PTO/SB/SO (07-09)
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`Application Number
`Filing Date
`August 31, 2006
`Continued Examination (RCE)
`First Named nventor
`asu iro
`Address to:
`Mail Stop RCE
`Examiner Name
`L. A. Fineman
`Commissioner for Patents
`PO. Box 1450
`Alexandria, VA 22313-1450
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` August 14, 2009
`Registration No.
`ZEISS 1022
`ZEISS 1022


`PTO/SBl22 (07—09)
`Approved for use through 07/31/2012. OMB 0651-0031
`U.S. Patent and Trademark Office; U.S. DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE
`Under the Paerwork Reduction Act of 1995, no nersons are re-uired to reacond to a collection of information unless ifdis-la s a valid OMB control number.
`FY 2009
`(Fees pursuant to the Consolidated Appropriations Act, 2005 (H.R. 4818).)
`Docket Number (Optional)
`Application Number
`August 31, 2006
`Art Unit
`L. A. Fineman
`This is a request under the provisions of 37 CFR 1.136(a) to extend the period for filing a reply in the above identified
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`August 14, 2009
`(703) 760-7748
`Peter J. Davis
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`than one signature is required. see below.
`D Total of
`forms are submitted.
`ZEISS 1022
`ZEISS 1022


`Docket N0.: 258882000101
`In re Patent Application of:
`Yasuhiro OMURA
`Application N0.: 11/513,160
`Confirmation N0.: 3253
`Filed: August 31, 2006
`Art Unit: 2872
`Examiner: Lee A. Fineman
`Commissioner for Patents
`PO. Box 1450
`Alexandria, VA 22313~1450
`Dear Madam:
`In response to the final Office Action dated July 14, 2008, and the Notice of Appeal dated
`January 14, 2009, and prior to action on the Request for Continued Examination filed concurrently .
`herewith, applicant respectfully requests consideration of the following claim amendments and
`Amendments to the Specification begin on page 2.
`Amendments to the Claims begin on page 3.
`Amendments to the Drawings begin on page 26.
`Remarks begin on page 27.
`An Appendix including a replacement sheet of Fig. 14, and the Declaration of Dr. Mitch
`Ruda is attached after the Remarks.
`ZEISS 1022
`ZEISS 1022


`Application No.: 11/513,160
`Docket No.: 258882000101
`In the Specification:
`Page 7, line 11, please add the following paragraphs:
`An embodiment of a catadioptric projection objective for imaging a pattern provided in an
`object plane of the projection objective onto an image plane of the projection objective may include
`a first objective part for imaging the pattern provided in the object plane into a first intermediate
`image, a second objective part entirely composed of reflecting elements for imaging the first
`intermediate image into a second intermediate image, and a third objective part for imaging the
`second intermediate image onto the image plane. The first concave mirror has a first continuous
`mirror surface and at least one second concave mirror having a second continuous mirror surface is
`arranged upstream of the second intermediate image. Pupil surfaces are formed between the object
`plane and the first intermediate image, between the first and the second intermediate images and
`between the second intermediate image and the image plane, and the projection objective is an
`unobscured system having no pupil obscuration.
`In some embodiments, a mirror group defined by the first and the second concave mirrors
`facing each other has a mirror group entry and a mirror group exit, the mirror group entry being
`positioned geometrically next to an edge of the second concave mirror facing an optical axis of the
`catadioptric projection objective and the mirror group exit being positioned geometrically next to an
`edge of the first concave mirror facing the optical axis and wherein some of the pupil surfaces of the
`projection objective are arranged in a vicinity of the mirror group entry and in a vicinity of the
`mirror group exit. In some embodiments, a first intermediate image is located geometrically within
`the interrnirror space between the first concave mirror and the second concave mirror. The first
`intermediate image and the second intermediate image may be located geometrically within the
`intermirror space between the first concave mirror and the second concave mirror.
`In some
`embodiments, the projection objective may be telecentric on both an obj ect end and an image end.
`va—27978 9
`ZEISS 1022
`ZEISS 1022


