[Page 1]
` ) Case IPR2013-00362
` Petitioner, )
` ) Patent 7,348,575
` v. )
` )
` )
` Patent Owner. )
` - - -
` WEDNESDAY, MAY 7, 2014
` - - -
` Deposition of JOSE SASIAN, PH.D., taken at the
`offices of Oblon, Spivak, McClelland, Maier &
`Neustadt, LLP, 1940 Duke Street, Alexandria, Virginia,
`beginning at 9:11 a.m., before Nancy J. Martin, a
`Registered Merit Reporter, Certified Shorthand
` 1250 Eye Street NW, Washington, D.C. 20005
` (202) 803-8830
`ZEISS 1033
`Zeiss v. Nikon


`[Page 2]
`A P P E A R A N C E S :
` 60 South Sixth Street
` Suite 3200
` Minneapolis, MN 55402
` (202) 626-6420
` Representing Petitioner Carl Zeiss SMT GmbH
`7 8
` 1940 Duke Street
` Alexandria, Virginia 22314
` (703) 413-3000
` Representing Patent Owner Nikon Corporation


`[Page 3]
` I N D E X
`BY MR. GLITZENSTEIN...............................XX
`BY MR. MATTSON....................................XX
`BY MR. GLITZENSTEIN...............................XX
` - - -
` E X H I B I T S
` - - -
`Exhibit 1030 United States Patent Application 94
` Publication, Nakano, et al.
` Pub. No.: US 2013/0329283 Al
`Exhibit 1031 United States Patent, 95
` 5,650,877
`6 7


`[Page 4]
`Page Line
`Page Line
`Page Line
`2 3
`6 7 8


`[Page 5]
` 9:11 A.M.
` - - -
` JOSE SASIAN, PH.D., after having been
`first duly sworn, was examined and testified as
` Q. Good morning, Dr. Sasian.
` A. Good morning.
` Q. For the record, sir, could you please state
`your full name.
` A. Jose Manuel Sasian Alvarado.
` Q. And, Dr. Sasian, do you understand that you
`are here today to provide cross-examination testimony
`in an inter partes review with the Caption
`No. IPR2013-00362?
` A. Yes.
` Q. All right. And, sir, I'm going to hand you a
`document entitled "DECLARATION OF DR. JOSE SASIAN"
`that was filed in connection with that matter. If you
`can confirm for me, sir, that this is, in fact, your
` A. Yes, it appears so.
`7 8


`[Page 6]
` MR. GLITZENSTEIN: And I'm going to hand you one
`other document, sir, that's been significant in this
`matter as Zeiss Exhibit 1001.
` (Previously marked Exhibit 1001.)
` Q. Do you recognize this, sir, as the patent
`that's at issue in this matter?
` A. Yes. The '575.
` Q. Right. It's U.S. Patent 7,348,575?
` A. Yes, sir.
` Q. Thank you. And if I refer to this throughout
`the proceedings today as "the '575 patent," will you
`understand that?
` A. Yes.
` Q. Thank you. Have you reviewed the '575 patent
`in connection with this matter?
` A. Yes.
` Q. Did you review the entirety of the '575
`patent prior to preparing your declaration,
`Exhibit 2024?
` A. Yes.
` Q. And in rendering your opinions in this
`matter, sir, what did understand to be the relevant
`priority date of the '575 patent?
` MR. MATTSON: Objection. Form. Foundation.
` THE WITNESS: There are a number of dates on


`[Page 7]
`the '575 patent, and one of them is May 6, 2013.
` Q. And what's the significance in -- to your
`understanding of that date?
` A. Significance for what?
` Q. For any of the opinions that you've rendered
`in this matter.
` A. It sets a date to set what's prior art and
`what is not prior art.
` Q. If you could turn in your declaration, sir,
`to Paragraph 66, please. And in Paragraph 66 you
`begin a section which is entitled "Boundary lens." Do
`you see that?
` A. Yes.
` Q. And before that, there's sort of a major
`heading that says, "Claim Constructions." Do you see
` A. Yes.
` Q. Right. What construction have you applied in
`this matter for the term "boundary lens" in the '575
` A. I discuss a number of properties in the
`boundary lens.
` Q. What construction did you apply for the claim
`term "boundary lens" for purposes of rendering your


