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`Varsion Manager ‘Is a comprehensive. ynl SirilplE'lO use.
`\{grsldn control toot-for Busin‘essO'bJams. Multiple ve'I‘siI‘Jh' of
`UnlveIse and Reports can be managed, COIIIpared. and
`-ssuumly contr‘olledI it Complements the BuslnossObjép‘ts
`repositmy and 'ceritr‘al security and distribution m‘e'chénls'm,
`providing Izfimplele integrity of your Busina‘ssziems domains
`improving the security id gparantee confidentialitygand
`'data access
`. .Altuwing to fall ba‘cK 1to; any previous version "in a
`controlled manner
`> o Allowing comparison
`univeisas 'atany time
`,Usingitfi own‘mpoSllory ‘
`VGiSiOH Managm is designed io_r Busin‘essObjecls butapan to.-
`use for other.files also Ail iniormalion neeyled to co‘nlrol your
`' varsibn ls. slomIl in the Version Manager repositoryand there
`’ is no _i{IIoaci oroverhead to any pan of your- BusmessObiects“ '
`{1% hit: info
`iguana... DQSQ’IIAAI-II
`\\“‘““.“ QLEDBIODBC
`W With 5mm,
`Version Manageroffers today a tot 'ot interesting functionalityIn
`.an up-to-«fate tia‘c'hnolbgicenvironIfiaIIt
`ioI Universes.
`0 'Easy- recovery.of pItwi'ous varIs'Ions
`raports and olhar flips
`1 Sirrlpli:I checklin-and check- outiunctIons
`compare VM
`- Extended details and features
`information to 8usln'e'ssObjep'lsrepository
`.Transiar history and--sudIi trail blattions performed
`9 Easyci'oss-vaIsions com’paIison tool
`_-' _Loqz;t.and global version management