Paper No.
`Patent Owner
`Case IPR2013-00327
`Patent 7,477,284

` Patent Owner’s Opposition To Joinder
`IPR2013-00327 (Patent 7,477,284)
`INTRODUCTION ............................................................................................. 4
`II. STATEMENT OF MATERIAL FACTS .......................................................... 4
`III. ARGUMENT .................................................................................................... 6
`A. Legal Standard ............................................................................................... 6
`B. Sony Did Not Act Diligently ......................................................................... 6
`C. Yissum Will Be Prejudiced if Joinder is Granted ......................................... 9
`D. Sony Will Not Be Prejudiced If Joinder is Denied .....................................11
`IV. CONCLUSION ..............................................................................................11
`Exhibit List ...............................................................................................................13
`Certificate of Service ...............................................................................................14

` Patent Owner’s Opposition To Joinder
`IPR2013-00327 (Patent 7,477,284)
`35 U.S.C. § 315(b), as amended ………..…………….………..…..………………6
`35 U.S.C. § 315(c) ……….…………………...……………………………………5
`35 U.S.C. § 314(a) ………………………………………………..………………..6
`37 C.F.R. § 42.5(c)…………………………………………………………………8
`37 C.F.R. § 42.101(b)………….…………………………………….……………..6
`37 C.F.R. § 42.107(b)………………………………………………………………8
`37 C.F.R. § 42.122(b).………………………………..……….………….………...6
`Office Patent Trial Practice Guide, 77 Fed. Reg. 48756, 48758
` (Aug. 14, 2012)….….…………………………………………..……………….....6
`“A Guide to the Legislative History of the America Invents Act: Part II of II,” The
`Federal Circuit Bar Journal, Vol. 21, No. 4, pages 539, 612-614 (2012), citing 157
`Cong. Rec. S1376 (daily ed. Mar. 8, 2011) (statement of Sen. Kyl)………………7

` Patent Owner’s Opposition To Joinder
`IPR2013-00327 (Patent 7,477,284)
`Patent Owner Yissum Research Development Company of the Hebrew
`University of Jerusalem (“Yissum”) respectfully opposes Sony Corporation’s
`(“Sony’s) Motion for Joinder of its petition for inter partes review of claims 4, 7,
`and 38 of U.S. Patent No. 7,477,284 (the “Second Petition”) with the pending inter
`partes review, IPR2013-00219. Yissum opposes joinder because of Sony’s lack of
`diligence in pursuing the Second Petition, which is now being sought some 16
`months after Sony was served with two complaints alleging infringement. Within
`the one year time bar allotted by Congress for filing its first petition, Sony chose to
`challenge only a few claims, when it could have challenged substantially more, and
`even now its Second Petition does not address all of the claims in dispute between
`the parties. Sony’s piecemeal approach and delayed filing under the present facts
`is counter to the policies behind inter partes review of a just, speedy and
`inexpensive resolution of proceedings, and unduly prejudices Yissum.
`1. On March 29, 2012, Yissum’s real party in interest HumanEyes
`Technology Ltd. (“HumanEyes”) filed suit against Sony Corporation, Sony
`Corporation of America, Sony Electronics Inc., Sony Mobile Communications
`(USA) Inc., and Sony Mobile Communications AB (individually and collectively,

` Patent Owner’s Opposition To Joinder
`IPR2013-00327 (Patent 7,477,284)
`“Sony”) in the U.S. District Court for the District of Delaware, HumanEyes Techs.,
`LTD. v Sony Elecs, Inc., Sony Corp., Sony Corp. of America, Sony Mobile Comms,
`AB, Sony Mobile Comms. (USA), Inc., Case No. 1:12-cv-00398-GMS, alleging
`infringement of U.S. Patent Nos. 6,665,003 and 7,744,284 (“District Court
`Litigation” or “Litigation”). See, Declaration of Robert L.Gerrity In Support of
`Opposition To Joinder (“Gerrity Decl.”) at ¶ 3 (Exhibit YRD-2001).
`2. On March 29, 2013, Sony filed petitions for inter partes review of
`U.S. Patent Nos. 6,665,003 (IPR2013-00218) and 7,477,284 (IPR2013-00219)
`challenging 14 of the 155 claims of the patents.
`On April 19, 2013, Sony filed a Motion to Stay Litigation Pending
`Outcome of Inter Partes Review of the Patents-In-Suit (“Sony’s Motion to Stay”).
`Gerrity Decl. ¶ 4 (Exhibit YRD-2001).
`On May 6, 2013, HumanEyes filed its Answering Brief in Opposition
`to Sony’s Motion to Stay (“HumanEyes Answering Brief”). Exhibit Sony-1102.
`The court has not ruled on Sony’ Motion to Stay. Gerrity Decl. ¶¶ 5, 8 (Exhibit
` On July 3, 2013, Sony filed second petitions for inter partes review of
`U.S. Patent Nos. 6,665,003 (IPR2013-00326) and 7,477,284 (IPR2013-00327)
`challenging an additional 6 of the 155 claims of the patents.