`[Page 8]
`opinions in this matter?
` A. As I said in the declaration, "a boundary
`lens is a lens of the projection optical system that
`has a convex object-side surface and a flat image-side
`surface to increase effective numerical aperture in
`the presence of the immersion liquid by reducing
`reflection loss."
` Q. And the entirety of what you've just stated,
`is that the construction that you've applied for
`purposes of rendering your opinions in this matter?
` MR. MATTSON: Objection. Form.
` THE WITNESS: There may be another statement
`associated with the boundary lens definition. I don't
`recall at this moment, but when I see it, I can bring
`it to your attention.
` Q. Do you recall, in substance, what additional
`statement you applied for purposes of the construction
`of the term "boundary lens" in rendering your opinions
`in this matter?
` A. On Paragraph 67 I mentioned that "From the
`575 Patent disclosure it becomes readily apparent that
`the boundary lens serves at least two purposes: To
`isolate an atmosphere in an optical path of a
`projection optical system from an optical path between


`[Page 9]
`the boundary lens and a second surface; and 2) to
`enable higher resolution by" reduction -- "reducing
`reflection losses, and thus preventing total internal
` Q. I see that statement in Paragraph 67 of your
`declaration, sir. Are you saying that you also have
`incorporated those principles into your construction
`of boundary lens that you applied for purposes of
`rendering your opinions in this matter?
` A. Yes.
` Q. Other than what you've already testified to
`from Paragraphs 66 and 67 of your declaration, is
`there anything else that you have incorporated into
`your construction of "boundary lens" for purposes of
`rendering your opinions in this matter?
` A. Not that I recall at this moment.
` Q. Now, it's true, sir, that that is the --
`you've only applied one construction of the term
`"boundary lens" for purposes of rendering your
`opinions in this matter; correct?
` A. Yes.
` Q. The term "boundary lens" is found in Claim 1
`of the '575 patent. True?
` A. That's correct.
` Q. And for purposes of this matter, you have not


`rendered opinions on any of the other claims of the
`'575 patent, again, other than Claim 1 of the '575
`[Page 10]
` A. I believe that's correct.
` Q. If I could just ask you to turn in your
`declaration to Paragraph 129. So this paragraph
`summarizes the opinions that you formed in connection
`with this matter. True?
` A. Yes.
` Q. And part of your opinion in this matter is
`that the "Terasawa and the Immersion References fail
`to enable one of ordinary skill in the art to make and
`use the subject matter of independent claim 1 of the
`575 Patent." True?
` A. Yes.
` Q. Your conclusion in this matter in that regard
`is based on the construction that you have applied for
`purposes of boundary lens. True?
` MR. MATTSON: Objection. Form.
` Q. What's untrue about what I said?
` A. That it's not my construction. That it's not
`my construction.
` Q. What's not your construction?


`[Page 11]
` A. Well, if I can recall it correctly, the
`question was that in applying my construction, I have
`used any construction to determine whether Terasawa
`and the mentioned references enable or not the Claim 1
`of the '575. And the point is that those references
`do not render -- do not lead to the boundary lens --
`the presence of the boundary lens. So, therefore,
`they do not enable Claim 1 of the '575.
` Q. In the answer that you just gave you used the
`term "boundary lens," and in that answer did you mean
`the term "boundary lens" as you've construed it for
`purposes of this matter?
` A. Well, the boundary lens, it's an actual item,
`and my construction is based on the actual boundary
` Q. And I'm going to get to what the basis is for
`your construction in just a moment, but I just want to
`set a baseline here for purposes of understanding your
`opinions, sir. So let me break this down. You've
`offered opinions in this case that Terasawa and the
`immersion references fail to enable one of ordinary
`skill in the art to make and use the subject matter of
`independent Claim 1 of the '575 patent; correct?
` A. That's correct.
` Q. And in rendering that -- withdrawn.