`Application No.: 11/513,160
`Docket No.: 258882000101
`In the Claims:
`1. (Currently amended) A catadioptric projection objective for imaging a pattern provided in
`an object plane of the projection objective onto an image plane of the projection objective
`a first objective part for imaging the pattern provided in the object plane into a first
`intermediate image;
`a second objective part entirely composed of reflecting elements for imaging the first
`intermediate image into a second intermediate image;
`a third objective part for imaging the second intermediate image onto the image plane;
`wherein a first concave mirror having a first continuous mirror surface and at least one
`second concave mirror having a second continuous mirror surface are arranged upstream of the
`second intermediate image;
`pupil surfaces are formed between the object plane and the first intermediate image, between
`the first and the second intermediate images and between the second intermediate image and the
`image plane; and
`wherein the projection objective is an unobscured system having no pupil obscuration.
`2, (Canceled).
`3. (Withdrawn) Projection objective according to claim 1, wherein there are exactly two
`concave mirrors and exactly two intermediate images.
`4. (Withdrawn) Projection objective according to claim 1, wherein the first objective part is
`a dioptric imaging system;
`the second objective part includes the first and the second concave mirrors, the concave
`mirror surfaces of the concave mirrors facing each other and defining an intermirror space;
`ZEISS 1022
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`Application N0.: 11/513,160
`Docket N0.: 258882000101
`wherein at least the first intermediate image is located geometrically within the intermirror
`space between the first concave mirror and the second concave mirror.
`5. (Withdrawn) Projection objective according to claim 4, wherein both the first intermediate
`image and the second intermediate image are located geometrically within the interrnirror space
`between the first concave mirror and the second concave mirror.
`6. (Original) Projection objective according to claim 1, wherein the first objective part and
`the second objective part and the third objective part share a common straight optical axis.
`7. (Withdrawn) Projection objective according to claim 1, wherein curvature surfaces of the
`first concave mirror and the second concave mirror have a common axis of rotational symmetry
`defining a catadioptric or catoptric part of the optical axis which is inclined at an angle to an'object
`side part and an image side part of the optical axis.
`8. (Previously Presented) Projection objective according to claim 1, wherein at least one
`mirror surface of the concave mirrors is aspheric.
`9. (Withdrawn) Projection objective according to claim 1, wherein the first objective part is
`a catadioptric objective part including a single first concave mirror and the second objective part is a
`catadioptric objective part including a single second concave mirror.
`10. (Previously Presented) Projection objective according to claim 1, wherein a mirror group
`defined by the first and the second concave mirrors facing each other has a mirror group entry and a
`mirror group exit, the mirror group entry being positioned geometrically next to an edge of the
`second concave mirror facing an optical axis of the catadioptric projection objective and the mirror
`group exit being positioned geometrically next to an edge of the first concave mirror facing the
`optical axis and wherein some of the pupil surfaces of the projection objective are arranged in a
`vicinity of the mirror group entry and in a vicinity of the mirror group exit.
`ZEISS 1022
`ZEISS 1022


`Application N0.: 11/513,160
`Docket N0.: 258882000101
`11. (Withdrawn) Projection objective according to claim 1, wherein it is designed such that
`radiation reflected from the first concave mirror crosses the optical axis prior to impinging on the
`second concave mirror.
`12. (Withdrawn) Projection objective according to claim 1, wherein the first objective part is
`purely refractive, the second objective part is catoptric or catadioptric, and the third objective part is
`purely refractive.
`13. (Withdrawn) Projection objective according to claim 1, wherein the projection objective
`includes no convex mirror.
`14. (Currently amended) A catadioptric projection objective for imaging a pattern provided
`in an object plane of the projection objective onto an image plane of the projection objective
`a first objective part for imaging the pattern provided in the object plane into a first
`intermediate image;
`a second objective part entirely composed of reflecting elements for imaging the first
`intermediate image into a second intermediate image;
`a third objective part for imaging the second intermediate image onto the image plane;
`wherein the second objective part includes a first concave mirror having a first mirror
`surface and a second concave mirror having a second mirror surface, the concave mirror surfaces of
`the concave mirrors facing each other and defining an intermirror Space;
`wherein at least the first intermediate image is located geometrically within the inteimirror
`space between the first concave mirror and the second concave mirror, and
`wherein the projection objectiVe is an unobscured system having no pupil obscuration.
`15. (Withdrawn) Projection objective according to claim 14. wherein there are exactly two
`concave mirrors and exactly two intermediate images.
`ZEISS 1022
`ZEISS 1022