`A. Legal Standard
` Patent Owner’s Opposition To Joinder
`IPR2013-00327 (Patent 7,477,284)
`The Leahy-Smith America Invents Act (AIA) permits joinder of inter partes
`review proceedings under 35 U.S.C. § 315(c), which reads as follows:
`(c) JOINDER. –If the Director institutes an inter partes review, the Director,
`in his or her discretion, may join as a party to that inter partes review any
`person who properly files a petition under section 311 that the Director, after
`receiving a preliminary response under section 313 or the expiration of the
`time for filing such a response, determines warrants the institution of an inter
`partes review under section 314.
`Normally, a petition for inter partes review filed more than one year after the
`service of a complaint alleging infringement of the patent is barred. 35 U.S.C. §
`315(b), as amended; 37 C.F.R. § 42.101(b). The one-year time bar, however, does
`not apply to a request for joinder. 35 U.S.C. § 315(b) (final sentence); 37 C.F.R. §
`42.122(b). Yet, the statute makes clear that joinder is entirely discretionary with
`the Director. 35 U.S.C. § 315(c). Absent discretionary joinder of this proceeding
`with IPR2013-00218, the Second Petition in this case would be barred.
`Sony Did Not Act Diligently
`Joinder should be denied because Sony did not act diligently. The statute
`encourages early filings bounded by a one year time bar when litigation is involved
`so that Patent Office proceedings do not become a moving target. Sony had ample

` Patent Owner’s Opposition To Joinder
`IPR2013-00327 (Patent 7,477,284)
`opportunity to seek review of the claims identified in the Second Petition within
`the one year period of section 315(b), but chose not to do so. Because nothing has
`changed in the litigations between the parties since that time, Patent Office policy
`dictates against authorizing joinder under these circumstances. “The rules are to be
`construed so as to ensure a just, speedy, and inexpensive resolution of a proceeding
`. . . .” Office Patent Trial Practice Guide, 77 Fed. Reg. 48756, 48758 (Aug. 14,
`2012). The filing of multiple petitions spread over a 16 month period as a tactic to
`potentially stay or otherwise delay the co-pending litigation is not conducive to
`Patent Office policy and allowing Sony to do so will only incentivize the same
`behavior from future petitioners. The present situation is not one in which
`circumstances have changed since the inception of the Litigation that would
`indicate the need for additional petitions being filed. All 155 claims of U.S. Patent
`Nos. 6,665,003 and 7,477,284 remain pending in the litigation; there has been no
`claim construction order; and there have been no rulings that otherwise limit the
`number or scope of claims that may be asserted as infringed. Gerrity Decl. ¶ 10
`(Exhibit YRD-2001). Although the HumanEyes’ Answering Brief in connection
`with Sony’s motion to stay the litigation mentions additional claims as examples
`that could apply to Sony, the litigation has not been limited to those or any other
`particular claims.

` Patent Owner’s Opposition To Joinder
`IPR2013-00327 (Patent 7,477,284)
`Referring to the legislative history, Senator Kyl commented on the time limit
`for allowing joinder and pointed out that USPTO discretion should be exercised in
`a manner that encourages early filings, not late ones. See, “A Guide to the
`Legislative History of the America Invents Act: Part II of II,” The Federal Circuit
`Bar Journal, Vol. 21, No. 4, pages 539, 612-614 (2012), citing 157 Cong. Rec.
`S1376 (daily ed. Mar. 8, 2011) (statement of Sen. Kyl). Specifically, Senator Kyl
`noted that “[t]he Office has made clear that it intends to use this authority to
`encourage early requests for joinder and to discourage late requests.” Id. Late
`petitioning without any special circumstances, as is the case here, should be
`discouraged by denying Sony’s motion. Allowing joinder here invites additional,
`subsequent requests for joinder three months, six months, or nine months from
`now, whenever Sony unilaterally decides it wants to challenge additional claims
`before the Office. Under these circumstances Sony would have no incentive to
`exercise its burden to reasonably investigate which claims it would like to
`challenge within the one year period—nor would any other future petitioner for
`inter partes review. The broader consideration for the Board is the likely
`encouragement of multiple, segmented petition filings after the one year time bar
`as a matter of routine practice.

` Patent Owner’s Opposition To Joinder
`IPR2013-00327 (Patent 7,477,284)
`C. Yissum Will Be Prejudiced if Joinder is Granted
`If the Board grants Sony’s motion and expedites the three month due date
`for filing a patent owner preliminary response on the issues raised in the additional
`petitions, Yissum may be prejudiced to the extent it is not given a full and fair
`opportunity to respond. 37 C.F.R. § 42.107(b); 37 C.F.R. § 42.5(c).
`More importantly, Yissum will be prejudiced if joinder influences the
`district court to grant Sony’s pending motion to stay litigation pending outcome of
`inter partes review of the patents-in-suit. In its answering brief opposing Sony’s
`motion to stay litigation, Yissum’ s real party in interest HumanEyes articulates
`factors that weigh heavily against a litigation stay. Gerrity Decl. ¶ 7 (Exhibit
`YRD-2001) and Exhibit Sony-1102. Among them is that Sony’s petitions for inter
`partes review will not resolve all issues because the petitions only address 14 of the
`155 claims at issue in the litigation. Id. Sony’s Second Petition adds just 3
`additional claims and thus also will not resolve all issues. Accordingly, stay
`should be denied. Nonetheless, Sony’s joinder motion appears to be a last ditch
`effort to exert influence on the District Court in favor of stay—as well as an effort
`to join claims to this proceeding at a time of its choosing rather than according to
`the time-table set by Congress. Sony should not now be rewarded by the Office
`through the grant of a discretionary joinder that could serve to deny Yissum’ s real
`party-in-interest, HumanEyes, access to the District Court. The joinder motion is

