`Bernina Exhibit—2001
`Handi Quilter, Inc., et al. v. Bernina
`International AG
`See actinium
`Zool. antho—

`ACOti-um (ak/té am, {he em), n. a promontory in NW
`a recording
`ac-tin~0-graph (ak tin/e grafl, -griif/), n.
`ancient Greece: Antony and Cleopatra were defeated by
`[AC'riNo— + -GRAPH] —ac-tin-o~graph-ic
`(ak tin/e graf/ik), adj. wac-ti-nog-ra-phy (ak/te nog/—
`glctavian and Agrippa in a naval battle near here in
`re fé), n.
`ac-ti-Vate (ak/te vat/). v.t., —vat-ed, -vat-ing.
`1. to
`raylike; radiate.
`ac-ti~noid (ak/to noid/), adj.
`make active.
`2. Physics. a. to render more reactive;
`+ -01n]
`excite: to activate a molecule. b. to induce radioactivity.
`ac-tin-o-lite (ak tin/elit/), n. Blineral. a variety of
`3. to aerate (sewage) in order to accelerate decomposi—
`ampliibole, occurring in greenish bladed crystals or in
`tion of
`impure organic matter by microorganisms.
`[ACTINO- + —LiTis]
`4. Chem. 3. to make (carbon, a catalyst. molecules, etc.)
`nalit/ik, ak tin/alit/—). adj.
`more active.
`1:. to hasten (reactions) by various means,
`ac-ti~nol-0-gy (ak/ta nol/o jé), n.
`the science that
`such as heating. 5. Mil. a. to create (a military unit or
`deals with actinism.
`station). b. to place (a military unit or station) on an
`ac-ti-nom-e-ter (ak/ta nom/i tar), n.
`a device for
`active status in an assigned capacity.
`[ACTIVE + —ATs1]
`e—‘flC/ti-va/tion, 'n.
`measuring intensity of radiation, usually by the photo-
`chemical effect. Cf. actinograph.
`[ACTiNo- + -METER]
`ac/tivated sludgel,
`sludge (def. 8).
`(ak/to no me’trik), ac/ti-no~met/-
`ac-ti-va'tor (ak/to va/tar), n.
`1. Chem, Biochem. a
`ri-cal, adj. ——ac/ti-nom/e-try, n.
`catalyst. 2. any impurity in a mineral that causes lumi-
`ac-ti-no-mor~phic (ak/to no mar/fik). adj.
`1. Biol.
`nescence. Cf. inhibitor (def. 2).
`[ACTIVATE + -oa2]
`having radial symmetry. 2. Bot. (of certain flowers, as
`ac-tive (ak/tiv), adj. 1.-constantly engaged in action;
`the buttercup) divisible vertically into similar halves by
`busy: on active life.
`2. in a state of action; in actual
`each of a number of planes. Also, ac/ti-no-mor/phous.
`existence, progress. or motion; active hostilities.
`3. in—
`[ACTINO- + —MORPHIC] —ac/ti-no-mor/phy, n.
`volvmg physical effort and action: active sports. 4. hav—
`ac-ti-no-my-ces (ak/to n6 mi/SEZ), n., pl. —ces.
`ing the power of quick motion; nimble: an active
`teriol. any'of several saprophytic, filamentous, anaerobic
`5. characterized by considerable or current
`bacteria of the genus Aclinomyces, certain species, of
`action, motion, volume. use, participation. etc.: on active
`which are pathogenic for man and animals.
`[< NL,
`market in wheat: an active list of subscribers. 6. causing
`equiv. to actino— Ach0— + mch < Gk: fungus]
`change; capable of exerting influence (opposed to pas—
`ac-ti-nO-my-cete (ak/te n6 mi sEt’), n. Bacterial. any
`sive): active treason.
`7. effective (opposed to inert):
`of several rod—shaped or filamentous, aerobic or anaerobic
`active ingredients.
`8. Gram. noting or pertaining to a
`‘bacteria of the family Actinomycetaceae, of the order
`voice of verbal inflection in which typically the subject
`Actinomycetales. certain species of which are pathogenic
`of the sentence is represented as performing the action
`for man and animals.
`[prob. back formation from NL
`expressed by the verb (opposed to passive): Writes in
`actinomycetés; pl. of ACTINOMYCES] —ac/tin-o-my-cet/-
`He writes a letter every day is an active verb. 9. requiring
`ous, adj.
