‘
`largest, most numerous, and most active. In its mildest form, acne is a more or less
`superficial disorder characterized by slight, spotty skin irritations. In such cases, ordinary
`skin hygiene is typically a satisfactory treatment. In the more inflammatory types of acne,
`however, pustules; infected cysts; and in extreme cases, canalizing, inflamed and infected
`sacs appear. Without effective treatment, these lesions may become extensive and leave
`permanent, disfiguring scars.
`l 0
`Micro-organisms, especially Propionibacterium acnes, are strongly implicated in
`the pathogenesis of acne. The micro-organisms are thought to release microbial mediators
`of inflammation into the dermis or trigger the release of cytokines from ductal
`Accordingly, the efficacy of antibiotics in treating acne is thought to be due, in
`significant part, to the direct inhibitory effect of the antibiotics on the growth and
`metabolism of these micro-organisms. Systemically-administered tetracycline antibiotics,
`especially minocycline hydrochloride, are particularly effective in treating acne.
`The tetracyclines are a class of compounds of which tetracycline is the parent
`compound. Tetracycline has the following general structure:

`The numbering system of the multiple ring nucleus is as follows:
`Structure B
`Tetracycline, as well as the 5-OH (oxytetracycline, e. g. Terramycin) and 7—Cl
`(chlorotetracycline, e. g. Aureomycin) derivatives, exist in nature, and are all well known
`antibiotics. Semisynthetic derivatives such as 7-dimethylamino-tetracycline (minocycline)
`and 6a—deoxy-5-hydroxy-tetracycline (doxycycline) are also known tetracycline
`antibiotics. Natural tetracyclines may be modified without losing their antibiotic
`properties, although certain elements of the structure must be retained to do so.
`In addition to the direct antimicrobial activity of tetracyclines, further activities of
`antibiotic tetracyclines have been investigated for possible therapeutic effects on acne.
`For example, a study by Elewski et al., J. Amer. Acad; Dermatol. , 8:807-812
`(1983) suggests that acne therapy, consisting of orally-administered tetracycline at a total
`daily dose of 1000mg, may have therapeutic anti-inflammatory effects in addition to
`antimicrobial effects. In particular, it was found that tetracycline inhibited neutrophil
`chemotaxis induced by bacterial chemotactic factors.
`However, a more recent study performed by Eady et al., J. Invest. Dermatol.,
`101:86-91 (1993) found somewhat different results with respect to the effect of
`tetracyclines on cytokines. The study was designed to determine whether oral acne
`therapy with minocycline or tetracycline altered the cytokine content of open comedones.
`The total daily dose of minocycline administered was 100mg. The total daily dose of
`tetracycline administered was l00Omg. It was found that these therapies upregulated the
`production of bioactive IL-lot-like material and immunochemical IL-1B. IL-1 is
`' considered to be a pro-inflammatory cytokine. The authors speculate that increased levels

`, “\‘
`of IL-1 in comedones destined to become inflamed may enhance resolution and promote
`repair of the damaged follicular epithelium.
`Another possible activity of tetracyclines in acne therapy was investigated by
`Bodokh, I., et al., Acta. Derm. Venerol., 77:255-259 (1997). Their study was designed to
`evaluate the action of minocycline on sebaceous excretion in acne patients. A 100mg daily 7
`dose of minocycline was administered. A subclinical increase in seborrhoea was reported.
`The authors propose that minocycline induces an increase in seborrhoea via a reduction in
`ductal obstruction. The mechanism by which the ductal obstruction is reduced is proposed
`to be the reduction in ductal irritation. The authors suggest that the reduction of ductal
`irritation is due to minocycline’s direct effect on P. acnes, or minocycline’s effect on the
`lipase produced by P. acnes.
`Bodokh et al. also found that during treatment no correlation exists between
`seborrhoea intensity and clinical severity of acne. The authors state that the lack of
`correlation shows that seborrhoea is pathogenic because it is the “culture medium” of P.
`acnes. Thus, it can be concluded that the authors consider the antimicrobial activity of
`minocycline as a significant therapeutic activity with respect to acne.
`Similarly, in a recent clinical study it was found that tetracycline doses lower than.
`antimicrobial doses had no clinical effect on acne. (Cunliffe et al., J. Am. Acad.
`Dermatol, I 62591-9 (1987).) In particular, a 100mg total daily dose of minocycline; and a
`1.0g total daily dose of tetracycline were found to be necessary to successfully treat acne.
`The antimicrobial effects of antibiotics are generally directly proportional to the
`dose administered of the antibiotics. Accordingly, in moderate to severe (i.e.
`inflammatory) forms of acne, oral antibiotics are typically administered at high doses. For
`example, in conventional acne therapy, tetracycline is administered at an initial dose of
`500 to 2,000 mg/day, followed by a maintenance dose of 250-500 mg/day.

