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`protected by U.S. Patents Nos. 6,665,003 and 7,477,284 (“the Asserted Patents”).
`I, Vered Levy—Ron, am more than twenty—one years of age, am
`competent to present this declaration, and have personal knowledge of the facts set
`forth herein.
`This declaration is given in support of patent owner Yissum Research
`Development Company of the Hebrew University of Jerusalem’s
`(“Yissum’ s”)
`Opposition To Joinder.
`I am Chief Executive Officer of HumanEyes Technologies, Ltd.
`(“HumanEyes”). I have served as CEO of HumanEyes since February 1, 2010. As
`part of my job responsibilities as CEO, I have also familiarized myself with the
`history of HumanEyes’ business operations prior to my arrival at the company.
`HumanEyes was founded in 2000 by Shmuel Peleg, Moshe Ben—Ezra,
`Yael Pritch, and their business partner Gideon Ben—Zvi
`to commercialize the
`research breakthroughs of Professor Peleg and his team, including the inventions
`Building on the research conducted by Professor Peleg and his team, HumanEyes
`was able to develop and market the first software to allow creation of panoramic
`3D images from images captured from a single—lens, standard digital camera.
`Today, HumanEyes’
`discoveries and growing and developing the nascent 3D printing and imaging
`industry continues with the development and sale of HumanEyes’ Capture 3D,
`Creative3D, Producer3D,
`and iPhone App Snapily3D software products
`(collectively “HumanEyes Software” or “the Software”),
`its Snapily and
`SnapilyPro printing services (collectively “Snapily”), and its extensive software
`licensing program.
`HumanEyes has been developing a similar Snapily3D
`application for use on Android phones and recently displayed the prototype at the
`2012 and 2013 Mobile World Congress in Barcelona.

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`Buzz Hays. Dr. Kenji Tanaka even referred to Professor Peleg as “one of the most
`famous people in this field” in correspondence between Dr. Tanaka and Professor
`Peleg in 2004.
`Sony’s marketing, importation, and sale of devices that include the 3D
`Sweep Panorama and Sweep Multi—Angle features have already negatively
`impacted HumanEyes’ efforts toward licensing the Asserted Patents. For example,
`promising licensing discussions with another company halted July 2011 based on
`that company’s explanation that it believed the accused Sony devices were
`infringing the Asserted Patents.
`Sony’s infringement
`is believed to have
`negatively affected negotiations with other potential licensees as well. HumanEyes
`HumanEyes has made substantial
`investments in licensing efforts
`designed to identify and cultivate partnerships with companies interested in
`incorporating HumanEyes’ technology into their products. Since its founding, I
`and other HumanEyes employees, including Founder Shmuel Peleg, former CEOs
`Gideon Ben—ZVi and Duby Hodd, former and current Vice Presidents of R&D
`Assaf Zomet and Anton Bar, Head of Sales for the Americas Jeff Miller, and
`others have had licensing discussions with dozens of U.S. or multi—national
`companies with substantial operations and/or sales in the United States.
`HumanEyes’ licensing efforts have also included multiple meetings
`and other communications with representatives of Sony regarding the inventions
`protected by the Asserted Patents at least as early as 2004 and as recently as 2010.
`For example, Professor Peleg, I, and others at HumanEyes have discussed the
`technologies protected by the Asserted Patents with employees of Sony including
`least Dr. Kenji Tanaka, Toshiyuki Ogura, and Atsushi
`Iizuka at Sony
`Corporation; Sony Electronics Inc. marketing director Mary Abram; and Senior
`Vice President of Sony Corporation of America’s “Sony 3D Technology Center”

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`property and technology continues to harm HumanEyes’ business even outside of
`the licensing context. For example, the continuing perceived uncertainty in the
`market regarding the strength and value of HumanEyes’ intellectual property is
`harming HumanEyes’ ability to find licensing partners as well as HumanEyes’
`ability to raise investment capital. The greater the delay in resolving this dispute
`regarding Sony’s infringement, the greater this uncertainty becomes.
`The impact of Sony’s infringement on HumanEyes’ licensing efforts,
`as well as the management attention that has had to be diverted from HumanEyes’
`core business to attend to this litigation and Patent Office proceedings, have
`harmed HumanEyes’ revenue. In addition, the significant cost to HumanEyes as a
`small company battling a global conglomerate is overwhelming and Sony’s request
`to add additional claims to this proceeding more than a year after the litigation
`began—potentially delaying either these proceedings and/or the litigation—would
`hurt us even more, because a significant portion of HumanEyes’ 2013 armual
`expenses will be attributable to costs associated with the defense and enforcement
`of HumanEyes’ intellectual property in this litigation and the related proceedings.
`In fact, HumanEyes needed to raise additional funds above and beyond its ongoing
`expenses in order to defend its IP, and drawing the process out longer will increase
`the financial burden, as well as the burden on the company’s personnel.
`The financial harm Sony’s infringement has caused was a substantial
`driver of major budget cuts and a reduction of force that I was forced to implement
`has also sought to license the Asserted Patents to companies interested in 3D
`display technology, including printing technology, to provide a vehicle for such
`companies’ customers to generate 3D content.
`Sony’s devices provide a
`competing vehicle for the generation of such 3D content.
`Sony’s ongoing infringement and use of HumanEyes’ intellectual

`in January 2013.
`I reduced HumanEyes’ workforce by a third—laying off 8 of
`formerly 23
`remain at
`HumanEyes. A reduction in force of that magnitude directly impacts the viability
`of a small business like HumanEyes, limiting our ability to grow, attract new
`customers, pursue licensing partners, implement projects, and maintain investor
`12. HumanEyes and I provided additional details about these and other
`harms to HumanEyes’ business resulting from Sony’s ongoing infringement
`through the production of confidential documents and through confidential
`deposition testimony during the ITC Investigation.
`I declare that all statements made herein on my own knowledge are true and
`that all statements made on information and belief are believed to be true, and
`further, that these statements were made with the knowledge that willful false
`statements and the like so made are punishable by fine or imprisonment, or both,
`under Section 1001 of Title 18 of the United States Code.
`Executed: July 12, 2013
`Vered Levy— Ror

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