` And Claim 1 of the '575 patent includes the
`[Page 12]
`term "boundary lens"; right?
` A. That's correct.
` Q. And you have, in this matter, come up with a
`construction for the term "boundary lens"; correct?
` A. We may call it that I have come with a
`construction. I have written the properties of the
`boundary lens. I can recognize where a boundary lens
`is present or not. And with that understanding, I
`provided my opinion.
` Q. Okay. So just so I'm clear on this, sir, you
`have come up with your own construction for "boundary
`lens." True?
` A. You will see the difficulty I have. We talk
`about constructions, we usually see a table of claim
`construction terms; right? And people say this term
`and the construction comes to the right. But in this
`case, I don't have that. I have just the attributes
`of the boundary lens. So when you ask me did I
`construct it in that way, no, I didn't that way. I
`just said the boundary lens has these properties, and
`I can see whether the prior art had -- say, the
`combination of prior art will have that boundary lens,
`and my answer is no.
` Q. Let me see if I can understand that answer.


`So for purposes of your work in this matter, have you
`[Page 13]
`identified what you consider to be the appropriate
`construction for the term "boundary layer" as that
`term is used in Claim 1 of the '575 patent?
` MR. MATTSON: Objection. Form.
` MR. GLITZENSTEIN: Let me withdraw that
`question, sir.
` Q. I think I might have missed one word, and I
`don't want to confuse the issue. I think I said,
`"boundary layer" and not "boundary lens," which may be
`the cause of my brother's well-placed objection. So
`let me try this again.
` A. Okay.
` Q. For purposes of your work in this matter,
`have you identified what you consider to be the
`appropriate construction for the term "boundary lens"
`as that term is used in Claim 1 of the '575 patent?
` A. Yeah, I am satisfied with the terms I used to
`refer to that lens, and you can call it a
` Q. Okay. And that's the material that you
`identified for me earlier from Paragraph 66 and 67 of
`your declaration?
` A. That's correct.
` Q. Okay. And so now, if I could return to my


`[Page 14]
`questions about -- from Paragraph 129, in rendering
`your opinion in this matter, that "Terasawa and the
`Immersion References fail to enable one of ordinary
`skill in the art to make and use the subject matter of
`independent claim 1 of the 575 Patent," am I correct,
`sir, that in forming that -- that you have based that
`opinion on the construction that you have applied in
`this case for the term "boundary lens"?
` A. That is one aspect of -- on which I base my
` Q. If the board in this matter disagrees with
`your construction for the term "boundary lens," it's
`true, is it not, that you have not offered any opinion
`that the "Terasawa and Immersion References fail to
`enable one of ordinary skill in the art to make and
`use the subject matter of independent claim 1 of the
`'575 Patent"?
` MR. MATTSON: Objection. Form.
` THE WITNESS: This is a little bit of a long
`question. If you can please -- if you can please
`rephrase it.
` MR. GLITZENSTEIN: Let me break it down.
` Q. You have not offered any opinions in this
`case that Terasawa and the immersion references fail
`to enable one of ordinary skill in the art to make and