` Patent Owner’s Opposition To Joinder
`IPR2013-00327 (Patent 7,477,284)
`yet another among repeated efforts undertaken by Sony to delay the resolution of
`its dispute with Yissum.
`Any delay to these proceedings caused by this (or any future attempts at
`joinder)—especially any stay of the District Court proceeding—would be
`prejudicial to Yissum’s real party-in-interest, HumanEyes. See, Declaration of
`Vered Levy-Ron, Chief Executive Officer of HumanEyes. (Exhibit YRD-2002).
`HumanEyes is a 15-employee small business that has been striving to defend its
`intellectual property rights against Sony’s infringement for more than a year, at
`great expense relative to its available resources as compared with Sony, a global
`conglomerate. Levy-Ron Decl. ¶¶ 10, 11 (Exhibit YRD-2002). Delay in resolving
`Sony’s ongoing infringement and use of HumanEyes’ patented technology
`continues to harm HumanEyes’ business. Levy-Ron Decl. ¶ 9 (Exhibit YRD-
`2002). For example, the continued perceived uncertainty in the market regarding
`the strength and value of HumanEyes’
`intellectual property
`is harming
`HumanEyes’ ability to find licensing partners as well as HumanEyes’ ability to
`raise capital. Id. The greater the delay in resolving the dispute regarding Sony’s
`infringement, the greater this uncertainty becomes. Id. These considerations, as
`well as the future incentive effects for Sony and other petitioners, should be taken
`into account as part of the discretionary evaluation performed by the Board, and
`weigh against granting Sony’s motion.

` Patent Owner’s Opposition To Joinder
`IPR2013-00327 (Patent 7,477,284)
`Sony Will Not Be Prejudiced If Joinder is Denied
`Joinder will not resolve the issues of infringement and validity pending
`before the district court concerning the more than 100 claims of the patents at issue
`that are not part of any of Sony’s four pending petitions. Prior to expiration of the
`one-year time bar, Sony was not precluded from conducting its own reasonable
`evaluation of the patents and filing petitions for inter partes review directed to all
`of the claims it believed to be invalid. Sony made a conscious choice to petition
`only a handful of claims based, by Sony’s own admission, on a terminated
`previous ITC investigation involving the parties, rather than based on Sony’s own
`reasonable investigation of the claims for which it was put on notice in the March
`29, 2012 Delaware District Court Complaint. Denial of joinder with respect to the
`few additional claims Sony seeks to challenge now through its Second Petition will
`not materially change Sony’s posture in the litigation because this new round of
`piecemeal petitions still fail to address all of the claims potentially at issue in that
`litigation. Sony will not be prejudiced if the Second Petition is not joined in the
`pending proceeding.
`For all of the foregoing reasons, the Board should deny Sony’s motion for
`joinder of the Second Petition with IPR2013-00219.

` Patent Owner’s Opposition To Joinder
`IPR2013-00327 (Patent 7,477,284)
`Respectfully submitted,
`/David L. McCombs/
`David L. McCombs
`Registration No. 32,271
`Customer No. 27683
`Telephone: 214/651-5533
`Facsimile: 972/692-9116
`Attorney Docket No.: 50519.4
`Dated: July 12, 2013

` Patent Owner’s Opposition To Joinder
`IPR2013-00327 (Patent 7,477,284)
`Sony Corp.
`Yissum Research Development Company of the Hebrew University of Jerusalem
`Yissum Research Development Company’s Exhibit List
`July 12, 2013
`Declaration of Robert Gerrity In Support of Opposition To
`Declaration of Vered Levy-Ron

` Patent Owner’s Opposition To Joinder
`IPR2013-00327 (Patent 7,477,284)
`Patent Owner
`Case IPR2013-00327
`Patent 7,477,284
`The undersigned certifies, in accordance with 37 C.F.R. § 42.205, that
`service was made on the Petitioner as detailed below.
`Date of service July 12, 2013
`Manner of service Electronic Mail (
`Documents served Patent Owner’s Opposition To Joinder, including Yissum’s
`Exhibit List; and Exhibits: YRD-2001; YRD-2002
`Persons served Kenyon & Kenyon LLP
`One Broadway
`New York, NY 10004
`/David L. McCombs/
`David L. McCombs
`Registration No. 32,271

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