`Patented July 11, 1922.
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`Petition for Inter Partes Review of 
`U.S. Pat. No. 7,477,284


`Specification of Letters Patent.
`Patented July 11, 1922.
`Applicatlon filed January 20, 1920. Serial No. 352,735.
`To all whom it may oonoern:
`ternation or rotation of two images, to dis-
`... ~'
`Be it known that I, CHRISTIAN BERGER, a play them successively, these, for example, 55
`citizen of the United States, residing at New being correlated images for the purpose of
`York, in the county of New York and State. giving the effect of motion. Third, the se-
`5 of New York, have invented certain new and lective examination or viewing of a print or
`useful Improvements in Color Prints View-
`c~art,.so that according to the screen or illu(cid:173)
`able by Lights of Different Colors and the mlllatlOn used, one or. the other of the oppo- 60
`Processes of Making the Same, of which \the site\y colored images will be rendered ap~
`following is a specIfication, reference being parent. An embodiment of the last men-
`lO had therein to the accompanying drawing.
`tionedis shown in the two color chart of the
`This invention is a novel color print, or m~asuring or weighing apparatus of my
`plural color pri~t, viewable by lights of dif- prIOr Patent No. 1,295,842, patented March 65
`ferent or OPPOSIte colors, and the process of 4,~ 1919.
`From a practical standpoint certain ob-
`making the same. By a plural color print, I
`15 mean preferably a print produced in two
`jections or 'defects appear in the systems be(cid:173)
`different strong colors in its operative areas. fore mentioned, as heretofore used. This
`The selected strong colors may, for example, refers to the practical difficulty or impossi- 70
`be red and green, by the first of which I bility in securing printing colors and color
`mean orange or red or anything between screens of precisely the right color and
`20 them in th.e spectrum, and by the latter any depth. The most advantageous colors being
`color or mlxture from blue to green ;80 that selected for the screens, it is impracticable or
`the two selected colors are drawn from op- of prohibitive ~xpense to produce and em- 75
`posite ends of the spectrum .. The selected . ploy special printing colors so selected as to.
`colors may be termed opposite colors, by give perfection of result. When the print is
`25 which I mean in effect that they are substan- viewed by the g1,'een light, the green image
`is supposed to disappear by blending with
`tially complementary or distinctly different,
`this being essential to the purposes of the the background, now colored by the green 80
`light to approximately the same shade; and
`present invention. By a print I mean any
`inscription, impression, chartj)r the like pro- vice versa with the red. With a theoretically
`30 duced in the selected colors, whether by hand perfect apparatus and print, the viewing
`or hy photographic or printing press or
`through the green glass. would show up dis(cid:173)
`other methods, and whether the represent~- tinctly in black the print portion which is 85
`tion bea picture, a legend, a symbol or other colored red, with complete elimination of the
`representation. Prints of this general na- green portion of the print. Such perfection,
`35 ture have been heretofore known and used however, is not practicable, and the conse(cid:173)
`for various. purposes. By the expression quence is that a decided trace is apparent of
`"viewable. by lights of opposite colors" I
`the image or portion of the print which is 90
`refer to the plan of examming such prints,e supposed to disappear, that is, the portion of
`for various purposes, by looking separately
`the picture printed in what I may term ethe
`40 through, for example, a red screen or glass
`idle color. The presence of this trace or
`and through a green screen, or equivalently ghost of the idle color objectionably inter-.
`examining the same by illuminating them by feres in many cases with the proper percep- 95
`throwing lights of these colors separately on
`tion and effect of the image of the active'
`the print; or other colors, as may be selected. color, which, although predominant, is ac-
`45 Various uses or embodiments of a plural companied by the ghost of the image which
`color print of the nature referred to are pos-
`should have' disappeared.