`[Page 15]
`use the subject matter of independent Claim 1 of the
`'575 patent on any claim construction other than the
`one that you have already identified for us for the
`term "boundary layer"?
` MR. MATTSON: Objection. Form.
` THE WITNESS: Let me answer that question as
` If you look at my declaration on the section
`of "Opinions," I provide a number of an analyses on
`enablement and on obviousness that support my overall
`summary of conclusions.
` Q. I understand that your report says more than
`just what's in Paragraph 129. What I want to explore
`with you, as a preliminary matter, is whether, in your
`view, you believe that you have offered any opinion at
`all on the issue of enablement in this matter on a
`claim construction other than boundary lens?
` MR. MATTSON: Objection to form.
` THE WITNESS: Let me review the section on
`claim construction, please, which is --
` MR. GLITZENSTEIN: I can help you on that.
`It begins at Paragraph 66 of your declaration.
` (The witness reviewed the document.)
` THE WITNESS: And, once more, can you repeat


`[Page 16]
`the question, please.
` Q. I'm not going to precisely repeat it, but
`I'll ask you one that's in the ballpark. Okay?
` A. Yes.
` Q. All right. Have you offered any opinion in
`this matter on the issue of whether "Terasawa and the
`Immersion References enable one of ordinary skill in
`the art to make and use the subject matter of claim 1
`of the '575 Patent" on any construction of boundary
`lens other than the one that you previously explained?
` MR. MATTSON: Objection to form.
` (The witness further reviewed the document.)
` THE WITNESS: Well, I want to mention again
`that my opinions in my summary of opinions are
`supported by the analysis I presented. There I
`outline the different reasons, the different arguments
`to support my opinion. So when you ask me if I use
`other claim construction, again, I don't see that
`table with claim construction terms to apply.
`However, I have defined what I understand for a
`boundary lens, and I have used that to support my
` Q. And you have not offered any opinions in this


`[Page 17]
`matter on the issue of enablement applying any
`construction of boundary lens other than the one that
`you explained before; correct?
` MR. MATTSON: Objection to form.
` THE WITNESS: I don't recall if I have not,
`but right now I have expressed what the meaning of a
`boundary lens is.
` Q. And that's the meaning that you have used in
`forming your opinions on the enablement issue in this
`case; right?
` MR. MATTSON: Objection. Form.
` THE WITNESS: One aspect. There are a
`number -- there is an analysis on enablement that I
`presented and my opinions are expressed there and,
`yes, they use the definition of the language I
`associate with the boundary lens.
` Q. Can you identify for me, sir, any opinions
`that you have offered in this matter on the issue of
`enablement that do not depend upon the definition that
`you have applied for the term "boundary lens"?
` MR. MATTSON: Objection to form.
` THE WITNESS: For example, the previous art
`does not provide a table of constructional parameters


`for an optical system as is specified in the '575 that
`would enable a person of ordinary skill to make such a
`[Page 18]
`projection lens.
` Q. When you say, "such a projection lens," you
`mean a projection lens as described in Claim 1 of the
`'575 patent as you have construed the term "boundary
`lens"; right?
` A. Yes.
` Q. Okay. So you see my point on this, sir, is
`I'm trying to understand whether, in your view, you
`have offered any opinions on the issue of enablement
`in this matter that do not depend on the construction
`that you have applied in this matter for the term
`"boundary lens." Have you done that at all?
` MR. MATTSON: Objection. Form.
` THE WITNESS: I hesitate because I haven't
`had a time to reflect whether or not I have used an
`item. I cannot recall right now, and for that reason,
`I hesitate. I would have to review it just to make
`sure whether I did or I did not.
` Q. You'd have to review what, sir?
` A. My declaration in view of your question.
` Q. All right. Maybe if you'd just take a few


`[Page 19]
`minutes to do that. I mean it's just a few
`paragraphs. It starts at Paragraph 113.
` (The witness further reviewed the document.)
` THE WITNESS: Why do you refer to
`Paragraph 113?
` Q. I'm sorry. That's the end of it, isn't it.
`Let me ask you to start at Paragraph 94. That might
`be a better place to start.
` A. Thank you.
` Q. You're welcome.
` A. Just to make sure I understand your question,
`if I can understand your question I can answer that.
` Q. That's fine.
` A. You're asking me if I offer an opinion on
`enablement that does not depend on the use of a
`boundary lens?
` Q. Let me -- I'm glad you asked the question.
`So I'm going to be real precise on this. My question
`for you, sir, is whether you've offered any opinions
`in this matter on the issue of enablement that does
`not depend on the construction of boundary lens that
`you have applied in this matter?
` MR. MATTSON: Objection. Form.