`Application No.: 11/513,160
`Docket No.: 258882000101
`16. (Previously Presented) Projection objective according to claim 14, wherein the first and
`second mirror surfaces are unbroken having no holes.
`17. (Canceled).
`18. (Original) Projection objective according to claim 14, wherein both the first intermediate
`image and the second intermediate image are located geometrically within the intermirror space
`between the first concave mirror and the second concave mirror.
`19. (Withdrawn) Projection objective according to claim 14, wherein the first intermediate
`image and the second intermediate image are located geometrically in a middle region centered
`around a midpoint between the two concave mirrors within the intermirror space between the first
`concave mirror and the second concave mirror, wherein the middle region extends in a space having
`an axial extension § 90% of an axial distance between the verticcs of the curvatures of the first and
`second concave mirror.
`20. (Withdrawn) Projection objective according to claim 14, wherein dis a distance on the
`optical axis between the two concave mirrors, d1 is a distance on the optical axis between the first
`intermediate image and the first concave mirror and d2 is a distance on the optical axis between the
`second concave mirror and the second intermediate image, and the relations: 0.5 d/2<d1<l .5 d/2
`and 0.5 d/2<d2<1.5 d/2 are satisfied.
`21. (Withdrawn) Projection objective according to claim 14, wherein a chief ray of the most
`off axial field point intersects the optical axis in the optical paths between the two concave mirrors
`in the geometrical vicinity of the location of the first intermediate image.
`22. (Original) Projection objective according to claim 1, wherein the first objective part is
`designed as an enlarging imaging system.
`23. (Withdrawn) Projection objective according to claim 1, wherein the first objective part is
`designed as an enlarging imaging system having a magnification Bl in the range l<] B1l<2-5-
`ZEISS 1022
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`Application N0.: 11/513,160
`Docket N0.: 258882000101
`24. (Withdrawn) Projection objective according to claim 1, wherein the second objective
`part is designed as near unit magnification optical system.
`25. (Withdrawn) Projection objective according to claim 24, wherein the second objective
`part is designed as a system having a magnification [32 in the range 0.4<[ [32! <15.
`26. (Withdrawn) Projection objective according to claim 24, wherein the second objective
`part is designed as a system having a magnification [32 in the range 0.9<[ [32l <1 . l.
`27. (Original) Projection objective according to claim 1, wherein the third objective part has
`a reducing magnification [33, wherein H33I<l.
`28. (Original) Projection objective according to claim 1, wherein the second intermediate
`image has a size larger than the image size.
`29. (Original) Projection objective according to claim 14, wherein the first objective part and
`the second objective part and the third objective part share a common straight optical axis.
`30. (Original) Projection objective according to claim 14, wherein curvature surfaces of the
`first concave mirror and the second concave mirror have a common axis of rotational symmetry.
`31. (Withdrawn) Projection objective according to claim 14, wherein a catadioptric or
`catoptric part of the optical axis defined by the first concave mirror and the second concave mirror
`is inclined at an angle to an object side part and an image side part of the optical axis.
`32. (Withdrawn) Projection objective according to claim 1, wherein at least one of the first
`concave mirror and the second concave mirror is designed as a Mangin Mirror.
`33. (Previously Presented) Projection objective according to claim 1, wherein at least one of
`the first concave mirror and the second concave mirror is designed as a front surface mirror.
`34. (Withdrawn) Projection objective according to claim 1, wherein at least one of the
`concave mirrors has an aspheric reflecting surface having an absolute value of curvature which
`decreases from the optical axis to the edge of the mirror in a radial direction.
`ZEISS 1022
`ZEISS 1022