`Clearly, the state-of-the-art teaching is that the clinical efficacy of systemically-
`administered tetracyclines in the treatment of acne is due in significant part to the
`antimicrobial effects of the tetracyclines.
`The use of tetracycline antibiotics, however, can lead to undesirable side effects.
`For example, the long term administration of antibiotic tetracyclines can reduce or
`eliminate healthy microbial flora, such as intestinal flora, and can lead to the production of
`antibiotic resistant organisms or the overgrowth of yeast and fungi. Other side effects
`include gastrointestinal symptoms such as nausea, vomiting, abdominal pain, diarrhea,
`rashes, and other allergic reactions. Tetracyclines also can cause fetal harm if used during
`Accordingly, there is a need for an effective treatment of acne which does not
`cause the undesirable side effects produced by the systemically-administered antibiotics
`used in conventional acne therapy. ‘
`The present invention provides a method of treating acne in a human in need
`thereof. The method comprises administering systemically to the human a tetracycline
`compound in an amount that is effective to treat /acne but has substantially no
`antimicrobial activity, without administrating a bisphosphonate compound.
`Figure 1 shows the photoirritancy factor (PIF) for some tetracycline compounds.
`For structure K, the compounds indicated are as follows:
`31 1
`R8 _
`i 1
`. ma

`For structures L, M, N or O the compounds indicated are as follows:
`. 5
`nitro ‘
`For structure P, R7 is hydrogen, R8 is hydrogen and R9 is nitro.
`The present invention provides methods of treating acne. As used herein, the term
`i "acne" is a disorder of the skin characterized by papules, pustules, cysts, nodules,
`comedones, and other blemishes or skin lesions. These blemishes and lesions are often
`accompanied by inflammation of the skin glands and pilosebaceous follicles, as well as,
`microbial, especially bacterial, infection.
`For the purposes of this specification, acne includes all known types of acne Some
`types of acne include, for example, acne vulgaris, cystic acne, acne atrophica, bromide
`acne, chlorine acne, acne conglobata, acne cosmetica, acne detergicans, epidemic acne,
`acne estivalis, acne fialminans, halogen acne, acne indurata, iodide acne, acne keloid, acne
`mechanica, acne papulosa, pomade acne, premenstral acne, acne pustulosa, acne rosacea,
`acne scorbutica, acne scrofulosorum, acne urticata, acne varioliformis, acne Venenata,
`propionic acne, acne excoriee, gram negative acne, steroid acne, and nodulocystic acne.
`The present invention can also be used to treat certain other types of acneiform
`dermal disorders, e. g. perioral dermatitis, seborrheic dermatitis in the presence of acne,
`gram negative folliculitis, sebaceous gland dysfunction, hiddradenitis suppurativa, pseudo-
`folliculitis barbae, or folliculitis.