`or giving rise to action; practical: the intellectual and the
`aotrno-my-co-sis (ak/te 116 mi kolsis), n. Vet. Pa—
`active mental powers.
`(of a volcano) in eruption.
`thol., Pathol. an infectious,
`inflammatory disease of
`11. Accounting. profitable; busy: active accounts.
`cattle and other animals and of man, clue to certain
`interest—bearing: active paper. 13. IVIed. acting quickly;
`parasites and causing lumpy, often suppurating tumors,
`producing immediate effects: active remedies. 14. Sociol.
`esp., about the jaws. Also called lumpy jaw.
`(of a crowd) engaging in purposeful activity, often of a
`NOMYC(ES) + —osrs] dac-ti-no-my-cot-ic (ak/to n6 mi-
`violent nature. Cf. expressive (def. 4). 15. Rocketry.
`kot/ik), adj.
`able to transmit signals: on active communications satel—
`Chem. a chemically inert,
`ac-ti~non (ak/ta non/), n.
`lite. 16. Adil. serving on active duty. —n. 17. Gram. a.
`the active voice. b. a form or construction in the active
`gaseous. radioactive element isotopic with radon. It is a
`member of the actinium series. Symbol: An; at. no..' 86;
`[< L dctivhxs)
`(see ACT), -IVE; r. ME actif <
`at. wl.: 219. Also called actinium emanation.
`[< NL;
`MIT] —ac’tive-ly, adv. ——ac/tive-ness, n.
`see ACTINIUM, —o.\i'-’]
`—Syn. 1. acting; working; operative.
`'ENERGETIC. STRENUOUS, VIGOROUS imply a liveliness and
`ac-tin-Ovpod (ak tin/e pod/). n.
`any protozoan of the
`briskness in accomplishing something. ACTIVE suggests
`subclass Actinopoda. including the heliozoans and radio—
`larians, having stiff,
`radiating pseudopodia.
`quickness and diligence as opposed to laziness or dilatory
`methods: an active and useful person. ENERGETIC suggests
`[ACTINOv + -r0D]
`forceful and intense, sometimes nervous, activity: con—
`ac-tl-nop-te-ryg-i-an (ak/ta nop/to rij/é an), adj.
`ducting an energetic campaign. STRENUOUS implies eager
`belonging or pertaining to the Actinopterygii, a group
`and zealous activity with a sense of urgency: making a
`of bony fishes. —n. 2. an actinopterygian fish.
`[< NL
`strenuous effort. VIGOROUS suggests strong, effective
`actinopterygi(i) (pl.) (actino— ACTINO— :l— Gk pterggimn)
`activity: using vigorous measures to accomplish an end.
`fin, equiv.
`to pteryg— (s. of ptéryz wing) + -ion dim.
`suffix) + -AN]
`4. agile, sprightly. —Ant. 1, 4. lazy. 5. sluggish.
`ac/tive du/ty,
`illil. 1.
`the status of full duty: on
`ac-ti-no-thera-py (ak/ta n5 @er’e p6),
`active duty. 2. full duty. Also called ac/tive serv/ice.
`ac-ti-no-u-ra-ni-um (ak/to n6 yGf) ra/né am) ,
`ac/tive immu/nity,
`immunity resulting
`from the production of antibodies Within an organism.
`Chem. a radioactive isotope of uranium having an atomic
`mass of 235.
`ac/tive lay/er,
`the layer of soil, above the perma—
`frost, that thaws during the summer.
`actinoura/nium se/ries,
`ac-ti-no-zo-an (ak/ta‘ no zo/on). n., adj.
`ado/five list/,
`a list of military personnel on active
`[ACTINO— + -z0 (A) + -AN]
`ac/tive prin/ciple, Med.
`the component or com—
`ponents of a crude drug, usually extracted, responsible
`action (aktghan), n. 1. the process or state of acting or
`for the characteristic medicinal effect.
`of being active: The machine is not now in action.
`2. something performed; an act; deed.
`3. an act that
`ac/tive rea/son, Aristotelianism. an activity of
`one consciously wills and which may be characterized
`intellect. embodying universal truth, potentially present
`in the mind of every individual, and when present, form-
`by physical or mental activity (contrasted with passion):
`a crisis that demands action instead of debate; hoping
`ing the only immortal part of the individual. Cf. passive
`for constructive action by the landlord. 4. actions, habit-
`ual or usual acts; conduct: He is responsible for his
`ac-tiV-ism (ak/ta viz/am), n. 1. Philos. a. a theory that
`5. energetic activity: (mnan of action.
