`Business InteII‘Ige-‘ncae, :s-o-Iutajions
`Version Manager for BusmessObyects
`(VM) is a comprehensive, yet simpleAtouse version control tool fer
`Busmessinjects Multiple versions of Universes and Reportscan be managed, compared.- and
`securely controliedproviding complete integrityof your BusmessObIectsdomains
`Version Manager15- designed for BusinessObjects', andWeb‘ IntellIgence but opento use for
`otherfiles also All infermationIs storedIn the Version Manager Repository, and thereIs no
`impact or overhead to any partof )1our BusinessObj'eet‘senvironment
`Version Manager features include:
` ‘ Easy retovery of previous versions
`of Reports and Universes
` Simple check-in and check-out -
`. functions.
` Transferhistory and audit trailof
`actiOns performed ‘
`$33333; “WWI“
`Extended detéiils and features
`.to compare VM Information to _
`Busin'essObjects; repository
`Definition of Packages ‘
`.(Esets ofReports or Universes)
` - Use by both Administrators Or
`users who'Want to have local
`version management control of
`their own repoIT-s
`Web Services based architeCture
` Low‘entry cost for immediate
`re‘tI'Ir'n on investment
` Compaubiewith BusinessObjects _
`V5V6 XI, and Web Inteiligenee
`V36fand Xl
`VI'Web‘i Document-interfacewith
`BusinessObjTe‘Cts lnfoView‘
`i 133”
`_ my
`> mambo}:
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`B's‘é ' SOFTWARE ILLC @010
`'Versi'oh’Manage'r provides. simple visual color coding” to'_indicate diffEr‘ehc'eS .wheri‘ comparing -‘
`two versions of a universe or 'dOc’Ume‘n‘t.
` ' g
`Indicates- thé 'objefitghas been removed. I
` “
`t‘t'Wa's present in Version I, but not in
`VerSIon‘ 2-. Nm.0‘Mm\0mmmmmmmmm“m‘
`bejcween viers‘ioins.
`.. “\“\w§a-
`-.~.-.‘-.\\:.-.-.\-.x\g\j§\ -
` Annular;-
`lnflthis~ ekampie. the-SELECT part of
`. object Sales has changed;
`' main."
`\‘Vi x: §w
`Indicates thé: object has beer: added".
`It is- presenti’ri‘Vérfion 2,'b‘ut not '
`' \\ Middle'wafe“
`Bofiym Reports A'dd-In
`U‘se-VM from within;BpsinessObjects)
`SQL Server ‘
`BO Standard '
`Sybas‘e 3
`. et‘c.
`BO 8: VM Designer
`(Universes and Reports}.-
`‘ Ev: dN THE lNrtiuiM'ATiriN'SDLUTIpH
`103: w. Rose Gai‘deq_L-,xvue; Suite 0
`.Phoeh'bt, #2 05027
`02317075600 + 5102(“6131707160F
`000002 :