`The method comprises the administration of a tetracycline compound to a human
`in an amount which is effective to treat acne, but which has substantially no antimicrobial
`The tetracycline compound can be an antimicrobial or non-antimicrobial
`compound. The tetracycline compound has the general structure indicated above.
`. C?
`Some examples ofantimicrobial tetracycline compounds include doxycycline,
`minocycline, tetracycline, oxytetracycline, chlortetracycline, demeclocycline, lymecycline
`and their pharmaceutically acceptable salts. Doxyclycline is preferably administered as its
`h clate salt or as a h drate, preferably monohydrate.
`Non-antimicrobial tetracycline compounds are structurally related to the antibiotic
`tetracyclines, but have had their antibiotic activity substantially or completely eliminated
`b chemlcal modification. For exam le, non-antimicrobial tetrac clme compounds are
`capable ofachieving antibiotic activity comparable to that oftetracycline at concentrations
`at least about ten times, preferably at least about twenty five times, greater than that of
`Examples ofchemically modified non-antimicrobial tetracyclines (CMT’s)
`include, 4-de(dimethylamino)tetracycline (CMT-1), tetracyclinonitrile (CMT-2), 6-
`demethyl-6-deoxy-4-de(dimethylamino)tetracycline (CMT-N3), 7-chloro-4-
`de(dimethylamino)tetracycline (CMT-4), tetracycline pyrazole (CMT-5), 4-hydroxy-4-
`de(dimethylamino)tetracycline (CMT-6), 4-de(dimethylamino-12a-deoxytetracycline
`(CMT-7), 6-deoxy-5oc—hydroxy-4-de(dimethylamino)tetracycline (CMT-8), 4-
`de(dimethy1amino)-12or-deoxyanhydrotetracycline (CMT-9), 4-
`de(dimethylaminolminocycline (CMT-10).
`Further examples of chemically modified non-antimicrobial tetracyclines include
`Structures C-Z. (See Index of Structures.)

`The minimal amount of the tetracycline compound administered to a human is the
`lowest amount capable of providing effective treatment of acne. Effective treatment is a
`reduction or inhibition of the blemishes and lesions associated with acne.
`The amount of a tetracycline compound that has substantially no antimicrobial
`activity is an amount that does not significantly prevent the growth of microbes, e. g.
`For example, tetracycline compounds that have significant antimicrobial activity
`may be administered in an amount which is 10-80% of the antimicrobial amount. More
`preferably, the antimicrobial tetracycline compound is administered in an amount which is
`40-70% of the antimicrobial amount.
`Some examplesof antimicrobial amounts of members of the tetracycline family
`include 100mg/day of doxycycline, 200mg/day of minocycline, 250mg of tetracycline four
`times a day, l000mg/day of oxytetracycline, 600mg/day of demeclocycline and
`600mg/day of lymecycline.
`An example of an antimicrobial tetracycline administered in a non-antimicrobial
`amount is doxycycline hyclate administered at a 20 milligram dose twice daily. Such a
`formulation is sold for the treatment of periodontal disease by CollaGenex
`Pharmaceuticals, Inc. of Newtown, Pennsylvania under the trademark Periostat ®.
`The tetracycline compound may be administered by sustained release. Sustained
`release administration is a method of drug delivery to achieve a certain level of the drug
`over a particular period of time. The level typically is measured by serum concentration.
`Further description of methods of delivering tetracycline compounds by sustained release
`can be found in the patent application, “Controlled Delivery of Tetracycline and
`Tetracycline Derivatives,” filed on April 5, 2001 and assigned to CollaGenex
`Pharmaceuticals, Inc. of Newtown, Pennsylvania. The aforementioned application is
`incorporated herein by reference in its entirety.