`[Page 20]
` Q. Is that clear?
` A. It does not depend on the construction of
`boundary lens that I have used. Well, my answer is I
`cannot think of any right now.
` Q. Okay. Thank you. And if you could turn
`back, sir, to Paragraph 129. Again, this is the
`summary paragraph of your declaration.
` A. Yes.
` Q. You have also offered opinions in this matter
`that Claim 1 would not have been obvious to a person
`of ordinary skill in the art at the time of the
`invention in Claim 1 of the '575 patent. Is that
`true? That's your opinion?
` A. That's correct.
` Q. My question for you is very similar to the
`last one that I asked you, sir. Have you offered any
`opinions in this matter on the issue of obviousness
`that do not depend on the construction of "boundary
`lens" that you have applied in this matter?
` MR. MATTSON: Objection. Form.
` THE WITNESS: Yeah. I believe that in some
`aspect of my opinions, I believe to have the
`construction of the boundary lens.
` Q. The construction that you have used in this


`[Page 21]
` A. If we call it that way, yes.
` Q. If I could ask you to turn back, sir, to
`Paragraph 66 of your declaration. In this paragraph
`and then the paragraphs continuing through
`Paragraph 75, am I correct in understanding that this
`is where you set out not only the construction that
`you've applied for "boundary lens" but also the --
`sort of the bases that led you to that construction?
` A. Can you clarify what you mean by "bases."
` Q. You have based your analyses in this matter
`on a certain construction or meaning of the term
`"boundary lens"; correct?
` A. Okay. Yes.
` Q. And you have applied -- as I understand it,
`you have applied some methodology to ascertain what,
`in your view, is the proper construction for "boundary
`lens." Am I correct in that understanding?
` A. Yes.
` Q. So is the methodology that you followed in
`reaching your opinion on what the appropriate
`construction is for "boundary lens" set out in the
`paragraphs spanning from 66 to 75?
` A. Some of that methodology is expressed on
`those paragraphs.


`[Page 22]
` Q. Do you know if you set out any of the
`methodology elsewhere in your declaration?
` A. I don't recall if I have more language to
`define the -- to set the methodology.
` Q. Now, are you aware, sir, that the board in
`this matter has evaluated the '575 patent and arrived
`at a construction for the term "boundary lens"?
` A. I don't know that for a fact, but I suspect.
` Q. So I asked because I saw in Paragraph 15 of
`your declaration a list of the materials that you
`reviewed in formulating your opinions. Do you see
` A. Yes.
` Q. And this is -- withdrawn.
` Am I correct in understanding that this is a
`complete list of the materials that you considered?
` A. Yes, sir.
` Q. And I note that the decision of the board in
`this matter that instituted the trial in this case is
`not listed in the materials that you've considered; is
`that correct?
` A. Can I have a list of my exhibits to verify
`that it's it or it's not?
` Q. You want a list of the Zeiss exhibits, 1001
`through -29?


`[Page 23]
` A. No. No. The list of the materials I
`considered, which is Exhibit --
` Q. Sorry. I didn't mean to throw you off your
`answer, sir, with the fumbling on my side of the
` A. No problem.
` Q. So just -- if you can just let me know.
`There are lots of exhibits here. What is it that you
`would like to see?
` A. I think you mentioned that there is one
`document that is not listed on my exhibit of documents
`considered, and while I -- shall I take your word that
`this document is not there?
` Q. I'm actually -- I want to make sure that
`we're communicating on this. I see in your
`declaration, in Paragraph 15, a list of the things
`that you have considered in forming your opinions.
` A. Yes.
` Q. Okay. Is there another list of things that
`you considered in this matter?
` A. No. No.
` Q. Okay. All right. So the things that you --
`let me just ask it this way. So this is, in fact, a
`complete list of everything you looked at?
` A. Yes.


