`• 1999/2000- Wife explained the difficulty of"Free Motion" quilting to me.
`sensed that it could be done automatically via electronics and began thinking
`about how to do it.
`• Late June or Early July 2002- Solved Free Motion Stitch Regulator problem with
`use of optical mouse sensor. Demonstrated feasibility to wife using optical
`mouse, cloth, and computer.
`July 2002 - Began development of functioning model of my invention.
`July 2002 - Obtained old sewing machine to study and modify from Maria
`Shetler. (see letter)
`• Mid September 2002 - Completed model of control electronics for Free Mo~ion
`machine using modified optical mouse. Mouse was arranged to "look up" at
`fabric through a small aperture in circuit board material. Mouse, board, and
`associated electronics were mounted in a small plastic box. Output of the model
`was a relay contact that closed each time the fabric moved a stitch distance in
`any direction.
`• September 22/23, 2002 -Described invention and demonstrated operation of
`control electronics to my two engineer sons at a party for my 73rd birthday.
`(see letters)
`• Late September or early October- Wife proudly described invention to some
`quilting classmates over lunch. Included were Buck Polk, local sewing machine
`expert and Carol Soaps, quilter, among others.
`• October 14, 2002 - Completed compilation of drawings and text into first
`version of disclosure in about ten days. Sent copy of disclosure to patent
`attorney, Art Freilich. (see disclosure dated 10/14/02)
`• October 18, 2002 - Disclosure was read and witnessed by neighbor, engineer
`Donald Blair. Submitted witnessed disclosure to patent attorney, Art Freilich.
`• October 30/31- 2002- Attended Houston Quilt Festival with daughter and wife
`for the purpose of ascertaining novelty of my invention. Met Bernina's Gayle
`Hillert there
`Handi Quilter and Tacony v. Bernina
`Bernina Exhibit 2032
`• November 14, 2002- Ordered sample optical mouse parts from a Mr. Devin at
`Agilent Santa Clara.
`• November 14, 2002- Buck Polk witnessed my invention disclosure~
`• November 25, 2002 - Settled on control circuit for prototype machine. (see
`hand drawn diagram)
`.December 3, 2002 - Bought small Sears sewing machine to use as platform for
`my prototype machine.
`• December 12,2003- Tested DC motor system. (see hand drawn diagram)
`• Mid December 2002 - Completed and tested fully functional prototype Machine.
`January 2, 2003 - Submitted "fleshed out" invention disclosure to patent
`attorney, Art Freilich, (see disclosure dated 12/30/02)
`Handi Quilter and Tacony v. Bernina
`Bernina Exhibit 2032