`sible, and three of such U$es will be indicated
`The niain purpose of the present invention 100
`in the drawings hereof, .as follows. First, is to eliminate the defect referred to. The
`the viewint?: of two oppositely general plan of the invention is to treat the
`50 colored superimposed. Images for stereo-
`surface of the paperor support, surrounding
`scopic purposes, such print being known as or contiguous to the image, with a· thin or
`an anaglyph and the viewing apparatus an pale coloring, which I may term a tint, in 105
`anagylphoscope. Second, the viewing in al-
`such a manner that where the ghost of the


`idle image would otherwise aJ?pear, the ba~k- a ghost of-the green image 11 'will appear to
`ground IS made to match thIS so as to gIVe
`the left eye, and if the red glass and image
`total elimination of the objectionable image. are not in accord, a ghost of the red image
`A further explanation and the details will will appear to the right eye, with ~he con-
`I) appear in connection with the following de-
`sequence/that the desIred stereoscopIC effect 70
`scription of specific embodiments of the in-
`is to that extent spoiled by.the presence of
`two additionaj, although pale, images.
`Fig. 1 shows a two color stereoscopic pic- With this invention this defect is over-
`come as f011ows. 1 apply a pale shade or
`ture or anaglyph.
`' . -
`Fig. 2 is an apparatus for viewing the tint 16 to the portions 'of the paper sur- 75
`print of Fig. 1, the same providing oppo-
`rounding the image. The original or basic
`sitely colored glasses for the two eyes, so as paper 1,7 is preferably white, as any color
`to render one image apparent and the other ,thereon would tend simply to degrade the
`images 11 and 12 without benefit. The t~nt
`substantially invisible to each eye.
`Fig. 3 is a two color print in which the op- 16 is applied superficially on the white paper 80
`positely colored parts are intended to .be -surrounding the colored, and
`the exact
`viewed in alternation, for example; so as to character of the tint may be varied in ac-
`,cotdance with the requirements.
`give the effect of motion.
`Fig. 4 represents an apparat;us by which
`For example, the proper tint may\be de-
`20 the print of Fig. 3 may be viewed, first termined as follows. When viewing the 85
`through green glass and then through red picture through the green glass 13, a ghost
`,glass, or by which illumination of such of the green image 11 appears. By apply(cid:173)
`colors can be alternately thrown upon the ing a ver:)': pale red tint to the surround(cid:173)
`. ing area, this is readily brought to a dark-
`' Fig. 5 is a print having two inscriptions, ness to match 'the ghost of the image 11, 90
`symbols or letters printed in the two colors and when matched the ghost 'disappears. If
`such that one or the other may be selectively the right eye similarly see the ghost of the
`red image 12, a slight amount of green tint
`rendered predominantly apparent.
`Fig. 6 represents a glass of one of the op- will similarly eliminate that. It is there-
`30 posite colors for effecting elimination of one fore only necessary to apply a mixture. of 95
`of the colored letters; and Fig. 7 is an oppo- pale aniline or similar dyes with the correct
`sitely colored glass for eliminating the other depth of pale green and the correct depth
`letter and rendering the first apparent.
`of pale red, so that the background will be
`Fig. 8 is a chart showing the system of colored somewhat with each, and thus elimi-
`35 designating the colors in the other figures. nate the ghosts of both images. When the 100
`Referring first to the embodiment of Figs. requirements are once determined for any
`1 and 2, the print comprises a picture desig- given colors of glasses and images, the de(cid:173)
`nated 10 as a whole, and comprising a green sired mixture 'or tint is readily determined
`portion 11 and a red portion 12. These, for and can be applied by printing or other-
`'40 example, may represent an upright wire w.ise over' the' area surrounding the colored 105
`nail, the two positions being dueto the dif-
`images. The tint will only be a tinge,
`ferent angles at which the object will be seen scarcely apparent and unobjectionable, and
`by the two eyes. Such a picture is known the result is to eliminate the false images,
`as an anaglyph. This may be viewed by a and give the results with only imperceptible
`45 simple pair of eyeglasses comprising a gr~en sacrifice in the resulting 'final image. Instead 110
`glass 13 and a red glass 14. By applymg of a mixture of pale red and green colors,
`this in the, relative position shown, the left other tints are equally applicable. For ex-
`eye looking through the green glass," will see ample, a pale yellow being unable to pass
`only the right or red image 12, which will in toto: through either the red glass or the
`50 appear black, . since the red rays are in- green glass, will tint the backgro~m~ as 115
`capable of passing through the green glass. viewed through both, and thus ehmmate
`At the same time the green image 11 should Qoth ghosts. Obviously, if a ghost should
`theoretically disappear.
