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`United States Patent
`(10) Patent No.:
`US 8,305,840 B2
`(45) Date of Patent:
`Nov. 6, 2012
`Inventor: Brian T. Maguire, Broken Arrow, OK
`(73) Ass1gnee: Nav1c0, Inc., Tulsa, OK (US)
`( * ) Notice:
`Subject to any disclaimer, the term of this
`patent is extended or adjusted under 35
`U.S.C. 15403) by 284 days.
`(21) Appl.No.: 12/460,139
`JUL 14’ 2009
`Prior Publication Data
`US 201 1/0013485 A1
`Jan. 20, 201 1
`5 6
`2006 01
`(52) U:SI C11 ........:.................................... 367/88
`(58) Field of1.Class1fific1atTfl0n Searclh ..........h..h....... 367/88
`See app 1cat1on
`e or comp ete searc
`R f
`C' t d
`e erences
`l e
`1 823 329 A
`9/1931 Marrison
`2:416:338 A
`2/1947 Mason
`3,005,973 A
`10/ 1961 Kietz
`3,090,030 A
`5/1963 SChUCk
`3’142’032 A
`7/1964 Jone?
`3 144 631 A
`8/1964 Lust1g et al.
`3,296,579 A
`1/1967 Farr et 31.
`3,359,537 A
`12/ 1967 Geil et a],
`3,381,264 A
`4/1968 Lavergne et al.
`3’2251;fig: 2
`$1323 $335;
`urp ree
`3,484,737 A
`12/1969 Walsh
`( ont1nue )
`Gary Melvin,Yanchao Li, Larry Mayer, andAllan Clay“Commercial
`fishing vessels, automatic acoustic logging systems and 3D data
`visualization” ICES J. Mar. Sci. (2002) 59(1 ): 179-189.*
`Primary Examznerilsam Alsom1r1
`Assistant Examiner 7 James Hulka
`(74) Attorney, Agent, or Firm 7 Alston & Bird LLP
`A downscan imaging sonar utilizes a linear transducer ele-
`ment to provide improved images of the sea floor and other
`objects 1n the water column beneath a vessel. A transducer
`array may include a plurality of transducer elements and each
`one of the plurality of transducer elements may include a
`substantially rectangular shape configured to produce a sonar
`beam having a beamwidth in a direction parallel to longitu-
`dinal length Of the transducer elements that is Significantly
`less than a beamwidth of the sonar beam in a direction per-
`pendicular to the longitudinal length of the transducer ele-
`ments. The plural1ty of transducer elements may be pos1-
`tioned such that longitudinal lengths of at least two of the
`plurality oftransducer elements are parallel to each other. The
`plurality of transducer elements may also include at least a
`first linear transducer element, a second linear transducer
`element and a third linear transducer element. The first linear
`transducer element may be positioned within the housing to
`ro'ect sonar ulses from a first side of the housin in a
`d1rect1on substant1ally perpend1cular to a centerlme of the
`housing. The second linear transducer element may be posi-
`tioned within the housing to lie in a plane with the first linear
`transducer element and project sonar pulses from a second
`side of the housin that is substantial]
`osite of the first
`. g
`V pp
`s1de. The th1rd l1near transducer element may be pos1t1oned
`within the housing to project sonar pulses in a direction sub-
`stantially perpendicular to the plane.
`73 Claims, 23 Drawing Sheets
`(5 of 23 Drawing Sheet(s) Filed in Color)


`US 8,305,840 B2
`...................... 367/88
`2/1995 Boucher et a1.
`5,390,152 A
`5/1995 Gilmour
`5,412,618 A
`8/1995 Audi etal.
`5,438,552 A *
`8/1995 Keeleretal.
`5,442,358 A
`10/1995 Hutson
`5,455,806 A
`2/1996 Haley etal.
`5,493,619 A
`5/1996 Gllmouretal.
`5,515,337 A
`6,1996 M d .h t
`5525 081 A
`7/1996 G3“ es” e 3'
`5’537’366 A
`8/1996 Zehner
`5,546,356 A
`5,561,641 A * 10/1996 Nishimorietal.
`5,574,700 A
`11/1996 Chapman
`5,596,549 A
`1/1997 Sherlff
`5,602,801 A
`2/1997 NuSSbaumetal.
`5,612,928 A
`3/1997 Haleyetal.
`5,675,552 A
`10/1997 Hicksetal.
`5,694,372 A
`12/1997 Perennes
`5,805,528 A
`9/1998 Hamadaetal.
`5,850,372 A * 12/1998 Blue ............................. 367/139
`5,930,199 A
`7/1999 Wilk
`5,991,239 A
`11/1999 Fatemi-Booshehrietal.
`6,002,644 A
`12/1999 Wilk
`6,084,827 A
`7/2000 Johnson etal.
`6,215,730 B1
`4/2001 Plnto
`.............. 367/90
`6,273,771 B1
`6,335,905 B1
`6,421,299 B1
`6,445,646 B1
`6,449,215 B1
`6,537,224 B2
`6,606,958 B1
`6678403 B1
`6,738,311 B1
`6,842,401 B2
`6,941,226 B2
`6,980,688 B2
`8/2001 Buckleyetal.
`1/2002 Kabel
`7/2002 Bettsetal.
`9/2002 Handaetal.
`9/2002 Shell
`3/2003 Mauchampetal.
`8/2003 Bouyoucos
`“7004 Wilk
`5/3004 Gui
`1/2005 Chiang etal.
`9/2005 Estep
`12/2005 Wllk
`........... 367/104
`6/2007 Schroeder
`4/2008 Zimmermanetal.
`7/,_008 Skjold Larsen
`6/2009 Thompson etal.
