`Action and Toxicities of Antifolate Anticancer Agents
`Hilary Calvert
`S INC E the observation of reduced folate levels
`in children with leukemia made by Farber et
`all in the 1940s, the study offolic acid metabolism
`and the act ion of antifolare drugs has been inti (cid:173)
`mately linked to the development of canc er ther(cid:173)
`apeutics. Folic acid plays a role in a wide range of
`metabolic pathways in various species. In humans
`it is an essential vitamin and functions primarily in
`the processes involved in cellular proliferation and
`amino acid metabolism . This review will focus
`mainly on those aspects of mammalian folate me(cid:173)
`tabolism relevant to cell proliferation since these
`are the most germane to the use of antifolares in
`cancer therapy . The textbook by R.L. Blakley- is a
`comprehensive work covering all aspects of folate
`Folace Pachways Associaced Wich Cell Proliferation
`Folic acid functions mainly in its fully reduced
`form, 5,6,7,8-tetrahydrofolate (FH 4; Fig I) . FH4
`serves as a carrier for one-carbon moieties within
`the cell. These are obrained from a variety of
`sources that include serine. In this reaction, serine
`transferase forms 5,1O-methylene
`(CH zFH4 ) while
`serine to glycine (Fig 2). CHzFH" may be con(cid:173)
`verted within the cell to one-carbon carrying fo(cid:173)
`late derivatives of various oxidation states. One of
`l Oeforrnvl retrahvdrofolare, is the substrate
`for two enzymes involved in the de novo synthesis
`of purines. These are glycinamide ribonucleotide
`formyl transferase (GARFT) and arninoimidaz ole
`carboxamidc ribonucleotide formyl
`tran sferase
`(AlCARFT). Thus , two of the carbon atoms in
`the purine skeleton are derived from folate . The
`folate-dependent reactions of purine synthesis use
`the carbon atom from the l Ovformyl group and
`release unsubsrituted tetrahydrofolate as the folate
`product. Thus,
`the folate molecule can then ac(cid:173)
`quire another carbon atom from serine and con(cid:173)
`tinue to cycle through GARFT and AICARFT,
`allowing continued purine synthesis without any
`overall consumption of folate . CHzFH4 is also the
`substrate for
`the enzyme thvmidyl ate synthase
`(TS) . Thymidyl arc synthase converts deoxyuri -
`Seminars in Oncology. Vol 26. No 2. Suppl 6 (April), 1999: pp 3·10
`dine rnonophosphate into thymidine monophos(cid:173)
`phate and is a key enzyme involved in cell prolif(cid:173)
`eration because it is the rate-lim iting step in the de
`novo synthesis of thym idvlare, which is required
`exclusively for DNA synthesis. The folate product
`of TS is not
`tctrahvdrofolare , but
`the oxidized
`form, dihydrofolate (FHz). This product cannot
`continue to functi on in folate metabolism until it
`is converted back to FH" by the enzyme dihydro(cid:173)
`folate reductase (DHFR).
`The Role of Folate and Antifolate Polyglutamates
`Folic acid possesses a glutamate residue shown
`at the right-hand side of the folate structures in Fig
`I. Naturally occurring folates within the cell are
`converted to polygluramare forms by the addition
`of glutamate residues via a l'-peptide linkage. An (cid:173)
`tifolares that possess a glutamate residue (known
`as classical antitolares) are also frequently con(cid:173)
`verted into their corresponding polyglutamate
`forms. The process of polvgluramation is accom(cid:173)
`plished by the enzyme folvlpolv-v-gluramate syn(cid:173)
`thetase. This reaction is illustrated in Fig 3 using
`the antifolate LY231514 (MTA) as an example.
`The process is analogous for natural folares and
`many other classical antifolates. In Fig 3, the car(cid:173)
`boxylate groups of the glutamic acid residue are
`shown in their ionized form, carrying a negat ive
`charge, showing that polyglutamation increases
`the overall negative charge on the folate molecule
`by one unit for each additional glutamate. The
`negatively charged polyglutarnates cannot cross
`the cell membrane and are therefore retained and
`concentrated with in the cell. This is probably the
`major physiologic role of polvgluramanon . Cells
`that are deficient
`in folylpolv-v-glutamate syn(cid:173)
`thetase are auxotrophic for the end products of
`From the Cancer Re.learch Unit , Department of Oncology,
`University of Newcastle upon Tyne.
`S/lORSored Iry Eli !..illy andComlXlny"
`DrCalvert is a consultant for and has received research funding
`from EliLilly and Company and Zeneca .
`Address reprint requesrs to Hilary Calvm , MD. Cancer Re·
`search Unit, Department of Oncology, FremlinglOn Place. Univer(cid:173)
`sity of Newcaslle u/xm Tyne, NE2 4HH.
`Col,yright © /999 /ry W.B. Saunders Company
`' J
`Acid (FHZ)
`Acid (FH4)
`Acid (CHZFH4)
`ACld (CHOFH4)
`Fig I. Forms of folic acid.