`. The right eye, appear only in case of' one of the images,
`looking through the red glass 14, similarly no tinting of that color would be neces-
`55 sees only the left or green image 11, which sary, but only of- the opposi~ color.
`In 12.
`a ppears in black. The result is that the some cases a purely neutral tmt such as a
`images combin~, giving the appearance of ,an gray, would serve the purpose hereof.
`upright wire nail standing vertically out this ·i:r;:tvention
`is properly applied to a
`of the suppOrt or paper on which the image stereoscopic subject, conventionally repre-
`60 is printed. Where the red and green images sented by Fig. 1, very pleasing and true
`overll1p, namely, at the area 15, the printing stereoscopic effects are obtained, free from
`may be in black, as this area is to appear false image's or ghosts.
`Referring to Figs. 3 and 4, the picture 20
`black to each eye.
`Now, if the green glass and coloring are' is show'il as having' general portions in
`65 not perfectly in' accordance with the theory~ n~ith(;3r green nor red, but in black or any


`color which will appear black through both leaving a trace or shadow of the green por(cid:173)
`glasses. The picture also has green portions tion when viewed through a green glass~ for
`21 and red portions 22. The result is that any effect or use that may be desired.
`It will thus be seen that I have described
`when seen through a green glass 23,' and
`5 thereafter a red glass 24, in rapid alterna- a plural color print viewable by light of 70
`tion, the picture changes correspondingly, opposite/colors, and a proC'ess of making the
`and in the case shown may give the effect of same, embodying the principles and attain·
`motion, namely, two persons shaking hands. ing the objects and advantages of the pres(cid:173)
`The tinted area 26 surrounding the colored ent invent,ion. Since many matters of ar-
`lO areas 21 and 22 whollv eliminates false rangement, design and detail may be vari- 75
`images and gives a far more perfect effect. ously modified without departing :l'rom the
`In Fig. 5, as in my prior Patent 1,245,842, underlying principles, it is not intended.
`before referred to, are shown two super-
`to limit the invention thereto except in so
`. posed symbols or characters, namely, the far as specified in the appended claims.
`15 letter G in green, and the letter R in red. What is claimed is:
`When seen through ,the Fig. 6 green glass,
`1. A print viewable by lights of opposite
`the letter G is rendered predominanLWhere colors· such .as . red and green, for example
`when seen t~rough the red gla~s, of Fig. 7, by viewing it through color filters of said
`the letter U IS rendered predommant. Where colors, said print consisting of superposed
`20 the red and green portions overlap at 35 the prints of the two opposite colors, such that 85
`print may be in either black, or in the over- when viewed by light of either color the ap(cid:173)
`lapping colors. Surrounding these color pearance of the print of that color is substan(cid:173)
`tially diminished, the superposed print ele(cid:173)
`portions is the tinted area 36 applied ac-
`cording to this· invention, with the result ments being constituted of water repelling
`25 that, when viewing the G image 31 through colors, and the surrounding field being tinted 90
`the red glass 34, :1'01' example, there will be with a water soluble 00101' or. dye of a color
`no ghost or false image of the R image 32, which completely neutralizes any contrast
`and vice versa.
`with either diminished print, whereby view-
`The plural colored print hereof may be ing by light of either color discloses the
`30 produced in various ways. One simple and print of the opposite color without trace 95
`effective mode is to print the green portions of the print 9f the first color.