`Application No.: 11/513,160
`Docket No.: 258882000101
`35. (Withdrawn) Projection objective according to claim 14, wherein the projection
`objective includes no convex mirror.
`36. (Original) Projection objective according to claim 1, wherein the projection objective
`includes no planar folding mirror.
`37. (Withdrawn) Projection objective according to claim 1, wherein a maximum light beam
`height at the Concave mirrors is less than the 1.5 fold of the maximum light beam height within the
`third objective part.
`38. (Withdrawn) Projection objective according to claim 1, wherein the diameter of the
`concave mirrors is less than 150% of the size of the first and the second intermediate image.
`39. (Withdrawn) Projection objective according to claim 1, wherein all light beams within
`the projection objective are located within a space defined as a cylinder around the optical axis of
`said third objective part, extending from the object plane to the image plane and having a maximum
`radius of the 1.5 fold of a maximum beam height within said third objective part.
`40. (Withdrawn) Projection objective according to claim 1, wherein a maximum free
`diameter is 2.4 fold of a maximum beam height within said third objective part.
`41. (Withdrawn) Projection objective according to claim 1, wherein between the radius R]
`of the first concave mirror and the radius R2 of the second concave mirror the following relation:
`0.7<| R1/R2l <1.3 is satisfied.
`42. (Withdrawn) Projection objective according to claim 1, wherein between the radius R1
`of the first concave mirror and the radius R2 of the second concave mirror and the distance d on the
`optical axis between the two concave mirrors the relation: 0.7<(|R1| +|R2l )/2/d<1.3 is satisfied.
`43. (Withdrawn) Projection objective according to claim 1, wherein at least one lens having
`a free entry surface and a free exit surface is arranged Within an intermirror space defined between
`the first and second concave mirror.
`ZEISS 1022
`ZEISS 1022


`Application No.: 11/513,160
`Docket No.: 258882000101
`44. (Withdrawn) Projection objective according to claim 43, wherein the lens is a mirror-
`related lens arranged such that it is transited twice by the radiation passing to and from the concave
`45. (Withdrawn) Projection objective according to claim 44, wherein the mirror—related lens
`is a negative lens.
`46. (Withdrawn) Projection objective according to claim 44, wherein the mirror—related lens
`is a meniscus lens having negative refractive power and a sense of curvature similar to the sense of
`curvature of the concave mirror to which it is assigned.
`47. (Withdrawn) Projection objective according to claim 44, wherein the mirror—related lens
`is designed as a truncated lens being arranged mostly on the side of the optical axis where the
`associated concave mirror is situated.
`48. (Withdrawn) Projection objective according to claim 1, wherein there is at least one lens
`arranged within an intermirror space defined between the first and second concave mirror, wherein
`the lens is transited three times by a light beam between the object plane and the image plane.
`49. Withdrawn) Projection objective according to claim 1, wherein the first concave mirror
`and the second concave mirror are designed to have essentially the same or exactly the same
`curvature surfaces.
`50. (Withdrawn) Projection objective according to claim 1, wherein the first concave mirror
`and the second concave mirror are manufactured such that firstly a mirror blank for the first and
`second concave mirror is manufactured to obtain a desired concave shape of a mirror surface and
`that, afterwards, the mirror blank is separated into two truncated mirror used as the first and second
`concave mirror.
`51. (Withdrawn) Projection objective according to claim 1, wherein the second objective
`part includes a first catadioptric sub—group consisting of the first concave mirror and a first mirror—
`ZEISS 1022
`ZEISS 1022