`6. an
`the essence of reality is an act or process of some sort.
`exertion of power or force:
`the action of wind upon a
`b. a theory that the relationship between the mind and
`ship’s soils. 7. effect or influence: the action of morphine.
`the reality outside the mind is one involving continuous
`the doctrine or:
`8. Physio]. a change in organs, tissues. or cells leading
`activity on the part of
`the mind.
`to performance of a function. as in muscular contraction.
`practice of vigorous action or involvement as a means of
`9. way or manner of moving: the action of a machine or
`achieving political goals.
`[< G Aktivism(us). See
`of a horse. 10. the mechanism by which something is
`operated, as that of a breechloading rifle or a piano.
`ac-tiV-ist (ak/to vist), ii. an especially active, vigorous
`11. a military encounter or engagement.
`12. actual
`advocate of a political cause.
`engagement in fighting an enemy.
`13. military and
`naval combat: He saw action in the South Pacific.
`ac-tiV-i-ty (ak tiv/ité), n., pl. -ties.
`1. the state or
`14. Slang. a. an active gambling game: Where can I
`quality of being active; the state of acting; action; doing.
`2. the quality of acting promptly; energy. 3. a specific
`find some action? b. profits, esp. quick profits: Cut me
`deed, action, function, or sphere of action: social activi-
`in for a piece of the action. 15. Poetry, Theater. the main
`lies. 4. work, esp. in elementary grades at school, that
`subject or story, as distinguished from an incidental
`involves direct experience by the student rather than
`episode. 16. Theater. a. an event or series of events that
`textbook study. 5. a use of energy or force; an active
`form part of a dramatic plot: the action of a scene. b. one
`the three unitles. Cf. unity (def. 9).
`movement or operation.
`6. normal mental or bodily
`function, or process.
`liveliness, alertness.
`gestures or deportment of an actor or speaker. 18. Fine
`Arts. the appearance of animation, movement. or emo—
`or vigorous action: The movie is full of activity and noise.
`8. Physical Chem. the capacity of a substance to react
`tion given to figures by their attitude, position, or
`corrected for the loss of reactivity due to the interaction
`expression. 19.
`aw. a. a proceeding instituted by one
`of its constituents. 9. Physics. a. the number of atoms
`party against another.
`the right of bringing it.
`20. Eccles. a. a religious ceremony, esp. a Eucharistic
`of a radioactive substance that disintegrate per unit of
`service. b. the canon of the Mass.
`c. those parts of a
`time, usually expressed in curies.
`b. radioactivity.
`10. U.S.' an organizational unit or the function it per-
`service of worship in which the congregation participates.
`[< L dction— (s. of dclio), equiv. to dct(us) (see ACT)‘ +
`[< ML activitdt— (s. of activitds). See ACTIVE,
`—i6n-,-10N; r. late ME accioun < AF] ~ac/tion-less,
`to make
`ac-tiV-ize (ak/to viz/). v.t.,
`active; activate.
`[ACTIVE + -izn]
`—Syn. 1. movement, operation. 2. ACTION, ACT, DEED
`mean something done. ACTlON applies esp. to the doing;
`act/ of faith/, an act that demonstrates or tests the
`ACT to the result of the doing. An ACTION usually lasts
`strength of a person‘s convictions, as an important per—‘
`through some time and consists of more than one act:
`sonal sacrifice. Cf. auto-da-fé.
`to take action on a petition. An ACT is single and of slight
`act/ of God/, Law. a direct. sudden. and irresistible
`duration: an act of kindness. DEED emphasizes the fin-
`action of natural forces. such as could not reasonably
`ished or completed quality of an act; it may imply an
`have been foreseen or prevented.
`act of some note, good or bad: an irrevocable deed; a deed
`Act/ of Par/liament clockl, aweight-driven pen-
`dulum wall clock of the late 18th century, usually havmg
`5 irmish. See battle. 15. plot. —-Ant. 1. rest.
`ofi daring.
`4. behaVior.
`12. brush, encounter, fight,
`an unglazed black dial with gilt numbers and a
`ac-tion-a-ble (ak/slio no bol),
`below it to accommodate the end of
`the pen
`ground for a lawsuit. 2.1iable to a law suit.