`m 5,1 O-Methylene
`A" 'NH
` )ENmH—ermgCOOH
`folate metabolism (thymidine, hypoxanthine, and
`glycine)‘ In addition to being retained within the
`cells, the polyglutamate forms of natural folates
`also may be better substrates for the various folate
`metabolizing enzymes.
`The formation of polyglutamates of those anti-
`folates that are subsn'ates for folylpoly-'y«glutainate
`synthetase also has profound effects on their 210
`tivity. The polyglutamates may be retained within
`the cell for very long periods,3 thus increasing the
`potency of the cytotoxic action of these com-
`in addition.
`the addition of glutamate
`residues frequently renders the compounds much
`more potent inhibitors of their target enzyme. For
`raltitrexed pentagluramate is
`lOO-fold more potent as a T8 inhibitor than the
`parent molecule.4 The effects of polyglutamation
`on the potency of molecules such as these is so
`profound that they may be considered as prodtugs
`for their polyglutainate forms. Indeed, cellular re-
`sistance to antifolates can be caused by a reductioz‘.
`in the ability of the cell to form the polyglutamate
`derivatives.5 A more complete and in—depth re:
`view of polyglutamation and its relevance to can-
`cer therapy is given by Richard G. Moran else-
`where in this supplement.
`Cell Membrane Transport of Folaies and Antifolates
`Folates do not cross the cell membrane to an
`appreciable extent by passive diffusion but require
`Fig 2. Metabolic pathways of folate metabolism.
`specific transport mechanisms. There are several
`mechanisms that have been characterized;
`are reviewed in depth by Sierra and Goldman in
`this supplement. Of these,
`the most extensively
`characterized mechanism involves the reduced fo«
`late carrier (RFCI). This is an anion exchange
`concentrative process and is known to be capable
`of transporting methotrexate and a number of
`other antifolates as well as tetrahyclrofolate itself.
`Changes in this carrier that alter its relative affin-
`ity for antifolates have been shown to be a cause of
`drug resistance."’ The reduced folate carrier has a
`relatively low affinity for natural folates (1 to 5
`panel/L) compared with their physiologic extracel-
`lular concentrations (typically in the nanomolar
`region). A second mechanism of folate transport.
`the folate receptor, has a much higher affinity for
`folates which, after binding,
`SQWW: Pentaqlutamate
`,NH 00.
`,NH 00
`C,NH 0°
`Fig 3. Formation of polyglutarnates.
`within a membrane vesicle and subsequently re,
`leased into the cytoplasm. Three genes for folate
`receptors have been cloned (see Sierra and Gold—
`man). Folate receptors may be responsible for the
`transport of some antifolates, for example, lomc'
`trexol. In addition to these two mechanisms, the
`level of folates and antifolates within the cell may
`be affected by an energycdependent efflux pump
`and by a low pH transporter.
`Actions of Various Antifolates
`Having been introduced nearly 50 years ago,
`methotrexate (Fig 4) is the antifolate with the
`longest history. It acts mainly by inhibitit
`DHFR. The result of this inhibition is tha
`tracellular folate accumulates in the forl
`dihydrofolate. There is a consequent inhib
`of the de novn synthesis both of purines
`thymidine. This may be due in part to a t
`notion in the intracellular pools of tetrflh\
`folates, but additionally, methotrexate pol
`tamates and the accumulated dihydrof-
`polyglutamates are capable of inhibiting
`TS and AICARFT directly.7'9 Characte
`the intracellular pools of dihydrof-
`and deoxyuridinc will increase following e
`ZD 1694)
`LY 309887
`LY 231514
`Fig 4. Structures of \
`these effects are illus'
`sure to methotrexatelo;
`trated in Fig 5.
`It has been argued that the effects of methotrex-
`ate on reduced folate pools, and consequently, the
`indirect inhibition of purine de novo synthesis and
`amino acid interconversions, may be detrimental
`to its main antiproliferative action, namely, the
`inhibition of the synthesis of thymidylate that is
`required exclusively for DNA synthesis.“1 For this
`reason, many researchers have developed antifov
`lates designed to inhibit TS directly while not
`affecting other folate enzymes. The first of these to
`be used clinically was CB 3717,12 but this has been
`superseded by raltitrexed (Tomudex, ZD 1694;
`Zeneca Pharmaceuticals, Cheshire, England), which
`is licensed for the treatment of colon cancer in some
`countries. These specific TS inhibitors produce the
`elevation of the deoxyuridine pool in a manner sim—
`ilar to that observed following methotrexate but,
`importantly, dihydrofolate pools do not increase and
`purine synthesis is unaffected (Fig 6).