`[Page 24]
` Q. Okay. All right. And do you have any
`recollection of reviewing, for purposes of your work
`in this matter or otherwise, the decision of the board
`instituting the trial in this matter?
` A. I would have to look at the document to see
`if I remember seeing it or not.
` MR. GLITZENSTEIN: All right. Let me get a
`copy of that.
` Counsel, I don't think I need to mark this as
`an exhibit. I'm happy to if you would like me to, but
`it's part of the record.
` MR. MATTSON: Yeah, I wouldn't bother.
` MR. GLITZENSTEIN: All right. Sir, I'm going
`to hand you what's been filed in this matter as Paper
`No. 10, and it bears a date of December 16, 1993 and
`it's entitled "Decision Institution of Inter Partes
`Review." I'm sorry. 2013.
` (The witness reviewed the document.)
` THE WITNESS: I cannot remember if I saw this
`document or not.
` Q. Okay. If I could ask you to turn in this
`document, sir -- why don't you hang onto that. I've
`got maybe a couple more questions for you on it. If
`you could turn, please, to Page 8 of this document.


`And do you see there there's a subheading that's
`[Page 25]
`entitled "Boundary Lens"?
` A. Yes.
` Q. And there's a discussion below it that refers
`to portions of the '575 patent. Do you see that?
` A. Yes.
` Q. Okay. And one of the portions that's cited
`here in the board's decision is Column 20, Lines 45
`through 49. Do you see that?
` A. Column 20, Lines 45 through 49?
` Q. Yes. Do you see where that is?
` A. Yes, I see that.
` Q. Okay. So -- and then below that, there's
`also a discussion of Figures 3, 4, 5, and 7. Do you
`see that?
` A. Yes.
` Q. All right. Now, it's true, is it not, that
`for purposes of rendering your opinions in this matter
`about the meaning of the term "boundary lens," you
`didn't take into account the disclosure of the patent
`identified by the board in this paragraph; right?
` A. Yeah. Now I recall that I didn't see this
` Q. You did not?
` A. I did not see this document.


`[Page 26]
` Q. And so, sir, as part of your analysis in
`terms of coming up with your construction for the term
`"boundary lens," I'm correct, am I not, that you
`didn't take account of the portions of the '575 patent
`cited by the board in this paragraph; right?
` MR. MATTSON: Objection. Form.
` THE WITNESS: Well, what I didn't take into
`consideration was this paragraph.
` Q. And my question for you is the portions of
`the patent that the board identified in its analysis
`of this claim construction issue are not discussed in
`the section of your declaration where you analyze the
`question of what the appropriate construction is for
`boundary lens. True?
` A. Well, I do present on my declaration Figure 3
`of the '575, and I notice that Figure 3 is here.
` Q. That's a fair point. You do discuss
`Figure 3. The board also makes reference to Figures
`4, 5, and 7 and what's depicted there; right?
` A. Yeah. They mention Figures 4, 5, and 7 too.
` Q. And those are not figures that you discuss in
`connection with your opinion on what the term
`"boundary lens" means; right?
` A. Just let me clarify that I do refer to the


`[Page 27]
`'575. I say in the context of the '575 that item
`brings specifically, say, Figures 4, 5, 7, doesn't
`mean that I did not consider or I did not mean that
`they may have a bearing on the construction.
` Q. The board also cites to a specific passage of
`the '575 patent, namely Column 20, Lines 45 through
`49. And we can agree that your analysis of the
`meaning of the term "boundary lens" does not expressly
`address that passage of the patent; right?
` A. I don't specifically site that paragraph on
`my declaration.

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