`For example, 40 milligrams of doxycycline may be administered by sustained
`release over a 24 hour period.
`The antimicrobial tetracycline compound can be administered in an amount which
`results in a serum tetracycline concentration which is 10-80% of the minimum
`antimicrobial serum concentration. The minimum antimicrobial serum concentration is
`the lowest concentration known to exert a significant antimicrobial effect.
`Some examples of the approximate minimum antimicrobial serum concentrations
`of members of the tetracycline family follow.
`A single dose of two 100mg minocycline HC1 tablets administered to adult humans
`results in minocycline serum levels ranging from 0.74 to 4.45 pg/ml over a period of an
`hour. The average level is 2.24 pg/ml.
`Two hundred and fifty milligrams of tetracycline HC1 administered every six hours
`over a twenty-four hour period produces a peak plasma concentration of approximately 3
`ug/ml. Five hundred milligrams of tetracycline HC1 administered‘ every six hours over a
`twenty-four hour period produces a serum concentration level of 4 to 5 pg/ml.
`The minimum antimicrobial serum concentration of doxycycline is lug/ml.
`Accordingly, a serum concentration of doxycycline in the range of about 0.1 to about 0.8
`ug/ml is 10-80% of the minimum antimicrobial serum concentration of doxycycline. The
`more preferred range is about 0.4 to about 0.7 ug/ml.
`To achieve this serum concentration, doxycycline can be administered by sustained
`release,_ or by intermittent administration.
`In another embodiment, the tetracycline compound can be administered in an
`amount which results in a serum concentration between about 0.1 and 10.0 pg/ml, more

`preferably between 0.3 and 5.0 pg/ml. For example, doxycycline is administered in an
`amount which results in a serum concentration between about 0.1 and 0.8 pg/ml, more
`preferably between 0.4 and 0.7 pg/ml.
`Non-antimicrobial tetracycline compounds can be used in higher amounts than
`antimicrobial tetracyclines, while avoiding the indiscriminate killing of microbes, and the
`emergence of resistant microbes. For example, 6-demethyl-6-deoxy-
`4-de(dimethylamino)tetracycline (CMT-3) may be administered in doses of about 40 to
`about 200 mg/day, or in amounts that result in serum levels of about 1.5 Sug/ml to about 10
`The actual preferred amounts of tetracycline compound in a specified case will
`vary according to the particular compositions formulated, the mode of application, and the
`particular sites and subject being treated.
`The tetracycline compounds can be in the form of pharrnaceutically acceptable
`salts of the compounds. The term "pharmaceutically acceptable salt" refers to a salt
`prepared from tetracycline compounds and pharmaceutically acceptable non-toxic acids or
`bases. The acids may be inorganic or organic acids of tetracycline compounds. Examples
`of inorganic acids include hydrochloric, hydrobromic, hydroiodic, sulfuric, and phosphoric
`acids. Examples of organic acids include carboxylic and sulfonic acids. The radical of the
`organic acids may be aliphatic or aromatic. Some examples of organic acids include
`formic, acetic, phenylacetic, propionic, succinic, glycolic, glucuronic, maleic, furoic,
`glutamic, benzoic, anthranilic, salicylic, phenylacetic, mandelic, embonic (pamoic),
`methanesulfonic, ethanesulfonic, panthenoic, benzenesulfonic, stearic, sulfanilic, alginic,
`as tartaric, citric, gluconic, gulonic, arylsulfonic, and galacturonic acids. Appropriate
`organic bases may be selected, for example, from N,N-dibenzylethylenediamine,
`chloroprocaine, choline, diethanolamine, ethylenediamine, meglumine (N-
`methylglucamine), and procaine.

`Preferably, the tetracycline compounds have low phototoxicity, or is administered
`in an amount that results in a serum level at which the phototoxicity is acceptable.
`Phototoxicity is a chemically-induced photosensitivity. Such photosensitivity renders skin
`susceptible to damage, e. g. sunburn, blisters, accelerated aging, erythemas and eczematoid
`lesions, upon exposure to light, in particular ultraviolet light. The preferred amount of the
`tetracycline compound produces no more phototoxicity than is produced by the
`administration of a 40mg total daily dose of doxycycline.
`Phototoxicity can be evaluated in terms of a photoirritancy factor (PIF), as
`described in the examples. A PIF value of about 1.0 indicates that a compound is
`considered to have no measurable phototoxicity.
`The low phototoxic derivatives preferably have PIF values no greater than about 5,
`preferably no greater than about 2, more preferably no greater than about 1.5, most
`preferably no greater than about 1.2, and optimally about 1.
`Some antimicrobial tetracyclines having low phototoxicity include, for example,
`minocycline and tetracyline.
`Some non-antimicrobial tetracyclines having low phototoxicity include, but are not
`limited to, tetracycline compounds having the general formulae:
`wherein: R7, R8, and R9 taken together in each case, have the following meanings:
`l O