`Application No.2 11/513,160
`Docket No.: 2588820001 01
`related lens and a second catadioptric sub—group consisting of the second concave mirror and a
`second mirror—related lens, wherein the catadioptric sub-groups are designed essentially identically.
`52. (Previously Presented) Projection objective according to claim 14, wherein at least one
`mirror surface of the concave mirrors is aspheric.
`53. (Previously Presented) Projection objective according to claim 1, wherein concave
`surfaces of the first and second concave mirrors are aspheric.
`54. (Withdrawn) Projection objective according to claim 1, wherein there is at least one lens
`arranged within an intermirror space defined between the first and second concave mirror between
`an intermediate image and an associated concave mirror optically near the intermediate image,
`where at least one surface of the lens is aspheric.
`55. (Withdrawn) Projection objective according to claim 54, wherein the aspheric surface of
`the lens is the surface facing the intermediate image.
`56. (Withdrawn) Projection objective according to claim 1, wherein the first concave mirror
`has a curvature cl(in [mm'l]) and the second concave mirror has a curvature cz(in [mm'1]) and D (in
`[mm]) is a maximum diameter of a lens element of the third objective part and wherein the
`following condition is fulfilled:
`1<D/(|¢1|+| czl )10‘4<6.
`57. (Withdrawn) Projection objective according to claim 52, wherein at least one concave
`mirror fulfills the condition: p>0.22R where p=R—(R2—D2/4)0'5, wherein R is the curvature radius and
`D is the diameter of the aspherical mirror surface.
`58. (Withdrawn) Projection objective according to claim 57, wherein the condition D>l .3R
`is fulfilled.
`59. (Withdrawn) Projection objective according to claim 1, wherein the projection objective
`is designed such that the first intermediate image is located geometrically within an intermirror
`ZEISS 1022
`ZEISS 1022


`Application No.: 11/513,160
`Docket No.: 258882000101
`space defined between the first and second concave mirror and the second intermediate image is
`arranged outside the intermirror space.
`60. (Withdrawn) Projection objective according to claim 14, wherein the first objective part
`is a catadioptric objective part including the first concave mirror and the second objective part is a
`catadioptric objective part including the second concave mirror.
`61. (Withdrawn) Projection objective according to claim 14, wherein a mirror group defined
`by the first and the second concaVe mirror facing each other has a mirror group entry and a mirror
`group exit, the mirror group entry being positioned geometrically next to an edge of the second
`concave mirror facing the optical axis and the mirror group exit being positioned geometrically next
`to an edge of the first concave mirror facing the optical axis and wherein pupil surfaces of the
`projection objective are arranged in a vicinity of the mirror group entry and in a vicinity of the
`mirror group exit.
`62. (Currently amended) Projection objective according to claim 14, the projection objective
`is designed such that radiation reflected from the first concave mirror crosses the a;optical axis
`prior to impinging on the second concave mirror.
`63. (Previously Presented) Projection objective according to claim 1, wherein the first and
`second concave mirrors are disposed on the same side of an optical axis of the catadioptric
`projection objective.
`64. (Previously Presented) Projection objective according to claim 1, wherein the first
`concave mirror and at least part of the second concave mirror are positioned at opposite sides of an
`optical axis of the catadioptric projection objective.
`65. (Withdrawn) Projection objective according to claim 1, wherein at least one lens is
`arranged outside an intermirror space defined between the first and second concave mirror between
`a mirror group defined by the first and second concave mirror and the second intermediate image.
`ZEISS 1022
`ZEISS 1022


`Application No.: 11/513,160
`Docket No.: 258882000101
`66. (Withdrawn) Projection objective according to claim 1, wherein the projection objective
`includes at least one biaspherical lens having an aspheric entrance surface and an aspheric exit
`67. (Withdrawn) Projection objective according to claim 66, wherein the third objective part
`has a pupil surface and wherein the biaspherical lens is arranged between the pupil surface and the
`image plane.
`68. (Withdrawn) Projection objective according to claim 1, wherein the first objectiVe part
`includes at least one lens having a concave surface facing the image plane.
`69. (Withdrawn) Projection objective according to claim 68, wherein the lens having a
`concave surface facing the image plane is a meniscus lens arranged between the object plane and a
`pupil surface of the first objective pan.
`70. (Withdrawn) Projection objective according to claim 1, wherein the first objective part
`includes a pupil surface and a first lens group arranged between the object plane and the pupil
`surface, wherein the first lens group includes in that sequence a positive lens, a negative lens and a
`positive lens, wherein the negative lens has a concave surface facing the image.
`71. (Withdrawn) Projection objective according to claim 1, wherein a maximum diameter of
`optical elements of the second objective part is smaller or equal to a maximum diameter of lenses of
`the third objective part.
`72. (Withdrawn) Projection objective according to claim 1, wherein the third objective part
`includes a pupil surface and negative refractive power arranged between the second intermediate
`image and the pupil surface such that a shallow waist is defined in the beam path, wherein no
`negative lens is arranged between the waist and the image plane.
`73. (Withdrawn) Projection objective according to claim 1, wherein the third objective part
`includes no more than two negative lenses.
`ZEISS 1022
`ZEISS 1022