`2. An anaglyph, or stereoscopic print
`11, 21 or 31 with a· greasy green ink; then
`the red portions 12, 22 or 32 _ with a greasy viewable. through' color filters 0:1' opposite
`red ink. Other or black portions clm be colors, the same consisting of superposed
`35 printed be:l'ore or after'these. Finallv, the stereosropic images of the two opposite 100
`entire picture, can be dipped or spread colors, such that when viewed by light of
`rapidly with the proper selected tint. This eithl'l' ('olor the appearance of the image of
`will be repelled by the greasy ink of the that ('olor is :;;llbstantially diminished, the
`portions 11, 12, 21, 22, 31 and 32, and will snperposed images being of water repel-
`40 slightly color to the desired extent the sur- l~nt ink" aml the· surrounding field being 105
`rounding portions 16.
`tinted 'with n wntl"r soluble color which com-
`Partial embodiments may in certain situa- pletl'ly nl"utralizes any contrast with either
`tions be used, employing this invention. For diminished
`image, whereby viewing
`example, the print may omit one of the print through screens 0:1' the two colors for
`45 spec,trum colors and consist for example of the respectiye eyes gives stereoscopic effect 110
`black portions and red portions on a tinted without interfering traces of the diminished
`white ground. When viewed by red light images.
`the red portions disappear, when viewed by
`3., The method of manufacturing articles
`green or white or other light, everything of the kinds described, consisting in print-
`50 appears. For example, the curved parts ing the two component prints in water re- 115
`of the letter B might ·be in red, the rest in pelling il1ksof the opposite colors upon a
`black, so that, when seen through a red glass, substantially white carrier and then wash-
`it will appe~r as an E. Or the print might ingthe surface of the c'arrier with a water
`be wholly 111 red on a tinted ground, in soluble color or dye of the neutralizing tint.
`55 which case the picture or character would
`4. The method consisting in printing su- 12C
`wholly disappear when viewed by red light,perposed prints by greasy cOlllmercial inks
`and reappear with white, green or other of opposite colors, and subsequently apply(cid:173)
`light. Each of the printf:', in such cases' is ing a contrast neutralizing tint by a water
`a plural color print in a sense, the former color·0r dye, whereby the surface which is
`60 being red, black and tinted white, the not ,printed in said inks is tinted to the de- 121
`latter red and tinted white. Another par-
`sired color, while the surface bearing the
`tial embodiment would be, for. a red '. and inks is preserved untinted.
`green picture for example, to utilize the in-
`5. A print viewable by lights of opposite
`vention to eliminate the ghost of one;l.say \ colors such as red and green, for example
`65 the Ted portion, but not the oth~t, thus by viewing it through color filters of said 130


`colors, . said print consisting of a support port bearing superposed prints of water re(cid:173)
`bearing superposed prints of the two oppo- pelling inks of the two opposite colors, suen
`s~te colors, such that when viewed by light of that when viewed by light of either color
`eIther color the appearance bf the prmt 0'£
`the appearance of the print of; that color 20
`5 that color is substantially diminished, the is substantially diminished, the surround(cid:173)
`surrounding field, but not the support be-
`ing field, but not the support beneath the
`neath the printed colors, being tinted of a prmted colors, being tinted with a water
`color which completely neutralizes any con-
`soluble color which completely neutralizes
`trast with either diminished print, wnere- any contrast with either diminished print, 25
`10 by viewing by light of either colQt discloses. whereby viewing by light of either color
`the print of the opposite color without trace. discloses the print of the opposite color
`of the print of the first color.
`without trace of the print of the first color.
`6. A print viewable by lights of opposite
`In testimony whereof, I have affixed my
`colors, such as red and green, for example signature hereto.
`15 by viewing it through color filters of said·
`colors, said print consisting of a white sup-

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