`10 ‘
`1 5
`wherein: R7, R8, and R9 taken together in each case, have the following meanings:
`‘ nitro
`amino _
`wherein: R7, R8, and R9 taken together are, respectively, hydrogen, hydrogen and nitro.
`The tetracycline compounds are administered without administering a
`bisphosphonate compound. Bisphosphonates compounds are related to inorganic
`pyrophosphonic acid. The bisphosphonates include, as non-limiting examples,
`alendronate ((4-amino-L hydroxybutylidene) bisphosphonic acid), clodronate
`(dichloromethane diphosphonic acid), etidronate ((1-hydroxyethylidene) diphosphanic
`acid) and pamidronate ((3 —amino-l- hydroxypropylidene) bisphosphonic acid); also
`risedronate ([-hydroxy-2-(3 -pyridinyl)ethylidene] bisphosphonic acid), tiludronate, i.e.,
`tiludronic acid ([(4-chlorophenyl) thio] methylene] bisphosphonic acid) and zolendronate.
`The tetracycline compounds are administered systemically. For the purposes of
`this specification, “systemic administration” means administration to a human by a
`method that causes the compounds to be absorbed into the bloodstream.
`. wi41:?an

`For example, the tetracyclines compounds can be administered orally by any
`method known in the art. For example, oral administration can be by tablets, capsules,
`pills, troches, elixirs, suspensions, syrups, wafers, chewing gum and the like.
`Additionally, the tetracycline compounds can be administered enterally or
`parenterally, e.g., intravenously, intramuscularly, or subcutaneously, as injectable
`solutions or suspensions. Administration can also be intranasally, in the form of, for
`example, an intranasal spray; or transderrnally, in the form of, for example, a patch.
`For the pharmaceutical purposes described above, the tetracycline compounds of
`the invention can be formulated per se in pharmaceutical preparations optionally with a
`suitable pharmaceutical carrier (vehicle) or excipient as understood by practitioners in the
`art. These preparations can be made according to conventional chemical methods.
`Examples of carriers and excipients include starch, milk, sugar, certain types of
`clay, gelatin, stearic acid or salts thereof, magnesium or calcium stearate, talc, vegetable
`fats or oils, gums and glycols.
`In.the embodiment in which the tetracycline compound ‘is a non-antimicrobial
`tetracycline compound, administration can include topical application. Particular non-
`antimicrobialtetracycline compounds have only limited biodistribution, e.g. CMT-5. In
`such cases, topical application is the preferred method of administration of the compound.
`Carrier compositions deemed to be suited for topical use include gels, salves,
`lotions, creams, ointments and the like. The non-antimicrobial tetracycline compound can
`also be incorporated with a support base or matrix or the like which can be directly applied
`to skin.
`Topical application of non-antimicrobial tetracycline compounds in amounts of up
`to about 25% (w/w) in a vehicle are effective in treating acne while not inducing

`significant toxicity in the human. Amounts of from about 0.1% to about 10% are
`Combined or coordinated topical and systemic administration of the tetracycline
`compounds is also contemplated under the invention. For example, a non-absorbable non-
`antimicrobial tetracycline compound can be administered topically, while a tetracycline
`compound capable of substantial absorption and effective systemic distribution in a human
`can be administered systemically.
`The tetracycline compounds are prepared by methods known in the art. For
`example, natural tetracyclines may be modified without losing their antibiotic properties,
`although certain elements of the structure must be retained. The modifications that may
`and may not be made to the basic tetracycline structure have been reviewed by Mitscher in
`The Chemistry ofTetracyclines, Chapter 6, Marcel Dekker, Publishers, New York (1978).
`According to Mitscher, the substituents at positions 5-9 of the tetracycline ring system
`may be modified without the complete loss of antibiotic properties. Changes to the basic
`ring system or replacement of the substituents at positions 1-4 and 10-12, however,
`generally lead to synthetic tetracyclines with substantially less or effectively no
`antimicrobial activity.
`Further methods of preparing the tetracycline compounds are described in the
`The following examples serve to provide fiirther appreciation of the invention but
`are not meant in any way to restrict the effective scope of the invention.
`Preparation of Compounds
`4-Dedimethylamino-7-dimethylamino—6-demethyl-6-deoxy-9-nitrotetracycline sulfate