`(originally installed in English taverns because
`-ABLE] —ac/tion-a-bly, adv.
`lack of private clocks due to a burdensome tax).
`Ac/tion Paint/ing,
`to.) Fine Arts. a
`Act! of Tolera/tion, Eng. Hist. the statute
`development of Abstract Expressionism characterized
`granting religious freedom to dissenting Prot
`chiefly by a calligraphic quality or by broad, vigorous
`upon meeting certain conditions, as the rejection
`doctrine of transubstantiation.
`ac/tion ser/mon,
`the sermon preached before the
`Act! of Uniform/ity, Eng. Hist. any of thf
`administration of
`the Lord's Supper in Presbyterian
`statutes (1549, 1559, 1662) regulating public v
`churches in Scotland.
`services in the Anglican Church, esp.
`the act (
`Ac-tis (ak/tis), n. Class. Alyth. a son of Rhoda and
`requiring the use of the Book of Common Prayei
`Helius who, when banished from his home for fratricide,
`act/_ of war/, an illegal act of aggression by a c
`fled to Egypt. where he taught astrology. The Colossus
`against another with which it is nominally at pe:
`of Rhodes was built in his honor.
`thin, that; all ,as in measure.
`firge; cliief; siiTg; shoe;
`ice; hot. over, order, oil, book, 662e, out," up.
`CONCISE PRONUNCIA’I‘ION KEY: act, able, dare, art; ebb,
`a = a as in alone. e as in system, i as in easily, 0 as in gallop, u as in circus; 9 as in button (but/0n). fire (liar). cradle (krz‘id/al). See the full key inside the front cover.
`~ac-t0-_my-o-$ir1(ak/te mile sin), n. Biochem. acomplex
`protein, cons1sting of myosin and actin, that is the major
`constituent of skeletal muscle and is thought to interact
`with ATP to cause muscle contraction.
`[ACT(1N) + -o-
`+ Mvosmj'
`ac-ton (alt/ton), n. Armor. a quilted garment worn
`under mail in the 13th and 14th centuries; gambeson.
`Also, ackton, aketon, haqueton.
`[ME < AF aketoun.
`OF a (u)queton < OPr alcoton < < Ar al qutum the cotton]
`Ac-ton (ak/ton), n.
`1. Lord (John Emerich Edward
`Dalberg—Aclon, 1st Baron), 1834~1902, English historian.
`2. a City in SE England, near London: center of Puritan-
`ism at time of Cromwell. 67,274 (1961).
`ac~t9r (ak/tar), n. 1. a. person who acts in stage plays,
`motion pictures, televiswn broadcasts, etc., esp. profes-
`smnally. 2. a person who does something; doer; partici-
`[< L actor. See ACT, -or(2]
`Ac-tor (ak/ter). n. Class. Myth. 1. a brother of King
`Augeas, sometimes believed to be the father, by Molione,
`of Eurytus and Cteatus. Cf. Moliones.
`2. a son of
`Myrmidon and Pasidice who became king of Phthia.
`Ac-tor-i-dae (ak tor/i dé/), Class. Myth. Moliones.
`actor-proof (ak/ter pro—ofl), adj. Theat. (of a role or
`script) effective even if poorly acted.
`Ac/tors’ Eq/uity Associa/tion, alabor union for
`actors, founded in 1912 and affiliated with the AFL-CIO.
`ac-tress (ak/tris), n. a female actor.
`[ACT(O)R + -Ess]
`Acts! of the ApOS/tles, a book .of the New Testa-
`ment. Also called Acts.
`act/ tune/,
`a musical piece played between the act
`of a play in 17th— or early 18th—century England. Cf.
`entr’acte (def. 8).
`ac-tu'al (ak’ghé‘o 9]), adj.
`1. existing in act or fact;
`real: on actual 6439. of treason; actual expenses; on actual
`2. existing now; presentucurrent: the actual
`position of the moon. 3. Obs. pertaining to or involving
`acts or action.
`[<_I.L dctudl(is), equiv. to L dctu— (s. of
`actus; see ACT) + -alis -AL1; r. ME actuel < MF] —ac/-
`twal-ness, n.
`—Syn. 1. genuine, veritable. See real. —Ant. 1. unreal.