`1/2010 Bettsetal.
`5/7010 B
`6/2010 1361156131.
`7/2010 Betts etal.
`10/2001 Inouchi
`........................ 348/97
`6/2002 Zelletal.
`10/2003 Ishihara etal.
`9/2004 Nishimorietal.
`2/2005 Sumanaweera et 31.
`5/2005 Zimmermanet al.
`9/2005 Fisher etal.
`1/2006 Shah etal.
`2/2006 Bettsetal.
`2/2007 Zimmerman etal.
`4/2007 Zhu etal.
`1/2011 Colemanetal.
`1/2011 Maguire
`5/7012 M .
`3,553,638 A
`3,585,578 A
`3,585,579 A
`3,618,006 A
`3,624,596 A
`3,716,824 A
`3,742,436 A
`3,757,287 A
`3895 339 A
`3,895,340 A
`3,898,608 A
`3949 348 A
`3,950,723 A
`3,953,828 A
`3,3253%: 2
`3,975,704 A
`4,030,096 A
`jagg’égg 2
`4,063,212 A
`4,068,209 A *
`4,075,599 A
`4184210 A
`4,197,591 A
`4198 702 A
`4,199,746 A
`4200 922 A
`4,204,281 A
`4,207,620 A
`4,216,537 A
`4,232,380 A
`4,247,923 A
`4,262,344 A
`4,287,578 A
`RE31026 E
`4 4225166 A
`4,456,210 A
`4,493,064 A
`1/ 1971
`6/1971 Flscher, Jr.
`6/1971 Dorretal.
`11/1971 erght
`11/1971 chkenson et al.
`2/1973 Dorretal.
`6/1973 Jones
`9/1973 Bealor, Jr.
`7/1975 J
`7/1975 (311165“
`8/1975 Jones etal.
`4/1976 D
`4/1976 G91”
`4976 C33?“
`241332 glagem‘mn
`8/1976 K0135
`6/1977 Stgvlgnsetal
`13%;; 3’36““
`”/1977 81b?”
`u .e“
`1/1978 Lagler ........................... 367/158
`2/1978 Kosalos et al.
`1/1980 H
`4/1980 Hagemann
`4/1980 Clifford
`4/1980 Jonesetal.
`4/1980 H
`5/1980 Hagem‘mn
`6/1980 Morgera
`8/1980 Delignieres
`11/1980 Caronetal.
`1/1981 De Kok
`4/1981 Gllmour
`9/1981 Heyser
`9/1982 Sh tt
`”/1983 mg:
`6/1984 McBride
`1/1985 Odero etal.
`8/1985 Richard .......................... 367/94
`4,538,249 A
`1/1987 Geohegan, Jr. et al.
`4,635,240 A
`2/1987 Massaetal.
`4,641,290 A
`2/1987 Perny
`4,642,801 A
`6/1988 Abrams et 31.
`4,751,645 A
`4,774,837 A * 10/1988 Bird ................................ 73/181
`4,796,238 A
`1/1989 Bourgeois et al.
`4,802,148 A
`1/1989 Gilmour
`4,815,045 A
`3/1989 Nakamura
`4,855,961 A
`8/1989 Jaffe et al.
`4,879,697 A
`11/1989 Lowrance et a1.
`4,907,208 A
`3/1990 L9wrance etal.
`4,912,685 A
`3/ 1990 Gilmour
`4924448 A
`5/1990 G21?
`@1338 E ereta~
`4,958,330 A
`9/1990 H¥et9n
`4.970.700 A
`11/1990 Gllmouretal.
`4,975,887 A
`12/1990 Maccabee etal.
`4,982,924 A
`1/1991 Havins
`33323 :
`471/1992 33;:
`5,113,377 A
`5/1992 Johnson
`5,142,502 A *
`8/1992 Wilcox etal.
`D329,615 S
`9/1992 Stiner
`D329,616 S
`9/1992 Stiner
`5,155,706 A
`10/1992 Haley etal.
`5,182,732 A
`1/1993 Pichowkin
`5,184,330 A
`2/1993 Adams et al.
`5,200,931 A
`4/1993 Kosalosetal.
`5,214,744 A
`5/1993 Schweizeretal.
`5,241,314 A
`8/1993 Keeleretal.
`5,243,567 A
`9/1993 Gingerich
`5,245,587 A
`9/1993 Hutson
`5,257,241 A
`10/1993 Hendersonetal.
`5,260,912 A
`11/1993 Latham
`5,297,109 A
`3/1994 Barksdale, Jr. et al.
`5,303,208 A
`4/1994 Dorr
`5,376,933 A
`12/1994 Tupperetal.
`7,236,427 B1
`7,355,924 B2
`7,405,999 B2*
`7,542,376 B1
`7,652,952 B2
`7710 825 B2
`7,729,203 B2
`7,755,974 B2
`2001/0026499 A1
`2002/0071029 A1*
`2003/0202426 A1
`2004/0184351 A1
`2005/0043619 A1
`2005/0099887 A1*
`2005/0216487 A1*
`2006/0002232 A1*
`2006/0023570 A1*
`2007/0025183 A1*
`2007/0091723 A1
`2011/0013484 A1
`2011/0013485 A1
`2012/0106300 A1
`.......... 367/12
`.. 707/100
`. 367/82
`. 367/88
`. 367/88
`................... 367/88
`50109389 (U)
`54054365 (U)
`57046173 A
`61-116678 A
`62099877 (U)
`62134084 (U)
`62190480 (A)
`4357487 A
`4357487 A
`7031042 (A)
`10186030 (A)
`2001-074840 (A)
`2004020276 (A)
`W0 84/01833 A1
`W0 98/15846
`W0 03/009276 A2
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