`To a solution of one millimole of 4-dedimethylamino-7-dimethy1amino-6-
`demethyl-6-deoxytetracycline in 25 ml of concentrated sulfuric acid at 0°C was added
`1.05 mmole of potassium nitrate. The resulting solution was stirred at ice bath
`temperature for 15 minutes and poured in one liter of cold ether_with stirring. The
`precipitated solid was allowed to settle and the majority of solvent decanted. The
`remaining material wasifiltered through a sintered glass funnel and the collected solid was
`washedwell with cold ether. The product was dried in a vacuum desiccator overnight.
`To a solution of 300 mg of the 9-nitro compound from example 1, in 30 ml of
`ethanol was added 50 mg of Pt02. The mixture was hydrogenated at atmospheric pressure
`until the theoretical amount of hydrogen was absorbed. The system is flushed with I
`nitrogen, the catalyst PtO2 is filtered and the filtrate added dropwise to 300 ml of ether.
`The product that separates is filtered and dried in a vacuum desiccator.
`To a well stirred cold solution of 500 mg of 9-amino-4-dedimethylamino-7-
`dimethylamino-6-demethyl-6-deoxytetracycline sulfate from example 2, in 2.0 ml of 1.3-
`dimethyl-2-imidazolidinone, 500 mg of sodium bicarbonate was added followed by 0.21
`ml of acetyl chloride. The mixture is stirred at room temperature for 30 minutes, filtered
`and the filtrate was added dropwise to 500 ml of ether. The product that separated was
`filtered and dried in a vacuum desiccator.

`To a solution of 0.5 g of 9-amino-4—dedimethylamino-7-dimethylamino-6-
`demethyl-6-deoxytetracycline sulfate, from example 2,
`in 10 ml of 0.lN hydrochloric acid
`in methanol cooled in an ice bath, 0.5 ml of n-butyl nitrite was added. The solution was
`stirred at ice bath temperature for 30 minutes and then poured into 250 ml of ether. The
`product that separated was filtered, washed with ether and dried in a vacuum desiccator.
`To a solution of 0.3 mole of 4-dedimethylamino-7-dimethylamino-6-demethyl-6-
`deoxy-9-diazoniumtetracycline sulfate, from example 4, 10 ml of 0.1 N methanolic
`hydrogen chloride was added 0.33 mmole of sodium azide. The mixture was stirred at
`room temperature for 1.5 hours. The reaction mixture was then poured into 200 ml of
`ether. The product that separated was filtered and dried in a vacuum desiccator.
`tetracycline sulfate
`One gram of 9-azido-4-dedimethylamino—7-dimethy1amino-6-demethyl-6—
`deoxytetracycline hydrochloride, from example 4, was dissolved in 10 ml of concentrated
`sulfuric acid saturated with HCL at 0°C. The mixture was stirred at ice bath temperature
`for 1.5 hours and then slowly added dropwise to 500 ml of cold ether. The product that
`separated was filtered, washed with ether and dried in a vacuum desiccator.

`tetracycline sulfate
`A solution of 1.0 mole of 4-dedimethylamino-7-dimethylamino-6-demethyl-6-
`deoxy-9-diazoniumtetracycline sulfate, from example 4, in 15 ml of water was added to a
`solution of 1.15 ammoleof potassium ethyl xanthate in 15 ml of water. The mixture was
`stirred at room temperature for one hour. The product separated and w

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