`ac/tual cost{,
`the cost of a product based on incurred
`costs of material and labor required in its production.
`Cf. standard cost.
`ac/tual gracea .Rom. Calh. Ch. supernatural help
`given by God to enlighten the mind and strengthen the
`Will to do good and av01d evil.
`actu-al-ise (ak’c‘lgo—o a liz/), v.t., -ised, -is-ing. Chiefly
`Brit. actuahze. —-ac/, n.
`ac-tu-al-ism (ak/cLiim e liz/em), n. Philos. the doctrine
`that all reality is_ animate or in motion.
`—15M] —ac/, n., adj. —ac/tu-al-is/tic, adj.
`ac-tu-al-i-ty (elk/chi) al/i té), n., pl. -ties.
`1. actual
`esistence; reality.
`‘2. actualities. actual conditions or
`circumstances; facts: .He had to adjust to the actualities of
`3. Brit. 2). televxsmn or radio broadcast, or a film.
`or sound recording, of an actual event; documentary.
`[late ME actualite < ML actudlitdt— (s. of acludlitds).
`See ACTUAL, 4ij
`ac-tu-al-ize (Elk/91166 a lizl), v.t.,
`make actual; realize in action or fact. Also, esp. Brit.,
`[ACTUAL + -IZE] —ac/tu-al-i-za/tion, n.
`ac-tu-al-ly (ilk/chi) e le), adv. as an actual or existing
`. fact; really.’ [ACTUAL + -LY]
`ac/tual sini, Theol. any sin committed by an indi-
`vidual of his free will, as contrasted with original sin.
`ac-tu-ary (ak’cllicfi) er/é), n., pl. -ar-ies.
`1. Insurance.
`a person who computes premium rates, dividends. risks,
`etc.. according to probabilities based on statistical rec-
`ords. 2. (formerly) a registrar or clerk. [< L dctudri (us)
`shorthand writer, clerk, var. (with u of dctus ACT) of
`(dct(a) deeds, documents + -drius -ARY)]
`(Elk/(311% fir/é el), ac/tu-ar/i-an, adj.
`—ac/tu-ar/i-al-ly, adv.
`ac-tu-ate (ak/chfio cw), v.t., -at-ed, -at-ing. 1. to incite
`to action; impEl; motivate: actuated by selfish motives.
`2. to put into action; start a process; turn on: to actuate
`a machine.
`[< ML acludt(us) reduced to action (ptp.
`of actuare), equiv. to L dctu(s) (see ACT) + -dtus -ATE1]
`—ac/tu-a’tion, n. —ac/tu-a/tor, n.
`act-wait (akt’wat/), n. Theat. Chiefly Brit. an interval
`between the acts of a play; an intermission; entr’acte.
`act/ warn/lug, Theat. 1. notification from the man-
`ager advising the performers of the amount of time left
`e .
`<lzlefforela) they must appear onstage.
`2. See act call
`ac‘u~ate (ak/yoo it, —5.t/). adj.
`sharpened; pointed.
`[late ME < L acu(s) needle + -ATE1]
`a-cu~i-ty (a kleo/i té). n.
`sharpness; acuteness; keen—
`ness: acuity of vision.
`[< ML acdildt— (s. of acuitds) (L
`acil(men) ACUMEN + -itdt~ —!TY)]
`a-cu-lesate (o mop/1e it, —lé EV), adj.
`1. Biol. having
`or being any_ sharp—pointed structure.
`2. having a
`slender oviposxtor or sting, as the hymenopterous insects.
`3. pointed; stinging. Also, a-cu/le-at/ed.
`[< L acu-
`ledt(us). See ACULEUS. —A'ri:1]
`a-cu-le-us (e kyo‘o’lé as), n., pl. -le-i (—léi/).
`1. Also,
`acus. the modified ovipositor or sting of certain hyme-
`nopterous insects. 2. prickle (def. 2).
`[< L, equiv. to .
`acu(s) needle + —leus dim. suffix]
`a-cu-men (a kyNJ/men, ak/ye—). n.
`perior mental acuteness and discern—
`ment; keen and penetrating insight: re—
`markable acumen in business matters. [<
`L: sharpness, equiv. to acd- (ptp. s. of
`acuere to sharpen; see ACUTE) + —men
`n. suffix] —-a-cu.mi-nous (a kyvfi/me-
`nos), adj.
`e kch/me nit,

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