`Application No.2 11/513,160
`Docket No: 258882000101
`74. (Previously Presented) Projection objective according to claim 1, wherein the projection
`objective has an image side numerical aperture NA>0.9.
`75. (Original) Projection objective according to claim 1, wherein the projection objective is
`designed as an immersion objective adapted with reference to aberrations such that an image side
`working distance between a last optical element and the image plane is filled up with an immersion
`medium with a refractive index substantially greater than 1.
`76. (Previously Presented) Projection objective according to claim 1, wherein the projection
`objective has an image side numerical aperture NA>1.l when used in connection with an immersion
`77. (Previously Presented) Projection objective according to claim 1, wherein the projection
`objective is telecentric on both an object end and an image end.
`78. (Withdrawn) Projection objective according to claim 1, that has an essentially
`homocentric entrance pupil.
`79. (Withdrawn) Projection objective according to claim 1, wherein an aperture stop is
`provided in the first objective part.
`80. (Withdrawn) Projection objective according to claim 1, wherein an aperture stop is
`provided in the second objective part.
`81. (Original) Projection objective according to claim 1, wherein an aperture stop is
`provided in the third objective part.
`82. (Previously Presented) Projection objective according to claim 1, wherein the projection
`objective is configured for use with ultraviolet light falling within a wavelength range extending
`from about 120 nm to about 260 nm,
`83. (Canceled).
`ZEISS 1022
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`Application No.: 11/513,160
`Docket No.: 258882000101
`84. (Currently amended) A catadioptric projection objective for imaging a pattern provided
`in an obj ect plane of the projection objective onto an image plane of the projection objective
`a first objective part for imaging the pattern provided in the object plane into a first
`intermediate image;
`a second objective part entirely composed of reflecting elements for imaging the first
`intermediate image into a second intermediate image;
`a third objective part for imaging the second intermediate image onto the image plane;
`wherein the second objective part includes a first concave mirror having a first mirror
`surface and a second concave mirror having a second mirror surface, the concave mirror surfaces of
`the first and second concave mirrors facing each other and defining an intermirror space; agd
`wherein the first objective part is designed as an enlarging imaging system.
`85. (Withdrawn) Projection objective according to claim 84, wherein first objective part is
`refractive, the second objective part is catadioptric or catoptric, and the third objective part is
`86—90. (Canceled).
`91. (Currently amended) A catadioptric projection objective for imaging a pattern provided
`in an object plane of the projection objective onto an image plane projection objective comprising:
`a first objective part for imaging the pattern provided in the object plane into a first
`intermediate image;
`a second objective part entirely composed of reflecting elements for imaging the first
`intermediate image into a second intermediate image;
`a third objective part for imaging the second intermediate image onto the image plane; and
`wherein the first objective part is a catadioptriceseateptrieobjective part including a single
`first concave mirror, the second objective part is a eatadiepticieescatoptric objective part including
`ZEISS 1022
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`Application No.2 11/513,160
`Docket No.: 258882000101
`a single second concave mirror, and the third objective part contacts an immersion liquid to image
`the second intermediate image through the immersion liquid onto the image plane.
`92. (Original) Projection objective according to claim 91, wherein the third objective part is
`purely refractive.
`93. (Withdrawn) Projection objective according to claim 1, wherein the first concave mirror
`has a first aspheric mirror surface and the second con

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