`Both direct TS inhibitors (such as raltitrexed
`and CB 3717) and drugs that inhibit TS indirectly
`(such as methOtrexate) lead to a marked increase
`in the intracellular pool of deoxyuridine mono«
`phosphate. The reduction in thymidine nucleo’
`tides caused by these drugs leads to activation of
`the pyrimidine synthetic pathways producing de-
`to a disproportionate in-
`oxyuridine and,
`crease in the concentration of deoxyuridine. It has
`been shown that this increase in the intracellular
`pool of deoxyuridine monophosphate is mirrored
`by a corresponding increase in the extracellular
`pool of deoxyuridine,” presumably due to intra-
`cellular phosphatases allowing the release of de-
`oxyuridine from the cells (Fig 7). This provides a
`useful surrogate for in vivo TS inhibition. The
`plasma deoxyuridine levels can be monitored and
`an elevation compared with baseline indicates the
`inhibition, in vivo, of T5.14
`In addition, selective inhibitors of GARFT, the
`folate-dependent enzyme involved in the
`pathway of de novo purine synthesis, have been
`developed. Examples of these are lometrexol and
`LY309887 (Fig 4). These compounds have good
`antitumor activity in preclinical systems with the
`suggestion that their activity may be preserved in
`tumor cells that have a nonfunctional p53 path—
`way. The clinical toxicity of many antifolates is,
`nor surprisingly, affected by the pretreatment fo—
`late status of the patient.
`In the case of the
`GARFT inhibitors, the effect of the folate status is
`particularly marked, with the maximum tolerated
`dose being at least 10«fold higher in patients who
`have received folate supplementation compared
`with those who have riot.‘5
`V Y
`pHER- s u
`fl TFHZ "
`Fig 5. Effects of DHFR inhibition.
`ldUMP CHFH4 ‘*
`CHOFH4-~ v
`,' CHZFH4
`" - " Reduced flux
`Increased 000! size
`CB 3717
`' ' ' ' Reduced flux
`+ Increased 000] size
`Fig 6. Effects of TS inhibition.
`Clinical Measurement of Functional Foiate Status
`Although the effect of folic acid supplementa-
`tion on reducing the toxicity of antifolate drugs
`(particularly the GARFT inhibitors) is clear.
`always has been difficult
`to correlate antifolatec
`induced toxicity with pretreatment folate levels.
`One possible explanation for this is that the folate
`levels do not adequately reflect the functioning of
`folic acid within proliferating cells at the time of
`in addition to the pathways dis«
`cussed so far, folic acid is also involved in cellular
`methylation reactions by virtue of its role in me—
`thionine synthesis. CHlFl-i4 can be reducer
`Scmethyltetrahydrofolate (Fig 1). This is a
`strate for the enzyme methionine synthase, wl
`uses the methyl group to convert homocystein
`methionine, Methionine in turn takes part in
`lular methylation reactions regenerating hornc
`teine. Methionine synthase is Blz’dependent
`also uses 5-methyltetrahydrofolate as the CO'
`srrate. Thus. any functional deficiency eithe
`Bl; or foiate will result in reduction in the
`through methionine synthase and a conseq:
`increase in the plasma level of homocystei
`Intracellular fluid
`UdR<—'* dUMP
`g3" eli Membrane
`UdR I
` -
`Fig 1. Plasma denxyuridi
`surrogate for T5 inhibition.
`Folate or 312
`CH3FH4 <———~—- CHzFl-l4
`Methionine Svnthetase
`(BR: dependent)
`Cellular Meth vlation
`Fig 8. Role of 5-methy1 tetra- methionine
`hydrofoiic acid: a reduction in \
`plasma homocysteine levels.
`(Fig 8). The measurement of pretreatment plasma
`homocysteine has proved to be a sensitive way of
`predicting the toxicity of MTA.”
`LY231514 (MTA)
`MTA was developed by Eli Lilly and Company
`(Indianapolis, 1N).
`initially as a T8 inhibitor.
`However, it rapidly became clear that, unlike any
`of the other antifolates discussed, MTA is capable
`of inhibiting two other enzymes involved in folate
`metabolism, GARFT and DHFR (see Mendelsohn
`et al,
`this supplement). MTA also has a broad
`spectrum of preclinical activity, displays different
`patterns of cross-resistance to other antifolates,
`and has an encouraging level of activity docu-
`mented in early phase 11 clinical
`trials.IS It
`possible that its capability of inhibiting more than
`one locus contributes to these results by increasing
`the spectrum of biochemical profiles of tumors
`potentially sensitive to the drug and discouraging
`the development of drug resistance. Reports that
`follow in this supplement address these issues in
`Naturally occurring folates have complex met:
`abolic pathways and are involved in a number of
`biochemical processes essential
`to life,
`cell proliferation. In addition to their direct role in
`various metabolic pathways, 3 number of other
`phenomena will significantly affect
`the actions
`both of natural folates and their analogues acting
`as antifolates. These include cell membrane trans«
`the formation of polyglutamates. and the
`pretreatment folate status of the patient con-
`cerned. The very complexity of the processes in—
`volved suggests ways in which the action of anti;
`could be
`tuned to have a selective
`advantage against tumors compared with normal
`tissues. Several clinically active drugs have already
`been developed. LY231514 (MTA) may establish
`itself as an important addition and advance those
`currently available.
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